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Title I, Part A – Parental Involvement (Section 1118)

81. Does the LEA ensure that the following components are described in the LEA parental involvement plan and that each component is implemented:

LEA Parental Involvement Plan loaded in e-GAP document library by LEA.

a) How the LEA will involve parents in the joint development of the LEA Title I Plan and the process of school review and improvement under Section 1116?

Section 1118(a)(2)(A)

Central Office staff and parents: What process is in place for giving all Title I parents the opportunity for involvement in the LEA Title I plan?


YES NO N/A Indicators Notes

b) How the LEA will provide for the coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist Title I participating schools in planning and implementing effective parent involvement activities to improve student academic achievement and school performance?

Section 1118(a)(2)(b)

Central Office staff: Explain how the LEA provides technical assistance and other support necessary to assist Title I participating school in planning and

implementation of effective parent involvement activities.

c) How the LEA will build the schools‟ and parents‟ capacity for strong parental involvement in accordance with Section 1118(e)?

Central Office team: How do you guide your schools in building strong parent involvement programs?

d) How the LEA will conduct with parents, an annual evaluation, of (1) the content and effectiveness of the parental involvement plan in improving the academic quality of Title I schools, including identifying barriers to greater participation by parents in authorized activities; and, (2) use the findings to design more effective strategies and revise the plan?

Section 1118(a)(2)(E)

Central Office staff and parents: How are parents involved in the annual evaluation of the LEA Parental Involvement Plan?

Parents: Were you involved in the annual evaluation of your school system‟s parental involvement plan?

e) How the LEA will actively involve parents in activities of the Title I schools?

Section 1118(a)(2)(F)

82. Is there evidence that the LEA plan is developed jointly with, agreed on with, and distributed to parents of Title I participating students?

Section 1118(a)(2)

Parents: Were you involved in the development of your school system‟s Parental Involvement Plan? Did you receive a copy of this plan?

83. Is there evidence that each Title I participating school has a parental involvement plan that was developed jointly with, agreed on with, and distributed to parents of Title I participating students?

Parents: Did you receive a copy of your school‟s parental involvement plan this year?

84. Does each Title I participating school ensure that the following required components are described in its parental involvement plan and that each component is implemented:


YES NO N/A Indicators Notes

a) How the school convenes an annual meeting of all parents of participating children, at a convenient time, to inform parents of Title I participation, its requirements, and their right to be involved?

Section 1118(c)(1)

Parents: Did your school hold a meeting for Title I parents at the beginning of the school year? What kinds of things were discussed at the meeting? What does it mean to be a Title I school? Are you familiar with the 1% set-aside for parental involvement? Were you involved in decisions regarding use of this money?

b) How the school offers a flexible schedule of meetings, such as meetings in the morning or evening?

Section 1118(c)(2)

School teams: Discuss how you schedule various parental involvement activities and meetings.

c) How the school involves parents in an organized ongoing, and timely way in the planning, review and improvement of Title

I programs including planning, review, and improvement of the school parental involvement plan?


d) How the school provides parents of participating children timely information about programs under Title I, a description and explanation of the curriculum in use, forms of academic assessment used, and if requested by parents, opportunities for regular meetings to formulate suggestions and participate as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children?

Section 1118(c)(4)

e) How the school will submit

comments/concerns to the LEA, if the Electronic Continuous Improvement Plan is not satisfactory to parents?

f) How the school-parent compact is jointly developed with parents of participating students; how it is used, reviewed and updated?

Section 1118(d)

Parents: Are you familiar with the school-parent compact? Were you involved in the development or revision of the compact?

g) How the school builds teachers‟ and parents‟ capacity for strong parental involvement?

Section 1118(e)

Principal: How does the school assist teachers in working with parents to increase student achievement?

What training is offered to parents throughout the year?


YES NO N/A Indicators Notes

h) How the school will to the extent practical, provide opportunities for the participation of

parents with limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, and parents of migratory children?

Section 1118(f)

Principal: How do you ensure that ELL, migrant, or disabled parents have the opportunity for being involved in Title I activities?

I. Title I, Part A – Qualification For Teachers and Para-Professionals (Section 1119)

85. Is there evidence that the LEA has ensured that all core academic subject teachers who teach in a Title I SW or are paid from Title I funds in a TA program were “highly qualified” at the time they were hired?

Section 1119(a)(1)

Review of HQ status of current teaching staff with Central Office personnel.

Interview: Human Resource Coordinator

How does the LEA ensure that all new hires meet HQT requirements?

86. Is there evidence that the LEA has ensured that all paraprofessionals who work in an

instructional capacity in a Title I schoolwide program or are paid from Title I funds in a targeted assistance program were highly qualified at the time they were hired?

Review of HQ status of current teaching staff with Central Office Personnel.

Interview Human Resource Coordinator

How does the LEA ensure that all hires meet HQT requirements?

87. Does the LEA ensure that any paraprofessional working in a Title I school does not provide any instructional services to a student unless the paraprofessional is working under the direct supervision of a teacher who is highly qualified?

Section 1119(g)(3)(A)

Review of HQ status of current teaching staff with Central Office Personnel.

88. Does the LEA use not less than 5% or more than 10% of its total annual allocation of Title I, Part A funds to provide high quality professional development to ensure that non-highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals become highly qualified (unless a lesser amount is needed.)?

Section 1119(1)

LEA Consolidated Application LEA Expenditure Report

Documentation of progress toward annual measurable objectives

89. Is there evidence that the LEA uses other available federal funds, e.g., Title II to ensure that (1) teachers who are not highly qualified become highly qualified and (2)

paraprofessionals who are not highly qualified become highly qualified?

LEA Consolidated Application LEA Highly Qualified Teacher Plan LEA Expenditure Report

Documentation of progress toward annual measurable objectives for highly qualified teachers


YES NO N/A Indicators Notes

90. Is there evidence that each teacher‟s actual teaching assignment matches with the teacher‟s assignment reported to the SDE on the LEAPS report?

Master schedule

Consolidated Application

91. Is there evidence that the LEA has ensured the following:

a) The principal of each school operating a SWP or TA attests annually in writing to whether such school is in compliance with the Highly Qualified Requirements?

Section 1119(h)(i)(1)

Signed copies of attestations

b) Copies of attestations shall be maintained at each school and at the central office of the LEA?

Section 1119(i)(2)(a)

Signed copies of attestations at the central office and at each school

c) Copies of attestations shall be available to any member of the general public on request?

Section 1119(i)(2)(b)

Documentation of public access to attestations