Viral and Cellular
Infection by
and Gibbon
Leukemia Viruses
Laboratory of Cell Biology, NationalInstitute of Mental Health, Building36, Room2D10,
9000Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892
Received 17 May1991/Accepted 1 August 1991
Hamster cells are resistant to infection by most retroviruses, including Moloney murine leukemia virus
(MoMLV) and gibbonapeleukemiaviruses(GaLVs). Wehave constructedMoMLV-GaLVhybrid virionsto identify viraland cellular determinants responsible for the inability of GaLVand MoMLVto infect hamster cells. Thesubstitution of MoMLVcorecomponentsforGaLVcorecomponentscircumvents theresistanceof
hamster cells toinfection by GaLV, demonstrating that hamster cells havereceptorsfor GaLV butarenot
efficiently infectedbythis primateretrovirus because ofapostpenetration block.Incontrast,hamstercells are apparently resistanttoMoMLVinfection because although they bearareceptorforMoMLV, thereceptoris
nonfunctional. Treatment of CHO Kl orBHK21hamstercells with theglycosylation inhibitor tunicamycin
allows the cells to be infected by MoMLV. The construction of MoMLV-GaLV hybrid virions that can efficiently infect resistant cells has allowed the identification of viral and cellular factors responsible for
restricting infectionof hamster cells by MoMLV and GaLV.
Both host cell and viral factors regulate the efficient replication of retroviruses in cells, eitherbyinfluencing viral
entry orby affecting viral replication at a postpenetration
The entryof retroviruses into cells dependson the
inter-actionbetween theenvelope glycoprotein andaspecific cell
surfacereceptor.Thepresenceofafunctional viralreceptor
is an absolute requirement for viral infection. Host range restrictions due tothe absence of the viral receptorcanbe overcome by introducing and expressing the appropriate
receptor in the resistant cells (1) orby replacing the viral
envelope oftherestricted virus withonederivedfromavirus
which can infect the cell of interest (26, 33, 34). Cellular resistance toa virus may also be imposed by saturation of the cellular receptors with viral envelope glycoproteins synthesized within a preinfected cell, which then block infection ofsusceptible cellsbythehomologous virusorany virusthatutilizes thesame receptor. This iscalled
superin-fection interference (25).
Postpenetration blocks can also result in substantial
de-creasesin theefficiency ofinfection. Bothcellularand viral
factors may modulate susceptibility to infection by murine retroviruses at the postpenetration level. The Fv-1 gene locus in murinecellsgovernssusceptibility tointegration of retroviral DNA into a murine host cell genome (11-13). SusceptibilitytoFv-1 restriction has beenphysically mapped
to twoadjacent amino acids in the p30core protein (5, 20,
28). Other factors thatregulate viral replicationin the later stagesofinfection arethoseaffectingefficientexpressionof the integrated viralDNA. Negative regulators inhost cells havebeen proposed toaccount for therefractory status of stem cells in vivo and of undifferentiated embryonic stem
cells in vitro with respecttoefficient infection by Moloney
murine leukemia virus (MoMLV) (27, 29, 30). The viral determinants responsibleforrestricting expressionin these cells reside in the long terminal repeat and primer-binding
sitesof MoMLV (6, 7, 14, 21).
We prepared hybrid gibbon ape leukemia virus (GaLV)-MoMLV virions, containing various proportions ofprotein
and genomic components contributed either by GaLV or
MoMLV, to determine what viral component(s) restricts efficient infection of hamster cells by GaLV and murine
ecotropic and amphotropic viruses. The 4070A virus is a
murine amphotropic virus with a broad host range that
includesmanytypes ofmouse, cat, dog, guinea pig, rabbit,
rat,and human cells. Hamster cells, however, are resistant
to4070Avirus(8, 23). GaLV replicates wellinawidevariety ofcells; however, hamster and mouse cells are resistant to
productive infectionby GaLVs (31, 33).
Two types of hybrid virions were used to assess the
relative contributions of viral genome, core proteins, and
envelope proteins tothe inability ofMoMLV, 4070A, and GaLV to infect hamster cells. One type ofhybrid virion, historicallyreferredtoasapseudovirion,containsagenome
from one virus and structural proteins from another virus. Suchahybrid virionorpseudovirionis namedaccordingto theviruscontributingthe structuralproteins. Asecondtype ofhybrid virion, typified by virions produced by the pack-aging cell lines TAM or PA317 (4, 17) and PG13 (18), contains both genome and corecomponents from MoMLV andenvelope proteinsfromasecond virus. Thus,PA317or
TAM hybrid virions contain an envelope from the murine 4070A virus and PG13 virions contain GaLV envelope proteins.
In additionto resolvingthe contribution of differentviral component(s) to theblock ofreplicationof these viruses in
hamstercells, we also soughtto determine whether a com-monmechanism of resistancetoMoMLVorGaLV infection
(suchastheabsence ofexpressionof theappropriatecellular
receptor) is sharedby five different hamster cell lines. We
examined cell lines derived from three different species of
hamster to determine whether different mechanisms that
accountfor the resistanceofhamster cells tovirus infection by MoMLV, 4070A, and GaLVs exist between hamster species orwithin cell lines established from the same
Copyright © 1991, American Society for Microbiology
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Cell lines and viruses. The cells used in this studyinclude
the following: NIH 3T3 murine fibroblasts (ATCC CRL 1658);rat2embryo fibroblasts (ATCC CRL1764); CHOKl
Chinese hamsterovary cells
CCL61); HaKSyrian
hamsterkidney cells (ATCC CCL 15);DonChinesehamsterlung
cells(ATCC CCL 16); BHK 21 Syrian hamster kidneycells (provided by Noel Bouck, Northwestern University,
Ill.), AHL Armenian hamster lung fibroblasts (ATCCCCL 195), EJ human bladder carcinoma cells(pro-videdby S. Aaronson, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Md.), HOS human osteosarcoma cells (ATCC CRL 1543), minklung fibroblasts (ATCC CCL 64), PA317 (ATCC CRL
9078), T2/BAG and TAM/BAG (provided by C. Cepko, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Ma. [24]) and PG13 (ATCC CRL 10,683). All cell lines (except CHO K1)were
maintained in Dulbecco's modified essential medium
(DMEM; Whittaker Bioproducts, Inc., Walkersville, Md.), supplemented with 5% fetal bovine serum(FBS), 100 U of
perml, 100 ,ugofstreptomycinperml,and 40 mMglutamine.
CHO Kl cells were propagated in similarly supplemented alpha MEM (Whittaker Bioproducts, Inc.). Mink lung fibroblasts infected with the 4070A virus wereprovided
by Janet Hartley (National Institute of AllergyandInfectious
Bethesda, Md.). GaLV SEATO-in-fected batlung fibroblasts(CCL 88) and biologically clonedMoMLV was obtained from Electronucleonics,
Incorpo-rated (Silver Spring, Md.).
Wild-type virus preparation and RT assays.
virus obtained from the culture medium oftheinfected cellswasconcentratedbycentrifugationat143,000x g for 75 min
The viral pellet was resuspended in phosphate-buffered saline andstored in20-,lI
aliquotsinliquid nitrogen. Serial dilutionsoftheconcentrated viruswereusedtoinfectrat 2fibroblasts. Thirty hours postinfection, a reverse
(RT)assay wasperformed
onthe cellularsuperna-tantsandthedilution of virus which generated >10,000cpm
per 20[lI
ofsupernatant was used insubse-quent
Hamster or rat 2 cells were seeded in 24-well dishes at
20,000to30,000cells per well and theninfected with virusin
ofPolybrene per ml. Twenty-four hourspostinfection, thecellswererinsedandfed withfreshmedium. Forty-eight hours postinfection, the cells were
seeded at a 1:10 dilution in 24-well dishes.
daysfollowing infection,
the supernatant wasassayed
for RTactivity.
Five microliters ofasolutioncontaining
50 mMTris (pH 8.3), 120 mMNaCl, and 1% TritonX-100 wasadded to 20 ,u ofsupernatant
and incubatedatroomtemperaturefor10to 15min
totheaddition of25Ru
ofRTcocktail (50mM Tris [pH 8.3], 10 mM
1.2 mMMnCl2,
perml, 20 ,ugofpoly(A)per ml, 10 nM[3H]dTTP).
wereincubatedanadditional2hat37°Cbefore the reactions were stopped by the addition of
of 0.25 M EDTA.Samples
were filtered ontoDEAE paper
a Titertek cell harvester and werecounted in a
scintillation counter.Virionproductionandinfection.
andTAM/BAGcell lines were used as the source ofT2 and
in these studies (22). Both the Escherichia coli lacZ,3-galactosidase
and TnS neo resistance genes arepresent in the defective BAG genome transduced
T2/ BAGand TAM/BAGvirions,
and viral titers cantherefore bedeterminedby
counting neomycin-resistant
cellclonesorby counting
oftheneogeneinitiatesfrom an internal simian virus 40 promoter, whereas tran-scription of the lacZ gene initiates from the retroviral pro-moter contained within the U3 of the long terminal repeat.
Helper-free GaLV virions were prepared by infecting the PG13 GaLV packaging cell line (18) with TAM virions
containingthe BAGgenome. PG13 virions contain MoMLV genomeandcorecomponentsand GaLVenvelope proteins.
Minkcellsproducing 4070A pseudovirionswereprepared by superinfecting 4070A virus-producing mink lung
fibro-blasts with PG13 virionscontainingthe BAGgenome. Mink cell clones expressing pseudovirions were selected in me-diumcontaining800pugof G418 per ml. GaLVpseudovirions
werepreparedin ananalogousmanner, thatis, by infecting mink fibroblasts
GaLV SEATOwild-type
viruswithTAM/BAG virionsandselecting forminkcells
express-ingtheBAG genome with mediumcontaining800p.gof G418 per ml.
Determination of virion titersby
andG418 assays.Targetcells wereseeded at50,000cells per well ina12-welldish. Thenextday, targetcellswereexposed to2.0 mlof virusinmediumadjustedto3
ofPolybreneper ml. Allvirussuspensionswereobtained fromthe filtered super-natantof confluentvirus-producing cells. Twenty-fourhourspostinfection,
1:100,and 1:1,000 dilutions into 10-cm-diameterdishes. Thenext
cells werefed with mediumcontaining G418. All cells were fed with DMEMcontaining
5% FBS and theindicated amount
(in micrograms
of activeG418asfollows:allhamster cellsandrat2
fibroblasts, 450;
NIH3T3cells, 400; EJandminkcells, 800; HOS
250.Cells were selected for 10 to 15 days after which
G418-resistant cell clones were stained witha methanol solution
blue and0.25% carbol fuchsin(Sigma,
Relativetitersweredetermined by
the actual titer obtained with aparticular
cellline(e.g.,the numberof G418-resistantclones permilliliterofvirussupernatant) bythetiter obtained withrat 2 fibroblasts. Serial dilutions of infected cells
toselection with G418 allowed differences in the apparent viral titer to be assessed over a
range. Todetermine virus titerson thebasisof
fixedin a2%
glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde solution,
and stainedwith
(27). Relative titers were determinedby
the number ofbluefoci,
obtained with aparticular
target cellexposed
to 1.0 ml of virus supernatant,by
the number of bluefociobtainedon rat2cellsinfected with1.0mlofvirus supernatant.Infection of target cellspretreatedwithtunicamycin.Target
cellsper wellinDMEMcontain-ing
5% FBS with or without0.15 p,g oftunicamycin
per ml in a 12-well tissue culture dish.Tunicamycin
solutions wereprepared
18 h later, cellswere rinsed three times with fresh medium without
andinfected with 2 ml of filtered virussuspension.
andseededat 1:2, 1:5, and 1:10 dilutions in a 10-cm-diameter tissue
culture dishand selected withG418 asdescribed above.
Construction of hamster and human cells
the murine MoMLV receptor cDNA. ThepLNS-JET
retroviralexpression plasmid
a2.28-kb EcoRI-to-BamHI restrictionfragment
from thepJET
plas-mid (J.Cunningham,
Harvard MedicalSchool, Boston,
into thepLNSXe plasmid (19).
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TABLE 1. Susceptibility of hamster cells to infection by GaLV, GaLVpseudovirions, and PG13 virions
Susceptibility of cells to infection byvirusa
Cells GaLV PG13
Wild-type Pseudo- virionc virion'b virionc
CHOKl - 0.001 0.4
Don - 0.1 1.0
BHK 21 - <0.0001 0.002
HaK - 0.0003 0.015
AHL - 0.0001 0.01
Rat 2 + 1.0 1.0
aWild-type GaLV virions contain GaLV-derived genome and core and envelope proteins. GaLV pseudovirions contain GaLV-derived core and envelope proteins and a MoMLV-based genome. PG13 virions contain
MoMLV-derivedgenome and core components and GaLV envelope proteins. bSusceptibility based on RT assay. Symbols: -, <twofold over back-ground RT activity; +, >200-fold over backback-ground RT activity.
cSusceptibility based on resistant colony titers, normalized to
G418-resistant colony titers on rat 2 cells.
fragment contains the coding region for the ecotropic re-ceptor. CHOKl, BHK 21, and AHL weretransfected with 20
of pLNS-JET (2). Transfected cells were selected with 450 ,ug of G418perml, andresistant colonies were pooled. PA317 cells were similarly transfected and selected with 400 ,ug ofG418 per ml. Supernatant from the stablytrans-fected PA317 cells was used to infect human EJ bladder
Roleof GaLV core componentsin restricting GaLV infec-tion of hamster cells.Weexamined fivedifferent hamstercell lines for susceptibility toinfectionby GaLV. These include BHK 21 fibroblast cells and HaK epithelial cells (derived from Syrian hamsterneonatalkidney),twoChinese hamster cell lines, CHO Kl and Don (derived from Chinese
ham-ster ovary and lung, respectively), and AHL fibroblast
cells (derived from Armenian hamster lung). All of these cells were resistant to infection by wild-type GaLV and
demonstrated anincreasedsusceptibility toinfection bythe PG13virions comparedwith the GaLVpseudovirions (Table 1).
GaLV pseudovirions contain GaLV viral proteins and a
MoMLV-based defective genome, whereas PG13 virions
containMoMLVcorecomponentsinadditionto aMoMLV genome and GaLVenvelope. GaLVpseudovirions did not
infect CHO Kl, HaK, BHK 21,and AHL cells.This resultindicates that
theGaLV genome withaMoMLV-based genome alone is notsufficient to overcome
GaLV restriction in these cells. Substitution of both a
MoMLV core and MoMLV genome facilitates
therefore, core components are responsible for
GaLVinfection of CHOKl, HaK,BHK21,and AHL cells. The resistance ofthese hamstercellstoGaLV is thus dueto apostpenetrationblocktoinfectionandnot totheabsence of
afunctionalGaLV receptor.
Different hamster celllines demonstrate variableefficiencies of infection by PG13 virions.
to infectionby
PG13 virions was quite variable among the different
ham-stercells.The HaK and BHK21cell lineswereestablished
from Syrian hamsters, which are members of the genus
TABLE 2. Susceptibility of hamster cells to infection by
MoMLV, 4070A,4070A pseudovirions, andNP2andPAM virions
Susceptibility of cells to infection by virus
Cells Wild-typeviriona 'T2 4070A 'PAM virionb psuo virionb
MoMLV 4070A virionb
CHO Kl - - <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Don - - <0.0001 0.01 0.01
BHK 21 - - <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
HaK - - 0.01 0.0003 0.015
AHL - - <0.0001 <0.0001 <0.0001
Rat 2 + + 1.0 1.0 1.0
a Susceptibility based on RT assay. Symbols: +, >200-fold over back-ground RT activity; -, <twofold over backback-ground RT activity.
bSusceptibility based on G418-resistant colony titers, normalized to G418-resistantcolony titers on rat 2 cells.
Mesocricetus. The Chinese and Armenian hamster cell lines used in these studies were established from two
differ-ent species (Cricetulus griseus and Cricetulus
migra-torius, respectively) within the same genus. Chinesehamster cells were the most efficiently infected, while BHK 21 cells were the least efficiently infected (a 1,000-fold lower effi-ciency of infection of BHK 21 cells compared with Don cells, [Table 1]). Don cells were unique in their ability to be much moreefficiently infected by GaLVpseudovirions than other hamster strains were albeit they were 10 times less efficiently infected by GaLV pseudovirions than by PG13 virions.
Hamster cells lack appropriate receptors for MoMLV and 4070A. Wild-type MoMLV and 4070A viruses failed to in-fect any of the five hamster cell lines employed (Table 2). No G418-resistant clones or ,-galactosidase-positive blue foci (data not shown) were observed with CHO Kl, BHK 21, and AHL cells following exposure to T2 virions, 4070A pseudovirions, or TAM virions. Substitution of the GaLV envelope is sufficient to overcome the resistance of these cells toinfection by T2 or TAMvirions, demonstratingthat MoMLV-derived genome and core components function efficiently in hamster cells (Table 1). The viral determinants that restrict the MoMLV and 4070A virions from infecting
these hamster cells therefore reside in the envelope. Hamster cells exhibit variable susceptibility to infection by P2 and PAM virions. The only hamster cell line that could be infected with T2 virions was the Syrian hamster cell line, HaK, albeit at a reduced efficiency relative to
that of rat 2 fibroblasts (15). The ability to infect HaK with T2 but not wild-type MoMLV may simply reflect differ-ences in the sensitivity between the RT assay and the
G418-resistant colony-forming assay.
Cells from the same species of hamster vary in their susceptibility to infectionby 4070Apseudovirionsand TAM virions (Table 2). Don cells are infected 100 times more
efficiently than CHO Kl, though both are derived from the same species, C. griseus. The observed differences in the apparent titer of TAM virions on BHK 21 compared with that on HaK demonstrates thatvariation in susceptibility to
infection can exist not onlyincells from thesame
of hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) but even from the sametissue (Table 3). The mechanism for the observed variation in theefficiency of PAM infection ofdifferent hamster cells is unknown.
Effect ofinhibition ofglycosylation oninfection of hamster
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[image:3.612.314.557.101.206.2]TABLE 3. Summaryof infectionefficiencies of hamstercellsobtained withPG13,T2,andTAMvirionsa
Infectionefficiencyof cells
Typeofvirion Chinese hamster Syrian hamster Armenian hamster
Type of
(Cricetulusgriseus) (Mesocricetusauratus) (Cricetulusmigratorius) Rat 2CHOKl Don BHK21 HaK AHL
PG13virions +++ ++++ + ++ ++ ++++
T2virions - - - ++ - ++++
PAM virions - ++ - +++ - ++++
a This tablesummarizes datapresented in Tables1and2.Oneplussignisequivalenttoanincrease intiterof1orderofmagnitude.
cells by P2 and IAM virions. The resistance to MoMLV observed with the hamster cells couldbe aconsequence of thelackofexpression ofappropriate MoMLV receptors. It wastherefore necessary todetermine whetheramRNAfor
the MoMLV receptor was expressed in hamster cells. All
cells examined expressed mRNAs ofthe appropriate sizes that hybridized to the murine MoMLV receptor cDNA(data
not shown), despite the fact that only HaK cells demon-strated even limited susceptibility to infection by MoMLV
enveloped virions.
Todetermine whetherhamster cellresistancetoMoMLV infection was glycosylation dependent, three hamster cell
lines resistanttoinfectionby
were analyzed forsuscep-tibilityto infection following treatmentwith an inhibitor of N-linked glycosylation, tunicamycin. The human cell line
EJ, whichisresistant toinfectionbyP2 but susceptibleto
infection by
wasalsoanalyzed. While treatmentdid notalter theresistance of EJ or AHLcells toP2 infection,resistance to infection was reversed in both BHK 21 and
CHOKlcellsby exposingthese cellstotunicamycin priorto
infection (Fig. 1). EJ cellsretained their ability to be infected by
virions (data not shown), indicating that the inabil-ity to overcome EJ cell resistance toP2
infection following treatment with tunicamycin was not attributable totuni-camycin-induced cytopathicity.
Resistancetoinfection by
virions was alsoanalyzedafter tunicamycin treatment. In contrast to the results
ob-tained with
virions, AHL cells were rendered sensitiveto
infection after tunicamycin treatment (Fig. 2), whereas CHOKi
and BHK 21 remained resistant toPAM
infection (data not shown). Failure to detect any G418-resistant AHL cells following tunicamycin treatment and exposure toP2
virions is probably not attributable to drugtoxicity, because AHL cells exposed to
survived the treatment. Instead, our results suggest that pretreatment of targetcells with tunicamycin renders AHL cells selectivelypermissive to infection by
but notP2,
virions. Likewise, tunicamycin renders BHK 21 and CHO Klselec-tivelypermissive to
but notPAM
virions.The apparent titer of the
virions on rat 2 cells was500-fold less than the titer determined on untreated rat 2
cells,presumably reflecting some toxicity of the tunicamycin
treatment. Nonetheless, equivalent
titers were obtained with tunicamycin-treated rat 2 cells (data not shown) and tunicamycin-treated, MoMLV-resistant BHK 21 and CHO Klcells (approximately102
G418-resistantCFU/ml [Fig. 1]). These findings demonstrate that inhibition of glycosylation renders functional the existing MoMLV receptors on CHOKland BHK 21 cells and receptors for 4070A on AHL cells and thus show the treatment is not acting nonspecifically to
allow virus entry.
Expression ofatransfected murine MoMLV receptor cDNA in hamster cells conferssensitivity toMoMLV infection. To resolve more precisely how
renders BHK 21 and CHO Kl cells susceptible to MoMLV infection, the murine MoMLV receptor cDNA was transfected andex-pressed in these cells. The MoMLV receptor cDNA was
transfectedinto CHOKl, BHK21,and AHLcells. Suscep-tibilitytoinfectionwasdeterminedbyexposingthese cellsto
T2virionsandcounting X-Gal-positiveblue cell foci.
Intro-duction and
ofa functional MoMLV receptor cDNAin CHO Kl, BHK 21, and AHLcells overcame the resistance to infection by T2 virions (Fig. 3). Armenian hamster lung fibroblasts are unlike BHK 21 and CHO Klcells but are similar tohuman EJ cells, in that these cells express areceptorhomologthatcannotfunctionally
substi-tute for this viral receptor even after pretreatment with
tunicamycin (1).
Hamstercells express GaLV receptors butareresistantto
GaLV at apostpenetration stageof infection. The blockto
GaLV infection of hamster cells appears to reside in the
GaLVcore, since substitution ofMoMLVcorecomponents circumvents the restriction of hamster cellstoGaLV infec-tion. Thisrestriction forGaLV in hamster cells is therefore similartoFv-J restriction in murine cells.
Therelativeefficiencywith which MoMLV-GaLVhybrid virions infect different hamster cell lines varies (Table 3). BHK 21cellsare not asefficiently infectedby PG13virions
asthetwoChinesehamster celllines, CHOKlandDon. It isunlikelythat therelativelyinefficient infectionofBHK 21 cells with PG13 reflects a restriction affecting appropriate functioning of the MoMLV genome or core components, because BHK 21 cells expressing the transfected MoMLV receptor areefficiently infectedby T2 virions. The observed variations insusceptibilitytoinfection of BHK 21 compared with thatof Chinese hamster cells to PG13 infection could be dueto subtlealterationsin theviral receptors present in the
twolines,resulting in inefficient binding of the virus tothe receptorsexpressedonBHK 21cells, orsimply adecreased GaLV receptordensityon thesurface of these cells.
Hamstercells areresistant to infection by MoMLV even
though they express a mRNA that is highly related to the MoMLV receptor cDNAisolated from NIH 3T3 cells. There
areseveralmechanismsthatcould account for theresistance
ofhamster cellstoinfectionbyMoMLV.First, the MoMLV receptorhomolog in these cells may be dysfunctional, sim-ilartothe MoMLV receptorexpressed in human EJ cells (1).
Second,theamountof MoMLV receptoractually expressed may be insufficientto allow efficient virus binding or entry
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LI li~~~~~~~~~~~
45~~~~~4 5~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,
.%9-. e4 *vX9
FIG. 1. Analysis of the effect of tunicamycintreatmentontarget cell susceptibility to T2 infection. FourT2-resistant cell lines, a
humancell line(EJ), aSyrian hamster fibroblast cell line (BHK 21), a Chinese hamster ovary cell line (CHO Kl), and an Armenian hamsterfibroblast cellline (AHL)wereassayed for infection by T2
virions followingtreatmentwithaninhibitor of glycosylation,
tuni-camycin. Shown herearecells whichweretrypsinized and seededat
a1:5 dilutionina10-cm-diameter tissueculturedishandselectedwith G418afterexposureto2.0mlof filtered virus. The culture disheson
the left(containing the untreated cells) and the culture dishesonthe right (containing tunicamycin-treated cells) depict the presence or
absence ofG418-resistant clones afterexposuretoT2 virions. Clones
were stained with amethanol solution containing 0.75% methylene blue and0.25% carbol fuchsintooptimizevisualization.
into cells. Third,resistancetoMoMLV infectionmaybe due toaviralinterference-like mechanismwherebyhamster cells express afunctional MoMLV receptor that iscompetitively blocked by endogenous ecotropic gp70s. Fourth, the
FIG. 2. Analysis of the effectoftunicamycin treatment on the hamster cells CHOKlandAHLsusceptibilityto TAMinfection. Depicted above are untreated cells (plates on the left) and cells treatedovernight with tunicamycin(plates on the right) exposed to PAM virions and seededat a1:5dilution priorto selection inculture mediumcontaining G418.
MoMLV receptorexpressed by these cells may be rendered nonfunctional as aresult ofposttranslational modifications
of theprotein.
Our finding that CHO Kl and BHK 21 cells were made
susceptible to MoMLV infection following treatment with
tunicamycin,aninhibitor of N-linkedglycosylation, suggests
thattherefractory status of thesecells cannot be attributed
to aprimary receptor protein product thatis either grossly
dysfunctionalorinsufficientlyexpressed.Tunicamycin treat-mentcouldreverseresistance ofCHO Kl and BHK 21 cells
toMoMLV infectiondirectlybyremovingoligosaccharides thatareN-glycosidically attachedtothe receptorproteinand block virusbindingorindirectly by preventing bindingofa
competing glycoprotein to the MoMLV receptor. Neither
viral glycoprotein interference nor a hamster cell-specific posttranslational inactivation of an otherwise conserved (i.e., murinelike) MoMLV receptor can explain the
tuni-camycin-sensitive block to MoMLV infection of hamster cells, since transfection and expression of the murine
MoMLV receptor protein facilitated MoMLV entry into
BHK 21 and CHO Kl hamster cells in the absence of
inhibitorsofglycosylation. Thus, glycosylationinactivation of the endogenous hamster MoMLV receptor is the most
likely mechanism for the blocktoMoMLV infection ofthe
hamster cells and must reflect differences in the primary
structure of thehamsterandmousereceptorproteins.
Com-parisonof the nucleotide sequence ofthe MoMLVreceptor mRNAhomolog expressed inCHO Kl or BHK 21 cells to
the murine MoMLV receptorcDNAmayresolve nucleotide
differences in the
region that account foralterations in glycosylation. If so, then
sitesthatarepresent inthe hamster MoMLV receptor cDNAand
HO}hl (fie0 K1SANI
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:5.612.] [image:5.612.315.557.78.326.2]5980 WILSON AND EIDEN
/) / /
.4: +
AHL + MoMLV receptor
t.S t ; t + .) i 8 .
>; *g v.*
> e tw
;Sa \ \ ,. * \ ;
, ., $ *f
.#S {i QI '- 8
.. t
Ott,' * 0'
* -fit
t R. .X}
IF <.~
0 A
s Ct.
21 +MoMLV
FIG. 3. Susceptibilityofresistant hamster cell lines to infection withT2recombinant virions before and aftertransfectionofMoMLV receptor cDNA. Aplasmid expressingthe murine MoMLV receptor cDNA was introduced into hamster cells viaCaPO4-mediated gene transfer(2). A Nikon invertedmicroscopewasused to obtainphase-contrast micrographsofcontrolAHL, CHOKi,andBHK21 cellsand their transfected counterpartsthat stablyexpressed MoMLV receptor cDNA after exposure toP2virions containingthe
gene.Threedaysafter exposuretovirus, cells were assayed forP-galactosidase
activity by using thehistochemicalproceduredescribedin thetext. Magnification, x40.J.VlIROL.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:6.612.70.553.93.641.2]notfound inthe murine MoMLVreceptorcDNAarelikely to representvirus-binding regions.
No commonmechanism of cellularresistancetoinfection
byT2orTAMwasdiscerned for hamster cells derived from
the same genus, species, or even from the same hamster
tissue (Table 3). The AHL and CHO Ki cell lines, both establishedfrom the hamstergenus Cricetulusdiffer in that
tunicamycin pretreatment renders CHO Kl but not AHL
cells permissiveforT2infection and AHL butnotCHOKl
cells permissive toTAMinfection. TAM virionscaninfect
some but not all cells derived from C. griseus (Chinese hamster). The Chinese hamster ovary cell line CHO Ki is resistant to TAM infection, whereas Chinese hamster lung
fibroblasts (Don cells) arenot. Both BHK 21 and HaKcell lineswereestablishedfromaSyrian golden hamsterkidney,
yet these two celllines demonstrate marked differences in their susceptibility toTAMandT2virions aswellasPG13 virions. One factor governing increased susceptibility to infection among hamster cells may be cellular phenotype. BHK 21 cells are fibroblasts, whereas the more readily
infectible HaK cells are epithelioid cells. A
phenotype-dependent induction of functional viral receptor upon in
vitro culture of Syrian hamster kidney cells may explain these results. An analogous observation has been reported for infection of cultured fetal kidney cells by poliovirus. Expression of poliovirus receptor mRNAoccurs in kidney
cells bothin vivo and in vitro (16); however, primatekidney cells donotbindpoliovirus in vivo butcanbe inducedtodo
so after they are trypsinized and grown as a monolayer in
vitro(10). Ithas been proposed thatregulation ofpoliovirus bindingcouldbe affected by posttranslationalmodifications
of itsreceptor inducedby culturing kidneytissue in vitro. The general approachemployed heremay proveusefulin
theelucidation of the viral and cellulardeterminants
respon-sible for the refractory status of many human cells to
infection by recombinantvirions and in designing recombi-nanthybrid virions that cansuccessfully mediate transduc-tionandexpression offoreigngeneticmaterialinthesecells.
It has been previously reported that some human
hemato-poietic cell lines are resistant to infection by
TAM/PA317-derived virions due to postpenetration blocks to infection
(3). Attempts to design hybrid virions similar to the ones described in thisreport thatcan efficiently infectthese cells
may provefruitful.
Weespecially thankLarry Mahanfor help inthepreparation of
this manuscript. Weare alsoindebtedtoJonMarshand A. Dusty
Miller for helpful discussions; Karen Farrell for technical
assis-tance;andMikeBrownstein and LeeGreen forsupportand encour-agement.
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