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Two "early" mRNA species in adenovirus type 2-transformed rat cells.


Academic year: 2019

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CopyrightC1977 American Society forMicrobiology PrintedinU.S.A.

Two "Early" mRNA





2-Transformed Rat Cells


Centerfor Cancer Research, Massachusetts InstituteofTechnology, Cambridge,Massachusetts 02139 Received for publication 7 February 1977

mRNAisolated fromadenovirus 2-infected HeLa cellsatearlytimesduring the productive cycleand fromtwolinesof adenovirus 2-transformedratembryo cells (F17andT2C4)wasfractionatedon sucrosegradients after disaggregation.

Viral mRNA species wereidentified byhybridizationacrosssuchgradientswith

theseparated strands of restriction endonucleasefragmentsof 32P-labeled DNA known tobe complementary to adenovirus 2 "early" and adenovirus 2-trans-formed cell mRNA. mRNAtranscribed from the left-hand14%of the adenovirus

2genome wasfoundtocomprisetwospecies, 16 to17S and 20to21S: thesame

sized mRNA'swerepresent both atearly times during productive infectionand inthetwotransformedratcell lines. Directcomparison of thesequencespresent

inthesetwomRNAspeciesbyadditional saturationhybridizationssuggests that

theyare notrelatedto oneanother. Threeadditionalregionsof the adenovirus 2

genome, all of which are located in the right-hand 40% of the adenovirus 2

genome, arecomplementarytoearly mRNAsequences:each of theseappears to

specify one major mRNA species of about 22S. Thus, five major species of adenovirustype 2early mRNA have beenidentified. Two ofthese, copiedfrom the left-hand 14% of theviral genome, are alsopresent inadenovirus 2-trans-formedratcells.

Before replication of viral DNA begins in

adenovirus type 2 (Ad2)-infected HeLa cells,

expression of viral information is quite

re-stricted;"early" mRNA istranscribedfromonly

9to 13% and 14to 19% of the1 andrstands of

Ad2 DNA,respectively (20, 25, 33), and

consti-tutes asmall fraction of the infected cells'

poly-somal mRNA (7, 22, 23). The regions of the viral genome from which Ad2 earlymRNA is

transcribed have been mapped by saturation

hybridization of unlabeled mRNA tothe

sepa-rated strands ofrestriction endonuclease

frag-ments of32P-labeled Ad2 DNA (9, 25, 26, 33).

These mRNA sequences derive from four

widely spaced regions, two on each strand of the Ad2genome. Ifthe Ad2 genome is

consid-ered to be 100 units in length with the zero

coordinateatthe left end of the DNA (Fig. 1),

then early mRNA complementary to the r

strandoccupies 7 units, lyingbetween 3and14

map units and also the region of 81 to 85 map

units; mRNA from the 1 strand has been

mapped to about 4 units between positions 58.5

and 70.7 and to a second site at 90 to 94 units

(33). A similar map has been derived by

Pet-tersson etal. (25), although the regions of the

genome assigned to early mRNA appear

slightly larger.

'Presentaddress: Department of Biochemical Sciences, PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,NJ08540.


All lines of Ad2-transformed rat embryocells

that have been examined to date contain a

singlecommon setof viralDNA sequences inte-gratedinto theirchromosomes; these comprise

the left-hand 12 to 14% of Ad2 DNA (29, 34).

About half of this DNAisexpressedasmRNA

sequences, which are complementary to the r

strand and are indistinguishable from the

mRNA sequences copied from this region at

early times during productive infection (10). Several laboratories have described 20S Ad2

early andAd2-transformed cell mRNA species

(13, 22, 23, 31, 37, 39, 40). Species of20Searly

mRNA appear to be complementary to both

strands ofthe viral genome (2, 26), and the

more precise localization of different early

mRNA species to various restriction endonucle-ase fragmentsofAd2 DNA hasbeen reported

(3, 6, 35). However, the exact arrangement of

Ad2 early mRNA sequences in RNA chains is

notclear. Moreover, the state of the viral DNA

from which sequences common to all

trans-formed cells andearly mRNA's aretranscribed

ispresumably differentinthe two cases,

auton-omous intheinfectedcellcontrastedwith

inte-gratedinthetransformed cell. It is therefore of

interestto establish whether or not thespecies

ofmRNA present inAd2-transformed cellsare

thesameasthose synthesized early in produc-tiveinfection.

on November 10, 2019 by guest




20-21S 16-17S

_-4 _


4.4 25.5 58.5 70.7 75.9 83A 89J

. r

EIA B F D El C a

22S 22S

FIG. 1. Map of Ad2 early mRNA. Ad2 genome is represented by the two horizontal lines. Solid and dashed vertical bars and letters show cleavage sites and fragments generated by EcoRI andHpaI, respec-tively. Arrows immediately above and below the ge-nome indicate thesimplest arrangement of RNA se-quences, from which early mRNA is transcribed, consistent with the results of saturation hybridiza-tion experiments (9, 10). At the left-hand end, the arrangement of thesesequences to form two species, suggested by the studies described here, is also shown. The size of each early Ad2 mRNA species measuredhere is shown above or below the appropri-atearrow.

This communication describes the

fractiona-tion of bothunlabeled Ad2 early and

Ad2-trans-formed cellpolyadenylic acid

[poly(A)]-contain-ingcytoplasmicorpolysomal RNA and

identifi-cation of the species transcribedfrom different

regions of the viral genome by hybridization

withthe separatestrandsofrestriction

endonu-clease fragmentsof32P-labeled Ad2 DNA. The

relationship betweentwo speciesof mRNAthat

arecomplementary to the r strand at the

left-hand end of thegenome has beenexplored by saturationhybridizationoffractionated mRNA to32P-labeled rstrand DNA derived from the

left-hand 24% ofAd2 DNA. Tworather differ-ent lines ofAd2-transformed rat embryo cells

werechosenfor thisstudy: F17,whichcontains

andexpresses aslittleAd2 information as any

characterized cell line, and T2C4, which

con-tainsAd2DNA sequences from manyregionsof

the viral genomeand synthesizesmRNA

com-plementary to all regions of the Ad2 genome

from which early mRNA sequences are

tran-scribed(10, 29, 33).


Cells and virus. The maintenance of HeLa cells in

suspension culture andthe propagation ofAd2 in

themhas beendescribed,ashasgrowthofthe

trans-formedratembryocells F17 and T2C4(10).All virus

stocks were titered on HeLa cell monolayers as

described by Williams (43). 32P-labeled virus was


Preparationof restrictionfragmentsof Ad2 DNA

and separationof their strands. Ad2 DNAwas

ex-tracted from purified virions asdescribed by Pet-terssonandSambrook(24).Fragmentsof 32P-labeled Ad2 DNA(specific activity,0.5x 106 to 1x 106cpm/

sug)generated bycleavagewith EcoRIorHpaIwere

separated by electrophoresis, and the strands of


denatured DNAasdescribedindetail elsewhere(9).


Preparation of RNA. All buffers and utensils for RNA preparation were treated with 0.3% diethyl-pyrocarbonate at6800 for several hours. Cytoplas-micand nuclear fractions of HeLa cells infectedwith 10to 20PFU of Ad2 per cell for 8 h in the presence of 20 j.gof cytosine arabinoside per ml and ofF17 and T2C4 cells were separated by treatment with Nonidet P-40 (19). In some experiments, polyribo-somes were pelleted from the cytoplasmic fraction by centrifugation through 1.0 M sucrose containing 0.01MTris-hydrochloride, pH 7.9, and 1 mM MgCl2 at23,000 rpm for 6 h in a Spinco SW27 rotor.Further purification of mRNA is described in the legend to Fig. 2.

Sucrose gradient sedimentation. Purified early

and transformed cell poly(A)-containing

cytoplas-mic RNA washeated at650Cin95% dimethyl sulfox-ide for 5 min and precipitated in 2 volumes of ethanol in 0.10 M sodium acetate at -20'C. Samples of suchdisaggregatedRNAwerefractionated in 15 to 30%sucrosegradients containing, in 0.01 M

Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.4): 0.10 M LiCl, 1 mM EDTA,

and 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) previously treated with 0.3% diethylpyrocarbonate. Samples of

disaggregated RNA mixed with 14C_ or 3H-labeled

simian virus 40(SV40) form I DNA were loaded in

volumes of0.1ml or less.Centrifugation,in aSpinco

SW41 rotor, was at 39,500 rpm for 6.5 h at250C.

Fractionsof 0.15 ml were collected from the bottom of each tube, and 20-plportions were counted di-rectly in 3 mlof Aquasol II (New England Nuclear

Corp.)tolocatemarkerSV40form I DNA or labeled

RNA species. Hybridization offraction portions to

separatedstrands of restriction endonuclease

frag-ments of32P-labeled Ad2 DNA is described in the legend to Fig. 2.


Number of Ad2early mRNAspecies. Disag-gregated, poly(A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA

isolated from HeLa cells infected with Ad2 in

the presence of cytosine arabinoside to inhibit

viral DNA replication was fractionated on 15 to

30%o sucrose gradients to separate mRNA's of

different size. RNAcomplementaryto different

regions of the Ad2 genome was located in the

gradientby hybridizing portions of fractionsof

such gradients to the separated strands of

re-striction endonuclease fragmentsof32P-labeled DNA under conditions in which the extent of

hybridization reflected the amount of RNA

added. Six probes were used: the rstrands of

HpaIfragments C and E and EcoRI fragments

DandE, and the 1 strands of EcoRIfragments

Band C. Between them, these contain all the Ad2earlymRNAcodingsequences (Fig. 1).In

each case, except with the r strand of HpaI

fragment C, onediscretepeak ofRNA

hybrid-izedtothe probe, and this sedimentedslightly fasterthan SV40 form I DNA (Fig. 2). No hy-bridizationabovebackground (5%ofinput)was

seen toDNAprobesnotcomplementaryto Ad2

early mRNA, such as the 1 strand of EcoRI VOL. 23, 1977

on November 10, 2019 by guest




3 - 12 3 30






4 tO

20 40 60 20 40 60

Eco RCIC 4 Hpom- Cr i20 e



2d(2d20c i 2 - <



RI Dr 4 - I Er 40


contdn m o AuaolIItodeecrmietepoiinofteitenlr4Hporm 40N a otin 5

3 -60 3 -30

2 -40 2 -20

I ~~~20~~~ ~ /10

20 40 60 20 40 60

Fraction number

FIG. 2. Ad2 early mRNA species. P oly(A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA was isolated fom HeLa cells

infectedat amultiplicity of 10 to20PFU0celZwithAd2and maintainedat37bC for8hinthepresenceof2O g

ofcytosine arabinosideper ml, as described in Materials and Methods. After oligodeoxythymidylic

acid-cellulosechromatography, Poly(A)-containing fractions(0.5to2.0mg) wereprecipitatedwith2volumesof

ethanol in0.1Msodiumacetate at -200Covernight. Theprecipitatewascollected,dissolved in 0.01 M

Tris-hydrochloride,pH 7.4, containing0.1 MNaCl,1 mMEDTA, 0.5% SDS, 0.3%diethylpyrocarbonate, and 95%dimethyl sulfoxide,and heatedat68CforS min.After reprecipitation,theRNAwasdissolved in small

volumes, 0.1 to0.5ml,ofthebufferdescribedabovewithoutdimethyl sulfoxide. Samples,0.1 ml,of early

RNApreparedinthiswaywere mixedwith a4plorH-labeled SV40formIDNAandappliedto11-ml,15to 30%sucrosegradientsin0.01 MTris-hydrochloride (pH7.4), 1 mMEDTA, 0.10MLiCl,0.5%SDS, and

0.3%diethylpyrocarbonate. Centrifugationwasat 39,500rpmate25CinaBeckmanSW41rotorfor6.5h,and 0.15-mlfractionswerethencollectedfromthe bottomofeachtube.Portions(20 )ofeveryotherfr-actionwere countedin 3 mlofAquasolII todetermine thepositionofthe internalSV40formIDNA (me).Portions (50


ofthefractions shown were also hybridized with 32P-labeled, separatedstrands ofDNA ofrestriction

endonucleasefragments ofAd2 DNA knowntobecomplementarytoAd2earlymRNA(10). Such hybridiza-tionswereperformedinafinalvolumeof0.10 to 0.15mlandcontained,besidesfr-actionatedRNA,0.5X10-3

to1 XI10


of32P-labeled,single-strandedDNA(specific activity,0.5 X106to1 x106cpmlpg),0.10M

Tris-hydrochloride, pH7.4,1.0 MNaCl,and0.5%SDS. Incubationwasat680C for24to36h,and theextentof

hybrid formation was analyzed using


nucleaseas describedpreviously(11).Incakculating theextentof

hybridization, correction has been made, whereapplicable, forspilloverof14C2counts intothe 32P-channel

duringcounting.Thefraction ofproberesistant to


nucleaseafterincubationalone, i.e.,background,which

rangedfrom2to6%, hasnotbeensubstracted. (@-@)Hybridizationtoeachofthe sixprobescomplementary

to"early" mRNA used here.


on November 10, 2019 by guest




fragment F (data not shown). Thus, the ob-served hybridization cannot be the result of contaminating viral DNA, but rather repre-sentsAd2early mRNAspecies.Insome

experi-mentsshownin Fig. 2, those with the strand

ofEcoRI fragment C and therstrand of EcoRI

fragments D andE,forexample,some

hetero-geneousmaterial nearthetop of the gradient

also appeared to hybridize to a small extent

with the 32P-labeledprobe DNA. However, this

phenomenonwasnotreproducible with differ-entpreparations of early mRNA.

When the rstrand of HpaIfragment Cwas usedtoassay acrossthe gradient, twodiscrete

peaks of RNA were observed: the larger sedi-mented just ahead of SV40 form I DNA in a

mannerverysimilartothat observed forearly

mRNAcomplementary totherstrandof adja-centHpaI fragment E (Fig. 2).Therstrand of

HpaI fragment E can encode only about 400

nucleotides of early mRNA (10), suggesting

that RNA sequences transcribed from the r strands ofbothHpaI fragments C and Emust

bepresentinthis20to21Sspeciesof Ad2early

mRNA. Similarargumentsindicatethat early

mRNA sequences complementary to the r strand ofEcoRI fragments D and E are also


The pattern ofdiscrete-sized mRNA species

shown in Fig. 2 was highly reproducible with

different preparations of Ad2 early, poly(A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA, although with


de-pendentonthepreparationof32P-labeled, sin-gle-stranded probe DNA; it was also observed

when poly(A)-containing, early polyribosomal

RNA was analyzed in a similar fashion (data notshown, butincludedinTable1).These data demonstrate that Ad2 early mRNA sequences comprisefivemajorspecies of RNA,which are

complementaryto discrete regions of the viral


To assignsedimentation coefficientstothese

Ad2early mRNA species, the sedimentation of

each ofthe species described above was

mea-sured relative to that of SV40 form I DNA.

Values from several experiments, with their means, are given in columns 2 and 3,

respec-tively, of Table 1.Thesedimentation of several standardRNAspecies, including 35S poliovirus

RNA (36), 30S, 15S, and 12 to 13S vesicular

stomatitis virus RNA (18), and 288 and 18S

rRNA, relative to that of SV40 form I DNA

under these conditions was also determined.

The sedimentation coefficients for Ad2 early

mRNA shown in column 4 of Table 1 were

assigned by comparison with these standard

RNA species. The Ad2 early mRNA species

observedrange insizefrom22S, early mRNA

TABLE 1. Ad2 earlyandAd2-transformedcell mRNA speciesa

Sedi-Relativesedi- Averagerel- menta-Probe metto ativesedi- tion

mentation coeffi-cient(S) EarlymRNA

HpaICr I 0.95, 0.97, 0.97 0.96 + 0.01 21.4 HpaICr f 0.85,0.76, 0.83 0.81 + 0.05 16.8 HpaI Er 1.05, 1.03 1.04 ± 0.01 22.0 EcoRIBI 1.08,1.03 1.06+ 0.03 22.4 EcoRICl 1.03, 1.03 1.03 21.8 EcoRIDr 1.05, 1.00 1.03± 0.03 21.8 EcoRIEr 1.03, 1.03 1.03 21.8 F17 mRNA

HpaI Cr I 0.92, 0.97, 0.83 0.91± 0.07 20.0 HpaI CrII 0.87,0.76, 0.66 0.76±0.15 16.3 HpaI Er 1.03, 1.03 1.03 21.8 T2C4mRNA

HpaI CrI 0.87, 0.97 0.92±0.07 20.4 HpaICrII 0.71, 0.78 0.75±0.04 16.0

aUnlabeledAd2 earlyorAd2-transformed cell mRNA wasfractionatedasdescribedinthelegendstoFig.2and3. Species complementary to the probes listedin column 1

wereassayedasdescribedinthelegendtoFig.2. mRNA species I and II complementary to the r stand ofHpaI fragmentC aredefinedinthelegendtoFig.4.The sedimen-tationrelative to an internal marker, 3H- or14C-labeled SV40 form IDNA, was measured for eachpeak ofRNA observed. These valuesandtheirmeansareshownin col-umns 2and 3,respectively. The sedimentation coefficient (column 4) of each specieswasdetermined from the sedi-mentationofaseriesof standardRNAspecies,asdescribed inthe text.

complementary to the 1 strand ofEcoll

frag-ments Band Candtherstrand ofEcoRI

frag-mentsDand E, to16to17S, the smaller species

transcribedfromtherstrand ofHpaIfragment


It is alsopossible to estimate the molecular

weightsofAd2earlymRNAspecies fromaplot



againstrelative mobility constructed with the non-rRNA

spe-cies listed above, whose molecular


have been determined by electron microscopy

or chemicalmethods as well as by

sedimenta-tion and electrophoretic analyses (14, 27, 32,

36). Molecularweights of7.8 x 105, 7.2 x 105,

and 5.1 x 105 were determinedin this wayfor

the adenovirus 22S, 20 to 21S, and 16 to 17S

species of mRNA,


The 28S and

18S rRNA species were not included in this

molecularweight analysis, astheir

sedimenta-tion appeared anomalous relative to the

non-rRNAspecies; thispresumablyreflects the


degree of rRNA secondary structure (42). The


discussed below in relation to the results of saturationhybridization experiments.

Ad2-transformed cell mRNA species

tran-VOL. 23, 1977

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scribed from the left-hand 14% of the genome. Poly(A)-containing cytoplasmic RNA of two Ad2-transformed cell lines, F17 and T2C4, was fractionated on 15 to 50% sucrose gradients, and RNAspeciescomplementarytotherstrands of

HpaI fragments C and E were identified by

hybridization as described above. No other

viral mRNA sequences are synthesized in F17

cells (10). T2C4 cells express mRNA

comple-mentary to other early regions of the Ad2 ge-nome, but they are present at significantly lower concentrations than those from the left

end ofthegenome (11) and are, consequently,

more difficult to study by these techniques.

Nevertheless, a discrete species of viral RNA

complementary to the 1 strand of EcoRI

frag-ment B could be detected (data not shown). However, it is the mRNA from the left-hand

"transforming" regionthatisofgreatest


andT2C4cells complementarytotherstrandof

HpaI fragment C appear very similar, bothto one another and to the corresponding Ad2

earlymRNA species (Fig. 3). F17 mRNA

sedi-menting at 20 to 21S (Table 1) alsohybridized tothe rstrand of HpaI fragment E and must, therefore, contain RNA sequences complemen-tary to the rstrand ofHpaI fragments C and E. Presumably, mRNA sequences transcribed from the rstrand of HpaI fragment E are simi-larly arranged in T2C4 cells. The smaller mRNAspeciesarising from the r strand ofHpaI fragment C in both F17 and T2C4 cells has a sedimentation coefficient of about 16S (Table

1).Thus,thesetransformed cellmRNAspecies

complementarytotherstrandattheleft end of

theAd2 genome areidentical, by thecriteriaof

sizeand genomelocation, tothose synthesized

during the earlyphase of productive infection.

F17cellscontainviral DNA sequences that are

homologous to theregion of Ad2 DNA encom-passed by 0 to 14 map units (29). Since both the 20 to 21S and 16 to 17S mRNA species are present in F17cells,they can bemapped to the left ofposition 14 on the Ad2 genome.

Saturation hybridizationexperiments with

fractionated Ad2 early and Ad2-transformed cell mRNA. The fiveAd2earlymRNAspecies

describedhere appear tobe of sufficient sizeto

account fortheearlycodingcapacity of the four regions of the Ad2 genome depictedin Fig. 1.

This hasbeen confirmed by saturation

hybrid-izationexperimentsbetweenearly RNAspecies recovered from appropriate regions of sucrose gradients and separated strands of restriction

endonuclease fragments of 32P-labeled Ad2

DNA.As shown in Fig. 4, 20 to24S Ad2early

mRNAsaturated about 30% of the rstrand of

HpaIfragment E and the 1 strands of EcoRIB,

40% of the r strand of EcoRI fragment D and

probably of EcoRI fragment E, and about 45% of the 1 strand of EcoRI fragment C. These values are very close to, and in most cases identical with, those previously observed with

unfractionated, earlycytoplasmicRNA (11, 33).

Therelationship between thetwo species of

mRNA complementary totherstrand ofHpaI

fragmentC bothatearlytimesduring

produc-tiveinfectionand intransformed cells hasalso

been investigated bysaturationhybridization.

Both 20 to 24S and 15 to 17.5S early mRNA

fractions saturate 10to 12% of therstrand of

HpaI fragmentC(Fig.4D);however, about25%

of this probe enters hybrid when increasing

amountsof20to 24S mRNA arehybridizedin

the presence ofa saturating amount of15 to 17S mRNA. Similar resultshave beenobserved

with the corresponding species of F17 mRNA (Fig. 4B) and T2C4 mRNA (data not shown)

andrecentlywith therstrandofSmafragment

Fraction number

FIG. 3. Some mRNA species present in two lines of Ad2-transformed rat embryo cells. mRNA species transcribed from the left-hand end of the Ad2 genome in two lines ofAd2-transformed cells,Fl7 clone 8 and T2C4, were assayed as described for early mRNA in the legend to Fig. 2. Symbols:(*0)position of internal SV40formIDNA, and(0-0)hybridization to the single-stranded probes shown.

on November 10, 2019 by guest




>. 40

._S 20


a .0


&L 4C


inT a- X0

2 4 2 4 2 4

Relative RNA concentration

2 4

FIG. 4. Saturation hybridization between frac-tionated Ad2 early and Ad2-transformed cell RNA and theseparated strands ofrestrictionendonuclease fragments of 32P-labeled Ad2DNA. Earlyand trans-formed cell mRNA fractions containing viral

se-quences werepooledonthe basis of hybridizationto the rstrand of HpaI fragment C, to givetwo frac-tions,I andII,which containedRNAsedimentingat 20 to 24S and 15 to 17.5S, respectively. In these experiments,a3H-labeledSV40 formIDNA internal

marker was used. Pool I and II RNA was

precipi-tated with2volumes ofethanol overnightat-200Cin thepresenceof50pgofyeasttRNA.Theprecipitates

were dissolved in0.5ml of0.01 M

Tris-hydrochlo-ride, pH 7.4, containing 0.15 MNaCl and 1 mM EDTA. Increasing amounts ofpool I and pool II RNA were then hybridized with the separated

strands of restriction endonuclease fragments of32P_ labeled Ad2 DNA showninthe figure;reactionswere

performedin0.10to0.15 mlat68C for24to36 h andcontainedpoolIorpoolIIRNA;about300cpm

of 32P-labeled, single-stranded viral DNA; and0.10 Mphosphate buffer, pH 6.8,containing 1.0MNaCl and0.5% SDS.Reactionswereanalyzed by

chroma-tographyon hydroxylapatite.Symbols: (x)and (0)

annealing of poolIIandpoolIearlyortransformed

cell mRNA, respectively, to the probe shown; (0) hybridization of4 unitsof poolIIRNA inthe pres-enceoftheincreasingconcentrations of poolIRNA

shownontheabscissa; (0),ontheordinate,

hybridi-zationof poolIIRNA in theabsence ofaddedpoolI RNA.

Easprobe (T. Harrison, S. J. Flint, and P. A.

Sharp, manuscript in preparation). Although this method cannot eliminate the possibility

thatsomesequencerelationship exists between

the larger and smaller early and transformed

cell mRNA transcribed fromHpaI fragment C

(the variation observed between experiments

is about 5 to 10% ofthe fraction ofthe probe saturated), it does establish that the

smaller-sized mRNAspeciesdoesnotshare themajority

of itssequenceswith thelarger.

Thesedata, then,favortheinterpretation

de-picted inFig. 1: the cytoplasm ofAd2-infected

HeLa cells at early times after Ad2 infection

and of Ad2-transformed rat embryo cells

con-tains two species of mRNA arising from the left-hand 14%of the viralgenome. The larger, 20to21S, is complementarytoboth HpaI

frag-ments E and C and can, therefore, be located

between2.5to3and8units.The smaller, about

3to4units long, isdistinct from the larger and would, therefore, mapbetween8and 14units,

but it cannotbe placed moreprecisely within

thisregiononthe basis of available data.


This report describes the size distribution

andgenomelocalization of viral mRNAspecies synthesized during the early phase of produc-tive Ad2 infection andintwolinesof Ad2-trans-formed rat embryo cells. Ad2 mRNA species were identified by hybridization of disaggre-gated mRNA, following fractionationon 15 to

30%osucrosegradients tothe separated strands of appropriate restriction endonuclease

frag-ments of 32P-labeled DNA, under conditions

likely to approach DNA excess (11). By this

method, five discrete species of Ad2 early mRNA, two of which are also present in the F17- and T2C4-transformed cell lines, have beenidentified: theirsizepropertiesand

locali-zation onthe Ad2 genome are summarized in

Table 1 and Fig. 1, respectively.

Inthis study, early mRNAwasheatedin 95%

dimethyl sulfoxide beforeitssizewasanalyzed,

amethodthathas been showntoachieve effi-cientdisaggregation ofviral RNAsynthesized inthe nucleus of cells producing murine leuke-mia virusandtodenaturepoliovirus RNA (15). Moreover, when this treatment was omitted, earlyviralRNAwasalsoobserved in theregion

of thegradientstowhich28S rRNA sedimented

(data not shown). It therefore seems unlikely

that the mRNA species describedinthis report

represent aggregates ofsmaller RNA chains,

although this procedure probably does not

eliminate secondary structure inherent in the

singlemRNAmolecules themselves.

After disaggregation, RNA sequences com-plementary toeach ofthe early regions ofthe Ad2 genome, except that ubiquitously ex-pressedinadenovirus-transformedrodentcells, sedimented atabout 22S (Fig. 2and Table 1).

Estimatesofthe size of these threemRNA

spe-cies calculated from the fraction ofthe Ad2

genome saturatedbyeachofthemrangefrom

1,500 to 1,950 bases. This is about 25% lower

thanthelengthof2,300bases determinedfrom

theirsedimentation behavior alone. Theerrors

associated with these twodifferent methods of

size estimation are: (i) some underestimation

insize, calculated from the saturation values,

A.F17:HYMIEr B.F17: p.ICr C.'Early':HpoI D.'Early':HPo1



E.'Early':Eco F 'Early':Eco RIDrG 'Early':Eco H.'Early':Eco



_kX~a-VOL. 23, 1977

on November 10, 2019 by guest




arising from the fact that the maximum

frac-tion ofinput probe DNA thatcanbe scoredas

hybrid is 95% rather than 100%, and (ii) the effectsecondarystructureofRNAcanhaveon

itssedimentation rate. Given these considera-tions, the lengths of 22S adenovirus early

mRNA species calculated from sedimentation

and saturation data are in reasonable agree-ment.

Early mRNA species of similar size, 19 to

20.5S, complementary to EcoRI fragments B,

D, E, and C have been observed by Tal et al.

(35) and Buttneret al. (3), butthe former au-thors also describe an 11S species transcribed

from EcoRI fragments D and E. Suchsmaller RNA species were not detected in this study. The reasons for these differences are not

ob-vious, although they mightinpart reflect the

different analytical methods employed in the

two studies; the hybridization of unlabeled RNA to labeled DNA in the conditions used

here mightfailtodetectviral RNA presentat

low concentrations. The results of saturation

hybridization experiments, depictedin Fig. 4,

indicate that the 22S mRNAspeciesdescribed here arecomplementarytothe total early

cod-ing capacity of these regions, i.e., the three

right-hand early regions (Fig. 1), asmeasured

by saturation hybridization experiments with unfractionated Ad2 early mRNA (10). Thus, thestatusof smaller RNA species

complemen-tary to these same regions, which could then only be derived from the larger molecules, is

notclear they could, for example,representthe products of either meaningful cleavage(s) of larger mRNA species or merely nonspecific


Two species of early and transformed cell mRNA, 20to21S and16to17S,complementary to ther strand between 0 and 14 unitsonthe

Ad2 genome are identified here. Recently,

Bachenheimer and Darnell (1) have described

two very similar species of viral mRNA, 20S

and 15S, complementary to the region of the Ad2 genome between 2.9 and 11.1 map units

(Sma fragment E)presentinthe8617line(12)

oftheAd2-transformedratcells. Viral mRNA

species of22to 24S and 14S transcribed from

this sameregionboth early during productive

infection(3)and in 8617 cells (5)have also been

reported. There is, therefore, general

agree-ment amongthese studies and the results re-ported here onthesizeof viral mRNA species

complementarytotherstrandatthe left-hand endof the Ad2genome.

However, thesequencerelationship between

the larger and smaller early and transformed

cellmRNAspecies remains controversial.

Butt-neretal. (3)and Chinnaduraietal.(5)wereable

toselectbothspecies of viral mRNAby

hybridi-zation tofragments of Ad2 DNA derived from

theleft-handof the viral genome, suchasHpaI

fragment E, that are far toosmalltoencode the two species.These authors thereforepostulate

that the smaller mRNA, which in their hands hybridizes to bothHpaI fragment E and HpaI fragment C, probably contains two species of mRNA,both of whichmaybederivedfrom the larger. Onthe otherhand,the resultsreported

here are most consistent withadifferent inter-pretation, thatdepictedinFig. 1; the observa-tionsthatthe 16 to17S early and transformed

cell mRNA species do not hybridize to HpaI

fragment E (Fig. 2-4) and contain a set of se-quences



fragment C, distinct from those comprising the 20 to21S mRNA (Fig. 4BandD), suggest that little or no sequence relationship exists be-tween these mRNA species. Sedimentation

analysis indicates that the20to 21Sand 16 to

17S species comprise 2,000 and 1,400 bases,

re-spectively, whereasthe estimatesbasedon

sat-uration hybridization dataare 1,500and 1,110

bases, respectively. Thus SmafragmentE(2.9

to 11.1 mapunits, 2,900 bases), to whichboth the largerand smaller earlyand transformed cellmRNA'shybridize (1,3,5),appearsto

con-tainsufficient informationtoencode both the20

to 21S and the 16 to 17S Ad2 mRNA species

with little or no sequence overlap.

Unfortu-nately, however, we have no simple

explana-tionfortheapparentdiscrepancy between the

data reported here and the previous

observa-tions describedabove (3, 5). Inthiscontext, it

should benotedthatCraigandher colleagues

detect 22S earlyRNA in nuclear preparations

(8), butonly11S and 13S mRNA species (6)in


Taking thesizesof the22S, 20to21S,and16

to 17S viral mRNA species, estimated from

their sedimentation behavior andfrom

satura-tion hybridization experiments as upper and

lowerlimits,respectively, of their coding

capac-ities, we estimate that these three species en-code 59,000 to 78,000, 50,000 to 65,000, and 35,0000 to 48,000 daltons of protein,

respec-tively.The 22S mRNA species transcribed from

the 1 strand of EcoRI fragment B is not too dissimilar in calculated coding capacity from the 72,000-dalton, single-stranded, DNA bind-ingprotein species by this region (21, 38). How-ever, allother species appeartohave theability

to code for a considerably larger amount of protein than has actually been ascribed to the

corresponding regions of the viral genome;

early mRNAtranscribed from the r strand of

HpaIfragments C and E, for example, appar-ently could specify a total of some 85,000 to

on November 10, 2019 by guest




113,000 daltons of protein, but only a

15,000-dalton and a 45,000- to 50,000-dalton

polypep-tide have been assigned to this region (21). Six infected, cell-specific early polypeptides have

been shown to be viral in origin (21), but

sev-eral others have been described (4, 16, 28).

Thus, it is not obvious at the present time

whether each ofthe early mRNA species

de-scribed here encodes more than one viral

poly-peptide, orwhether muchof theirinformation

is not expressed. We can, however, anticipate that at least two early viral polypeptides, one or bothofwhich may be necessary and sufficient

for initiation and maintenance of the



are synthesizedinall lines

ofAd2-transformed ratembryo cellsthat

con-tainthe left-hand 14%oftheviral genome.

Finally, it is clear fromthe observations

re-ported here that the same species of viral

mRNA aresynthesizedboth at early times dur-ing productive infection and in

Ad2-trans-formed cells. These data, together with the

preferential synthesis of early mRNA

se-quences in transformed cells (10, 15), suggest that it isunnecessary to postulate the existence

of different transcriptional modes ofadenovirus

DNA sequences present in the various environ-mentsofproductivelyinfectedandtransformed



Giftsof3H-labeled vesicularstomatitis virus and polio-virusRNAfrom Schmuel Rosenblatt and VictorAmbrose, respectively, and (4C- and3H-labeled, respectively, SV40 formI DNAfrom EllenRothenbergandDavidSmotkinare

gratefullyacknowledged.Iwould liketothankSusan Ber-getandArnoldLevineforhelpfulcomments onthis

manu-script andespecially PhilSharpfor his advice and


Thiswork wassupportedbyagrantfromthe American CancerSociety (no.VC-151)andaPublicHealthService grantfrom the National Cancer Institute (no.CA13106-03).


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Fig. 2.tovolumesdisaggregatedhydrochlorideSucrose gradient sedimentation. Purified earlyand transformed cell poly(A)-containing cytoplas-mic RNA was heated at 650C in 95% dimethyl sulfox-ide for 5 min and precipitated in 2 volumes ofethanol in 0.10 M sodiu
FIG. numbercountedcelluloseRNA30%ofendonucleaseethanolinfected95%hybridization,duringhydrochloride,0.3%0.15-mlhydrochloride,tohybridtionsvolumes,torangedpi) 1 "early" cytosine cells  XIof sucrose dimethyl were diethylpyrocarbonate
FIG. 3.SV40transcribedT2C4, Some mRNA species present in two lines of Ad2-transformed rat embryo cells
Table 1dimethylcient and Fig. 1, respectively.In this study, early mRNA was heated in 95% sulfoxide before its size was analyzed,a method that has been shown to achieve effi- disaggregation of viral RNA synthesizedin the nucleus of cells producing murine l


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