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X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a surface characterization technique which can identify elemental composition, chemical states, bonding information, and types of compounds present in a material [43]. In this experiment, a photon of known energy, , bombards the surface of a material with the expectation of being absorbed by the material’s atoms. Once absorbed, this leads to ionization and emission of an inner shell electron into the vacuum environment, according to:

4.1 All elements exhibit characteristic binding energies, Eb, associated with its atomic orbit. This means that each element and molecule will give rise to specific peaks in the XPS spectrum at the kinetic energies Ek, depending on the photon energies and binding energies. Most modern XPS systems use monochromatic x-ray sources, which emit photons with a fixed energy. When subtracted from the kinetic energy, the binding energy of the detected photoelectrons are known, and the element and electron core level related to these counted photoelectrons can be determined.


XPS Experimental

XPS measurements were carried out on a Kratos AXIS Ultra DLD XPS system equipped with a hemispherical energy analyzer and a monochromatic Al Kα source. The monochromatic Al Kα source was operated at 15 KeV and 150 W incident on surface at 45° with respect to the surface. The pass energy was fixed at 40 eV for the detail scans, and a high performance charge neutralizer was used to compensate for the sample surface charge. The binding energy of the analyzer was calibrated using Au sputtered for 2 seconds on the surface of the scanned CZT samples. Au is used as a reference instead of C in order to improve the reliability of the calibration. The sample chamber was kept under ultra-high

Figure 4.2. Schematic diagram of binding energy and Kinetic energy of a displaced electron due to x-ray interaction with a material.


XPS Results

Figure 4.3. XPS survey scan for (a) unmodified CZT sample (no passivation), (b) Na2S modified CZT sample, and (c) (NH4)2S modified CZT sample.

Figure 4.3 shows the XPS survey scan for the unmodified, Na2S modified, and (NH4)2S modified CZT samples. The survey spectrum show typical spectral lines for CdTe and CZT for Cd, Te, O, and C. Additionally, the Au 4f reference can be seen, as well as S 2p and S 2s levels for the passivated samples. To provide further insight into the effects of passivation on the samples, Te 3d, Te 4d, Cd 3d, and S 2p high resolution spectra was acquired before and after passivation.

Figure 4.4. High-resolution XPS spectra of Cd 3d core levels for unmodified, Na2S modified, and (NH4)2S modified CZT crystals.

Figure 4.4 shows the high-resolution XPS scan of the Cd 3d core levels for unmodified, Na2S passivated, and (NH4)2S passivated CZT. The Cd 3d3/2 core level peaks all exist at ~411-412 eV, while Cd 3d5/2 peaks reside at ~405 eV, which is in agreement with typical reported values for CdTe and CZT [44, 45]. No major peak changes are observed due to passivation. The lack of change due to passivation is consistent with literature suggesting any CdO present will either be masked by other elements and therefore difficult to deconvolute, or the amount of CdO present is insignificant [46, 47].

Furthermore, it is suggested that etching and exposure of CZT to air does not produce significant oxidation in the form of CdO [48].

Figure 4.5. High-resolution XPS spectra of Te 3d core levels for unmodified, Na2S modified, and (NH4)2S modified CZT crystals.

Figure 4.5 shows the high-resolution spectra for the Te 3d core levels for the CZT samples. A 3d3/2 and 3d5/2 doublet was observed on every CZT sample at ~583 eV and ~572 eV, respectively, which is consistent with reported Te 3d levels [44], and caused by the Te-Cd bonds (the Te-2 state) [49]. Two additional peaks are present in the spectra of the unmodified CZT at 586.72 eV and 576.2 eV, which are associated with O-Te bonding (the

Te+4 state) caused by TeO

2 [50, 51]. The Na2S and (NH4)2S passivated samples do not have the additional TeO2 peaks present in the unmodified spectra. This indicates that both methods of sulfur passivation, Na2S and (NH4)2S, have removed the Te4+ state from the surface of the CZT and formed a passivated layer.

Figure 4.6. High-resolution XPS spectra of Te 4d core levels for unmodified, Na2S modified, and (NH4)2S modified CZT crystals.

Figure 4.6 shows the deconvoluted high-resolution spectra for the Te 4d core levels for the CZT samples. The Te 4d3/2 and 4d5/2 doublet was observed in all samples at ~41.5 – 41.1 eV and ~40.1 – 39.7 eV, respectively, which is consistent with reported values [52].

In addition, the unmodified CZT XPS spectra shows additional peaks at higher binding energies of 43.5 eV and 45.1 eV, consistent with the presence of TeO2 and CdTeO3 along with Te+4 surface states [52, 27]. The Na2S and (NH4)2S passivated samples do not have the additional oxide peaks present in the unmodified spectra, similar to the case of Te 3d. This indicates the successful passivation of the Te+4 surface states.

Figure 4.7. High-resolution XPS spectra of S 2p core levels for Na2S modified and (NH4)2S modified CZT crystals.

Figure 4.7 shows the deconvoluted high-resolution spectra for the S 2p core levels for the Na2S and (NH4)2S passivated CZT samples. The S 2p1/2 and 2p3/2 core binding energies are located ~162 eV and ~161.2 eV respectively, which is supported by prior literature on (NH4)2S passivation of CZT [52]. The literature suggests that the S 2p peaks indicate sulfide formation when sulfur replaces tellurium, either as CdTe1-xSx or CdS

formation. This supports the Cd 3d, Te 3d, and Te 4d high resolution spectra, which indicate removal of Te surface states and oxides, but no change for Cd surface states.