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Bibliography of reversed phase partition chromatography


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Bibliography of reversed-phase partition


C. E. Hedrick

Iowa State University

James S. Fritz

Iowa State University

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Hedrick, C. E. and Fritz, James S., "Bibliography of reversed-phase partition chromatography" (1964).Ames Laboratory Technical Reports. 71.


Bibliography of reversed-phase partition chromatography



Disciplines Chemistry








C. E. Hedrick and James S. Fritz






IS-950 Chemistry (UC-4)

TID-4500, June l, 1964


Research and Development Report




C. E. Hedrick and James S. Fritz

July, 1964

Ames Laboratory


Iowa State University of Science and Technology F. H. Spedding, Director



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I. REVIEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5



A. Modified Silica Support . . . \ . . . . . . . 8

B. Polyethylene Support... . . . 13

C. Rubber Support. . . . . . . . 13

D. Fluorocarbon Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14





C. E. Hedrick and James S. Fritz

Institute for Atomic Research and Department of Chemistry

Iowa State University

1. Heitmann, E., "Partition Chromatography of Steroids~ 11

Chem. Revs., ~· 679 (1955).

2. Liu, K. L., "Reversed-Phase Chromatography in Inorganic Chemistry" (21 refs.). Hua Hsueh Tung Pao~ 7 ~ 17 (1962); CA 58, 386lh {1963).

3. Neher, R., "Chromatography of Sterins, Steroids and

Related Compounds~"!.: Chromatog.,


122, 205 (1958).


1. Abe, J., Suzuki~ Y., Watanabe, T. and Satake~ K.,

"Leucomycin(I), Paper Chromatographic Analysis of

Leucomycin and Other Macrolides," Nin~on Kagaku

Zasshi~ 81, 969 (1960); CA, ~' 6288d


2. Alimova, E. K., Bolgova, G. D. and Pustovoitova, 0. N., 11 The Use of Urea in Paper Chromatographic Partitioning

of Higher Fatty Acids," Biokhimiya, ~~ 773 (1960); CA,~. 4012c (1961).

3. Attaway, J. A., Wolford, R. W., Alberding, G. E. and Edwards, G. J., "Paper Chromatographic Analysis of Urethan Derivatives of Saturated Sliphatic Alcohols," Anal. Chem., 34, 671 (1962).

4. Attaway, J. A., Wolford, R. W. and Alberding, G. E., "Paper Chromatographic Analysis of Terpene Alcohols as Their 0-Nitrophenyl- and p-phenylazophenylurethan Derivatives," Anal. Chem.,


234 (1963).

5. Beldowicz~ M., Grynberg, H. and Szczeanska~ H., HPaper

Chromatographic Determination of Fatty Acids Having the Same Rf Values," Frace Inst. i Lab. Badawczych

Przemyslu Rolnego 1 Spozywczego710, 69 (1960);


6. Boldingh, J., 11 Application of Partition Chromatography

to Mixtures Insoluble in Water," Experientia, 4~

270 (1948); CA, 42~ 7599i (1948).

-7. Borisova, I. G., Budnitskaya, E. V., "Paper Chroma-tography of Unsaturated Higher Fatty Acids~ 11

Biokimiya~ 28(3), 497 (1963}, CA, .?1~ 8986c (1963).

8. Buchanan~ M. A., "Paper Chromatography of the

Saturated Fatty Acids~ 11 ~· Chem., 31, 1616 (1959).

9. Carr, H. E., Jr., Reddy, W. J., "Reversed-Phase

Partition Chromatography of Steroids~ 11 Anal.



152 (1961).

-10. Ceresa, G., "Determination of Higher Saturated Fatty Acids Cl2-C20 After Separation by Paper Chroma-tography, 11 Ann. SpCAO Atrar. (Rome) 14, Suppl.

No. 4, 121 ~); ,

5 ,


11. Cerrai, E. and Testa, C., "The Chromatographic

Separa-tion of Uranium~ Thorium and Rare Earths by Means

of Paper Treated with a Liquid Anion Exchanger111

~· Chromatog., ~. 442 (1961); CA,


9388c (1962).

12. Cerrai, E. and Testa, C., 11 The Use of Paper Treated with Tri-n-octylphosphine Oxide for the Chromato-graphic Separation of Metal Ions, 11




112 (1962).

13. Cerrai, E. and Testa, C., 11 Chromatographic Separation

of Rare Earths by Means of Paper Treated with the Liquid Cation Exchanger bis(2-Ethylhexyl)orthophos-phoric Acid~ 11 J. Chromatog. ~ 8~ 232 (1962); IBID., ]_, 112 (1962);


58~ 3868e (l%3).

14. Chayen, R. and Linday, E. M., 11 A Modified Method for

the Paper Chromatography of Long-Chain Fatty Acids~ 11

~· Chromatog.,


1 503 (1960).

15. Chou~ T. W., "Chromatographic Separation of Ergonovine~ 11 Yao Hsueh Pao, ~. 143 (1957); CA~ 56, ll709a (1962).

16. Cucurachi~ A. and Strusi, A., "Paper Chromatography of

Saturated and Unsaturated Fatty Acids(I). 11 Ann. ~~Jr.

Agrar. (Rome).


157 (1960); CA,


488'5Cll19 •

17. DeZotti~ G., Capella, P. and Jacini, G., "Paper

Chroma-tography of Sterols, 11 Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel,



18. DiPerri~ T. ~ Ravenni, G., and Rubegni, M., ''Aldosterone Separation from Biological Extracts~ 11 Clin. Chim.



420 (1960); CA, 54, l5502d.

-19. Di Perri~ T., Ravenni~ G. and Rubegni, M., 11 Aldosterone

Determination in Urine, 11 Boll. Soc. ital. biol. ~·,

34, 351 (1958); CA~ 52, l8bZOa (i9;8).

-20. Edwards, C. H., Rice~ J. 0., Jones, J., Seibles, L., Gadsden, E. L. and Edwards, G. A.~ "Chromatography

of Compounds of Biological Interest on Glass Fiber, Parraffin-Coated, and Untreated Cellulose Paper~"


Chromatog. ~ 11{3), 349 (1963).

21. Gounelle, J. C., "Paper Chromatography of Secosteroids~" Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol. ~ 41, 1123 {1956); CA~ 54,



-22. Hammorberg, G. 1 Wickberg~ B., "Paper Chromatography of Carboxylic Acids~ 11 Acta Chern. Scand., 14~

882 (1960); CA, 56, 663'1bl1962).

2 3. Hashimoto, Y. and Chatani, J., "Separation of Trit erpenoids and Related Compounds, 11 Chern. Pharm. Bull. (Tokyo).

]_, 127 {1959); CA~ 54, 21638c (1960).

24. Hatzopoulos, E. 1 "Identification of Animal and Vegetable

Oils and Fats by Paper Chromatography," Rev. franc. corps gras., '!..~ 574 {1960); CA, ~. 4992i (It]bl).

25. Hirayama~ O. and Inouye, Y. 1 "Chromatography of lipids

and Biochemical Applications (I) C2-C26 Normal and Hydroxy Fatty Acids, Aldehydes and Ketones(II) Cl0-C36 Fatty Acids, 11 Nippon No~eikafaku Kaishi



135 (1961),

CA, 12,~ l0352g,- 10353b 1963 •

26. Zhi Tei Hu and Siu-Chium Shi~ "Separation of V, Mo and W by [reversed-phase] Paper Chromatography~" Hua Hsueh Tung Pao~ 312, 320 {1963); CA, 60, 6d (19'b4T.

2 7. Hu~ C. T., Hsieh, H. C. 1 "Paper Chromatographic

Determination of Titanium~ Zirconium and Thorium~ 11

Hua Hsueh Tung Pao~ 175 {1963); CA, 59, 5767f (1963).

28. Ibragimov, A. P. and Arifzhanov, Sh. 1 "Paper

Chromato-graphic Separation of Fatty Acids and Identification of Irradiation Products, 11 ibspr. Sovrem. Fiz. i Mat.,

.Akad. Nauk. Uz. SSR~ , (1962)J CA~



- - - -

-29. Inoue, Y. and Noda, M., 11Chromatographic Analysis of

Glycerides(!) Paper Chromatography of Synthetic and Natural Glycerides as Mercury Addition Compounds~ 11

Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi~ 33~ 425 {1959); CA, 57,


-30. Jayaraman, J. and Ramasarma, T., ''Determination of Small Quantities of Coenzyme Q and Related Com-pounds in Biological Material," J. Sci. Ind. Research

(India). 20C,69 (1961); CA,



31. Jayaraman, J. and Ramasarma, T ., "Coenzyme Q Content of Cell Components," J. Sci. Ind. Research (India), 20C, 69 (1961}; CA,



32. Jungalwala, F. B. and Cama, H. R., "Separation of Vitamins Al, A2 and Allied Substances by Reverse-Phase Paper Chromatography,".:"!_· Chromatog., ~.

535 (1962}; CA, ~. 9400c (1963}.

33. Karlsson, K. A., "Separation of Sphingosine and Dihydro-sphingosine by Reversed-Phase Paper Chromatography," Nature, 188, 312 (1960}.

34. Kaufmann, H. P. and Aparicio, M., "Paper Chromatography in the Fat Field (XXXV} Detection of Adulteration in Olive Oil with the Help of Paper Chromatography," Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 61, 782 (1959}; CA, 54,

5129d (1960). -

-35. Kaufmann, H. P. and Buscher, F. J., "The Paper Chroma-tography of Fats (XLIII} the Analysis of Alkyd Resins," Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 62, ll41 (1960}; CA, 55,

ll88lh (1961). -

-36. Kaufmann, H. P. and Das, B., "Thin-Layer Chromatography of Fats VIII Triglycerides, ''Fette, Seifen, Anstrich-mittel, 64, 214 (1962); CA, 57, 478ld.

37. Kaufmann, H. P. and Khoe, T. H., ''Thin-Layer Chroma-tography of Fats VII Separation of Fatty Acids and Triglycerides on Plaster of Paris Plates, 11 Fette,

Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 64, 81 (1962}; CA,



38. Kaufmann, H. P. and Kirschnek, H., 11Fatty Aldehydes

5. Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Fatty Aldehydes with the Help of Paper Chromatography,"

Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 61, 750 (1959}; CA,

54, 5129c (1960 •

-39. Kaufmann, H. P. and Makus,


"Separation of Mixtures of Synthetic and Natural Triglycerides by Paper Chroma-tography," Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 61, 631 (1959};



40. Kaufmann, H. P. and Makus, Z., "Paper Chromatography on the Fat Field {XL) A Systematic Approach to the Separation of Fatty Acid Mixtures," Fette, Seifen,



153 (1960); CA, 54, 21789f (1960).

41. Kaufmann, H. P. and Makus,


"Application of Thin-Layer Chromatography to Lipides (I) The Separation of Model Mixtures, 11 Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel,


1014 (1960); CA,


l0457i (1961).

42. Kaufmann, H. P. and Makus, Z., "Paper Chromatography of Fats (XLIV) The Analysis of Glycerides, 11 Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 63, 125 {1961); CA, 55, 14941i

(1961). -

-43. Kaufmann, H. P., Makus,


and Das, B., "Thin-Layer Chromatography of Lipids {IV) Separation of Trigly-cerides," Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 63, 807 (1961):

CA, 56, 4883h {1962).

44. Kaufmann, H. P. and Schnurbusch, H., "Paper Chroma-tography in the Fat Field (XXX) Paper Chromatographic Analysis of the Glycerides, 11 Fette, Seifen,



523 {1959); CA,


5129a (1960).

45. Kaufmann, H. P., Schnurbusch, H. and Shoeb, Z. E., "Paper Chromatography in the Fat Field (XXXIX) Quantitative Analysis of Paper Chromatography of Fatty Acid Mixtures Containing Palmitoleic Acid, 11 Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel, 62, 1 (1960);


54, 217S9d {1960).

-46. Kaufmann, H. P •• Wessels, H. and Viswanathan, C. V •• "Paper Chromatography of Fats (LI) Preparative Separation of Triglycerides, 11 Fette,. Seifen, Anstrich-mittel, 64, 509 {1962); CA, ~. 8676a (1962).

47. Kawashiro, I., Kawata, K. and Hosogai, Y., "Studies on the Detection of Food Adjuncts (II) Separation and Identification of Anti-oxidants by Reversed-Phase Paper Chromatography, 11 Eisei Shikensho Hokoku,

]]_. 175 (1959)~ CA,


1556la (1962).

48. Kobayashi, T. and Miyazaki, S., "Separation and Deter-mination of Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acids. I. Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography of C8-Cl0 Acids, 11


49. Kodicek, E. and Ashby. D. R., "The Estimation of Vitamin D by Paper Chromatography, 11 Biochem.



xiii (1954).

50. Kritchevsky, T. H., and Tiselius, A., 11

Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography of Steroids on Silicone-Treated Paper, 11 Science, 114, 299 (1951).

51. Lester, R. L .• Ramasarma, T. andWelch, E. M.,

11Chromatography of the Goenzyme Q Family of

Compounds on Silicone-Impregnated Paper. 11

J. Biol. Chem., 234, 672 (1959), CA. 53, ll48lc





-52. Maruta, S. and Suzuki, Y., 11 Determination of Aldehydes

with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine [Separation by Reversed-Phase Paper Chromatography]. 11 Kokyo

Ka~aku Zasshi, 61, 1147 (1958); CA, 55, 26862g.

(19 1). -

-53. Michalec, C., Sulc, M. and Me stan, J., 11Analysis of

Cholesteryl Esters and Triglycerides by Thin-Layer Chromatography, 11 Nature, 193, 63 (1962);

CA, 56, 10305c (1962).

-54. Mikol, C., "Chromatography of Cholesterol on Pariffin-Treated Paper • 11 Pathol. et biol. Semaine hop., 7 •

2091 (1959); CA,


9S44i {I9bl). -55. Nagai, Hideo, "Paper Chromatography of Inorganic Ions

with Dithizone, 11 Nip~on Kagaku Zasshi, ~, 617 (1959);

CA, 54, 19293h (1960 •

56. Nagai, Hideo, 11Separations of Lanthanons by Paper

Pre-cipitation Chromatography with 8-Quinolinol (I)

Separation and Detection of Tanthanum, Thorium and Praseodymium," Bull. Chem. Soc. Japan, 33, 715

(1960); CA, 54, 2Zib'Za

{1960). -

-57. Hideo, Nagai, "Paper Chromatography of Inorganic Ions by using Organic Analytical Reagents (VIII) Paper Chroma-tography of Cations with Dithizone, 11 Kumamoto J. Sci.

f::.· •

~ 265 (1960); CA, 54, 24089b (1960). - -58. Nagai, H. and Kikuchi, T •• 11Paper Precipitation



59. Noda, M. and Hirayama, O., "Analysis of Fatty Acids and Glycerides by Circular-Paper Chromatography,'' Yukagaku, 10, 24 (1961); CA,


26479h (1961).

6 0. Norman, A., "Conjugation of Bile Acids in the Rat, 11

~ Physiol. Scand., ~. 1 (1954).

61. Nunez, G. and Spiteri, J., "Partition Chromatography of Liposoluble Substances (I) Separation of the Higher Fatty Acids," Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 35, 851 (1953}; CA, 48, 2443a\I954"fi113ID. rrmpt.



2603\f952); CA,47, 941£ {195 • - -

-62. 0' Laughlin, Jerome W {Iowa State Univ., Ames), "Separa-tion of Various Ca"Separa-tions by Reversed-Phase Parti"Separa-tion Chromatography Using Neutral Organophosphorus Compounds," Univ. Microfilms (Ann Arbor, Mich.) Order No. 63-7265, 142 pp. Dissertation Abstr., 24,

1368 (1963); CA, ~. 9876g.

-63. O'Laughlin, J. W. and Banks, C. V., "Separation of

Various Cations by Reversed-Phase Partition Chroma-tography Using Neutral Organophosphorus Compounds," Anal. Chem., 36, 1222 (1964}.

64. O'Neal, F. B. and Carlton, J., "Paper Chromatography of 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazones of Saturated Aliphatic

Aldehydes,"~· Chem.,


475 {1958}.

65. Pang, S. W. and Liang, S. C., "Separation of Rare Earth Elements by [Reversed-Phase] Paper Chromatography," Ko Hsueh Tung~. 11, 46 (1962}; CA, ~. 8394c (1963).

66. Peereboom, J. W. C. and Be ekes, H. W., 11 The Analysis

of Mixtures of Animal and Vegetable Fats (III) Separa-tion of some Sterols and Sterol Acetates by Thin-Layer

Chromatography,"~· Chromatog.,


316 (1962}.

67. Peereboom, J. W. C., Roos, J. B. and Beekes, H. W.,

"The Analysis of Mixtures of Animal and Vegetable Fats (II) The Paper Chromatography of Some Sterols, Provitamins, Vitamins and Pentacyclic Triterpenoid Alcohols,".:!.· Chromatog.,


500 (1961).

68. Pohloudek-Fabini, R. and Beyrich, T., "Paper Chroma-tographic Separation and Identification of .Aliphatic Alcohols as Esters of Azobenzene-4-Carboxylic Acid, 11


69. Sferruzza, G. and Rangone, R., "Identification and Assay of Chlorampheniicol in Pharmaceutical Preparations by Paper Partition Chromatography," Farmaco (Pavia).

Ed.~·,~~ 322 (1963); CA,


4975e (1963).

"-70. Street, H. V., "Separation of Barbiturates by Reversed-Phase Paper Chromatography," .::!_. Chromate g.,]_,

523 (1962).

71. Taus, J. G. and Martel, J., "Paper Chromatography of

Sterols," Gras as


aceites (Seville, Spain), 10, 7 (1959).

72. Trippel, A. I., "Chromatographic Analysis of the Mixtures of Fatty Acids," Sbornik Nauch. Rabat. Leningrad

Inst. ~· Torgovli,


133 (1959); CA, 21,.6653i (1959).

73. Turpini, R., Massa, A. and Cipolli, P. L., "Glass-Paper Chromatography as a Means of Detecting Cerebral and Serum Phospholipids, 11 Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. Sper. ,

37, 1315 (1961); CA,



-7 4. Ungan, A., 11 Chromatographic Detection of Admixed Oils

in Oliv Oil," Turk Hijiyen Tecrubri Biyol Dergisi, ~J 236 (1961)~ 56, 14414i (1962).

7 5. Vacek,


and Stanek, J., 11 Chromatography of

Chloro-nitrophenols, '' Collection Czech. Chern. Commun., ~. 264 (1963);

CA, 58,

10706d (1963).

76. Viswanathan, C. V. and Bai, B. M., "Identification

Estimation and Preparation of Fatty Acids by Circular Paper Chromatography, 11 .::!_. Chromatog.,


264 (1961);

CA, 56, 4885b (1962).

77. Watanabe, T., Endo, S. and Iida, Y., "Easily Separable Paper Chromatography of Penicillin Complex, 11 J.

Antibiotics (Tokyo), Ser. A. 15, ll2 (1962); CA, 57,

1213g (1962). - - -

-78. Wollrab, V. and Streibl, M., 11 Contribution to Paper

Chromatography of Higher Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols," Collection Czech. Chern. Com-~· J ~~ 1895 (1963).


A. Modified Silica Support

1. Abdallah, M. D. and Landheer, C. A., 11 The Isolation of

DDT, Parathion and Lindane from Biological Fatty Materials by L-L Chromatography," J. Chromatog.,


-2. Ashizawa~ T. ~ "Chromatographic Analysis of Traces of Metals with Dithizone {Alumina Columns)." Bunseki

Ka~ku~ 10~ 350-4 {1961); CA, 55, 24375i {1961);

!BI .

354-368 {1961); CA. 24316'"b {1961); IBID. 683 {1961); IBID. 555 (1961); CA, 56, 19e {1962); IBID. 558 {1961); CA, 56, 19f


3. Bergstrom~ S. and Sjovall, J., "Separation of Bile Acids

with Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography, 11

~ Chem. Scand •• 2.~ 1267 (1951).

4. Burriel-Marti~ F. and Fino-Perez~ F., 11 Application of

the Chromatographic Technique to the Qualitative Analysis of Nickel Traces~ 11 Anal. Chim. Acta, 3~

468 (1949). -

-5. Chobanov, D.~ 11 Liquid-Liquid Chromatography of

Di-carboxylic Acids (C6-ClO) in the Presence of Pelar-gonic Acid and Azelao-glycerides~" Com~t. Rend. Acad. Bulgare Sci., 14, 155 (1961)~ GA~

5 •





-6. Chobanov, D.~ Popov, A. and Mitsev, I.,

"Liquid-Liquid Chromatography of Ricinoleic and Dihydroxy-stearic Acids in the Presence of Saturated and Un-saturated Normal Carboxylic Acids~" Compt. Rend.

Acad. Bulgare Sci., 14, 468 (1961)~ CA •


12~ (1962).

7. Chuveleva, E. A., Nazarov, P. P. and Chmutov, K. V.,

"Application of [Reversed-Phase] Partition Chroma-tography to the ·separation of Rare Earth Elements,"

Zh. Fiz. Khim., 36, 1022 (1962); CA~


6587d (1962).

8. Conway~ W. D. and Lethco, E. J., "Aromatic Amine

Impurities in Yellow AB and Yellow OB Food Dyes~"

Anal. Chem., ~. 838 (1960).

9. Corbin, E. A., "Separation of the 2~ 4-Dinitrophenyl-hydrazones of Dicarbonyl and Other Polar Compounds

by Liquid-Liquid Partition Chromatography~" Anal.

Chem. , 34~ 1244 (1962 ).

-10. Crawley, R. H. A., "Separation of Zirconium and Hafnium

by Reversed-Phase Chromatography~" Nature, 197 ~

377 (1963); CA, 58, 9609d (1963).

-11. Crombie~ W. M. L., Comber, · R. and Boatman, S. G.,

11 The Estimation of Unsaturated Fatty Acids by

Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography~" Biochem •


12. Dietrich, W. C., Caylor, J. D. and Johnson~ E. E.,

"Separation of Uranium (VI) from Urine by a Tri-n-octylphosphine oxide Column and an Automation of the Procedure," U. S. Atomic Energy Comm. Y -1322, l (1960); CA,


9539e (1961).

13. Erlenmeyer, H. and Dahn, H. • 11 Application of the

Chroma-tographic Method in Inorganic Chemistry, 11 Helv. Chim.



1369 (1939).

-14. Eschrich, H.~ "Separation of Uraniwn, Neptunium~ Plu-tonium and Americuim by Reversed-Phase Partition

Chromatography~ 11 Kjeller Rept. KRll, 3 pp (1961);



lOi (1962).

15. Fidelis, I. and Siekierski~ S., "Separation of Heavy Rare Earths by Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography~ 11


Chromatog. ~ ~. 161 (1961).

16. Gellerman, J. L., and Schlenk~ H. 1 "Column

Chroma-tography of Lipids: Odd-Numbered Straight-Chain Fatty Acids of Menhaden Oil, 11 Experientia, 15~

387 (1959).

17. Giddings, J. Calvin, 11Liquid Chromatography with Operating Conditions Analogous to Those of Gas Chromatography, 11

Anal. Chern.,


2215 (1963).

18. Goldsmith, L. and Moloney, P. J., "Chromatography of Guinea-Pig Native Insulin,11 Biochem •


~~ 432 (1957).

19. Golovatyi, R. N. ~ Oshchaposkii, V. V. and Zemlyanskaya, L. I •• "Fractional Detection of Copper(II). 11 Ukrain.

~- ~-· 26, 117 (1960).

20. Gwozdz, R. and Siekierski, S. 1 "Separation of Various

Oxidation States of Plutonium by Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography, 11 Nukleonika, ~. 671 (1960); CA, 60, 11355a (1964).

21. Hauton, J. C., Greusard, C •• Perrot. M. J •• and Sarles, H., 11Determination of Bile Acids by Chromatography with a Polarity Gradient," Bull. Soc. Chim. Biol., 44, 1153 (1962);

CA, ~. 9399c (1963):-- - -

-22. Hauton, J. C., "Separation of None-, Di- and Tri-Hydroxy-cholanic Acids by Gradient Elution Reversed-Phase Chromatography (in French), 11 J. Chromatog., 9,


-23. Howard, G. A. andMartin, A. J.P., "The Separation of the C12-C18 Fatty Acids by Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography," Biochem. J., 46,

532 (1950). -

-24. Jennings, W. C •• "Separation of Micromole Mixtures of 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrozones, 11 Anal. Chem. •


1117 (1959).

-25. Kabasakalian, P. andTalmage, J. M •• "Liquid-Liquid Partition Chromatography of Steroids: Systematic Approach Relating Column to Paper Chromatography," Anal. Chem. •


273 (1962).

26. Kazuno, T. and Okuda, K •• "Stero-Bile Acids and Bile Sterols," J. Biochem {Tokyo).


352 (1961).

2 7. Kobayashi, T. and Miyazaki, S. • "Separation and Determination of Aliphatic Dicarboxylic Acids (I) Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography of C8-Cl0 and {II) C3-C11 Acids," Tok~o Kogft Shikensho Hokoku,


71 (196 O); CA, 56 • 667d 1962 ).

28. Lambert, S. M. and Porter, P. E. • "Analytical and Preparative Applications of Liquid-Liquid

Chroma-tography,"~· Chem. • ~. 99 (1964).

29. Masui, T •• "Stero-Bile Acids and Bile Sterols," J. Biochem. {Tokyo), 51, 112 (1962).


30. Monty, K. J •• "Qualitative and Quantitative Determina-tion of Aliphatic Carbonyl Compounds as 2, 4-Dinitro-phenylhydrazones, 11 ~· Chem. •


1350 (1958).

31. Norman, A •• "Separation of Conjugated Bile Acids by Partition Chromatography," Acta. Chem. Scand. •

7. 1413 (1953).

-32. Partridge, M. W. and Chilton, J •• "Reversed-Phase Partition Chromatography, 11 Nature, 167, 79 (1951).

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