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Molecular Weight Determination of Sendai and Newcastle Disease Virus RNA


Academic year: 2019

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Copyright 0 1974 AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology Printed inU.S.A.


Weight Determination


Sendai and Newcastle

Disease Virus RNA


Departement de Biologie Moleculaire, Universite deGeneve, Geneve, Switzerland,and ColdSpring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724

Received forpublication21September 1973

The molecular weights of Sendai and Newcastle disease virus RNA were

estimatedby sedimentation insucrosegradients andby lengthmeasurementsin

the electron microscope under both denaturing and nondenaturing conditions.

Sedimentation analyses under denaturing conditions yielded molecular weight

estimates of 2.3 x 106 to 2.6 x 106, whereas length measurements yielded

estimates of 5.2 x 106 to5.6 x 106for both denatured and nondenatured viral

RNA. It would appearthat theconditions ofdenaturation used (99% dimethyl

sulfoxide at26 C, and reaction with 1.1 M formaldehyde for 10 minat60C) do

notequally denature parainfluenza virus RNA andother RNAs, suchascellular

rRNA, 45S rRNA precursor, and R17 RNA.

The molecular


of Sendai RNA esti-mated


sedimentation in sucrose gradients containing 99%


sulfoxide (DMSO)

was found to be approximately half of that estimated undernondenaturing conditions and

accountsforonly half the RNA estimatedtobe

present in the viral nucleocapsid (13). Three

possible explanations of this difference have been investigated.

(i) The Sendai viralgenome, like thatofthe

RNAtumorviruses, iscomposed ofacomplex of

more than oneRNA chain which disaggregates

upondenaturation (8, 10, 14).

(ii) The apparentmolecular


obtained by sedimentation analysis under


conditions isartificially high duetothe

second-ary structure of


RNA, and the estimate

obtained under


conditions is more

reliable. In this case, the viral nucleocapsid would contain two separate RNA chains of similarlength, thoughnotnecessarily of


(iii) Conversely, sedimentation analysis in 99% DMSO is unreliable due to different

de-grees ofdenaturation of Sendai and the marker

RNAs we have used for


and the

value obtainedundernondenaturing conditions

istherefore morereliable. Inthiscase,the viral nucleocapsid would contain one continuous RNA chain ofapproximately 5 x 10'daltons.

By usingmixing experiments in 99%





formaldehyde-reacted RNAs in sucrose


with and without 1.1 M formaldehyde,


gel electrophoresis of


RNAs, and


measurements of DMSO-treated,formaldehyde-treated,and heated

Sen-dai and Newcastle disease virus


RNA in

the electron microscope, weconclude thatonly the third


is correct; that is, Sendai RNA is a


continuous RNA chain of

ap-proximately5 x 106daltons.


Preparation of32P-48SSendai RNA.

Three-day-old confluent cultures of MDBK cells (obtainedfrom

P. Choppin) in 75-cm2 Falcon tissue culture flasks

wereinfected with10 meanegginfectivedoses per cell

ofSendaivirus (Harris strain).After45minat30C,

theinfectingmediumwasremoved andreplacedwith 8ml of mediumcomposedof 9 parts ofphosphate-free

medium 199 (Wellcome Laboratories) and 1 part of DulbeccomodifiedEagle mediumcontaining50


of carrier-free 32po4 perml. At 18h post-infection, the medium was removed (and discarded) and replaced

with 8 ml of the above medium containing 10uCi of

32PO4 perml.At36hpostinfection, the mediumwas

removed andcentrifuged for10minat 5,000 x gto remove cellular debris, and the virus was pelleted throughacushion of25%glycerolinTNE(13) for2h at 36,000 rpmin theInternational A-170 rotor (8 C). The virus pellet was dissolved in TNE containing 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and 0.2 mg of Proteinase K (Merck) per ml at an approximate concentration of2mg/mlandincubated for15minat

25C, and


amounts were then centrifuged

on5 to 23% sucrosegradientsaspreviouslydescribed (13). Fractions containing the 46 to50S RNA were pooled, recovered byethanol precipitation, and dis-solved in 1 mM sodium acetate (pH 5.3), 1 mM EDTA, and0.05%SDS(RNAbuffer).RNAprepared

as above had a specific activity of approximately


on November 10, 2019 by guest



400,000 counts per min per lAgon isolation.

Fragmentation of 48S Sendai RNA. A 0.4-ml amount of 0.2 M sodium carbonate was added to 1.2 ml of water containing 0.65 mg ofSendai 48S RNA (both solutions having been prewarmed to 50 C), and the solution was incubated for 15 min at 50C. After addition ofsodium acetate(pH 5.3)toafinal concen-tration of 0.2 M, the RNA was precipitated with 2 volumes ofethanol, recoveredbycentrifugation, dis-solved in 0.3 ml of RNA buffer, and sedimented on two 5 to 23% sucrose gradients (a third gradient contained "C-labeled cell RNA markers) for 3 h at 52,000 rpm(80)intheSW56 rotor (13). By monitoring absorbance at 260 nm, the RNA was found to sedi-ment as abroad band (3 to 27S)with apeak at 16S. The RNA was divided into 3 to 12S and 12 to 27S portions, and the 12 to 27S RNA was recovered by ethanol precipitation and again treated withsodium carbonate as aboveforafurther 7 minat50C. Upon centrifugation in sucrose gradients, the RNA was found to sediment as a broad band (3 to20S)with a peak at10S. The 3 to 12S RNA from both gradients was pooled, precipitated with 2 volumes of ethanol, recovered by centrifugation, and dissolved in RNA buffer. Sendai RNA fragments prepared as above represented approximately 65% ofthe starting RNA. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Gels of 2.2% acrylamide, 0.11% bis-methylene acrylamide, and 0.6%agarose werepolymerized in 9-cm (0.5-cm inter-nal diameter) quartztubes in a buffer containing 40 mM triethanolamine (pH 7.8), 20 mM sodium ace-tate,2mMEDTA,and2.5%glycerol. Electrophoresis

was carried out for 2 h at 10 V/cm and 4 C (until bromophenol blue marker dye had just run off the gel) in the abovebuffer plus0.2%SDS.Afterscanning at 260 nm in aGilford spectrophotometer, the gels were frozenand cut into 2-mm slices.Slices were incubated with 0.4 ml of 0.5%SDS for 6 h at 50 C and were then countedby liquidscintillation after the addition of3.6 ml ofAquasol (New England Nuclear Corp.).

Other methods and materials. 9H-labeled 48S Sendai RNA, non-radioactive Sendai and NDV 48S

RNA, and "4C-labeled RNA from uninfected mouse kidney cells were prepared as previously described (13).Formaldehydetreatment ofRNA andits centrif-ugation insucrosegradients containing1.1M formal-dehyde in SPB buffer wereperformed essentially as described byBoedtker (5).


Does Sendai RNA disaggregate upon

denaturation? Aspreviously shown (13),

Sen-dai RNA which sediments at 48S in ordinary

sucrose gradients sediments at 32SDMSO in

su-crosegradients containing 99% DMSO (relative

to 18 and 28SrRNA markers arbitrarily set at

18 and


Calibration of these DMSO

gradientswith18SrRNA, R17 RNA,28S rRNA,

and 45S rRNA precursor yielded an estimated

molecular weight of2.3 x 106 for Sendai RNA

under these conditions, whereas calibration of ourordinary sucrose gradients with 18 and28S

rRNA yielded a molecular weight estimate of

5.0 x 106. Anestimationbasedonthe chemical

composition and lengthofthe viral

nucleocap-sid relative to tobacco mosaic virus yielded a

value of 5.0 x 106to5.6 x 106 daltons of RNA

pernucleocapsid. The possibility that the

Sen-dai genome like that of avian myeloblastosis

virus(AMV)wassegmented (8, 10, 14) and that

the approximate 5.0 x 106 daltonsofRNAthat

each Sendai nucleocapsid contained was

pres-ent as anoncovalentcomplexof morethanone

RNA chainwasalso examined. RNA which had

sedimented at 32SDMSO wasrecovered from the

DMSO gradient by ethanol precipitation and

was then centrifuged on an ordinary sucrose

gradient with untreated Sendai RNA. The

re-sults of this experiment (13) showed that, in

contrast to AMV RNA, the DMSO-treated

Sendai RNAwas indistinguishable in its sedi-mentation properties from untreated Sendai

RNA.This suggested that, if Sendai RNAwas

disaggregatingin99%DMSO, it wascapable of

rapid and quantitative reassociation upon

re-moval of the RNA from DMSO (presumably

during its concentration


ethanol precipita-tionand solutioninwater). Totestthis

possibil-ity further, the following experiments were carried out.

(i) Since briefperiods ofheating have been

shown to disaggregate AMV RNA (8, 10, 14),


Sendai RNA in 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.0

(pretreated by passage through a column of

Chelex-100) was heated in


water for 2 min, quick cooled, and then sedimented in

ordinary sucrose gradients. Although some

(minimal) thermal degradation did take place, the sedimentationrateofthe bulk of theSendai RNA was unaltered (data not shown). There-fore, if the Sendai genome were segmented, heating for 2 min at 98C was not sufficient to

effect thedisaggregation.

(ii) To avoidstepswhich tendtoconcentrate

RNA and therefore enhance its




Sendai RNA was placed in

99% DMSO at a concentration of 1


diluted 10-fold with water, and directly

cen-trifuged in ordinary sucrose gradients. Sendai

RNA so treated was found to sediment

unal-tered as a homogenous band at 48S (datanot

shown). Although unlikely, thepossibility

can-notbeexcluded thatSendai RNA, even atsuch

low concentrations (0.1


was capableof



If 48S Sendai RNA is composed of a

complexof twoRNA chains whichdisaggregate

in99% DMSOto form two32SRNAs and then

reaggregate upon removal of the RNA from the

denaturing solvent, mixing of the 32S RNAs

should take place during this treatment.

Fur-thermore, if while disaggregated, RNA frag-262

on November 10, 2019 by guest



mentsderivedfrom48S SendaiRNA are added

in excess, 32S Sendai RNA should

preferen-tially reassociate with these fragments rather

than with themselves to form a complex which

would sediment between 32 and 48S, depending onthe size of the fragment. Non-radioactive 48S


RNAwas therefore fragmented by lim-ited base hydrolysis to a size of approximately

20,000 to 350,000 daltons (3 to 12S) (see

Materials and Methods). 32P-48S Sendai RNA

wasfirstsedimented in a99% DMSO gradient, and the four peak fractions sedimenting at



(relative to 'IC-labeled

cell RNA markers sedimented in a separate

tube) were pooled. Two samples were then

mixed with a 200- and a 400-fold excess by weight of Sendai RNA fragments (in 90%

DMSO), respectively, while a third sample

receivednoaddition. Afterheatingfor 5 min at 37


the RNA wasrecovered from theDMSO solution by ethanol precipitation and dissolved

in water, and


cell RNA was added

as sedimentation markers and resedimented in

ordinary sucrose gradients. The results(Fig. 1)

demonstrate that even a 400-fold excess of

fragments does notsignificantly affect the

sedi-mentation properties of the 32P-Sendai RNA.

This suggests that 48S Sendai RNA does not


into more thanone RNAchain in



butrepresents asingle,continuous

RNA chain.

Thereis, however, apossible objectiontothe interpretation of this last experiment. The above model assumes that very limited

se-quences of RNA in a much larger RNA are

involved in holding RNA chains together. It is

possible that,

forthe association totake place,

the sequences involved must exist in a given

structure whichis somaintainedby therestof

the RNA chain and that fragmentation ofthe RNA


thisstructure.If thiswereso,the non-radioactive fragments added in the above experimentmightnotcompete inthe reassocia-tion of 32P-Sendai RNA even at a 400-fold

excess of RNA chains ranging in size from

20,000to350,000 daltons. Although each of the above experiments does not unequivocally

ex-clude the


that 48S Sendai RNA





to-gether they strongly suggest that 48S Sendai

RNA represents a single, continuous RNA


Sedimentation of Sendai RNA under

con-ditions offormaldehydedenaturation. In view of the different sedimentation properties of

Sendai RNA relative to rRNAs in water and

99% DMSO, we next examined the possibility

that the sedimentation value obtained in 99%

DMSO waspeculiartotheuseof the








20 30




a-6 6 6g/\ fragments

10 20 30






\ no fragments

4 / \



20 30


FIG. 1. Effect ofSendai RNAfragmentson renatu-ration of Sendai RNA from 99%o DMSO. "P-48S

Sendai RNA (0.16 Mg, 24,000 counts/min) and

14C-labeled cell RNA markers were sedimentedseparately

in 99%o DMSO-sucrose gradients as previously

de-scribed(13). The four peakfractionsof the 32P-Sendai

RNA, which sedimented at approximately 33SDMSo

(13), were pooled and divided into three 170-jiliter

samples containing 0.034MUgof32P-Sendai RNA (5,200

counts/mmn)each.Non-radioactive SendaiRNA

frag-ments (1.36 mg/mlin 90%DMSO;seeMethods and

Materials) were added to two of the samples as

indicated (6.8,ugof fragments,representinga200-fold

excessby weight, panelb,and13.6Mgof fragments,a

400-foldexcess,panel c),and the RNAwasrecovered

from theDMSOsolutionbyethanolprecipitationand dissolved in0.1mlof RNA buffer. Marker"4C-labeled

cell RNAwas addedtoeachsample, whichwasthen sedimented in 5 to 23% sucrosegradientsaspreviously described (13).

ous solvent. Reaction of RNA with aqueous

formaldehyde (HCHO)

is also known to

dena-ture RNA (4) and, althoughformaldehyde does

notdestroysingle-stranded stacking (15) and is

therefore not as strong a


agent for

RNA as DMSO, Boedtker has shown that this

method destroys secondary structure

suffi-cientlytoallow the resolution of RNAsby chain length (5, 6). 3H-labeled Sendai RNA and


cell RNAwere therefore heated


min at 60C) inthe presence of1.1M

formalde-hyde and


inaqueous sucrose


on November 10, 2019 by guest



ents containing 1.1 M formaldehyde. The

re-sults (Fig. 2) show that Sendai RNA sediments

as ahomogeneous band at 34.5SHCHO relative to

18 and 28S rRNA markers, a result similar to

that found with sucrose gradients containing 99%DMSO. By using Escherichia coli4S, 16S, and


RNA as calibration markers,


RNA isfoundtosedimentat



shown). Since reaction with formaldehyde is

onlyslowlyreversible (4), the absence of formal-dehyde inthesucrosegradient doesnot signifi-cantly affect the result. Figure 3 shows the result of asimilar experiment in which

dupli-cate samples of 3H-labeled Sendai RNA and


cell RNA were both placed in 1 M


but only one sample (panel b)

was heated in


and then


on sucrose


not containing formaldehyde. Formaldehyde-treated (i.e., heated in formaldehyde) rRNA sediments only


slower thanuntreated rRNA (compare

panels a andb), whereas formaldehyde-treated


RNA sediments considerably more

slowly then untreatedSendai RNA. Calibration of these


withmouse 18and28S rRNA and E. coli 16 and


rRNAyield molecular weight estimates of2.6 x 106 to 2.8 x 106for


RNA. The difference in sedimentation properties ofSendai RNA under denaturingand nondenaturing conditions previously noted with


is therefore not peculiar to the use of

this nonaqueous







I 4




10 20 30



FIG. 2. Sedimentation of HCHO-treated Sendai RNA in sucrose gradients containing 1 M HCHO.

Elevenmicroliters of28% HCHO in SPBbufferwas

addedto3,500counts/min of 3H-labeled SendaiRNA and4,000counts/min of 14C-labeled cell RNA in 90


of SPB buffer, and the samplewasheated for

10minat60C. Thesamplewasthencentrifugedon5 to23%sucrosegradientsinSPBbuffer containing1.1

MHCHO (5) for190minat50,000rpm (80) inthe


for ordinarysucrosegradients(13).




_II 10 20 30

a (b) 36s HCHO-treated




10 20 30


FIG. 3. EffectofHCHOtreatment onthe

sedimen-tation of Sendai RNA. Duplicate samples for

sedi-mentation analysis contained 3,500 counts/min of

3H-labeled 48S SendaiRNA,and 4,000counts/minof

"4C-labeledcell RNA in20


ofSPBbuffer. Two microliters of28% HCHOinSPBwasaddedto each

sample. One sample (panel a) was kept in ice; the

othersample(panel b)washeatedfor10minat60C.

Thesampleswerethen diluted with80glitersofTNE

bufferandcentrifuged on 5 to 23%ordinarysucrose

gradients for 105 min at 50,000 rpm (7.5°) and processed aspreviously described(13).

Molecular weight determination of Sendai and NDV RNA


electron microscopy. Since

molecular weight estimates of Sendai RNA

obtained by sedimentation analysis in sucrose

gradients varied so greatly depending on

whether the sedimentation was



under denaturing or nondenaturing conditions

(2.3 x


to 2.8 x


asopposedto 5.0 x 106

daltons), and since this difference was

appar-ently not a result ofthe disaggregation ofthe

viral genome upon denaturation, this

discrep-ancy would appear tobethe result of amarked

difference in secondary structure of Sendai RNA relative to the prototype RNAs such as

cellular rRNAs used as calibration markers.

The sedimentation of RNAs in nondenaturing 264


on November 10, 2019 by guest




sucrose gradients at rates inconsistent with their molecular weights is well known. For example, R17 RNA (27.5S), which is barely distinguishable in sedimentation rate in

ordi-nary sucrose gradients from 28S rRNA,

sedi-ments at a rate


consistent with its

true molecular weight in gradients containing

99%DMSO (13).Itwould thereforeappearthat

themolecular weight estimate of2.3 x 106to2.8

x 106obtained from sedimentationunder

dena-turingconditions ismorereliable, and that the

estimate of 5.0 x 106 obtained under

non-denaturing conditions wasdue tothe factthat the structure of Sendai RNA, like R17 RNA,

was considerably more compact than cellular rRNA.

Totestthishypothesis, the molecular weight of Sendai RNA was estimated by electron

microscopy, amethod independent of

hydrody-namic properties. Electron microscopy

mea-surements werecarriedoutonboth Sendai and

NDV RNA, these parainfluenza RNAs being indistinguishable in sedimentationrate in

ordi-narysucrosegradients (3, 13),sucrosegradients

containing 99% DMSO (13), andsucrose

gradi-ents containing 1 M formaldehyde (data not

shown). By using T4 gene 32 protein toaid in

unfolding the RNAs and PM2 DNA as ah

internal calibration marker, both Sendai and

NDVRNAweremeasured at5.6 x 106 daltons

(Table 1). Moreover, neither heating the

par-ainfluenzaRNAs for 2 min inboilingwaternor

treating Sendai RNA with 99%


signifi-cantly altered the lengthmeasurements ofthe

longest RNAs (Table 1). An example of these lengthmeasurements is shownin Fig.4.

Electron microscopymeasurementswerealso

carried out on untreated and

formaldehyde-treated NDV RNA without the aid of T4gene32

protein, since itwas found not tobind well to

formaldehyde-treated RNAs in buffer

contain-ing 1.1 M formaldehyde. In these measure-ments, no internal DNA marker was used for

calibration, but R17 RNA, treated identically,

was measured on separate grids. The results

(Table 2) show thatformaldehyde-treated NDV

RNA is the same lengths as untreated NDV

RNA (within the error ofthe measurements),

yielding molecular weight estimates of 5.2 x

106. An example ofthese length measurements

is shown in Fig. 5.

Under all conditions oflength measurement

by electron microscopy, Sendai and NDV RNA, whether untreated, treated with formaldehyde, DMSO, or briefexposure to heat, and spread with and without the aidofT4gene32protein,

have been found to have molecular weights of 5.14 x 10. to 5.67 x 106. Since this molecular

weight estimate is considerably different from

that obtained from sedimentation analysis

under denaturing conditions (2.3 x 106to2.6 x

106), it would appear that Sendai and NDV

RNA do not sediment under these denaturing

conditionsat arateconsistent with their


AreSendaiand rRNA equally denaturable? Since sedimentation under completely dena-turing conditions should provide a reliable

estimate of RNA chain length, we next

ex-amined the possibility that Sendai RNA, under the conditions of denaturation we have used, was not completely denatured but still

pos-sessed some structure which would cause it

tosedimentatarateslower than thatexpected from itsmolecular weight. Structures knownto

behaveaccordingly, suchasextendedregionsof

double strandedness which increase frictional

drag during sedimentation, would also be

ex-pected to decrease theelectrophoretic mobility

of RNA in polyacrylamide gels. However,since

electrophoretic mobility of RNAs in

polyacryl-amide gels isinversely proportionalto

molecu-lar weight, such structures would cause a

de-creaseintheelectrophoretic mobilityand hence

an overestimation of the molecular weight.

Figure 6 shows the results of an experiment

TABLE 1. Molecularweight determination by electron microscopy

RNAinpeak Meanlength Mean Daltons

Sample (AM) PM2length correctiona for (x



NDV 88 6.36 +0.30 3.39 + 0.12 6.47 5.63± 0.27

NDV heated 53 6.22 ± 0.30 3.50 ± 0.12 6.13 5.33 ± 0.26

Sendai 49 6.01±0.18 3.18±0.11 6.52 5.67±0.17

Sendai DMSO 50 6.36±0.38 3.58±0.11 6.12 5.32±0.32

Sendai heated 47 6.46±0.45 3.59±0.15 6.21 5.40 ± 0.39

aPM2DNA, addedas an internal standard,wasused tocorrectfordifferences in


under the

assumption thatitshould havealengthof 3.45um(6.4 x10"daltons) when compared toT7DNA(25.2 x 10' daltons, 13.6 um), which has beenpreviously usedto determine the factor of 870,000 daltons ofRNA/um of RNA-protein complex (7).

on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 2. Molecularweight determination by electron microscopy

RNA Mean length Daltonsa Sample inpeak


(x 106)

UntreatedNDV 49 5.14±0.22 5.14±0.22 RNA

HCHO-treated 64 5.24i0.26 5.24±0.26




aBacteriophage R17RNA, measured under

identi-calconditionsonseparate grids,wasfoundtohave a mean length of 1.2 gm whether or not it had been reacted with formaldehyde. Molecular weight esti-mates ofR17 RNA varyfrom1.05 x 106(11) to 1.3 x 106 (6). Assuming amolecular weight of 1.2 x 106, 1

,gmofRNAspreadby this techniqueisequivalentto 1.0 x 106daltons. For detailsofspreading technique, see legendtoFig. 5.

FIG. 4. Length measurements of NDV RNA by electron microscopy.NDV RNA wasreacted with T4 gene 32protein,fixedwithglutaraldehyde,andspread

aspreviously described (7). The graph at the top of

thefigure shows thefrequencydistributionoflengths

observed (abscissarepresents length in micrometers; ordinate represents number of molecules). The hori-zontal bar in thegraphdenotes thelengthdistribution of thepeak used to determine the mean length. Bar length in photograph (final magnification, 28,800)

equals1 um.

designedtotestthispossibility. Duplicate

sam-ples of 3H-labeled Sendai RNA and

non-radi-oactivecell RNAwereplacedinSPB bufferand

made 1.1 M in formaldehyde. One sample

(panel b)washeated (10min at 60 C) whilethe

other (panel a) was left in ice, and then both

samples were subjected to electrophoresis in

polyacrylamide gels. The arrows in panel a,

from left to right, show the positions of

formal-dehyde-treated Sendai RNA, 28S rRNA, and 18S rRNA obtained by normalizing their

posi-tions so that untreated and

formaldehyde-treated 18S rRNA coincide. The electrophoretic

mobility of Sendai RNA has been decreased proportionately more than that of 28 and 18S

rRNA by formaldehyde treatment. Assuming

that a linear semilogarithmic relationship of

P. I"-.--I

FIG. 5. Length measurement of HCHO-treated NDV RNA by electron microscopy. RNA was spread without theaid of T4 gene 32 protein essentially as described byInman and Schnos (12). One microgram ofNDV RNA in 50jilitersofSPB buffer was made 1.1 M informaldehydeandheatedfor 10 min at 60 C. Five microliters ofthe RNAsolution was then mixed with 20 jliters of buffer as previously described (12) ex-cept that the pH was adjusted to 6.4, and 20


of formamide, 4 jiliters of 0.1% cytochrome and 5

on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:6.493.259.453.78.173.2] [image:6.493.278.439.269.557.2]








0 10 20 30 40 0 10 00 30 39

FIG. 6. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of untreated and HCHO-treated Sendai RNA. Duplicate samples for electrophoresis contained 12,000 counts/min of 3H-labeled 48S Sendai RNA (8,000 counts per min per 1sg) and 8


of cell RNA in 20


of SPB buffer. To one sample (panel B) 2 p liters of 28% HCHO in SPB was added, and the sample was heated for6min at 60 C. Each sample was then diluted with an equal volume of 40% glycerol, subjected to electrophoresis in 2.2%polyacrylamidegels containing 0.6% agarose, and processed as described in Materials and Methods.

mobility versus molecular weight holdstrue in

ourgelsystem asinothers (2, 6), the molecular

weight of formaldehyde-treated Sendai RNA

estimated from the data shown in panel b is

approximately 10 x 106, whereas that from

panela (untreated) is 4.7 x 106. Since electron

microscopy measurements of the lengths of

untreated andformaldehyde-treatedNDVRNA

show no significant difference, it seems clear

thattheseparainfluenza RNAs under the

dena-turing conditions we have used still possess

sufficient secondary structure which leads to

unreliable molecular weight estimations using

techniques basedonthehydrodynamic

proper-ties of RNA.


Estimates of the molecular weight of RNAs

bysucrose gradient sedimentationor

polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis with RNAs of known

molecularweight areonly reliable when all the

polyribonucleotide chains used are true

struc-tural homologues, i.e., their Stokes' radius isa

monotonic function of chain length. It is clear

from the data presented in this paperthat the

molecular weights obtained under the

condi-tions of denaturation usedarenot reliable, and

that parainfluenza RNAs and cellular rRNA

therefore do not have the same hydrodynamic

,glitersof this mixture wasthenspreadonwater

proc-essed for electron microscopy as previously

de-scribed (12). Untreated RNA was processed

identi-cally, except that it was not heated. Details of the graphat thetopofthefigurearegivenin thelegend toFig.4.Finalmagnification of photographis33,000.

properties in 99%DMSOorafterheatingin 1.1


Strauss et al. (16) have shown that 99%

DMSO at room temperature


dena-turesRNAs from 0.55 x 106to2.1 x 106 daltons

to allow their separation



ac-cordingto chain length. It is


that this method is inapplicable tolarger RNAs such as

NDV RNA or Sendai RNA simply because of

theirsize, since45SrRNA precursor (4.1 x 106

[18]) sediments insucrose gradients containing 99% DMSOat a rateconsistentwithits molecu-lar weight (13). It seems more likely that the assumption that99% DMSO at room tempera-ture equally denatures all RNAs is incorrect.

The finding of Ariv and Faulkner (1) that

Sindbis RNA,

another animalvirus


sedi-ments in sucrose

gradients containing 99%

DMSO at a rate


slower than that

expected from its molecular weight is

note-worthy inthis respect. Furthermore, high

con-centrations offormamide, another nonaqueous

solvent known to destroy


sec-ondary structure (17), has been foundby some

workers toonlypartially denaturecertain RNAs

at roomtemperature (16).


Boedtker has shown that reactionfor 15 min at

63C is sufficient to permit molecular weight

estimations in sucrose gradients or

polyacryl-amide gels (5, 6). Although intheexperiments

reported here the RNAs had been reacted for

only 10 min at 60C to minimize thermal

degradation, reaction of the RNAsfor 15minat

63C did not


alter the results

presented here. Again, since


on November 10, 2019 by guest



treated Sendai RNAmoves moreslowly relative

tocellular rRNAonbothsucrosegradients and

polyacrylamide gels, it seems clear that these

RNAs donot havesimilarhydrodynamic

prop-erties and that formaldehyde treatment, like

99% DMSO, does not equally denature all RNAs.

The molecular weight estimates from length

measurements in the electron microscope

pre-sented here have not been corrected for

differ-ences in base compositions between R17 RNA

and theparainfluenza RNAs, orforthepossible

varying degree of stretching ofDNA relativeto

the RNA-protein complex where T4 gene 32

protein has been used. For these reasons the

molecular weight estimates have a probable

uncertainty of 10%.Y Nevertheless, in view of

our findings that not all RNAs are equally

denatured under such conditionsas99%DMSO

or reaction with 1.1 M formaldehyde, we feel

that molecular weight estimation methods

which are independent ofhydrodynamic

prop-erties, such as length measurement in the

electron microscope, provide a more reliable



We thank Pierre-Francsois Spahr for generous advice, encouragement, and support. Andree Bruschi and Edith Gallayfor excellent technicalassistance, andPeterBromley forhelpful discussion.

This workwassupported by research grantno. 3.816.72 and 3.810.72fromthe FondsNational Suisse de la Recherche Scientifique.


Duesberg and Vogt have recently estimated the molecularweightofSendaiRNAby electrophoresisin formamide-polyacrylamide gels with 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, andtobaccomosaic virus(TMV) RNAas

cali-bration standards (9). By using either 18 and 28S rRNAsor18SrRNA and TMV RNAto constructtwo linear calibrationcurves,they haveobtainedby extrap-olation molecular weight estimates for Sendai RNA ranging between 2.5 x 106 and 3.8 x 106. However,

since they did not observe a linear relationship be-tween the mobilities of the three marker RNAs and thelogarithmoftheir molecularweights,itseems

un-likelythat linearextrapolationwillyieldanaccurate

molecular weight estimate ofSendai RNA. As

dis-cussed above, the non-linearity they have observed

maybeduetounequaldenaturation of their marker RNAs.


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on November 10, 2019 by guest



FIG. NUMBERrationsedimentedsamplesfrom400-foldMaterials)SendailabeledRNA,scribeddissolvedcounts/mmn)excessdescribedincellmentsindicated(13), 99%o renatu- RNA were the which 14C- (1.36 by RNA (13)
FIG. NUMBERsample.gradientsprocessedtationmentationmicrolitersother3H-labeledbufferThe"4C-labeled sedimen- samples sample of and sedi- One Effect for for as of of 48S centrifuged cell previously were sample (panel 28% 105 of RNA ofFRACTION 3
TABLE 2. Molecular weight determination by electronmicroscopy
FIG. 6.glycerol,forandadded,described Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of untreated and HCHO-treated Sendai RNA


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