• No results found

Words easily confused

Ise the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may

=se some of the words more than once. In some cases more than one word may be correct.

say te ll speak ta lk discuss debate

* Don't in te rru p t the teacher w hile sh e 's _________ talking__________.

2 W e________ discussed________ the problem at the m eeting so th a t e verybo dy could give th e ir opinion.

3 It's so noisy in here th a t I can't hear w ha t h e 's ___________ saying________ . 4 We were amazed to fin d o u t th a t s h e __________ speaks_________ five languages.

5 "D o n 't____________ _____________ me w ha t to do!" h e ____________ said__________ to her in a loud voice.

6 The p a n e l_________ debated________ w om en's role in society.

B ask dem and w on de r que stion apply

1 The c u s to m e r________ demanded_______ a fu ll refund because his washing m achine d id n 't w ork.

2 I'll____________ask___________m y parents if I can go to the concert.

3 You m u s t____________apply________ fo r a visa if you w ant to v is it China.

4 B ill_________wondered_______ w he th er he w ould be able to finish his re p o rt on tim e.

5 The p o lic e _______ questioned_______ the suspect fo r hours.

6 J o h n __________ asked__________ the w aite r fo r the bill.

7 Most patients hardly e v e r_________ question________ th e ir d o c to rs ’ decisions.

C require request o rd e r beg inq uire com m and appeal

1 The homeless o fte n ___________beg___________ in the streets fo r money.

2 The couple w eren't satisfied w ith the co urt's decision, so th ey decided t o _________ appeal__________to a higher court.

3 I w ould like t o ___________order_________ a pizza and a lem onade, please.

4 The teacher expects the students t o __________ request________ perm ission to leave the room.

5 A pplicants fo r this position a re _________ required________ to have a degree in Accounting.

6 Jerry called the bank t o __________ inquire________ a bo ut the hom e loans th ey had on offer.

7 The arm y o ffic e r______ commanded_______ the soldiers to sw im across the river.

unit 0 9

D advice directions guide instructions manual plan recipe

1 Before using the com puter, read ca re fully t h e _______ instructions_______w hich are in th e __________manual_________ . 2 If you give m e ________ directions_______ Gn w hat needs to be done, I’ll make a (n )___________Plan___________ o f action.

3 A (n )__________guide__________ to cheap restaurants th ro u g h o u t Europe has ju s t been published.

4 The a rch itect drew u p ________ Plans_________ fo r o ur new house and gave us some in v a lu a b le _________ advice________

5 M ary w anted to try o u t a n e w __________ recipe_________ fo r chocolate cookies.

E brochure lea flet handbook catalogue list menu

1 There were so m any delicious dishes on th e _________ menu________ th a t I co u ld n ’t decide w hich one to choose.

2 "Is m y name on th e __________ Hst__________o f successful candidates?" asked Jo.

3 People usually look th ro u g h tra v e l_______ brochures______ to decide on th e ir holiday destinations.

4 I b o u gh t some to ols th ro u g h a m a il-o rd e r_______ catalogue______ .

5 Leaflets________ advertising the new pizza restaurant were d is trib u te d around the neighbourhood.

6 The u n iv e rs ity _______ handbook______ contains useful info rm a tio n a bo ut the courses on offer.

refuse deny regret resist reject

1 T h e y _______ regretted______ n ot having installed an alarm system.

2 Even th ou gh Diane was on a diet, she c o u ld n 't_________ resist_________eating the cake.

3 D o n 't_________deny_________ th a t you broke the w indow . I saw you break it.

4 T h e y ________refused________ to let me into the club because I was under age.

5 My a pplication fo r the position o f sales representative w a s ________ rejected_______ .

G com plain critic is e o b je ct discourage disapprove p ro test argue q uarrel fig h t

1 The w orkers w ere d eterm ined t o _________ fig ht_________ fo r th e ir rights.

2 The food was so cold and tasteless th a t I decided t o _______ complain_______ to the m anager a bo ut it.

3 Many teachers disapprove_______ 0f students chew ing gum in class.

4 Local re s id e n ts _______ objected_______ to the opening o f a new fa c to ry in the area.

5 The new budget w a s _______ criticised_______ fo r being harsh on poor people.

6 Don't argue/quarrel w ith yo ur sister. Sit dow n and discuss yo ur problem s.

7 I trie d not to feel discouraged by my low test score, b u t it was d iffic u lt not to.

8 John and Kate sp lit up because th ey were quarrelling/arguing a|| the tim e.

9 The m iners closed dow n the mines t o ________ protest________ against the inhum an w orking conditions.

H w o rry m ind b o th e r annoy tro u b le d o u b t

1 It is natural fo r parents t o _________w o rry________ abo ut th e ir children.

2 He asked not to b e _______ bothered_______jn the afternoon, because he w ould be busy.

3 Do y o u _________ mind________ if | com e w ith you or w ill I be in your way?

4 I'm not qualified fo r the job, so I _________ doubt________ w he th er I'll get it.

5 Jane was so tired th a t she co uldn ’t even b e _______ bothered_______to cook.

6 He used to call me names ju s t t o _________ annoy________ me.

7 Som ething is _______ troubling_______ Janet, but I have no idea w hat it could be.

u n itQ 9 U 2 SS2 3 L ____________________________________________________________________________________

When you are asked to form a derivative, first check what part of speech the missing word is; it could be a






or an


Then, check what


of the missing word you should supply.

• Nouns can be in the singular or plural form . The plural of m ost nouns is form ed by adding the endings -s or -es to the singular form of the noun.

Root Word Deriving noun-singular Deriving noun-plural


action actions

activity activities

• Adjectives and adverbs can be in the positive, com parative or superlative degree. One-syllable adjectives and adverbs and some tw o-syllable adjectives form th e ir com parative degree in -er and th e ir superlative degree in -est.

Root Word Derivatives Comparative Superlative

lu c k (n o u n ) lucky (adj) luckily (adv)

luckier more luckily

luckiest m ost luckily

fast (adj/adv) — faster fastest

deep (adj/adv)


deeper more deeply

deepest m ost deeply

Adverbs in -ly and adjectives w ith more than tw o syllables form th e ir com parative and superlative degrees w ith m ore and most +adjective/adverb respectively. You w ill not be asked to form the com parative/superlative degree o f such adjectives and adverbs in this part o f the exam ination.

• Verbs can be e ithe r in the Present Simple, the Past Simple, the -ing form or they could be Past Participles.

Root Word Derivatives Form Examples

danger endanger

Present Simple -s/-es in the 3rd person singular

endanger-s mistake-s

Past Simple -ed

irre gu la r fo rm a tion

endangered m istook

mistake mistake

-ing form

■ing endangering

m istaking

Past Participle -ed

irregular fo rm a tion

endangered mistaken

• Present participles in -ing and past participles in -ed/ irregular form s are also used as adjectives.

interest 4 interesting / interested grow growing / grown

u n i t 0 9

C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s w i t h th e c o r r e c t f o r m o f th e w o r d s i n c a p ita ls .

1 I th o u g h t the co lo ur o f m y room was v e ry light, so I decided to paint i t _________darker__________ __ DARK

2 A ______ managing_________ d ire c to r w ho wants t o _______ successfully______ run a com pany MANAGE, SUCCESS m ust take on m any responsibilities______ _____________________________________________________ RESPONSIBLE 3 The d o c to r I'm sending you t o _________ specialises______ in neurology. SPECIAL 4 What are t h e _________ chances________ o f y o u r team w inn in g the final? CHANCE 5 I d id n 't have a pen to w rite dow n Kevin’s phone number, so I _______memorised_______ it. MEMORY 6 Things a r e _________ livelier_________ here in sum m er than in w inter. LIVE

7 Many Third W o r ld ________ countries________ n e e d ________ modernising_____ , but this can o nly COUNTRY, MODERN be achieved____________ w ith the help o f developed___________ ___________________________ ACHIEVE, DEVELOP

---nations---.--- NATION 8 My frien d i s __________ luckier________ than I am w hen it comes to fin d in g LUCK

___________ parking spaces. PARK

9 J a n e t________ dis|ikes_________ a nyth ing I do. We sim ply can't get along. LIKE 10 The new sk y lig h t d e fin ite ly _______ lightened_________ up the room . LIGHT

11 l a m _______ thirstier__________ now than I was before I had the soft drink. THIRST 12 Scientists__________have been w o rkin g on this p ro je ct fo r weeks b u t the problem rem ains SCIENCE

______ unsolved__________ • SOLVE

13 She k e e p s ________ spending________ her m o n e y _______thoughtlessly______ . SPEND, THOUGHT 14 I ran t h e _________ fastest_________ I could to get to the hospital. FAST

15 We found his behaviour s o __________annoying______ th a t we had to leave the room. ANNOY 16 When th e teacher to ld the children th a t th e ir excursion w ould be ________ cancelled________ a|| CANCEL

he could see was a room fu ll o f ______ disappointed_______faces. DISAPPOINT

17 Children learn hardly anyth ing d u r in g ________ boring__________ lessons. BORE

Examination Practice

A Read the text below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space.

A rth u r M iller was born in New York in 1915. He was the son of a coat m anufacturer w ho (1)_________ [ost__________ control o f his business th ro ug h bankruptcy. This experience

at an early age disturbed M iller and thereafter he was aware of society’s inadequacies.

He w ould (2 )________ criticise_______ them later in his plays by attacking the modern (3 )__________ way_________ o f life.

Miller's m ajor achievem ent came in 1949, when he won the Pulitzer Prize fo r Drama for his play “ Death o f a Salesman”, w hich is still regarded as one of the finest contem porary plays. It ( 4 ) _________ tells__________the tragic story of an average man destroyed by false values w hich get (5 )___________ in__________ the way of developing an honest relationship w ith his sons, w ho ( 6 ) _______ disapprove 0f ^ beliefs and look down on him.

(7 )______ On average______, Miller's plays ( 8 ) __________ discuss______ social issues and deal w ith m atters people are anxious ( 9 )_________ about________ .T hey include them es such as how human relationships fall (10 )__________ apart_______

the responsibility of the individual and th e ir purpose in life. One way or another, M iller’s plays analyse (11) in detail the troubles people have in th e ir life and (12)________question_______ society's values.

unit 0 9

1 A failed (JB) lost C missed D wasted

2 (a ) criticise B disapprove C com plain D pro test

3 (a ) way B course C approach D m anner

4 A debates B says © t e l l s D speaks

5 A under B o u t of C by (D)in

6 A argue B d oubt C object (d ) disapprove

7 /''TA

(^AjOn average B On demand C By force D At firs t sight

8 A apply B w onder © d is c u s s D talk

9 A of (b ) a bout C w ith D fo r

10 A in B behind C out (d) apart

11 A in pairs B in person © i n detail D in half

12 (a ) question B inquire C ask D appeal



POSSIBLE POPULAR INVENT PARTNER B Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals.


The New Zealanders Dwayne van der Sluis and Andrew Akers m ust be the happiest people on Earth now th a t th e ir i

and (1)_____ latest______________craze, zorbing, has become a success. Zorbing involves (2 )_______ standing_________jn a ball-or zorb-w hich (3 )_______ consists_________ 0f specially hardened plastic.

The zorb is rolled down a hill, speeding at about 50 kilom etres an hour. (4) Participants __can be

(5) guaranteed________a huge adrenaline rush. It may sound like quite a ( 6 ) __________ riskV__________ pastime, but the 70 centim etres of air between you and the ground make it (7) impossible_________t 0 get hurt. That's w hy zorbing didn't take long to gain in (8 ) ________ popularity______

In 2 00 0, ( 9 ) ________inventors_______ broke up their

(1 0 )______ partnership_______ , but zorbing remains popular in many countries w orldw ide.

SECTION 1 (FCE format)


F o r q u e s tio n s 1-12, r e a d th e t e x t b e lo w a n d d e c id e w h ic h a n s w e r A , B, C o r D b e s t f it s e a c h space. T h e re is a n e x a m p le a t th e b e g in n in g (0).

- y " Example: 0 (A )o n th e w a y B u nderw ay C in the way D by the way

I J J ____________________

it's the end o f the school year and the exam period is ( 0 ) ________

on the u>ay

. U ndoubtedly, exams ( I ) Py^____________ pressure on both students and parents alike.

M ost parents w ould like to see th e ir children ( 2 ) _______succeeding________ academ ically, as th ey believe a good education gives them an added advantage in life. They w ant to see th e ir children settled in a rew arding jo b and be ( 3 ) _______ financially_________ w e|| Qff. But is th a t w hat th e ir children have planned fo r themselves? A pparently not.

M ost students e ither can't th in k th a t far ahead o r have no ( 4 ) ________ intention_________ 0f doing so. They w ould rather aim low so as not to be disappointed if th ey get low marks.

However, child psychologists, w ho have been ( 5 ) __________consulted______ on the m atter, stress th a t students should aim high, b u t at the same tim e have a(n) ( 6 ) __________ variety________ of o the r options. As a result, students w ill not have to w o rry about grades and in the long ( 7 ) ___________ run___________ w ill have better chances of succeeding.

On the whole, there are m any practical th ing s th a t parents can do and w hich may prove invaluable to th e ir children.

( 8 ) ________ Apart from _______being people th e ir children can ( 9 ) ______________ turn________ to, parents can plan a reasonable schedule th a t both they and th e ir children ( 1 0 ) __________ agree__________ on. A ccording to psychologists’

( I I ) instructions_______ , this schedule should include no m ore than e ig ht hours o f studying, three p roper meals a day and some exercise. Finally, p rio r to each exam, parents need to (1 2 )__________ reassure_______ th e ir children th a t e verythin g w ill be fin e w hatever the result. --- --- --- ---”

1 A force B set ® p u t D bring

2 A to succeed ( j j ) succeeding C have succeeded D been succeeding

3 A rich ly B econom ically C) fin an cia lly D valuably

4 (A) inten tion B dem and C opinion D reaction

5 (A ) consulted B recom m ended C suggested D advised

6 A am ount B sum (C) va rie ty D selection

7 A tim e (J3) run C term D process

8 A Nevertheless (j3) A p art from C Instead of D As far as

9 (A ) tu rn B com m unicate C depend D apply

10 A approve B accept @ a g r e e D confirm

11 A clues (J3) instru ction s C announcem ents D directions

12 A ensure B insure C make sure (d ) reassure

unit I Q

For questions


read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only


word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).