Copyright C) 1991, AmericanSociety for Microbiology
Regulation of Poliovirus
Departmentof Microbiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University,
701 West168th Street, New York, New York 10032
Received 10 August 1990/Accepted 21 December 1990
A lineofHeLa cells (SOFIA) was previously isolated that is resistanttopoliovirus infection and does not expressfunctional virus binding sitesatthe cellsurface. The expression of the poliovirusreceptor(PVR)gene
inSOFIAcells wasexaminedtodetermine the molecular basis for the failure of these cellstoexpressPVRs. Southern blot analysis ofgenomic DNA revealed that the PVR gene in SOFIA cells did notcontain gross
alterations. However,PVRtranscriptswerenotdetected in Northern (RNA) blotanalysis of SOFIAcell RNA. Invitronuclearrun-onanalysis showed that transcriptionof PVR-specific RNAwasreduced inSOFIA cells.
Treatmentof SOFIAcells with 5-azacytidine restored susceptibilityto poliovirus infection, which correlated
with theappearanceofPVRsatthe cellsurface,asdetected withanti-PVR monoclonal antibody D171. PVR RNAwas detected in clones derivedfrom5-azacytidine-treated SOFIA cells. SOFIA cellswereconvertedto
poliovirus sensitivity ata rateof 5to 7%, suggesting that down regulationof PVR expressioninvolved few
cellular targets. Resistance of SOFIA cells to poliovirus infection therefore appears to result from down
regulation ofPVR RNA, leadingtolackofPVR expressionatthe cellsurface. Methylationmayplayarole in regulating the expression of thePVR gene, whichis notessentialforsurvivalofHeLa cells.
Poliovirus infection of primate cell cultures usually results
in rapid cell death. Cell killing depends on both viral and
cellular determinants, few of which have been identified.
Oneapproachto elucidating cellular requirementsfor virus-mediated cell killing has been to isolate cell lines that are
partially or totally resistant to picornavirus infection.
Al-though a number ofsuch cell lines have been isolated (14, and references therein), in most cases, the mechanism of
resistanceto viralinfectionis notknown.
To identify host requirements for poliovirus replication,
we recently isolated HeLa cell lines that are resistant to
infectionwith this virus (14). These cell lineswereobtained
by cotransfecting HeLa cellswithpoliovirusRNAandanin vitro-synthesized subgenomic replicon lacking sequences
encoding the viral capsid proteins (15). Some cells survived
the viral infection and could be propagated, despite
contin-uousproductionof virusduringpassage. Over 6months,the
cells underwentperiods of crisis accompanied byextensive celldeath, followed by periodsofrecoveryandproliferation.
After6 months, cell lines were isolatedthatgrewstably in
culture and no longer produced poliovirus but supported
viral infection with different levels of efficiency. One line, SOFIA, was isolated that was resistant to poliovirus infec-tion duetorestrictionsatthe cell surface and within thecell
(14). The nature of the intracellular block to poliovirus infectioninSOFIA cellsisnotyetknown, whereasthe basis of the cell surface restriction is thetopic of this study.
SOFIAcells donotadsorbpoliovirus and donotexpress
the epitope recognized by monoclonal antibody D171, di-rectedagainstthecellularreceptorforpoliovirus(14). Here
we show that poliovirus receptor (PVR) mRNA cannotbe detected in SOFIA cells and that transcription ofthe PVR
gene appears to be down regulated. Treatment of SOFIA
cells with 5-azacytidine (5-azaC), a potent demethylating agent, resulted in partial restoration of susceptibility to
* Correspondingauthor.
poliovirus infection, accompanied by increased levels of PVR mRNA and cell surface reactivity with D171. These results demonstratethat SOFIA cells donotbindpoliovirus becausestablePVR mRNA isnotpresent.Treatment witha
demethylating agent, whichrestores susceptibilityto
infec-tion, mayactivate transcription of the PVRgene or agene
required forPVRexpression.
Cells and viruses. HeLa S3 and SOFIA cells (14) were
grown in either suspension cultures or monolayers. For
poliovirus titration, 2 x 106 HeLa cells grown in spinner
cultureswereplated in6-cmplasticcellculture dishes24 h beforeuse(16).ForpurificationofgenomicDNAorcellular
RNA,2 x 107cellswereplatedin15-cmplasticcell culture dishes 48 h beforeuseandgrowninDulbecco modifiedEagle
medium containing 10% horse serum (16). Stocks of
polio-virusP1/Mahoneywerepreparedin HeLacellsasdescribed
previously (16).
For infectious centers assay, monolayers were infected with poliovirus at a multiplicity of infection of 10 and
processed asdescribedpreviously (14).
Antisera. Monoclonal antibody D171 directedagainstthe HeLa cell PVR (21) was purified and used as described
previously (14). Sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulin 1251I-la-beled antibodies(2,000 Ci/mmol)wereobtained from Amer-sham Co.
Genomic DNA extraction and Southernhybridization
anal-ysis. Genomic DNA from HeLa and SOFIA cells was
isolated frommonolayersas describedpreviously (2).DNA was digested tocompletion with Sacl as recommended by
the manufacturer (New England BioLabs), fractionated on
0.8% agarose gels, and transferred to nitrocellulose paper
(Schleicher& Schuell)in10x SSC(1x SSC is 0.15 M NaCl
plus 0.015 M sodium citrate) as described previously (18).
Membrane-bound DNA was hybridized to a 32P-labeled XhoI-EcoRI cDNAfragmentofpSVL-H20A (20) containing
on November 10, 2019 by guest
nearly all the coding sequence of the PVR, prepared by
oligonucleotide-primed DNA synthesis (Pharmacia) to a
specific activity of 109 cpm/,ug of DNA. The filter was
washed three times(15min each)with 2x SSC-0.1% sodium
dodecyl sulfate (SDS) atroomtemperature and three times at65°C. Autoradiographywasfor 48h at -70°CwithKodak XAR film (Eastman Kodak Co.) and a single intensifying screen.
Isolation of RNA and Northern(RNA) hybridization
anal-ysis. Total RNA from HeLa and SOFIA cellswasprepared
by theguanidine thiocyanate-CsCl technique (18). Poly(A)+
RNA was selected by chromatography on prepacked
oli-go(dT)-cellulose columns (Collaborative Research)
accord-ing to the manufacturer. RNA was fractionated in 1%
agarose-formaldehyde gels, transferredtonitrocellulose pa-per,andhybridizedwitha32P-labeled double-strandedDNA
prepared asdescribed above. DNA probes were either the
cDNAfragmentdescribed above for Southernanalysisor a
1.0-kb PstI-XbaI cDNA fragment encoding human y-actin
(obtainedfrom L. Kedes). Prehybridizationwasdonefor 4 h at42°Cinasolutioncontaining50%formamide, 5x SSCPE
(1x SSCPE is 150 mM NaCl,15 mM sodiumcitrate, 13 mM
KH2PO4, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.2), 5x Denhardt's solution
(50x Denhardt'ssolution is 1% FicollDL, 1% bovineserum
albumin,1%polyvinylpyrrolidone),and 500 ,ugof denatured
herring sperm DNA per ml. Hybridization reactions were
done for 22 h at 42°C in 50% formamide-5x SSCPE-1x
Denhardt's solution-100 ,ug of denatured herring sperm
DNAperml-10% dextransulfate-150ngof 32P-labeled DNA
In vitro nuclear transcription assay. This assay was a
modification ofpublished procedures (3, 7, 19, 24). Nuclei
were isolated from 7 x 108 HeLa or SOFIA cells by suspending phosphate-bufferedsaline-washed cellsin 4 mlof
reticulocyte standard buffer (RSB) containing 1% Nonidet
P-40(23), incubatingthem for 10minonice,andcentrifuging them for 1 min at 15,000 x g. The nuclear pellet was
resuspendedin 1 ml of RSB-1% NonidetP-40, pelleted,and washed three times with reaction mix consisting of20 mM Tris(pH 7.4),140 mMKCl,10 mMMgCl2, 1 mM
dithiothre-itol,and20%glycerol. Nucleartranscription wasdone with
5 x 108 nuclei in 1ml ofreaction mix containing GTP, CTP,
and ATP (1 mM each), and 1 mCi of [a-32P]UTP (3,000 Ci/mmol; Dupont, NEN Research Products)at 30°C for 20
min. The reactionwas terminated with 1 ml of 2x HSB(20 mM Tris [pH 7.4], 1 MNaCl, 100 mM MgCl2,4mMCaCl2)
and20,ugof DNase Ipermlfor 30minatroomtemperature; 2.5 mlof2x TES(20mMTris[pH 7.4],20 mMEDTA,0.4%
SDS)and 300 ,gof tRNA were addedpriorto two
phenol-chloroformextractions at65°C. RNAwasprecipitatedfrom
the aqueous phase with 5% trichloroacetic acid and 60 mM
Na2P2O7 and filtered through 25-mm-diameter filters
(HAWP; 0.45-,um pore size; Millipore). After extensive
washing with 5%trichloroacetic acid and 60 mM Na2P2O7,
of 1x TES and incubated for 10 min at 65°C to elute RNA from the filter. This elutionstep was repeateduntil less than0.1% ofthe counts remained associated with the filter. RNA was
precipitatedwith 2volumesofethanol, resuspended in 50
of H20, and boiled for 3 min and placed on ice before addition to thehybridizationbuffer.
Filters were spotted with 5 ,ug ofa 1.0-kb XhoI-EcoRI cDNAfragmentfromplasmid pSVL-H20A (20)thatcontains
almost allthe coding sequence of the PVR, a 1.0-kb PstI-XbaI cDNA fragment encoding human-y-actin, and EcoRI-linearizedpUC19. Labeled RNA (5 x 107cpm)from either
HeLa or SOFIA cells was hybridized with a separate filter
containingthese three DNAs. Prehybridizationand hybrid-izationweredoneat42°Cfor 4 h and 3days, respectively,in
1mlof thesame solutions used for Northernhybridization. Filterswerewashed with 2x SSCat65°Cthree times(10min each) andonce at roomtemperature. High background was eliminatedby washing filters with 30 ml of 2x SSC
contain-ing100 units of boiled RNase T1 and 10 ,ug of boiled RNase Afor 1 hat37°C;750,ul of 20% SDS and 150 ,ul ofproteinase
K(20mg/ml)were added and incubatedfor 30 minat37°C. Finally,filterswere washed three times with 2x SSC-0.2% SDS at 65°C andexposed for 3to 10days as described for Southernanalysis.
Treatmentofcells with5-azaCand analysis ofPVR induc-tion. To optimize the concentrations of 5-azaC suitable for
ourexperiments, wegrew cells foratleast twogenerations
in the presence of 5, 10, or 20 ,uM 5-azaC as described
previously (8, 9); the latter concentration was found to be
cytotoxicandwasnotused further.Monolayersgrownin the presence of 5 and 10 FLM of 5-azaC were infected with
poliovirusat amultiplicityofinfection of10,and the kinetics
ofvirusproduction were determined. Therewere no
differ-ences in
yield in the presence ofS or 10 ,uM of 5-azaC(datanotshown),and therefore the latterconcentra-tion was used for subsequent experiments. For poliovirus infection and infectious centers assay, 6-cm dishes were
seeded with 106 HeLa or SOFIA cells containing regular growthmedia with 5-azaC. Cellsweregrowninthe presence of 5-azaC for 60 hto80% confluence and thenwereinfected withpoliovirustype 1 Mahoneyat amultiplicity of infection
of 10. After 60 minofadsorption, monolayerswerewashed
extensively and either trypsinized for infectious centers
assayorincubated for 48 hat37°Cforanalysisof virusyield;
for the latter,
of medium were taken at differenttimes and titratedon HeLacells(16).
For detection ofPVR at the cell surface, 96-well plates
were seeded with 104 HeLa or SOFIA cells per well and grown for 60 h in growth media with or without 10 ,uM 5-azaC. Cells were stained with 10-fold dilutions of
D171 and then with 125I-labeled sheepanti-mouse immunoglobulin (1 ,uCi per well), as described
previously (14). After extensivewashing, plates were
Analysis of PVR gene in SOFIA cells. SOFIA cells are
variants of HeLa cells thatareresistant topoliovirus
infec-tion. We previously showed that poliovirus cannot infect
SOFIA cells because cell receptors for the virus areabsent
(14). As afirst steptoward determiningthe molecular basis
forthe lack of functional PVR in SOFIAcells,weexamined
thestateof thePVRgeneby Southern hybridization
analy-sis. Therewere nodifferences in the patternsofSacI DNA
fragmentsobserved in HeLacells, SOFIAcells,andcloned SOFIA cell lines(Fig. 1). Similar resultswereobtained when other restriction enzymes were used (data not shown), suggesting thatloss ofPVRexpression in SOFIA cellswas notduetogrossalterations in thePVRgene.
Down regulation of PVR RNA in SOFIA cells. In HeLa
cells, a 3.3-kb PVR RNA is detected by Northern blot
of total cellular RNA, and in addition a 5.6-kb mRNA can be detected when poly(A)+ RNA is analyzed (20). Northernhybridization analysis of total cellularRNA, usingaPVRcDNAprobe,revealed thatSOFIA cells donotexpress stable levels of the 3.3-kb PVR RNA (Fig. 2).
on November 10, 2019 by guest
clones1C3 1C6
1E7 1G52F3 2G5 2G72G9 3E5 S H'
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FIG. 1. Southernblot analysis ofPVRgeneinSOFIAcells. DNA samples (10,ug) of HeLa cells (H), uncloned SOFIA cells (S), and
severalsingle-cellclonesderivedfromSOFIAcells (1C3, 1C6, 1E7, 1G5, 2F3, 2G5, 2G7, 2G9, and 3E5)weredigestedwith Sacl, fractionated ina0.8%agarosegel,transferredtonitrocellulose,andhybridized witha32P-labeledcDNAprobe representing almost all the codingsequence
ofthe PVRgene. Positions ofmarkerDNAs (HindIIIfragmentsof bacteriophageX DNA)areindicated, with sizes in kilobase pairs.
Northernanalysisofpoly(A)+ RNAfromoneSOFIAclone,
2G9, confirmed the absence of stable 3.3-kb mRNA and in
additiondemonstrated absenceof the5.6-kb mRNAaswell
(Fig. 3).
To determine whether the absence of PVR mRNA in SOFIA cellswasduetotranscriptional down regulationorto
posttranscriptional events such as degradation, we
deter-mined the transcriptionrate ofthe PVRgene in HeLa and SOFIA cells by in vitro nuclear run-on analysis. Similar
Sofia clones
FIG. 2. Northern blot analysis oftotal cell RNA from SOFIA cells. Samples (10 ,ug)of total cellular RNA from HeLa cells (H), uncloned SOFIA cells (S), and several single-cell clones derived fromSOFIA cells(1C3, 1C6, 1E7, 2G5, 2D5,2D11, 2E6, 2F3, 2G9, 2H2,and3E5)werefractionated ina1%agarose-formaldehyde gel, transferred to nitrocellulose, and hybridized with a 32P-labeled
cDNAproberepresentingalmost allthecodingsequenceof the PVR
gene. Positions of 28S and 18S rRNA markersareindicated.
amounts of32P-labeled RNA probes isolated from in vitro
nuclear run-on transcription assays were hybridized to ni-trocellulose filters containing PVR cDNA, human -y-actin
cDNA as an internal standard, and pUC18 as negative
control. Transcriptionof the PVRgeneisverylow in HeLa cellscomparedwith-y-actin(Fig. 4).InSOFIA 1E7and 2G9
clones, transcriptionof the PVRgenewasbarely detectable.
Scanningof thefilters indicated thattranscriptionof the PVR
gene wasthree-tofivefoldlower in 1E7 and2G9cells thanin
HeLa cells. The transcription rateof -y-actin wassimilarin
all three cell lines.
5-azaC-treated SOFIA cellsregain susceptibility to
poliovi-rus infection. Many silent genes can be activated by treat-ment of cells with the demethylating agent 5-azaC (4). Therefore, itwasof interesttodetermine whether suscepti-bility of SOFIA cells to poliovirus infection could be
re-storedby treatment of SOFIA cells with 5-azaC.
Theeffect of 5-azaCtreatmenton poliovirus yieldintwo
single-cell clones derived from SOFIA cells(1E7 and 2G9)
andin HeLa cellswasdetermined(Table1).Poliovirustiters increased 105-fold in 5-azaC-treated SOFIA cells after24h of infection, whereas very little increase in viral titerwas
observed in untreated cellscompared with untreatedHeLa cells. Virus yield inHeLa cellswasnot affectedby5-azaC treatment. Therewas nofurtherincrease inpoliovirus yield
at72 hpostinfectioninSOFIAcells, andmostof theSOFIA cells didnotshowcytopathiceffect. Incontrast, HeLacells were completely destroyed at24 h postinfection. Mouse L
cells, which do not express PVR, remained resistant to
poliovirus infection after treatment with 5-azaC (data not
An infectious centers assay was used to determine the fraction of SOFIA cells thatregained susceptibilityto
polio-virus infection after 5-azaC treatment. The 1E7 and 2G9
on November 10, 2019 by guest
FIG. 4. Invitro nucleartranscription. Nuclei from7x 10 HeLa cellsorSOFIAcell clones1E7and 2G9wereisolated. RNAchains wereallowed toelongate inthe presence of[32P]UTP and usedto
probe nitrocellulose filters containingPVR cDNA, y-actincDNA, andpUC18. Afterwashing and treatment withRNases, the filters wereexposedtoX-rayfilm.
FIG. 3. Northern blot analysis ofpoly(A)+ RNA from clone 2G9 ofSOFIA cells. Samples (10 ,ug) ofoligo-dT-selected RNAfrom HeLacells (H), clone 2G9 cells (2G9), and clone 2G9 cells treated with 10 ,ug of 5-azaCperml for 48 h(2G9/5-AC)werefractionated in a 1% agarose-formaldehyde gel and blotted onto nitrocellulose
paper. (a) The filter was hybridized toa 32P-labeled PVR cDNA probe. (b) The filter was stripped of probe and rehybridized toa
32P-labeled -y-actin cDNA probe and autoradiographed for 24 h. Positionsof28S and18S rRNA markersareindicated.
clones ofSOFIA cellsand HeLa cellsweretreatedwith 10
,uM of 5-azaC for 60 h, infected with poliovirus at a
multi-plicity of infection of 10, dispersed with trypsin, and seeded
onto monolayersofHeLacells. Only 1 in 103 1E7 and 2G9
cellsappearedtoproduce infectious virus, whileeach HeLa
cellproduced infectious progeny(Table 2). However, since previous results indicate that SOFIA cells do notproduce infectious poliovirus (14), it is likely that virus detected in
the infectious centers assay represented particles that
ad-hered nonspecifically to the cells. Treatment with 5-azaC increased the number of SOFIA cell infectious centers by 100-fold or more; 7.6% of 1E7 cells and 5.5% of 2G9 cells
becamesusceptibletopoliovirus infection after 5-azaC treat-ment.
Induction of PVR after treatment of SOFIA cells with 5-azaC. To determine whether treatment of SOFIA cells
with 5-azaC induced cell surface expression of PVR, we
assayedfor the presenceofthe receptor using antireceptor monoclonal antibodyD171 (21). Cellsweregrownin96-well
plates in the presence or absence of 10 ,uM 5-azaC and
incubated first with D171 and then with 125I-labeled
anti-mouse antibody. Treatment of SOFIA clones with 5-azaC
resulted in the induction of PVR comparedwith untreated cells (Fig. 5). Thus, 5-azaCappearsto restore sensitivityof
SOFIA cellstopoliovirusinfectionby restoringcell surface
expression of PVR.
It was not possible to detect PVR RNA by Northern
hybridization analysis of total RNA (data not shown) or
poly(A)+ (Fig. 3, compare lanes 2G9 and 2G9/5-azaC) in
5-azaC-treatedSOFIAcells. Thisresultwasnotunexpected,
since only 5 to 7% of 5-azaC-treated SOFIA cells became
susceptibletopoliovirusinfection(Table 2), andthelevels of
PVRtranscripts inthese cells arelower than in HeLa cells
(seebelow and Fig. 5). Tocircumvent thisproblem, SOFIA
cells were treated with 5-azaC and cloned, and
poliovirus-susceptible and -resistant clones were identified. Northern hybridization analysisdemonstrated thatpoliovirus-resistant
clones did not contain stable PVR RNA, while different levels of the 3.3-kb PVR RNA were observedinthe
polio-virus-susceptible celllines(Fig. 6). Although theamount of
PVR RNA detectedwas verylow,exceptinclone 13 which
expressed levels comparable to those in HeLacells, allthe clonesdisplayed completecytopathiceffect 24 h after infec-tionwithpoliovirus, withnodifferences inthe kineticsof cell
killingorvirus production (datanot shown). DISCUSSION
SOFIA cells were derived from HeLa cells that were
persistentlyinfectedwithpoliovirus andunderwent several
crisisperiodsbefore stabilizationand lossofsusceptibilityto
[image:4.612.]poliovirus infection (14). SOFIA cells do not express cell
TABLE 1. Effectof5-azaCtreatment on susceptibilityof cells to poliovirus
postinfection 1E7 2G9HeLa
_ ~~+ _+ -+
0 <2 x 102 <2 x 102 <2 x 102 <2 x 102 <2 x 102 <2 x 102
24 2 x 103 2.5 x 107 2.5 x 103 1.8x 107 3.6 x 108 4 x 108
72 1.5 x 103 2.3 x 107 2 x 103 2x 107 3.2 x 108 3.8 x 108
+, with 5-azaC.CG
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:4.612.314.551.74.159.2] [image:4.612.64.556.625.716.2]TABLE 2. Infectious center assayof 5-azaC-treated cells
No.of cells/infectiouscenter
5-azaCa SOFIA
1E7 2G9
- 1,300 3,600 1
+ 13 18 1
a+,monolayerswere treatedwith10
5-azaC for60 h and theninfectedwith poliovirus; -, no 5-azaC treatment.
receptors for poliovirus. Here we demonstrated that stable PVR mRNAis absent from SOFIA cells and that treatment
ofSOFIA cells with 5-azaC restores PVR expression and
sensitivitytopoliovirus infection. These results indicate that PVRexpression is notessential for viability of HeLa cells.
Although the PVR genein SOFIA cells does not appear to be grossly altered, it waspossible that undetected mutations were present which result in loss of PVR function. The
abilitytoinduce functional PVR with 5-azaC demonstrated the absence of such mutations in SOFIA cells. The doses of
5-azaCused inthisstudy are onlyslightly mutagenic (17, 22), and therefore it is unlikely that restoration of poliovirus
sensitivitytoSOFIAcells resultsfrom 5-azaC-induced
mu-tations. The high frequency at which SOFIA cells were converted topoliovirussusceptibility also makes this
possi-bility unlikely.
10 20 40 80 160 320
5-aza C
Our data suggest that5-azaC restores transcription of PVR RNAin SOFIA cells. Stable PVR mRNAs were not detected in SOFIA cells, and nuclear run-on experiments indicated a reduced level of transduction of the PVR gene. The rate of PVR transcription in SOFIA cells was reduced three- to
fivefold compared with HeLa cells. Although this difference is small, it results in barely detectable transcription in SOFIA cells. This difference in transcription rate could accountfor thefailure to detect PVR mRNA in these cells, ifthis mRNA was veryunstable. Onespecies of PVR mRNA
contains a consensus mRNA destabilizing sequence in the
3'-noncoding region (20). Ourresults showed that the level
of PVR mRNA observed in HeLa cells is apparently not
required for susceptibility to poliovirus infection, since several poliovirus-susceptible 5-azaC-treated SOFIA cell clones expressed low but detectable levels of PVR mRNA
Themechanismby which5-azaC restorestranscriptionof the PVR geneis not known. Thecytidineanalog 5-azaC isa
potent demethylating agent that causes permanent
alter-ations ofgeneexpressionviaincorporation atmultiplesites in DNA and by inhibition by hemimethylases (fora recent
review, see reference 4). Activation of genes by 5-azaC
treatmenthas beencorrelated with changes in DNA
meth-ylation (5, 6, 11, 12), but 5-azaC also induces phenotypic changesinorganismswithunmethylated genomes (1, 25)and genetic changessuchasmitoticrecombination,chromosome
decondensation, and chromatid exchanges (10, 26).
20 40 80 160320
5-azaC {
FIG. 5. Inductionof PVRatthe cellsurface of SOFIA cells treatedwith 5-azaC. HeLa cells and SOFIA cell clones 1C6, 1E7,and 2G9
weregrownin96-well plates for 48 h in thepresence(+ 5-azaC)orabsence (- 5-azaC) of10,uM5-azaC. Growth mediumwasremoved,and monolayersweretreated with dilutions ofanti-PVR monoclonalantibodyD171(1/10, 1/20, 1/40, 1/80, 1/160,and1/320), extensively washed, and stainedwith125I-labeled sheep anti-mouse immunoglobulin (1 ,uCiperwell). Plateswere exposedto X-rayfilm in the presenceofan
intensifyingscreenfor 5days. Concentrations of monoclonal antibody D171areexpressedasthereciprocalofthecorrespondingdilution.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:5.612.98.521.371.672.2]pvresistant pv
FIG. 6. Induction of PVR-specific RNA in,' with 5-azaC. Northern blot analysis of total R
clones of SOFIA cells treated with 5-azaC described in the legendto Fig. 2. Three clon poliovirus infection (4, 5, and 6), whereas fou susceptible (2, 13, 14, and 15). The position of 3 indicated.
fore, we cannot rule out the possibility
other thandemethylationareinvolvedintl
onSOFIA cells. Whatever the mechanisn induces the expression of PVR in SOFI frequency of conversion to poliovirus set tentwithasmall number oftargetsrequire thisgene.
If hypomethylation is involved in re,
expression in SOFIA cells, the target of
cis-actingsequencesof the PVRgeneitsel
regulatorysequences of trans-actingfacto
expression. Examples of both types of
activationhave beenreported previously
ence4). Structural analysis of the PVRgi progressto address these possibilities.
Whileexpressionof PVR in SOFIAcellD atthe level oftranscription, it is not yet geneisregulatedinanywayinvivo. The to dateindicates that PVR RNA andprot4 mosthumanorgans(9a, 20). However,iti
PVRexpression is regulated ina cell-typ
For example, although monkey kidney poliovirus replication, primary cultures (
susceptible to poliovirus infection after culture (13). It has been reported thai
susceptibilitytopoliovirus correlateswith
PVR-specific mRNA and PVR-specific el
surface of tubularepithelial cells after 8to of theprimary culture (lOa). The
bilityinmonkey kidneymayhavemechan
the restoration of poliovirus susceptibilit
with 5-azaC. Further studies on the mec
actiononSOFIA cellsmight be relevanttc
activityin primate tissues.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by Public He
GM38155fromtheNational Institute of Gener
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