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Mechanism of Interferon Action: Inhibition of Viral Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Translation in L-Cell Extracts


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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Dec. 1972, p. 1184-1198 Copyright ©1972 AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology

Vol.10,No. 6 Printed in U.S.A.

Mechanism of Interferon

Action: Inhibition of




Acid Translation





National Institute for Medical Research, MillHill,LondonNW7IAA, Entglanid

Received for publication 21 August 1972

Encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus ribonucleic acid (RNA) stimulated the

in-corporation of "4C-amino acids into polypeptides in cell-free systems using prein-cubatedS10extractsfrom Lcells. Incorporationwaslinear forover2hr. Analysis

ofthe tryptic peptides derived from thepolypeptide products formed in response

toEMC RNA showed themto bevirusspecific. Themajorproduct, apolypeptide

of140,000in molecularweight, migratedonsodiumdodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide

gels with one ofthe virus-specific polypeptides present in EMC-infected cells. A

minor component of molecular weight about 230,000 may correspond to the

product of complete translation of the EMC virus genome. Little or noeffect of

interferon or vaccinia virus infectionwas observed in the preincubated, cell-free system. The EMC RNA-stimulated incorporation of "4C-amino acids into poly-peptides wasnot inhibited in extracts derived from L cellsearlyinvirusinfection,

from interferon-treated cells, orfrom cellssubjectedtoboth treatments. Interferon treatmentdid appeartohave a slight inhibitoryeffect onchain elongation in this system. However, treatment of cells with highly purified interferon before virus

infection caused a decrease ofabout80% in thecapacity of non-preincubatedcell extracts totranslate added EMC RNA. This effect didnotextendto thetranslation ofpolyuridylicacidand could bereversed by preincubationof the extracts at37 C for 20 min.The inhibition oftranslation wasmanifestatinterferon concentrations

aslowas5IU/ml,and in this respectclosely paralleledtheinhibitionof virusgrowth.

Inactivationof the antiviral activity oftheinterferonbyheating or digestion with

trypsin also abolished the effect on cell-free protein synthesis. The EMC-specific

polypeptidesformed in reducedamounts inextracts ofinterferon-treated vaccinia-infected cells were smaller than those formed in extracts ofuntreated, vaccinia-infected cells. Thus, inhibition ofinitiationorelongation of polypeptides, orboth, canbedemonstrated incell-freesystemsemploying non-preincubatedextractsfrom interferon-treated, virus-infected cells. These resultsindicate that antiviral activity

ofinterferon is directed against the translation of viral messenger RNA.

With the exception of some recent evidence

implicatingtranscription of viralribonucleic acid

(RNA)asthe basicdefect in the virus replication

mechanism in interferon-treated cells (2, 18, 23),

most studies have suggested that translation of viral RNA is theprimary point at which inter-feronactionisexpressed(25). Joklik and Merigan

(9) demonstrated that early vaccinia virus

mes-senger RNA (mRNA) is produced in increased

amounts in interferon-treated L cells, but that this mRNA failsto enterintopolyribosomesand isnottranslated (9). In anRNAvirusinfection, the translation of input viral RNA is inhibited

(7). However, attempts to reproduce this inhibi-tion in cell-free systems haveeither proved non-reproducible (15, 19) or have uncovered effects which have not been sufficiently clear-cut for it

to be established beyond doubt that they were

duetotheantiviral activity of interferon (3, 12).

We present here evidence that both preincu-bated and non-preincubated cell-free systems from L cells can translate virus mRNA with

fidelitytoyield virus-specific polypeptides.

Inter-feron pretreatment of the L cells had little effect

on the ability of conventional, preincubated

extracts to translate encephalomyocarditis virus


on November 10, 2019 by guest




(EMC) RNA in the cell-free system, but an

inhibitory effect of interferon treatment on the

subsequent ability of cell extracts to translate added EMC RNA has been demonstrated. This

required that the extracts be taken not simply



but from

interferon-treated, virus-infected cells. Moreover, the effect

was seen in the systems from interferon-treated,

vaccinia virus-infected cells only if the usual

preincubation step was omitted from the prepa-ration of the cell extracts.


TheKrebs 2 mouseascitestumorcells(20) and the preparation of cytoplasmic extracts fromthem (21), the preparation of EMC virus (14) and EMC RNA (14), thelabelingofpolypeptide products inthe cell-free system (4), theperformate oxidation and tryptic digestion of these products, and the analysis ofthe tryptic digests by electrophoresisandchromatography onthin-layer silica gel plates (4) have already been described, as has the qualitative and quantitative

analysisofthepolypeptideproductsbyelectrophoresis on 5 or7.5%' polyacrylamide gels (4) aftertreatment with sodiumdodecylsulfate (SDS). The values forthe molecular weights of polypeptides synthesized inthe cell-free system were obtained by comparison with marker polypeptides from purified reovirus run in parallelgelsorinsplitgels.

Preparationof L-cell extracts:preincubatedextracts. Lcellswereoriginally obtained fromN.Finter (Well-come Research Laboratories) and were grown in EagleSpinner medium with10%( calf serum to a den-sityof80 to 100 X 104cells/ml.Cellextracts were pre-pared basically by the methods of Mathews and Korner (21) originally described for Krebs mouse ascites tumor cells. Cells were washedthreetimes by centrifugation in cold buffer (35 mM tris[hydroxy-methyllaminomethane [Tris]-hydrochloride [pH 7.51,

and140 mmNaCl). Theywerepacked by sedimenta-tion at400 X g for 10 min and resuspended in 1.5 packedcell volumes of buffer (10mm

Tris-hydrochlo-ride, pH 7.5, 7 mm 2-mercaptoethanol, 10 mm KCl, and 1.5 mmmagnesium acetate). After5mintheywere homogenized with 20strokes ofa glass Dounce ho-mogenizer, the homogenate was brought to 30 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH7.5), 90 mmKCl,3.5mM mag-nesium acetate, and 7 mm 2-mercaptoethanol, and centrifuged at10,000 X gfor 10 min.Thepelletwas discarded. Theextract was incubated at 37Cfor 40 min after the addition of adenosine triphosphate (ATP; 1 mM), guanosine triphosphate (GTP; 0.1

mM), cytidine triphosphate (CTP; 0.6 mM), creatine phosphate (10mM), creatinekinase(0.16mg/ml),and 40


eachof amino acids.The extract wasthenpassed

through a fine stainless-steel mesh prior to passing through a Sephadex G-25 column which had been equilibrated with buffer containing30 mm Tris-hydro-chloride (pH 7.5), 120 mm KCl, 5 mM magnesium acetate, and 7 mm 2-mercaptoethanol. Samples of about 0.2 ml, containing the maximal concentration

of protein andRNA, were frozenat -70 C inglass

vials. Activitywasstable in the frozen material for at least2months. These extracts contained 5 to 9 mg of proteinperml as measured by the method of Lowry etal. (17) and had anabsorbancy at 260 nm (A60) of 20to 30 units ml. Preparations with A260 <20 units / ml had little or no activity. All operations, unless otherwisencted, werecarried out at 4 C.

Non-preincubated extracts. Lcellsat aconcentration of1.5 X 106cells/mlweretreatedfor4hrat 37 Cwith theindicated dose ofinterferon, diluted to 7.5 X 105 cells'ml,andincubatedovernight(about 17 hr).

Thecells were theninfected (1) with vaccinia virus at a multiplicity of infection of 500 virus particles (about 5plaque-formingunits [PFU]) added per cell, andafter75 minwere washed three times with 35 mNM

Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.5) and 140 mm NaCI. The preparation thenproceeded as described for preincu-batedextractsuntilafterthe10,000X gsedimentation step. At this point, samples of 0.2 ml were frozen at -70C in glass vials. Thawed preparations were not refrozen.These extractscontained 14to 16 mgof pro-teinper mnlasmeasuredbythemethodofLowry etal. (17) and had anA2Wof 50 to 60units/ml.No signifi-cantdifferenceswerenoted intheproteinorRNA con-tent between extracts from interferon-treated or un-treatedcells.

In the case of infection with EMC, treatment was identical except thatinfection was at anadded multi-plicity of300 PFU percell inthe presenceof actinomy-cin D (1 jig ml). Virus wasallowed toabsorb overa 30-min period, and extracts were prepared after a further 2-hrperiodof incubationat37C.

Preparations wereassayedasdescribed below with anMg2' concentrationof4.5 mmexceptinthe caseof the polyuridylic acid experiments where the Mg28

concentrationwas 10 mmand theincubation timewas 1 hrat37C.

Assay for amino acidincorporation. Each 50-,liter

reaction mixturecontained the following constituents in thegiven concentration: 110mmKCI, 30mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 7.5), 7 mm 2-mercaptoethanol,

magnesium acetate as indicated (usually 4.5 mM), 1 mMATP, 0.1 mmGTP,0.6 mmCTP, 10mM creatine phosphate, 0.16 mg of creatine kinase per ml, 5 MCi

of"4C-amino acid mixtureperml(The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, Bucks, England), 40 Mm each of amino acidsnotpresent in the14C-amino acid mixture (methionine, histidine, glutamine,asparagine, cysteine, andtryptophan),and 10 to 15,ulitersof L-cellextract.

Inthe caseoflabeling with35S-methionine, 100


of 35S-methionineper ml and 40 ,uM ofcold amino acids

(minus methionine) were added per


incu-bation mixture. Each L-cell preparation was tested todetermine whichvolume of the preparation yielded

optimal incorporation. Incubation was usually for 120 minat 30C. The reaction was halted, and the mixtures wereanalyzedfor acid-precipitable radioac-tivityaspreviouslydescribed (4).

Interferonpreparation andassay. Mouseinterferon was prepared by the method of Paucker (24). The preparationsusedcontainedatleast1.5 X 10'IU of mouse interferon activity per mg of protein. Inter-feronwasassayedbyitsinhibitoryeffectonthegrowth 1185 VOL. IO, 1972

on November 10, 2019 by guest




ofEMCvirusinLcells. Virusyieldwasestimatedby hemagglutininproduction (20). In the case of vaccinia virus-infectedcells, the inhibitionof vaccinia virus pro-tein synthesis andits effecton thepolyribosome pat-ternwere alsoused to monitor interferon action (9). The mouseinterferon usedinthis studywasprepared by K. Paucker and purchased through special funds fromtheNationalCancerInstitute,Bethesda, Md.

Chick interferon was prepared by the method of Fantes (6). The preparation used was donated by K. H. Fantesandcontained13,000 international chick unitsper mg of protein.


Characteristics ofthe translation of EMC RNA by L-cell extracts. When we tested extracts of Krebs ascites cells prepared by previously de-scribedmethods,weconfirmed thatincorporation of 14C-amino acids was stimulated by the

addi-tion of EMC RNA (Table 1). We prepared, in a similar manner, extracts of L cells and tested these at 37 Cand 30 C. With L-cellpreparations at 37 C, we found eightfold stimulation, but a

60-fold stimulation was seen when these extracts

wereassayedat 30C(Table 1). In L-cell extracts, thestimulationby EMCRNA wasoptimalwhen the Mg2+ concentration was about 4.5 mm. The

optimal K+ concentrationwas 110 mm. An addi-tional 10 to 20'" incorporation of amino acid

was occasionally observed by including transfer

RNA in the L-cellincubation mixtures.

We used similarly prepared L-cell extracts to testwhethermouseglobinmRNA(27)orvaccinia mRNA (F. Fournier, D. Tovell, and D. Metz, manuscript in preparation) (11) produced by vaccinia virus cores would also stimulate amino

acid incorporation. Both did to some degree

(about five- to sixfold over endogenous

incorpo-ration) but toa much lesser extentthandid EMC

RNA. TheconcentrationsofMg2+ andK+which

rABLE 1. EMC RNA-directedproteini synithesis in

Krebsascites or L-cellextracts

Counts/min/50-,liter incubation mixture Originofpreparation Assa iuo r



Krebs cellsa 37 1,400 18,200

Lcells 37 970 7,600

L cells 30 1,000 62,100

Krebs ascites cell or non-preincubated L-cell extracts were prepared and assayed as described in Materials and Methods. Each50-iAlitersofassay mixturecontained 10-,uliters of extract.

were optimal for stimulation of amino acid in-corporation by each of the mRNAs used were

somewhat different although each mRNA used

was more effective at 30 C than at 37 C in the L-cell systems.

The stimulation of amino acid incorporation by EMC RNA in L-cell extracts was linear for 120min. Thereafter until 300 min, therateof the reactiondecreased (Fig. 1). Part of the explanation for theprolonged ability of EMC RNAto

stimu-lateamino acidincorporation in L-cell extractsat

30 Cwasduetothe marked stability of EMC RNA under these conditions. After1hr at 30 C, 80' of thisRNAranwithmobility ofEMC RNA on elec-trophoresisin polyacrylamide gels.

Theeffect of theconcentration of viralmRNAs on stimulation of 14C-amino acid incorporation by L cells was also studied. Increasing

concen-trations of EMC RNA, up to 2 or 3 ,ug per

50-,uliter incubation



propor-tional increases in incorporation of 14C-amino

acids by L-cell extracts. Higher concentrations


Nature of the product. Thepolypeptides formed in response to EMC RNA in the cell-free systems


0 I



Z 'A




*I -4_- -s_-* - *









FIG. 1. Stimulationi of amino acidintcorporationi by EMC RNA in L-cellextracts: time course. Two 500-,uliter inicubationi mixtures were prepared conitainin1g the contcentrationis ofconistituenits listed in Materials anzdMethods, 150 ,uliters of ani L-cellpreparationi, 50 ,uliters of i4C-ami,io acids, and 0 or 20 mg of EMC RNA. Ateach inidicatedtimepoinit, a25-,ulitersample wasremovedan1dassayed fori4C-aminoacid incorpora-tionI. 0 -0,0.04 mgofEMC RNA permlpresen7t;

*0-,noEMC RNA added.

1186 J. VIROL.


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were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electro-phoresis and by two-dimensional peptide mapping on thin-layer plates. In both L-cell and Krebs ascites cell extracts, product size was found to increase with increasing time of incubation at 30C. Theidentification of virus-specific peptides was facilitated by the polydisperse nature ofthe product and the very low incorporation by the extracts in the absence of EMC RNA (Fig. 2). Thegeneral patterns seen onSDS-polyacrylamide gels weresimilar to those previously reported for Krebs ascites cells with the exception that, by 120 min, the largest prominent peptide found (molecular weight about 140,000) was more conscpicuous in L-cell than Krebs ascites cell preparations (13). The nature and origin of these polypeptides have been extensively discussed in previous communications from this laboratory (4, 13). Itis sufficient to note here that the forma-tion of very large polypeptide products was

stimulated by EMC RNA in L-cell extracts and that theseproducts closely resembled in size those previously identified as being characteristic of

polypeptides stimulated by EMC RNA in Krebs

ascites cellextracts.


L-cell extractsprogrammedwith EMCRNA were

also subjected to electrophoresis on

polyacryl-amide gels with the EMC-specific polypeptides

labeled by 3H-methionine in virus-infected

HeLa cells (Fig. 3).Theelectropherogram shows

*1' * .

that the polypeptide with a molecular weight of 140,000 which is formed in the in vitro L-cell system is the same size as one of the large poly-peptides formed in virus-infected cells. Similar results have recently been reported (5). The in vitro product may therefore be related to one of the large polypeptides formed in virus-infected cells.

We have analyzed the tryptic peptide maps

derived from EMC RNA-directed products

labeled with 35S-methionine (Fig. 4). The L-cell and the Krebs ascites extract products were com-pared. The numbers assignedtothedifferent spots seenin theautoradiograms of the thin-layer plates

designate peptides which have been previously

shownbydetailed analysis of peptide maps to be present in EMC virus-infected Krebs cells and, in the case of some of these, also in purified EMC virus (4). These tryptic peptides are definitely specified by the EMC virus genome. There is a

close correspondence in Fig. 4 between the pep-tides formed by the two systems, and it can be

concluded thatL-cell extracts arecapableof

pro-ducing a number of EMC-specific polypeptides.

Lack of effect of vacciniavirusinfectionor

inter-ferontreatment ontranslation of EMCvirus RNA inpreincubated extracts. In cell-free systems de-rived from L cells treated with 50 IU of mouse interferon per ml, which was sufficient to inhibit virusproduction bymorethan 99%, noeffect on














FIG. 2. Electrophoretic anialysis of products ofL cell anid Krebs cell-free system onipolyacrylamide gels. A

500-jlditer intcubation mixtureconitainied35S-methionine, 100 j.ditersofL cellorKrebs cell extract, anld 0 or 20 ,ug ofEMCRNA.Afterintcubbationzat30 C, samples were removed anidprepared Jor polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis, and samples conitaininlg50,000countspermiiiwereappliedtoeachgel. The 5%1- gelsweresubjected toelectrophoresisoverniight, fixed, stainied, sliced, dried, and autoradiographed aspreviously described(4). The auttoradiographsweredeveloped after1week. The molecularweights oftheproductswereestimatedfrom thoseof reovirusproteinis which weresubjected to electrophoresis with the samples. A, D, anid G; L-cell extracts with EMC RNA,30, 60,anid120miiiofinicubation,respectively. B, E, anid H;L-cell extracts; nio EMCRNAadded;

inlcabationts werefor 30, 60, alid120 miti. C,FandI; Krebs ascites cell extracts with EMC RNA; 30, 60 anid

120nmii ofinicubationi.



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z ~ ~ z








FIG. 3. Co-electrophoresis ofEMCRNA-directed productsfrom L cell-free system anidEMCvirus-inifected HeLa cells. The 35S-methionine-labeled cell-freeproduct (a) was the EMC-directed 120 mill L-cell specimeni from Fig. 2G. 3H-methionine-labeled EMC-directedproductfrom HeLa cells (0) was produtcedby inifectinig

actinomycilt D (2


HeLacellmoniolayers withEMCvirus atamuiltiplicity of100.After3 hrwhen,

uniider these conditions, theprotein syiithesisin thesecells is almost enitirely virus-directed (J. J. Skehel,personal communiication), the monolakyers were wvashed five times with balaniced salt solution anid inzcuibatedfor 15 mill withmethioniine-free mediiunm to wvhich25jiCi of 3H-methionin2e had beeniadded. Thecells were washed fivetimes, anidantextractwasprepared fbr gelelectrophoresis, mixedwith the35S-labeledin vitroproduct, the mixtlure was

siubjectedtoelectrophoresisalndthegels wereslicedanzd counltedaspreviouslydescribed (16).

translation of EMC RNA was observed (Table



possibility that the antiviral effect of interferon

might only be expressed in virus-infected cells (25). To test this, we first had to determine

whether extracts of cells infected by a

heter-ologous virus would still translate EMC RNA. Wetherefore examined whetherextractsfrom

vac-ciniavirus-infected cells early in thecourse of in-fection (1hr afterinfection) could translate EMC RNA. The results(Table 2B) indicate that they do

so at least asefficiently as extracts from control

cells. By 1hrafterinfection, vaccinia virus

mark-edly inhibited cell-directed protein synthesis and

vaccinia virus proteins dominated thepattern of protein being produced; however, no cytopathic

effect of the viruswasobservedatthis time(22). Itwasthuspossibleto testwhether interferon-treated,vaccinia virus-infectedcellswould trans-late EMC RNA. Indeed, cell-free systems from these cells were just as capable of translating

EMCRNAasthose from vaccinia virus-infected

cells which had not been treated with interferon (Table 2C).

Changes in severalelementsinthe assay system also failed to bring out any effect of interferon

treatment. We varied theconcentration of EMC RNA, the time of incubation, and the

concentra-tions of magnesium or potassium ion without

demonstrating any effect of interferon

pretreat-ment on the ability of cell extracts to translate


Onepossibly significanteffectwasfound,

how-ever.Inextractsfrom both vaccinia virus-infected and uninfected cells, the products formed were

analyzedonpolyacrylamidegels. Theproportion

ofcounts inthe highest-molecular-weight

EMC-specificpolypeptide obtained (about140,000) was

larger in extracts from controls than from inter-feron-treatedcells (Fig. 5). Thiswassuggested in the results seen after 120min of incubation but

wasevenmoreevident in the 240-min specimens. Thiscanbeseenat a quantitative levelin the

re-sults of the experiment shown in Fig. 6 which illustrates an additional point of interest. With

1188 J. VIROL.

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4° -42






.... 2




















FIG. 4. Radioautogranis oftwo-dime,isiontal tryptic peptide mapsfrom EMC-directed productsformedin L-cell and Krebs L-cell extracts. Tlhe 35S-methionine-labeled products were the 120-mill L-cellandKrebs cell speci-meiis inicubated with EMCRNA in Fig. 2 (G anid1).




treatment, electrophoresis,

anidchromatographly onithiin-layerplates, alnd autoradiography werecarriedout aspreviouslydescribed(4). The

numbers are those previouslyassigntedin thislaboratory to EMC-specificpeptides (4). Productsformedin (A)

L-cellextractsanid (B) Krebscellextracts.

long exposures of the autoradiograms, small amounts of a


of at least 230,000 in molecularweighthave beenconsistentlyobserved among theproductsformedbyextractsfrom

con-trol cells(Fig. 6, arrow). Thispolypeptideis

suffi-ciently largefor itto correspondto thecomplete

translationproductof the EMC RNA genome. It

is not seen in extracts from interferon-treated

cells(Fig. 6).

Inhibition of EMC RNA-directed polypeptide

synthesis in non-preincubated extractsfrom

inter-feron-treatedLcells.L-cell extractswhich hadnot

VOL. 10, 1972 1189

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beenpreincubated for40minat

preparation are capable of transl (Table 3A). As with theconver

bated extractsdescribedinTable treatment of the cellswith suffici interferon to inhibit EMC virusI culturesby more than



TABLE2.Lack of e-ffect of


vaccinia virus infection on EM( proteinsyntlhesisin L-ce

1'reatment of cells'

A. None... Interferon....

B. None... Vaccinia virus infection ....

C. Vacciniavirus infection .... Interferon +

vacciniavirus infection ...

Preincuba-tion of extractb





-1-a L cells were treated with 5(

interferon per ml for 14 hr or i

cinia virus, or both, and extraci assayed as described in Materi; Each


mixture contain EMCRNA and wasincubatedfc

b37 C,40'min.

37Cduring their hibitory effect on chain elongation during the

latingEMC RNA translation of added EMC RNA in this system.

ntionally preincu- In addition (Table 3B), non-preincubated,

cell-e2,however,pre- free systems, which werederived from L cells

in-ient (50 units/ml) fected with vacciniavirus,translated EMCRNA.

growth inparallel Accordingly, as neither interferon treatment nor

I only a small in- virus infection appeared individually to have a

significanteffectonthesesystems, itwaspossible 7rontreatment anld to test their combined effect. When this

experi-CRNA-directed ment was performed, a marked inhibitionin the

11 extracts translation ofEMCRNA wasobservedwith


extracts from



vacciniavirus-infected cells




___ ________ That anantiviral state had been established by

-EMC +EMC the interferontreatment




RNA RNA (i) testing the ability of samples of cells (not in - this caseinfected with vaccinia virus) to support 400 V 400 EMC virus growth, (ii) checking the pattern of 800 .~.2,,700 polyribosomes in the cytoplasm of the


vaccinia virus-infected cells


that 4007,z of


vaccinia virus-infected cells, and

440 12,000 (iii) analyzing on polyacrylamide gels the poly-peptides produced in interferon-treated and

tin-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells. The results 640 6,200 of these checkson the presenceofaviral inhibi-tory state showed the following. (i) EMC virus growth wasinhibited by more than99c%, in inter-670


feron-treated cells. (ii) The polysome pattern in


vaccinia virus-infected cells


with vac- was, as





ts were made and


a marked increasein the number of

mono-als and Methods. somes as compared to untreated, virus-infected led 0 or 2 ,ug of cells.


Almost no protein (virus or cell) was )r120 min at 30 C. produced in interferon-treated, vaccinia virus infected cells, whereas a pattern characteristic o

I . *. a









FIG. 5. Analysis ofproducts ofcell-free systems byelectrophoresisonpolyacrylminidegels:effect ofinterferon treatment ancd vacciiiia viruis infection. Extractsfrom vaccinia virus-infected cells were treated fbr 14hr with 50 uiiitsofpurifiedmouseinterferoniper mlprior toiiifectioii,andvirus-intfectedcontrols wmerepreparedanldanalyzed

asdescribedin thelegend to Fig. 2. In thisexperimelnt, however, sampleswere takeni after 30, 60, 120, aiid 240 min ofincubation with EMC RNA. A, B, C, andD:extracts from controlcells at 30, 60, 120, and 240 miii,

respectively. E,F, G,antdH:extractsfrominiterferoii-treated cells at 30, 60, 120, aiid 240 miii.

1190 J. VIROL.

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[image:7.499.] [image:7.499.112.399.443.590.2]




FIG. 6. Analysis of products of cell-freesystemsby electrophoresis onipolyacrylamide gels: possible effect

of interferoni treatmenit anid vaccinia virus infectiont. Sampleswerepreparedinamanniieriden7ticaltothosein Fig.5.However,films wereexposedto thedehydrated gels for14daysinisteadoj5. A,Extractfrom vacciniia

virus-inifectedcells; B, extractfrom initerferoni-treated, vacciniia virus-infectedcells.

vacciniavirusinfectionwasalreadyestablished in


One additional pointshould be made

concern-ingthe results in Table 4. At 1 hrafterinfection,

almost all of the protein being producedin cells infected with vaccinia virus is vaccinia virus di-rected (22). Therefore,theendogenous

incorpora-tion observedinthe absenceof added EMC RNA


largely represents vaccinia virus-directed protein synthesis. It might be expected that interferon treatment would have some effect on translation ofendogenous vaccinia virus mRNAand indeed

TABLE 3. TranislationzofEMCRNA by L-cell extracts


incubatio nmixture Treatmentof cells





A. None None 3,830 8,700

Interferon" None 3,970 8,370

B. Vaccinia in- Presentb 580 7,300 fection

Vaccinia in- None 1,330 8,310


Cells were treated with 50units of interferon per ml, and non-preincubated or preincubated extracts were prepared and assayed as described in Materials and Methods. Each 50-jiliter incuba-tion mixture contained 15


of the L-cell

preparationand0or2ugof EMC RNA.

I After 1 hr of infection with vacciniavirus,

ex-tracts were preincubated for 40 min at 37 C and then filteredthrough Sephadex G25.

TABLE 4. Inlhibitioni of EMC RNA tranislatio,i in



vaccintia viruts-inifectedL cells

Treatmentofcellsa Volume ofL-


cellextractper inuainmixture

50-jAliter Interferon


Vaccinia incubation

virus mixture -EMC +EMfC

ml) infection (uics N N

_ + 10 1,750 6,930

15 1,560 8,320

20 1,230 5,840

+ + 10 291 738

15 323 597

20 337 631

aLcellswere treated with interferon (50units/

ml) and infected withvaccinia virus as described. Each


incubation mixture contained the indicated volume ofthe non-preincubated L-cell

preparations employed.

a three- to fourfold inhibition of 'IC amino acid

incorporation wasobserved (Table 4).

Taken together, these results suggest that the antiviral effect of interferon is directedagainstthe translation ofviral mRNA and thatoperationof this inhibition is only fully manifest in extracts

from virus-infected cells. As shown below, this effect of interferonisreversible. Previousattempts

todemonstrate this effect in conventionally pre-pared extracts (S-10 preparations) failed,

prob-ably because somestep inthepreparative


1191 VOL. 10, 1972

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[image:8.499.259.452.82.220.2] [image:8.499.258.453.344.477.2]


Characteristics of theinterferon effect in extracts ofinterferon-treated,vaccinia virus-infectedLcells. At all concentrations of EMC RNA tested, ex-tracts from interferon-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells showed less stimulation of amino acid incorporation thandid those from untreated, vacciniavirus-infected cells (Fig. 7). Theoptimal concentration ofEMC RNA with both extracts was 40


With extracts from both interferon-treated, virus-infected and untreated, virus-in-fected cells,incorporation was linear for about 60 min (Fig. 8). At all times studied, preparations frominterferon-treated,virus-infected cells incor-porated amino acids less well than did prepara-tions from untreated, virus-infected cells. The difference notedwas notdueto morerapid break-down of EMC RNA by extracts from the


48 _

O 4C 0


Z 32

I-w 24 z O 16










0 1 2







I-Z 8







FIG. 7. InhibitionI of EMC RNA tra,isla) tracts of interferon-treated, vaccilnia viri

cells: effect of EMC RNA conIcentErationt. treated with 50 unlits of interferontperinl ali With vaccinia virus. Controls were olnly! viru

Extracts wereprepared fromthesecells. Eac incubationi mixtureconitainted the indicated EMCRNA and 15,uliters of non-preincubat6 Incubation was at 30 C for 2 hr. 0-- 0

from untreated, vaccinia viruis-ilifected cells -- 0, extracts from interferoni-treated virus-infected cells (intferferon -treated).

FIG. 8. Inihibitioni of EMC RNA tranislationi ill extracts of intterferon2-treated, vacciniia virus-infected cells: effect of inicutbationz time. Two250-i.litermixtures

were prepared conttainting constituents in the

conicent-trationi inidicated in Materials anid Methods antd 75 ul1iters of nion-preinicubated extract from initerferoni-treated, vacciniia viruis-inifected cells (initerferoni-treated; *---0) or uiiitreated, viruts-inifected cells (conttrol; Q--O). At the inidicated times, 20-Mlliter -0 samiipleswereremovedan1dassayedfor inicorporationi of

'4C-aminio acids.

feron-treatedcells sincethepatternof thecounts, when analyzed on polyacrylamide gels, was the same for radioactive EMC RNA incubated with

either cellextract.

P In addition, extracts from both

interferon-treated, virus-infected cells and from untreated, virus-infected cells incorporated amino acids

optimallyat4.5 mm Mg2+; however, the extracts from interferon-treated, virus-infected cells had much lower levels ofactivity atall Mg2+andK+ concentrations where significant stimulation of

4 amino acidincorporation was seen in untreated,


virus-infected controls.

The polypeptide products synthesized in re-tioi inex- sponse to EMC RNA in the different cell-free

is-inlfected systems usedwereanalyzed byelectrophoresis on

Cells were SDS-polyacrylamide gels (Fig. 9B, D, and F).

,idinifected Parallel analysesof theproductsofsystemsin the

s inifected, absenceof EMC RNAare shown in Fig. 9A,C,


S0-ilite- and E. With material from untreated L cells,

amouniit Of whether the cell-free systems were preincubated d


(Fig. 9B)

or not



a characteristic


(Fig. 2)

series of




in r, vaccilnia response to the added virus RNA, the

predomi-nant product after 2 hr of incubation at 30 C

3 4

1192 J. VIROL.




on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:9.499.262.450.71.280.2] [image:9.499.]








FIG.9. Inhibition of EMC RNA translation in extracts ofinterferon-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells: electrophoretic analysis of polypeptidesformed in the cell-free system. "S-labeled products wereprepared for analysison 5% SDS-polyacrylamide gelsaspreviously described. About 50,000 countspermin were loadedon eachgel. Thegelswerepreparedfor radioautography, and thefilmwasexposedfor7days.Preincubatedextracts from uninfectedLcellsin the absence (A) and presence (B) of EMC RNA. Non-preincubated extractsfrom

in-terferon-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells in the absence (C) and presence (D) ofEMCRNA.

Non-preincu-batedextractfrom untreated, vacciniavirus-infected cellsinthe absence (E)and presence(F) ofEMCRNA.


a large polypeptide of approximately

140,000in molecular weight (Fig. 9B). Vaccinia virusinfectiondid not alterthenatureof the

poly-peptides synthesizedin response to EMC RNA in

these systems. This is shown for a

non-preincu-bated system in Fig. 9F. Interferon treatment

alonehad, at most, a


effect on the

rela-tive amounts of the higher-molecular-weight

products synthesized (Fig. 5 and 6). In contrast, with non-preincubated systems from cells

sub-jectedtobothinterferon treatment andinfection,

only smallamountsoflow-molecular-weight

poly-peptideswereproduced in response to the added

EMC RNA(Fig. 9D). These resultsindicatethat

notonly is there lessproductmade in responseto

the added RNA, but also the product size is altered. This would argueagainst aneffect

exclu-sively on initiation of translation of the viral


Clearly, the translation of added viral RNA

(EMCRNA) is inhibited in cell-free systems from

interferon-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells.

Theresults of theanalysisof these systemsinthe absenceof EMC RNAareinaccord witha

corre-sponding inhibition of the translation of

endoge-nous vaccinia virus mRNA in the

interferon-treated, virus-infected cell system. Although the

polypeptides detectable in the non-preincubated

systemfrom vaccinia virus-infected cells(Fig.9E) have not beenfullycharacterized, theyarealmost


absent in systems from cells


to inter-feron treatmentpriortoinfection(Fig.9C). These resultsindicate thatadded EMC RNA and

endog-VOL. 10, 1972 1193

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enous vaccinia virus mRNA are not efficiently translated in extracts from


virus-infected cells.

Requirement for virus infection for expressionof

antiviral activityincell-free systemsis notspecific forvaccinia virus. Theantiviralactivityinduced by interferon is not apparent unless the cells arealso virus-infected (Table 3).Intheseexperiments,

vac-ciniavirus was usedastheinfecting agent. Some

objection has been raisedtotheuseofthe vaccinia

virus-L cell system in studies of interferon action

on the basis of theprofoundcytopathic eftFectseen

in cellstreated inthis manner (10). Although for preparation of extracts we used cells 1 hr after infection, in which no cytopathic effect and no

effect of virusinfection on amino acid uptakeor

pool sizes wasnoted (22), wealsoperformed

ex-periments on cells infected with EMC instead of vaccinia virus(Table 5, A).

Inthis study, interferon-treatedor untreatedL cells were infected with EMC virus at a multi-plicity of 300 PFU per cell in the presence of actinomycinD(1



2hr afterinfection asdescribed in Materials and Methods. The results of assayson these extracts are shown in Table 5, A.Littleor no stimulation by EMC RNA was seen in theextractsfrom

in-terferon-treated, virus-infected cells, whereas

ex-tracts from untreated, virus-infected cells had a

response toadded EMC RNA.Wealsoobserved

amarked inhibition in theendogenous

incorpora-tion of extracts from interferon-treated as

com-paredtountreated cells. Thiswasprobablydueto

the factthat, by 2 hr afterinfection, most of the

polyribosomesin cellsnottreatedwith interferon

were engaged inmaking EMC proteins, whereas

in interferon-treated cells neither cell nor viral products were beingproduced, since in the

pres-enceofactinomycinD,arapid inhibitionofL-cell

protein synthesis takes place on infection with EMCvirus (4).

Additional studies have shown that

multiplici-ties of vaccinia or EMC virus of 1 or 25 PFU,

respectively, are sufficient to establish antiviral

activity in cell-free systems from

interferon-treated cells. In the case of vaccinia virus, the

antiviral state iswellestablished by 15 minafter infection ininterferon-pretreatedLcells.

Inhibition of translation is interferon mediated. Krebs ascites cells were treated with interferon

(50units/ml),infected withEMCvirusat a

multi-plicity of 300PFUper cell,and non-preincubated extracts werepreparedasdescribed forL cellsin Materials andMethods. Interferon treatmentwas

ineffective ininducinganinhibition of translation in extracts of Krebs ascites cells which are

re-sistant to induction of antiviral activity by inter-feron (TableSB).


A. Lcells EMCinfection.

Interferon, thenEMC in-fection...

B. Krebs cells EMCinfection. Interferon, then EMC infection.... ELICvirus growth he-magglutinin (units/ml) 1,280 <20 2,560 2,560 Counts/min, '50-pliter incubationmixture -EMC +EMC RNA RNA

4,300 9,900

1,530 5, 620 9,180 1,840 24,200 28,300

(l Krebs ascites or L cells were treated with 50 units ofmouse interferon per ml.They were then infected with EMC virus in thepresenceof actino-mycin D (1 ,yg/ml). After 2 hr,5-ml samples were

removed, and virus was allowedtoreplicate for 9 hr to assay virus growth and the effectiveness of interferon treatment. The major portionls of the cultureswereusedat2hrafter infection for mak-ing non-preincubated extractswhich wereassayed as described in Materials andMethods.

Interferon itself and the antiviral activity

in-ducedbyinterferon have some verytypical

prop-erties (25). The antiviral activity and the

inhibi-tion of EMC RNAtranslation in cell-freesystems, which was inducedby theinterferon preparation we used, were both stable to pretreatment ofthe interferon atpH 2. Also, neither activitywas re-versedby washingthe cellswhichhadbeen treated with the interferon preparation. The antiviral activityinducedby interferon and the invitro in-hibition ofEMC RNA translation were stableat

37 C for 30min butwere destroyed by80 Cor

trypsin treatment for 30 min (Table 6). Partially

purified chickinterferon, in titer sufficiently high (80 units/ml) to inhibit Semliki Forest virus growth by morethan99%- inchick cells, had no effect on L cells, and an interferon preparation

(kindly donated byR. Z. Lockart),purified bya differentmethod(26) thanPaucker's (24),wasas effective as the standard preparation which we used inmostofour studies.

In addition, Table 7shows that both the anti-viral activity induced and theinhibition of EMC RNA translation in cell-free systems varied


di-rectlywith theconcentration ofinterferon which hadbeen usedtotreat Lcells. Maximumactivity ofbothwasreachedbetween5and 15units/ml.It

TABLE 5. EMC RNA traislationt in lioli-preincuhatedextractso

interferon-treated EMC virlus-inifected L cells or Krehs aiscites cells

1194 J. VIROL.

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TABLE 6. Effectofilnactivationz ofiniterferonioiithe inthibitioni of EMCRNAtranslationi inextracts

ofinterferon-treated, vaccinia virus-infected Lcells



julitermi.xtureincubation Treatment ofinterferona

activ--EMC +EMC RNA R'NA Control, no interferon - 1,280 4, 140

None + 530 970

Trypsinc - 1,090 4,450

37 Cd + 706 1,120

80 Ce 1,890 7,300

a Inall cases 50 units ofinterferon per ml or its

equivalent prior to inactivation was employed to treat cells.

IAntiviral activity was assayed by inhibition of

EMC virus hemagglutinin production, inhibition of vaccinia virus-directed protein synthesis, and effect on polyribosome pattern in vaccinia virus-infected cells.

cTrypsin (100 ,ig/ml) was added to a concen-trated interferon preparation (1,500 units/ml) for 30 minat 37C. At theendof this time, soya bean trypsin inhibitor (200 qg/ml) was added and the preparation was diluted appropriately.

dTreated exactly as footnote c except that trypsin was omitted.

eInterferon (1,500 units/ml) was heated to 80 C for 30 min, and diluted.

is also interesting to note (Table 7) that, in cell-free systems, the level of endogenous incorpora-tion, which is almost certainly directed by vaccinia virusmRNA,also varied with the interferon dose.

Thisagreedquitewellwiththedegreeof cell

poly-somedisaggregation (9) noted in cells treated with different interferon doses. In cells treated with 5 units ofinterferon per ml, some viral polysomes could be found, but with higher concentrations a clear-cutdisaggregation of polysomes occurred.

We also tested the ability of these extracts to direct the incorporation of '4C-phenylalanine in the presence ofpolyuridylic acid [poly(U)]. At the lowestMg2+ concentrationwhereeffective phenyl-alanineincorporation was observed (10 mM) and

athigher Mg2+ concentrations, nodifference was

seen in the incorporation of


between the extracts from interferon-treated, virus-infected cells and untreated, virus-infected

cells (Fig. 10).This result indicatesthatthe cyto-plasmic elements, such as ribosomes andvarious factors necessary for the functioning of the

poly(U) system, are present inequal amounts in

preparations from both interferon-treated,

virus-infected cells and untreated, virus-infected controls.

Reversal of theantiviral activity incell-free sys-temsinduced byinterferon treatment of cells. It has been observed that there is no difference in the ability to translate EMC RNA by extracts from

TABLE7.Effectofthe interferonconcenttrationused in thetreatmentofcellsontheinhibition of EMC

RNA translationt in extracts of

interferon2-treated, vaccinia virus- iiifectedLcells


EMCvirus incubation mixture Interferonconcn growth

(he-(units/ml) magglutinin

unitsproduced)a -EMC +EMC


Ob 1,280 2,080 18,450

5 30 1,180 6,940

15 <20 540 2,820

50 <20 630 2,630


wereremoved, washed,andinfected with EMCfor 8 hr, and yields of EMC hemagglutinin were

as-sayedtoestimate the effectiveness of the interferon treatment.

bCells were treated with the indicated concen-tration of interferon and then infected with

vac-cinia virusasdescribedinMaterials and Methods.


c 40 1 0





0 16





0 4 8 12 16 20


FIG. 10. Lack ofeffect on poly(U) translation in extracts of


vaccinia virus-infected

cells. ExtractswerepreparedasdescribedinMaterials

andMethods. Concentrationsoftheconstituenms ofthe reaction mixture were as describedexcept that Mg2+ was 10 m.r andthe incubation wasfor I hr at 37C. The amount ofpoly(U) indicatedisper


reac-tion mixture. 0- O, Non-preincubated extracts

from untreated, vaccinia virus-infectedcells (control); *---,


extracts from

interferon-treated, virus-infectedcells (interferon-treated).

1 195 VOL. 10, 1972

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[image:12.499.254.449.133.267.2] [image:12.499.257.451.357.552.2]


interferon-treated, virus-infected cells or

un-treated, virus-infected cells whentheyare preincu-batedfor40 min at 37 Cduringtheir preparation (Table 2). The conventional preincubation pro-cedure used also involves filtration of extracts

through a Sephadex G25 column, but thisalone

did not reverse the inhibition of the translation of EMC RNAobservedwith extractsfrom

inter-feron-treated, vaccinia virus-infected cells. When

all ofthestepsinthis



however, the antiviral activityoftheextract was

destroyed (Table 8). When only incubation at

37 Cfor 40min was carried out, the inhibition of EMC RNA translation was also lost. Indeed,

preincubation of extractsfrom such cells at 37 C

for as little as20min in the presence or absence of

aminoacids, ATP, and an ATPgeneratingsystem

was sufficient to reverse the inhibitory effect of

interferon treatment on EMC RNA translation.

This was true despite the fact that, underthese latterconditions, amino acidincorporationduring

the preincubation was inhibited by more than

85%. Onthispreliminary basis, therefore, itseems

unlikelythat protein synthesis isrequired during

the preincubation for the reversal of the

inter-feron-mediated inhibitionto occur.


Inthis study wehave discussed two basic

sys-tems. The first involved preincubated extracts


with the possible exception of an inhibition of


chainelongation (Fig. 5 and 6), translatedEMC

TABLE 8. Effect of preincubation of extracts of interferon-treatedandvirus-infectedL cellson

theirability to iranslate EMC RNA

Counts/min/50-,uliter incubation



Treatment Treatmentof extract



None None 2,740 5,470

Interferon None 944 1,450

None 37C,Sephadex G25a 635 6,480 Interferon 37 C, Sephadex G25 528 4,510

None 37 Conlyb 764 5,020

Interferon 37 Conly 786 4,360

a Extracts were treated at 37 C for 40 min and

werethenpassed throughaSephadex G25 column


bExtracts weretreated as in footnote a except that amino acids wereomitted from the preincu-bation mixture and no gel filtration was carried out.

RNA as well as controls fromcellswhich hadnot

been treated with interferon (Table 2). InfectioP.

with vacciniavirusdid not impair the ability of extractsfrominterferon-treatedoruntreatedcells totranslate EMC RNA (Table 3). The second cell-free system consisted of non-preincubated ex-tractsfrom interferon-treated,virus-infected cells. The results from this system clearly show marked inhibition of translation of EMC RNA. Both in-terferon treatment and virus infection were re-quired for the demonstration of this inhibitory


Taken together, these results and previously

published work suggest the following mechanism ofaction for interferon. In interferon-treated cells, apotentialantiviral state is induced. This process seems to require cellular RNA and protein syn-thesis and may manifest itselfby a slight inhibition of cell growth (24) and of translation of viral RNA (3, 8). Such a potential state may account for the inability to demonstrate any profound effect ofinterferon treatment on the processes of

uninfected cells (25). When interferon-treated

cells areinfected with virus, the antiviral state is fullyrealized, and the translation of viral RNA in cell-free systems derivedfrom such cells is mark-edly inhibited. The factor(s) responsible for this

inhibition in cell-free systems from

interferon-treated,vacciniavirus-infectedcells isheat labile.

Current studies on suchextracts indicate that the factor(s) is present in both inicrosomal and cell

sap fractions. Interestingly, the addition of cell

sap from vaccinia virus-infected,

interferon-treated L cells to ribosomesfrom

interferon-insen-sitiveKrebs cellsalso resultsin aninhibition of

thetranslationof EMC RNA.

Anintriguingaspectofthesesystems isthat

cur-rent results obtained on infection of interferon-treated cellswith EMCdo differ in some details

from those obtained with theinterferon-treated,

vacciniavirus-infected cellsystems. With systems

from theinterferon-treated, EMC-infected cells,

theinhibitoryeffect is confinedto thecellsap

frac-tion (D. Tovell et al., manuscript in prepara-tion). Moreover, the results of two experiments would suggest that the translation ofboth mouse globin mRNA and EMC RNA is reduced in cell-free systems from vaccinia virus-infected, inter-feron-treated cells. This reflects the complete

inhibition of host and viral protein synthesis in

these cells (9).

Althoughit ispossible that the results obtained

were due to a nonspecific effect of interferon



on November 10, 2019 by guest




treatment and virus infection, we feel this is

un-likely for several reasons. The mouse interferon

preparations employed were highly purified and, aside from inhibitingvirus growth, had no marked effect on the cells. The activity in the interferon preparation which induced the antiviral state in both cells and cell-free systems had the chemical andphysical characteristics of an interferon. Two different viruses could be used to activate the anti-viralstate and, finally, in extracts from interferon-treated, vacciniavirus-infected cells, the inhibition of viral RNA translation was reversed by preincu-bation at 37 C for 40 min.

Viral RNA was not degraded more quickly in extracts from interferon-treated, virus-infected cells than in extracts from untreated, virus-in-fected cells (L. A. Ball, unpublished observation). Our results suggest that the interferon-induced in-hibition we have observed may be due to an effect on theelongation and possibly also on the

initia-tionstep ofvirus polypeptide synthesis.Total

in-corporationof aminoacidsintoviral products was

markedly inhibited, andthose polypeptides which wereproduced were of a small size compared to the EMC RNA-specific polypeptides normally produced in cell-free systems.

Two recent studies have suggested that inter-feron pretreatment inhibits the synthesis of viral mRNAs mediated in the infected cell by the

virion polymerases of parental vesicular

stoma-titis (18) and vaccinia (2) viruses. The question

arises whetherthiseffectortheinhibitionof

trans-lation reported here is the basis of the antiviral

activity of interferon. The crucial points in this

respect are (i) how general is the effect on tran-scription, (ii) can the apparent inhibition of the virion polymerases in the intact cell beseenwith low doses of highly purified interferon

prepara-tions, and (iii) can the effect be shown to be

directlyonthe viral polymerasesby studiesinthe

cell-freesystem? However, theinhibition of trans-lation reported in this study parallels a similar effect in the intact cell (22, 25). Translation

in-hibition is seen with low doses ofthe two most

highly purified interferon preparations available

and isquantitatively sufficient to accountfor the inhibitory effect of interferon treatment onvirus



WeareindebtedtoD. Risbyfortechnicalassistance. R.M.F., National Cancer Institute staff member at The National InstituLtesofHealth, isavisitingscientist. D.R.T. is therecipient ofa Canadian M.R.C. Fellowship, and R.M.E. of an EMBO Fellowship. Globinmessenger RNAwasdonatedbyR.

William-soin,TheBeatson Institute for CancerResearch, Glasgow, Scot-land.


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FIG.,~~~~,ulitersEMC,uliteranzdtionI.RNA.thewas*0-,1. Stimulationi of amino acid intcorporationi by RNA in L-cell extracts: time course
FIG. 2.500-jlditer,ugauttoradiographstrophoresis,toreovirusinlcabationtsEMC120 electrophoresis of Electrophoretic anialysis of products of L cell anid Krebs cell-free system oni polyacrylamide gels
FIG. 3.fromHeLaactinomyciltcommuniication),siubjectedanidwithuniider Co-electrophoresis of EMC RNA-directed products from L cell-free system anid EMC virus-inifected cells
FIG. 4.cellanidnumbersmeiisL-cell Radioautogranis of two-dime,isiontal tryptic peptide maps from EMC-directed products formed in L- and Krebs cell extracts


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