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Protein kinase A-dependent binding of a nuclear factor to the 21-base-pair repeat of the human T-cell leukemia virus type I long terminal repeat.


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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Mar. 1990, p. 1264-1270 0022-538X/90/031264-07$02.00/0

Copyright © 1990, AmericanSociety forMicrobiology

Protein Kinase A-Dependent Binding of


Nuclear Factor



21-Base-Pair Repeat of the Human T-Cell Leukemia


Type I Long




DepartmentofCancerBiology, Harvard School of Public Health,' Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School,4 andDivision of Pediatric Oncology3 and Division of Human Retrovirology,2*Dana-Farber CancerInstitute,

44Binney Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02115 Received 15 August 1989/Accepted 8 November 1989

The long terminalrepeat(LTR) of thehuman T-cell leukemia virustypeI(HTLV-I)containsanimperfect

repeatof21 nucleotides whichgovernstheresponsetothe virustrans-activator proteintaxandtocyclic AMP. In a murine thymocyte cell line defective in the catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, the response of the HTLV-I LTRtocyclic AMP is abolished and theresponsetotaxissubstantially diminished. Thisreportshows thatafactorpresentin nuclearextractsof wild-type cells bindstothe HTLV-I21-nucleotidesequenceand that this binding activity is missing from the extracts of protein kinase A-defective cells. Treatment of nuclear extracts of protein kinase A-defective cells with the bovine protein kinase A catalytic subunit restores the binding activity, whereas treatment of wild-type nuclear extracts with a protein phosphatase destroys the binding activity. The binding factor is referredtoasprotein kinaseA-dependentfactor(PKAF).Theseresults indicate that inmurinethymocytes theresponseof the HTLV-I LTRtocyclic AMP dependsuponthe binding ofa phosphorylated protein to the 21-nucleotide repeat sequence and that the response totax is partially dependentupon bindingof thephosphorylated protein. The results suggestamodel inwhich the phosphory-lationofa transcription factorby protein kinase A regulates HTLV-Igeneexpression.

The human T cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I), a

retrovirus, is the etiological agent of adult T cell leukemia and lymphoma, an aggressive tumor of the CD4-positive lineage (25, 47, 48), and is associated with tropical spastic paraparesisandHTLV-I-associated myelopathy (20, 30, 65). In addition to the genes which specify virus structural

components, thegenome of HTLV-I contains an additional

region called X, which is capable ofimmortalizing primary human lymphocytes in the absence of the other HTLV-I

genes (21). The X region specifies at least twofunctional proteins, the trans-activator (tax), which acts to accelerate thetranscription of viral RNA (5, 15, 16, 60),andthe regulator ofvirion protein expression (rex), which isrequired for the accumulationoffull-length viralRNA(24, 27, 28).Expression of the X region proteinsas wellas virus structural genes is controlledbythelong terminalrepeat(LTR)sequencesof the

virus which flank the viral genetic information. An under-standing of transcriptional control of expression of virus structural and immortalizing genes is essential to an

under-standingof the lifecycle of andtumorinduction by the virus. The HTLV-ILTRisresponsivetoatleasttwosignalsthat

act in trans. The rate of transcription directed by the

HTLV-ILTRisincreased almost 100-fold by thetaxprotein (5, 15, 16, 60), and 3- to8-fold byincreased levels of cyclic AMP(31, 49). The effect ofthese twostimuli are morethan additive, as the level of LTR activity is increased 200- to

300-fold in the presence of both tax and cyclic AMP (49).

The sequences within the LTRwhichareresponsive to tax

and to cyclic AMP overlap one another (18, 31, 49). The

5-nucleotide sequence TGACG, which is required for the

response tocyclic AMPandtothe taxprotein,is contained entirelywithin the21-nucleotide sequencethat ispresent in three nearlyidentical copies inthe viral LTR (4, 17, 37, 44,

* Correspondingauthor.

49,51, 57) (Fig. 1). The supra-additive responseof theLTR to both tax and cyclic AMP, as well as the overlap of the

responsive elements, suggests that cellular transcription factors thatpromotetaxactivitymay be activatedbycyclic AMP. In eucaryotic cells, cyclic AMP activates a cellular

protein kinase (protein kinase A [PKA]) that modifies the activity ofproteins which bind to DNA in the vicinity of promoters(1, 12, 34,40, 42, 50, 64).Therecentobservation that the response ofthe HTLV-I LTR to cyclic AMP was

abolished and the responseto tax was considerably dimin-ished inamurinethymocytecellline, S49, deficientinPKA

(P. K. Kadison, H. T. Poteat, and D. Faller, submittedfor publication), prompted acomparison ofproteins present in the parental and mutant cell lines which bind to the 21-base-pair(bp) repeat sequence. This report shows that S49 cells containafactorthat binds the21-bprepeat.Thebinding activity is absent in the S49 cellsdeficient in PKA. Wealso report that the binding activity absent from the PKA-defi-cientextractcanbe restoredbytreatmentoftheextractwith

a purified PKApreparation.


Preparation of end-labeled oligonucleotides. Single-stranded oligonucleotides were synthesized on a DNA

synthesizer (model 381A; Applied Biosystems, Inc.). Six single-stranded oligonucleotides 33 bases in length were

manufactured. Theseoligonucleotides had thefollowing







GCCTTGA (2BHX). The oligonucleotides werepurified by

high-pressure liquid chromatography. Afterheatingto90°C,


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-355 -250 -202 -102 +1 +228 ÷404







... ..a

...r. .xx.x. -.












Xba I











Hind I1


Xba I

FIG. 1. Schematicdiagram of the HTLV-l 5' proviral LTR. At thetopof thediagramalinegives the location of eachsegmentofthe LTR: U3, R, and U5. Thestartsite of transcription is labeled+1. Thelocation of thefirst base pair in each of the 21-bp imperfectrepeatsis also shown.Thecyclic AMP responsive elements(CRE) within each 21-bprepeatareindicated above the block diagram,asarethe TATAA box

and thestartsite oftranscription. Below the diagram of the LTR, the plus strands of three oligonucleotidesareshown. The complementary

negative-stranded oligonucleotide was alsosynthesized but is not shown in the diagram. The viral sequence present in the 21-bprepeat

indicatedwasused in the 21 bp of 21HX. Theseareinromancapital letters. Theflankingsequenceisnotderived fromthevirus (italiccapital letters). The flankingsequences containsticky-end overhangs whichcanbe usedfor end fillingorcloning. The CRE of this 21-bprepeatis indicatedbyaclosedbox. For the otheroligonucleotides, bases whichareidenticalto21HXareunderlined. The boxes below the NBHX and

2BHXsequencesindicate the location andsequenceof the mutated CRE. The oligonucleotides actually made by the DNA synthesizerare

shown incapital letters; the bases that would be expected toarisefrom end-filling reactionsaredepicted in lower-case letters. equal numbers of


unitswereannealedinasolution of 100

mM NaCl and 10 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH 7.4). The annealed oligonucleotides were end labeled with Klenow DNA polymerase (41). The probewas purified by usingthe Gene Clean Kit (model 3501; Bio 101) as specified by the

manufacturer. Itwascheckedonanondenaturing acrylamide


oligonucleo-tide. Contamination was estimated at less than 5% and was often not detectable. The average specific activity ofan an-nealedlabeledoligonucleotidewas9.0 x 102dpm/ng of DNA.

Growth of S49thymocytecell lines. Wild type S4924.3.2, designated wild type in the text, and S49 kin- 24.6.1, designated kinase deficient in the text, were obtained from the University of California San Francisco Tissue Culture Facility. Thecellsweremaintainedasdescribed byWetters etal.(62).Successfulgrowth of thecellsalso required inspec-tion ofcell density every 12 to 16 h, with the cell density maintainedbetween 3.0 x


and9.0 x


cells perml.

Preparationof nuclearextracts.Nuclearextractswere

pre-paredasdescribedbyDignametal.(10) with modifications.A typeApestlewassubstituted foratypeBpestle, and20to40 strokes of thehomogenizer wererequiredfor cellornuclear

lysis.From8 x 108to16 x 108cells whichwere 100%viable as measured by trypan blue exclusion were harvested by

centrifugationat110x gfor 10min,washed with phosphate-buffered saline, and centrifuged at 110 x gfor 10min. Any

preparationwhich showedmorethan 10% nuclearlysisbefore the appropriate step was discarded. Protein concentration wasdetermined by using the Bio-Rad model500-0006protein determination kitas specified by themanufacturer.

Bindingofoligonucleotidestofactorspresentinthe nuclear

extracts. Binding reactions took place in the binding buffer described by Sen et al. (55). It contained 100 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH 7.4), 40% glycerol,1 mM ,B-mercaptoeth-anol, 10mMEDTA, and 40 mMNaCl. Inaddition, binding reactions contained 0.2 ,ug ofdeoxyinosine and deoxycy-tosineper,ul, alternating copolymer (pharmacia 27-7880-03), 0.05 to 0.25


of the indicated nuclear extract, and 2,000

cpm of the indicated oligonucleotide per R1. In all binding reactionsexceptthosetowhich thekinase bufferwasadded, 2 mM MgCl2 was also present. For binding reactions

con-tainingkinase buffer the divalentcation concentrationwas2 mM


and 1 mMMn2+. Binding reactionswere carried

outat4°Cfor 10min. Thereactionproductwasthen loaded onto a 4% acrylamide 0.5x TBE gel, and electrophoresis

was carriedout at 150 V for 2to4 h at roomtemperature.

Gelswere vacuumdried at65°C for 1 h.

Kinase and phosphatase treatmentof nuclearextracts. Ki-nase reactionswere performedasdescribedby Cherryet al. (6).The temperature, timefor which the reactionwasallowed

to proceed, ATP concentrations, and kinase concentration varied as indicated in the figure legends. PKA catalytic subunit (CS) was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (no.

P-2645)and is thesamepreparationdescribedby Cherryetal. (6).A 1-to10-,ug quantityof the indicatednuclearextractwas used inafinalreaction volume of 24 pul.Halfofthisreaction mixturewasaddedtoa20-pul (final volume) bindingreaction. Phosphatasereactions were performed with a24-,ul reac-tion volume, with 1 to 10 pug ofproteinfrom the indicated nuclearextract.The time andtemperatureof incubationare indicated in thefigure legends.Between 2 x


and 2 U of calf intestinal alkalinephosphatase (pharmacia 1097-075)





VOL. 64, 1990






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tained in an initial volume of 2


was used for eachreaction. Two units ofphosphatase represented 0.64pLg of total protein. To reactions containing less than 2 U of phosphatase, an appropriate amount of bovine serum albumin (BSA) was added to maintain a constant concentration of protein. The buffer for the reaction was that described by Maniatis et al. (41), this CIP buffer contained 50 mM Tris hydrochloride, 1 mMMgCl2, 0.1 mM ZnCl2, and 1mM spermadine.


The ability of proteins present in the nuclear extracts of S49cellsfrom the PKA-deficient mutant, S49 kin-24.6.1,to bind to the 21-bp repeat of the HTLV-I LTR was examined. The DNA sequenceused was anoligonucleotide 33 bp long which contained the sequence of the 3'-most 21-bp repeat of the HTLV-I LTR (33, 54). This sequence was chosen because it confers responsiveness to the tax protein and to


AMP (49, 51). The sequence of this oligonucleotide (21HX) is shown in Fig. 1. As a control, a second 33-bp oligonucleotide (NBHX) was made. This oligonucleotide contained the same restriction sites which flanked 21HX, but the sequence of the 21-bp repeat was replaced with a sequence deficient for nuclear-factor binding (59).

Nuclear extracts wereprepared fromamurine thymocyte S49 cell linedeficient for the production of thePKAcatalytic subunit (CS) (7). As a control, nuclear extracts were pre-pared from the wild-type S49 parent cell line. The S49 cell lines were selected for these studies because theyaretheonly cells of the T lymphocyte lineage available which contain well-characterized mutations in the cyclic AMP pathway. Nuclear extracts wereprepared by the method ofDignam et al. (10). The total protein content


each extractwas deter-mined, and equal amounts of protein were compared in binding reactions on the 21-bp repeat element. Binding of nuclear factors from the S49 kinase-deficient and S49 wild-typecell lines to the21-bp repeat sequence was measuredby using the gel mobility shift assay. In this assay the labeled


is incubated with the nuclear extract in the presence of a binding buffer. The contents of this binding reaction are then loaded onto anondenaturing polyacrylamide gel. During electrophoresis, DNA molecules which bind nu-clear


migrate more slowly than those which donot.

Three distinct complexes were observed when S49 wild-typenuclear extracts wereincubated with the labeled 21-bp repeat oligonucleotide 21HX. The three complexes are de-noted a, b, and c respectively (Fig. 2, lane 2). Only com-plexes a andc were observed when extracts from the S49


cellswereused.Complex b was not present. To determine the sequencespecificity of complex formation, weused unlabeled 21HX and NBHX DNAs ascompetitors in the reaction. Complex a was competed for equally well by the 21HXand NBHX oligonucleotide (Fig. 2). In contrast, bothcomplex b and complex cwere inhibitedmore readily by the 21HX oligonucleotide (Fig. 2, compare lanes 3 and4 with lanes 5and 6 or compare lanes 7 and 8 with lanes 9 and 10). More unlabeled 21HX DNA was required to inhibit complex cthan toinhibitcomplexb(Fig. 2, lanes 6 and 9). When the 2BHX oligonucleotide (Fig. 1) was labeled and used in binding reactions, complex b formation was not observed


not shown). The same patterns of complex


werefound in a secondsetof kinase-deficient and wild-type S49 nuclear extracts (data not shown).

Todetermine whether proteins responsible for the forma-tion ofcomplex b in the wild-type S49 cell line might also be present in the mutant S49 cell line but be deficient in the






with the


repeat DNA, we

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10







FIG. 2. Gelshiftassayshowing bindingof nuclear extracts from S49 wild-type and S49 kinase-deficient cell lines to the 21-bp enhancer element of the HTLV-1 LTR. Odd-numberedlanesshow bindingwith theS49-kinasedeficient extracts;even-numbered lanes showbinding with the S49wild-typeextracts.Unlabeledcompetitor DNA oligonucleotides have been added to some of the binding reactions. The amounts and types ofunlabeledcoldcompetitorare

asfollows: lanes 1 and2,nocompetitor added;lanes 3 and4, 1.92

X 10-3A260 units of NBHXoligonucleotide; lanes 5 and 6, 1.92 x 10-3 A260 units of21HX; lanes 7 and 8, 9.6 x 10-3A260 units of NBHX; lanes 9 and10, 9.6x 10-3A260 units of 21HX. Theratio of unlabeledcompetitor DNA tolabeled DNA in each lane was esti-mated to be 7.2 + 2.4forlanes 3 to 6and36 + 12forlanes 7to12. Theresults shown are fromaphotograph ofasingleautoradiogram. attemptedtoreconstitute the


activity by using

puri-fied PKA CS which is absent in the S49 kinase-deficient cells. Nuclearextracts wereincubated with theCS of bovine PKAand ATP. A


of this reaction mixturewasthen addedto a


reaction. The


wereloadedonto a

nondenaturing acrylamide gel.











(Fig. 3).

When eitherthewild-type orkinase-deficientextract wasincubated in the kinase buffer alone, a decrease in complex formation wasnoted(Fig. 3A, compare lanes1and2with lanes 3 and


Incubation of thekinase-deficientextractswith PKACS gave a level of


bformation greater than or


to that observed for the



(Fig. 3A,

compare lane3 with lanes 7to10). A







the kinase-deficient S49 nuclearextracts was dependentonthe addition of bothATPand kinasetothekinasereaction. The omission of eitherATP

(Fig. 3A,






lane 6) resulted in a decreased or absent


b. The conditions







at PKA consensus


sites have been estab-lished (6). Whenthese conditionswere




the nuclear extract from the kinase-deficient S49



b was detected


3B, lane 3). These results suggest that incubation of the kinase-deficient nuclear ex-tractswithPKACS andATP canresult inalevel of


bformation greater thanthatobserved in


extracts andthat adetectable level of


bformationoccursat concentrations of kinase that




ofPKA consensus




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FIG. 3. Comparison of nuclearextractsprepared fromS49kinase-deficient cells for bindingtothe21-bp enhancer element after incubation with the PKA CS. (A) Dependence of complex b formationonATPand kinase.Inlanes1and3,S49wild-typeextractswereusedfor binding

reactions; in all other lanes, S49 kinase-deficientextractswereused. Lanes 1and 2 containbinding reactions without the addition of kinase bufferorpreincubation. All other lanes show the result of binding reactions after the addition of kinase buffer and followingapreincubation

step.Before additiontoabinding reaction containing labeled probe and binding buffer, extractswereincubated in bufferonly (lanes 3 and

4), buffer plus 1.5 picomolar units (U) ofPKA-CSperil (lane 5),buffer plus 100 ,uM ATP (lane 6), buffer plus 1.5 U of PKA CSper,ul and 40 nM ATP(lane 7), buffer plus 1.5 U of PKA CSper pLIplus 100 pM ATP (lane 8),buffer plus 4.7 U of PKA CSper and 40 nM ATP(lane 9),orbufferplus 4.7 U of PKA CSper pu1 and 100 p.M ATP (lane 10). Four lanes, which showed complex b formationtobe independent of

two- to threefold alterations in the amount of nuclear extract added, have been removed froma photograph of the autoradiogram. (B)

Specificity of the kinase reaction. Lanes: 1, kinase-deficientextractwithno preincubation; 2, wild-typeextract with nopreincubation; 3,

result ofpreincubation ofthe S49 kinase-deficient nuclearextractswith kinase buffer and 40 nM ATPat20°C for10min with 6.2 x 10-3 U of PKACSper pul. A single autoradiogram wasphotographed toobtain each panel of the figure shown.

The wild-type S49extractsweretreated with 23 and 0.023 U of PKACS. Nonewcomplexes wereobserved (Fig. 4A,

lanes 1 and 2, respectively). The complexes formed as a result of kinase treatment of the kinase-deficient extracts

weretestedforsensitivity to sequence-specific competition. The results of thisexperimentare showninFig. 4. Compe-tition withlow levelsof unlabeled 21HXorNBHX oligonu-cleotide resulted in no detectable decrease in complex formation (Fig. 4A, compare lane 3 with lanes 5 and 9). Competitionwith 21HXoligonucleotide eliminated complex formation,whereascompetitionwithasimilaramountof the NBHXoligonucleotide didnot(Fig. 4A,comparelane 6 with lane 10). The amount of unlabeled 21HX oligonucleotide

necessaryto compete for theproducts ofa kinase reaction was similartotheamountof 21HXoligonucleotide required tocompeteforcomplexb inthewild-typeextracts.As in the experiment whose results are shown in Fig. 2, more unla-beled 21HX DNA was required to inhibit complex c than

complex b(Fig. 4A,compare lane 6 with lane7).The results of these two sets ofexperiments suggest that the binding affinity,sequencespecificity,andelectrophoretic mobilityof the complex formed in the kinase-deficient S49 nuclear extractsaftertreatmentwith PKAand ATParethesame as those ofcomplex bformed in the wild-type extracts.

The kinase preparation itself was assayed for binding

activity. Some preparations of the kinase showed binding activity(Fig. 4B,lane3).Acomplexwithasimilarmigration pattern was seen in other binding experiments (Fig. 3A,

complex c', lanes 9 and 10). This complex was not depen-dent onATPorthe time and temperature of incubation and didnotcomigratewithcomplexb(Fig. 4B) (datanotshown). Atlowerconcentrations ofkinase, nobinding of the kinase

preparation could be detected, nor could complex c' be observed when these same concentrations of kinase were

usedtoelicitcomplex bformation (Fig. 3A, lanes 7 and8). These results suggest thatcomplex b does notresultfroma

binding activitypresent in the kinasepreparation.

Effect of phosphatase treatment. The experiments

pre-sentedabove suggestedthatphosphorylationwasimportant for complex formation. To test this hypothesis, nuclear extracts from both S49 wild-type and S49 kinase-deficient cell lineswere incubated with calf intestinal alkaline

phos-phatase(CIP). Reactionswere carriedoutat4, 20,and37°C in thepresenceorabsence ofphosphatase buffer. Asample of eachphosphatase reaction mixture was then added to a


The phosphatase preparation alone showed no binding

activity (Fig. SA,lane2).The CIPbufferalone enhanced the complexformation of eachfactor (Fig. 5A, compare lane 1 with lane 5). Addition of the protein phosphatase to the nuclear extract ofwild-type cells dramatically altered both thelevel andtype ofcomplexformation(Fig. SA). No band whichcomigrated with complex b could be observed. This newbindingpatternappearedwhenthe reactionwascarried

out at 20 or 37°C (Fig. SA, compare lane 4 with lane 6).

However, when the phosphatase wasadded at4°C and no

preincubationwasallowedtooccur,complexformationwas notdisrupted (data notshown).

Asanadditionalcontrol,phosphataseand nuclearextracts from the S49 kinase-deficient cells were incubated and assayedforbinding activity. The results of this experiment

are shown in Fig. SB. A low level ofcomplex bformation

wasseenwhenextractsfrom the kinase-deficient cellswere

incubated with the CIP buffer (Fig. 5B, lanes 1 and 3). Incubation of the S49 kinase-deficient extracts with 2 U of thephosphatase, butnot withsmaller amounts, resulted in

an altered set ofcomplexes (Fig. SB, compare lane 1 with lane2).Thesenewcomplexeswerenearlyidenticaltothose

-~-C C

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1 2

34 5 6


89 1011 12



:. I

!. 1. .:.;,

:- .:




1 2 3



2 3




1 2 3

4 5 6

_- a




FIG. 4. (A) Kinase treatment of nuclear extracts derived from wild-type S49 cells (lanes 1 and 2). These nuclear extracts were preincubated with 1.5U of PKACS perpdand 40 nM ATP (lane 1) or9.0 x 10-3 U of PKA CS per1.land 40 nM ATP (lane 2). The preincubation was carried out for 10 min at 20°C. A sample of this mixture was added to a binding reaction containing the labeled 21HX oligonucleotide. The effect of specific and nonspecific com-petitiononthebinding of nuclearextracts which have been treated with the PKA CS is shown in lanes 3 to 12. These nuclear extracts from kinase-deficient S49 cells were preincubated with various amounts of PKA CS and 40 nM ATP and then added to binding reactionscontaining the labeled 21HX oligonucleotide. Someof the binding reactions also contained unlabeled competitor oligonucleo-tides.Lane 3 contains 1.5 U of PKA CS per 1.land no competitor oligonucleotide.Lane 4 contains 9.0x 10-3UofPKACSper


and no competitor oligonucleotide. All subsequent reactions were pre-incubatedwith 1.5 U of PKA CS per LIwith thefollowingamounts of unlabeled competitor oligonucleotide present in the binding reaction: 2.0 x 10-4A260 unitsof21HX(lane 5), 4.8 x 10-3A260 unitsof 21HX (lane 6), 2.4 x 10-2 A260units of21HX(lane 7), 0.12 A260 units of 21HX(lane 8), 2.0X 10-4A260units ofNBHX(lane 9), 4.8 x 10-3A260units of NBHX(lane 10), 2.4 x 10-2 A260unitsof NBHX(lane 11), and 0.12A260unitsofNBHX(lane 12). The ratio of unlabeled competitor DNA to labeled DNA in each lane was estimatedtobe 0.72 + 0.24(lanes5 and9),18 + 6(lanes6and 10), 90 ± 30(lanes 7 and 11), and 450 ± 150(lanes 8 and 12). A lane showingthe effect of 9.1 x 10-4A260 units of the NBHXcompetitor and a blank lane have been removed from a photograph of the autoradiogram. (B) The nuclear extracts used forbindingreactions to the end-labeled 21HX oligonucleotide were S49 wild-type cells (lane 1) and S49 kinase-deficient cells (lane 2). No nuclear extract wasadded to lane 3; only 4.7 U of PKA CS per


wasadded to the bindingreaction. All extracts werepreincubatedinkinasebuffer.A photographof asingleautoradiogramwasused to prepare thefigure. formed whenan






thewild-type S49 extract (Fig. SB, compare lane2with lane 5). Therefore, aftera

dephosphorylation reaction,



extracts and the wild-type extracts form nearly identical complexes.


Theexperiments described heredemonstratethat nuclear extracts of murine Tlymphocytes contain a protein which binds to the 21-nucleotide repeat sequence of the HTLV-I enhancer and that the activity of this factor is greatly


in extracts of cells defective for PKA CS. The binding activity appears to be dependent upon phosphoryla-tion, since it can be restored by treatment of nuclear extracts ofPKA-deficient cells with a protein kinase or inhibited by treatment of the wild-type extracts with the protein phos-phatase. Wepropose to call this bindingactivity the PKA-dependent binding factor (PKAF). PKAF may be an essen-tial component of the response of


LTR to cyclic AMPinmurine thymocytes. No stimulation of the


LTR by cyclic AMP is observed in cells deficient for this



PKAF mayalso contributetothe response

;i_-% ib-I




FIG. 5. Effectof CIPonthebinding ofnuclearfactorsfromS49 wild-type and S49 kinase-deficient cell lines tothe 21HX oligonu-cleotide. (A) Phosphatase reactions on S49 wild-type extracts, showing the effect of phosphatase and CIP buffer on complex formation.Inall lanes except lane2, S49wild-type nuclearextracts were used in thebinding reactions. For lane 2, 2 U of CIP in 1x CIP bufferwasaddedto abinding reaction.Lane 1contains S49wild-type extractaddeddirectlytothebinding reactionwithoutpreincubation. Forlanes 3 to 6, a 10-minpreincubation ofthe extractwasperformed. Lanes 3 and 4 wereincubatedinthe absenceof1 xCIP bufferat37°C. Inlane 3, no CIP wasadded;in lane4,2.0 UofCIPwasused. Lanes 5and 6 were incubatedinthe presenceof1x CIPbufferat20°C. CIP (2 U) wasaddedtolane 6; no CIP was used inlane5. PanelAwas preparedfrom aphotograph ofasingle autoradiogram. (B) Phos-phatase treatment of kinase-deficient and wild-type S49 nuclear extracts. Inlanes 1 to3, nuclear extractsfrom S49kinase-deficient cellswereusedforbinding reactions;inlanes4 to6, nuclearextracts from wild-type S49cellswereused. Theextracts wereincubated for 10min at20°C in 1x CIP buffer with thefollowingamountsof CIP enzymeand BSA:lanes 1 and4,0.2 Uof CIP(60ngofprotein)and 540ngofBSA;lanes 2 and5,2.0 Uof CIP(600ngofprotein); lanes 3 and6,noCIPorBSA added.Afterpreincubation, portion ofthe phosphatase reaction mixture was added to a binding reaction, which contained labeled 21HX oligonucleotide. Panel B was pre-pared fromaphotographofasingle autoradiogram.

ofHTLV-I to tax in these cells, since the response of the viral LTR to taxisdiminished in PKA-deficient cells (Kad-isonetal., submitted). However, it is alsopossible that the PKA


prevents the alteration of


other than PKAF important for taxactivity, eventhough the tax and






These data suggest a role for PKA-mediated phosphorylation in the control of HTLV-I geneexpression.

A second

sequence-specific complex, complex

c, was presentinmutantand


cell lines. For the purpose of discussion this factor is called PKA-independent factor (KAIF).PKA treatmentof theextractsincreasedthe level of PKAF and KAIF

binding (Fig. 3). Phosphatase

treatment decreasedthe


ofPKAF and KAIF.The resultof the phosphatase experiment suggests that phosphorylation may be a general mechanism

regulating binding

to the 21-bp repeat. Chromatographic fractionation of the nuclear ex-tracts suggest that KAIF has a molecular mass of 45 to 65 kilodaltons.Chromatographic fractionation resulted inaloss of


activity (data




reac-tions carried out with the 2BHX

oligonucleotide (Fig. 1)

suggest that KAIF


formation doesnotinvolve the



responsive element,

TGACG. It is



that the

PKAF-binding activity



derives from dimerization ofKAIF


c). This is


because the


of dimers but not ofmonomers ofthe




element-binding protein



Yamamoto et

al., CREB,




phosphoryla-J. VIROL.

I i ...


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on November 10, 2019 by guest



tion (64). The data presented here suggest that PKAF binding isregulated in a manner related to but distinct from regulation of the CREB protein.

The effects of cyclic AMP on T cells are, in general, antiproliferative. Both interleukin-2 production and T-cell cytotoxicity are decreased by cyclic AMP (3, 9, 14, 23, 29, 32, 34, 38, 46). The effect of cyclic AMP on T cells infected with HTLV-I may be different. Cyclic AMP may increase the levels of viral regulatory and structural proteins which cause lymphocyte growth (8, 11, 19, 21, 26). Activation of PKA by cyclic AMP may be an important mechanism for inducing HTLV-I gene expression from a transcriptionally silent provirus. The


LTR, bovine leukemia virus LTR, and several early promoters of adenovirus have en-hancers which respond to viral trans-acting factors and cyclic AMP (13, 22, 35, 53, 56). The result that PKA regulates the binding of a nuclear factor to theHTLV-ILTR may allow a better understanding of how other oncogenic viruses control gene expression.

The best-described tax-responsive enhancers are the 21-bp repeat of the


LTR and the kB enhancer present in the interleukin-2 receptor


promoter and in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 LTR (2, 8, 36, 39, 52). Nuclear factor kB or a related factor binds the kB enhancer in response to PKC (58). The 21-bp repeat and the kB enhancer share neither sequence similarity nor a similar level of basal factor binding (31, 43, 45, 61). Even so, transcriptional activation of each enhancer can be accom-plished by tax or by phosphorylation of a DNA-binding factor (58, 63). The specificity of tax for certain cellular and viral enhancers may be correlated with the inducibility of these enhancers by phosphorylated transcriptional factors.


This work is supported by Public Health Service grants T32CA09361 (to H.P.), CA40658 (to J.S.), and CA36974 (to W.H.) from the National Institutes of Health. P.K. is supported by American Cancer Society grant PRTF-102. J.S. is supported in part by the Leukemia Society of America.


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