Vol. 44, NO.2 JOURNALOFVIROLOGY, Nov. 1982, P. 683-691
Copyright © 1982,American Society for Microbiology
of the src Gene of Rous Sarcoma
Construction and Characterization
of a Deletion Mutant
Sensitive for Transformation
Departmentof Microbiology, Universityof Virginia Medical School, Charlottesville, Virginia 22908
Received 10 May1982/Accepted7July 1982
Transformationof cells by Rous sarcomavirus results from the expression of
the viral src gene product, pp6Osrc. Site-directed mutagenesis techniques have
been usedtoconstructdefined deletion mutations within thesrcgene of Prague A
strain of Rous sarcoma virus. The deletion of DNA sequences at the BglII
restriction site in the src gene yielded both transformation-defective mutants
(tdCH4, 64, and 146) and a mutant temperature sensitive for morphological
transformation (tsCH119). The genomeof tsCH119 containsanin-phasedeletion
ofapproximately 160base pairs, which mapped to theimmediate 3' side of the
BglII restriction site. Upon infection of chicken cells, tsCH119 encoded a
structurally altered src protein, pp53src, containing a deletion of amino acid
residues202 to 255. Immunecomplexes containingpp53srcisolatedfrom
tsCH119-infected cells grown at 41°C exhibited only 50% less tyrosine-specific kinase
activity than immune complexes isolated from cells grown at 35°C. pp53src
immunoprecipitated from tsCH119-infected cells grown at either 35 or 41°C
containedphosphoserine and phosphotyrosine. We suggestthat tsCH119
repre-sents a class of mutants containing mutations mapping within a functionally
important domain ofthe src protein, distinct from the domain specifying the
protein kinase activity.
Transformation of cells by Rous sarcoma
vi-rus(RSV) results from the expression ofasingle
viral gene, the src gene (14). Genetic and
bio-chemical experiments have shown that the src
gene encodes a 60,000-dalton phosphoprotein,
pp60 src, whose primary site of localization
ap-pears tobethecytoplasmicmembrane(2,18-20,
22, 23, 29). In vitro, pp6src exhibits a unique
phosphotransferase activity, catalyzing the
tyro-sine-specific phosphorylation
of eitherimmuno-globulin heavy chain, contained in immune
com-plexes, or avariety of other substrates(4,5, 16,
23, 31). In vivo, the expression of pp6Osrc
initi-ates acascade ofeventsleading toalteration of
cellularmorphology, changes in growth
proper-ties of the cells, and modulation of cellular
metabolism (14). Among the earliest events
fol-lowingpp6Osrc expressionis thephosphorylation
oftyrosine in several specific cellular proteins
(1, 6, 10, 30, 33, 35). These early
phosphoryla-tion events andthe unusual phosphotransferase
activity associated with pp60src have focused
attentionon phosphorylation of defined cellular
targetproteinsas acritical step incellular
The src protein,
contains two majorsitesofphosphorylation, aserine residue
locat-ed in theamino-terminalportion of the molecule
andatyrosine residueataminoacid
416(3, 5, 16, 36). (The numbering of both the src
nucleotide sequenceand pp6osrc amino acid
se-quence is based on the DNA sequence of
Schwartzetal.[D. Schwartz, R.
andW.Gilbert, inJ. Tooze, ed.,RNA Tumor Viruses:
MolecularBiologyofTumorViruses, 2nded.,in
press]. Tyr416 is the same as Tyr419 referredto
by Smart et al. [36].) The available evidence
suggests thatintransformedcells,
phosphoryla-tion of the serine(s) residue of
is carriedoutby a
AMP-dependent kinase system, whereas phosphorylation oftyrosineappears tobe cyclic AMPindependent (11, 23).
The useof RSVmutants(both conditional and
nonconditional) has provided important
infor-mation indefining the roleof
in cellulartransformation(14). However, the lackof
infor-mation regarding the nature ofthe primary
nu-cleotide sequence changes insuch mutants has
made it difficult to deduce exactly how the
mutations have altered
structure andmodulated enzymatic function. The molecular
cloning oftheRSVgenome and its
characteriza-tionby restriction endonucleasemapping (9, 15,
17) and DNA sequencing (7; Schwartzetal., in
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press) have provided a new dimension to the
genetic analysis of RSV-mediated cellular
trans-formation. Here we report on the isolation of several defined deletion mutations within thesrc geneof the Prague A (PrA) strain of RSV. These deletion mutationswere constructed at theBglII recognition site (nucleotides 606 to 611) within
the cloned DNA genome of PrA RSV. Among
the mutants isolated was a viable deletion mu-tant (tsCH119) that induces
temperature-sensi-tive transformation of chicken embryo cells. Some of the biological and biochemical proper-tiesof this mutant are described.
Cells, viruses, and plasmids. Cultures of primary
chicken embryo cellswereprepared from gs-negative, chf-negative embryos (Spafas) and maintained in cul-ture asdescribed (26). ViralDNAusedfor mutagene-sis experiments was derivedfromamolecular clone of
PrARSV, originally cloned inalambdavector(15) and later subcloned in pBR322 at a Sall restriction site (pSL102). Transfection of chicken cells with cloned viral DNA was carried out by firstremoving the viral
DNAinsert from the pSL102plasmid and digesting it with SalI, followed by purification of the 9-kilobase pair (kbp) viral insert by agarosegel electrophoresis. Purified viral DNA was ligated withT4 DNA ligase (NewEngland BioLabs), and 50to100 ngofDNA was
applied to cultures of chicken cellsasdescribed
previ-ously (15).
Restriction enzyme digestionandagarose gel
electro-phoresis. Restriction enzymes EcoRI, HaeIII, Hinfl, SmaI, and PvuIIwere purchasedfrom Bethesda Re-search Labs. HincII, SalI, BglII, and PstIwere pur-chased from New England BioLabs. All restriction enzyme digestions were performedas recommended by the supplier. DNA restriction fragmentswere re-solved by agarose gel electrophoresis as described previously (15). Small DNAfragments wereresolved by electrophoresis through 5% polyacrylamide gels
Constructionof deletion mutants.pSL102DNAwas incubated withBgIIIrestriction enzyme under condi-tions for
partial cleavage
(10 mMTris-hydrochloride
[pH7.4]-60mMNaCl-4mMMgCI2containing10,g of DNA and 0.6 U ofBglII).After 30min,EDTAwas
addedto 15mM,and the DNA wasprecipitatedwith 2
volumes of ethanol. The 13.5-kbp DNA fragment resulting from cleavageatoneof thethreeBglII sites inpSL102wasresolvedby agarosegelelectrophoresis
andrecovered from thegel slice. ForBAL31
(Bethes-da Research Labs) exonuclease treatment, the DNA wassuspended in12 mMCaCl2-12mMMgCl2-0.6M NaCl-1 mM EDTA-20 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH 8.1) at a final concentration of10 ,ug/ml and a final volumeof 10 ,ul. Two units of BAL31 was added, and thereactionwasincubatedat15°C for 20s.EDTA was
addedto afinal concentration of 50mM,and theDNA
was precipitated with ethanol. To repair uneven or
ragged ends generated bydigestion with BAL31, we
suspended theDNAin18,ul of 50mM Tris-hydrochlo-ride(pH7.8)-5mMMgCl2-10mM2-mercaptoethanol
containing 50 ,ug of bovine serumalbuminper mland
1.8 ,uM concentrations of each deoxynucleoside tri-phosphate. Nine units of DNA polymerase I (New England BioLabs) was added, and the reaction mix-ture wasincubatedat15°C for 60min. The DNAwas
precipitated withethanol, and residual triphosphates wereremoved bychromatographyon aSephadex G-100 column. Fractions containing DNA were pooled andprecipitated with ethanol. The DNA was ligated with T4 DNA ligase and used to transform Escherichia coli HB101 asdescribedpreviously (8). The resulting ampicillin-resistant colonies were screened for dele-tion mutadele-tions by isolatingDNAfrom1-ml cultures, digesting with BgllI, and analyzing the resultant DNA fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis.
Immunoprecipitationandpolyacrylamide gel analysis
of labeled cell proteins. Labeling of cells with
[3S]methionine was carried out as follows. Cells
grownin 100-mm culture dishes were washed twice with labelingmedium (Dulbecco modified Eagle medi-umwithoutmethionine) containing 1% calfserumand incubated for 30 min in thesamemedium. Cellswere
thenincubated for4h in freshlabeling medium
con-taining 300 ,uCi of [35S]methionine (Amersham Corp.) per ml. Labeling of cells with 32Pwas carriedoutby washing culturestwice withmedium 199 minus phos-phate (Flow Laboratories, Inc.), supplemented with 5% dialyzed calf serum, and incubating them in the same medium for 2 h. Labeling was performed by incubation of the cells for 4 h in the same medium containing 0.5 mCi of 32p, (New England Nuclear Corp.) per ml. Immunoprecipitation of src protein from labeled cell extracts was carried out as described previously (27) except with the following modifica-tions. Cells were washed twice with STE (0.15 M NaCi-50 mM Tris-hydrochloride [pH 7.2]-1 mM EDTA) and suspended in 10 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH7.2)-0.1 M NaCl-1 mM EDTA-0.5% deoxycho-late-1% Nonidet P-40 (23). Lysates were clarified at 100,000 x g for 30 min and incubated with tumor-bearing rabbit (TBR) sera at 0°C for 30 to 60 min. Immune complexes were adsorbed to protein A-Se-pharose (Sigma Chemical Co.) by incubation at0°C for
60min, with mixing at 15-min intervals. The immune complexes were collected by centrifugation and washed twice in lysis buffer and once in 10 mM Tris-hydrochloride (pH7.2)-iMNaCl-0.1% Nonidet P-40. After afinal wash with the original lysis buffer, the immune complexes were suspended in sample buffer (0.25MTris-hydrochloride [pH6.81-12.5%glycerol-5
mM EDTA-5% sodium dodecyl sulfate), boiled, and subjected to electrophoresis on a 10.5% polyacryl-amide gel (21). Fixed and stained gels were equilibrat-ed in En3Hance (New England Nuclear Corp.) to provide fluorographic enhancement (for gels contain-ing35S-labeledproteins), dried, and exposed to X-ray film.
Measurement ofproteinkinaseactivity. Tomeasure pp60src_associatedprotein kinase activity, infected cell
extracts wereimmunoprecipitated with eitherTBRsera
or normal rabbit sera as described above. Immune
complexeswerecollected, washed in
phosphate-buff-eredsaline, suspended in 50 p.1 of kinase buffer (20mM
potassium phosphate [pH 7.2]-0.1 M NaCl-5 mM
MgCl2-1mMEDTA-1 mM2-mercaptoethanol) with1
p.Ci of [y-32P]ATP (3,000 Ci/mmol; New England NuclearCorp.),andincubatedat37°Cfor30min.The
reactionswerestopped by the addition of25p.lof2x
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Partial Bgl II Digestion
Isolate 13.5 kb Linear
Exonuclease Digest Ligate
clone in E. coli
FIG. 1. ConstructionofBglIImutationsin theRSV
genome. Plasmid DNA from the clone pSL102
(con-taining a complete copy of the RSV genome) was linearized by partial digestion with the restriction
enzymeBglII (B). The linear moleculeswereisolated by agarose gel electrophoresis and treated with the exonuclease BAL31 to generate terminal deletions.
Themutated DNAwasligatedwith T4 DNAligaseto
regeneratecircularmolecules withadeletion atoneof the BglII restriction sites (A). Mutated DNA was cloned in E. coliHB101. In the sequenceof PrRSV
(Schwartzetal., in press), BglII restriction sitesare
located 1,630 bp (ingagp27), 4,233 bp (inpot), and
7,733 bp (in src)from the 5' end of the viralgenome.
samplebuffer. Labeledsampleswere heatedat100°C
andsubjected toelectrophoresis on10.5%
polyacryl-amide gel,and thephosphorylatedproteinswere
visu-alized by autoradiography. Quantitation of
heavy-chainphosphorylationwascarriedoutby cuttingout
theheavy-chain bandandcounting the gelfragment. Phosphoamino acid analysis. A one-dimensional phosphoamino acid analysis of 32P-labeled proteins was carried out as described by Collett et al. (5). Phosphoamino acidswereresolvedbyelectrophoresis
inpyridineacetatebuffer(pH3.5)oncellulose-coated plates, and labeled amino acids were visualized by
autoradiography. The position of phosphoaminoacid
standardswasdetermined by ninhydrin staining. RESULTS
Theisolationand characterizationofmutants
containing defined sequence changes within the
analy-sis ofthe structure andfunctionof the RSVsrc
geneproduct, pp60sc. The BglII restriction
en-zyme recognition site was chosen as a site for
the construction of deletion mutants for two
principal reasons. First, there are only three
BglIIsites in the viral DNAgenome(15) andno
sites intheplasmid vector(Fig. 1). Second, the single BglII recognition site in the src gene
resides 607 base pairs (bp) from the amino-terminal methionine codon, thereby facilitating theconstruction ofmutations within the5'
one-halfofthe src gene. The scheme for the
con-structionofBglII mutantsisoutlinedin
1.Aplasmid containing
a complete copyof the PrARSV genome
under conditions whichyielded partial digestion
products, and a13.5-kbp
linear DNAfragment, resulting
from asin-gle
was isolatedby
After treatmentwithexonucle-aseBAL31to removeterminalsequences, DNA
with T4 DNA ligase and used totransform E. coli HB101. Individual
transform-ants were grown, and
DNA waspre-pared.
Mutantplasmids containing
adeletion of aBglII
site were identifiedby digestion
DNAs withBglII
electrophoresis. Figure
2 shows thepattern of
restriction fragments obtainedby
deletion ofaBglII
restriction site within thegag,
and srcgenes. Theunique restrictionpatterngeneratedas aresult of the deletionofa
permittedthereadyiden-tification ofdeletion mutants. To date wehave
7.6 k b
-3.1 kb
-2.6 kb
gag pol
FIG. 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA from
mutants generated by deletion of a BglII site in pSL102. DNA from individual mutant clones was digested with BglII, and the DNA fragments were
resolved by electrophoresis through 0.85% agarose gels. Representative plasmid DNA containing dele-tionsat each of theBglII sites inpSL102are shown. wt, pSL102; gag, deletion at BglII sitein gag gene; pol, deletionatBglII site inpol gene; and src, deletion
atBglII site insrcgene. The size in kilobases(kb) of the respectiveBglII fragments obtained frompSL102
isshownattheleft. VOL.44,1982
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[image:3.491.] [image:3.491.256.448.335.561.2]686 BRYANT AND PARSONS
TABLE 1. BglII deletion mutations in thesrcgeneof
Approximate Biological properties
Mutant size ofdele- Replica- Transforma- src tion(bp)a tionb tion' protein'
63 2,100 - - NDe
64 1,200 + -
-119 165 + + +
146 800 + -
-4 <100 + -
-aDetermined byrestrictionenzyme mapping.
bDetermined by resistanceof cultureto
superinfec-tion withPrARSV andpresenceofreverse
transcrip-taseactivity in culture medium(28).
dDetermined by immunoprecipitation of
[35S]me-thionine-labeled cell extracts(seetext). eND, Not determined.
Pr A
identified in excess of 130 BglII mutants, 33 of which contain mutations in the srcgene.
To determine the transforming potential of individual mutant genomes, we removed the viral DNA insert from the plasmid by digestion with SalI; the insert was ligated with T4 DNA ligase and used to transfect chicken embryo cells. The replication of the mutant virus ge-nomes was determined either by resistance of transfected cultures to superinfection by PrA RSV or by measurement of reversetranscriptase activity in the culture medium (Table 1). The mutantCH63 was replication defective. Restric-tion enzyme mapping of this mutaRestric-tion showed that the 2,100-bp deletion extended into the carboxy terminus of the env gene sequence. Mutants CH64, 146, and 4 did not produce foci of transformed cells but didreplicate, indicating
~ '
s}~t . - .O
_f P
FIG. 3. Scanning electron micrograph of uninfected chicken cells and cells infected with PrA RSV or
tsCH119 RSV. Chickenembryo cellswereinfected withPrARSVortsCH119andmaintainedat35°Cuntil the cultures werefully transformed. Cultures of uninfected cellsor PrA RSV- and tsCH119-infected cells were incubated at41°C for24 h.Cellsweresubjectedtocritical-point drying and examined inaJSM-35C scanning
electronmicroscopeat amagnificationofx1,100. Upperleft,PrARSV-infected cellsgrownateither 35or41°C;
lower left, uninfected chicken cellsgrownateither35 or41°C; upperright, cellsinfected withtsCH119and grownat35°C; lowerright,cellsinfectedwithtsCH119and grownat41°C.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:4.491.98.411.261.606.2]MUTAGENESIS OF THE RSV src GENE 687
_160 base pairs
Hint Sma
Hae III Bgl 11 Hae III Hae III Hinf Hint
Xho *N*Nae P
Start src
,st Bgl 11 Pst Taq Taq Bgl
src gene
1578 base pairs
FIG. 4. Mapping of the deletion present in tsCH119 DNA. The partial restriction map of the src gene
sequenceofpSL102is indicated.The extent of the deletion intsCH119DNAwasdeterminedbyendlabelinga Hinfl fragment (top line) followed by digestion with HaeIII. The dots ( ...) represent the uncertainty in positioning the termini of thedeletedregion.
adeletion of only src-specific sequence.
Immu-noprecipitation with TBR seraofextracts from [35S]methionine-labeled chicken cells, infected with either CH64, 146, or 4, revealed no
src-specific proteins. We therefore conclude that these mutants contain deletions that result in expression of an aberrant src protein and are
therefore transformation defective (Table 1). Transfection of chicken cells with CH119 viral DNA (containing a160-bp deletion) resulted in
cellular transformation and the production of infectious virus (Table 1). The morphology of CH119-infected cellsgrownat35°Cwas
indistin-guishable from wild-type PrA RSV-infected cells. However, upon shift of CH119-infected cells to 41°C, the cell morphology altered,
re-sembling that of normal cells. This change in morphology is illustrated in the scanning
elec-tron micrographs of Fig. 3, which compare the
morphologies of CH119-infected cellsgrown at 35 and 41°C with those of uninfected cells and
PrA RSV-infected cells grown at either 35 or
The deletion within the srcgene of tsCH119 was mapped by first isolating the 3-kbp EcoRI
fragment containingpartofenvand all of thesrc sequence and digesting this subgenomic frag-ment witheither SmaI, HincII, PstI, PvuII, or
Hinfl. Fine-structure mapping was carried out
by further digestion ofapurified Hinfl fragment
spanning the BglII site (Fig. 4)..,An analysis of the resulting restriction fragments showed that
the 5' end of the deletion is locatedator nearthe
BglII site and extends about160bptothe3' side of theBgIIIsite(Fig. 4). The mutation therefore results in the deletion ofapproximately 53to54 aminoacids, 202to255 residues from theamino terminusof pp60src.
To examine the expression of the mutantsrc
gene, we infected chicken cells with either
tsCH119 or PrA RSV. The transformed cells
were grown at 35 or 41°C and labeled with
[35S]methionine. Labeled cellextractswere
pre-pared, immunoprecipitated with TBR antisera, and then analyzed by polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis. Cells infected with tsCH119 and
grownateither 35or41°C synthesizeda
53,000-daltonprotein thatwasimmunoprecipitated with
TBR antisera (Fig. 5, lane c). The amount of pp53src produced in tsCH119-infected cells
grownat35°C appeared similartotheamountof pp6jSrcpresentin PrA-infected cellsgrownat35
or 41°C (lane b). The apparent decrease in pp53src levels observed at 41°C represents the smaller number of cells presentinthe tsCH119 culturesgrownat41°C (duetothe lower satura-tion density of these cells) and doesnotappear
torepresentadecrease in therateofsynthesisor
increase in the rate of degradation of pp53src (unpublished data).
Since a number oftemperature-sensitive src
mutantsexhibitdecreased protein kinase activi-ty at the nonpermissive temperature (4, 31, 32, 34),wecompared theamountsof
pp53src-associ-PstII4 Eco RI
src ...vlrlr.F.Jw
,c.e-VOL.44, 1982
.01 .01 .01 .1
on November 10, 2019 by guest
c a350
41° 35° 41° 35° 41°b
350 41 35 41
35 4 1
W [image:6.491.]-
FIG. 5. Immunoprecipitation of src protein from uninfected cells and cells infected with PrA RSV or
tsCH119. Chicken cells transformedwith PrARSVor
tsCH119 and maintained at either 35 or 41°C were labeledwith[35S]methionine asdescribedin the text.
Cells were harvested and immunoprecipitated with TBR sera, and labeled proteins were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.Molecularweights
of the src proteins were determined relative to the
positionof known molecularweightstandards(92,000, phosphorylase B; 66,000, bovine serum albumin; 45,000, ovalbumin; and31,000, carbonicanhydrase). Though labeled p60, PrA RSV pp6Osrc has anMr of approximately 59,000 in this system. a, Uninfected
chickencells; b,PrA RSV-infectedcells;c,
tsCH119-infected cells.
ated immunoglobulin G (IgG) kinase activity
present in tsCH119-infected cells grown at 35
and 41°C. Infected-cell lysates were incubated
with TBR antisera, and the immunecomplexes
were collected on Staphylococcus aureus
pro-teinA-Sepharoseand assayed for their abilityto
phosphorylate the heavy chain ofIgG. Figure6
shows thatimmune complexes from cellextracts
ofCH119-infected cellsgrownateither
permis-sive (35°C)ornonpermissive(410C)temperature
(Fig. 6, lane C) readily phosphorylated the
heavy chain of IgG. Quantitationof the amount
oflabel in theheavy-chain bandshowed that the
level of heavy-chain phosphorylation at 41°C
wasapproximately 50% ofthe value observedat
35°C (Table 2). Immune complexes from cell extracts of PrA RSV-infected cells grown at
either35or41°C contained similar levelsofIgG
kinaseactivity (Fig.6,laneB;Table 2). Immune
complexes fromtsCH119-infected cellsgrownat
35 and41°C also phosphorylated the exogenous
substrate casein (data not shown). Therefore, thedeletionpresentin tsCH119 doesnotappear
FIG. 6. Protein kinase activity of
Chicken cells transformed with PrARSV ortsCH119weregrownat35 or41°C. Cellswere harvest-ed,immunoprecipitated with TBR serum, and assayed for kinaseactivityasdescribed in thetext.a, Uninfect-ed cells; b, PrA RSV-infected cells; c, tsCH119-infected cells. ThepositionofIgGheavychain(IgGH), 55,000Mr, isindicated.
to substantially alter the proteinkinase activity
associated with pp53src.
Phosphorylation of pp6Osrc occurs on both
serine and tyrosine (3, 5, 16, 36). To determine whether the pattern of pp53src phosphorylation is altered as a result of growth at 41°C, cells infected with either PrA RSV or tsCH119were
grown at 35 and 41°C and labeled with
Labeled cell extracts wereimmunoprecipitatedwith TBR antisera and analyzed by polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis. Figure 7 illustrates thatpp53srcwasreadilyphosphorylated at both 35 and41°C, and the ratio of labeled pp53src at 35 and 41°C appeared similar to that of pp60src at
the two temperatures. The extentof serine and tyrosine phosphorylation in pp53src was
deter-TABLE 2. Kinaseactivityin PrARSV and tsCH119-infected cells
Kinaseactivityb Ratio Cell
350C 41-C (4Cf5) Uninfected cells 2,300 6,200 2.7 tsCH119-infected cells 30,600 15,400 0.5 PrARSV-infected cells 26,100 26,800 1.03
a Cell extracts were prepared as described in the
bKinaseactivityexpressedas countsper minute of
32pincorporated intoheavychain permilligramof cell protein addedtoimmuneprecipitation.
.0. wla1.
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[image:6.491.254.447.73.281.2]MUTAGENESIS OF THE RSV src GENE 689
a b c
350 41 350 410 35° 41°
_ _ ->Pp53
FIG. 7. Immunoprecipitationof32P-labeledpp6O0'
and pp53sr. Uninfected cells and cells transformed
withPrARSVortsCH119weregrownat35or41°C. Cellswereharvestedat4°C,immunoprecipitatedwith TBRsera,andanalyzed bypolyacrylamide gel electro-phoresisasdescribedin thetext. a, Uninfectedcells; b, PrARSV-infected cells;c, tsCH119-infectedcells. The molecular weight of the labeled proteins was
determinedasdescribedin thelegendtoFig.5.
mined by acid hydrolysis of eluted pp53src and resolution of the phosphoamino acids by thin-layer electrophoresis. Both phosphoserine and
phosphotyrosinewerepresentin pp53src isolated
fromtsCH119-infected cells labeled eitherat35
or 41°C (data not shown). Therefore, the tem-perature-sensitive lesion in tsCH119 does not appeartosubstantially affect thestateof pp53src phosphorylation atthe nonpermissive tempera-ture.
The deletion of DNA sequences atthe BglII restriction site of the RSVsrcgene has yielded
two types of RSV mutant. The first type of mutant, which includes tdCH4, 64, and 146, contains deletions within the src gene and is
defectivefortransformation. Presumably,
virus-es containing such mutations encode src
pro-teins withlarge deletions ortruncated
polypep-tidesarising fromadeletion-induced frame shift
to an alternate reading frame. In contrast, the secondtypeofmutant,tsCH119, containsan
in-phase deletion of about 160 bp, andupon
infec-tionof chickencellsencodesashortened form of
thesrcprotein withamolecularweight of about
53,000(pp53src). Cells infected with tsCH119are
temperaturesensitive for transformation, having
atransformed morphologyat35°C andanormal
(flat) morphologyat41°C. The pp53src immuno-precipitated from tsCH119-infected cellsgrown
at41°C exhibitedapproximately 50% less tyro-sine-specific kinase activity than pp53src immun-oprecipitated from cells grown at 35°C. The pp53src protein appeared to be phosphorylated
onserineandtyrosine in tsCH119-infected cells grownateither35or41°C.
Inexperiments tobe presented elsewhere (J. Cooper, K. Nakamura, T. Hunter, and M.
We-ber, submitted for publication), a number of
parameters oftransformation have been
exam-ined in cellsinfectedwith tsCH119. This
analy-sishas yieldedtwo interestingobservations
re-garding the phosphorylationof cellularproteins.
First, acomparisonof the levels of total cellular
phosphotyrosine in 32P-labeled
tsCH119-infect-ed cells grown at 35 and 41°C revealed only a
40% reductioninphosphotyrosine labeling.
Sec-ond, the level oftyrosine-specific
phosphoryla-tion of 34,000 protein (10, 30) was reduced by
only 40% in tsCH119-infected cells grown at
41°C compared to cells grown at 35°C. These
data, takenwith theapproximate50% reduction
in heavy-chain kinase activity observed in
tsCH119-infected cells grown at 41°C (Fig. 6,
Table2) wouldsuggest thatatthenonpermissive
temperature, pp53src retains, to a significant
degree, the
knownsub-strates for pp6fsrc. Similarly, at 41°C pp53src
toinduce elevated levels ofcellular
even though thein-fected cellspossess anormal
We have alsoexaminedthe tumorigenicityof
tsCH119 in chickens (D. Bryant, C.Moscovici,
and J.T.Parsons,unpublished data) by
inocula-tion of virus intothewing web ofday-oldchicks.
PrARSVreadily induced largetumorswithin10
to 14days. Incontrast, inoculation of tsCH119
yieldedsmall (micro) tumorsafteraperiod of 18
to 24 days. Most ofthe latter tumors showed
evidence of regression upon sacrifice of the
birds. The diminished oncogenicity oftsCH119
isconsistent with thetemperature sensitivityof
morphologicaltransformation in cell culture.
Thegeneration ofa conditional
temperature-sensitive mutant by deletion ofan amino acid
sequenceencompassing residues202 to 255 indi-catesthat thisregion of thesrcprotein includesa
domain essential foratleastcertain parameters
oftransformation (morphologyand
oncogenici-ty). Additional evidence for multiple functional
domains in the src protein has come from the
genetic mapping of conventional
temperature-sensitivesrcmutations. Fincham et al. (12) have
recently mapped 14 temperature-sensitive src
mutationson thebasisofrecombination with td
mutations containing known deletions of src.
Ten mutationswerefoundto be clustered in the
3'40%of the src sequence,whereas four
muta-tions mapped within the 5' 60% of the src gene.
In addition, td SF/LO 104, which contains a
mutationthat maps within the 5' 60% ofthe src
gene,transformscells to a fusiform morphology (12). Thesemapping data are consistent with the
src protein containing at least two functional
domains. Recent data from several laboratories
have suggested that the functional domain for
protein kinase activity resides within the
car-boxy-terminalhalfofthe srcprotein (13, 22, 25).
VOL.44, 1982
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[image:7.491.]Invitro mutagenesis experiments fromour
labo-ratory have further strengthened this
supposi-tion. Asingle G-Cto A-Tchange within the
restriction site yielded an alanine to threonine
431.The resultantvirus was defective for transformation and
en-coded a
which lacked functionalkinase activity in vitro (D. Bryant and J. T.
Parsons, submitted for publication). We have
concluded from these data that a structural
domain including
is critical forprotein
kinase activity.
We would suggestthat tsCH119 represents a
class of mutants containing mutations which
alterasecond functionally important domain of
the srcprotein. Theexact natureof this domain
remains to be elucidated but may involve the
recognition of specific cellularproteins for
phos-phorylation. It was recently shown that in
tsCH119-infected cells grown atthe
nonpermis-sive temperature,
remains associatedwith the plasma membrane (D. Bryant, L.
and J. Brugge,unpublished data).
There-fore, the deletion in the tsCH119srcgenedoes
not appear to directly influence the interaction of
with cellular membranes at either 35or 41°C. However, Krueger et al.
haverecently described two isolates of recovered
avian sarcoma virus thatencode an src
with apparent alterations in the amino-terminal
region. These src
exhibit an alteredmembrane
association; however,
the virusesre-tain the
to transform chicken cells inmonolayer culture. It would appear that the
mutations in the recovered avian sarcomavirus
isolates and in CH119 define at least two
func-tional domains
within theamino-termi-nalportion of the RSVsrc
of additional constructed mutants, as well as a
finer mapping and characterization of
mutations, will be necessaryto definethe
We thank Betty Creasy and Thomas Rea for excellent technical assistance. We particularly thank Sarah Parsons,
TonaGilmer, and RayEriksonforgenerouslyprovidingthe rabbit antisera usedinthisstudy.
D.B.isapostdoctoralfellow oftheNational Cancer Insti-tute.J.T.P.isarecipientofaFacultyResearch Award from theAmericanCancerSociety.This workwas supported by Public Health ServicegrantsCA29243 andCA27578from the National CancerInstitute,and grant MV-29D from the Ameri-canCancerSociety.
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VOL.44, 1982