Copyright © 1992,AmericanSocietyforMicrobiologY
Random-Choice Replication of Extrachromosomal Bovine
Papillomavirus (BPV) Molecules in Heterogeneous,
Derived BPV-Infected Cell Lines
Departmentof Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305-5120
Received 13July1992/Accepted 27 August1992
Using fluorescence in situhybridization and Southern blotanalysis,weshow that three
derived cell linestransformed with bovinepapillomavirus (BPV), includingED13,the cell linecommonly
employed for BPV replicationstudies,areheterogeneouspopulations havingextensive cell-to-cell variation in both the distribution andamountof BPV DNA. Different subclones of ID13werefound to differ in the form and amount of BPV DNAtheycontain. Most subclones showednodetectable BPV sequences; somecontained either extrachromo-somalBPVmolecules distributedthroughout the nucleusorBPV sequencesintegrated at discrete chromosomal sites,whileotherscontained bothintegratedandplasmidforms. The results ofdensitygradientanalysis
of BPV DNA fromindividual homogeneous subclones showedreplicationof the extrachromosomalBPV plasmids inarandom-choice mode.Inall cell linesstudied, the presence afteroneround of chromosomal DNAreplication ofunreplicatedBPVDNA and of BPV DNAhavingtwopostreplicativestrandswasindependent of the presence ofhigh-BPV-copy-number ("jackpot") cells. Our results substantiate the earlier conclusion that extrachro-mosomal BPV moleculesreplicate
and notaccordingto aonce-per-cell-cycle mechanism.Bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) normally infects and transforms
andepithelialcells,causingwartsincattle, its natural host(18),butitcanalsoreplicate in and transform mouse C127 fibroblasts. Because BPV can be maintained as an extrachromosomal plasmid in C127 cells (12),it has been usedextensivelyasacloning vectorandfor studies of DNAreplicationinmammaliancells(forreviews,
seereferences 11, 16, and 26). The mode ofreplication of extrachromosomal DNA molecules in eukaryotic cells can
be either once per cell cycle in parallel with the chromo-some, asis observed forEpstein-Barrvirus(1, 29), orby a random-choice mechanism, as is seen for some bacterial plasmids (23). Ifreplication is once per cell cycle, postrep-licative DNA must somehow be marked to ensure that it doesnotreplicateagain until after cell division has occurred. Replicationby randomchoice is independent of whether a particularmolecule already hasundergone a round of repli-cationin that cellcycle.
Thesetwomechanisms of replication can be distinguished by analysisof DNA that has been density labeled with the thymidine analogbromodeoxyuridine(BrdU) during replica-tion and then centrifuged in a gradient that separates non-replicated DNA (both strands unsubstituted; light-light [LL] density) from DNA that has replicated once (one strand substituted; heavy-light [HL] density) or more than once (bothstrands substituted; heavy-heavy [HH] density). After cells have passed through one S phase in the presence of BrdU, DNA species that replicate once per cell cycle will bandatthe HLdensity, whereas molecules that replicate by
a random-choice mechanism will be distributed among the
* Corresponding author.
tPresentaddress: DepartmentofCelland Developmental Biol-ogy,Roche InstituteofMolecularBiology, Nutley, NJ 07110.
fractionswithatheoretical distributionof25% LL, 50%HL, and25% HH.
Botchan etal. (4) have reportedthatthe densitylabeling pattern resulting from continuous
of BPV in anonsynchronous culture of the cell line ID13, which is derived from BPV-transformed mouse fibroblasts, parallels that ofchromosomalDNA, which is knowntoreplicateonce
per cell cycle, and have thus concluded that BPV also replicates in a once-per-cell-cycle mode. However, using ID13 andtwoadditional BPV-transformed celllines, Gilbert and Cohen(9)foundbypulse-labeling and density gradient analysisthathalf of the BPV DNAisolatedfrommitotic cells that had been labeled for one S phase banded at the HL density, while up to 25% banded at the HH density and a
similar amount banded at the LL density, aspredicted by theoreticalcalculations forrandom-choicereplication. In the
samegradients,chromosomal DNA sequences banded atthe HLdensity, characteristic of one round of replication.
Toaccountfor thesedifferingresults, Roberts and Wein-traub (22) noted that cultures of BPV-transformed cells includerare"jackpot" cells (0.25to0.5%of thepopulation), which containahigher-than-averagenumber of BPV copies (also seen in cell lines infected with BPV-2 [17]). They hypothesized that the BPV molecules in these jackpot cells may be undergoing runaway replication analogous to that occurring during lytic growth of simian virus 40 (SV40) and suggestedthat suchreplication in a small fraction of the cell populationmayaccountforthe presence of HH DNA after just one S phase. Jackpot cells that had died prior to the periodofBrdU labelingcould, it was proposed, account for the LL DNA observed indensity gradients. Together these
eventscouldgivethe appearanceof random replication in a populationinwhich once-per-cell-cycle replication of BPV is the normal and predominant mechanism.
Sincethesuitability of BPVas amodel for chromosomal
DNAreplication dependsuponthe assumption of once-per-6946
on November 9, 2019 by guest
we undertook to determineexperi-mentally
the effect ofjackpot
cells on density labelinganalyses
ofthe mode ofreplication. Inthe course of theseexperiments,
we discovered that the location and copy number of BPV molecules vary widely among individual cells of theextensively employed
clonal mouse cell line ID13.Wefurther show thatjackpot
cells donotaccountfor the random-modedensity labeling
patterns observedin the overallpopulation
of BPV-transformed cells and confirm that the normal mode ofreplication
of extrachromosomal BPV moleculesis in factby
arandom-choice mechanism.MATERIALS AND METHODS
Cell culture. CellsweremaintainedinDulbecco'smodified
10%fetal bovine serum,penicil-lin,
and10%CO2. Density labelingwasachieved
addition of 30 ,g ofBrdUpermltothe cell cultures for 12 h.Subcloning
wasby limiting
dilutionto 0.2 cells per well in 96-wellplates
in Dulbecco's modifiedEagle's
Mitotic selection. Mitotic selection was
byfirmly tapping
T-175 flaskscontaining
a small amount of medium(10 ml)
attachedmitoticcells. At least70%mitoticfigures
werepresentineachselection.The percentmitoticcellswasdeterminedby suspending
of cells in 0.05 M KCIat37°C
for 10min,fixing
them in three washes of 3:1 methanol-aceticacid, dropping
the cellsonmicroscope slides,
the mitoticfigures.
but with firmertapping
all cells that wereloosely
DNAwasisolatedfrom cellsby
in 1 mlofDNA extraction buffer(1%
mM Tris-HCl[pH
8.0]-200 mMEDTA-100 ,ugofproteinase
K perml)
for 2 h.Samples
wereextracted withequal
volumes ofphenol,
and 24:1chloroform-isoamyl
alcohol. A1/10
volume of 3 M sodiumacetate and 2.5 volumes of ethanolwereadded,
and the DNA wasspooled
with aglass rod,
rinsed in 70%ethanol,
inTris-EDTAwith10 ,g of RNase A perml. Afterincubation foratleast 1 hat37°C,
the DNAwasreprecipitated
in ethanol andresuspended
in Tris-EDTA.Replicated
DNA wasseparated
from unrepli-cated DNAonCs2SO4 gradients
DNA fromapproximately
107 cells was cut withEcoRV,
loadedon aCs2SO4 gradient
witharefractiveindex of1.3715,
rpminaBeckmanVTi8Orotor at
for 72 h.Eight-drop
fractionswere collected from the bottom of thecentrifuge
tube with aperistaltic
the slot-blotmethods of Brownetal.(5). Hybridizing
nonradioactive methods(PhotoGene System
from LifeTechnologies, Inc.).
Probeswere labeled with biotin-14-dATP
the Bio Nicklabeling
system(Life Technologies).
which contains the entireBPVgenome cloned intopML2d,
which contains ahamster Alu-like sequence that is
to a mouserepetitive
sequencedispersed throughout
the mousege-nome. The amount of
was measured with aHelena Laboratories
Scan R&D densitometer. FISH. Fluorescence in situhybridization
of Pinkel et al.(19)
and Lawrence et al.(13)
Formetaphase analysis,
colcemid wasadded to the cell culture at 0.015
for 2 h before harvesting. Cells were fixed in 3:1 methanol-acetic acid, droppedon slides, air dried overnight, and then baked in a 65°C oven for 3 to 4 h. The slides were incubated in 100 ,ug of RNase A per ml in 2x SSC (1x SSC = 0.15 MNaCl-0.015 M sodium citrate) for 1 h at 37°C, rinsed in 2x SSC, incubated in 0.1 Mtriethanolamine-0.25% acetic anhydride for 10 minat roomtemperature,rinsed in 2x SSC, denatured in 70% formamide-2x SSCat70°C for 2 min, dehydrated in anice-cold ethanol series (70, 90, and 100%) for5 mineach, and air dried.Probes were prepared by nick translation with the Bio Nick labeling system. Biotinylated probe and sonicated salmon sperm DNA were added to a hybridization mix to
give final concentrations of 50% formamide, 10% dextran sulfate, 2x SSC, and 4 p,gofprobe and 50 ,ug of sonicated salmon sperm DNA per ml. The hybridization mix was denaturedby incubationat70°C for 10 min followed by rapid coolingonice.Hybridizationmix(20 ,ul) was placed on each slide andincubatedat37°C overnight in a humidified cham-ber. Washes were for 15 min each in 50% formamide-2x SSCat45°C, 2x SSC, and lx SSCat roomtemperature.
Hybridized sequences were detected by incubating the slides in 5 ,ug offluorescein-avidinDNisothiocyanate
(Vec-tor Laboratories) per ml in 4x SSC-1% bovine serum albumin for 30 min at 37°C and rinsing them at room temperature for 10 min each in 4x
4x SSC-0.1% TritonX-100,and4x SSC. Slideswerestained for 5 min in 0.1 ,ug ofpropidiumiodide per mlin 4x SSC and mounted in antibleach mounting medium (10). Fluorescence was de-tectedwith aZeissPhotomicroscopeIII.Southernblots. BPV DNAwasanalyzed by isolatingtotal DNAas describedabove. Uncut DNA(1 ,ug)was runona
0.7% agarosegel,blottedtonitrocellulose,andhybridizedto
nick-translated pdBPV-1 by standardprocedures (15). Hy-bridizationwascarriedout at 68°Cin2x SSC withthe final washat68°C in lx SSC-0.1% SDS.
Cell sorting. Dead cellswere removed from mitotic cell
preparations by resuspending
the cells in medium with 50 ,ug ofpropidiumiodide perml,which is taken upbydead cells, andcollecting
live (unstained) cells on a Coulter Epics V dual laser cell sorter.RESULTS
Jackpot cells do not affect density labeling results. It has been
cells, as a consequence of runaway BPVreplication, are looselyattached dyingcells that contaminatepreparations
obtainedbythe mitotic shake-offprocedure
(22).Itwasfurtherproposedthatjackpotcells that have died before the addition ofBrdUcannotincorpo-ratethe
density label;
the BPVfrom these cellsconsequently would appear in the LL fraction of the gradient, whereasrapidly replicating
BPV molecules in thestill-living
jackpot cells wouldincorporate
label and thus appear in theHHfraction.Wehave carriedout twoseparate types ofexperiments
to determine whether dead cells inactively
ID13populations significantly
labeling results(Table 1). First,
we found that removal of dead andloosely
vigorous preshaking
of the platesprior
to addition of BrdU did notalter thedensity
distribu-tion of BPVDNA;
removal of dead cellsby
afterBrdUlabeling plus
hadnoeffect on the distribution of BPV DNA. These results do notsupport the notion that the LL BPV DNA observed in
on November 9, 2019 by guest
TABLE 1. Quantitation of HH, HL,and LL DNA from
density gradients
% Hybridizationto DNAfroma:
Cells BPV Chromosome
Preshakenb 12 54 34 0 75 25
Notpreshaken 12 57 31 0 73 27
Total mitotic ID13 19 62 18 0 76 24
Live mitotic ID13C 10 63 26 0 76 24
Total mitotic cloneB 14 57 29 0 71 29
Livemitoticclone B 16 48 36 0 84 16
aNumbers arefromdensitometricquantitationand representthe
hybrid-ization to each DNApeak as a percentage of total hybridization to the gradient.
b Flasks of clone B cells were shakenvigorously to remove dead and loosely attached cellspriortoaddition ofBrdU and mitoticshaking.
IMitoticpreparations of ID13 and cloneB were stained withpropidium
iodide, andlive(unstained) cellswerecollectedby cellsorting.
density gradients afterlabelingwith BrdUthroughoutoneS phase isaconsequence ofdead cells inthepopulation.
Tofurther investigatethe possible effect ofjackpot cells
onthedensitylabeling results,the three cell lines shownby Gilbert andCohen (9) tohave identical replication patterns were studied by FISH. The cell line ID13 was clonally derived from mouse C127 cells infected with wild-type BPV-1 virus (7). Clones B and D are relatively recent
isolates of BPV-1-infected C127 cells (9).
Extensivevariability in both the intensity and the distri-bution of the fluorescence signal was observed by FISH analysisofinterphase nuclei of all three celllines(ID13and clone B shown in Fig. 1A and B); the patterns of
fluores-cenceincludedno detectable signal, afainttobrightdiffuse signal,one tomanydistinct fluorescent spotsranginginsize from smalltoverylarge, andacombination of distinct spots plus adiffuse fluorescencesignal in thesamecell. Most cells with two or more distinct spots also contained a diffuse signal. The extent and nature of cell-to-cell variability in BPV content and distribution observed by FISH analysis werecharacteristic of acontinuum and made thegrouping of cells into distinctsubpopulationsimpractical.An upperlimit for the copy number of BPV in ID13 cellswasestimatedby comparisonof thehybridization signalofBPVin the
bright-est cells seen in the ID13 population with that of lytically replicating SV40 in COS7 cells(Fig. 1Dand E). The
bright-estsignalobserved for BPVwasmuch lessintense than the signal observed forSV40, suggesting a BPV copy number substantially lower than the 10,000 to 100,000 copies esti-mated for SV40(22). To evaluate most rigorously the possi-ble role ofjackpot cells in the previously observed density labelingresults,wedefined jackpot cells liberally as all cells that exhibited any diffuse fluorescence over the nucleus whether or not distinct spots were present. Using this definition,wefound that cell lines ID13 and clones B and D, all of which show identical patterns of density labeling consistent with a random-choice mode of replication (9), differ markedly in their numbers of jackpot cells (Table 2).
ID13 is a heterogeneous cell line. Cell lines transformed with wild-type BPV-1 previously have been found to contain
somecombination of supercoiled monomers and multimers
as well as integrated forms of BPV DNA (2, 12, 25). The FISH results described above demonstrate that in addition
tothis sizeheterogeneity, there is considerable variability in spatiallocalization and amount of BPV DNA from cell to cell
within three differentclonallyderived cell lines. Consistent with the evidence that BPV sequences can integrate into genomic DNA,63% ofmetaphase spreadsof ID13 examined by FISH showed the BPV hybridization signal associated witha mousechromosome (Fig. 1C). Manydifferentmouse
chromosomes appearedtobeinvolved, includingone
meta-centric chromosome that was present in about half of the cells. Although these BPV insertions were not mapped cytogenetically, the association of BPV DNA sequences with chromosomes was proportional to the chromosomal size distribution in the ID13 cell line
implyingthat theassociation israndom.Toinvestigate further the characteristics of BPV hetero-geneity,subclones of ID13wereisolated and the location of the BPV hybridization signal in individual subclones was
determinedbyboth FISH and Southernblotting. Southern blots
onuncutDNAfrom 119randomly
selected subclones revealed four types of BPV hybridizationpat-terns: 60 had no detectable BPV-hybridizing sequences under conditions estimated conservatively to be able to
detectfive orfewercopiesof BPV percell, 9had
predomi-nantly autonomous BPV, 33 showed hybridization only tohigh-molecular-weight(MW)DNAcorrespondingtothegel positionofgenomic DNA,and 17 had bothautonomousand higher-MWformsof BPV.Examplesof each type ofpattern
areshown inFig. 2.
While FISH analysis of randomly selected subclones showed essentially no cell-to-cell
of the BPV signalwithin 24 of 27 subclones, greatdifferences between different subclones were observed. Three general types of subcloneswere seen:thoseshowingnodetectablesignal by FISH analysis (20 subclones), those showing a constantnumber ofhybridizationloci per cell within the subclone
subclones),and thoseshowingavariablesignalfrom celltocell within the subclone (3 subclones). Cells previously described as jackpot cells were found only in the last category of subclones. The four subclones that showed a constant number of hybridization loci per cell uniformly showed an association of the BPV signal with a specific chromosome in metaphase spreads. The site of the BPV-specific hybridization signal in cells within a particular subclonewasalwaysthe same,whereas different subclones showed BPVsignals associated with different chromosomal sites.
Comparison ofSouthern blot data with the FISH charac-teristics of selected individual subclones showed a strong and consistent correlation in the type of signal observed (Table 3). Ten of 12 subclones containing only high-MW BPV-hybridizablesequencesby Southernblottingshoweda
single area of fluorescence associated with a particular chromosome by FISH analysis. All subclones having pre-dominantlyautonomousBPV DNAor nodetectableBPV by Southern blotting showed no FISH signal, and 8 of 11 subclones containingbothautonomous and high-MWBPV DNAshowed variable FISHsignals. The observed associa-tion ofhigh-MWBPV DNAwithchromosomalDNAand the appearance of BPV hybridization with the same
chromo-some in all of the cells within a subclone together suggest that the BPV sequences in these cells are chromosomally integrated. Because the copy number of autonomous BPV
on Southern blots isnot significantlylower thanthat of the integratedsequencesin some subclones visualized by FISH, the absence ofa FISH signal in subclones containing only supercoiled BPV DNA suggeststhat the BPV molecules in these cells are distributed throughout the nucleus without significant clumping. Althoughthe threshold of detection of
on November 9, 2019 by guest
FIG. 1. Copynumber anddistribution of BPV inID13and clone Bcells. Logarithmically growingcellswerefixed,and BPVsequences
were detected with FISH. (Aand B)ID13 and clone B interphase nuclei, respectively, demonstrating the range ofhybridization signals
observedincludingasinglelocus offluorescence,faint andbrightdiffusefluorescence, andacombination ofspotsandadiffusesignal. (C)
MitoticspreadsfromID13showingassociation ofBPV DNA with differentmousechromosomes. (D) BrightID13jackpotcell.Photographic
exposurewasfor 2 min (E) Lytically replicatingSV40.Photographicexposurewasfor 15s.Nuclei inpanelsAthroughCwerestained with
propidiumiodide; cellular DNA inpanelsDand Ewasunstained.
FISH with the conditions used has not been precisely determined, an
100-kb alpha satellite repeat on humanchromosome 7(27)
iseasilyseenunder thesameconditions,
suggesting that any aggregate of13 or more of the 7.9-kb BPVplasmids
togetherwould have been detected. The extent ofvariability in the BPV hybridization signal within individual ID13 subclones was assessed further by FISH analysis ofat least20,000 cells from each of several subclones. Thefollowing
results were obtained: three sub-clonescontaining
monomerBPVmolecules showed almostnovariability
ofthe fluorescencesignal;
resembling jackpot
diffuse fluorescence over thenucleus)
were detected in the morethan 60,000 individual cells from the three subclones ob-served.
cells also were not detected in a total of 40,000 cells observed from two subclonescontaining
integrated BPV molecules. However,jackpot
cells werefound at arelatively high frequency (about1%)in twoof the seven subclones that contained both autonomous and inte-grated BPV DNA. These subclones, which showed great cell-to-cellvariabilityintheFISHsignal,hadmultiplesmall andlarge fluorescentspots aswell asbright diffuse hybrid-ization over the nucleus.
Replication of autonomous BPV is by a random-choice mechanism. To investigate the
effect of the ob-servedheterogeneityof BPVlocation andamountwithin the cellline ID13on the analysis ofBPVreplication
mode, the experimentscarriedoutby GilbertandCohen(9)
using the heterogeneous cell lines ID13, clone B, and clone D were repeated withtwoID13 subclonesthatshowedBPVhomo-geneity
by both Southern blotting and FISH analysis. In both of the subclones chosen forstudy,BPV was presentinonly
the extrachromosomalform;
cells were detected during examination ofatotal of40,000on November 9, 2019 by guest
TABLE 2. Number ofjackpotcells foundbyFISH in three
separatecell lines transformed withwild-type BPV-1
Cell line No. of cells Jackpotcells
counteda ~No.b % of total
ID13 40,500 74 0.2
CloneB 36,500 22 0.06
CloneD 33,000 17 0.05
a The number of total cells countedwasestimatedbycountingthecells in everyfifthscan acrossthe slideandmultiplyingthe averagebythe numberof
b Cellsshowinganydiffusefluorescenceoverthenucleuswerecountedas
jackpot cells.
cells each (see above). In each experiment, the freshly thawed cells subjected to density labeling were examined concurrently by Southern blotting and FISH in order to
verify that only supercoiled monomer (i.e., extrachromo-somal)BPVmolecules were present. As shown inFig.3and Table 4, aboutone-fifth to one-quarter of the BPV-hybridiz-able sequences in each of the subclones bandedat the HH density following density labelingduringasingle cellcycle, indicatingthat some of the extrachromosomal BPV mole-culesreplicatedmorethanonceduringthe cellcycleused for density labeling; FISH analysisof cells taken from thesame
batch used for density analysis showed little variability in hybridization signaland,mostimportant,showednojackpot cells among the 20,000 cells examined in each experiment.
The results reported here indicate that three BPV-trans-formed clonally derived cell lines, including the widely-studied ID13 cell line, are actually heterogeneous popula-tionsof cells. While the overall populations include asmall number ofcells that containan amountof BPV DNAthat is greater than the norm, our data show that the number of BPV molecules contributed by such jackpot cells is not
sufficienttogiveafalse appearance of randomreplication,as
has been suggested by Roberts and Weintraub (22). To
accountfor thenearly50%of the DNA in the densityshift experiments that bands at either the HH or LL densities
m 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
n. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
[image:5.612.322.563.99.169.2]_NICKED ClRCLE
TABLE 3. Correlation of FISH results with Southern blot data for selectedsubclones
Southern blotresult'
FISH result Autonomous
Nosignal Integrated Autonomous andintegrated
Nosignal 13 2 3 1
Single locus 0 10 0 2
Variable 0 0 0 8
a The valuesshown representthe number of subclones foundbySouthern blotting and FISHanalysistocontain each of the indicated forms of BPV.
(i.e., DNA that does not replicate once per cell cycle), jackpot cellswouldhavetocontain,onaverage, anumberof BPV plasmids equivalenttothe total number ofplasmids in
the remainder of thepopulation.This wouldrequireatleast a 1,000-fold amplification of BPV injackpot cells over the average copy number of BPV (about 100 in BPV-trans-formedC127cells[12])or100,000 copiespercellonaverage.
Side-by-sideFISHcomparisonofjackpotcells withlytically replicating SV40, estimated to contain 10,000 to 100,000 copies of the virus (22), shows that even the brightest of jackpot cells doesnotyield ahybridization signal compara-bleto thatseenforlyticallyreplicating SV40.
Removal of dead cellsbypreshakingorbycellsortingdid not change the density labeling results, contrary to the notion that such cells account for the large fraction of (nonreplicating)BPVDNAthat bandsatthe LLdensity. In addition, threepreviously studiedcell lineshavingidentical BPVreplicationmodes (9) showed different percentages of jackpot cells,consistent withthe view that thejackpotcells presentin normallygrowing cell populations do not signifi-cantlyaffect density labeling resultsduring studies of BPV replication. Finally, ID13 subclonescontaining only auton-omous BPV sequences and lacking any detectablejackpot cells whatsoever still yielded density labeling patterns closely approximating the ratio of 25% LL, 50% HL, and 25% HH that is theoretically predicted from molecules replicating byarandom-choice mechanism. Thus,changing thefraction ofjackpotcells orremovingthementirelyfrom
-HL-- d- HL _
5-3- HH
FIG. 2. ID13subclones containing various forms of BPV DNA. Total DNA wasisolatedfrom subclones ofID13 and analyzed on a Southern blot. The DNA was uncut, and BPV sequences were detected with pdBPV-1. Autonomous and integrated BPV se-quences are indicated. The marker lane contains 1 ng of uncut pdBPV-1; lane numbersrepresentindividual subclones.
-FIG. 3. Density labeling of autonomous BPV plasmids. Sub-clones ID13-3(A)and ID13-70(B)weredensity labeled as described inMaterials and Methods. Cs2SO4density gradient fractions were probedwith BPVormouseAlu-like probes. The positions of the LL,HL,and HH DNAareindicated.
on November 9, 2019 by guest
[image:5.612.372.504.504.676.2] [image:5.612.65.301.530.669.2]TABLE 4. Random-choice replication of autonomous BPVplasmids
%HybridizationofDNAfrome: Cellline
andexpt BPV Chromosome
I 27 47 26 0 75 25
II 27 49 24 0 68 32
III 22 58 20 0 87 13
I 17 51 32 0 82 18
II 23 55 22 0 89 11
II, and IIIare three separate labelingexperimentsperformed at different times.bPercentagesweredeterminedasdescribed in Table1,footnotea.
thecellpopulation does not alter the density labeling pattern responsible for the conclusion that normal replication of extrachromosomal BPV occurs by a random-choice mecha-nism. Consistent with the findingthat jackpot cells are not responsible for the presence of HH and LL BPV DNA in densitygradientsafteronecell cycle is recent evidence (20) suggestingthatthe unusually high copy number of BPV in jackpot cells results from abnormal partitioning of BPV
rather than "runaway" lytic-type replication.
We are still left with a discrepancy between the results obtained inour laboratoryand those reported at a papillo-mavirus symposium (4), inwhich once-per-cell-cycle repli-cation of BPVwasobserved in acontinuouslabeling exper-imentwithnonsynchronouslygrowingID13 cells. Toensure
that our results were not simply due to differences in experimental design, continuous labeling experimentswere
performedwith the cell lines ID13, clone B, and clone D.
Again, the results were consistent with a random-choice mechanismfor thereplicationof BPVplasmidsandnotwith once-per-cell-cycle replication. HH BPV DNA appeared
more rapidly than did HH chromosomal DNA, while LL BPV DNApersisted longerthan LLchromosomal DNA(8). In our experience, results consistent with once-per-cell-cyclereplication of BPV have been obtainedonly for BPV plasmidsthat haveintegratedinto the host chromosome(21). BPV previously has been found to exist in different intracellularstatesin cells infected with the
wild-type virus;
these includesupercoiled
extrachromosomal monomers, multimeric plasmids, andintegrated
multimers(2, 25, 28).
among different BPV-trans-formed cell lines has beenobserved,
and Bostock and Allshire (3) haveshown that the method used to introduce BPV-based cloning vectors into the cell can influence whether thevectorDNAremains autonomous orintegrates
into the genome. It has beensuggested
thatonce acell line is established, the copy number and state of the BPV molecules remain stable(16).
However, few reports have examinedstability
on a cell-to-cell basis rather than in the populationas awhole. Moaretal.(17)
found withisotopicin situhybridization
to bovine cells infected with BPV-2 that 0.02 to 0.1% of the cells containedlarge
amounts of viral DNAwhile themajority
of the cellswereindistinguishable
The resultsreported
here confirm and extend thatobservationwithmoresensitive FISH methods. We show that there is in fact a continuum of BPV copy number, asreflected by thevariability
of the FISHsignal.
Wealsoshow that BPV moleculescanintegrate
intothe hostchromosomes at apparently random sites throughout the genome.
The observation that a large percentage of the subclones of ID13 contained no detectable BPV sequences while others contained large amountsof BPV DNA was surprising and is indicative of the instability of the BPV DNA in cells grown in culture. Lusky and Botchan (14) found that subclones of cell lines derived from transformation of C127 cells with a low-copy-number BPV-based vector all showed equivalent copy numbers per cell. The apparently conflicting results may result from the difference between the wild-type BPV contained inID13 andthe mutant vector used in the studies of Lusky and Botchan. The demonstration of the heteroge-neityof the FISH signal in three separately isolated clonally derived cell lines and the observation that even the newly isolated ID13 subclones described here give rise to cells without detectable BPV (data not shown) support the idea that the replication and segregation of BPV molecules in cultured cells are not perfectly controlled processes.
This work was supported by NIH grant GMS26355 to S.N.C. J.-B.R., D.M.G., and K.G.T.H. were supported byPublic Health Service predoctoral training grant GM07790 from the National Institutes ofHealth during part of this work.
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