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Bacillus subtilis DNA Polymerase III Is Required for the Replication of the Virulent Bacteriophage φe


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JOURNAL OF VIROLOGY, Dec. 1974, P. 1337-1342 Copyright i 1974 AmericanSociety for Microbiology

Vol. 14, No. 6 Printed inUJ.S.A.

Bacillus subtilis DNA Polymerase III Is Required for



the Virulent Bacteriophage



Department of Genetics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel

Received forpublication 29 July 1974

The virulent phage (eofBacillussubtiliswv Achcontainshydroxymethyluracil

in its DNA requires host DNA polymerase III for its DNA replication. DNA

polymerase IHts mutant cellsinfectedwith (eat restrictive temperatures do not

supportphage DNA synthesis. However, (egrowsnormally bothatlowand high

temperatures inthe mutant'sparent strainandinspontaneous DNA polymerase

III+ revertantsisolated from themutant strain. Temperature-shift-down

experi-ments with (e-infected cells having thermosensitive DNA polymerase III (pol

IHI>) indicate that at 48C the thernmolabile DNA polymerase III is irreversibly inactivated and has to be synthesized de novo after the shift to 37 C, before phage DNA synthesis can begin. Temperature-shift-up experiments with (e-infected mutant cells show that,phage replication isarrested immediatelyafter

the temperature shift and indicate that (e requires DNA polymerase III

throughout its replicationstage.

Bacteriophage (e contains

hydroxymethylu-racil in its DNA inplace of thymine. This phage

belongs to a group of large, double-stranded

DNA phages of Bacillus subtilis (1, 11, 14, 21,

26). The lytic cycle of-behas been characterized

(13, 24-26). Roscoe (25) found that host DNA synthesis is arrested in (e-infected cells several

minutes after infection andphage DNA

synthe-sisbegins.Inboth (eandphage SPOl, which is

relatedto (e, several observationsindicate that

phage DNA synthesis dependsonthesynthesis

of a phage-specific DNA polymerase. Thus it

wasf6und, thatanewDNApolymeraseappears

in SPOl-infected cells (32, 33). Both (e and

SPOlhave been found togrownormallyinDNA

polymerase I- mutant cells, indicating that

DNA replication ofthese two phages does not

dependonthe host DNApolymeraseI (16, 32).

Moreover, DNA synthesis of (e and SPOl is

resistant to the drug

6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil (HPUra) (18, 27), which inhibits DNA

polymerase III (2, 10, 20). This suggests that

DNA synthesis of these two'phages does not

require DNA polymerase III. Similar results

wereobtained withother B.subtilisphageslike

SPO2(27) and PBS2 (23). t

Weshow in thispaperthat host DNA

polym-erase III isrequired for (e replication

through-out thestageofphage replication.

We will discuss the apparent contradiction

between ourresults andotherstudies basedon

HPUra inhibition of DNA polymerase III (16,

18, 27), which indicate that this enzyme isnot

involved in (e DNAsynthesis.


Materials andmethods, unless otherwise indicated, were aspreviously described (18).

Bacterial strains. The following strains of B. subtilis 168wereused: 2344(polA-, thy-)designated 2344pol III+ (2) and 2355 (polA-, polC", met-) designated 2355pol IIP (3) were describedby Bazill

and Gross. Strains U2355 (polCts, met-, ile-) desig-nated U2355polIIP and R2355 (polA-, met-, ile-) designated R2355pol III+ were derived from strain


Phage strains. Phage 0e wild-type strain and phage SPOl wild-type strainwereused.

Media. The standard growth medium used throughout the experimentswasC+ (22).

One-step growth experiments. These experi-ments were performed as described by Sonenshein andRoscoe (29).


Kinetics ofphage DNA synthesisinaDNA

polymerase III"' mutant strain. Preliminary

experimentshave shown that (edoes not direct

its DNA synthesis in either (e-infected U2355 pol IIP's (DNA polymerase


cells or in (e-infected 2355polIIP- (DNA polymeraseIIlt", DNApolymeraseI-) cells at 48 C. On the other

hand, phageDNAsynthesisis normalat48 C in

(e-infected 2344polIII+ (DNA polymerase I-)

cells. We therefore performed our experiments

with the double mutant strain 2355pol IIt11

(DNA polymerase IIIts, DNA polymerase I-)

which is more suitable for studies of DNA

synthesis in vitro thanthesingle mutantstrain

U2355pol IIPs (DNA polymeraseIII").



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The results presented in Fig. 1 describe the synthesisof DNA inuninfected and


cells, in the presence and absence of HPUra.







0-0 10 20 30 40 50 60


FIG. 1. DNA synthesis in oe-infected cells at 37 and 48C in presence and absence of HPUra. B. subtilis strains 2344pol III and 2355pol III'S were

grownat37Cto2 x1011cellsperml. Oneminute

be-fore infection,eachculturewasdividedintoeight

por-tions, four of which are transferred to 48C. HPUra

(finalconcentration 0.15mM) wasthenadded where

indicated. [2-14C]uracil (final concentration 5 ,ugl

ml; 0.1 ,uCilml) and 0ewhere indicated (MOI= 10)


treatedwith alkali to hydrolyze labelled RNA. DNA

wasprecipitatedwith trichloroacetic acid and

radio-activitywasdetermined. (a)37C; (b)48C.Symbols:


These results show that in



III' cells, phage DNA is synthesized at 37C

but not at 48 C. On the other hand, in

4e-in-fected 2344pol III+ cells-from which 2355pol III8 was derived-phage DNA is synthesized both at 37 and 48C. Even at 37 C the rate of phage DNA synthesis in (e-infected 2355pol

IIPt cells is slower than in le-infected 2344pol

III+ cells. As expected, bacterial DNA

synthe-sis is inhibited by HPUra and in 2355pol IIIt

cells DNA synthesis isarrested at 48C.



cells, DNA synthesis is

resist-ant toHPUrafromabout10min afterinfection,

at which time host DNA synthesis is arrested

(18, 25). We conclude that the DNA

synthe-sizedunder theseconditions,fromabout10min

after infection, is phage DNA. We therefore

omitted in the following comparable

experi-ments the HPUra treatment. In accordance

with these findings, Table 1 shows thatat 48C virtually no mature phage is produced in (e-infected 2355pol IIIt" cells. At thesame

temper-ature, theaverageburst size of(egrown inthe

parental strain 2344pol III+ is 25. At 37C the

averageburst size of( egrownin bothstrainsis

about 100.

Weisolated severalspontaneous DNA

polym-erase III+ revertants from strain 2355pol IIPI".

These revertants grow well at 48C. They have lost the mutagenic character of their

parent strain (3) and have an active DNA

polymerase III bothat 37 C andat 48 C. How-evertheserevertantsstillcarrythe DNA

polym-erase I- mutation. The growth of be in the

various revertant clones isolated is normalboth

at37and48 C. The datapresentedinFig.2and in Table 1 were obtained with the revertant R2355pol III+. They clearly show that in

pe-infected R2355


III+ cells phage DNA syn-thesis andprogeny production are normalboth

at 37and48 C.

Requirement of protein synthesis for phage replication in a temperature shift down experiment. Figure 3 described the kineticsof

DNAsynthesis in cells infected with(eat48 C

and transferred to 37 C 21 min after infection,

in presence or absence of chloramphenicol

(CAP), an inhibitor ofproteinsynthesis. These

results show that in (e-infected 2355pol IIP8

*, 2344pol III+, uninfected;0, 2344pol III+,

unin-fected +HPUra;A, 2344pol III+,infectedwith4e;*,

2344polIII+, infected with(e +HPUra; 0, 2355pol IP', uninfected; U, 2355pol III"', uninfected +

HPUra; 0, 2355pol III", infected with 0e; *, 2355polIII"', infected with Oe +HPUra. The vertical bars indicate thatall thepoints (<y; 0; *; 0; *) of theappropriatetreatmentsfall within the ends of the bar.

1338 J. VIROL.

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TABLE 1. Averageburstsizeof(egrown at 37 or 48C instrains 2344polIII+, 2355 poliP8,and

R2355pol III+

Burst size ofjegrown at Hoststraina

37C 48C

2344pol III+ 100 25

2355 polIfu 95 <0.001

R2355potIII+ 110 32

aB.subtilis strains:2344 pol III+, 2355polIIPand

R2355pot III+ were grown at 37 C to 3 x 108 cells per ml. The cells were infected at an MOI of0.1 and shaken at 37 C for 10 min. The adsorption mixture was treated with anti-serum, diluted and plated for assayofphage (see Materials andMethods).

cells, phage DNA synthesis begins after the temperature shift only if protein synthesis is

allowed to continue. Protein synthesis is also required for bacterial DNA synthesis in unin-fected cells of strain 2355polIIP? grown under similar conditions. Onthe other hand, in both uninfected and (e-infected 2344pol III+ cells,

DNA synthesis is not blocked at 48 C, and continues after the temperature shift to 37 C, eveninpresence ofCAP.

Inactivation of DNA polymerase III leads toimmediatearrestof phage DNA synthesis.

The data presented above indicate that (e

requires an active DNA polymerase III for its DNAreplication. Wehave further investigated

this requirement in order to find out whether DNApolymeraseHI isrequired only during part of the stage of phage DNA synthesis, or throughout the stage of phage replication.

Fig-ure 4shows that thesynthesis of phage DNA in

(e-infected 2355pol IIP cells,as well asthat of

bacterial DNA in uninfected cells, is arrested

immediately upon transfer from 37 to 48 C. In the control experiment with uninfected and

phage-infected 2344ppo III+ cells, DNA synthe-siscontinues throughout the experiment.


B. subtilis has three distinct DNA

polymer-ases(2, 8-10,20). Severalobservations indicate that theproductofthepolCgene, DNA

polym-erase IH, participates in the replicationofthe bacterial chromosome. Thus-, mutants

produc-ing temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase III

cannotsynthesize their DNAatrestrictive

tem-peratures. Someofthese mutants werefoundto bemutagenic (3, 9). AmutagenicDNA

polym-erase was found also in another system (30).

Moreover, the drug HPUra which


blocks bacterial DNA synthesis in vivo (4) has been foundtoact by inhibitingDNA

polymer-ase II(10, 17). The roleof DNApolymeraseIIis





FIG. 2. DNA synthesis in (be-infected R2355 pol III+ cells at37 and 48 C. Strain R2355 pol III+ was grown at 37C to 2 x 10' cellsper ml. One minute

before infection, the culture was divided into four

portions, two of which were transferred to 48C.

[2-14Ckuracil(final concentration 5ug/ml;0.1;XCi/ml)

and(ewhere indicated(MOI= 10)wereaddedatzero

time. Samples were removed and radioactivity in DNAwasdeterminedasdescribed inFig.1.(a)37C; (b) 48 C. Symbols: *, R2355pol III+, uninfected; 0,


not clear. DNA polymerase I participates in

repairDNA synthesis (15).

Rutberg et al. (27) have found that DNA synthesis of the temperate B. subtilis phage

VOL.14,1974 1339

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0 10 io 30 40 50 60 70



FIG. 3. Effect ofchloramphenicol onthesynthesis of bacterial andphageDNA ina

temperature-shift-down experiment. Strains 2344pol III+ and2355pol Il'" weregrownat37C to 2x 108cellsperml. One minutebefore infection,each culturewasdivided into

four portions, all ofwhich were transferred to48C. [2-'4C Juracil (final concentration5Ag/ml;0.1 ACi/mI)

and 4e where indicated (MOI = 10) were added at

zero time. Chloramphenicol (CAP, final

concentra-tion 100ug/ml)wasadded20minafter infection.One minute later, theshift to37Cwasperformed.

Sam-ples were removed and radioactivity in DNA was

determinedasdescribed inFig. 1.(a) Shiftto37Cin absenceofCAP; (b)shiftto37Cinpresenceof CAP. Symbols: A,2344pol III+ uninfected; A,2344pol III+

infected with 4e; *, 2355pol III'S uninfected; Q,

2355polIII'sinfectedwith ke.

0105 issensitive to HPUra in HPUra-sensitive

host strains, but is resistant to the drug in

HPUra-resistant mutant strains. Neville and

Brown (20) and Cozzarelli and Low (5), have found that HPUra-resistant B. subtilismutants produce a mutated DNA polymerase IIIwhich isinsensitivetothedrug. Therefore, the results obtained by Rutberg et al. indicate that host DNA polymerase III is required for 0105DNA synthesis. DNA synthesis in the coliphages


and M13 was also found todepend on host DNApolymerase III (7, 19).

The synthesis of DNA of the B. subtilis phagesPBS2,SPO2,andSPOlaswellasthat of


is resistant to inhibitionby HPUra. In cells infectedwith these phages, newDNA

polymer-aseactivities weredetected (23, 27, and

unpub-lished data, respectively). However, no new DNA polymerase activity has been found in

extracts of ¢105-infected cells (27). Rutberg et

al. (27) suggested that all the B. subtilisphages

which arecapable ofdirecting the synthesis of their DNAinthepresenceofHPUra inducethe synthesis of a phage-specific DNApolymerase.

Indeed, a new DNA polymerase was purified

fromphageSPOl-infectedcells (33).Therole of thenewDNApolymerasewhichappears incells

infectedwith thephages SPO2, PBS2, SPOl,or


isnotyet known. The coliphages T4, T5, and T7 were also found to induce the synthesis of their own DNA polymerases. Genetic studies have shownthat theseenzymes areessentialfor thesynthesisofphage DNA (6, 12,31).

We were interested in understanding the mechanism whereby qe arrests hostDNA syn-thesis several minutesafterinfection (16, 18,24, 25). Thisphage inducesoninfection the

synthe-sis ofbothaninhibitor ofthe hostthymidylate

synthetase and a deoxythymidinetriphosphate

nucleotidohydrolase (dTTPase) (13, 24, 25).

Previous studies have shown that depletion of

the dTTP pool in


cells is not the

only cause for host-DNA arrest by this phage.

Upon infectionwith adTTPase mutantphage,

the arrest of host DNA synthesis takes place

even in thymine requiring cells provided with

exogenous thymine (18). Another


mechanism is known to be responsible for

arresting thesynthesisofhost DNA.Mutants in

which this mechanism does not operate (18),

and consequently do not shut off host DNA synthesis, aredesignated as bda- (forbacterial

DNA arrest-). We have shown earlier (16) that

in toluenized preparations of



host DNA synthesis is blocked in a manner

which closely resembles DNA arrest in vivo. Similar (unpublished) results were obtained withlysatesof


cellsspread on cello-phane disks (28).

It is conceivable that host DNA arrest is

effectedbyaninteractionbetween thebda-gene

J. VIROL. 1340

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b 8




0 10 20 30 40 50 60



FIG. 4. Kineticsof bacterial and phage DNA syn-thesis inatemperature-shift-up experiment. Strains 2344pol III+ and2355pol III'sweregrownat37Cto 2

x 108cells per ml. One minutebefore infection,each culturewas divided intotwoportions.At zerotime,

[2-14CJuracil(finalconcentration 5ug/ml;0.1,uCi/ml) and be where indicated (MOI = 10) were added. Portionsweretransferred from37to48Catdifferent times after infection. Samples were removed and

radioactivity in DNAwasdeterminedasdescribed in

Fig. 1. (a) Uninfected cells, symbols: 0,2344pol III+

incubatedat37C; +,2344polIII+ transferredto48C at 30 min; <, 2355pol IIPs incubated at 37C; Q, 2355pol III's transferredto 48 Cat0min; x, 2355pol

lIII transferred to 48C at30 min. (b) e-Infected

cells, symbols: A,



III+incubated at 37





transferredto 48Cat 25min;




incubated at 37


A, 2355pol III" transferred


product and the host DNA polymeraseIII. We investigatedthispossibility by measuring the growth of 4e in a thermosensitive DNA

polymerase III host. It is evident that no


DNA is synthesized in cells of strain 2355pol

III" at 48 C. Accordingly, no progeny phage is produced at this temperature. Under similar conditions, both DNA synthesis and phage production were normal in


cells of

strain2344polIII+ (fromwhich 2355polIIr has

been derived) and in 4e-infected cells of the revertant strain R2355pol III+. These results indicate that the failure of ke-infectedcells of

strain 2355pol IIPO to support the synthesis of

phage DNA is due exclusively to the inactiva-tion of the thermolabile DNA polymerase III. We have obtained similar results with phage SPOl (datanotshown).

Inhibition ofbacterial DNA synthesis per se

cannot account for the arrest of phage-DNA

synthesis. This isborneoutby the finding that phage DNA synthesis is normal in

thymine-requiringhostcellsthat are starved for thymine

(unpublished data), as well as in HPUra-treated cells (18). The temperature-shift-down experiment reported here indicates that, in





thethermolabile DNA polymerase III is irreversibly inactivated at48C and hastobe synthesized denovobefore phage DNA synthesis can begin. This experi-mentalso showsthat theinabilityof


todirect the synthesis ofits own DNA in 2355pol IIP cellsat48 C is notduetothehightemperature

perse,buttotheinactivation of DNA

polymer-ase III. The immediate arrest of phage-DNA

synthesis in


2355polIIP' cellsupon

transfer from 37 to 48C indicates that DNA

polymerase III is required for phage-DNA syn-thesis throughout thestage ofphage replication. The requirement for DNA polymeraseIII by phage


isunexpectedin view oftheresistance ofphage-DNA synthesis toHPUra. The

expla-nation ofthese conflicting datamaylie with the

phage-induced bacterial-DNA-arrest protein which is responsible for host-DNA arrest. We

proposethat thisproteinmodified DNA

polym-erase III in such a way that the enzyme stops

replicating bacterial DNA and starts to repli-catephage DNA. Thesamemodification should also account for the loss of sensitivity to HPUra

by the enzyme. The connection between DNA

polymerase III and the new DNA polymerase whichappears inphage-infectedcells(33)is not clear.

48C at 10min;U,2355pol IIPstransferredto 48 C at

25 min; V, 2355pol IIPs transferred to 48 C at 35


2355polIII's transferred to 48 C at 45min.

VOL.14,1974 1341

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We are now studying in vitro the interaction

between a purified bacterial-DNA-arrest

pro-tein and DNA polymerase III.


We wish tothankJ. Grossforthe giftofB.subtilisstrains 2344and 2355; R. Losick for thegiftofphageSPO1;and B. W. Langley of I.C. I.forthe giftofthedrug HPUra.

This work wassupported by grantstoM.Marcusfromthe Authority for research and development, Hebrew University (34876) and from the Leslie Lavi research fund(057330).


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FIG.1.grownsubtilisforeml;andactivitytions,wereindicatedwas(finaltreated DNA synthesis in oe-infected cells at 37 48 C in presence and absence of HPUra
TABLE 1. Average burst size of (e grown at 37 or 48 Cin strains 2344 polIII+, 2355 pol iP8, and
FIG. 3.ofdown bacterial Effect of chloramphenicol on the synthesis and phage DNA in a temperature-shift- experiment
FIG. 4.2344polPortionsradioactivityFig.2355polandthesiscultureincubatedat2344pollIIItimescells,III"x[2-14CJuracil 108 30 Kinetics of bacterial and phage DNA syn- in a temperature-shift-up experiment


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