CopyrightC 1990, American Society for Microbiology
Analysis of
Regulation Functions:
Binding of
Product Correlates with ElA
Repression Function
and DNA Synthesis-Inducing
Departmentof MolecularPhysiology and Biophysics, Vanderbilt UniversitySchool ofMedicine, Nashville, Tennessee37322-0615,1 and ColdSpringHarbor Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor, New York117242
Received 26 April 1990/Accepted 14June1990
AdenovirusElAtransforming function requirestwodistinctregions of the protein. Transforming activity is
closely linked withthepresenceofaregiondesignated conserved domain 2 and the ability ofthis regiontobind
the product of the celular retinoblastoma tumor suppressor gene. We have investigated the biological properties ofthe second transforming region of ElA, which is locatedneartheN terminus. Transformation-defectivemutantscontaining deletions in the N terminus (deletion of residues betweenamino acids 2 and 36)
were deficient in the ability toinduce DNA synthesis and repress insulin enhancer-stimulated activity. The functionof the N-terminal regioncorrelatedclosely with binding of the 300-kilodalton ElA-associatedprotein and not with binding ofthe retinoblastoma protein. These results indicate that transformation by ElA is
mediatedbytwofunctionallyindependent regions oftheprotein which interact with differentspecific cellular
proteins andsuggestthat the300-kilodaltonElA-associated protein playsa major role in ElA-mediated cell growthcontrol mechanisms.
The adenovirus ElA gene products are the major
tran-scriptional regulators synthesized early during infection.
Theseproteins mediate both thetranscriptional activation of virus early promoters andthe inhibition of
enhancer-stimu-latedtranscription (1, 2, 17, 21, 26, 35, 44, 51, 53). The ElA
proteins are also sufficient to establishanextended growth
potential inprimary cells (18, 39) and areableto cooperate
with the products ofsecond oncogenes such as the
adeno-virusE1Bgene or anactivatedrasgene producttoinducea
morefully transformed phenotype inprimary cells (11, 39, 43, 49).
Thetechniquesof invitromutagenesishavefacilitatedthe
localization ofsomeofthesebiological functionsto specific regionsin the ElA protein products (reviewed inreference
33). This analysis has been aided by the availability of
sequence information for the ElAgenes from a variety of
adenovirus serotypes (23, 50), which encode proteins con-tainingthreedistinctregionsofhighlyconserved amino acid
sequence termedconserved domains 1, 2, and 3. The
loca-tion of these regions in the ElA proteins is illustrated
schematically inFig. 1.
Conserved domain 3 distinguishes the larger ofthe two
major(13Sand12S) earlyElAmRNAproducts. Itisclosely
associated with the functionrequiredforactivation of other
virus transcription units (3, 12, 19, 28, 29, 32, 47) and is
dispensable for ElAtransforming functions (14, 29, 60) as
well asenhancer inhibition functions (2, 51).
Conserved domain 2 is required for ElA transformation functions (20, 25, 27, 33, 34, 41). This domain appears to constitute a discrete structural and geneticunitcommon to the transforming proteins of several divergent classes of DNAtumorviruses (10, 31, 36). The transformingfunction ofdomain 2 and its homologs appears to derive from their
* Correspondingauthor.
capacity to bind the approximately 105-kilodalton (kDa) product of the retinoblastoma (RB)tumorsusceptibilitygene
(4, 7, 31, 55).
Although domain 2 plays an essential role in ElA trans-forming functions, it is not sufficient for these functions. A secondregion N-terminally distal from and not contiguous with domain2is alsorequired for transformation activityin
primary cells (20, 30, 41, 42, 46, 56). Loss of transforming
activity resulting from deletion of theN-terminal regioncan occurwithouttertiary disruption of domain 2structure. The evidence supporting this is the demonstration that an N-terminal deletionpeptide is abletocooperateintranswitha
domain 2 deletion peptide (30). This unusual
trans-cooper-ating activity supports the argument that each biologically
active region is functioning autonomously during transfor-mation. Ifso, thenconserved domain 2 and the N-terminal region may mediate distinctly different biologicalactivities
required intransformation.
Toinvestigatewhether the N-terminaltransformingregion
of the ElAproducts may mediatebiologicalevents distinct from those associated with conserved domain 2, we
con-structed andanalyzedaseries ofdeletionmutants upstream of domain 2 for theirabilitytotransformprimaryBRKcells,
induce DNA synthesis, repress insulin enhancer-stimulated
transcription, and bindto ElA-associated cellularproteins.
Ourresults confirmthe identification ofaclass ofN-terminal ElAtransformation-defective mutants that retaintheability
to bind the 105-kDa RB gene product (8, 57). We show further that these mutants are defective compared with domain 2 mutants in their ability to induce DNA synthesis
and inhibitinsulinenhancer-stimulated transcription. These activities correlate with binding ofa previously noted (16, 59)ElA-associatedproteinof 300kDa. Theseresultssuggest
that the N-terminal region and conserved domain 2 play
essential butindependent rolesduring ElA-mediated
trans-formation. 4421
on November 10, 2019 by guest
TABLE 1. Focusformationonprimary-cultured BRKcells
No. of foci from
Plasmid cotransfected 10 plates in Mean%
with pT24-H-ras expt no.: induceda
1 2
pE1A.WT 61 88 100
pElA.81-120 22 36.1
pElA.76-120 18 35.9
pElA.73-120 27 39.4
pElA.51-116 39 51.9
pElA.15-35 0 0 <1.5
pElA.2-36 0 0 <1.5
pElA.CXdl(121-150) 0 0 <1.5
pElA.CXdl(121-150) + 28 22.7
pElA.CXdl(121-150) + 12 13.6
aData are expressed as percentages of numbers ofwild-type foci, as
described in Materials and Methods. Each mutant wasassayed inatleast
threeindependent experiments,includingthose whose resultsareshown here.
Cells and viruses. Monolayer cultures of the 293, HeLa,
and HIT T-15 2.2.2 celllines were maintainedasdescribed
previously (6, 32). All viruses were propagated on 293
monolayers. AdSdl3O9 and Ad5dl312 (22) were obtained
from T. Shenk. Primary BRK cellswereprepared by
India-napolis, Ind.) treatment ofkidneys from 6-day-old Fisher
Transformation assays. Cellswere transfected2to 3
afterplatingasdescribedpreviously (34).Alltransformationassaysweredone incooperation with pT24-H-ras
obtainedfromFasanoetal. (9).Thetrans-cooperationassay has also beendescribed previously (30). Resultsin Table 1
are indicated as percentages ofwild-type activity. This is
derived fromtheratioof the average numberof fociperplate
in the test transfection to the average number of foci per
plateinaparalleltransfectionwithawild-type ElAplasmid.
All percentages represent the averagedresults fromatleast three independent experiments. The total number of
wild-type-induced foci in eachexperimentwasinthe range of 25
to75.Several stable cell linesweregrown outfrom individ-ualfoci induced by eachmutant orcombination ofmutants
giving positive results, and the ElA protein products
ex-pressed were analyzed by immunoprecipitation. The lack of
detectable contaminating wild-type products and the
pres-enceofappropriate mutantproducts were verified by
com-parison with the products expressed in BRK cells infected with the analogous mutant viruses as described previously
Construction ofmutants. Mutant ElA.CXdl(121-150) has been described
(30, 34). The ElA mutantspSVXL.124(153-289) and pSVElA (wild type) were gener-ously provided by Anna Velcich and have been described elsewhere (52). The remaining mutants were generated by
"loop-out" mutagenesis (62) using synthetic oligonucleo-tides ranging in length from 20 to 40 nucleooligonucleo-tides. The
oligonucleotideswerehybridized to single-stranded template DNA generatedfrom pUC118 vectors (containing a
bacte-riophageM13origin of replication) grown in the presence of M13helper phage, in somecasesaccording to the method of Kunkel (24) to increase the efficiency of mutant isolation.
Restriction fragments containing the deletions were
trans-ferredby standard recombinant DNA techniques to a
wild-type genomic ElA
and thecoding
region oftheentire transferredfragmentwassequenced (40)to verify that there were no second-site mutations. The
plasmids were named for the amino acid residues deleted:
pElA.81-120,pElA.76-120,etc. ElAmutantplasmidswere
rebuilt into complete viruses as described
previously (32).
The retention of the proper translation framewasverifiedby nucleotide sequencing of the plasmids and
the demon-stration that theexpressed proteins
maintain a monoclonalantibody epitope (M73) nearthe C terminus.
cell cultures(diameter,
6cm) wereincubated with 0.1 mCi ofTran[35S]label(ICN)
inmethionine-freeDulbecco modified
medium from 17to 19 h
were done asdescribed
previously (16). Samples
numbers of cells were loaded in each lane. The monoclonal antibodiesM73, pAB419, and C36have been described
previously (15,
andwereprovided by
E. Harlow.DNAsynthesis.Viral Hirt assays and
[3H]thymidine (ICN)
were done as describedprevi-ously
(61). The maximum standard deviation in theseexper-imentswas 24%.
Repression of insulin enhancer-stimulated
Trans-fections were
performed by
the calciumphosphate
precipi-tation method describedby Wigler
et al.(58).
Ten micro-gramsof total DNAcontaining
of the -700 CATratIIinsulin enhancer
expression plasmid
and 1.25 ,ug of eitheranElAexpression
orcarrier DNA(pUC19)
and added to a 100-mmmonolayer
of HIT T-15 2.2.2cells at 20to 30%confluency.
Theprecipi-tates wereremoved4h
and thecellsweretreated with20%glycerolandDulbeccomodified
medium for 2 minbefore addition of fresh medium. Cells were harvested for
assays 40to48 h later. CATenzymatic
assays wereperformed
as describedby Gorman et al. (13). The first-exon mutants with the
as 12S cDNAexpression
muta-tion makesa 13S cDNAbut deletes part ofthe 13S
region in addition to domain 2. The second-exon mutant,pSVXL.124(153-289),
is agenomic
which expresses truncated versions of both the 12S and 13S ElA mRNAproducts. The activities of the first-exon mu-tants werecomparedwith that of
p12S.WT (34).
The activ-ities ofpElA.CXdl(121-150)
and the second-exon mutant,pSVXL.124(153-289),
with thatofpSVElA
ofthe reporterplasmid
was reducedby
and byafactor of5bypSVE1A.
N-terminalElA sequencesrequiredfortransformation
ac-tivity.Weandothers have shown that thereare tworegions within the firstexon ofElA thatare required for transfor-mation. Onebiologicallyactive sitecorrespondscloselywith theboundaries of the
conserved sequencesin domain 2(Fig.
1). In an attempt to localize the active site in the upstream ElAregion, we have made a systematic seriesof deletion mutants in the region upstream of domain 2. Theendpoints
of the deletions are indicated in Fig. 1. Thesemutantplasmidswereassayed forbiological activityina ras
cotransformation assay.
The results (Table 1) show thatadeletionextendingfrom residue 51 to residue 116 retains substantial transforming
Smaller deletions extending from within conserved domain 1 to the upstream border of domain 2 also retainon November 10, 2019 by guest
40 80 120 140 188 289
3121 150
81 120 76 120 73 120
51 116
15 35
2 36
FIG. 1. Summary of thestructure ofElA mutants upstream of
domain 2. The ElAproteins (=) containthreedomainsof highly
conserved amino acid sequence alternating with less-conserved
regions. Conserved domains1and 2occurin both of themajorearly
ElA splice products, while domain3is uniquetothe 13S product.
Thenumbers above the bars indicatethe endpoints ofvariousElA
deletion mutants. The deleted regions are indicated (_). All
deletions retain theoriginal frame of translation. Amino acid
posi-tion numbers refertothe positionsasthey wouldoccurin the 13S
product. WT, Wildtype.
activity. Incontrast, as shown before, adeletion removing
domain2,pElA.CXdl(121-150), shows almostnoactivity.In additiontohelping define sequences nonessential for
trans-formation, this analysis helps demonstratetheautonomyof
domain 2 structure and function. The critical residues for
domain 2 functionbeginatposition 121. Each deletionin the
series in which residues51to116, 73to 120, 76to120, 81to
120, and 86to 120aredeletedintroducesadifferentcontext ofproteinsequencecloseorimmediately adjacenttodomain
2yetdoes not seriously impair domain2function.
Wealso made deletions nearthe extremeN terminus. In
contrast to the deletion of residues 51 to 116, deletions extending from residues 2 to 36 or 15 to 35 showed no
activity at all (Table 1), although they do encode stable proteins (Fig. 2 and additional data not shown). Both of these mutations remove only sequences outside of
con-served domain 1, suggesting that the strictly essential
up-stream sequenceslie toward theextremeN terminus of the
ElA products rather than across the whole region of
con-serveddomain 1.
Inordertoexclude the possibilitythatlossoffunction in the N-terminal mutants was merely a consequence of
ter-tiaryeffectsresultinginimpairment of domain2function,we
determined the activity of the mutant constructs in the
trans-cooperationassay. Deletionofconserved domain 2 in
ElA.CXdl(121-150) renders the ElA products profoundly
defective for transformation activity. The requirement for domain 2 functioncan, however, besupplied intrans. This
cooperating activityisnotaresultofarecombination event,
sincepropertranslation of the peptide products isrequired
foractivity (30).TheE1A.2-36 andElA.15-35mutantswere
analyzed in this assay to determine whether their loss of
transformingfunctionwas aconsequenceofanimpairment
indomain 2 function. As illustrated in the resultsin Table1,
theE1A.2-36 andElA.15-35mutantswereabletosupplythe
trans-cooperating domain 2 function efficiently to the
ElA.CXdl(121-150) mutant. This result indicates that the E1A.2-36 and ElA.15-35 mutants are not transformation defective as a consequence of a disruption in region 2
tertiarystructureandsupports theproposalthat thereareat
FIG. 2. Immunoprecipitations of ElA mutantpeptides from vi-rus-infected HeLa cells. Extracts of infected HeLa cells were
immunoprecipitated as described previously (31) with ElAfusion
protein-specificmousemonoclonal antibody(16)seriesM73(lanes1
to9). Extracts from ElA wild-type(Ad5.dl309, the parental virus for all the mutantconstructs)-infected cellswerealso
immunoprecipi-tatedwithacontrolsimianvirus 40 T-antigen-specificmouse
mono-clonal antibody, pAB419 (lane 11), which does not recognizeany
products specifically in host cells, or ahuman RB product-specific mouse monoclonal antibody, C36 (lane 10). Immunoprecipitates were run onsodium dodecylsulfate-7.5% polyacrylamide gels. The
labels above lanes 3 to 9 indicate the ElA amino acid residues deleted. Theendpoints of the deletionsareindicated schematically
in Fig. 1. The position of the specific RB gene product band at approximately105kDa isindicatedby the lowerarrow ontheright.
Thehigherarrowindicates theposition of the unidentified 300-kDa
cellular protein which also associates with the ElA products. Numbers on the left indicate the positions of molecular weight markersinkilodaltons. The areain which theheterogeneous prod-uctsofthe ElAgene runisindicated byabracketontheright. WT, Wildtype;Ab,antibody.
least twoseparateactive sitesrequiredfor ElAtransforming
The upstream region involved in transforming function correlates with binding ofthe 300-kDa ElA-associated
pro-tein. The ElAproteins have theabilityto binda numberof cellularproteins(16, 59), oneof whichhasamolecularmass
of 105 kDa and has been identifiedastheproduct of the RB tumorsuppressor gene(7, 55). Themutantsdescribedinthe section above were rebuilt back into virus constructs to facilitate assay of the ElA proteins and their association with cellularproducts.Theabilityof the mutant ElA
prod-ucts to bind tothe RBgene product, p105-RB, and another
prominent, butasyetunidentified, productwithamolecular
massof 300 kDawasassayedwith infectedHeLa cells(Fig. 2). There is alsoaprominentp107-associated protein which binds to a sitein domain2close to oroverlapping with the
p105-RB-binding site (8, 57). The binding ofp107 was not
severely affected in the N-terminal mutants describedhere
orinElA.928 (Fig. 2)and willnotbeconsideredfurther.
Sequencesin domain2arerequiredfor stableassociation with the RB product but not with the 300-kDa product (8, 57). This pattern can be seen in Fig. 2 in the domain 2 missense mutant, E1A.928. Results with the mutants de-scribed here indicate that the region between conserved domains 1 and2(residues81 to120)isnotrequiredfor stable WT
81-120 76-120
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:3.612.] [image:3.612.362.526.79.274.2]RB gene
product association,
butwe were unabletodetectRB gene
association in mutantsextending
intodomain 1 past residue
these mutantsre-tained
transforming activity.
deletions bound the RB geneproduct efficiently.
detectably. Coprecipitation
of the 300-kDaproduct
was also not detected with the mutants in whichsequencesin conserved domain 1 weredeleted. The
domains1and 2(residue
fur stable 0O0-kDaprotein
association. Thesere-sults are in
agreement with themapping
studiesreported previously
(8, 57).
The characteristics of the E1A.2-36deletionindicate that
theRB geneproduct
isinsufficient forElAtransfor-mation
TheE1A.2-36andElA.15-35deletionprod-ucts not
bound the RB geneproduct physically
but alsobound it
as determinedby
a domain 2 deletion mutant(Table 1).
the E1A.2-36andElA.15-35
mutantshad notrans-forming
activity by
themselves(Table 1).
The results shown inFig.
2 suggest that both the 300-kDa andp105-RB
may beimportant
for ElA-mediatedtransformation.Ifso,
inter-actions with two
independently acting regions
within theElA
the N-terminalregion
andconserved domain 2. To addressthequestion
ofautonomy moredirectly,
from deletions in theseregions
and repress insulinenhancer-stimulated
N-terminal deletion mutantsare
in theability
toinduce DNA
and viralreplication.
ofthe N-terminal mutant E1A.2-36 to induceDNAsynthesis
and viralreplication
in BRK cells. Wecompared
with thoseoftwodomain 2mutants,ElA.928andElA.CXdl(121-150).
The 928mutationisapoint
mutationinresidue 124 that affects
domain 2activity.
mutation deletes allofdomain2and part of domain 3. Thetransformationdefect in theElA.928point
mutantisas severe as that in the
we have shown that these domain 2mu-tants retainan
to induce DNAsynthesis
in BRK cells
their severetransforming
Viral DNAwas
extractedfrom[3H]thymidine-labeled infected cells
a modified Hirtprocedure.
Thelevels of
into viral DNA fromAd5dl309
E1A.WTvirus parentforall theElAmutantsused in this
domain 2mutant),
and theN-terminal mutant E1A.2-36 were
The results shown inFig.
3Aindicatethatthe E1A.2-36 deletionimpairs
of the ElAproducts
to induce virus DNAreplication
afactor of about 10.The
viral DNA in infected quiescentcells
twoElA functions: thecapacity
toinduce thecellular DNA
functions and theability
totransac-tivateother viral
Thelatteractivityisafunction of conserved domain 3. To determine that theimpairment
in the E1A.2-36 deletion mutant is actually a defect in theability
toinducecellular DNAsynthesis functions,
with E1A.2-36 and a domain3-defective mutant, ElA.hr3. The
mutant isse-verely
defectivein theability
totransactivate viralproducts(12)
andtherefore in theability
viral DNA(Fig.3B).
This mutant,however,
retains theability
to induce cellular DNAsynthesis
sufficient to supportrapid
0f °
r( 0
10~~~~~~0 t
FIG. 3. Analysis of virus DNA productionininfectedquiescent
cells. Primary BRK cellswereinfected at amultiplicityof infection of 10 PFU percell. Coinfection experiments weredone at a total
multiplicityof 10, i.e., 5 PFU of each virus per cell.[3H]thymidine
was addedapproximately 1 h postinfection, when the unabsorbed viruswasremoved. At 30 h postinfection, virus DNAwas extracted andsampleswerecounted. Thecountsperminutewere normalized tothose from cells infected witha near-totalElA deletion virus, Ad5dl312.
tensive proliferation of BRK cells (61). Coinfection of the E1A.2-36 and E1A.hr3 viruses resulted in near-wild-type
levels of viralDNAsynthesis (Fig. 3B), indicating that these
two sets ofproductsindeed contribute separate functions.
If the activity impaired in the E1A.2-36 mutant were indeed independent of both domain 3 and domain 2 activi-ties, we would expectthatE1A.2-36 could also be
comple-mented forviral replication by the ElA.CXdl(121-150)
mu-tation, which inactivates both domains 2 and 3. Figure 3B
shows that such complementation canindeed occur. These
results suggest that induction of DNA synthesis correlates
morecloselywith the N-terminaltransforming function than
with the domain 2transforming function.
N-terminal ElA mutants aresignificantly impaired in the ability to repress insulin enhancer-stimulated activity. We
have demonstrated previously that both the 13S and 12S ElA mRNA protein products repress insulin enhancer-stimulated transcription in pancreatic 1B cells (44, 45). To
identifymoreprecisely theregion(s)in ElA that isrequired
for repression, we transfected the deletion mutants with
-700CAT,aplasmidthat containsthecoding region of the
bacterial CATgenelinked to the ratinsulinIIgene enhancer-promoter. The insulin expression plasmid was introduced
into an insulin-producing 1B cell line, HIT T-15 2.2.2, by
calcium phosphate coprecipitationwithor withoutthe ElA
expression plasmids. Protein extracts were prepared 48 h
after transfection andassayedfor CATenzyme levels.
The mutants with deletions atresidues73to120, 76to120, 81to120,86to120,121to150[ElA.CXdl(121-150)],and153
to289repressedinsulinenhancer-stimulated transcriptionas
efficientlyastheirrespectivewild-type parental plasmids did
(Fig. 4) (see Materials and Methods for description of
plasmids). However,theE1A.2-36, ElA.15-35, and
ElA.51-116 N-terminalregionmutantsrepressed -700 CAT
expres-sion at less than 10% of the wild-type level. These results suggestthat insulin enhancer repression, like the ability to induce DNA synthesis, correlates more closely with the N-terminal transforming function than with the domain 2
function... ..
on November 10, 2019 by guest
. 1.00
3075 0o
0D 0 0 0 m
s X zo o oo o a
rtl r) = N NJ N Ni It) E
-) -zCON
[image:5.612.]Site of Amino AcidDeletion
FIG. 4. Ability of N-terminal ElA mutants to repress insulin
enhancer-stimulatedtranscription. HIT T-152.2.2 cellswere
trans-fected as described in Materials and Methods by using insulin
enhancerplasmid DNA,-700CAT,ElAmutantplasmid DNA, and
carrierpUC19 DNA. Reportergene activity wasassayed by
mea-suringCATenzymelevels. Theresultsareexpressedasfractions of
E1A.WTrepression. The experiments were repeated onfive
dif-ferent occasions;data shown are fromone representative experi-ment.
Twophysically independent regionsof ElA mustboth be functional in order for its transforming activityto be mani-fest (30). One of these regions constitutes the relatively
well-definedsequencesdesignatedconserveddomain 2.
Do-main 2 sequences are shared by several DNA tumorvirus
transforming proteins, andthetransforming function ofthis
region is closelycorrelated with its RB gene product-asso-ciating activity (4, 5, 7, 31, 55).
Asecondregion, noncontiguousandN-terminallydistalto domain2,islikewiseabsolutely requiredfor ElA
transform-ingfunction(20, 30, 41, 42, 46, 56). Herewe haveanalyzed
the biological activities associated with the required N-terminal sequences. Our results suggest that the ability to induce DNA synthesis in quiescent cells and to repress insulin enhancer-stimulated transcription colocalize rather
closelyandcorrelate with the N-terminaltransforming func-tion. Theyare independent of the RB gene product-associ-ating activityof the ElAproductsandcorrelate muchmore
closely with binding of the unidentified 300-kDa cellular
The summary of this evidence is as follows. First, the
required N-terminal activity can be abolished absolutely
with little apparent physicalorfunctional disruption of RB gene product binding. Second, the ability to induce DNA
synthesisis severely impairedinamutant(E1A.2-36)which
has lost the N-terminal transforming activity, althoughthis
activity is relatively unaffected in mutants which have lost
domain 2 function and RBgeneproduct-associating activity.
Infact, a complete domain 2 deletion mutant can
comple-ment theE1A.2-36 N-terminal mutant forviralreplicationin
quiescent cells. Third, mutants with defects in the
N-termi-nal transforming function are severely impaired in their
ability to repressinsulin enhancer-stimulated transcription;
in contrast, domain 2 mutants are nearly wild type for
repressionin thisassay.
Since the ElA proteins associate with several cellular products, it is tempting to speculate that the second E1A-mediatedtransforming activityinvolves association with one of these products. A strong candidate for a required N-terminal association is the 300-kDa cellular product whose association with the ElA products requires sequences from residue 2 to approximately residue 70 (8, 57).
In addition to its biological consequences, the E1A.2-36 deletion severely impairs the ability of the ElA products to bind the 300-kDa product. However, the suggestion that association with the 300-kDaproduct maybe a basic part of the biochemical mechanism by which ElA mediates these functions is not entirely consistent with the properties of mutants such as ElA.51-116, which lacks sequences within conserved domain 1. ElA.51-116 does not appear tobindthe 300-kDa or RB products but is at least partially positive in the biological functions assayed here.
Onepossibilityis that the conserved sequences of domain 1 play an important role in stabilizing the binding of the ElA-associated proteins but do not encode their actual required binding sites. The apparent lack of RB and 300-kDa product binding with domain 1 mutants could be only a consequence of the stringency of the coimmunoprecipita-tion assay compared with the sensitivity of the biological assays. This suggestion is supported directly by the results and analysis ofEgan et al. (8), who found that domain 1 sequences are not strictly required for RB gene product
association. This suggestion is also consistent with the intermediate phenotype of the ElA.51-116 mutant. In con-trast, the severely defective phenotype of the E1A.2-36 mutantsuggeststhat this deletion affects the active site more directly.
Thecolocalization of the biological activities required for
induction of DNA synthesis and repression of the insulin enhancer suggests that these activities may be related. It seems likely that ElA transforms cells by directly or indi-rectly modulating the expression of cellular genes involved in growth control. It is possible that association of the
300-kDaproductand the ElAproteins negatively regulates
transcription of a set of cellular genes important in cell growth control. Possible cellular targets include the JE, c-myc, and stromelysin genes, whose transcription is strongly repressed by ElA during adenovirus-mediated
transformation. Thisrepression activity isimpaired in ElA
mutantsnearthe Nterminus but doesnotrequire sequences in domain2 (48).
A strong consensus of data now indicates that an ElA enhancer repression function localizes to the extreme N terminus. However, the N terminus may not be the only region of ElA required for repression of enhancer-stimu-lated transcription. While several studies have found that domain 2 and second-exon sequences are dispensable, or
nearly so, for repression function (20, 38, 46, 48), other studies have indicateda moreimportantrole of domain 2 and
second-exon sequences in repression of simian virus 40, polyomavirus, and immunoglobulin enhancer activity (27,
52). We have obtained the domain 2 and second-exon
mutants that were defective for repression in those studies from thoseinvestigators (27, 52)andfound thattheyarewild typeforrepressioninoursystem(datanotshown).Itmaybe that the region ofElA requiredfor
is enhancerdependent. Possibly, during ElA-mediated transformation,
the negative regulation of different cellular genes requires
different sequence domainsof ElA.
Inbroad outline, availabledata indicate that theextreme
Nterminus ofthe ElA messageencodes anessential
on November 10, 2019 by guest
forming function. The essentialregionmayoverlap with but
doesnot appear tobe centereddirectlyinconserved domain 1, as several investigators (20, 41, 56) have also found that
deletions of conserved domain 1 sequences from about
residue 60 to 80 arelessdeleteriousthan deletions closerto
theextremeNterminus, even onessuchasE1A.2-36 which
donotactuallyincludethehighlyconserved sequences. The
majority, atleast, of the sequences in conserved domain 1
mayplay an important supporting butnot strictlyessential role in transforming function. The distinction between the
actualNterminusand theconservedregionthat liesnearthe N terminus is important in understanding the structural
significanceof the ElA protein. Theactual Nterminus isa
structuralunitdistinct fromconserved domain 1. Itsprotein properties are entirely different in terms of netcharge and
predicted secondary structure (for example, conserved
re-gion 1 is highly proline enriched and contains several
turns,whilethe N terminus hasnopredicted turns).In addition, these regions are physically separable by a
completely nonessential
region extending
atleastfromresi-due 25 to35 (8, 20).
An important corollary to thedistinction between the N
terminus and conserved region 1 as the active site is the
ability to study independently the effects of binding of
different cellularproteins. Conserved
1playsarole inbinding both the RB and 300-kDa
while the Nterminus isnotrequiredfor RBproduct
The major-ity of mutations examined in previous studies lie within conserved region 1. We now know that they affect bothbinding functions and that this
tomake correlations betweenbiological activities and
binding functions. Theusefulness ofthisseparation
offunc-tionsis seenin theabilityof the E1A.2-36 deletionto block
completely the repressive effects of
transforming growth
factor 131 on myc expression in human keratinocytes (37), suggesting that the ability of ElA and related proteins toblocktransforming growthfactor 131 functioncorrelateswith the RB product-binding region of ElA rather than with
transforming function generally.
The conclusion emerging is that there isa striking
corre-lation between specific biological activities ofElAand the
binding of the 300-kDa product. The specific biological activities include induction ofDNAsynthesisandthe
repres-sion of certain enhancers; both activities are essentially independent of domain 2 function and RB gene product
binding. Wearecontinuing worktodetermine the
biochem-icalnatureof therequired N-terminal activityand toidentify theprecise amino acid sequencesencodingthisfunction. It
will also be of interest to understand the structural and
functional relationshipsbetweenElAactive sites and those
ofthetransforming proteins ofother classesof DNA tumor
This work was supported by Public Health Service grants CA-46436andCA-13106(to E.M.) and GM-30257 (to R.W.S.) from the National Institutes of Health and grant 47095 from the Juvenile DiabetesFoundation (to R.W.S.). E.M. is the recipient of a Junior Faculty Research Award (JFRA-206) from the American Cancer
Society. R.W.S. is the recipientof a Career Development Award from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. J.W. was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation. P.Y. was supported by Public Health Service training grant CA-09311 from theNationalInstitutes of Health.
We thankRegina Whittaker,Nancy Dawkins, Theresa Lavenue, and HowardMasouka forexcellent technical assistance and Eileen
White and Ed Harlow forhelpfuldiscussions and criticalreadingof themanuscript.
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