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Effect of intracellular vesicular stomatitis virus mRNA concentration on the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis.


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Copyright © 1983,AmericanSociety for Microbiology




Vesicular Stomatitis

Virus mRNA

Concentration on the Inhibition of Host Cell Protein Synthesis


Departmentof Microbiology, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801

Received 13 August1982/Accepted 1 October 1982

Inhibition of host cellular proteinsynthesis by vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has been suggested to be primarily the result of competition for ribosomes between cellularand viral mRNAs (H. F.Lodishand M. Porter, J.Virol., 36:719-733, 1980; Lodish and Porter, J. Virol. 38:504-517, 1981). This hypothesis was investigated byregulating theextentof VSV mRNAsynthesis through theuseof defectiveinterferingparticles.Althoughintracellular VSV mRNA concentrations decreased by as much as a factor of 14 at high multiplicities of infection of defectiveinterfering particles, theinhibitionof host cellprotein synthesisby VSV decreased byamaximum of only 10%. The dataalsoindicated that under these conditions the protein-synthesizingcapacity of the cells was notexhausted. We concluded thatcompetition for cellular ribosomes couldnothavebeen the major factor in the inhibition of host cellproteinsynthesisby VSV. This conclusionwas further supported by inhibition data obtained with VSV mutants. The ts G22 mutant, defective in replication butnot inprimary transcription, inhibited host proteinsynthesis atthe nonpermissivetemperature (39°C)tothesame extent as didwild-type virus,eventhough it generated only 30to50% of theamountof viral mRNA as did wild-type virus. Conversely, in infections with the Rl mutant, which did not inhibit host cell protein synthesis, the amount of total and polysome-bound viral mRNA was indistinguishable from that obtained in infec-tionsbywild-type virus.

Infection of mammalian cells with vesicular stomatitisvirus(VSV) results in the inhibition of cellular macromolecularsynthesis(1, 12-14, 28, 29).Although it has become clear that transcrip-tion ofatleast some viral functions is required for this inhibition (12,29), neither thenatureof thesefunctions northeir cellulartargetsites are

known. Mostoftheinhibitionofcellularprotein synthesis byVSV takesplaceatthetranslational level (10). Stannersetal.(26) have isolated VSV mutantswhichareunabletoinhibit hostprotein synthesis; however, the natureofthe mutation was not established. Nuss et al. (16) have sug-gested that VSV mRNA might initiate protein synthesis more efficiently than does cellular mRNA and thus take overthe protein-synthesiz-ing components ofthe cell. Lodish and Porter (10) have determined the sizes of polysomes translating various cellularmRNAs in uninfect-ed and VSV-infected cells and concluded that theinhibition of cellularproteinsynthesisisdue primarily to competition for ribosomes by a

largeexcessofviral mRNAs. Since thenumber of ribosomes in polysomes ofviral and cellular mRNAsofcomparable sizeswasabout the same in infected cells, these authors concluded that



of viralmRNAinitiation couldnot

significantly differ from that of cellular host mRNAs. The competitive nature of viral and host mRNA translation was also reported in a laterpublication by Lodish and Porter (11). A correlation between the intracellular viral mRNAconcentration and theextentof cellular protein synthesis inhibition in infections with various VSVwild-type andmutant isolateswas demonstrated.

Intracellular VSV mRNA concentrations are basically determined by two events, primary transcription by the incoming virion inoculum and amplifiedtranscription during which newly synthesizedviralnucleocapsidsareutilized. Pri-mary transcription usually contributes up to

10%, depending onthe multiplicity of infection (MOI), of the fully amplified level of VSV mRNA(27). By inhibiting virion RNA replica-tion to various degrees, intracellular VSV mRNAconcentrations couldberegulatedin the rangeof10 to100% oftheamplifiedvalue. This should make itpossibleto measure directly the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis as a

function of VSV mRNA concentrations. Since chemical means ofinhibitingvirion RNA repli-cationmightaffect cellularprocesses,regulation

wasaccomplished bytheuseofdefective


on November 10, 2019 by guest




fering (DI) particles. These particles inhibit viri-on replication without interfering with primary transcription (4, 17). Therefore, mixed infec-tions of VSV and various MOIs of DI particles shouldbe suitableforanexamination of thedose effect of VSV mRNA onhostprotein synthesis inhibition. The results presented here show that inhibition of BHK host cellproteinsynthesis by VSV wasessentially independent of DI particle concentration evenwhen the intracellular VSV mRNA concentration dropped to 7.4% of its fully amplified value. We also found that the ts G22 mutant of VSV inhibited BHK cellular protein synthesisto adegreecomparabletothat by the wild-type virion even when the mutant genomewas notreplicated. Finally,we showed that the intracellular and polysomal concentra-tions of viral mRNAs during infection with the Rl mutant(26)wereapproximately thesame as those during infection with thewild-type virion eventhoughthe mutant virus did notinhibit host cell protein synthesis during the first 4 h after infection.



(BHK-21, clone13)weregrown inmonolayersaspreviously

described(7, 21).

The following isolates of the Indiana serotype of

VSV were used in this study: MS (21); ts G22,

obtained from C. R.Pringle (18);andRl,provided by

C. P. Stanners (26). Viralinocula, freed of DI

parti-cles, werepreparedbyafivefoldclonal selection and

enrichment in BHK cellmonolayersat 39°C (MSand

R1) or31°C (tsG22) by the method ofStampferetal.

(25). After plaque purification, the ts G22 isolate

exhibited a temperature-sensitive dependency of

greater thantwoordersofmagnitude. The Rl isolate

hasbeenpreviously reportedtoexhibitanattenuated

cytopathic effect (26).However,after clonalselection,

we observed the samedegree ofcytopathiceffect with

either Rloritswild-typeparent in BHK cells. Inspite

of thisdiscrepancy, theclonally enriched Rl didnot

inhibit cellularproteinsynthesisaspreviously

report-ed(26). The MS isolatewasalso usedforasourceof

DIparticles,VSIMS DI 0.23(5',5%)(seereference 19 fornomenclature), whichwereobtainedbyundiluted

passageof the viral inoculum.

Preparationandpurificationofvirions, DIparticles,

andparticle-boundRNAs.Theisolation of virions and

DIparticles has been reportedpreviously(2).

Concen-trations of DI particles were determined by

absor-bance measurements at 260 nm


with a Cary 14

spectrophotometer (Applied Physics Corp.,

Monro-via, Calif.). EffectiveDIparticleMOIswere

calculat-edasfollows. Virionplaque assays indicated that one

A260unitcorrespondedto 3x 109PFU.Assumingthat

the same percentage of virion and DI particles is

biologically active and correcting for the one-third

difference in their sizes (20),wetook oneA260unit to

beequivalenttoapproximately1010active particles.

To radioactively label virion proteins, MS

virus-infected cells wereoverlaid withserum-and

methio-nine-free mediumcontaining4pCiof[35S]methionine

(1,000Ci/mmol; NewEngland Nuclear Corp., Boston,

Mass.) perml.After 18 to 24 h ofincubationat39°C,

virions were isolated as described above and then

pelletedat35,000 rpm and 4°C for 90 min inaBeckman

R40 rotor. Viral pellets were lysed and prepared for

electrophoresis as described below for cellularpellets.

MS virion RNA,radioactivelylabeledwith tritium in

all fourbases, was prepared as previously described


Interferenceassays.Interferenceby DI particles was

quantitated as previously described (2) except that

progenyvirus was measured at 4h instead of 18 h after


Assay for intraceilular protein synthesis. BHK

con-fluent monolayers in 60-mm (5 x 106cells) or 100-mm

(1 x 107cells)tissue culture plates were either virus

infected at an MOI of 5 or mockinfected at39°Cwith

occasionalagitation. Forexperiments using DI

parti-cles, MS virions andappropriate dilutions of DI

parti-cles were allowedtoadsorbsimultaneously. After 30

min,the cells were overlaid with prewarmedmedium

andmaintained at 39°C.

At various times after infection, the medium was

replaced with methionine- and serum-free medium

containing 0.5 to 1.0 ,uCi of[355]methionine. After 30

min (viralinfections) or 45 min (DI particle infections),

the cells were washed twice with cold

phosphate-buffered saline and then overlaid with 5 ml of 10o

trichloroacetic acid (TCA). After 5 min, the TCA was

replaced with5ml offresh 10%o TCA foranadditional

5 min. Intracellular pools of radioactive precursors

were measured bydissolving 0.9 ml of the first TCA

rinse in 6 ml ofAquasol (New England Nuclear) and

counting ina Beckman LS-250 scintillation counter.

The cells were thendehydrated with two 5-min washes

ofethanol-ether (3:1), air dried, solubilized in 1 ml of

freshly made 0.2% NaOH, added to 6 ml of Aquasol, and counted.

Preparation and gel electrophoresis of intracellular

proteins. Infected and mock-infected cells in 60-mm

plates were pulse-labeled for 30 min at 3 h

postinfec-tion with 4,uCi of[35S]methionine per ml. The cells

wererinsed twice with coldphosphate-buffered saline

and then overlaid with 2 mlof cell resuspension buffer

(25 mMTris-hydrochloride [pH 7.9],1mM MgCl2,0.4

mM CaC12, 0.5 mMdithiothreitol) (24). After being

scraped from the plates andpelletedat2,500 rpmfor

10min in aSorvall GLC-1 centrifuge, thecells were

dissolved in 90 ,ul oflysisbuffer (10 mM HEPES

[N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonicacid] [pH

7.5],10 mMmagnesiumacetate,0.2%sodiumdodecyl sulfate, 0.25 ,ugofphenylmethylsulfonylfluoride per

ml)(10)towhich 90 ,ul of the samebuffer containing 20

,ugof DNase I (Worthington Diagnostics, Freehold,

N.J.) per ml was added. After1 hat37°C, 90 p.1 ofa

protein-denaturing solution (30 mM Na2PO4, 7.5%

sodiumdodecylsulfate, 15%[vol/vol]

2-mercaptoeth-anol,30%o [vollvoly glycerol) (10)wasadded, and the

samples were boiled for 3 min immediately before

being loaded on gels. Separation of proteins was

accomplished in10%opolyacrylamide slab gels by the

method of Laemmli(6). Gels wereeither(i) fixed for

15 min in10%oaceticacid-5% glycerol, dried inagel

drier (Bio-Rad Laboratories, Richmond, Calif.), and

autoradiographed with Kodak XAR-5 X-ray film

(Eastman KodakCo., Rochester, N.Y.) for48to96 h

at -70°Cor(ii) divided into individual lanes andcut

VOL. 45,1983

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into 1-mm sections withaMickle Gel Slicer (Brink-mannInstruments Inc.,Westbury, N.Y.). The slices

were dissolved overnight in 5 ml of 3% Protosol in

Econofluor (New EnglandNuclear)at37°Cand


Isolationof intracellular and polysome-bound RNAs.

Totalintracellular RNAwasisolatedatvarious times

afterviral infection. Cell monolayersin 100-mmplates

werewashed three times withphosphate-buffered

sa-lineand then lysedwith 5ml of E buffer(40mM

Tris-acetate[pH7.2],20 mM sodiumacetate,1mMEDTA)

containing1% sodiumdodecylsulfate. Thelysedcells

wereextracted twice withanequal volumeof

phenol-CHC13 (1:1)andoncewithanequalvolume ofCHCl3.

The RNA species were thenprecipitated with 3

vol-umesofice-cold ethanolin thepresence of 300 mM

sodiumacetate at-20°C.Afteratleast 8h,the RNA

wascollected bycentrifugationat9,000rpmat4°Cfor

20 min in a Sorvall RC2-B centrifuge, dried under

nitrogen, anddissolved inwater. Theoptical density ofthe RNAsampleswasdeterminedat260nm.The

RNAswerethenreprecipitatedwith ethanol dissolved

in the appropriate volume of water and stored at

-70°Cuntil used.

Polysomes were isolated according to the

proce-duresofLodishand Froshauer(9),with thefollowing modifications: emetine treatment (to inhibit

elonga-tion)wasomitted, cell monolayerswereused instead

ofcells insuspension, andpolysomes werenot

frac-tionatedonsucrose gradients.

At 3.5 h postinfection, the cell monolayers were

washed,scraped off the plates, and poured into chilled

Douncehomogenizers.Thecellswereallowedtoswell for 10 min and then were homogenized 40 times as

describedpreviously (9). Thedetergent-treated

post-nuclearfractionwaslayeredon a0.5-to1.0-mlpad of

40mMHEPES (pH7.5)-80mMNaCl-2.5mM


nitro-cellulosetubes. Polysomeswerepelleted by

centrifu-gationat45,000rpmin aBeckman SW50.1 rotorfor


5°C. Aftercentrifugation, thepelletsweresuspended

in 1 ml ofwater(forTCA precipitations) or3 ml of extractionbuffer(10mMTris-hydrochloride [pH 7.5], 100 mMNaCl,10mMEDTA)containing 1%sodium

dodecyl sulfate(forextraction ofRNA).

Quantitation of viral intracellular and

polysome-bound mRNAs. Viral intracellular mRNAswere quan-titated by annealing to a 3H-labeled virion RNA as

describedpreviously (22). When lessthan40% of the virion RNAwasrendered RNase resistant, therewas a

direct relationship between the amount ofannealed virion RNA and theamountofcomplementarymRNA

species.The results(expressedascountsperminute)

were then extrapolated to the total amount of viral

mRNA per infected cell sample and normalized by

correcting for variations in the total cellular RNA

content as determined by A260 readings.

Polysome-bound viral mRNA species werealsocompared ina

similar manner, except that the A260 of RNAs was

usedasthecorrection factor.


quantitat-edby labelingRNA in thepresenceofactinomycinD

asdescribed below. Cellmonolayersweretreatedfor 30minbeforeinfectionwith mediumcontaining7.5,ug

ofactinomycin D (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis,

Mo.) per ml. The cells were then mock infected or

infected with MSorRlvirions at anMOI of 5 for 30

min at39°C. Mediumcontaining7.5 ,ugofactinomycin

Dperml was thenadded,andincubationwas

contin-ued at39°C for1h.After thistime,mediumcontaining

7.5 Fg of actinomycin D and 5 ,uCi each of

[5,6-3H]uridine(38 Cilmmol)(New EnglandNuclear) and

[2,8-3H]adenosine (37 Ci/mmol) (ICN Chemical and

RadioisotopeDivision,Irvine, Calif.)permlwas

add-ed. Incubationwascontinued foranadditional 2.5h,

atwhich time polysomes were isolated as described


water,precipitated with1 mlof10%oTCA and 100 ,ug

of yeast RNA, collectedon2.8-cmglassfiberfilters,

washed,dried, andcounted.



Effect of DI particles on the inhibition of host proteinsynthesis by VSV. WhenBHK cellswere infected withahigh MOIofDIparticles, cellular proteinsynthesiswaspartially inhibited evenin the absence of VSV (Table1, DIparticle MOIs of 28 and 56). This inhibition was not due to virion contamination since cells infected with thenumberofPFUcorrespondingtothelevelof contamination in these inocula did not differ from mock-infected controls in their protein-synthesizing activity. It is more likely that the highMOI ofDIparticlescausedextensive dam-age to the cell membrane, primarily through interactions with the G protein ofthe particle spikes (15, 20). The interfering ability of these DIparticle concentrationswith VSVyields from

TABLE 1. Effect of DI particles of various

interfering ability on BHK host cell protein synthesis

DI Methionine Protein Logreduction particle incorporation synthesis(% ofinfectivity

Mola (cpm) ofcontrol) (PFU/ml)b

0 164,000 100

1.8 160,000 98 1.76

3.5 157,000 96 2.16

7 165,000 101 2.76

14 151,000 92 NDC

28 135,000 82 3.39

56 110,000 67 3.48



were determined by A260 measurements.

Virion plaque assays indicated that one A260 unit

correspondedto3x 109 PFU.Assumingthatthesame

fraction of virions and DI particles was biologically

active and correcting for the difference in size, the

MOI isbased on the valueof1010 particles perA260


bResults are expressed as log of the difference

between the number ofinfectious particles produced

byBHKcellscoinfected with virions (5PFUpercell)

and DI particles and the number produced by cells

infected with virions only. In the absence of DI

particles, the yield of virionswas1.3x 107PFU/mlat



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doubly infected cells (5 PFU of VSVpercell) is also shown in Table 1. The decrease in viral yields ranged from 1.8 to 3.5 logs, which was approximately equivalent to a 98.3 to 99.97% inhibition.

InTable 2, the relationship amongVSV

inhi-bition of host cell protein synthesis, DI particle concentration, and intracellular virus mRNA concentration is shown. The latter was

deter-minedby annealing samples of RNA from infect-edcells witharadioactively labeled virionRNA

probe and then measuring RNase A- and Tl-resistantcounts.Theannealingswereperformed with concentration ranges of cellular RNA

whichgavealinear annealingresponse, i.e., up

to 40% of the saturation level of the probe. These datawereextrapolatedtogive the relative mRNA concentrations, whichare expressed as

countsperminute of VSV RNAprobe annealed by the RNAcontentoftwo60-mmplates of cells after normalization by A260 values (Table 2). These dataarealsoexpressedasapercentageof the VSV mRNA synthesized in the absence of DIparticles. Atveryhigh MOIs ofDIparticles, the mRNA levels droppedto7% ofthe amount

synthesized by virus only. This rate ofmRNA

synthesis is consistent with that of virion pri-marytranscription (27), which isnotinhibitedby DI particles (4, 17). The higher value of 11%

obtained in the presence ofcycloheximide (Ta-ble 2) might be due to incomplete inhibition of protein synthesis (8). Indeed, a slight incorpo-ration of methionine was observed under these conditions (Table 2). In spite of the 14-fold

change in VSV mRNA concentration,the

incor-poration of [35S]methionine into proteins by the cells remained thesame overthe entirerangeof

DI particle concentrations and did not differ appreciably from the incorporation by cells in-fected with virion alone (Table 2).

The 35S incorporation experiments did not

necessarily prove that host protein synthesis wasunaffected by the VSV mRNA levels. Since

the DI particles inhibited VSV replication, viral protein synthesiswasprobably diminished in the

doubly infected cells and could have been

conm-pensated for by increased cellular protein

syn-thesis. This isexactly what would be expected if the ribosomes were in limiting supply. It was,

therefore, necessaryto analyze the synthesis of cellular and viral proteins separately. Figure 1

showsprofiles of pulse-labeled cellular and viral proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel elec-trophoresis. Each lanewasloaded withextracts

correspondingto5 x 105cells and labeled with [35S]methionineasdescribed above. Lanea con-tainedextractsfrom uninfected cells, and lane f

was loaded with purified VSV. All other lanes

containedextractsfrom cells infectedwithVSV (5 PFU per cell) and pulse-labeled 3 h after infection; theextractsshown in lanesc,d, ande were isolated from cells also infected with 59, 15, and 3.7 DI particles percell, respectively.

An examination of lanes a and b of Fig. 1 demonstrated the strong inhibition of cellular protein synthesis by VSV in this experiment. Bands corresponding to cellular proteins are barely discernible in lane b. The four strong


bands in lane b which corresponded to viral proteins L, G, N, and M (N and NS were not

TABLE 2. Incorporation of methionine in BHK cells infected with VSVa in the presence and absence of DI


Methionine Protein Viral mRNA

DIparticleMOIC incorporation synthesis(% VSV mRNA synthesis(t

(cpm) ofcontrol) ofcontrol)

0 114,000 69 1.19 x 105 100.0

1.8 102,000 62 3.21 x 104 27.0

3.5 93,000 56 1.68 x 104 14.0

7 102,000 62 1.30 x 104 11.0

14 NDe ND 1.06 x 104 8.9

28 104,000 64 8.86 x 10' 7.4

56 101,000 61 8.33 x 103 7.0

0(NoVSV) 164,000 100 0.00 0.0

0(+ cyclo- 2,900 2 1.30 x 104 11.0




concentration,5 PFUpercell.

bAllmeasurements were made4 hafter infection.

c DIparticle concentrations weredeterminedasdescribedforTable 1.

dThe relative concentrationof viralmRNAisexpressedasthe total3Hcountsof virion RNA which could be

rendered RNaseresistant after annealing. This value has been normalized for107cells by measurements of A260

of cellular RNA. The results were corrected fornonspecific annealing by subtractingthe3H countsof virion

RNA made RNase resistant afterannealingwithuninfectedintracellular RNA.

'ND, Notdetermined.

fCycloheximideconcentration,50 ,ug/ml.


on November 10, 2019 by guest






FIG. 1. Gel anal)

BHKcells, either ml

or doubly infected

described in the te

[35S]methionine for:

tion. Cellextracts fi

were electrophoresei

gel (6). Lanes: a,me

cells infected with

particle MOIs of0,


separated) indicat synthesis had tak particlestothe V' effectonthe inten

spondedtocellular proteins. EvenatanMOI of

d e f was15 (lane d), when the synthesis of viral proteinsseverelyinhibited and the intracellular VSV mRNA concentration was suppressed to

ap-proximately 9% of its normal value (Table 2), the intensity of the bands correspondingto cellular proteinsincreased only marginally.

To quantitate the effect of DIparticlesonthe

inhibitionofcellularprotein synthesis by VSV, thegels of each lane weresliced, and the radio-activecontentwasdetermined. Duetothe

pres-enceof viralprotein bands in lanes b throughe

of Fig. 1, the radioactivity corresponding to

cellular and viral proteins was corrected as

follows. Since 30% of the cellular proteins in lane a of Fig. 1 (uninfected cells) were in the

corresponding positions of viral proteins, the radioactivity in lanes b through e of Fig. 1,

representing cellular protein bands only, was

divided by 0.70. These data, whichrepresent a

relativemeasureoftruecellular protein synthe-sis, are shown inTable 3, as aretheamountsof VSV proteins synthesized relativetototal cellu-larproteins under the various conditions of this experiment. It should be noted that the values for theVSVproteins have been corrected for the

ysis of proteins synthesized in presenceofcellularproteins by subtracting 30%

with VSV and DI paricles As of the respective cellular protein radioactivities

xt, the cells were labeled with (Table 3). At DIparticleMOIsof 15and 59, the 30 min beginning 3hafter infec- data illustrate that even though intracellular

rom equivalent numbers of cells VSV mRNA was suppressed to the level of d througha10%polyacrylamide primary transcription (Table 2), cellularprotein

)ck-infected cells;b,c,d, ande, synthesis was enhanced by only 10% over that

5 PFU of VSV per cell and DI takingplacein the absence ofDIparticlesandin

59, 15, and 3.7, respectively; f, the presence of a 10-fold-greater VSV mRNA

Isfrompurifiedvirions. content.This seemstobe themaximum level of

competition thatmay occurbetweencellularand ed thatextensive viralprotein viralmRNAin thisconcentrationrange. ;en place. The addition of DI Inhibition ofproteinsynthesis by VSVmutants.

SV inoculum hadaverysmall Group II temperature-sensitive mutants of the


isity of the bands whichcorre- Indiana serotype of VSV are defective at the

TABLE 3. Inhibition of BHK hostcellprotein synthesis byVSVa in the presence and absence ofDI


Methionineincorporation VSVprotein

DIparticle intoncelllaorotin Cellular proteinsynthe- Methionine incorporation synthesis(% MOlb into cellular(cpm)c sis(%ofcontrol) intoVSVproteins(cpm)d of total pro-teinsynthesis)

0 42,500 14 101,000 70

3.5 59,000 19 38,000 39

15 70,000 23 24,000 25

59 74,000 24 26,000 26

0 (NoVSV) 310,000 100



concentration, 5 PFU/cell.

b See Table1for MOI determinations.

c Cellswerelabeledatbetween 3 and 3.5hpostinfection.Thecounts wereobtained from slicedgelssuchas

that shown inFig.1.Thirty percent of the control counts (noVSV)werein areascorrespondingtoviralprotein

bands. The numberswereobtained afterappropriatecorrections.

d These numbers were obtained after subtracting 30% ofthe respective cellular protein counts from the

determined values.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



nonpermissive temperatures in virion RNA rep-lication butnotin primary transcription (27). If high concentrations of viral mRNAs are re-quired for inhibition of host protein synthesis, then mutants belonging to this group should not influence host protein synthesis at 39°C but should behave like the wild typeat31°C. Protein synthesisincells infected with mutant ts G22 at 39°C was compared with that in cells infected with wild-type virus bymeasuring the incorpo-ration of [35S]methionine during 30-min pulses. The data, expressed as percent methioine incor-poration as compared with that in uninfected cells, are shown inFig. 2. It is clear that the ts

G22 mutant inhibited protein synthesis as effi-ciently as did thewild-type virus. However, the viral mRNA content of wild-type- and mutant-infected cells was not the same. At 3 and 4 h after infection, the VSV mRNA contentof the mutant-infectedcells was two- to threefold low-erthan that of thewild-type-infectedcells(Table 4). As in the case of cells doubly infected with DIparticles and withwild-type VSV,the lower level of intracellular viral mRNA had no effect ontheability ofthe virustoinhibit hostprotein synthesis.

The effect of the Rl mutant on host protein synthesiswasalso examined. Inagreement with previous reports (26), we found that in cells infected with this virus, protein synthesis was not inhibitedduring the first 3 h after infection.


90 - \

!;iso ~ OUS Oi NFCTO





uU 0

-2 3 4


FIG. 2. Inhibition of protein synthesis in BHK

cellsafter infection with MSwild-type(0)andtsG22

mutant (O) VSV at 39°C and 5 PFUper cell. After

infection the cellsweremaintainedat39°C and

pulse-labeled with


(1 ,uCi/ml)for 30 minat

hourly intervals.TCA-precipitablecounts were

deter-mined as described in the text. The counts were

compared with those obtained from similarlylabeled

mock-infected cells andareexpressedaspercentages

ofincorporation by the uninfected cells. All

determi-nations representanaverage oftwocellplates.

TABLE 4. Relative amounts of VSV mRNAs in

cellsinfectedwith wild-type (MS) and mutantviruses

Time Relativeconcnof viral mRNA(cpm)a


infection MS tsG22 MS



1 2.87 x 103 7.82 x 103 1.59X 104 1.35 x 104

2 2.23 x 104 2.36x 1047.90 x 1047.99 x 104

3 4.64x 104 1.91 X 1041.32 x 105 1.42 x 105

4 7.74x 104 2.42 x 104 1.67 x 105 2.07 x 1O0

aThe relative concentrations of viral mRNA are

expressed as RNase-resistant counts of 3H-labeled

virion RNAafter


asdescribed for Table 2.

One hourlater, protein synthesisincreased con-siderably above the value of the noninfected cells (Fig. 3). This increase could be due to a

significant contribution of viral proteins to the total cellular protein synthesis. On the other hand, the wild-type virus inhibitedtotal protein synthesis at 4 hpostinfection by approximately 45%. Becauseof aprobablecontributionbyviral proteinstototal protein synthesis,this value of




cn in





2 3 4



FIG. 3. Incorporation of[35S]methionine by BHK

cellsmock infected(0)orinfected with MS wild-type

(U) orRl mutant(0) VSV. Cells wereinfectedat 5

PFU percelland incubated at39°C. Duplicate plates

werepulse-labeledfor 30 min at hourly intervals with

[35S]methionine (1 ,uCi/ml), and TCA-precipitable counts weredetermined asdescribed in thetext. The

average values of[35S]methionine incorporation are

plotted on the left ordinate as a function of time

postinfection. The right ordinate represents percent

inhibition ofprotein synthesis in cells infected with

MS wild-type VSV as compared with that in mock-infected cells.


on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:6.489.247.443.335.559.2] [image:6.489.43.234.409.572.2]

inhibitionis,if anything,toolow. Ifacorrection based on the Rl data was to be made, the inhibition by the wild type would amount to about65%.

Todetermine whether the inability of theRl mutant toinhibit host protein synthesiswasdue to lower intracellular concentrations of viral mRNA than those in the wild-type infection, annealing experiments with a radioactive VSV virionRNAprobewereperformed. The relative concentrations of wild-type and Rl mRNAs isolated from cellsruninparallel with the inhibi-tionmeasurements(Fig. 3) areshownin Table4. Nosignificant differences between viral mRNA concentrations inwild-type andRl mutant infec-tionswereobserved up to 4hafter infection.

The determinations of intracellular VSV mRNAby thehybridizationtechniques (Table4) do not necessarily represent biologically active mRNAs capable of binding to ribosomes. To determine whether the Rl mutant produced mostlyinactive mRNAswhich didnotcompete with cellularmRNAsfor ribosomes,we investi-gatedthepolysome-bound fraction of wild-type and Rl mRNA. These experiments were per-formed in two ways. In the first experiment, actinomycin D-treated cells infected with either wild-typeor Rlviruswerelabeledat 1.5 to3.5h postinfection with [3H]uridine and [3H]adeno-sine, and polysomes wereisolated asdescribed above. The incorporation of radioactive counts from an equivalent number of cells (based on A260 measurements) from wild-type- and Ri virus-infected cellswere23,900 and25,300cpm, respectively. In the secondexperiment, the acti-nomycin D and the radioactive nucleosidepulse wereomittedtoeliminateanypossible effecton polysomecomposition dueto immediate inacti-vation of cellular transcription. The isolated polysomes were phenol-CHCl3 extracted, and the VSV mRNA content was determined by annealing witharadioactive virionRNAprobe. The numberof RNase-resistantcounts (normal-izedto107cells)obtained from wild-type infec-tions was 7.49 x 104 cpm, and that from Rl infections was 8.94 x 104 cpm. Under these conditions,theinhibition of cellular protein syn-thesis asmeasured by


incorpo-ration was 53% for wild-type and 6% for Rl virus infections. These data indicated that a comparable quantity of viralmRNAs was pres-entin thepolysome fraction of wild-type-andof Rl virus-infected cells.


The intracellular regulation of VSV mRNA levels by means ofDIparticles as described in this workeliminated the necessityto use chemi-cal meansofregulation which might have intro-duced unwantedside effectsoncellular

metabo-lism. This procedure also made it possible to follow the correlation between VSV mRNA contentandinhibition of cellularprotein synthe-sis in infections by the same wild-type VSV isolate, rather thantocorrelate theseparameters in different wild-type isolates (11). It was not clear whether theincrease in intracellular VSV mRNAwithdecreasingDIparticle-to-cellratios in the inocula (Table 2) was due to a larger number of cellsnotinfected with DIparticlesat all or to a general increase in VSV mRNA synthesis in all cells. The kinetic interpretation ofDIparticleinterferenceby Bellett and Cooper (3) and morerecently by Sekellick and Marcus (23) would suggest that total inhibition ofviral amplification was accomplished by a single DI particle per cell. Therefore, increasing the DI particle MOI should have hadno furthereffect on the VSV RNA concentration in the cells already doubly infected, and the observed de-creaseinVSV mRNA would beentirelydueto infection of cells whichwerefree of DIparticles at the lower MOIs. Unfortunately, the experi-mental datawerenot accurateenough to distin-guish between the two possibilities. Thus, at a DIparticleMOI of 1.8, the VSV mRNA concen-trationwas 27%of itsamplified value (Table2). The zero term of the Poisson distribution pre-dicts that16.4% ofthe cells would befreeofDI particles while still infected with VSV and that 83.5% would be infected with both particles. The predicted VSV mRNA content based on thisstatistic is (0.164 + 0.835 x 0.07) x 100 =

22.3%. Considering theerror in the determina-tions of MOI and intracellular mRNA content, this value isnot verydifferent from the experi-mentally determined 27%.

In any case,when allcellswereinfectedeither withDIparticles andvirionorwith virion alone, the 7or100%level of VSV mRNA, respective-ly, was a true reflection of the intracellular contents. Under these conditions, even though the VSV mRNAcontent increased 14-fold, the incorporation of


into TCA-pre-cipitable countsremained the same. To ensure that the DI particles orvirus did not influence


uptake by the cells, TCA-solu-ble counts were also measured in washed cells andwerefoundtobeidentical innoninfected,in


and in VSV- and DI

particle-infectedcells (data not shown).

The incorporation data did not exclude the possibility that in doubly infected cells host proteinsynthesis actually increasedoverthat in cellsinfected with virus alone but this increase wasexactlycompensated for bythe decrease in synthesis of viral proteins due to interference. The polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis profiles (Fig. 1)visually demonstrated that thiswas not the case. Moreover, from the sliced gels, a

on November 10, 2019 by guest



quantitative determination of the contribution of cellular and viral protein synthesis to total pro-tein synthesis was also made (Table 3). These dataindicated that inhibition of cellular protein synthesis was only slightly dependent on intra-cellular levels of viral mRNA, probably not exceedingabout10% of the total inhibiting activ-ity in the range of mRNA concentrations mea-sured.This 10% may therefore reflect the extent ofcompetition for ribosomesby very high levels of VSV mRNA. Although these data do not prove conclusively that the competition for all available ribosomes had not already taken place when VSV mRNA levels reached 7% of their amplified value, an examination of the poly-acrylamide gel profiles in Fig. 1 is informative in relation to thisquestion. In lanes c, d, and e, it canbeseenthatasthe DIparticleconcentration was decreasing (and VSV mRNA increasing), viralprotein synthesis strongly increased. This clearly indicated that the protein-synthesizing ability ofthe cells represented in lane d (VSV mRNA, 9%) was not exhausted and that all available ribosomes could not have been fully utilized in translation. Thisconclusioncan also bereached byexaminingthedata in Table 3. In no case do theradioactive counts obtained from infectedcells addup to thelevels of radioactiv-ity in theproteinsof noninfected cells.

That concentrations of intracellular VSV mRNAof between 7 and 100% oftheamplified level had onlymarginaleffectson theinhibition ofprotein synthesis was further confirmed by the data obtained with VSVmutants tsG22 and Rl.The Rl mutant,whichin our handsdidnot inhibitincorporationof[35S]methionineup to4h after infection (see also reference26),generated the same amountof mRNA as did the wild type. However, as pointedoutby Lodish and Porter (10, 11),comparisons ofthese kinds should not be basedonhybridizationassays, sincealarge and variable fraction of the VSV mRNAsmight betranslationally inactive and would not partici-pate in any competition for ribosome binding. To examine whether the wild type and the Rl mutantgenerated comparable amounts of active mRNAs, polysomes were isolated from both types of infection under equivalent conditions. Nodifference in the VSV mRNA content of the polysomal fraction in the two infections was observed. This result was also consistent with the observation that the yields of Rl and wild-type VSV virions were comparable (data not shown), whereas alower viral mRNA concen-tration inRl infections might lead to relatively loweryields of this virus.

The polysomal fraction of viral mRNA was not measuredinthe experiments with DI parti-cle- andVSV-infected cells. The criticism of the hybridization assay in those experiments would

only be valid if the DI particles preferentially inhibited the generation of inactive mRNAs while the total content of active RNA remained the same at the 7 and 100% levels of hybridizable mRNA. Such an interpretation is not plausible in view of the severe interference with viral protein synthesis (Fig. 1 and Table 3). A possible effect of DI particles on mRNA sequestration is also eliminated by the data in Table 1. At least up to an MOI of 14, DI particle infections in the absence of VSV had very little effect on host cell protein synthesis.

Recentinvestigations of the inhibition of cel-lular protein synthesis by VSV have led to the conclusionthat VSV mRNAs havenoadvantage in the initiation or elongation process of poly-peptide synthesis. These conclusions were based on the average polysome size of active cellular and viral mRNAs of comparable lengths (10). However, in the infected cell, chain initia-tionrates arereduced equallyfor both types of mRNAs, asreflected in generally reduced sizes of polysomes.This has beeninterpretedasbeing consistent with thehypothesisof alimiting sup-ply of ribosomes in the infected cells when a large excess of viral mRNAs is generated. The lack ofcorrelation between high levels of viral mRNAs andthe extent ofinhibition ofcellular protein synthesis demonstrated in this paper conflicts with that interpretation. Other differ-ences between infected and noninfected cells must serve as abasis for the inhibition. It should benoted that recentinvestigationsof the inhibi-tion ofcellularprotein synthesis by encephalo-myocarditis virus in Lcellshave alsoeliminated competition, inactivation of cellular mRNAs, andinactivationof caprecognitionfunctionsas possible mechanisms of the inhibition. Instead, it was proposed that the reduced activity in infected cells is due to reversible changes (5). The in vitro assays would not register such reversible changes, especially if they were caused by an imbalance of the low-molecular-weightcomponents for which the in vitro trans-lation system has been optimized. Similarly, sequestration of the cellular mRNA could also bereversiblesothat when total RNAis isolated from infected and noninfected cells, an in vitro translational assay using mRNAs from the two types of cells would notrevealany differences. The answer to these problems may therefore not beobtainable through theuseof in vitro systems andmayrequirenew approaches.


We thankJ. J.Holland,C.R. Pringle,andC.P.Stanners for their VSVwild-type andmutantisolates, DelphinePillote for excellent technical assistance, and Marjorie Gillett for typingthismanuscript.

Thisworkwassupported in partbyPublic Health Service research grant Al 12070 from the National Institutes of VOL.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



Health. M.K.P. was the recipient of a U.S. Public Health Service PredoctoralTraineeship from a cellular and molecular biology training grant (GM 7283).


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on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 1.interfering Effect of DI particles of various ability on BHK host cell protein synthesis
TABLE 2. Incorporation of methionine in BHK cells infected with VSVa in the presence and absence of DIparticles'
TABLE 3. Inhibition of BHK host cell protein synthesis by VSVa in the presence and absence of DIparticles
TABLE 4.cells Relative amounts of VSV mRNAs in infected with wild-type (MS) and mutant viruses


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