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Characterization of human papovavirus BK DNA.


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JOURNALOF VIROLOGY,Jan. 1975, p. 173-181 Copyright O 1975 AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology

Vol. 15,No. 1

Printed in U.S.A.

Characterization of Human





Laboratory of Biology ofViruses andLaboratory ofViralDiseases,National Instituteof AllergyandInfectious Diseases, Bethesda, Maryland20014

Received forpublication 9 September 1974

The DNA of the BK virus (BKV) human papovavirus was found to be

heterogeneous, consisting of at least four discrete species of DNA. Only the

largest of these four species, BKV DNA (i), which has a molecular weight

calculated to be 96% that of simian virus 40 (SV40) DNA, was infectious.

Homogeneous preparations of BKV DNA were obtained, however, from virions

purified after lowmultiplicity infections of humanembryonic kidneycells.BKV

DNA(i) wasshowntocontainasingle R EcoRI and four R Hindcleavage sites.

The R Eco RI site was localized in the largest R-Hind cleavage fragment.

Radiolabeled BKV DNAreassociated slightlyfaster thanSV40DNA;20 to30%

polynucleotide sequence homology was demonstrated between the genomes of

BKV and SV40 when the reaction was monitored by chromatography on


In the last few years, two classes of hemag-glutinating papovaviruses have been isolated from humans. One ofthese wasobtained from the brains ofpatients withprogressive multifo-calleukoencephalopathy. Mostofthe isolatesof

this categoryofhumanpapovaviruses appear to

be relatedimmunologicallytothe originalJ. C.

prototypevirus (17, 15).

The other classofhuman papovaviruses was first detected in the urine of a renal allograft recipient (B. K.) on immunosuppressive ther-apy(5). Agentsindistinguishable from the origi-nal BK virus (BKV) have subsequently been isolated from the urine of four of 74 renal

allograft recipients studied (2). Although hu-manpathogenicity remainstobe demonstrated,

Gardner has shown that antibodies inhibiting

hemagglutination of erythrocytes by BKV are

ubiquitous in the human population studied (4). Takemoto et al. detected BKV-specific

antibodies in 70% of a human sera sample collectedbetween 1949and 1952,priorto

wide-spread immunization with polio vaccines (25).

On the other hand, 2.0 to 3.8% of sera from humans not exposed to polio vaccines contain

simian virus 40 (SV40)-specific antibodies (21,

22). Thissuggests that BKVdidnot evolvefrom the SV40 which was a contaminant of some earlyvaccine preparations.

Although BKV shares some properties with

SV40, the two agents can be readily distin-guished from one another. SV40 grows to high

titer in African green monkey kidney cells;

infection ofhumancells isinefficient, resulting

inlowand variable yieldsof virus.BKV,on the otherhand, canbe propagated in several differ-ent human cell lines and grows poorly in Vero cells(25). Likepolyoma andunlikeSV40, BKV

causes hemagglutination of erythrocytes (5).

This reactioncan be inhibitedbyBKVhamster or rabbit antisera but is unaffected by SV40 antisera (25). No cross-reactivity, as measured by complement fixation or immunodiffusion, canbedemonstrated betweenantiseraprepared against either SV40or BKV and the heterolo-gousvirus (14).

Hyperimmune serum to BKV can partially neutralize SV40 plaque formation on African

green monkey kidney cells (25). In addition,

antisera prepared against SV40 V, T, and U antigens cross-react by the indirect fluorescent

antibody technique with cells infected with BKV (25; Takemoto, unpublished data). A cross-reaction betweencapsid antigenshasalso been detectedby immune electron microscopy

(18). Whereas the BKVgenomehasbeen shown to be in the supercoiled configuration, restric-tion endonuclease cleavage patterns have led

Osborn et al. to suggest that SV40 and BKV DNAs are significantly different (16). This studyfurthercharacterizesthephysical

proper-ties of BKV DNAand examines the

polynucleo-tide sequence homology between SV40 and



Cells. BSC-1 cells were grown in Eagle minimal essential medium supplemented with 10% fetal calf 173

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serum. Human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, pur-chased from Flow Laboratories, Rockville, Md.,were

propagated in Eagle minimal essential medium con-taining 2x vitamins and amino acids and supple-mented with 10% fetal bovineserum.

Virus andviral DNA. BSC-1 cells were infected with the small-plaque variant ofSV40 at an input multiplicity ofapproximately0.1PFU/cell,and virus was purified 6 to 8 days after infection,aspreviously described (6). 32P-labeled virus was prepared by carrying out the infection in phosphate-free Eagle

minimal essential medium containing carrier-free

[32P]orthophosphate (100 uCi/ml) (6). 3H-labeled


[3HJthymidine (10 uCi/ml) beginning at 30 h after infection.Unlabeled and radiolabeled SV40 DNA was prepared from purified virions after an incubation with 1% sodiumdodecyl sulfate (50C)and isopycnic centrifugation in CsCl-ethidium bromide, as previ-ously described (6).

BKV that had been passaged three timesin Vero cellswasplaquepurifiedinHEKcells. A virus stock was thenprepared andused to infect other HEK cells at a multiplicity of approximately 0.1 PFU/cell.

Infected cell cultures wereusually harvested 8 to 10 days after infection, at whichtimethe

hemagglutina-tion titer of the medium was 1:80 or greater. S2p_ labeled BKV was prepared as described above for SV40. [32Plorthophosphate (80,Ci/ml) wasaddedto

infected HEK cells 24 h after infection; in those studies in which very low (less than 0.01 PFU/cell)

input multiplicities of BKVwere employed,

[32PJor-thophosphate was added at the earliest evidence of

cytopathic effect(6 to10days after infection). BKV

DNA wasprepared frompurified virions as described above or directly from infected cells by differential salt precipitation (8).

Both BKV and SV40 DNAs were mechanically sheared at 50,000 lb/in2 in a Ribi cell fractionator (Ivan Sorvall)to amolecular size of3.1 x 105priorto

DNA-DNA reassociation experiments (6).

DNA-DNA reassociation. 32P-labeled, frag-mented, denatured BKV DNA was allowed to

reas-sociate alone or in the presence of an excess of unlabeled SV40 DNA fragments in 0.14 M sodium phosphate bufferat60C. Samples wereremoved at various times and analyzed for single- and double-stranded DNAbyhydroxyapatite chromatographyas

previously described (6).

Restrictionendonuclease cleavage of viral DNA. (i) R EcoRl.Reactionmixtures (0.2 ml) containing

0.1 MTris-hydrochloride, pH 7.5, 0.005 MMgCl2, 10

to30ngofsupercoiled viral DNA, and 0.1 to 0.5 U of R-Eco Rl (a generous gift of George Fareed) were incubated at 37 C for 30 min (3). Cleavage of viral DNA I was monitored by rate zonal sedimentation through 5 to 30% (wt/vol) neutral sucrose or by electrophoresis in agarose gels.

(ii) R Hind. Preparations ofR Hind were gener-ously supplied by Michael Chen and DanielNathans. Mixtures (0.05 ml) consisting of 6.6 mM Tris-hydro-chloride, pH 7.5, 6.6 mMMgCl2,50 mMNaCl, 5 to 50

ngof32P-labeledviralDNA, andsufficient R Hind to

effect complete digestion of substrate DNA were

incubated at 37C for 16 h. The cleavage products

wereevaluated bypolyacrylamidegelelectrophoresis.

Agarose gel electrophoresis. Electrophoresis

through 1.4% (wt/vol) agaroseslab gels (17 by 12by

0.3 cm) wascarried out at60 Vfor16hat20 C in40

mM Tris-hydrochloride, pH 7.8, 5 mM sodium ace-tate, and 1 mM EDTA as previously described (7). DNA bands were visualized after the additon of ethidium bromide (0.5 ug/ml) to the gel and electro-phoresis bufferby the method reported by Sharp et al. (23). DNA waspreparatively recovered from agarose gelsby homogenization of specific gel fractions with a 2x volume of elution buffer (O.1x standard saline-citrate [0.15 M NaCl; 0.015 M sodium citratel, 0.1% sodiumdodecylsulfate, and 1 mM EDTA) in a Teflon tissuehomogenizer. The homogenate was shaken on a rotating platform for 16 h at 37 C; agarose was removed by centrifugation at 7,500 x g for 10 min. The agarose was washed with 1x volume of elution

buffer, which was then pooled with the original

supernatant. Between 60 and 90% of the supercoiled viral DNA could be recovered by this procedure with minimal conversion to nicked circular or fragmented DNA forms. Eluted DNA was further purified on G-100 Sephadex containing Dowex 50 as previously described (26).

Agarose-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Samples (up to 0.05 ml) to be analyzed by composite electrophoresis were incubated for 30 min at 37 C in1%sodiumdodecyl sulfate prior to their application

to slab gels (17 by 12 by 0.3 cm) consisting of 3%

polyacrylamide and 0.5% agarose. Electrophoresis

was carried out for 16 h at 20 C at 50 V in a buffer consisting of 40 mM Tris-hydrochloride, 20 mM sodium acetate, and 1 mM EDTA adjusted to pH 7.2 with acetic acid. Autoradiograms were made from driedgels by direct contact with KodakRP/R2X-ray



Heterogeneity of BKV DNA. The DNA isolated from purified BK virions co-banded with SV40 DNA I in CsCl-ethidium bromide

isopycnic gradients at a density of 1.60 g/cm3,

confirming a previous report indicating its su-per coiled configuration (16). Whereas BKV DNA appeared to cosediment with SV40 DNA I in neutralsucrose, thewidthofthe BKVDNA band suggestedthat it was not ashomogeneous

as the SV40 DNA marker. Therefore,

32P-labeledBKV DNA wasanalyzedby

electropho-resisthrougha1.4%agarosegelin anattempt to

further evaluate its homogeneity (Fig. 1). At least four discrete bands of BKV DNA were resolved after electrophoresis through agarose compared with the single band ofSV40 DNA.

The four BKV DNA species were present in

both the DNA I(Fig. 1, right)and DNA II(Fig.

1,left)regions ofthe gel.ThelargestBKV DNA molecules, BKV DNA (i), migrated slightly more rapidly than SV40DNA I and DNA II,

174 J. VIROL.

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'C b





I '


x a


FRACTION NUMBER (mm migrated)

FIG. 1. Agarose gel electrophoresis of BKVandSV40 DNAs. Approximately 50 ng of92P-labeledBKVDNA

(0)and 200 ng of'H-labeledSV40 DNA (a) weresubjectedtoelectrophoresis on a 1.4% agarose slab gel (17 by

12by 0.3 cm) for 16 h at 60 Vas described inMaterialsand Methods.Thegel was cutinto1.0-mm slices which wereindividually dissolved in 0.2 ml of30%oH,02andassayed for radioactivity.

indicating that BKV DNA (i) was somewhat smaller than SV40 DNA. The more rapidly migrating species of BKV DNA (ii, iii, and iv)

haveelectrophoretic mobilitiescorresponding to molecules 80 to 90%o the physical size of BKV DNA (i). The heterogeneity of this prototype BKVDNAwasalso suggestedby the agarose gel electrophoresis patterns reported by Osborn et al. (16).

Serial high multiplicity passageof

papovavi-ruses has been reported to cause significant

rearrangements ofviral DNA (28), particularly

when nonplaque-purifiedvirus is employed(9). In general, the viral genomes which evolve are smaller than wild-type genomes, are defective intheir ability to replicate autonomously, and areoftenheterogeneous in size. Discretespecies of defective supercoiled molecules, however, that are smaller buthomogeneous in size have been identified after high multiplicity passage of SV40 (29, 11). The existence of the four

species of BKVDNAsuggestedto us that only BKV DNA (i) was infectious and that the shorter BKV DNAs (ii, iii, and iv) represented defective deletions of the parental genome. Accordingly, 32P-labeled supercoiled BKV

DNAs (i to iv) were purifiedfrom infected HEK

cells by differential salt precipitation (8) and preparatively separated from one another by electrophoresis through a 1.4% agarose gel. Approximately 106 HEK cells were separately

infected with 3.5 x 10-2to 8.3 x 10-2 yg of each

of the four BKV DNAs in the presence of

DEAE-dextran (1 mg/ml) (12). A cytopathic

effect was noted in cells infected with BKV DNA (i); the other three BKV DNA prepara-tions (ii to iv) evoked no response under the conditions employed. The virions which

ap-peared afterBKV DNA (i) infection wereused to infect other HEK cells. The progeny viral

genomes obtained from this second infection

consisted predominantly of BKV DNA (i),

al-though small amounts ofthe other BKV DNA specieswere observed afteragarose gel electro-phoresis.

A second type of experiment was also per-formed to assess the infectivity ofthe various forms ofBKV DNA. HEK cells were infected with undiluted BKV stock as well as 10-' and 10-6 dilutions of virus and labeled with

["P]or-thophosphate as described in Materials and Methods. The progeny viral DNA from the

undiluted innoculum was heterogeneous


2); at the 10-' dilution, BKV DNA (i) wasthe predominant newlysynthesizedviral DNA

spe-cies,althoughsomeBKV DNA (iv)waspresent. Whereasvery smallamountsofBKV DNAs (ii,

iii, and iv) may have been present in the

progeny atthe 10-6dilution,onlyBKVDNA(i)

could be detected (Fig. 2). This experiment

suggests that BKV DNA(i)canreplicate

auton-omously, whereas the other three BKV DNA species are defective and require the helper

functionsupplied byBKVDNA (i).This


alsoindicatesthat defective forms ofBKVDNA

appear (even at a 10-4 dilution) which can

accumulatetobecome the predominantclassof

BKV DNA (Fig. 1).



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A -e




FIG. 2. Electropherogram of progeny BKV genomes extracted from cells infected at varying input

multiplicities.32P-labeled supercoiled DNAwaspurified from HEK cells infected with undilutedBKVstockor

10-'and10-6 dilutions by the Hirt procedure (8). Portionsweresubjectedtoelectrophoresis inagarosegelsas

described inMaterials and Methods. Migration is from top tobottom.

Restrictionendonucleasecleavage of BKV

DNA. Homogeneous 32P-labeled supercoiled

BKV DNA (i) was prepared from cells in-fected witha10' dilution of BKV(Fig. 2).This

DNA preparation was cleaved by R Eco Rl to

full-length linear molecules with an S value of

14.5 in neutral sucrose, confirming a previous reportthatasinglerestrictionendonuclease site waspresent in the BKVgenome(16).

Digestion of 32P-labeled supercoiled BKV

DNA (i) with R -Hind enzyme resulted in four

cleavage products (Fig. 3, panel 2). The BKV

R-HindDNAfragmentsrangeinsizefrom0.34 x 106to 1.5 x 106 daltons(Table 1). Assuming

that each of the four cleavage products is

presentonetime in the parentalviral genome, the size of BKV DNA is 3.45 x 106 daltons,

comparedwith 3.6 x 106 daltons forSV40, when

its molecular weight is calculated in a similar


incomplete digestion of BKV DNA (Fig. 3,

panel 2) most likely represents the uncleaved





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FIG. 3. Electropherogramof restrictionendonuclease cleavage products ofSV40 and BKVDNAs. (1) R Hin

ddigestion of 32P-labeled SV40 DNA. (2) R -Hin d digestion ofBKV DNA (i) with two concentrations of

enzyme.(3)R*EcoRIplusR*Hinddigestion ofBKVDNA(i).Allsamplesweresubjectedtoelectrophoresisin

composite3o acrylamide,0.5%agarose slabgels (17by12by0.3cm) asdescribedin Materials and Methods.

BKV R-Hind fragments CandD,since its size (7.1 x 105 daltons), calculated from its mobil-ity, is very similar to the sum ofthe sizes of these two cleavage fragments (7.5 x 105


To localize the R Eco Rl cleavage site in

BKV DNA (i), 32P-labeled viral DNA was

successively cleaved with R Eco Rl and R-Hindrestrictionendonucleases, andthe

reac-tion productswere analyzed by electrophoresis

in composite polyacrylamide-agarose gels (Fig.

3, panel 3). The two new cleavage products



andA2) were9.2 x 105 and

6.0 x 101daltonsinsize, respectively, as

calcu-lated from their electrophoretic mobilities

(Table 1). The sum oftheir molecular weights (1.52 x 106) corresponds closely to that

calcu-lated forfragment A (1.50 x 106).Theamount

ofR -Hindfragment A remaining after digestion

with both restriction endonucleases has been

greatly reduced. This result indicates that the

R Eco Rl site is located within R-Hind

frag-ment A.

Polynucleotide sequence homology

be-tweenBKV and SV40 DNAs. In view ofthe

cross-reactivity detected by indirect

immuno-VOL.15,1975 177





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TABLE 1. Molecular weights ofBKV restriction endonuclease DNA fragments


elec-BKVDNAfragment trophoretic Molwtb mobilitya

R.Hind A 0.540 1.50 x 106

R. Eco RI, R .HindA, 0.849 0.92 x 106 R Eco RI, R HindA2 1.302 0.60x 106

R.HindB 0.651 1.20x106

R.HindC 1.784 0.41x 106

R Hind D 2.047 0.34x 106

RHind(CD)C 1.140 0.71x 106

aThe ratio of the electrophoretic mobility of the

BKV DNA fragmenttotheelectrophoretic mobilityof SV40 R Hind DNA fragment A in a composite 3%

acrylamide, 0.5%agarosegel.

hMolecular weightscalculated from electrophoretic mobilities calibrated with SV40 R Hind DNA frag-ments andadenovirus 2R.Eco RI DNA fragments.

Intactmolecular weightsof3.6 x 106forSV40DNA and 23 x 106 for adenovirus 2 DNA were used in making determinations(19).

cFragmentrepresentingaR Hindpartial digestion

productof BKV DNAmigratingbetweenfragmentsB

andC (Fig. 3,panel 2).

fluorescence,wedecidedtoexamine the

polynu-cleotide sequence homology between these two

agents. When "P-labeled, fragmented,

unfrac-tionated BKV DNA wasallowedtoreassociate

in 0.14M phosphate buffer, its


was 1.7 x

10-3; under the same conditions, SV40 DNA

reanneals with a COt;of 2.0 x 10- 3.

NucleotidesequencehomologybetweenSV40 and BKV DNAs was assessed byobserving the

effect ofunlabeledSV40 DNAonthekinetics of

reassociationof32P-labeledBKV DNA.Since it

quicklybecameapparent thatonlyaportion of the polynucleotidesequenceswereheld in

com-mon, it was necessary to analyze the data in

such a way that a quantitative relationship

could be established. The time required for half-renaturation (t) of the radiolabeled BKV DNAwas calculatedby modifyingtheequation for a second-order reaction described by

Wet-mur and Davidson (27). Thus:


= t/t½ + 1,

where 8 isthefraction of theradiolabeledDNA

remaining single stranded, t is the period of

time the DNAhas beenallowed to reassociate,

andt½ isthe timerequiredfor50% ofthe DNA

to reanneal. The t½ value, calculated as the

average of six different determinations during

the reassociation of32P-labeledBKVDNA, was

17.1h. The curve of


plotted versust/t,, for

this reassociation isastraightline(Fig.4, open

circles), indicatingasecond-orderreaction.The

reassociation of 32P-labeled BKV DNA, in the

presence of an excess ofunlabeled SV40 DNA

which is only partially homologous to the la-beled BKV DNA, is a more complex reaction.

The rate of reassociation ofthat portion of the

BKV DNAwhich is homologous to a portion of the SV40 genome will be accelerated, whereas

the kinetics of reassociation of the remaining

BKV genome sharing no homology with SV40

will be unaffected. We have analyzed such biphasic reactions using the equations devel-oped by Sharp et al. (24). For "P-labeled unfractionated BKV DNA reassociating in the

presence of a 100-fold molar excess of unlabeled

SV40 DNA, theoretical curves for various

de-grees of homology can be generated from the


1 =



X1 + X2

t t

101-+1 -+1

t½ t½

where xl is the fraction of BKV DNA with

homologytoSV40 DNA andx2isthe fractionof BKVDNA withnohomologytoSV40DNA.The results of this experiment as well as the theo-retical curve for 20% polynucleotide sequence homologyareshowninFig.4.The


data (Fig. 4, closed circles) correspond closely

to the theoretical curve generated for 20% homology.

Since unfractionated BKVDNAconsistsofat

least four separable DNA species (Fig. 1), we

repeated the experiment shown in Fig. 4 with each oftheindividual radiolabeled BKV DNA components


by preparative

agarose gel electrophoresis. The results of this study

(Fig. 5) indicate that 20 to 30% ofeach ofthe BKV DNA species is homologous with SV40

DNA.The dataforthe infectiousBKV DNA(i)

approach thetheoretical curve for 20% homol-ogy.


The results of these studies show that the

supercoiledDNAisolated from purified BKV is heterogeneousand consists of at least four sepa-rable species. A previous report also suggests that viral DNA prepared from prototype BKV is nothomogeneous(16). Whereas the

heterogene-ity of BKV DNA could serve a necessary role

during the lytic interaction between BKV and

humancells, it seems more likely that it reflects

its initial isolation or subsequent passage

his-tory. In this regard, serial undiluted passage of

another papovavirus (SV40) results in

dele-tions, substitudele-tions, and insertions of host cell

178 J. VIROL.

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1l5 A





0 02 04 06 08



FIG. 4.Reassociation of radiolabeled BKVDNA in the presence ofan excess ofunlabeled SV40DNA.

"2P-labeled BKV DNA (105 counts/minperMg) was

allowed to reassociate at a concentration of 1.18 x

10-22g/ml in the presence (0) orabsence(0) of a

100-fold excess of unlabeled, fragmented SV40DNA in 0.14 M sodiumphosphatebufferat60C. The per-cent DNA in duplex molecules was assayed by

hy-droxyapatite chromatography as described in

Ma-terials and Methods. The ty, forthe reassociation of

32P-labeledBKV DNAalone(17.1 h)wasthe average

ofsixseparate determinations. 7hedashed line is the theoretical curve for thereassociation ofBKV DNA

alone; the solid line represents the theoretical curve

for the renaturation of labeled BKV DNA in the presenceofa100-foldexcess ofSV40 DNA, assuming

20%o polynucleotide sequence homology.

DNA, leadingto the accumulation ofdefective viral genomes (1, 9, 10, 20, 28). The

rearrange-mentsthatoccurresult in viral DNAmolecules

thatareshorter thanparentalgenomes(28) and that fall in the size range we observed for the BKV DNAs (ii, iii, andiv). Whereas there isno evidence that the BKV isolate was ever

pas-saged at very high virus-to-cell ratios, efforts

were not made to propagate this agent at low

input multiplicities. It is worth noting that BKVwasinitially passagedinVerocells rather than human cells, a step that may favor the

emergence of defective viral genomes.

Subse-quent studies have indicated that BKV

infec-tionofmonkeycells isinefflcient (25).

It must be concluded, however, that

short-ened, defective forms of BKV DNA evolve

despite our attemptstoinfectcellsatlowinput

multiplicities. Of the four DNAspecies

exam-ined, only BKV DNA (i) was infectious under the conditions employed. This result was

con-firmed when the progeny of serially diluted

BKV wereevaluated.WhentheBKVstockwas

diluted 10' and used toinfect HEK cells, the predominant DNA species present was BKV


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0



FIG. 5. Reassociation of fractionated, radiolabeled BKVDNA in thepresence of an excessof unlabeled

SV40 DNA. 32P-labeled, fractionated BKV DNAs

(i [o0, ii[A], iii [L 1,and iv K)])(105counts/min per Mgg) were allowed to reassociate alone (2.9 x 10-2

Mg/mI) or in the presence of unlabeled SV40 DNA

(5.8ug/ml) in 0.14 M sodiumphosphatebufferat60

C. The percent "2P-labeled DNA reassociated was

assayed by hydroxyapatite chromatography. The t,

for the reassociation of each of the four "P-labeled

BKV DNA fractions alone was the average of six separate determinations: BKV DNA (i), 10.1 h; BKV DNA (ii), 7.6 h; BKV DNA (iii), 5.8 h; and

BKVDNA (iv), 6.8 h. The theoretical curves shown

in the figure represent, from bottom to top: no homology, and 10, 20, and 30% polynucleotide se-quencehomology toSV40 DNA.

DNA (i); at a 10-8dilution,only BKV DNA (i) was detected (Fig. 2). Our interpretation of these findings is that the BKV stock contains high concentrations ofdefective viral genomes. Astheinnoculum isdiluted, theprobabilityof a

single cell being infected with both infectious and defective virions is reduced. Thus, lower relative amounts of"helper" virus are present atthe 106dilution of thevirusstock, resulting

in the appearance of only nondefective BKV

DNA (i).

Recent studies oftwo other papovavirus iso-lates that are serologically indistinguishable

fromBKVsuggest that genomeheterogeneityis

not an intrinsic property of this agent. Both

isolateswereobtainedfromtheurine ofpatients with Wiscott-Aldrich syndrome (Takemoto et

al., J. Nat. Cancer Inst., in press), and their

viral DNAs comigrated with BKV DNA (i) in

agarose gels (Howley et al., manuscript in

preparation). No additional short DNA



on November 10, 2019 by guest




cules were visualized. Cleavage of the viral

DNA from one of these isolates with R Hind

resulted in four fragments which comigrated with the four bands we observed with BKV DNA (i) (Fig. 3). In addition, polynucleotide

sequence homologystudies between the nucleic

acids of SV40 and each of these two isolates, both of which have been passaged exclusively

in human cells, confirm the 20%


de-tected with the DNA of the original BKV iso-late (Fig. 4) (Howley et al.,


in preparation).

Despite thedissimilaritybetweentheR -Hind cleavage patterns ofSV40 and BKVDNAs,the twoviral genomes share


20% of their nucleotidesequenceswhen the hybridiza-tion reaction is analyzed by hydroxyapatite chromatography. The observed


was somewhat greater for the purified, shortened,

defective BKV (ii, iii, and iv) genomes. The higher values could reflect the selective deletion

of sequences unique to BKV DNA.

Alterna-tively, thesequences


to SV40DNA may bereiterated during thegeneration of the defective viral genomes.


in ourlaboratory,theplusstrandof32P-labeled

SV40 DNA was reannealed to an excess of 3H-labeled BKV DNA, and the extentof

reac-tionwasdetermined byresistancetothe

single-strand specific nuclease, Si.


11% homologywasobserved with either unfrac-tionated BKV DNA or purified BKV DNA (i)

(Khoury et al., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., in press).

Takemoto has demonstrated a cross-reaction between the T antigens ofBKV andSV40 (25)

aswellas across-reaction with SV40Uantigen

(K. Takemoto, unpublished data). The

nucleo-tidesequencesspecifyingT andUantigenshave

beenassignedtotheearly regiononthephysical

map of SV40 DNA (13). Such immunological

cross-reactivitysuggeststhathomologybetween BKV and SV40 DNA involves sequences lo-cated in the early region ofthe SV40 genome.

Thepartial neutralization of SV40infectivityby

hyperimmune BKVserum, andthe cross-reac-tion betweenviralcapsid antigensmeasuredby

the fluorescentantibodytestand immune elec-tron microscopy, suggest possible nucleotide sequence homology between the late region of SV40 DNA and the BKV genome (5, 18, 25).

Experiments delineating the specific areas of

homology are inprogress in this laboratory.


WethankGeorge Khoury for his helpful discussions and suggestions and are indebted to Janet Byrne for her excellent technicalassistance.


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FIG. 1.were12(0) by Agarose gel electrophoresis of BKVand SV40 DNAs. Approximately 50 ng of 92P-labeled BKVDNA and 200 ng of 'H-labeled SV40 DNA (a) were subjected to electrophoresis on a 1.4% agarose slab gel (17 by 0.3 cm) for 16 h at 60 Vas described in
FIG. 2.described10-'multiplicities. Electropherogramof progeny BKV genomesextracted fromcellsinfectedat varying input 32P-labeled supercoiled DNA was purified from HEK cells infected with undiluted BKVstock or and 10-6 dilutions by the Hirt procedure (8)
FIG. 3.denzyme.composite digestion Electropherogram of restriction endonuclease cleavage products of SV40 and BKVDNAs
TABLE 1. Molecular weights of BKV restrictionendonuclease DNA fragments


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