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Some factors affecting magnesium uptake by citrus leaves : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Horticultural Science at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand


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A thasi s pr e;scnte:~ in l)r.;rtial fulfilment of the r oquircments for tho Deer oc of

Master of Horticultural Science at Massey University

Palmerston North New Zoalan0.


Shnli0re .. m Ku1:1ar Thapa


Pineap~le sweet oran~e seedlings and rooted leaf bud cuttings of Meyer lo~ons were used to investigate the effects of some cf the factors affecting mac:;nesium u1.:;take by leaves. Magnesiun was cteterrnined by thiazol e yellow nethot of Drosdoff and Nearpass ( 1948) anc1 u:,take was usually m0asured 24 hours after spray treat• ent.

It was shown that the addi t ion of wetting a5ents to

nacnesiuD nitr2.te sprays si t;nificant1.y increased the u1)tako of mac;nesiun '.)y l eaves. The nonionic wetter (Terrie GN9) at the very l ow (0.01% a.i.) anr~ high (0.08 - 0.1% a.i.) concentratio.ns di e~ not affect nc1.c;nesiu,:1 uptake, whereas at interi11ediate con-centrations, ma5nesium uptake was increased.

Use of the humectant clycerine at 1 or 2 percent sie nif-icantly increase,, the uptake of nagnesiu1a by leaves, compared with sprays to which no: slycerine was added, but had no bene-ficial effect o,ver sprays which contained a nonionic wetter (Te·rric GN9).


uptake of magnesium by :!_oavos, compared with afternoon sprays.

A significant increase in l eaf magnesium concentration occurred after 2 hours of a magnosiur:1 nitrate spray appli ca-tion. Loaf magnesium concentration rose steeply for 24 hours after spraying, thereafter remaining constant. (Becaus;) it was not possible to measure the degr ee of magnesium transport out of the l eaf, it i s not cl ear whether m&gnesium uptake, in fact, stopped after 24 hours).

Of the three magnesium salts used, magnesium nitrate and magnof;ium c hloridG sprays rGsll.ll t ed in groa tor magnesium upta.i..:e by l 0aves, compar ed with magnesium sulphate sprays.

Uptake varied wi th tho cone entra.tion of magnesium in. the l eaves. The lower the concentration of ~agnesium in the leaves, the l oss the uptake of magnesiur:;i by loaves, and tho hie;hcr the cone entration o.f magnesium, the higher tho uptake of magnesium.


in the high nitros2n ; lants waE dcubl o that of tho low nitrogen pl ants. This may to a direct effect of the low l oaf nitroccn or an inc1.irec t one .h1c to tho in•:uc cc'. low lce.f ;-1ac;nosim1 in those plants.


--I gratefully ecknc~lotl~G tho continuous assistanc0 ant guidance of Hr D.A. Slaie of the Dopartucnt of Horticulture, Massey University in conplotinc this project. My sincere thanks also go to Professor J.A. Veale of the Department of Horticurlture for his nsGful sugiestions and ac1.vico.

This stutly was made possibl e by financial assistance from t~e Ne~ Zoal anJ Department of


1 •






3.1. Pathways of ponetrc..tion of nutrients, her:Jie.i.dos and other substances into the leaf.


1. 1.


1. 2.



3. 1.5.

Entry through stomata Structure of tho cuticle St:r-ucturo wa.11 Structure Mechanisms

Physical nature of tho pl:mt cuticle

Chemical nature of tho plant cuticle

Tho role of the cuticle

anc1.. na.ture of the. col l

of the plasma-mem :Jr ane of foliar penetra.tion Mechanism.s of po

netra-tio.n in tho cuticle Mech2..nism.s· o,f pe

netra-tion in the cell wall Mechanisms of

penetra-tion in the p lasma-membrane


3.2. 1. Pl.s.nt factors


of tho ~lant cuticle 30 3.2. 1.2. AGO C• f the l oaf







Leaf surfaces and rJorpholocy Mineral status of tho


3.2.2 .. External factors





































The citrus leaf U12tak.e of ma.c;nesium anr_~, other crops

3.4. 1. Glasshouse








Temperature Humidity

pH of the s~r~y so lu-tions

Surfactants Humectants

Solute characteristics

b;:t: 1-oaves of citrus

and luborator;:t: studios Tho effect of different magnesium s.:1.l ts on magnesium absorption The effect of differ-ant spreaders and hygroscopic aeonts on

ma.gnes ium abs ori)tion


Tho effect of sprc.l.ying at different hours of the d~y

Tho effect of nitrogen lovol

The effect of macncsiun 53



level 60

Plant responses to fi 81.d concU t ions 62




















Responses to citrus Miscellaneous responses The effect of nitrogen level

Tho effect of magnesium lovel

M~rne.sium nobility studies Literature review Summary






4. 1 • 'rhe experi1:1ents

4,2. Con11Josition an~l ;,reraration of concentratecl nutrient stock solution for experiments






Techniques usorl_ in crowinc pinea;;ple sweet

oranee seedlings









Sowin5 of seeds Planting out

Fcojin3 the ~lents

0rowi n,:; ?_!__!'1_eyer l oaon l eaf bud. cuttine;s Exeerimontal ncthods

4.5,1. 4.5.2.

Spraying techniques Ex1Jerimental desi gn Leaf sampl es and analysis 4.6.1.














Sampling techniques Cloa


Techniques of leaf magnesium analysis



5. 1. Ex~eriment I

Tho effect of different wetting a~ents on the uptako of m~~nosiuw by l eaves.

5.2. Ex~erirnont II

Tho effect of :iiffercmt concentrations of a noni onic wetter (Terrie GN9) on tho uptake of magnesium by leaves.





Ex]'cffirirnnt III




Tho eff0ct of different concentrations of

cl ycorine on tho uptake of rna~nesius by l eaves. 101





Ex?erinont IV

The effect of hm-:1.idi ty on tho uptake o-f magncsiu• by l eaves.




~xp~riment V

The effect of srraying at different times of the d~y on the uptake of magnosiun by l eaves.





Exuerinent VI



The rat e of uptake of ma[';nesium by l eaves. 107





~ _periment_~II

The effect of different 3aGnesium salts on

tho uptake o-f mac;nosiun by leaves.





Experiment VIII

The effect of l eaf magnesium l evel on the

uptake of magnesium by leaves





Tho ofL:c t of l eaf ni troGon l.evel on the











Sto~atal pore si zes of citrus l oaves





2 Th8 effect of tlifforent raacnosium salts on na5nesium absorption

(Fi.sher anc Walker,




3 Th~ effect of three spreaders an magnesium

atsorption from a 5 per cent Mgso

4.7H2o spray applic~tion (Fisher and Walker,


4 The effect of glycerine, carbowax and m2thyl cel losolve on cagnesium atsorption fro• a

5 per cent Msso



spro.y applicati on (Fisher end Walker,


5 The rat o of e1acnosi.um al:sorpti.on over a 12 day period (Fi.sher and Walkeri


6 Tho effect of Mgso

4.?H2o solution applied at different hours 6urinB the day

(OlGnd and Opiand,




7 Moan concentration of elements(% dry weight) in l oaves (Ford,


8 Effects o-f mat;nesium treahi.ents on the

concentration of magnesiun in the l eaves of









Valoncict orange (Embl eton anc1 Jones,



9 Magnesium concentration in grape leaves as

affected :.)y spray and soi l application of










1 1 ~-~0 an con contra t ion of clo:-:ieot:__: (% dYIY •-,;,,1· .',ht)

Jo• L ' . . J . D

in l eovcs, stc1.TIE.i :--:nrJ root::. (Fora,





t M ( ..,-,, ) ~r O 1 · t · cen . g ~u

3 2.b~2


pp 1ca 10n.


-12a Tho effect of different ~ctting agents usca

~t 80~ wettability of th~ loaf area.

13 The effect of rJifferent concontro.t iono of D nonionic wettorr (Torrie GN9) on the upta}:o of i:nar;nosi um by l eaves from a 2.5 per cont

13a The visual nsscfJ;::iii1ent of the ,,ottine of tho upper surface of the citrus leaves by

To rric GN9.


The effect of different concentrations of



gl ycerine on ths uptako of ma~nasium by l eaves from a




per cent










spray application.


The effect of humidity on the uptcko of

mari:nosium by leaves from n




per cent



1 6 The effect of s::raying at ,1iffcrent tiri1os of

the day on the u11take 0f ::1a1:.,nesiw,1 by leaves

frorn a 2.5 percent





a~plication. 106


The rate of uptake of ~asnesiu• by l eaves

from a 2.5 percent Mc,(~m

3)2.6H20 srray

a~plication. 108

18 The effect of different TiaGnesiug salts on the

uptake of • aGnesium by l oavos.

19 Th(: effect of leaf ;:1aGnesiu::1 l ovel on the uptake of ua~nesiuc by leavos frora a 2.5 po r-cent






sprny application. 20 The effect of leaf nitroeen level on tho

uptake of nacnesium by leaves from a 2.5

per-1 per-1 per-1




rrjpothotical structure of tho functional

asject s nf the rlant cuticle (Foy et al; 1967) , 10

1 a A c1.i asrai7! showin:.c, the su~stances th2.t r1ny compose tho cell wall (Miller,




2 Tho level of P32 activity found in the ;otiol e fol lowinc, a 4-hour l}ericc' of trn.nslocation fron tho blac'l,) as a function of pH of tho an-'lie,~ solutisn (Sv.r-.:i_nson am1. \'/hitney,




The rate of a~sorJt ion of nitrocen, ;hosfborus


and macnosiu• from s}rays applieC to tho l ower sur fac '..: ,:: f McIntosh a~:_;_-·le leaves

(Fisher an~ Valker,




Standard wettins chart for citrus l oav0s


The standarf curve of wettability of tho upper

surface of the citrus l eaves fer different

vret tin~: at~onts .

6 The effect 8f different concontruticns of a nonionic wetter (Torrie GN9) on ~ho uptake of uagnesiura by l eaves.

6a The effect of different concentrations of a

nonionic wetter (Terrie




on the wettinG 0£ the uprer surface of the citrus l e&ves.


The rate of uptake of macnesium by l eaves.


Tho effect of l oaf magnesium 1cvol on the

uptake of m,:1,.enesiu1.1 by l oaves.


Pinoappi o sweot orange seodlinG supflied with hich and low lGvel of nitrocen.



Comi)ositio:n cf concentrated. nutric,nt stock solution for exJerirnonts I, II, III, V, VI, VII -?tlllt VIII.

2 Couposi tio,n of cone ontrated nutrient stock solution for experiment IX.

3 Quan ti tati ve r.iicro c.~eterminntion o,f ;nacnesium in plant tissue and soil extracts.

4 5

A rapid colorimetric method. Nitr'Jge:n analysis.

Analysis of vnriance of the eff0ct of diffo r-ont '!lotting agents on the uptake of magnosiur.1 by leaves.


Analysis of variance of the effect of diffe r-ent wettinc agents used on the uptake of

magnesium by l eaves, at


wettability of tho l eaf area.

7 Analysis of variance of tho effect of diffe r-ent concentrations of a n,.,nionic (Terrie GN9) on the uptake of magnesium by leaves.

7a Analysis of variance o·f the visual assessment of the wettins of the upper surface of the citrus loaves hy Terrie GN9.

8 Analysis of variance of the effect of differ-ent concentrations of vlycerino on the uptake

of magnesium by leaves.













9 Analysis of variance of tho effect of humid

-i ty on tho uptake ,::,f m?.cnesium ty l oaves.

10 Analysis cf varianc0 of the effect 0f spray

-ins at differunt times of the day.

11 Analysi s of varianc o of the r:1 te of uptake of

JQ[uosium by leaves.

12 Analysis 0f variance of th& effect of differ

-ent mnEnesium. salts on the uptake of me.cnesium

ty leaves.



Analysi s of variance of the effect of l eaf

rnagnosiu• lovol on the uptake of magnesium

l,y l0aves.


Analysis of variance of the effect of l oaf

nitrogen Level on the uptclrn of ma6nosium

cy leaves.












Nutrient sprays, these days, are becoming increasingly important to supplement the mineral requirements o:f the

crops to increase crop production.··

Nutrient sprays may be important in two directions.

(i) Where soil application of fertilizers is not responsive

or very slow.

(ii) To prevent the development of a deficiency symptom vary

sonn before the trouble is expected or immediately it has app€ared.

But the responses of nutrient sprays are influenced by

environmental factors (both physical and chemical) and plant

!actors. Magnesium absorption is not an exception to these

factors. Leaves of same plant species do not sho,w responses

to magnesium sal.t sprays, while o.thers do • . Soil application of magnesium salts on the other hand, has been slow. in action or has not been effective or partially effective. Foliage

application of magnesium sal.ts appears to be superior to soil

application in increasing the concentration of magnesium in

the leaves and in reducing deficiency syptoms. But the

respoilS'es are not consistent.

The present study, therefore, was undertaken to


affect the magnesium absorption by citrus leaves. The

literature review, description of the methods and the discuss

-ion of the results have been presented with the aim of provid-ing as much background information as possible in order to facilitate further detailed studies of magnesium absorption.



2. FCi:'" IAR APP:::,ICATI8~! OP :nuTRIEl·TTS

Among same of the early work on the use of mineral

nutrients to plants as foliage application is that of

Johnson (1924)i on pineapple plants in Hawaii, where

pine-apple plants were grown on soil. rich in manganese. Within

three to six months after planting, pl.ants developed a

serioms injury known as pineapple-yellows o.r "manganese

yellows:11 Johnson was able to control that chlo-rosis by

simpJ.y applying sprays of ferrous sulphate- (FeSO


?H20) to the

leaves. Th~. response was quick greening of the sprayed

leaves, which indicated that at l.east some. af the iron had

been absorbe-d by the I.eaves.

Much af the work on iron sprays has been do.ne with a

view to, sup.plying iron to plants suffering from what is

called li.m.e induced chl.or6·sis. But due to, immobili.zatio·n of

iron once it has pe.netrat.e.d the l.eaf eel 1.s, none of this work

has given satisfactory results. For example, Guest and



tried more than thirty iron compounds in

dipping tests, using orange, grapefruit and lemon leafy shoots,

which had be-en affected by lime induced chl.o·rosis. None of

them caused complete recovery. Hilgeman


also had

dis2,}'lpou..nting results with ferrous sulphate and two i.ron

che]l.ate compounds, when these we-re sprayed on chJLoro,tic


Zinc sprays have given satisfactory responses to control zinc deficiency in a wide range of fruit crops. For example, tho studies of Parker (1937) on mottl e leaf of grapefruit, of Reed and Parker (1936) on mottle leaf of orange, of Dhingra and Others (1967) on citrus chlorosis, of Labanauskas and Puffer (1964) in correcting manganese and zinc deficiency in Valencia ornago, of Paulochova - Kralikova (1966) on little leaf of appl es and of Hoffmann and Sc1J11ish (1966) on control of zinc deficiency in appl0s, are all examples of investiga-tions with responsive species.

Coppor sprays have been satisfactory in correcting

copper deficiency in many plants. The studies of Dunne


on Wither tip. or summer dioback of apple trees, of Bada~in (1966),. Tarasov and Kovalenk:o




on tho control of shoot dessication of apples, of Lee (





on cop.per do.ficiency in Venturia Country citrus and of Kiely




on exanthoma of citrus, have all shown that copper sprays have been satis -factory in correcting deficiency symptoms.

Manganese sulphate sprays havo controlled manganes

deficiency of many plants. Camp and Poach


in less than


days, abtainod compl0tcly gr een l eav&s when manganese


deficiency of grapefruit by manganese sulphate sprays.

Working with Newtcwnapplc, Uriu and Koch



the symptom.s for tho entire year by zinc plus manganoso

sprays applied at l east twice in early .spring.

Boron deficiency of several fruit and vegetable crops

has been cofrtrolled by tho foliar sprays of borax or boric

acid. Askew and Chittcdon


with a single spray of

1 per cent hydrated boirax, obtained fo,ur to five fold increase

in boron level in the fruit and prevented the internal cork

sy,mpt.oo of born deficiency :in apple. Early seaso:n sprays of

boron on appl.o have resulted in subst2ntial. increase of boron

in fruits and considerab~e amounts in l eaves (Bramlage and


1962) •

Urea sprays have been studied extensively to furnish a

considerable. part of ni trogen needs of several crop plants.

The response to urea sprays :is variab1o. Urea sprays to

apple trees have increased leaf chlorophyll and leaf total

nitrogen as compared with unsprayed trees (Hamil to.n et al...,


Ludders and Bunomann,


improved vegetative

growth ~ lilkcnbaumer and Hohmann,


Fisher et al.,


Fisher and Cook,


and Fisher>



urea sprays to grapes proved disappoint~ (Weinberger et a1.,


Burrell and Boynton


doubled the potassium


Sulphate. Ganja ot al . ,




controlled soil induced potassium do£ici0ncy of citrus in green houso, with potas s-iWll nitrate sprays.

Magnesium has boon supplied both by soil and foliage app li-cation. Findings indicate that foliae;o application of magnesium i s bettor than soi l application in controlling magnesium deficiency in plants.





~1. Pathways oJ'...E..~netration of nutrients, herbicides and other substances into the leaf

Bo.th surfaces of tho l oaf are penetrable, but all areas of tho l eaf arc not equally permeable. Prefer Gntia:t areas of foliar absorption named in the literature for various substances (herbicides, other pesticides, nutrients, and fluorochroines) arc:

( a) diroc tl.y over tho veins,

(b) over ant:icli.nal epidermal walls,

(c) glandular and non-glandular trichromes, (d) open stomata,

(e) hydathodos, lonticols, and natural fissures, (f) insect punctures and o,thor imperfections i.n the


Penetration. may be classified as stomatal o,r cuticular, then cellular. Opinion is divided as to whether stomatal or cuticul.ar entry is more important as a genoralizat1on. Both are known to occur under appropriate circumstances.


1 • 1, En try through stoma ta


NAA (1-naphthalsnoacetic acid) (Harley et al., 1957). This

32 42 86

path was not indicat0d for P , K , Rb (Toubner et al . ,

1957) o,r urea, R0<.lney (1952)~ Volk and McAuliffe (1954).

Many workers claim that stomatal penetration does not

occur unless the surface tension of the solution i s r educef.

considerably by the additian of surfactants (Weaver and

De-Rose, 1946; Turrell, 1947; Norman et al., 1950; van

Overbeek anct Blondeau, 1954). Only open stoaata havo been

reported to be penetrable by oils (Rohrbau0h, (1934)

Minshall and Helson, (1949); not, or only slightly by water

an:.l to varyins ,le1:.:rees by aqueous solutions containing su

r-factants. Cor.1plotoly closec~ stoma ta can exclude al l fluids

(van Ovo.rbeek, 1956). SarGent and Blackman (1962), on the

other hand, pr esentec'. a new theory as r egards to penetration

of 2, 4-D. Accordins to them, 2,4-D does not need to have

a passage between two guard cel ls of stomata, but can

penetr ate throuch cuard and accessory cells.

3. 1.2. Structure of the cuticl.e

3.1.2. 1. Physical nature af the plant cuticle

Accor L1ing to Schieferstein and Loom.is ( 1959),

Brongniart (1934) has described the cuticle as the outer

cellul.ose-free covering o,f l eaves, distinct from the

cuticularized layer s that might be formed be-ne.ath i t . In


s·imple thin !Il:embrane of low elasticity and of poor adherence

to the cell wall (Roelofsen


according to van Overbeek


and in higher pl.ants the cuticle is usually complex

as sketched in Fig. 1

The true cuticle, according to Lee and Priestley


is formed by the oxidation of oily materials which generally

permeate the walls of living cells. The oils are assumed to

be products of ce.11 metabolism, and to have diffused through

the cellulose pectin structure of the cell wa.ll. Lee and



discussed the cuticle formation and concluded

that various lipoidal substances, formed or mobilized in the

epidermis, migrate to the surface of the plant. There they

tend to oxidize, saturating the double bonds by polymarization

ar oxidation, and thereby cause a "varnish like" covering to


In addition to the cuticle, 1eaves may show marked

accu-mulations of readily soluble surface waxes. The way in which

wax is deposited on the surface af the leaf is not clear. In

many species characteristically shaped projections of wax

arise from the surface,, but the specific sites from. which these

projections are extruded have not been found by Shieferstein

an.d Loomis


Their observations suggest that wax is

extruded at random through the thin areas of the cuticle.


Hall and Donaldson (1962) c]..aimed that epidermal cells af


Fig. 1 .



of the



f the plant


asuec~s o


The waxy






·u ••

may ureven





contact. of



f surface


droplet with the



wax is extruded. They suggested that wax from a number o·f pores, may form a single wax particle. The configuration of those particles appears to be responsible for wat er

repelling properties of a h0avily bloomed surface. Cutin and waxy material have also been found on the free surfaces of the leaf mcsaphyll cells and on the inner walls of the epi-dermis vhore these are exposed to internal air spaces. The internal cuticle is continuous with the external cuticle through tho stomatal. apertures, whose bounding cells, the guard cells, arc covered with a cuticle on their free surface.

Sc.ct t et al. ( 1948) found tho ou tor cpidernal walls of leavos of citrus sincnsis Osbeck to be cutinized and coated with wax, which se0mod to be excreted through minute canals similar to those in the fruit rind. By treating sections of loaves with IKI-H

2so4, they showed the canals to be lined with protoplasmic threads; and protoplasmic activities •;r.ithin these canals were attributed to the excretion and the maintenance of the waxy surface.

Environmental factors can influence the formation of

cuticle. Stevens (1932) measured the cutic~e thickness of several varioti.es of cranberry for thrc_e consecutive seasons and found up to 20% variation with the season, similar in all


varnish-l ike conuition ch8.racter.1istic of c:1 mot urc cutj_clc.

Further, light anc1 humidity were shoY.:n to affect the

t1icknesG and consistency of the cuticle by their

inf luence upon the o~idation and condensation of fatty

acids, a process involv0d in cuticle format ion. Working

with NicQ_t_iana gl~ll.Q../:2 and Hedei1a. heJ,_ix, Skosr,



obRervcd that the deposition of cuticle wos continuous

until tho leaf reac~1ccl morphological maturits,; beyond

maturity no furtlwr deposition occu1°red. LeaveG grown in

the sun produced heavie r cuticles of greater wa.x content

than l eaves gro~n in tho ohade. Th0 tomperGture conditions

under v,hich pl P,nts vrn re grmrn 1nc re sho'.rn to inflLwnce the

deposition of cuticle 2ind rrnx. T~10 1.110::,t cut icl e 1::as

produced at a median tcmpcrnturG, c1nd tllo r.roatost

percent&ge of wa:~ at a i1i 3h tumrerature. Pl crnts undergoing

water stress produced cuticles containing a greater

proportion of waxeo than plants ~ith mor~ favourable

moisture conditions.



.2.2. Che~ical nature of/plant cuticle

According to Foy et a~.!






has summarisecl the chemical nature of cutinizcd plant cell

wal lsy which are composed of four distinct substances~ all

of which may vary in distribution within the wall. These

substances are: (a) cutin, (b) outin waxes, (c) pectin and

(a) cellulose. All constituents contribute t heir own

physio.,chemi cal properties to the surface layer of the


(a) Cutin:- Cutin has boen described as the polymerisation and condensation of


18 hydroxy fatty acids which ar e

synth0sized in the protoplasm and penetrate the wall as procutin. Extruding on the surface, these precurssors ~re 0,xidizcd and polymerised, forming a sponge-like frane of

submicroscopic dimensions. Cutins contain reactive end

groups v1hich enable them to form esters and ethers. Also, cutin may contain an appreciable amount of dicarboxylic acids and hydroxy carboxylic acids. Having many such polar groups such cutin may absorb water and swell and this increases permeability (van Overbeek, 1956 ) .

Lee (1925) made a chemical study of cutin and showed i t

to be a complex mixture of fatty substances, consisting primarily of free fatty acids, fatty acids combined with

ma-nohydric alcohols, and soaps. Legg and Wheeler (1925)

iso]at.ed two, acids as major compo·nents of cutin and suggested the names "cuti.c acid" (c26H

50o6) and cutinic acid (c13H22o3). Other acids were isolated in much smaller quantities.

(b) Cutinwaxes;- Crafts and Foy (1962) state that cutin

waxes. are short chain eqters and aJlcohols o,f relatively low

moJ.ecul.ar weight, lacking reactive· end groups and unabl.e to pol,Ymerise. Cutinwaxes are aptically negative, stainable in

li~id dyes, melt above 220°c, and do not absorb ultra violet


Foy et


l. (1967)

state that waxes are hydrophobic

in nature and hence 1.1esistant to wet ting v1ith pure water.

The waxy rodlets of the leaves f orm s 11bloornli v1hich may

prevent contact of a spray droplet with the leaf surface (Fig.1 ), but the addition of a suitable surfactant to the

oil or aqueous sprays may facilitat0 the wetting of waxy

leaf surfaces. Further enhanced wetting does not mean

enhanced penetration, because surface wax deposits may

interfere_ with wetting but l i t t le with penetration,

provided good surface contact is ensured.

(c) ]?ectins:- Crafts and Fof




st ate that pectins

consist of long chain polygal~cturonic acid molecules

having side carboxyl groups which can forn1 salts and impart

to pectins base exchange properties. Polygalacturonic

acid and its methylated derivative are soluble in water,

but its calcium salt is insoluble. Pectin substances have little tendency to crystal l ize; they occur in an amorphous

state in pl ant cell walls, and they are responsible for the

strong water holding properties of the walls .

(d) ~lulo~e~:- Foy ~t al.


describe the cellulose

as composed of long chain molecules which arc r~l_at~ ~e.l:Y stable. These molecules are organised into micelles. The

micelles are associated into microfibrils, and because of

its microf ibrillar organisation, cellulose imparts tensile


i.t i.s this prapcrty af cell walls that r esists c-xpansion and results in turgor. Turgor, in turn, enables the plants ta grow er ect against the force o-f gravity, to extend roots

into the. soil, to absorb water and nutrients, and to main-tain its foliar organs in posi tio,ns favourab].e for maxi.mum absorption of carba-ndi..oxide and light., The role a,f the. cuticle

Epidermal cells of l eaves and sto@s, unlike roots, are

mc.:,-r e or l_ess covered with thick cu tic le, whic.h ma~' be s. uper-im.posed by wax excrusions. The lipid character of these waxes and cutin layer can produce an obstacle for tho pene-tration of hydrolphi.lic substances. It is belie.ved that the obstacle created by tho cuticle is so groat that the penetration of the hydrophilic substance occurs onl...y through stomata. However, the stomatal passage allows solutions only to e.nter in st0111ata1. chambers and interccl1.ular spaces, but n0t in the cells, because the out.er wal1.s of the cells lining these cavities are also covered by an internal cuticle



Also, the hydrophoibi.c nature of the cut:icl.e

lining the stomatal p0;res normally does not permit. tho passage o.f tho aqueous solutions. Use of detergents may induce this passage (Dybi.ng and Currier,


Thus, under natural conditions, absorption of solutes must take· its


The question at O;nce arises whether there is any po.re in

the cutic1.u, providing pathways for penetration.

Electron-microscopy studies reveal that there are no pores in the

cuticle other than local thin spa.ts, punctures, breaks, and

fissures made by insects. However, Hal]. and Donalds.on (1962)

have found true perforations i.n the epidermal cells of



and Brassica o1e.racea. Wax is said to be

ext.rud e.d through these pores.

Orgell (1955) has described cutic].a as being im.bricate

arrangements of lipoid platelates cemented together by

hydroph:U.:ic pcctane-ous substances. Thus, an intercuticu.l.ar

penetration should be possible for a polar so1ution. But

there is no direct proof of such a pathway. Thero.fore, as a

rule, in foliar absorption, substances to be absorbed have, in

contrast to the situation in roots, to penetrate a lipid like

l.ayers·. This means that an "intracuticul.ar pencrtration11

without pathways through distinct pares has to be performed

before solutions can c.nter tho cellulose wall.a (Wittwer and

Teubner, 1959).


Structure and nature of the cell wall

According to Jensen (1967), celL walls vary greatly in

composition and maTphology. However, the cell wall consists

of three layers, middle lamella, primary wall and secondary


and e1astic. It increases in area as the cell grows. A

secondary wall is formed between the cytoplasm and the primary wall, when the growth of the coll ceases. The secondary wall is often thick (5-10 /u) and rigid, providing great tensile

strength to the cell. The primary walls of two cells are joined by a common layer call ed the middle lamella.

The coll wall when first formed is very thin, but increas-es in thicknincreas-ess through the deposition by the protoplasm of

new particles upon those already present. Thickness of the

eel~ wall sometimes becomes so great, that it almost fills the cell cavity (Anderson, 1927).

The chemical nature of the cell wall is loss understood and thought to be a complex one. Miller (193_8) provides a

diagram· which shows the substances that may compose. the cell


Material ( ( that may ( ( enter into ( ( the com- ( ( position ( (

of the (

( cell wal l ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Cellulose ( lformalr typical or trve celluloses


( EYdroc elluloso2. 8 types

( o~~c elluloses Y

( Crnrc1po,und celluloses - Lignoc oll.ul.oscs

( Homicelluloses (Skel etal )P3ntosans )In tho cell

( or (ho ni ) xy lan ) walls o f

( -pseudocellulosos(ct:Jlluloses)A:i:'.aban )wood and

( )~l~ctosans)seed coats. (Reserve

(hemi - )Pentosans )In tho cel l (celluloser,)~ylau )waLls of

)Araban ) endospn:rms

Suberin and cutin

Pecti.c Substances (Pee.tic acids


(Pectosc (Pectin

)Mallilosans ) & you:u.g fibres

.Galactosans) of wood & bark

Other c ons.t.i t-ue.nts:

(Resins, gums, tRnnis·, minertls,

(Colo·uring mat ters, pr')toins,,, fG.ts, phospho li-(p:ides, oth0r o::1l oils a:1d callose.


Cellulose, composed of thousnn~s of r 0~e3tins clucoso

units , is tho major structural eloBont of tho cel l wall,

ospeciP.lly i n the c,_,se nf pri,1:~.ry Vl.'.'.11 (Jonsen, 1967).

Cellulose has '.·ecn r 0p.:,1rt0,:1. t:., '.,o L:>os8ly O!:J.'.)edc':.or1 in

thu :anr tix i n tho f.:;rr,1 of :,!icrofi~ .. r ils (Fr oy-1Vyssling ancl

Muhlothc.l er; 1965) Tho ;.;~i crofi~)rils , in the seconC.>.ry wal l which cont.?,i!1s 60 t~ 94 por cont cellulose 2.nd only a l i t t le mrtrtix, ar e cl,)sol y pc.eked n.w: interwoven into a net work.

Ther e exists intor sp:ccs r.,etweon t:.c i:J.-icrofibrils 2-nd

botweon the el omc21t.:-.ry fi:;rils (Frcy-Wyssling and Muhlethal er,

1965). Tho sizo of the intorcicol l~r spaces between the elementary fi~rils ic ahout 10 A0 3nct ther efor e they shoul d be penetrabl 0 by smal l mol ecules such as wator and halogon~~ns.

Tho size of the intorfi½r i l l~r spacos between tho microfibrils 0

however, has ,_ oen r oacl].ed up to 100 A • Hence, l arger

molecules should p.:1.Gs freely if the spac cs ar v not filled with non-cellulose mP.torial (Frey-Wyssling and Muhletllal or,

1965). Other c o;upononts of tho primary vml l ancl tho r:1iddle

lamel la ar e tho pectic substances . Thoso ar c lar0o mol ecules

made up of r cp<w.tin5 units called hexuronic 2.cids, which ar e derivatives of hoxose sugars (Jensen, 1967). Still other

cocrpounds ar e foun~ in the walls of many calls. Chief among them ar c tho i':axes, which constitute the surface


Ectodesnata:- The discovery of extoiesraata in the


wall of the epidermal cells has provided a now outlook for foliae;o penetration. Franko ( 1961) has studied tho occurrence and ci stributi0n of octodosnata i n tho opido~m~G of Plant€'..0omajo~ and HeJ_xino sol oirolii. Leaf struc turos, such as guard cel ls, conical hairs, anticlinal walls and tho opidermal cells adjacent to tho l eaf vei ns have Leen observed to contain large nurabors of ectodosmata. Since ectodosmata extend from the cuticle, which they do not

perforate, through the wall t o the lumina of epidermal cel ls, they seem to provide an almost direct connection of tho



Structure of the plasma-membrane

The cytoplasm is surrounded by a layer callc(1

plasna-membrane ur plasmalelllila which i s thin, flexible and not

directly visible to the light micro·scope. The plasmamembrane,

~ccording to (Jensen, 1967) is composed of protein and lipid.

Their molecules are arranged in the membrane in such a way

that the protein molecul.es are aligned on the exterior of the

membrane and-are bound to the lipid moiecules which occupy

the centre.

Frey-Wyssling and Muhlethaler


have mentioned a

variety o,f functions which are performed by the plasmamembrane~

It controls semipermeability, resorption, excretion and se cre-tion, leading to the formation of slime and a whole. series of cell-wall substances, and it is al.so capable of breaking down substances enzymically.

Jensen (1967) has mentioned the advantages a,f the

semiper-moability of the membrane in that it prevents the organic

materials of the cell such as sugars and soluble proteins

from leaking o:ut of the cell whiJu~ allo,wing water and sal.ts

to enter, and this maintains the integrity of the cell i.n

rel..at:i.o,n to the surrounding enviromaent.

The piasmamembrane provides no passage as such for tho


adsorbed in the- plasmamembrane and then taken into the cyto-plaso by a process requiring metabolic energy (Jensen,





Mechanisms of fa:J:.iar penetration




1. Mechanisms of p,:-,ne!_rqtion in the cuticle

Many workers, in order to study the penetrability and mechanism of cuticular penetration, have ex~uined the isolated cuticles (Skoss,


Schieferstein and Loor.li.s.


Goodman and Addy,


Darlington and Ciruli.s,


Yamada, Wittwer and Bukovac>


and Silva Fernandes,


These studi.es have confirmed the penetrability o,f the cut.icular membranes.


permea-bility of the isolated cuticlGs, brought about by tho changes

in physical and chmlical characteristics o-f isolated cuticles,

during tho process of thGir i solation by chemical moans.

Somo. pormeabili ty, surfac o binding, and ion exchange

characteristics have beon reported for onzy~ically i solated

cuticalar membranes (Yamada, Wittwer and Bukovac, 1964;

Yan.all a, Bukovac and Wi t tvrer , 1964). They include the

sto~atous groon onion leaf cuticle anc the astomatous tomato

fruit cuticle. Cations and anions wore bound to- the inner

surfaces of cuticlos to much greater extent than on tho outer

sur faces. With di alyzing membranes, no such differences between the two surfaces occurred. Approximately, throe

tiaos more cati0:ns were bound on the inner surface





2 m


u mole per c~) of tho tomato cuticle than the outer surface

(2. 73 m


u r1ole/cm2). The possi ble explanation of such

differential ion binding by surfaces of isolated culicular

membranes has been given as the mo-rphola,gical differences in

the cuticular surfaces. The outer surfaces were smooth, while the inno.r surfaces were irregular, having protrusio.ns and

cellu].ar fragments. A further possibl e explanation for the

differential ion binding by the two surfaces as given by

y·aoada,, Bukovac and Wittwer ( 1964), has been rel at ed to, the physio-chemica1. propertie$ o·f the two surfaces. The outer


It has boon rcpo:rted that cuticular pcnetratia.n from outsic1e to inside is gro.ater than from inside to o,utsicle. This type of behaviour was first observed in tho stomata free cuticl.es of Hedera helix leaves in which more water penetrated inward, i.o. towards tho protoplast than autwarc (Schieferstein and Loomis,


A similar typo o-f result was obtaine~l for the penetration of -r~~ioactivo cations (ca45 Rb86 ) and anions





cl36 )

an'.l also for unclissociatocl organic compounds through onzym-ically isolated cuticles of astomatous tomato fruit and stomatous green onion l oaves (Yanada, Wittwer and Bukovac,



Again the penetration of cations from outside to insiclc was more pronounc od than tho anions and tho rate of penetration through different cuticul.ar surfaces was directly rolateJ to the extent of ion binding on the surface which was opposite the· site of the initial entry (Yamada, Wittwer and Bukovac,


Crafts and Foy


have shown tho evidence of a gradient from low polarity on tho Gx.terior t.o a rolativol.y high polarity in the layers born.oring tho epidermal coll-wal l. In any case t.he negative c_harges characteristics o,f cuticular membranes offer reasonable exple,nations for permoability


However, Goo~nan and A~dy




obtained an opposi te

result for the penetration of ,1 number of organic compounds

through appl a cuticles i. o. the pcnctr,;tion of o.rc;anic co;:;1

-pounds fror;1 inside to o:utsi(1.c was significantly gr ontor than

from outsic'.o to inside. In this caso tho cuticl.es were

isolc:.tcc.l wi th nmrnoniurtl oxal ate anc. oxalic acid. Such

chem-ically se:paratec:. cuticular mGmbranos might be diffor ent from

thoso isol~ted cnzyraically and their structure might have been

al tered, thus causing the reversed bchaviror. Further, the

permeability to organi c compounds might be different from that

of inorganic ions.

Urea, cts r eported 1.:y YarJada, Wi ttwcr and Bukovac ( 1965)

penetrates the cuticular menbrane:, with a higher velocity than

couJ.~1 bo expoctod fro• the siiilplo c.1.iffusion.. The penetration

of urea, thus, through tho isolated tomato frui t cuticle was

10-20 times gr eater than tho penetration of inorganic i ons


c.:t-+ ,



4 --·) They concluded that urea mi ght have penetre,ted through the facilatcd diffusi on. Thero is supp0J

rt-:L.ng evidence for fncilatccl diffusion in that urc.a promotes the

uptake of other nutrients similta.neously applied (Wittwer and



Labanauskas and Puffer,


The effect of

urea on the permeability as reported by Yamada, Wittwer and

Bukovac ( 1965), is based on tho l.oose.ning a-f the membrane structure by changing ester, ether, and di ethe.r bonds· between

the !llacromole-culcs of cutin.


rrnd un1issociato,~ IJOl oculos cc.n penetrate tho isol.::i.t oc1

cuticular m0m.branes by c1oans of sim.plo diffusion, while uroa

seems to pono.trc3.tc by a process of facilatoc~ diffusion. In intKct tissues sinilar physical processes might be involved

during penetration. Mechanisms of __p_o_n_<:tr;at1:~n in the coll W-:1.l l

As soon as the substances penetrate the cuticle and

cuticular layers, they roach tho c ollul.oso layers of tho wall. Tho interfibrillar spaces between tho cellulose fi!,rils are thought to be large enough for the penetration by diffusion.

Still i t is believed that w~ll. penetration takes pl ac o th.rough

sopa.rA.tecl pathways. These pathways ar0 ectodesrnatn. FrarJrn

(1961) strongly believes that nutrients follow these pathways.

However, Sutcliffe (1962) states that tho contonts of tho cell wall. s-uch as cellulose, homice.llulosc, pol.yuronido-s and

phospholipids arc capable of binding salts in tho farms which are readi1.y e.xchange2,ble, and hence the wall. acts as a Donan system containing an appreciable concentration a,f negative charges. The movement of ions tokes place froiu th0 oxt0rnal mediucr, by di.ffusion and exchange, to tho surface of the cytoplasm.








Machanisms of _penotz:.at1:on in the 1?l asma-membrane


barrier, tho plasmalor:lli1a on r c.::tchinG tl10 protoplasts.

AccorC:i115 to Jonson ( 1967) the pl2.smar:1onbrano provides passctge for physical penetration of water nolcculos only ani a largo number of subst-'3.ncos ar o incorporr.~tocl ';,y a process r equiring i:1ot;lbolic energy. This process rnay involve a carrier systen which involves the pickins up., 2..t tho oxtornc1.l surface o,f the plasme.me1..1":::rano, of a substance to be transportc(l by a carrier into the int crnal surface o.f tho oembraue.

Jenson ( 1967) provides the cvhlo-nc o of another nochanism, which may be r esponsi bl e for tho activ5 uptc.ke of tho sub -stances. This is cal ler'. Pinocytosis, which involvc::s the invaginations of cel l mcmLr ano and formation of vesicl es

within the cytopl asm of tho cel l . The; vesicle may br eak down and tho material cont:,.inec1.. in 1.t i s finally utilisoc", by the cell~

Tho ovL\enco cf active absorption o,f rul:idiuo ~n~~ phosphate by the prinary leaves of tllo bc.s:.n plant has been

dCL,onstrato::1 by Jyung an.d Wittwer ( 1964) and for tobacco l eaves by Jyung et al. , ( 1965).

Tho energy require~~ for active absorption ma;y 1:,e obtained fron respiration and photosynthesis. If the energy is pra,vided by r espiration, lack of oxygen sh.oulcl r o:1uce tho uptake, anc1. if the energy is provided by photosynthesis tho presence of CO

2 and light shoulrl accelerate the uptake. The fact that the light iflproves tho uptak0 of several substances has been


1965; Jyung ot al . , 1965; Middl eton and Sanderson, 1965).

Ener gy is thought t o be mostly provides in tho form of

ATPP Honcc, the acLli t ion of thi.s compound must increase tho up:tako. This has boon :-1o~i1o,nstratecl for the uptake of Rb+ by

the ce-lls onzy:mical ly isolator'.. fro:n tobacco lcavos, whor e +

ad.J.i tion of ATP, incrcasuc1 Rb uptake by 13% (Jyung ot al . , 1965). Also, application of high enor gy pr oc'..ucts o,f photo.

-synthesis along with tho substances to bo absorbod, has

increased tho upt ake of the latter. For oxa:,1ple, feiac'.ing with sucrose enhanced tho uptake of l eucine by apple l eaves in the dark (Kamimura and Goodman, 1964). Similarly, ins t oad of o•xygen, the acldi tion of intormo·:1.i ates of tho r espirator y motabolis1;i,

enhances tho upt alrn of the sullstanco to bo absorbed.. Thus , feecling with succinate increasoc: the Rb-+ uptake by cells of enzymically i.sol.ated from tobacco l oaves in tho dark and light (Jyung ot al., 1965).

From tho datails c1.oscriboc.1 above, i t appears that the foll.owing stages ar o involver! in the over al l process of foliar uptake.

I. In the first sta6o, substances applied to the surface of tho l oaves penetrate the cuticle, and the cel l wall through a physical process of diffusion.


III. In t.he third sta6G, substanc cs aro t.J.lrnn into the

cyto-plasm, by the processes requiring metabolic energy.

During stage I ancl II, sut.stancos only fill u~ the free

space ant~ merely adsorb. Thoy G.r c not ta.ken up into t.hc

cyto-plasm. This has been shown from tho fact that c1.uring these

stagesi substances ar o again washc<t out (Vickery anc1 Mercer,


The fe..ct th9.t tho ovorall foliage penetration involves

tho above three stages can be seen by illustrating tho work of Vickery and Hore Cff ( 1 964


ancl Allen ( 1964) • Vickery and



r ccoeise thrc0 stages of uptake of sucrose by

bean loaf. (:i) an initial r 2,picl uptake of sucrose.. (ii.) a

linear phRse (iii) a phase in which uptake 0.0crcases. Phase

{ i) and (ii) may correspond to tho stage I anc1- II of the coll

wall penetration and adsorption, and the third phase I!lay

correspond to the activo uptake, which requires metabolic

All.en (


has provided much information on these vario,us

phas.es of uptake of r:tetallic io,ns by apple leaves. He r c cog-copper

nise:s four phases of uptake of .~ by appl.e. l.cavos. His results

conf:i.rm that :Ln phase (i.) and (ii), the proco.ss involven. is only adsorption. In phase (iii) there is ~ocrcase in uptake,

which corrGspornls to active uptake requiring metabolic energy.


material. from within the leaf is simultanoously released into ctue

tho solution /4o tho broakngo of some barrier to diffusion.

Finally, after the incorporation of the. substances into tho proto,plasts of the epidermal cells, a trans1ocation of the

absorbed mat0rial.s to th8 o.thor areas of the l eaves: or to other

plant parts takos place regularly.


Factors affecting penetration and movement

3.2.1. Plant factors Physio-chemical nature of tho



Plant spocios cFffor in the physio-chemical nature of the

cuticle. Environmental factors pl.ay an irnp())rtant role in tho structure and camposi tion o.f the cuticle. For exa1:1ple, the cuticle, is generally thicker on leaves which have developed :iLn bright sunlight. than which develo,ped in shac1.e, and the wax

deposition in the former has been found to be eroater than in tho latter (Skoss,


The point is that in tho case of sun grown plants, ther e is high rato o,f transpirati.on and

hence p1ants go through a per iod of water stre.ss, which causes heavier cutinization of leavcsw

Crafts and Foy ( 1962) stat·e that deve.I.opmentally the


abrasion !'lay r1ctorioratc tho. cuticle 2,ncl make i t imperfect as

a layer.

S~lva Fernandes (1965) observed that tho extent of

cuticle thickne8s awl wax deposi t ion has an iuportant effect

in tho ponetrati.on. No penetration o,f copper soluti.ons from

copper acetate or sulphate or i:rnrcury fro,J solution of

phenyl-ncrcuric acetate occurro-::l through astomataus mcnbranos con-taining


l mg/cm:2 or more of cutin. Wax offered an IDport

-ant barrier for the; penetration o,f mercury through tho mem-brane, but the effect of the wax depended on its composition.

Ponotration of mercury incrcaso1 by an increase in the

percentage of esters in the wax.

Crafts ,.md Foy ( 1962) have mentioned that both inward

and outward movement of aqueous solutions is restricted by

the heavy and 1J1ore o-r l0ss continuous deposits of cuticular

wax. Tho irregular surface wax deposits inf1uencc the

wetting and contact angle botwecm droplet of solution and l.caf surface.

The contact angle between water and tho waxy corn:panent

will be highc-r than between water and the cutin component

i.e. water wets cutin bettor than wax. This is only because

o,f binding capacity of polar groups for water through hydro

-gen bonds, while hydrocarbon chains only attract water through

tho much weaker van dor Waal's forces. (van Ovorbe8k, 1956).


o-sition of cutin components, they also diffe-r in wottability an~ this ruay affect ponutration. _Af!,_G o·f tho l eaf

Th0ro iE an al•ost universal agr0emcnt that the younger loaves show cr eator aLsorption than tho olc'..er ones. Tho nutrients include urea, Cain




phosphorus, Fisher and Walker (1955); Koontz anr':. Biddulph (1957, and Thorne (1958); MagncsiUIJ, Oland and Opland


ancl Zinc, Wallihan and Heymann-HorschLcrg (1956). The reason for the greater

absorption ty the youncor leaves nay bo thinner cuticle-s and

less wax ~oposition. In advancing ace l oaf cuticles become thicker, and thereby nay inhib~t penetrRtion. But tho ~cp o-siti.on of cuticle as roportec'. by Skoss


talrns place only to a certai n stac;e of rn.orphclo·gical maturity, beyond that no further deposition occurs.



2. 1




L.e.~f . s~rfac e_s -~nd mprpho_logy

_Horizontal, hairy, pubosc ont leaves retain r.ia:xe spray than the vertical. anct smooth l oav0s (Ennis et al., 1952); and this results in gr eat er absorption in tho former typo of leaves than in the latter. Upper anc lower surfaces of ieaves also exhibit rhfferent rate of absorption. Usually the 1.a.wcr


Chapraan, 194-9; Cook and Bo.ynta:n, 195•2; · Volk and McAuliffe, 1954; Bennett and Thomas, 1954; Gustafson, 1956; Cain, 1956;

Gu.s:tafson and Schlossinger,


Tllis is porhaps duo to tho presence o:f thinner cuticl.o., numerous stomata, pronincnt vo.ins and roughness of the lowc-r surface of the l oaves. HOJwovor, species differ as to which surface func ti.ans most in absorptio,n ( Gustafson, 1957).



Mineral . status of tho 1.er1f

Apple leaves havinc; highor status 0;f nitrogen have shown greater absorption of urea, Cook and Boynton (1952), magnesium, Forshey (


1963) than the leaves o,f loVIor status cf

nitrogen. '!'his increase in a·:Jsorption has boon partly attributec. to the difference in gro,wth af the plants because in above studi o.s, plants grown in high nitrogen conditions produced rapid and quicker growth of the plants and loaves wore comparatively larger and greener than tho low ni trogon plants. Under these concl:itions the cuticle might be expected to be thinner than on tho slower growing smaller I.eaves of l.o,w nitrogen tr0es and thus, more easily penetrable.


phos-phorru:: · than thoso grown in phosphorus c1..oficiont J:J.cdi a.

However, the results of Koontz and Biddulph (



inc1.icatc that, plants grown in rich phosphorus ncdia translocate filOJre phospho,rus than those grawn in phosphorus deficient media.


External factors


Lisht may affect tho absorption both directly or

indirectly. It cray favour tho absorption directly by stimu-1.atinG thC; openin0 of stomata or indirectly by supplying

enorGY throuch photosynthesis. Licht may also affect tho structure of loaves and thG condition of stomata and thereby nay affect absorption. Tho fact that lisbt intensity and quality inprove the rate of al:sorptio,n of various substances has been dm:,mnstratec:. by several workers. (Sari:;e.nt and












Middleton and Sanderson,




(53) Tomp~ratur o

C~rrior and Dyb{ng (1 959) state that warm t emperatures,

if not oxcossivo cnhanco penetration by affecting physio -chemical processes (increased rato of diffusi on, lororod

viscosity etc. ), physiological factors (accel eration of

photosynthoci.s, phloem translocation, accumul ation processes,

protoplasmic s tr c.aming and grovrth).

Teubnor ot al . (1957) found increased mineral absorptian and transport by boan and tomato l oaves wh~n the tomporatur o

\Fas increased from 50°F to 70°F. Wi th inc:toasing tor,1peratur o

tho penctra_ticm of 2, 4-D (Barrier an:i Loomis, 1957; Rico, 1948) and NAA (Harley et al., 1957) also incroasod.

It has boon pointed out by van Overbeck (1956) that tho penetration through tho layers of oriented fatty molecules is highly t emperature dopondont. If fatty molecules ori ented in l ayers as micelles ar c in tho solid. state thoy ho,Vtl .a lower permeability. In tho liquid state they have a higher pormoab -ility;when totally disorganised,as at lethal temperature~ such l ayers can no longer servo as permeation barriers. Since this temperature effect is on tho bGrri er itself, the principles stated by van Overbook (1956) must hoJ:..d for any material,



A rcl c:l ti vely high hur.iidi ty has incronsed the ponatration of a nm:iber of foliage appliod subst2,nccs. Currier and




have statod tho effects of relatively high

humidity on ponetration. It delays drying of the spray

doposi ts,, prevents water stress in the plant and IDP..Y increase

cuticul.ar permeability.

Increased hydration of cutin raartix, according to van





may spread tho wax components further apart;

because the wax components aro not elastic ns i.s the spongy cutin framework. This, in turn, will increase the

por~eabil-i ty of tho cuticle. High turgidity of epidor~Al cells and other underlying tissues would havo a similar result.

Con-versely, lowor water content of cutin and underlying tissue

will cause shrin..l{age, and th.e wax uni ts will bo pulled close together and this will decrease the cuticle permeability. Thie proposed ''Valve system" has great significance for the

water baJLanco o·f the 1.caf. When the cuticle is dry, tho valve

effect restricts water loss; when the cuticle is wet, tho valve system allows water uptake.

Similarly, various substances are known to penetrate the

cuticle most efficiently in saturated atmosphere. For example,






High humidity also has significnntly increased the uptake of strontium: - 89 and caesium 137 than low humidity (Middleton Rild Sanderson,


However, no effect of hum-idity has been found on the uptake of suge.r by toi.:lato l eaves

(Went and Carter,





p~ of tho ~pray &olutions

The effects of solution pH on permeability and pene tra-tion c:.r e cor:1pl:icated by the facts that whether the results are caused by effects on degree pf dissociation of solutes, or whether tho changes in porr:ieability are brought about by the nombrane itself. In cases, where the latter influence may be

more pronincnt, there i s still the question of whether the

effect is due to hydration of the plasma-membrane or to a hydrolysis effects on membrane components.

Tho rosul ts o,f Cook and Boynton (


suggest that the per cent urea absorbed by apple loaf at pH


is greater than at pH


Similarly a pH of




as compared to higher pH of appli.ed phosphate solution facilitated more rapid uptake by

leaves (Silberstein and Wittwer,


Swanson and Whitney,


Fisher and Walker,


As shown in Fig. 2 the amount


Q) +:> :::s s:! ·rl E ... Cl) +:> s:! :::s 0 C) ~ 8 H :> H 8 0 <i:

Fig.2. The

level of


activity found




following a 4-hr. period

of translocation




blade as a function

of pH of the applied solution.



h p



average of at least 3






by the symbols 0,







experiments (Swanson and


hitney, 1953).





















6 7



Tho role of pH in promoting absorptioh has been attributed to two f?.c tors, tho ef feet o•f high acidity in suppressing the dissociation of phosphoric aci~ and a possible dir ect effect of pH on the permcf.:'..bility of e:pidermal. and subjacent tissues

(Swanson and Whitney,




In case of divalent ions (Ca++,Mg++) the effects of pH on relative absorption docs not appear to h~ve been elaborately studied. Mor 8 investigations in this line arc needed.


Surfactants arc used to increase tho effectiveness of spray solutions applied to tho foliage. According to Currier and Dybing (1959)~ tho r esponse to surfactants mQy be due to one or more of the following:

(a) i~proving coverage;

(b) removing air filn1s between spray end leaf surface;

(c) reducing interfacial tension between relatively polar and apoln.r submicroscopic regi ons cf tho cuticle;

(d) enducing sto~atal entry;

(o) increasing the perr.ioability of the plasr.1a-me•brano through stimulati.on or incipient toxicity;

(f) facilitating cell-wall novcment in the region of the wall cytoplasm interface;

(g) acting as a cosolvont;


FIGURE rrjpo thotic al structure of tho functi onal
Fig. 1 .
Table 4. The eff ect of glycerine , car:Jowax, and methyl.
Table 8 ..


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