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Beta and gamma interferons act synergistically to produce an antiviral state in cells resistant to both interferons individually.


Academic year: 2019

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Beta and Gamma Interferons






Antiviral State in Cells Resistant



Interferons Individually


Department ofAnatomyand Cell Biology, SUNYHealth Science CenteratBrooklyn, 450ClarksonAvenue,

Brooklyn, New York 11203

Received 26 April 1989/Accepted 5 July 1989

We showed previously thatthemousefibroblastoidcell line Ltk-aprt- is resistanttothe antiviraleffectsof betainterferon. This lackofresponsereflects apartial sensitivity tothe interferon that is accompanied bya

failuretoactivate expression ofseveralinterferon-regulated genes,althoughcertain othergenesrespondina

normal manner. We show here that Ltk-aprt- cells were also unableto establish anantiviral state and to activate expression of 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase when treated with gamma interferon. Strikingly, however,

treatmentwithacombination ofbetainterferonandgammainterferonprovided complete protection against viralreplication. Although thecellswerecompletely insensitivetoupto250 U of the interferonsperml added

singly, essentiallycomplete protection from viral cytopathiceffectswasachieved whenaslittleas10 U of each

of the interferons per ml were combined. Expression of 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase was also sensitive to this

synergistic effect. Activation ofanantiviral state could also be achieved by sequential treatment, first with

gammainterferon andthenwithbetainterferon. Partial protection against viral replication could be achieved

bypretreatmentwithgammainterferon foraslittleas 1hbeforeincubation with beta interferon and could be

blockedby the addition of specific antibodiesorbycycloheximide, indicating thatgamma interferon induces thesynthesis ofaprotein whichcanactsynergistically withasignal produced by the beta-interferonreceptor. We suggestthatLtk-aprt-cells sufferfrom defectsinone or morecomponentsofthegeneactivation pathways

for both type Iandtype IIinterferons. Nonetheless, gammainterferonisabletoactivate the expression ofa

gene encoding a protein required for signal transduction. This protein acts synergistically with a transient signal producedinresponsetobeta interferon, thereby activating theexpression ofafurthergroupofgenes. Interferons (IFNs) induce the production ofan antiviral

state by binding to high-affinity cell surface receptors and thereby activate the expression of several genes encoding

enzymes with antiviral capacities (25). Although several

IFN-responsivegeneshave been cloned and theirupstream

regulatoryelements have beendefined, little is knownabout

the process of signal transduction which couples the IFN

receptors with transcription activation factors.

Characteri-zation of these signals and the transcription factors with which they interact isamajor goal. Achieving this aim would

be facilitated by the availability of cell variants which are

defective in theirresponses toIFNs but, preferably, canbe

manipulatedtorespondunderappropriatestimuli. We have beenstudyingthe effectsofIFNson avariant cell line which fails toproduce an antiviral state when treated with either



orIFN--y) (30, 31). Aswe show

here, however, a strongantiviral effect wasproduced when thecellswereexposedtoacombination of thesetwoIFNs. Our results suggest that IFN--y induces the synthesis ofa protein which acts synergistically with a signal induced by IFN-P to activate gene expression. This cell line may be

ideally suited for dissecting the pathways by which IFNs modulate gene expression, in order to identify the signals

andtranscriptionfactors involved.

To understand these pathways completely, it will be

necessaryto accountfortheeffects ofthe different classes of

IFNsonthe variousgeneswhichthey regulate.Three types of IFNs are recognized, according to the nature of the

producing cells and the stimulus for production. Thus,

IFN-a isproduced byvirus-infectedleukocyteswhileIFN-,

issynthesized byfibroblastoid cellsexposedeithertoviruses


or to double-stranded RNA. These IFNs are very similar

chemically andgeneticallyandindeed bindtothesamecell

surface receptors in both human and mouse cells (5, 20).

IFN--y is quite distinct from these type I IFNs since it is

produced by a subpopulation of lymphocytes stimulated

with mitogens or specific antigens and appears to be

in-volved in immune andinflammatory responses. IFN--y not

only differs from IFN-a and


in its chemical and

genetic properties but also binds toa separate cell surface receptor (1, 3, 5, 20, 37, 41). Although all three species of IFNs induce theexpression ofasimilarsetofproteins,there

are several differences in the nature of the responses ob-served (48). Some proteins are induced preferentially by IFN--y (7, 38),whileotherproteinsareinducedbyIFN-a and


butnotby IFN--y (8, 21, 44). Moreover, therelative

potency of different IFNsinactivating particularresponses (e.g., activation ofmajorhistocompatibility antigen

expres-sion)varies (47). Forgenes regulated byall threeclasses of

IFNs,the mechanismsbywhich type I andII species bring

about induction may be somewhat different, since protein synthesisinhibitors block induction ofsomegenesbyIFN-y while theresponsetoIFN-a isnotaffected(11, 21-23).It has also been shown that the simultaneous addition of different IFNs can lead to synergistic effects (10, 13-15, 23, 52), suggesting that different mechanisms of action may be in-volved.

We havepreviously characterized a mutantmouse fibro-blastoid cell line, Ltk-aprt-, which is refractory to the antiviral effects ofIFN-P (30, 31)while stillexhibitingother

responses,includingcellgrowthinhibition and activationof

at least one gene, 1-8, to the same level as that seen in sensitive cells(42). By transfecting specificDNAsequences into these cellswe havebeen able to restore thecapacityof 4569


Copyright© 1989,American Societyfor Microbiology

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IFN-, to activate antiviralresponses (26, 30,31).The lack of antiviraleffects inLtk-aprt- cellscorrelateswith afailure of IFN-,B to induce at least three enzymes with established antiviralproperties (2, 8, 31). Severalother geneswhichare usuallyregulated byIFN arealso refractorytoinduction in this cell line, including both positively (42) and negatively (B. Shan andJ. A. Lewis, manuscriptinpreparation) mod-ulated species. Since several genes are affected it is likely that some step in the signaling pathway between the cell surface receptor and the genome isinvolved. The fact that the cells are at least partially responsive to IFN-, (42)

indicates-thatfunctional cell surface receptors are present. As we show here, Ltk-aprt- cells are also resistant to the antiviral effects of murine


Remarkably, however, treatment of these cells with acombinationoftype I and type IIIFNS provides completeprotectionagainst viralinfection

andinduces mRNAsin amannersimilar to that seen in cells whichrespond normally toIFNs.


Cells, cell growth, and IFNs. The origin of the

Ltk-aprt-cells and conditions of growth have been described previ-ously (30). Murine


(5.6 x


U/mg of protein) was

purchased from Lee Biomolecular Research, San Diego, Calif., and the titer was determined against the National

Institutes of Health murine IFN-,B standard preparation (GbO2-902-511)onL-929 cells withvesicular stomatitisvirus (VSV) as described previously (27). Murine IFN--y was prepared fromsupernatants of aChinesehamsterovary cell line expressing a recombinant murine IFN-,y cDNA under control of the simian virus 40 late promoter (35). This cell line was a generous gift from Alan Morris (University of

Warwick, Coventry, England). Partial purification was achieved bychromatography onCibacron Blue-Agarose


elution with 50% ethylene glycol in 2.0 M NaCl to give a

preparation with a specific activity of 5 x


U/mg of

protein. Titersarereportedwithrespectto themouse


standard and were determined by using the same assay

describedforIFN-1,so theantiviral potenciesofourIFN-1

and IFN--y preparations were equivalent. Apolyclonal anti-IFN-3 serum was purchased from Lee Biomolecular

Re-search. Amonoclonal antibody, HB107, specific formurine

IFN--y was prepared from culture supernatants of a

rat-mouse hybridoma, HB107 (43).

Assays of antiviral activities. VSV was grown in L-929

cells, and the titer was determined by conventional plaque assayinthe same cells (27). Sensitivitytovirusinfectionwas

assayedbymeasuring cytopathiceffects, usingmethylviolet staining (27). Briefly, cells weregrown toconfluency in 24-or96-well dishes, treatedwithcombinations ofIFNs for the

times indicated, and then infected with VSV at 10 PFU per cell. After adsorption for 1 h, the virus inoculum was

removed and virus growth wasallowed toproceed for 24 to 48 h before staining with 0.25% methyl violet in 50% ethanol-0.9% NaCl-2% formaldehyde. The dishes were

thoroughly washed in H20, and the dye was eluted in50% ethanol-0.5MNaCl andquantitatedbyA570. Assaysof virus protein synthesis were performed in 24-well cultures. Cells were treated with IFNs, infected with 10 PFU of VSV per cell, and radiolabeled from 3.5 to 6 h postinfection with 10





[35S]cysteine (35S-Translabel;

ICN) per ml in medium lacking methionine. The cells were

lysed in 1% Nonidet P-40-0.25% sodium deoxycholate-10

mM Tris hydrochloride (pH


mM NaCl-1.5 mM

MgCl2-1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride-15 U of

Tra-sylolperml,andafterremovalof nucleiby centrifugationthe extractswereanalyzedby sodium dodecyl

sulfate-polyacryl-amidegel electrophoresis andautoradiography


Assay of 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase. 2,5-Oligo(A)


assays were performed by a modification of a


describedpreviously (31).Extractswerepreparedexactlyas

described(31), but synthesis of3H-labeled 2,5-oligo(A) was

performed in a solution assay. The extracts (25 ,ul) were

incubated in a final volume of 50 ,ul containing 10 mM HEPES





mM KCl-10 mM


ace-tate-7 mM 2-mercaptoethanol-1 mM [3H]ATP (40


with or without poly(I- C) (10


Incubation was at

30°C for60



by heating




by centrifugation,



2,5-oligo(A) was determined by binding to

DEAE-cellulose and elution with 0.34 M KCl as described



Measurement of mRNA levels. Monolayers of

Ltk-aprt-cells (10-cm culture dishes) were treated with IFNs and washed with cold phosphate-buffered saline, and the cells

were lysed in 4 M guanidinium isothiocyanate-100 mM 2-mercaptoethanol. The extracts were layered overa

cush-ion of5.7 MCsCl-25mM sodium acetate and centrifugedat


rpminaBeckman SW50.1rotorfor18 hat20°C. The

pelleted RNA was dissolved in 0.3 M sodium acetate, ethanol precipitated, and analyzed by electrophoresis on

1.3% agarose gels after denaturation in

formamide-formal-dehyde. The RNA was transferred to Nytran paper

(Schle-icher & Schuell, Inc., Keene, N.H.) and hybridized with a



as described




Ltk-aprt- cells are resistant tothe antiviral effectsof


We havedemonstrated previously thatLtk-aprt-cells failto

establishanantiviralstatewhentreated withup to2,000 U of


per ml (30). The parental L-929 cell line is strongly


aprt-VW- D


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FIG. 1. Ltk-aprt- cells are resistant to the antiviral effects of IFN--y. Ltk-aprt- cells were treated for 18 h with IFN-1 (lanes a to e) or IFN-,y (lanes f to j) at 0 (lanes a and f), 5 (lanes b and g), 25 (lanes c and h), 100 (lanes d and i), and 250 (lanes e andj) U/ml and then infected with VSV (10 PFU per cell). The cells were radiola-beled with a mixture of [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine between 3.5 and 6 h after infection, and extracts were prepared for analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography. The positions of viral proteins are indicated at the left. Extracts of uninfected cells are shown(ni).To demonstratethe efficacy of the IFNs, their effects on VSV protein synthesis in L-929 cells are shown: no addition (lane k), 100 U ofIFN-Pper ml(lane 1), 100 U ofIFN-1 per ml with polyclonal antibody toIFN-P(lane m), and 100 U of IFN--y per ml (lane n).

on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 1. Synergistic effects ofIFN-Pand IFN--y inpreventing VSV replicationa



VSVyield reductionFold

None 5.8 x 108

100 UofIFN-P/ml 5.6 x 108 1

100 Uof IFN--y/ml 1.4 x 108 4

100U ofIFN-P/ml + 100 U 1.6 x 106 363 ofIFN--y/ml

aLtk-aprt-cells weretreated withIFNs for 18 h andthen infected with

VSV (10PFU percell). After24 h themonolayerswerefrozenandthawedin

their medium and the yield of VSVwasdetermined by plaque assayonL-929 cells.

protected against VSV and mengo virus infection by 5 to 10 U of


per ml under the same conditions, with our laboratory endpoint being typically 3 reference units per ml. When Ltk-aprt- cells were treated with up to 250 U of


perml there wasonly a very slightreductionin the synthesis

ofVSVproteins (Fig. 1),indicatingthat these cells are also

essentially unable to respond to


by producing an

antiviralstate.In contrast, 100 Uof



abolished synthesis ofVSV proteins in the sensitive L-929

cell line. Measurements of virus yield also showed that



norIFN--y was able to inhibitvirusreplication

significantly in Ltk-aprt- cells (Table 1). The very slight inhibition (two- to fourfold) of VSV production by IFN--y

(Table 1 and Fig. 1) is discussed below. This failure to

activate anappreciable antiviral state in Ltk-aprt- cellswas

also seen when the cells were challenged with a different virus such as Mengo virus (results not shown). As we have shownpreviously, IFN-,B also fails to activate the expression

of several genes in Ltk-aprt- cells, although at least one

gene, 1-8, is sensitiveto induction(42).

Synergistic effects ofIFN-,Iand IFN--y.Although Ltk-aprt-cells were resistant to the effects of IFN-,B and IFN--y when each was added singly, treatment with a combination of these agents brought about complete protection againstthe cytopathic effects ofVSV(Fig. 2). Ifcellsweretreatedwith

100Uof IFN-,B per mltogether with as little as 5 U ofIFN-y

per ml, partial protection against virus-induced cytopathic effects was observed, while treatment with 100 U of both IFNs per ml afforded complete protection. IFNs added

singlytothecellsataconcentration of100U/mlweretotally ineffectual (Fig. 2). A more detailed analysis ofthe dose

requirements for the two IFNs is shown in Fig. 3. When

equal concentrations ofthe two IFNs were seriallydiluted, 50% ofthecellswereprotected fromviralcytopathic effects

by approximately 6 U ofeach per ml (Fig. 3a). Dilutionof

oneofthe IFNs in the presenceofaconstant amountofthe

other indicated thata combinationof10 U ofIFN-, perml

and approximately 5 U of IFN--y per ml was sufficient to

protect50% ofthe cellsagainst the cytopathic effects of VSV (Fig. 3b). In the presence of 10 U of IFN--y per mlsignificant

protectionof cells could be achieved with less than 1.0 Uof


per ml (Fig. 3c) even though no protection was

affordedby 100U of either of the IFNs per ml addedsingly

(Fig.3d). Thus, Ltk-aprt- cellscanbeprotected against viral

infectionby relativelylowconcentrationsof each of thetwo






FIG. 2. Synergistic effectsofIFN-PandIFN-yonLtk-aprt-cells. Ltk-aprt-cellsweretreatedwith mixturesofIFN-1 andIFN--yfor 18 hasindicated beloweach bar. Numbers refertotheconcentration of eachIFNinunitspermilliliter. Cellsweretheninfected with VSV(10

PFU percell) and stained48hlater, andthedyewaseluted andquantitatedasdescribed inthetext. Aphotographof the wells is shownat

the top of thefigure, witheachwellcorrespondingtothe bar beneath it. The dataarefromatypicalexperiment.

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£ 1.0




5 0.5



FIG. 3. Synergistic effects of different combinations ofIFN-P andIFN--y. Ltk-aprt-cells cultured in a96-well dish weretreatedwith mixtures of IFN-,B and IFN--y for 18 h and then infected with VSV(1PFU percell).After 48hthe cellswerestained,and thedyewaseluted andquantitatedasdescribed inthetext.Resultsarethemeansofduplicatedeterminations,withreplicates generallywithin7% of themean.

Numbersrefertotheconcentrations ofeach IFNin unitspermilliliter.(a) Cells treated with serial twofold dilutions ofequaltiters(100U/ml)

of thetwoIFNs. Only dilutionsneartheendpointareshown. (b) Cells treated with twofold dilutions of IFN--yin mediumcontaining10U of IFN-,Bperml. (c)Cells treated with twofold dilutions ofIFN-P in mediumcontaining10 UofIFN--yperml. (d)Cells treated with100U of eitherIFN-P orIFN-yper ml ornottreated with eitherIFNsorVSV(cell control).

IFNstogether even though muchhigherdosesareineffectual when the IFN is addedindividually.

Analysis ofthesynthesis ofVSVproteinsshowed thatthis synergistic effect of type I and II IFNs is reflected in a

decreaseintheaccumulation of viralproteins,asexpectedif the translation of viral mRNAs were inhibited (Fig. 4). Although neither


nor IFN--y wasable to prevent the

synthesis of VSV proteins when added to Ltk-aprt- cells

alone, combined treatment with 100 U ofone type of IFN per ml withas little as 5 U ofthe other per ml resulted in stronginhibition ofVSVprotein production (Fig. 4). These results suggest that, as innormally sensitive cells, the IFN

treatmentresultedinactivation of mechanisms which selec-tively prevent viral mRNA translation (26). Addition of a

polyclonal antiserumspecificforIFN-Pwith the mixtureof IFNs abolished the protection against virus replication,

indicatingthat thesynergistic effect of theIFN-Ppreparation was indeed due to the IFN and not to impurities. Similarly,

additionof a monoclonal antibody to murine IFN--y (43) also abolished the synergistic effects, demonstrating that IFN--y andnot a contaminant in the partially purified preparation was the component responsible. In some experiments a

slight reduction of VSV protein synthesis was observed when cells were treated withIFN-y alone (Fig. 1 and Table 1), but this effect could be eliminated if polyclonal antibodies

specific forIFN-3 wereincludedin the medium (Fig. 4). This suggests that the Ltk-aprt- cells constitutively produce a



which iscapableofsynergizing

with the added IFN--y. Autocrine responses to endogenous IFNshave been reported previously (16, 49).Measurement of VSVyield furtherdemonstrated the synergistic capacity

of the two IFNs (Table 1). In the experiment for which resultsare shown,IFN-1 hadno effecton virusreplication while IFN--y alone produced a fourfold reduction in VSV

yield. Addition of 100 U of both IFNs per ml produced a

360-fold reduction in virusyield,and 100 U ofIFN-y perml

with 10 U ofIFN-3 per mllowered virusproductionatleast 50-fold.

PretreatmentwithIFN--ysensitizesLtk-aprt- cellstoIFN-,I. The synergistic actions of the two IFNs could also be observed by sequential addition of the individual prepara-tions. When cellswere pretreatedwith 100 U of IFN--y per ml for 2 h or more,complete protection againstviral

cyto-pathic effectswas rendered by subsequent incubation with 100 UofIFN-,B per ml alone (Fig.Sa). Preincubation for as

littleas1 hprovidedsubstantial butpartial protectionunder these conditions, suggesting that a period of 1 to 2 h is needed for the accumulation of sufficientamounts ofsome

IFN-y-induced signaltocomplementtheeffectsofseparate incubation with IFN-P. The effectiveness of the

pretreat-mentvaried somewhat fromoneexperimenttoanother,and in some cases only partial protection was achieved by preincubatingwith 100 U ofIFN--ypermlfor 4 h (seebelow).

With 10 U of IFN--y permllonger periods of preincubation

on November 10, 2019 by guest




100 I 100 0



IFNsandantibo..i..a.,indicae for--18...-h...Afe infetio with.VSV

L~~~-n w.- .- _ _ w.

~ ~ ~ ~

..-fIG.e 4.ll SynergistioweferctofpaiFN-,and tFN- ponsynthesisf ofV

VVproteinsar indiLtk-apt- chellst.Cellswere eihrutreated of

tFNsanedatbdeasindicatedwt 0Uofo 18Nh.yMter l nfectio VSV0o


100 Uof IFN-13 permlorwith 100 UofIFN-Ppermland0, 1,5, 10,

or100U ofIFN-yperml. Cellswerealso treated with 100 U of both

IFN-Iiand IFN--y per ml togetherwith monoclonal antibodies to IFNs-y (Antib-y) or polyclonal antibodytoIFN-P(Anti-P).

werenecessary toachieve thesamelevelofprotection(Fig.

5a) and complete inhibition ofviral cytopathic effects was

only seen after a 24-h exposure. After pretreatment with IFN--y,inclusion of monoclonal antibodiesspecificforIFN--y

inthesubsequentincubationwithIFN-p didnotsignificantly

affect the development ofan antiviral state (Fig. 5b), indi-cating that the effects weredue to sequential activities and

not to carry-over of theIFN-ty intothe secondincubation.

Asexpected,theaddition ofmonoclonal antibodiesIFN-,yto during thepretreatmentdidblockdevelopmentofan

antivi-ral state (Fig. 5b).

IFN-yinduces thesynthesisofaprotein thatacts

synergis-tically with IFN-te. If the pretreatment with IFN-y was

carried out in the presence of cycloheximide for 4 h, the

synergistic effect was blocked (Fig. Sb), suggesting that


which is required for the synergistic interaction with

re-sponsesproduced byIFN-13 in the secondincubation.Inthis


experiment the 4-h pretreatment provided only

partial protection against VSV, and this was completely

abolishedby cycloheximide. In otherinstances, more

com-pleteprotectionwasaffordedbythe shortpretreatment(Fig.

5a),butcycloheximide onlypartiallyinhibitedproductionof

the ensuing antiviral state (results notshown).Thisfinding is consistentwith the induced synthesis and accumulation of a specific mRNA during the incubation with IFN--y and cyclo-heximide and subsequenttranslation of the mRNA into the active protein during the second incubationwith


after removal of thecycloheximide. The ability of IFN--y toelicit synthesis of a protein when added to Ltk-aprt- cells alone indicates the presence offunctional receptors forIFN--y on the surface of these cells, as shown previously for IFN-, (42). Although IFN--y isunable to activate anantiviral state, the Ltk-aprt- cells express a partial response toitinvolving the production of some factor orsignal, either aprotein or a product of a newly synthesized enzyme, which permits synergistic interaction withsignals produced in response to


IFN--y elicits the production of a stable factor which sensi-tizes Ltk-aprt- cells to IFN-4. To obtainfurtherinformation on the nature of the factor produced by pretreatment with IFN--y, weperformed chase experiments (Fig. 6a). A strong antiviral effect could be achieved by treatment with


for 20 hfollowed bywithdrawal of thestimulus for 8 hbefore

the addition of IFN-,. The level of protection achieved against virus infection was only slightly lower than in cells

treated with IFN--y and then treated immediately with IFN-,B. Withdrawal for shortertimes, such as 6, 4, and 2h, hadno

effect on theantiviral state (results notshown). Remarkably,

pretreatment with


for 4 hfollowed by withdrawal for 24 h and thenincubation with


gavethe same level of antiviral activity as did a 4-hpretreatment followed immedi-ately by the additionof


(Fig. 6a). This indicates that the factorproducedin response to IFN--yisrelatively stable. Mostlikely thisreflects thesynthesis ofalong-lived


although we cannotexcludethesynthesis of astablemRNA. IFN-I8 acts synergistically with IFN-,y by producinga

tran-sient signal. In contrast to the results discussed above,

pretreatment with


for 24 h orfor shorter timesdid not

permit theestablishment of anantiviral state when cellswere

subsequently incubated with IFN-y (Fig. 6b). The distinct behaviour of IFN--y and


in this type of assay suggests differences in the nature of the signals induced bythesetwo

agents and indicates that IFN-1 produces a transient signal

which can interact with a stable protein induced by IFN--y. Since double-stranded RNA has been reported to act as a

signal forinduction of genes regulated byIFNs (46, 54), we

tested its ability to actsynergistically with



Partial protection against viral cytopathic effects could also beobtained by treating Ltk-aprt- cellswithpoly(I C)in the presence ofDEAE-dextran for 1 h followed by incubation

with IFN--y but not


(Fig. 6b). Since this effect of

poly(I C)could be prevented by including


anti-bodies against


(Fig. 6b), the antiviral response was

almost certainly due to induction of


production and not to a direct effect of double-stranded RNA. We have previously determined that the Ltk-aprt- cells used in our

laboratory (30) secrete IFN in response to



treat-ment (J. A. Lewis, unpublished observations).

Induction of gene expression by combined treatment with

IFN-I and


Thelevel of2,5-oligo(A) synthetase activ-ity in extractsof Ltk-aprt-cells treated with thetwotypes of IFNs is shown in Table 2. Neither IFN-1 nor



capableofelicitingan increase in


of this enzyme when added to the cellsindividually. The addition of 100 U of both types of IFN per ml together,


led to a significant increase in activity. A combination of 100 U of one IFN permlwith 10 U of the other per mlwas sufficient to produce a lower level of induction. The stimulation of

on November 10, 2019 by guest








'r ' IL qa A. .

J,r .. I.

-Q ,a,e




FIG. 5. Pretreatment ofLtk-aprt-cells with IFN--y permitsestablishment ofanantiviral state on subsequentexposure to IFN-1. (a) Ltk-aprt- cellswerepreincubatedwith 100 U(open bars)or10 U(hatched bars)ofIFN--yperml for the times indicated. The IFNwasremoved

andreplaced bymediumcontaining100 U ofIFN-,Bperml. After 18 h the cellswereinfectedwithVSV(10PFUpercell),and 48 h laterthey

werestained andthe dyewasquantitated. Each barrepresentsthemeanofduplicatedeterminations.(b)TreatmentofLtk-aprt-cellswas as

follows:pretreatmentfor 24 h with 10 U ofIFN--ypermlfollowedby100Uof IFN-1 perml without(10-y:100 1)orwith(10 -y:100 + Anti

y)monoclonal antibodiestoIFN--y;pretreatmentfor 24 h with 10 U ofIFN--yperml with monoclonalantibodies toIFN--yfollowedby100

U ofIFN-13perml(10 y+ Anti--y:100 1);pretreatmentfor 4 h with 100 U ofIFN--ypermlin theabsence(4h 100y:100 13)orpresence(4

h 100-y+ Cx:100 13)of 35,ugofcycloheximideperml followedby100 Uof IFN-1 perml;or nopretreatment(virus control). Incubations

with IFN-1 werefor18h, and cellsweretheninfectedwithVSV andcytopathiceffectsweredeterminedasdescribed in thetext.

2,5-oligo(A) synthetase expression, however, was weak when compared with the levels seenin L-929 cells treated

with either IFN alone. Combined treatment of L-929 cells

alsogave asynergisticeffectonthelevel ofenzymeactivity (Table 2).

Northern (RNA) blot analysis of the effects of IFN on

gene expression is shown in Fig. 7. The mRNA for

2,5-oligo(A) synthetasewasundetectableinuntreated

Ltk-aprt-and L-929 cells. Only an extremely weak induction of the 1.8-kilobase mRNA could be detected in Ltk-aprt- cells

treated witheither


asreported previously (28, 42),or IFN-y. However,asignificant level of inductionwas seenin

Ltk-aprt- cells treated simultaneously with both IFNs, al-thoughthe level ofaccumulation of 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase

mRNAwaslower than thatobserved in L-929 cells treated with IFN-P alone. This is in accord with the observations presented above for the level of enzyme activity. Blots

probedfor 1-actin showed nodifferencein signal intensity, indicating that the same amount of RNA was loaded in different lanes.


The mechanisms by which interaction ofIFNs with cell surfacereceptorsleadstomodulation ofgeneexpressionare poorly understood. After bindingtothe high-affinity recep-tors, IFNsare internalized (50, 51, 53),but definitive proof asto whetheruptake of IFN into the cell is necessary for further events has been elusive (2, 6, 17, 51, 53).

Microin-jection of IFN-cx and IFN-P into cells does not produce

antiviral effects(18, 19),but severalreportshave suggested

thatintracellular IFN-y may be capable ofactivating gene

expression and an antiviral state (12, 40). Several lines of


I .

a 1.0











-% 24 8 6 4 2 1 0 a

Pretreatment with IFN-y (hrs)


on November 10, 2019 by guest







A,o a

C, ., o..



C.. A.

C,i e

0 %

.qCQq k-ir ~~~~~ ;:r(J

FIG. 6. Stability ofanIFN--y-inducedfactor which actssynergisticallywithIFN-Pand effects ofpretreatmentwithIFN-Porpoly(I C). (a) Ltk-aprt-cells weretreatedasfollows: pretreatmentfor 28 h with IFN--y followed by IFN-, (28 hy:Ochase:>);pretreatmentfor 20 h with IFN-,yfollowed byan8-hchaseingrowth medium and then an 18-h incubation withIFN-P(20 h y,8 hchase:


pretreatmentfor 4 h with IFN--yfollowed bya24-hchase with growthmedium and then an 18-hincubation withIFN-P(4 h -y, 24 hchase:,P);pretreatmentfor 4 h with IFN-yfollowed immediately by incubation for18 hwithIFN-P(4 hy,0chase:>).CellswereinfectedwithVSV, andcytopathiceffects were assayedasdescribedin thetext.Thecell controlandviruscontrol and treatment witheitherIFN-PorIFN--yareshown.Inall cases the IFNs wereusedat aconcentration of100U/ml. (b)Ltk-aprt- cells were treated with 100 U ofIFN-Pper mlfor 24 hfollowed by 100 U ofIFN--y

per ml(24hP, 24h -y)or withpoly(I *C)(50 ,ug/ml in50,ugofDEAE-dextranperml)for1hfollowedby a 24-hincubationwith 100 Uof


(polyI C,24h




C, 24 h -y)per ml or 100 U ofIFN-yper ml withpolyclonalantibodies toIFN-P(poly I C, 24 h -y + Anti


Cells were theninfectedwithVSV, andcytopathic effectswereassayedasdescribedin the text. Virus and cell controls are alsoshown.

evidence suggest that IFN-a and IFN-P operate through somewhat different pathways thanIFN-y: the receptors of typeIand type IIIFNs are separate entities (1, 3, 5, 20, 37,

41), the kinetics of intracellular degradation of IFN-y in

mousecellsaremuch slower than thosefortype IIFNs(50), andinternalized IFN-yhasbeenreported tobe transported

to thenucleus (32). Differencesinthe sensitivity of various

genestoinduction by type I andIIIFNsand in theabilityof cycloheximide to block gene expression suggest that

dis-tinct mechanisms are involved in gene activation (11, 21, 22).

It is generally supposed that binding to the receptors is

followedby transmissionofasignalorsignalswhich insome

way modulate gene expression, perhaps by causing alter-ations intranscriptional activationfactors. Recently,protein factors which bind to upstream regulatory elements have been detected inextracts of cells treated with IFNs(9, 24,

36, 39). The IFN-induced appearance of suchtranscription

factorsmustresult fromactivationofpreexisting proteins by



possibly accompanied


de novo synthesis of additional factors (11, 21-23). The

differential effects ofcycloheximide on activation of some

genes suggest that the signals generated by occupancy of type I and type II IFN receptors may not be identical, consistentwith reportsof


effects of the different typesofIFNs oncellgrowthinhibition andantiviral


(10, 13-15, 52) and on the induction of 2,5-oligo(A) syn-thetase(13, 23). Also,morethanone


islikelytobe involved in the activation ofdifferent genesbytypeIIFNs (21, 22,33,34,42),andthereforedifferentsetsof



exist, with a degree of functional overlap between those

generated bytypeIand typeIIIFNs.Analysis ofvariantcell

linesand the effects of


have shown thatsome

genescanbeactivatedwithoutaneed for











on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 2. Synergisticeffects ofIFN-PandIFN--y on2,5-oligo(A) synthetase levelsa

2,5-Oligo(A) synthetaseactivity Cells andtreatment (cpm/mgof protein per 60min) -Poly(I C) +Poly(I C)

Ltk-aprt-None 224 322

100 U ofIFN-,/ml 164 337

100 U ofIFN-y/ml 212 439

100 U ofIFN-P/ml + 100 U 369 3,590


100UofIFN-P/ml + 10 U 398 1,760


100 Uof IFN--y/ml + 10 U 466 1,088



None 665 385

100 UofIFN-,/ml 450 6,796

100UofIFN--y/ml 433 1,781

100UofIFN-13/ml + 100 U 554 15,985 ofIFN-y/ml

aLtk-aprt-andL-929 cellsweretreated withIFNs at theconcentrations

indicated for 18handharvested for enzymeassay asdescribed in thetext.

Each extract wasincubated in the absenceorpresenceof10pLgofpoly(I C)

per ml.Levels ofradioactivity determined in control reaction mixtureslacking

extract wereapproximately 400cpmwithorwithoutpoly(I C).

i.e., a primary response (11, 21, 22). For other genes,

activationmayrequiretheproduction ofaprotein(s) induced by IFNs, i.e.,asecondaryresponse. Senandcolleagues (22,

23, 46) have shown thatinsomecells the activation of gene 561 expression by IFN-ot depends on a combination of multiple signals, including a protein that is synthesized in response to IFN-a. This protein can also be induced by IFN--y, whichalonefailstoactivateexpressionof gene 516.

SubsequenttreatmentwithIFN-a(22) orother agents such

asdouble-strandedRNA andgrowth factors (46)causesthe

activation ofgeneexpressioneven inthe presenceof cyclo-heximide. Thus, a protein induced by


and IFN--y interacts withvarioussignalsto promoteexpressionof gene 561.

Ourresults with Ltk-aprt- cellshave established that this cellline ispartially sensitivetoIFNs. Although it lacks the

capacitytoestablishanantiviral stateandtoinduce

expres-sion of a particular set of genes (e.g., for 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase, eucaryotic initiation factor2 kinase, and major histocompatibility complex antigens) when treated with


andIFN--y, it stillrespondstoIFN-, byareductionin the rateof cellgrowth andby normal induction of gene I-8

(42). These results cannot be explained on the basis of

defectivecellsurface receptors, and theinability of

Ltk-aprt-cellsto respondto added cadmiumbyincreasedexpression ofmetallothionein(29), the gene for which is also regulated

by IFN, lends further support to the idea that the defect is

not at the level of receptor functioning. The results pre-sented here support this hypothesis. The dramatic effect of

combinedtreatment with


and IFN-,y shows that both setsof receptors are indeedfunctional. Inan earlier report

(42),weshowedthatIFN-,3failed to activate transcription of several genesin Ltk-aprt- cells, andthereforethedefective responses ofthis line are due either to alterations in

up-streamregulatory elements or to a failure to activate partic-ulartranscriptional activationfactors. Since many genes (at

least eight) are affected, the latter explanation seems most

likely. Theobservations presented here suggest that IFN--y


aprt-a b cd


4,D A

-L'-- 929

g hI

OW *l

FIG. 7. IFN-Pand IFN-y act synergistically toinduce expres-sion of the 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase gene. RNA was extracted from cells treated with combinations of IFNs as described in the text. Northern blots were hybridized with a probe specific for 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase (2,5 A). Ltk-aprt- cells were untreated(lanea)

ortreated for16 h with 100 U ofIFN-Pper ml (lane b), 100 U of

IFN-yper ml (lane c), 100 U ofIFN-Pper mlplus 10 U ofIFN--yper ml (lane d), 100 UofIFN--y permlplus 10 U of IFN-,Bperml(lane e), or 100 U ofboth IFN-,BandIFN-yperml(lanef).As acontrol L-929 cells were treated with IFN-13 for 0(laneg), 8(lane h),or16 (lane i) h.

canovercome this failure to activate transcription


in Ltk-aprt- cells treated with


These cells therefore provide an excellent system forstudying the mechanism by which signal transduction is coupled to gene activation.

FIG. 8. Schematic model for activation ofgene expression of

IFN-P andIFN-,y. Receptors forIFN-,3 (square)andIFN--y(circle) in the cellmembraneareshown;uponactivation bybinding of the IFNs, they give rise to signals (denoted by the arrows) which interact with transcription activation factors (TFs) causing alter-ations in gene expression. Potential blocks in these pathways are

shownbyX's. Althoughsignalsareshownassinglelines, multiple steps may be involved in fulfilling any path. eIF-2, Eucaryotic initiation factor2.

on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:8.612.] [image:8.612.318.556.482.648.2]

To accountfor the insensitivity of Ltk-aprt- cells to IFNs, we propose that a defect in signal processing exists for both type I and II IFNs, resulting in an inability to effect certain of the normalresponses, although some signaling pathways areapparently intact and thus able to activate expression of cytostatic responses and induction of gene 1-8 (42). A schematic model is shown in Fig. 8 that has some similarities to one proposed by Kusari and Sen (22) based on their studies of gene 561 induction in HeLa cells. Both models propose that IFNs activate multiple signals and that IFN--y exertsits effect in partby inducingthesynthesisof aprotein.

We suggest that type I and II IFNs activate separate but

functionally overlapping sets of signals and the absence of a required component in one set may be complemented by the other whenboth types of IFNs are present. Activation of a

particular gene or group of genes by a single type of IFN

requirestheinteractionof one or more signals with aspecific transcription factor. In Ltk-aprt- cells at least one ofthese components, a signal or a transcription factor, is absent and

hence expression ofthedependent genesisnotpossible.The

complementaryIFNhasasimilarly defective but distinctset ofsignals, one of which can replace the defective compo-nent.

Our results indicate that IFN-y produces at least one

signal (GlinFig. 8)which induces the synthesisof a protein

(Sg, for IFN--y-induced synergistic factor). This protein is

relativelystable, as seen in the pretreatment and withdrawal

experiments, and its production is blocked by

cyclohexi-mide. We propose that protein Sg is able to interact with

signal Sb produced bythe IFN-, receptor and thusactivate expression of the 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase gene and other

genes,with theproductionofanantiviralstate.Activation of

anantiviralstatebyIFN-y normally dependsonthe produc-tion of signal G2, which activatestranscription factor TFg2, butoneof these is defective inLtk-aprt- cells. Induction of 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase and major histocompatibility

com-plex gene expression by IFN--y has been shown to be

sensitive tocycloheximide in othercells (4, 11), in contrast to inductionby IFN-a. Thiscould reflectaneed to synthe-size TFg2, which is activatedbyasecond signal (G2) from the


receptor. IfLtk-aprt- cells failtogenerateG2, it is possible that Sg and TFg2areidentical and thus


may be atranscription factor analogoustoTFbl.



receptorinLtk-aprt- cells activates

transcrip-tion ofgene I-8 through signal B2, which does not need

complementation. Induction ofan antiviral state




activation ofa constitutively expressed transcrip-tionfactor, TFbl, by signal Bi.



B2,and Sb may beidenticalifLtk-aprt-cellsfailto synthesize TFbl. Inthis case atransient signal (B1 = B2 = Sb) wouldbegenerated

but couldonly activate those genes regulated by TFb2and thus an antiviral state would not be produced. In the presenceofIFN-y,however,Sg is produced andthis can be activatedby Sb, leadingtoexpression ofgeneproductswith

antiviral capacities. If Sg is the same


as TFg2, Sb would effectively replacesignalG2.

Whether thesignals whicharedefective in



are intermediates in the


or are factors which interactdirectlywithgeneregulatoryelements remainstobe

established, and the Ltk-aprt- cells


an excellent system for


the nature of these factors. We are




identify Sg

and determine whether

factors capable of


to upstream



are induced in Ltk-aprt- cells after treatment with various combinations of IFNs.


WethankM.Esteban,R.Bablanian,R.Janeczko,and M.A.Q. Siddiqui for generous support and for critical analysis of the

manuscript. The recombinant CHO cell line expressing mouse IFN-y was a generous gift from A. G. Morris (University of

Warwick,Coventry, England). PlasmidpSP65-J2containinga par-tial cDNA for mouse 2,5-oligo(A) synthetase was a kind gift of B. R. G. Williams (Hospitalfor SickChildren, Toronto, Ontario, Canada).


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FIG.1.left.efficacybyautoradiography.thenbeled3.5IFN--y.(lanese)andcells100 or Ltk-aprt- cells are resistant to the antiviral effects of Ltk-aprt- cells were treated for 18 h with IFN-1(lanes a to IFN-,y (lanes f to j) at 0 (lanes a and f), 5 (lanes b and
TABLE 1. Synergistic effects of IFN-P and IFN--yin preventing VSV replicationa
FIG. 3.andofofofmixturesNumbers IFN-,B either the Synergistic effects of different combinations of IFN-P and IFN--y
fIG.e4.llorIFNs-ytFNsanedatbdeIFN-Ii100VVproteinsarSynergistiow eferctofpaiFN-,andtFN- ponsynthesisfofVindiLtk-apt- chellst


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