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Unilateral Synthesis of Reovirus Double-Stranded Ribonucleic Acid by a Cell-Free Replicase System


Academic year: 2019

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Copyright ©1971 American Society for Microbiology


Synthesis of

Reovirus Double-Stranded

Ribonucleic Acid




Replicase System


The WistarInstituteof AnatomyandBiology,Philadelphia, Pennsylvania19104

Received for publication19 March 1971

Alarge-particle fraction obtained from reovirus-infected Lcells contained both

replicase and transcriptaseactivity. The in vitro replicase reaction slowed downsoon

after initiation, whereas the transcriptase reaction proceeded at anunabatedrate.

The replicase and transcriptasewereboth template-bound and could beseparated

fromoneanotherby controlled chymotryptic digestion followed by centrifugation

inaCsClgradient. Thetranscriptasewasrecoveredasasharpband (p = 1.43) and

resembled viruscorederived frommaturevirions. Incontrast,replicase activitywas

distributed throughout the gradient, indicating that replicase is associated with structures of various density in CsCl. In subsequent experiments, the replicase

productwasfoundtobeindistinguishable from the double-stranded ribonucleic acid

(RNA) reovirusgenomewithrespect toitsbuoyant densityincesium-salt gradients

and denaturation-annealing characteristics. A "hybridization-competition"

experi-mentin which thereplicase productwasdenatured and annealed in thepresenceof

anexcessofplus-RNA indicated that the in vitro replicase reaction proceeded by meansofaunilateralsynthesis of minus-RNAupona preexisting plus-RNA

tem-plate,presumably of single-stranded form.

We have previously shown that in

reovirus-infected L cells, a ribonucleic acid (RNA)

polymeraseis induced which synthesizes

double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) segmentsresemblingthe

genomic segments ofreovirus(12).Inthe present

paper, this polymerase will be tentatively

desig-nated "replicase," to distinguish it from the

reovirus-bound "transcriptase." Transcriptase is

found inthe subviralparticles of reovirus (virus

core) and synthesizes single-stranded RNA

(ssRNA) by transcribing only one strand of

reovirus dsRNA (1, 4, 5, 10, 11). Forour

pur-poses, the ssRNA synthesized by transcriptase

will be referred to as plus-RNA, and the RNA

complementary to it, asminus-RNA.

Recently, Schonberg etal. (9) found that the

reovirus dsRNA obtained from pulse-labeled,

infected cells contained label only in the minus

strand. They concluded from this invivo study

that thecomplementarystrands of reovirus dsRNA

are formed in an asymmetric manner; i.e., the

minus strand is synthesized upon a preformed

plus-strand template. We decided to further

investigate the mechanism by which reovirus

dsRNA issynthesized under themorecontrolled

conditions provided by a cell-free replicase

system. We therefore wished to determine (i)

whether replicase and transcriptasepresentin cell

extract are two distinct entities and (ii) whether

the cell-free replicase reaction involved the

simultaneous synthesis of plus- and minus-RNA

strands or, as in replication in vivo, the

asym-metric("unilateral") synthesis of eitheraplus-or

minus-RNA strand. To investigate the latter

point,we conducted ahybridization-competition

experiment employing the in vitro replicase



Buffers and chemicals. The following buffers were

used: 0.1 M STE buffer, containing 0.1 M NaCI,

0.05 M tris(hydroxymethyl)amninomethane (Tris)-hydrochloride (pH7.4) and0.001M

ethylenediamine-tetraacetate (EDTA);0.3 and 0.01 M STEbuffers, as above, but containing 0.3 and 0.01 M NaCl, respec-tively; 0.1 M STES buffer, containing 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in 0.1 M STE buffer; TMS buffer, containing 0.25 M sucrose, 0.001 M MgC12,

and 0.01 M Tris-hydrochloride, pH 8.2; TM buffer, as above, but without sucrose. Tritiated uridine

tri-phosphate (3H-UTP; specific activity, 17 Ci/mmole)

and 32P-orthophosphoric acid were purchased from New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass.;

a-chymotrypsin and ribonuclease (pancreatic), from Worthington Biochemical Corp., Freehold, N.J.;


Printed in U.S.A.

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and unlabeled nucleoside triphosphates, from

Cal-biochem Co., LosAngeles,Calif.

Cells,virus, and viral RNA. Conditions for the sus-pension culture of L cells and their infection with

reovirus type 3 [a strain producing only complete

virions (8)] have been describedpreviously (13, 15). Reovirus highly labeled with 32p was prepared by

incubating the infected cells in a phosphate- and

serum-free medium containing 32P-orthophosphate (10 MCi/ml) throughoutthe infectionprocess (about

20 hr). The 32P-labeled virus was purified by a

pro-ceduredescribed previously (15),andthe virion RNA

wasextracted with phenol. Adenine-rich ssRNA (2)

waseliminated from the viral RNAextract by filtra-tionthroughacolumn ofSephadexG-100gel (1.5 by

30 cm) equilibrated with 0.1 M STES buffer. The purifiedviriondsRNAelutedas adistinctpeakafter

avoid volume of buffer.

Preparation of RNApolymerase-template complexes from infected cells. A modification ofa procedure

describedpreviously (12)wasused. At 7to8 hr

post-infection, the cells were centrifuged, washed once

with cold phosphate-buffered saline, suspended in fivevolumes ofTMS buffer containingthe nonionic

detergent, Nonidet P-40 [1% (v/v)], and disrupted

inaDouncehomogenizer.Theextentof cell

destruc-tionwasmonitored bymicroscopy,andthe

homogeni-zation continued until 80% of the cells were

dis-rupted. This and all subsequent procedures were

carried out at 4 C. Nuclei and largecellular debris

were removed after each of three centrifugations at 860Xgfor10mininaSorvall refrigerated centrifuge.

The supernatant fluidwasnextcentrifugedat20,000X gfor 30 min, and the resulting sedimentwas resus-pended inTM buffer containing 1% sodium

deoxy-cholate (volume ofbuffer was equal to 10-3 of the volume of the original infected cell culture). This suspensionwasthoroughly homogenizedinaDounce homogenizerandcentrifugedat3,000X gfor 10min toremovelarge particulate material, afterwhich the

supernatant was centrifuged in a Beckman

ultra-centrifuge (SW50Lrotor) at200,000X gfor60min.

After centrifugation, the supernatant was discarded

and the gelatinous pellet was resuspended in TM buffer. This material shall be referredtoasthe large-particle (LP) fraction. At this point, chymotrypsin was addedto the fraction at aconcentration of200

jug/mi, and the mixturewasincubatedat37 C for 30 min with occasional shaking. The resulting turbid

solution was centrifuged in a clinical centrifuge at

1,000 X gfor 3 min, and the supernatant fluidwas

either used immediately for polymerase assay or

stored at-70C. Theproteincontentofthis

prepara-tionwas2.5to3mg/ml,asdeterminedbythemethod ofLowryetal. (6).

During digestion with chymotrypsin, replicase activitywaslittleaffected for the first 60min,andthen

it declined gradually. Transcriptase activity, on the

otherhand,increasedduringthe first 30minof

diges-tion and thenremainedunchangedforatleast90min.

This increase varied, ranging from 1.3- to 3.0-fold

fromoneLP fractiontoanother.

RNA polymerase assay. RNA polymerase activity was determinedby measuring the conversion of 3H-UTP into acid-insoluble form. The standard assay

system contained, in a total volume of 0.25 ml, the

LP fraction (200 jug of protein), 5 MACi of3H-UTP

(0.3 nmole), 0.2 Mmoleeach of the other three

ribo-nucleoside triphosphates, 3


of MgCl2, 20

moles ofTris-hydrochloride (pH 8.2), and 2 Lug of actinomycin D. The reactionwascarriedout at37C.

In the "chased" polymerase assay, 0.2 Mmole of

unlabeledUTP(0.01ml)wasaddedatspecified times,

and the mixture was incubated for anadditional 20 min. Thereactionwasthenterminated bychillingthe reaction tube in an ice bath and adding 1.75 ml of cold 0.3 M STE buffersupplemented withEDTAto a

final concentration of 10 mm. The mixture was

di-vided into two 1-ml portions, and one portion

re-ceived 10


ofribonuclease (0.01 ml) priorto

incu-bationat 37Cfor 30 min. Synthesized 3H-RNAwas

precipitated by adding carrier yeast RNA, trichloro-acetic acid (10%). and sodium pyrophosphate (0.02

M).Theprecipitatewasthencollectedon amembrane

filter, washedwith cold 5%trichloroacetic acid

con-taining 0.02 M sodium pyrophosphate, dried, and

counted in a liquid scintillation counter, by using toluene-Liquifluor scintillator.

Preparation of single-stranded plus-RNA. Single-strandedplus-RNA of threesize-classeswasobtained by the methoddescribed byBanerjeeandShatkin(1).

Thesubviral particles derivedfrom 10 mgofapurified

virion preparation by digestion with chymotrypsin

were incubated ina 25-ml reaction mixturefor 5 hr

at37C.After thesynthesis,thesubviralparticleswere

removed bycentrifugationat165,000X gfor 90 min.

The single-stranded plus-RNA synthesized was

ob-tained byextractionfrom the supernatantwith phenol and filtration through Sephadex G-25.

Approxi-mately 300 ,ug of plus-RNA was obtained [40jug of

RNA per 1 optical density (OD) unit].

Denaturation and annealing of dsRNA. The pro-cedure fordenaturatingdsRNA in dimethylsulfoxide

(DMSO) and subsequent annealing was essentially

thesame asthatdescribedpreviously(13, 15).Briefly,

the labeled dsRNA dissolved in 0.01 M STE buffer

wasmixed with9 volumesof DMSO. [Inthe

compe-tition experiments, single-stranded plus-RNA was

addedatthistime.] Themixturewas heatedat 70C for 20 min, and the denatured RNA wasprecipitated bytheaddition of carrier yeast RNA (200


adrop of saturatedNaClsolution,and5volumes ofalcohol.

The precipitate was collected by centrifugation and

washed with 95% alcohol and then acetone. After

drying,the precipitatewas dissolved in 0.3 ml ofcold

0.3 M STE bufferand heated at 70 C for annealing. Theextentofannealingwasdetermined by digestion

with ribonucleaseasdescribed previously(13).

Thermal denaturation of the labeled dsRNA in 0.01 M STE buffer was carried out by heating the

samplesatvarious temperatures for 10 min andthen

quickly chilling in an ice bath. The extent of

de-naturation was determined by the loss of acid-in soluble label after digestion with 10 Ag of ribonu-clease in1 ml of 0.3 M STE bufferat37Cfor20min.


Kinetics of replicase reaction. Replicase was

assayed by determining the incorporation of

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3H-UTP into a ribonuclease-resistant product.

When the determination was made without

"chase" (see above), the incorporation of label was greater into ribonuclease-resistant product thaninto ssRNA for thefirst 3 to 10 minof the

reaction. After about 10


it declined to a

level below that for ssRNA, whereas ssRNA synthesis maintained an unabated rate of in-corporation (Fig. 1). Wefoundthat aportionof the label in the ribonuclease-resistant product was unstable and could be "chased out" upon addition of unlabeled UTP. In the experiment shown in Fig. la, unlabeled UTP (a 660-fold excess) was added to the reaction mixture 10 min after the polymerase reaction began, and incubation continued for the periods of time shown in the diagram. (This particular concen-tration ofunlabeled UTPblocked >90% of the incorporation of


but nevertheless stimu-lated the rate of the transcriptase reaction.) As shown, the amount oflabel in the ribonuclease-resistant fraction decreased considerably 5 to 10 minafter theaddition of unlabeledUTP, whereas the label in the ssRNA fraction increased. The

presence of an "unstable" portion in the final

ribonuclease-resistant product, therefore, was

effectively avoided



and, aswill be shown




product demonstrated the




In our


of the kinetics of the



16- a-w






0 8


z 4' a


I A, ^'.:' ,.° .C.,°





replicasereaction, we accordingly added an excess

of unlabeled UTP as chaser prior to measuring the incorporation of label into

ribonuclease-resistant product and incubated the mixture for

20-min periods before each point of

determina-tionduring the course of the polymerase reaction

(Fig. Ib). We believe thebottom line in Fig. lb

validly represents the actual kinetics ofreplicate reaction. The kinetics of replicase reaction differ

from transcriptase in the rapid slow-down of the

replicase reaction. These data are compatible

with the view that the replication and

transcrip-tion of reovirusgenome are two distinctprocesses. (This matter will be dealt with more directly in thefollowingsection.)

The nature of the "unstable" portion of

ribonuclease-resistant product which became ribonuclease-sensitiveafter chase is unknown. We have observed thatasimilaramountof unchased ribonuclease-resistant product became ribo-nuclease-sensitive when extracted with phenolor heated at 80 C for 5 min in 0.3 M STE buffer.

Thissuggeststhataportion ofthe nascent ssRNA



from ribonucleasedigestion by its association with protein, by the existence of a short region of base-pairing with the template

RNA, orby both.

Partial dissociation of replicase from







are two distinct entities, the LP fraction was




4-10 20 30 40



,**, A.


0 20 30 40

l0 20 30 40O


FIG. 1. Kineticsofreplicaseandtranscriptasereactions.RNApolymeraseassaywascarriedoutinourstandard

assaysystem. (a) UnlabeledUTP(0.2,umoleper0.25mlofreactionmixture) wasaddedat10 minafterthe

polym-erase reactions began, and at the timesindicatedsampleswereanalyzedfor 3Hincorporated into

ribonuclease-sensitiveand resistant RNA. Acontrol experimentwascarriedoutinthesame mannerwithout theadldition of

un-labeled UTP. (b) Unlabeled UTP (0.21imolepertube) wasaddedateachpointindicated and incubatedforan

additional 20 min.3H incorporationwasdetermined.Symbols:(0)3HindsRNA withoutchase;(A) 3Hin dsRNA afterchase. (0) 3HinssRNA withoutchase; (A)3HinssRNAafterchase.

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centrifugedthroughapreformedgradientofCsCI (Fig. 2). A sharp,





ob-served at a buoyant density of 1.43 g/cm3. This

band coincided with a virus core marker (not shown) which was derived from purified virions by chymotryptic digestion. Electron microscopy couldnotdistinguish betweenthe



inthis band and virus core derived from mature

virions (8).

A majority of the




recovered in the subviralparticleband (p = 1.43

141 9- P.143 I

S. ~~~~~~~16.5s

7' IL ~~~~~248


o I




otto4 1 10 1.203 30 40

F.3 D rP.ad

frcto (dgete wih20 f ~yotrp# o ,0









BOTTOM 5 10 I 20 TOP


FIG. 2. Distribution ofreplicase and transcriptase

activity ina CsCI gradient. A 1-miamowit ofthe LP

fraction (digested with 200 pg ofchymotrypsin for 90minat37C)wascentrifugedinapreformed gradient

of CsCl(p = 1.29to1.46g/cm3) inTMbufferfor2hr

at 165,000 X g (SW50L Beckman ultracentrifuge rotor). The gradient was then fractionated into 24 tubes. Eachfraction was immediately diluted to S ml with coldTMbuffer andcentrifuged at 165,000 X g

for I hr to pellet the polymerases. The pellet was

resuspendedin0.45 mlof TMbuffer, and 0.15 ml was removedfor polymerase assay in the standard assay system. Incubation was for 30 milt and chase with

unlabeledUTPwasfor20 min.Symbols:(0)replicase

activity; (0) transcriptase activity. Recoveries of the activities were 80 to 100% for transcriptase and 60

to 80% for replicate in four repeated experiments. The inset isa sedimentation profile of ssRNA

synthe-sized with the subviral particle fraction of density

1.43g/cm3. This fraction was further dialyzed against

TMbufferovernightandincubated in a reaction mixture

reported by Borsa (3) for 30 min at 37 C. The product

RNA was extracted by the SDS-phenol method and

centrifugedin a sucrose gradient (5to 20% in 0.1 m

STESbuffer)withasedimentation markerat200,000 X

gfor150minat15 Cin aSW50Lrotor.

g/cm3) andminoractivitywasdetectedina more diffuse band distributed around the density of

1.32 g/cm3. This lighter peak was reduced when

the LP fraction was digested with



longer period

oftime before


suggesting that the presence of transcriptase in



digestionof the

LP material. When the heavier subviral particle

fraction was incubated in a reaction mixture

suitable fortranscriptase reaction (3),three

size-classesofssRNAresemblingthe messenger RNA (mRNA)formedininfected cellsweresynthesized (Fig. 2, inset). This result is consistent with the conclusion of others that transcriptase is asso-ciated with the subviral particles ofreovirus


4, 5, 10, 11). In contrast, replicase activity was

notassociatedwith the subviral particles butwas depositedvariously over the gradient. Exogenous virus-specific RNA (dsRNA, denatureddsRNA, or plus-ssRNA) was not required as a template

for the replicase present in these fractions. In

addition,thedsRNAsynthesizedbythedifferent fractionsof the gradient was similarto that syn-thesizedbythe unfractionated replicase


i.e., the synthesis of three major classes of dsRNA,asshown inaprevious paper(12).These

resultsindicatethat thereplicasewasbound to a

template and that the complex was associated

with structures of various density in CsCI. We

conclude from these data that replicase and

transcriptase exist as two distinct forms of an


Physical properties of the replicase product.

The replicase product was extracted with SDS andphenol fromthe reaction mixture which had

been incubated for 30 min and chased for 30min.

Ethanol-precipitated RNAwasthendissolvedin

1 ml of 0.3 M STE buffer containing 10 jug of

ribonuclease, incubated at 37 C for 20


and finally deproteinized by phenol and filtered through acolumnofSephadex G-100 (1.5 by 30

cm; reference 12). The ribonuclease-resistant

replicase product elutedas adistinctpeak after a

void volume ofbuffer.

Buoyant density. Thereplicase product obtained

in this manner was found to have a buoyant

densityof 1.60g/cm3 inCs2SO4 (not shown) and

1.85 g/cm3 in an 8:1 CsCl-Cs2SO4 mixture (7),

as determined by equilibrium density gradient

centrifugation (Fig. 3). The 3H-labeled replicate product banded coincidently with the 32P-labeled virion dsRNA.

Thermal denaturation and annealing. The replicase productandvirion dsRNA both under-went sharp thermal denaturation (Tm of 92 C)

and were rendered completely

ribonuclease-sensitive at 95 C (Fig. 4). Denaturation also

resulted from heating at 70 C in 90% DMSO

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ossRNA dsRNA




BOTTOM 5 l0 15 20



FIG. 3. Equilibrium density gra.dietcentrifugation of the 3H-labeled replicase product and 32P-labeled

virion dsRNA ina CSCI-Cs2SO4 (8:1) mixture.

Cen-trifugation wascarriedout at84,000 X gfor96 hrat



by using an SW50.1 rotor. The position of

ssRNA (arrow) tvasdetermined in a separate

experi-ment by using theplus-RNA synthesized by reoviru~s




z 60



0 in z 40


20-60O 70 80 90 100


FIG. 4. Thermal denaturation of the 3H-labeled replicase product and 32P-labeled virion dsRNA. The analysis wasconducted in0.7mlof 0.01M STEbuffer

containing 3H-dsRNA (3,000 count/min, 0.3 pig) and 32P-dsRNA (1,800 count/min, 0.01 jig).

(Fig. 5). When the 3H-labeled replicase product

andthe 32P-labeled virion dsRNAwerecombined


the annealing of both 3H and 3Ip radioactivities

proceeded gradually and was near completion

after 22 hr. The anealing kinetics of both the

replicase product and virion dsRNAweresimilar

(Fig. 5). In contrast, the self-annealing of only

the 32P-labeled virion RNA (i.e., in the absence

ofreplicase product) proceeded ata


slower rate (Fig. 5), because of the decreased

concentration (13). The fact that the mixed

annealing of the 3H- and 32P-labeled RNA

fol-lowed similar kinetics suggested that the

com-plementary strands of each species behaved

identically with respect to annealing and that

some strand interchangeability between the two


Mixed annealing inthepresenceofanexcessof

plus-RNA. The denaturation and subsequent

annealingofamixture ofthe 2H-labeledreplicase

product and 32P-labeled virion dsRNA were

carried out in the presence of an increasing

amount ofunlabeled plus-RNA which had been

synthesized in vitro by the reovirus-core

tran-scriptase. If the 3H labelwasuniformlydistributed

between the plus and minus strands of the

replicase product, the labeled plus-RNA would

be diluted upon denaturation by the unlabeled

plus-RNA that was added. Thus, most of the

original labeled plus-RNA might be expected to

belost from the annealed product. On the other

hand, the labeled minus-RNA originally present

inthe replicase product would be retained

com-pletely in the annealed product. The theoretical

value for the retention of label in the annealed

product would therefore be 50%. This was the



20-2 3 4


5 6 22

FIG. 5. Annealing kinetics of the denatured IH-labeledreplicase productand32P-labeledviriondsRNA. The denaturation of RNA in DMSO and subsequent annealing were carried out as described in the text. The mixedannealingwasperformed in0.3 mlof0.3M

STE buffer containing 3H-dsRNA (2,700 count/min, 0.27 jig) and 32P-dsRNA (2,240 count/min, 0.01 jig).

Annealing of 32P-dsRNA alone was carried out in a

similar manner although without the addition of



@ .

03H S





0 0



0.0 0 0


6fl ri e'sribm a O


932p MIXED








.z z

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case with the32P-labeled dsRNA extracted from virions

(Fig. 6);



of the


was lost from the annealed


In contrast, the 3H contained in the





retained after


Annealing in the presence of an excess of plus-RNA proceeded




7) than that done in the absence of plus-RNA (Fig. 5) because ofthe




on concentration. Plateau levels of


for 3H and 60%for32P wereachieved.A


conclusion from the



is that the

dsRNA synthesized in vitro




com-posed of an unlabeled


strand and a nascent 3H-labeled minus-RNA strand.





reaction proceeds


be means ofthe


of the minus-RNA strand upon a






data also show that the 32p_ labeledplus-RNA inthe virion dsRNA was not


replaced by

the unlabeled


even in the presence ofa 400-fold excess of un-labeled




The reason for the approximately 10%~


between the theoretical value of


reduction and the ob-served value of 40% is unknown. This



03 x

5 l0 20 30



FIG. 6. Mixedannealing of the3H-labeledreplicase product and32P-labeled virion dsRNA in the presence

ofunlabeledplus-RNA. Tothe mixture of'H-dsRNA (3,076 count/min, 0.3 Mg) and 32P-dsRNA (1,600 count/min, 0.005 4g) wasadded theindicatedamount

of unlabeledplus-RNA, andthe mixturewas denatured inDMSO. Thedenatured RNA wasannealedin0.3 ml of 0.3 Mf STEbufferfor 20 hr.


2 60 ] -



-0 40- l


2 3 4 5 6


FIG. 7. Kinetics of mixed annealing of the 3H-labeledreplicaseproductand32P-labeledviriondsRNA

in the presence ofan excess of plus-RNA. Each

an-nealing mixture (0.3 ml) contained 3H-dsRNA and

3"P-dsRNA in the amounts given in the legend to

Fig. Sand, inaddition, 25lig of unlabeledplus-RNA.

nomenon, however, may be related to the fact

that a small portion of the


virion dsRNA anneals at a faster rate than the

major portion (13).

Ifso, the discrepancy does not essentially affect the above conclusion.


Existence ofreplicaseas aseparate entity from

transcriptase. Evidence has been provided




and transcription ofthereovirus genome are independent processes catalyzed


two distinct enzyme-template complexes which are distinguishable by their buoyant densities in CsCl (Fig. 2). The reason for the heterogenous distribution of replicase in CsCl has not been studied, however.

It is possible that replicase and transcriptase are two individual proteins. Alternatively, replicase might be converted to transcriptase as theenzyme-template complexis


into the subviral particles. The latter possibility is compatible with experimental evidence that transcriptase is detectable only in the subviral particles of infected cells and the virus core of

maturevirions and that theseparticles apparently

lack replicase activity. The fact that dsRNA replicationininfectedcells disappears soon after protein synthesis is inhibited by an addition of cycloheximide (14) is also compatible with this hypothesis, since continued synthesisofreplicase


Examination of the in vitro replicase reaction

andproduct. The dsRNA synthesized invitro by replicase contained three major size-classes of

100- s _ 0


80- \

70- /m32p

60- _09_ _ _ _

60 ---.-.-0-

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[image:6.484.242.433.63.230.2] [image:6.484.34.227.353.567.2]

dsRNA segments (12) and appeared to be

indistinguishable from virion dsRNA with

re-spect to double-strand characteristics (Fig. 3-5).

That the replicase product could be denatured

and annealed in the same manner as the virion

dsRNA (Fig. 4, 5) provided arationale for the

hybridization-competition experiment. This

ex-periment allowed the determination of whether

the in vitro dsRNA synthesis involved the

simultaneous synthesis of bothplus- and

minus-RNA strands. The results (Fig. 6, 7) indicated

that the dsRNA segments synthesized in vitro

were composed of a nascent 3H-labeled

minus-RNA strandand anunlabeledplus-RNA strand

whichwaspreexistentin theenzymepreparation.

The replicase preparation contained

tran-scriptase activity and incubation for the replicase

reaction stimulated synthesis of ssRNA in

addi-tion to the replicase product. This ssRNA

ap-pearedtobeindistinguishablefrom theplus-RNA

synthesized byreovirus-coretranscriptaseinthat

it also contained three size-classes of ssRNA

resembling the messenger RNA formed in

reovirus-infected cells (Fig. 2). The ssRNA did

not self-anneal or hybridize with plus-RNA

(unpublished data). These observations suggest

that no free minus-RNA was present in the

products synthesized bythe cell-freereplicaseand

transcriptase preparation. We believe, therefore,

that the in vitro replicase reaction proceeds by

the synthesis ofminus-RNA upon a plus-RNA

template, presumably of single-strand form,

rather than by replacement ofthe minus-strand

of dsRNA. The latter possibility has not been

completely ruled out. Our interpretation ofthe

datareportedhere is inagreementwith themodel

ofreovirus dsRNAreplication recently proposed

by Schonberg et al. (9). The possibilitythat the

replicase productistriple-stranded is unlikely in

view of the similarity of the product to virion

dsRNA in all physical properties determined.

Assumingthevalidityof the above

interpreta-tion, the fact thatthe replicase product did not

contain any detectable amounts of labeled

plus-RNA suggests that theplus-RNA synthesized by

the contaminating transcriptase did not

subse-quently serve asa template for furtherreplicase

activity. This failureto reinitiate thesynthesis of

minus-RNA by using the nascent plus-RNA as

template is consistent with the demonstration

that the in vitro replicase reaction slows down

rapidly (Fig. 1).

Itisinterestingthat the nascentplus-RNAdid

not readily serve as template in the cell-free

system. One hypothesisto explain this would be

that for the nascentplus-RNA to become

func-tional as a template for replicase action, a

con-comitant protein synthesis would be required.

The protein(s) couldbe eitherareplicaseorthose

proteins required for the formation ofan active

replicase-template complex. We have previously

shown that, in reovirus-infected cells,the

inhibi-tion of protein synthesis by cycloheximide leads

to a rapid cessation of viral dsRNA synthesis,

and the plus-RNA (mRNA) synthesized and

accumulated in the presence ofcycloheximide is

notlaterincorporated into dsRNAafter removal

of thedrug (14).


This investigation was supported by Public Health Service

researchgrantAl-02454 from the NationalInstitute ofAllergy andInfectiousDisease.


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on November 11, 2019 by guest



FIG. 1.sensitiveassayeraselabeledadditionalafter Kinetics of replicase and transcriptase reactions
FIG.FRACTIONSactivity 2. Distribution of replicase and transcriptase in a CsCI gradient
FIG. 3.22ssRNAmenttrifugationvirionof Cy the Equilibrium density gra.dietcentrifugation 3H-labeled replicase product and 32P-labeled dsRNA in a CSCI-Cs2SO4 (8:1) mixture
FIG.7.Fig.nealinglabeledin3"P-dsRNA the Kinetics of mixed annealing of the 3H- replicase product and 32P-labeled virion dsRNA presence of an excess of plus-RNA


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