Copyright X 1990, American Society forMicrobiology
RNA-Binding Properties
of the Matrix
of Avian
Leukemia Viruses
Section of Biochemistry and Molecularand Cellular Biology, Cornell University,Ithaca, New York14853
Received 7 August1989/Accepted 16October1989
Wehave reinvestigated the ability of thematrix protein (MA)(pl9gag)of aviansarcomaand leukemia viruses
to interact withRNA. Previous reports claimed onthe onehand that MA canbind tightly and with ahigh degree of specificity toaviansarcomaandleukemia virus RNA in vitro andonthe other that itcannotbindto
RNA atall. We foundthat MA purified byanyofseveral methods does bindtoRNA,asmeasured byits ability
to cause retention of radioactive RNA on nitroceilulose membranes in a filtration assay. However, this
interaction is weak and lacks specificity. Theinteractionof MA with RNAwasbarely detectable by classical sedimentation analysis,andfromthis observationweestimate that the intrinsicMA-RNA associationconstant
isca. 103M-',atleast 3 orders of magnitudesmaller than theconstantdescribing the interaction ofthe viral
nucleocapsid protein (NC) (p129'9) with RNA, ca. 106 M-1. Separately purified phosphorylated and
nonphosphorylatedMA species bound RNA equally.We alsofoundthat MAcanbindtoDNA withanaffinity similartothat forRNA. The large quantitative discrepancy betweenourresults and earlier publishedreports
canbetraced inpart tomethods ofdata analysis.
In all retroviruses, the polypeptide encoded by the gag
gene gives risetotheinternal structural components ofthe
virion. Expression ofthe gaggene itself, in the absence of functional proteins from the othertwomajorgenes,poland env, canleadtothe budding ofviruslike particles from the
membrane of the infected cell. During the final stages of virion assembly, thegagpolypeptide is cleaved by the viral protease (PR) (for nomenclature conventions,seereference 12) into the several different structural proteins found in
matureinfectious particles (retrovirus assembly isreviewed
in reference 36). The functions of three of these proteins have been elucidated, at least in part. The nucleocapsid protein (NC) is found tightly associated with the genomic RNA and probably coats the RNA completely. Certain mutations in NC prevent packaging of RNA into virions (18-20). Invitro, NCisreportedtobindtoRNAtightly but nonspecifically (6, 10, 15, 32). In all retroviruses, NC is
derived from the ultimateorpenultimatedomain neartheC terminus of the gag precursor polypeptide. The capsid protein (CA) isbelieved toform theregular structure
occa-sionally seen by electron microscopy inside the retroviral
membrane.CA isderived from the middle domain of thegag precursor. The membrane-associated, or matrix, protein (MA), which in all retroviruses is derived from the N-terminal domain of the gag precursor, lies directly under-neath the inner face of thelipid envelope (2, 21, 23).Inmany retroviruses,butnotinaviansarcomaandleukemia viruses
(ASLV),MA bearsamyristicacidmoietyatits N terminus
(9, 29).Intwovirussystems, mutations in MA thatprevent
myristylation have been engineered, and these mutations prevent budding of virus particles (26, 27). In addition to theseproteins,PR isderived fromthegagprecursorinsome retroviruses, suchas ASLV.
In early studies on ASLV, MA (formerly called
tPresent address: Division of Molecular and Developmental Biology,Mount SinaiHospitalResearchInstitute, Toronto,Ontario
was reported to be associated with the genomic RNA in virusparticles (30) and alsotobind with high affinitytoviral
RNA invitro(15, 16). Theformer conclusion is likelytobe
in error because of misidentification of the RNA-protein
adductthat isformed afterUV irradiation. Infact,themajor gag protein that becomes cross-linked to RNA underUV lighthas beenpositively identified asNC byimmunological
criteria(17)andbypeptide mapping (R.B. Pepinskyand V. M. Vogt,unpublished observations). Theevidence for MA-RNA interaction in vitro was derived from classical nitro-cellulose filter binding assays. Purified MA was incubated with radioactive RNA, the mixture was filtered, and the retention of radioactivity on nitrocellulose membranes was
used to measure binding. Quantitative analyses of such
studies,basedonthemethod ofScatchard,led Leisetal. to claim that MA binds to ASLV genomic RNA with an
apparent association constant of ca. 101l to 1012 M-1.
Binding to rRNA was reported tobe orders of magnitude weaker(15),thus leadingto the suggestionthat MA
recog-nizes specific sequences or structural features of ASLV RNA. Leisetal. speculatedthatthis preferenceof MA for its cognate RNAplaysaroleincontrolof viral RNAsplicing (16). In marked contrast to these reports, other workers couldnotdetectanybindingof MA to RNA after transfer of theproteinfroma sodium dodecylsulfate
(SDS)-polyacryl-amide gel onto a nitrocellulose membrane (3, 17), under
conditions in which the NC-RNA interaction was readily
apparent. Indeed, it was claimedthat MA is not an
RNA-binding protein atall(17).
Ifconfirmed, the selective interaction ofany ASLV
pro-tein with its cognate viralRNAwouldprovideanimportant
cluetohelp clarify aspectsof the virusreplication cycle.To
thisend andtoresolvethediscrepanciesin theliterature,we reinvestigatedtheabilityof MA to bind toRNA. We found
that MApurified byanyof several methodsisindeedcapable
ofcausingretention ofRNAon nitrocellulose filters. How-ever,theapparentassociationconstantdescribingthis
inter-action is manyorders ofmagnitudesmallerthanpreviously calculated, andthe interaction lacksspecificity.
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Purification of viral proteins. MAwaspurified from avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV), whichwas obtained as pellets from Life Sciences, Inc. Two basic methods were used. Method Aconsisted of detergentlysis of the virusfollowed
by two chromatography steps on phosphocellulose (24). Approximately 100mg(wetweight)ofAMVwas suspended in250
ofice-cold 20mMTris hydrochloride (pH7.5)-1%
n-octylglucoside (OG)-1 mMphenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). The suspension wasfrozen and thawed fourtimesandthen incubatedonice for 1 hwith occasional mixing. All subsequent manipulations took place at
The virussolutionwasdiluted 10-foldwith 20 mMTrishydrochloride
(pH 7.5) and centrifuged for 10 min at 2,000 x g. The
column(P11; Whatman, Inc.)equilibratedwith PC buffer (20 mMTris hydrochloride[pH7.5]-5 mMdithiothreitol [DTT]-0.1% OG-0.5 mM PMSF). The flowthrough fraction was
reloaded three times to maximize adsorption to the resin.
Aftera 12-ml wash with thesamebuffer, saltsteps of 12 ml each of100 mMNaCl, 350 mMNaCl, and finally 1 MNaCl in thesamebufferwereapplied.Fractions containing MA(as determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(PAGE) were pooled, dialyzed against PC buffer, and then
passed through a 200-pul phosphocellulose column. After a
1-ml wash, 1 ml of each of the same salt steps used
previously was used for elution. In both columns, MA appeared inthe 350 mM step.
Method B consisted of chloroform-methanol lysis of the
virus (as described elsewhere [16]) followed by
chromatog-raphyontwosequentialcation-exchange columns. The best
results were obtained with carboxymethyl-Sephadex
(CM-Sephadex; Sigma Chemical Co.)followed by
phosphocellu-lose, butinsomepreparations,twosequential CM-Sephadex
columns were used. Approximately 200 mg of AMV was
suspended on ice in 10ml of100 mM NaCI-1 mMPMSF.
Exactly 21 ml ofchloroform-methanol (2:1) was mixed in, and the sample was centrifuged for 1 h at 2,000 x g. The
chloroform and the aqueous-methanol phases were re-moved, and thelarge white precipitate at the interface was driedwith nitrogen. This materialwasextractedwith5 mlof 0.1M NaPO4 (pH7.0)-1%2-mercaptoethanol-1 mM PMSF for2 hat37°Cwithshaking.Thesuspensionwascentrifuged
for10min at10,000 x g,and thesupernatantwasremoved. Fourmorecycles of extraction of the pellet and
centrifuga-tionwereperformed, thelasttwowith 2.5 ml of buffer plus
0.2% OG (or in some experiments, Triton X-100). The
supernatantswerecombined and slowly loadedontoa13-ml
CM-Sephadexcolumn,usually in thepresenceof detergents. Afterthe columnwas washed, steps of0.1 and then 1.0 M
NaCl in the extraction bufferplus 0.1% OG were applied.
MAappeared inthe0.1 Mstep,while NC appeared in the 1.0
Mstep. The fractions containing MAweredialyzedagainst
the PC bufferandthen loadedontoa3-ml phosphocellulose
columnandelutedby the steps described above.
Further chromatographic separation of the phosphory-lated and nonphosphorylated forms of MA was accom-plished either by DEAE-cellulose chromatography or by
chromatography on a Mono-Q column (Pharmacia) with a
fastproteinliquidchromatography system(Pharmacia). For
theDEAEmethod(24),35 pugofMAwasdialyzedagainst 20
mM Tris hydrochloride(pH7.5)-10mM DTT-1 mM EDTA-0.05% OG. The dialyzed protein was loaded onto a
DE52 column(Whatman)equilibrated with thesamebuffer.
The column was washed with 800
buffer andthen with 800
ofloadingbuffer plus 100 mM NaCl. Most of thenonphosphorylatedspecieswereelutedduring
thefirst wash, while thephosphorylatedspecies(contaminatedto ca.25% with nonphosphorylated MA) were eluted
the salt step. For theMono-Q method,50,ug
of MA in 3 mlof20mM Tris hydrochloride (pH
EDTA-10 mM DTT-0.1% OG was loaded onto a Mono-Q column atroomtemperature, and elution was carried out with a 20-ml
gradient to 250 mM NaCl in the same buffer. The
ofnonphosphorylated MA appeared at 35 mM NaCl. Thepeak of phosphorylated MA appeared at
70 mMNaCl.
Some experiments also were done with MA purified by
high-resolution gelfiltration in 6 Mguanidinehydrochloride
as described elsewhere (34), and MA exhibited similar
binding activity in these experiments. Earlier work by Leis
and collaborators also used guanidine-purified MA for pro-tein-RNA binding studies (15). NC wasobtained either from
the 1 M step in procedure A or B described above or elseby
gel filtration in guanidine. AMV reverse transcriptase (RT)
was obtained from Life Sciences or from Boehringer Mann-heim Biochemicals. The integration protein (IN) (pp32 or endonuclease) used as a standard for Western blots (immu-noblots) was kindly provided by R. Katz.
RNA and DNA binding assays. Nitrocellulose filter binding assays were performed as described elsewhere (15). Inbrief, standard reaction mixtures (50
contained 10 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH 7.5), 1 mM DTT, 20 to 50 mMNaCl,
several nanograms of radioactive RNA or DNA,andvarious concentrations of MA. After 20min
ofincubation onice, the reaction mixtures were diluted with 0.5 ml of ice-cold 10 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH7.5)-10
mM NaCl and immediately filtered through 25-mm presoakednitrocellulose
filters (BA 85; Schleicher & Schuell, Inc.) on a large manifold with gentle suction (ca. 0.25ml/min
per filter). Equivalent binding occurred if the dilution step was omitted or if a wash step was added. Gel mobility assays for binding of protein to DNA were done in10-,u
samples which contained 50 to 200 ng of DNA and from 50 ng to several micrograms of protein, usually at a final NaCl concentration of 140 mM, plus 8 mM Tris hydrochloride- (pH 7.5)-0.4 mM EDTA-2 mM DTT-0.04% Triton X-100. After the samples were kept at room temperature for 20min,
of glycerol was added and the samples were electrophoresed on 1% agarose gels in Tris-acetate buffer.In the binding assay based on sucrose gradient sedimen-tation, MA and NC were incubated for 20
at room temperature with or without 40,ug
of the 6-kilobase (kb) tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA in 200IlI
of 20 mM Tris hydrochloride (pH7.5)-50
mM EDTA-1 mM DTT-20,ug
of bovine serum albumin per ml. The samples were then layered over a 3.8-ml sucrose gradient (5 to 20%) in the same buffer and centrifuged at4°C
for 3 h at 45,000 rpm in an SW60 rotor. Samples of the collected fractions were analyzed for RNA by determining A260 and for the presence of viral proteins by immunoblotting after SDS-PAGE with a mixture of antisera to MA and NC. The binding constant for MA and NC was estimated from the following formula (7): KL =[(P,/PO)-l/l"-1S1,
where K is the intrinsic association constant (expressed as the recipro-cal of the molar concentration), L is the concentration of nucleic acid binding sites (expressed as molar concentra-tion),PO
is the initial concentration of protein in the loaded sample, andP,,
is the concentration of protein in the nth fraction of the gradient, where the RNA peak is located. TheJ. VIROL.
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-CA MlA= .,,
c d e t 9 h ij k I
-- at
FIG. 1. SDS-PAGE of purified MA. Purified MA was electrophoresed on a 17.5% polyacrylamide gel and then stained with Coomassie blue or silver (22) or probed withamonoclonal antibody to MA. (A) Stain. Lane a, 0.5
of MApurified by methodA;lane b, total AMV starting material. (B) Stain. Lane c, Marker proteins; lane d, ca. 2 ,ug of MA purified by method B; lane e, 1 ,ug of nonphosphorylated MA from DEAE column; lane f, 1 ,ug of phosphorylated MA from DEAE column; lane g, 100 ng of nonphosphorylated MA from Mono-Q column; lane h, 100 ng of phosphorylated MA from Mono-Q. Lanes a and b are from one gel, and lanes c to h are from a different gel. Lanes a to f werestained withCoomassie blue, and lanes g and h were stained with silver. (C) Immunoblot. Different preparations of MA were subjected toSDS-PAGE, electrophoretically blotted to nitrocellulose, and probed with anti-MA monoclonal antibody 2A7. The blot was developed with horseradishperoxidase-conjugated anti-mouse antibody. Lane i, 500 ng of a sample of MA obtained from J. Leis; lane j, 150 ng of MA from peak fraction of second CM-Sephadex column (variant of method B, with purification in presence of 0.01% Triton X-100); lane k,flowthrough fraction from first CM-Sephadex column (method B, in the presence of 0.01% Triton X-100) containing ca. 200 ng of MA and ca. 75 ng of viral CA; lane1,1 Fg of MA from peak fraction of secondCM-Sephadex column (method B, in the absence of detergent). Silver staining of the samequantity of MA as in lane d showed apattern of bands nearly identical to that seen in this immunoblot, indicating that most of the stainable bands are MA related.volume of each fraction is assumed to be 200 ,ul, the same as
that ofthe sampleloadedontothe gradient. We assume that L is approximately equal to6,000 times the molar
concen-tration ofthe 6-kb TMV RNA, i.e., that there are approxi-mately 6,000 overlapping binding sites on the RNA.
Other techniques. The P3-76 transcription plasmid was
generated from plasmid
(33), whichcontainsa5'long terminalrepeatand Rous sarcomavirus (Schmidt-Ruppinstrain) sequences through aboutnucleotide 850 in the gag gene abutted to sequences from the 3' end of the src gene and continuing through the 3' long terminal repeat. Whenexpressed in chicken cells, this plasmidgenerates an
RNA thatisfullycompetenttobepackaged bya
nondefec-tive virus (33). The P3-76plasmidwas cleaved with EcoRI (whichcutsin the U3regions of bothlongterminalrepeats),
and then the fragment was inserted into the transcription
vector pIBI76 (International Biotechnologies, Inc.).
Tran-scriptionwith T7polymerasegeneratedanRNAthat is very
similartothe RNA synthesizedinvivo.Thecontrol
pT7-211,whichwasprovided by E. Moon, containsthericecytochrome oxidase subunitII gene inserted downstream of the T7 promoter. RNA
invitrowas carriedoutasspecified by the manufacturer. The plasmid
103, ob-tainedfromJ. T. Parsons, contains apermuted
copy ofthe Roussarcomavirus (PragueAstrain)provirus. End-labeledfragments usedinthe DNA bindingexperiments were
pre-pared by standard methods after elutionoffragments from
agarosegels.TMV RNAwasprepared by
ofTMV withproteinaseK in SDSfollowedby phenol extraction.Radioactive viral RNAsand rRNAs were
fromAMV-infected chicken embryo fibroblasts labeled either
or with[3H]uridine.
Ribosomeswere prepared bystandard methods and phenol extracted, and the
large and small rRNA species were separately purified by sucrose gradient sedimentation.
AMV was col-lected at 6- to 8-h intervals for 3 days after an overnight incubation of cells in 100 ,uCi of32p;
per 10-cm-diameter plate. The virus was pelleted and then incubated with 500 ,ugofpronase per ml plus 1% SDS for 3 min at 37°C before extractionwith
alcohol(24:24:1) by standard procedures. Thegenomic
RNA dimer waspurifiedfurtherby sucrosegradient sedimentation.
Western blotting to detect viral proteins was performed
with either (i) polyclonal rabbit antisera to MA or NC (prepared by injecting rabbits with proteins purified by gel
filtration in 6 M guanidine) or (ii) the 2A7 monoclonal antibodytoMA(25).The rabbit antiserawerediluted1/500,
and the monoclonal ascites fluid was diluted
The rabbitanti-INantibody 4634,whichwas agiftfrom R. Katz,was diluted
Theblotsweredevelopedwithhorse-radishperoxidase conjugates
(Bio-Rad Laboratories)
WepurifiedMAfromAMVbyoneof several
as described in Materials and Methods. The purity of theresultingproteinwasassessedbyCoomassie blue and silver
SDS-polyacrylamide gels
andby immunoblottingwith polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. An
of the resultsofatypicalpreparation
is shown inFig. 1A,
lanea. MA is known to
as adoublet;
the upperband isphosphorylated, while the lower band is not
onlyone majordoublet band is apparent in the
shown, numerous minor bands in the molec-ular weight range of12,000
appear after silverVOL.64, 1990
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[image:3.612.146.469.75.259.2]850 STEEG AND VOGT
C 0
:m 60
0 100 200 300
0 100 200 300 400 500
protein added(ng)
protein added (ng)
FIG. 2. Nitrocellulose filter binding ofMAand NCto[3H]RNA.Different concentrations ofpurifiedviralproteinswereaddedtolabeled RNAs,and then the mixtureswerefilteredthrough nitrocellulose membranes and counted.(A)MAplus70S viralRNAor28SrRNA.MA waspurified by methodA.Eachsample contained 1.5ngof70Sor1.4ngof28SRNAin 50
of mixture.The final NaCl concentrationwas 20mM. (B)MA orNCplus 18SrRNA. MA waspurifiedby method B, while NCwaspreparedby gelfiltration in6 Mguanidine. Samplescontained 0.9 ng(MAreactions)or 1.8ng(NCreactions) ofRNA. Thefinal NaCl concentration was10 mM. Eachpointrepresents the averageofduplicate determinations.
staining (forexample, Fig. 1B, lane h). Mostorallof these
minor bands alsoarerecognized by amonoclonal antibody to MA, as can beseenfor different MAfractions (Fig. 1C).
This is consistent with the findings ofseveral laboratories that MAisproteolytically processedinvariouswaysinvivo
andperhaps invitro during isolation. Bothlonger (Pr32and
p23 [24, 35]) and shorter (pl9f[24, 31]) forms of MA have been described elsewhere. All of these polypeptide frag-mentsappear tobe nestedfragmentscontainingthesameN
terminus. Thus, the preparation of purified MA used for
mostofourexperimentsat ahigh levelofresolution is in fact
a collection of related polypeptides, of which the major speciescomposes about90%.
To assess the ability of MA to interact specifically with
ASLV RNA, weinitially used the samenitrocellulose filter
bindingassay describedby Leis andcollaborators(15). This
technique, which was originally used to characterize the
interaction of Escherichiacoli tRNAsynthetases(37) and E.
coli lacrepressor(28) with DNA,is basedonthefindingthat
proteins, but not RNA or double-stranded DNA, bind to
nitrocellulose at low to moderate ionic strengths. It is common practice to assume that a single protein molecule
boundto aradioactiveRNA orDNAmolecule is sufficient to
cause retention ofthe nucleic acid on the filter. We
incu-bated 3H-labeled 70S viral RNA (dimeric; ca. 14 kb) or chicken28S rRNA (ca. 4.6kb)with different concentrations ofMA and then filtered the mixtures through membranes. We verifiedby immunoblottingthatunder the conditions of these assays, at least99% of the free MA was retained on the
nitrocellulosefilter. An example of the results from such an
experiment is shown in Fig. 2. All of the RNA of each species remained on the filter at high concentrations of MA. TheviralRNA wasretained on the filter at a threefold-lower
proteinconcentration than the rRNA was, implying a
apparent association constant. However, sincethe viral RNA is also larger by the same factor, this is the
expected result if thebinding reaction lacks specificity; the
largerRNAhas more sites available for binding. In several
experiments, theprotein concentration at which
half-max-imal binding of 70S viral RNA occurred ranged from about 50to150ng/50 ,ul of reaction mixture (ca. 60to180 nMMA).
As discussed below, this implies an apparent association
constantfor70S RNA ofca.5 x 106to15 x 106
(which isequivalenttoanintrinsicbinding constant ofca.103
M-1,assumingatotal lack ofbindingspecificity), or 4 to 5 orders ofmagnitude lower than the value given by Leis et al. (15).
We haverepeatedtheseexperiments with different prep-arations ofp19, asoutlined in Materials and Methods, and with several additional types of RNAs. These include 18S rRNA and RNAs synthesized in vitro from ASLVtemplates
aswell asfromnonviral templates. Transcription ofone of the viral templates used (P3) yields a small RNA that contains all the known sequences involved inpackaging of RNA into virions (33). In all of these cases, the protein
concentration at half-maximal binding was proportional to
the size of the RNA andindependent of whether its origin
was viral or nonviral. Thus, we infer, in contrast to a
previously published report (15), that MA-RNA interaction isdevoid ofspecificity.
Using protocols similar to that described in the legendto
Fig. 2, weinvestigated several parameters thatmight affect the ability of MA to retain RNA on membranes. Binding
variedby afactor of less than 2 between pH 6.3 and 8.3, was notsignificantly affected by the presence ofMg2+ orEDTA,
andwasrelatively independent of ionicstrength. In atypical
experiment, the half-maximal binding of 70S viral RNA ranged from 180 nM in 20 mM NaCl to 380 nMin 200 mM NaCl(data notshown). The lack ofselectivity for viral RNA compared with that for rRNA did notchange at the elevated ionic strength.
Theconclusion that MAbinds to RNA invitro is critically dependentonthepurity of the proteinpreparation. Itmight
beargued that instead of MA,aminor contaminating protein with a high affinity for RNA is the actual binding species. Several controlexperiments were performed to address this issue. In the firstexperiment, MAwas purified by indepen-dentmethods;the finalspecificbindingactivity was similar in each case. In the second experiment, we considered the
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oI-60 40
0 0
-- P3 RNA -4 pT7-211 RNA
I . I . I
2 3
FIG. 3. Filter bindingatlowMA/RNA ratios. 32P-labeled
tran-scriptsweregenerated withT7 RNApolymerase in vitro fromaviral
template (PvuI-cut P3-76)or a nonviralcontrol template (Sall-cut pT7-211). The sizes of theseRNAsare1.36and 0.6 kb, respectively.
Each reaction contained400 ngof MA purified by method B and
variousamountsofRNA.The finalNaClconcentrationwas56 mM.
Atthe highest RNA concentration, the 400 ng (23 pmol) of MA
retained600 ng(3 pmol)of the nonviralRNAonthefilter.
possibilitythattheknownRNA-binding protein NC (former-ly called pl2gag), which ispresent in virions in anamount
equimolar with that of MA, could be responsible for the
activity observed in MA preparations. We assayed the level ofNC contamination in the preparations of MA used for these experiments by immunoblotting SDS-polyacrylamide gelsinwhich 1,ug of MAperlane had beenelectrophoresed.
In different preparations which exhibited similar binding activity, NCwas foundtobe present atlevels rangingfrom
lessthan0.1to0.5%. Thisamountof NCcannotexplainthe retention of RNA on membranes, since the activity of purified NC itselfissimilartothat ofMA inthisassay(Fig. 2B). Leis and collaborators also concluded that these two gag proteins are similarly effective in retaining RNA on membranes (15). Using immunoblot analyses again, we attempted to quantify the levels of the other known virus-encoded nucleicacid-binding proteins, RT and IN, in
prep-arations ofMA. Both RT and INare derived from thepol gene and are present in whole virions at about 20- to
50-fold-smaller amounts than the gagproteins. Neither IN (less than 0.1% of MA)norRT(lessthan0.5% ofMA)could be detected in the MApurifiedby methodB,although both
pol proteins could bedetected in cruder fractions.
Inthe third control experiment, we soughtto establish a
maximum binding activity in the MA preparation. When
increasing amounts of a small, in vitro-transcribed RNA wereadded toagivenamount ofprotein, about 20% of the
input RNA(600 ng)wasretainedonthe filteratthehighest
levelof RNA added (3 ,ug) (Fig. 3).The levels ofretention
were the same for viral and nonviral species. For the
smaller,nonviralRNA,600ngcorrespondsto3pmol. Thus,
in theexperiment whose results are shown in Fig. 3, there musthave beenatleast3pmolofanRNA-binding proteinin thereaction. Since thebindingcurves werestillhorizontalat
3 pzgof RNAinput, higherRNA concentrations would have
yieldedeven morepicomolesof RNA retained. The amount of input protein was about 400 ng, or 23 pmol, of MA.
Hence,anRNA-binding speciesmusthavebeen at least 13% asabundantasMA. Since there isnoevidenceofa
contam-0 0
z cc
FIG. 4. Filterbinding of phosphorylated ornonphosphorylated MA to [32P]rRNA. Phosphorylated (MA + P) and nonphosphory-lated(MA - P) MA species were purified on a Mono-Q column.The 28Sand 18SrRNAs were purifiedseparately andthenpooled forthis assay.Each reactionmixture contained 57 ng of radioactiveRNA. Thefinal NaCl concentration was 40 mM.
inating protein species at this level, we conclude that MA itselfmust be thebinding species.
About halfoftheMAmolecules in a virion are phosphor-ylated (8), and thesemodified moleculescanbedistinguished by their slower mobility in SDS-PAGE. We usedtwo meth-odstoseparatethe majorphosphorylated and nonphosphor-ylated species in nativeform, both basedonanion-exchange chromatography. Figure 1B shows stained profiles of the resulting MA fractions from columns of DEAE-cellulose (laneseandf) and Mono-Qon afastprotein liquid chroma-tography system (lanes g and h). The first MA fraction to elute from each column was thenonphosphorylated species, which appeared as a single band. The second fraction to elute contained the major phosphorylated species and an assortmentof minor MA-relatedspecies, which we assume arealso phosphorylated. Although inthisexperiment
insuf-ficient protein was available to generate complete binding curves,it isapparentfromFig.4 that the affinities of MAand phosphorylatedMAforRNA aresimilar to each other and to the affinity estimated for the MA mixture used as starting
material. The retention of full binding activity after this additionalpurification step further argues againstthe possi-bilitythat acontaminantisresponsible for the activity.
Wesoughtanindependentmethod to measure thebinding
of MA to RNA, i.e., amethod that would be insensitive to contaminants and also could lead to aquantitativeestimate of an intrinsicbindingconstant.Themethod chosen was that describedby Draperand vonHippel (7), which is based on sedimentation. Alargeexcessof RNA is mixed with a small amount ofprotein, the mixture is layered onto a sucrose
gradient,andcentrifugationisperformeduntil the RNA has
moved approximately halfway down the gradient. The amountofproteinisassayedineach fraction ofthegradient. The percentageoftotal proteinthatcosediments with RNA is then used to estimate thebindingconstant.The resultsof anexperimentofthistypeareshown inFig. 5. MA(300ng) and NC (200 ng; used as an internal marker) were mixed
togetherwith or without TMV RNA (ca. 6 kb, 40 ,ug) and
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[image:5.612.] [image:5.612.317.550.82.285.2]852 STEEG AND VOGT
ii 8 9 10 I1 13 15 16 17 13i 14 v y r
IA. 'A .: _
A Oa b c d eO
NC- 41
FIG. 5. Sedimentationanalysis ofMAand NC in the presenceor
absence ofRNA.(A)TMV RNAadded; (B)noRNA.Thepeakof RNA inpanelAis indicated by thearrows. The numbersare the fraction numbers from the bottom of the gradient (total of 19 fractions).Lane Lcontainedafraction ofthemixture loadedonto
3.2 - .
2.3 WM _
B 0 a b c d e f 9 h O
4.2 as0
Fig. 5. Samples of thecollected fractionswereanalyzed for
RNAby determining the
and for the two ASLV gag proteins byimmunoblotting withamixture ofmonospecific seraagainst MA and NC. The controlprofileforsedimenta-tion in the absence of RNA is shown in Fig. 5B; both
proteins remained near the top of the gradient. In the
presenceofRNA(Fig. 5A), atleast95% of the NC cosedi-mented withRNA,since theproteinprofilematched theA260
profile (not shown; arrows indicate RNA peak). From this
result, it is not possible to obtain an accurate association constantfor the NC-RNA interaction, since this method is
reliable quantitatively only when about 10 to 90% of the
protein is dragged into the gradient by the RNA. Lower RNA concentrations would have to be used to obtain an accurate estimate. However, we estimate from this result
thattheintrinsicbindingconstantof NCforRNAmustbe in the range of 106 M-1 (expressed as moles ofnucleotide,
which approximately equals moles of binding sites). In
contrast toNC, onlyaverysmallfraction(perhaps 0.1%or less) ofthe MA cosedimented with RNA in this and other
experiments. These numbers translateroughly intoan intrin-sicbindingconstantof103M1 (between0.8 x 103and3 x
iftheamountofMAcosedimenting withRNAisin the range of 0.01 to 1%; see formula in Materials andMethods andreference 7).Thus,asdemonstrated byadirect bindingassaythatreliesonnoassumptions about purity and
minimalassumptions aboutthenatureofRNA-protein
asso-ciation, MAinteracts with RNA atleast 3 orders of
magni-tude moreweakly than NC does.
Wefound that MA from ASLV is abletobindnotonlyto
RNA but also to double-stranded DNA. This result is presented in Fig. 6A, which shows agel mobility assay in
which radioactive DNA froma cloned Rous sarcomavirus proviruswasmixed with different concentrations of MA and
then electrophoresed in an agarose gel. As with RNA, we
FIG. 6. Agarose gelband shiftassayshowinginteraction ofMA
orRT with DNA. End-labeled DNAwasmixedwithMApurifiedby method Bor with RTand incubated for 20min,and thereaction
mixturewaslayeredintoawell ina1% agarosegel. After electro-phoresis, the dried gelwasautoradiographed.The numbers at the sides ofthe gels are the sizes of the fragments in kilobases. (A) pSallO3 (a permuted Rous sarcoma virus provirus cloned in pBR322)wascutwithEcoRI, yielding the bands indicated. Lanes 0, Noproteinadded; lanea,50ngofMA;laneb,100ngofMA; lane c,200ngofMA; lane d, 400ngofMA; lanee,800ngof MA. The NaCl concentration in the samples was 140 mM. (B) P3-76 (a plasmidclone ofadeletedprovirus) wascutwith EcoRI, yielding the bandsindicated. Lanes0, Noprotein added;lane a,200 ngof MA; lane b, 400ngofMA;lanec,800ngofMA;laned,40ngofRT; lanee,80ngofRT;lanef, 160ngofRT;laneg,330ngofRT;lane
h, 660ngofRT; lane i,1.3 ,ugof RT. The NaCl concentration inthe sampleswas140 mM.
could detectnospecificityfor thisinteraction. Inparticular, similarly sized DNA species that contained parts of the
proviral DNA or no viral sequences were retarded equally by the protein. Preparations of MA derived from different
purification methods showed similar specific activities, as
did phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated species of MA
(not shown). MA-DNA interaction was also detectable by
filterbindingassayssimilartothoseperformed forRNA. In theseexperiments,half-maximalbindingfor DNAfragments
of sizes comparableto thoseof rRNAswasobtained in the rangeof 75ngofMAperreaction,andthusweconcludethat
theaffinityof theproteinfordouble-strandedDNA is similar tothat for RNA. Experimentssuchas theonedescribed in
thelegend to Fig. 3 showedthat, as inthe case ofRNA, a
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:6.612.] [image:6.612.370.520.83.427.2]minorcontaminant in the MA preparation could not account
for the DNA-binding activity. For example, in one
experi-ment, athighDNAconcentrations, 23 pmol of MA retained 2.5 pmol of DNA on the filter.
NC also was able to cause mobility shifts of DNA frag-ments. Per microgram, NC and MA exhibited a similar potency in this assay. By contrast, CA (formerly called p279ag) did not interact with DNA. When a crude extract of
disruptedpurified virus was subjected to chromatography on
a Mono-S fast protein liquid chromatography column, the
majorDNA-binding peaks, as determined by the gel mobility
shift assay, coincided with the peaks for MA and NC (not
shown), suggesting to us that most of the DNA-binding activity in ASLV can be attributed to these two gag
SinceRTisaknownDNA-binding proteinandsinceitwas a contaminant in the less pure ofourMApreparations, we
compared the abilities of purified RT and MA to cause
mobility shifts of radioactive DNA fragments. Increasing
quantities ofRT yielded aqualitatively different shift ofthe labeled DNAfromthatinducedbyMA (Fig.6B). While MA
causedagradual smearingupwards, RTbindingtoDNAled
to retention of the DNA in the well. The amount of RT needed for this mobility shift (ca. 160 to 330 ng in this
experiment; Fig. 6B, lanes f and g)wasroughly comparable
to the amountofMA needed for the testDNA fragment to
shift (ca. 400 ng; lane b). Such an amount of RT vastly
exceeds the amount of any
RT thatmight
have been present ina typicalassay with MA.DISCUSSION
We havereexamined theability ofASLV MA (p199a9)to
interact with nucleic acids invitro. Inour
MAbound to both RNA and DNA with similar affinities and
without sequence specificity. The
wasweak, being
barely detectable in a sedimentation assay with
quan-tities of a defined RNA. Weperformed
several controlexperimentstoruleoutthe
thattheobservedfilterbinding could be attributed to
such as NCorthe RT and INproducts
ofthepolgene. Thecase for MA as the
rests on two additionalobservations.
differentpurification procedures
for MAyielded preparations with similar
specific binding
activities. Theseprocedures includedgentle
methodsthatrely only
on lysis with nonionicdetergentsandonion-exchange
chroma-tography as well as
that may causeprotein
themolar ratio of RNA retained to
was substantial(13%), being
than the level ofpotential
viral ornonviral contaminants.The filter
can be used to obtain anapproximate
reactionMAfree+RNAfree± MA-RNA. Theconstantis
apparent KA =[MA-RNA]/[MAfree]
Underconditions in which
>>[RNAtotal], [MAfree]
to the total[MA]
added to thereaction. Thus the apparent
of the concentration of totalprotein
at which one-half of the labeled RNA is boundtothefilter,
=[MA-RNA]. The one critical
in thisanalysis
moleculeis sufficientto retainan RNAmoleculeofanysizeonthemembrane. The
ofthe RNAplays
no role in the calculation aslong
as the molar RNAconcentrationiskept
much lower than themolarprotein concentration. In most ofour filter
experi-ments, theratio of moles of
tomoles ofRNAranged
from 102 to104.
treatment iswidely
used tocalculatetheassociationconstants of
thatbind inasequence-specific
mannerto nucleic acids.Accurately
minor modificationsin thecalculations(1),
sincesomeoftheretained RNA molecules may harbormore
than one
Inthis case, theinitialslope
curve can beused to calculate the
wecalculate from the average ofnumerousexperi-ments that the apparent
for thebinding
ofMA to 70S ASLV RNAis 5 x 106to15 x 106M-'.
that thereare
1.4 x104
overlapping binding
sitesonthe 14-kb 70SRNA,
randomandcan occurat any
on thepolynucleotide,
we can thusobtain an estimate for the intrinsic
constant thatdescribestheinteraction of
which is about 3.5 x102
to 11 x102
M-1. This value is in agreement with theaffinity roughly
estimated from thesedimentation
ofMAto TMV RNAwas observed(ca.
In contrast to those for MA-RNAinteraction,
the calcu-lated association constantsfor NC-RNA interaction arenotself-consistent when filter
and sedimentationanaly-sisare
compared. By
NCassociateswith RNA with a
1,000-fold-higher affinity
than MAdoes,
theassociationshows similaraffinity.
estimatedby sedimentation,
it isbased onfewerassumptions,
andit isconsistentwith careful
other groups. Smith andBailey
et al.(10)
used fluorescencequenching
to calculate that murine and avian retrovirus NCs have an intrinsicKA
for RNAbinding
of about 1 x 106to 5 x10'
with NC lead togrossly
incorrect estimates ofbinding
affinity, probably
because theassumption
that one boundprotein
moleculeissufficienttoretainoneRNAmoleculeon thefilter isfaulty.
wefound thatevenwhen dozens ofNC molecules are boundto one RNAmolecule,
under some conditions full retention of thecomplex
on membranesis not achieved.We
undertook thisstudy
because of thereports
fromLeis andcollaborators that MA could bindspecifically
and withhigh
to viral RNA(15, 16).
These workersclaimedthat the
for MAbinding
to 70S viralRNAwas 101l to
1012 M-1,
while theKA
torRNAwaslessthan106 M-'.
for thelack ofbinding
of rRNA is that this RNA wasdegraded
to smallfragments,
since fornonspecific binding
The verylarge
betweenour calcu-latedapparentKA
forviral RNAand thatcalculatedby due in
toerrorsin datahandling.
or canbeextrapolated
datain the earlierpapersactually
aresimilar to ours; thatis,
the concentration ofMA thatyielded
50%retention of radioactive RNA was in the range of 100 nM.
theauthors thenplotted
their databy
is awayofmeasuring
to saturation(titration)
of aprotein
species by
that binds to thatprotein.
in theexperiments
of Leis etal.,
as inourownexperiments,
was in vast excess(ca.
100- to10,000-fold)
over theligand
not viceversaaswould be
toobtainsaturation oftheprotein
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by the ligand. Thus, the physical meaning of the derived
curves shown in the papers of Leis etal. (15, 16), directly
implying titrationof theprotein bythe RNA,is obscure. Itis unclear to us how such curves could be generated. The
valuesforapparent associationconstants forNCbindingto
various RNAs (11, 13-15), also calculated by the same workers by the Scatchard method, appear to be similarly
flawed. In the lattercase,however,thecalculated apparent
compensating error in the assumption that a single NC molecule isabletoretainahigh-molecular-weightRNAon a membrane.
It could well be thatthe weak in vitro binding ofMA to
RNA and to DNA lacks biological significance. However,
although its affinityfor RNAis low,atthehigh concentration ofRNA found in amature ornascent virusparticle (over1
mgofRNAperml), MAmightindeedinteractwith the viral
RNA. Virus particlesareassembledfrom thegagprecursor
molecules, which are cleaved only late in the budding
process. One could speculatethatthe MAand NC domains
in thegagprecursorcooperate in theRNA-binding reaction
thatleadstospecific incorporation ofgenomicRNAintothe
virion.It is also possibletoenvisionarolefor theinteraction
of MA andDNAduringorafterreversetranscription in the newly infectedcell. The affinity of MAfor DNAisnothigh,
but it is in the same range as that of some other proteins
known or widely speculated to interact with DNA, for
example, RT (see above) and the protein product of the
v-myc oncogene(5). Littleisnowknownabout thestructure
ofretroviral coresthatareactive inreversetranscription in
vivo, except that they contain CA (4). Genetic or more careful biochemical approaches are needed to investigate
these possible functions.
Wethank Milton Zaitlin for supplying the TMV, Mike Sakalian
forpurificationof itsRNA, Richard Katz for IN and IN antiserum, and DonnaMuscarella for[3H]rRNA.WeareindebtedtoJonathan Leis for discussions and for a sample of purified MA from his
laboratory and to John Koland for help with the quantitative
interpretation of the protein-RNA binding data and for critical reading ofthe manuscript.
This work was supported by Public Health Service grant CA 20081toV.M.V. fromthe National Institutes of Health.
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