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He huarahi ako : pathways to learning : the academic and cultural self efficiency of Maori student teachers : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Maori Studies at Massey University, Palmer


Academic year: 2020

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(1)Copyright is owned by the Author of the thesis. Permission is given for a copy to be downloaded by an individual for the purpose of research and private study only. The thesis may not be reproduced elsewhere without the permission of the Author..

(2) He Huarahi Ako: Pathways to Lcarning The academic and cultural self-etficacv of Mdori stuclent teachers. A thesis presented in partial tultllrncnt ol'the requirerlcnts tbr the clegree of Master of Philosophy. in Mdori Studies at Massey University Palmerston North New Zealancl. by Frances Materoa Goulton. r997. I.

(3) Mc Tu Au Mc tu au ki te Irtilti. ki. ugr-r. iwi o le tlx)tu. ki ngil rvakit ktt:t ckc tulti ki rttrtgil i tc titttttgit c tti tlci -l-c Krtpertga o lc Mi'il:rur;lltllir nirtlt ltoki tc rett k:tr:rnglt lttrcrc trtlti. 'l'ult:rhi rtte ntihi trtc tangi. ki. ngi-t rtttrtc. o tc wiki lc lllilrilnra lc liltl I-laere hoki ktlttttltt ki tc irvi utri i tc po ..c.... i. 'l-ulnt:t rnc nrilti ki tc tttllr:tc le wltetlttlr. ki ngii ntauug:t ngii tirklrlurrtgit o ttg:i nlilttl:l til)tlltil lllc a) r:-l[()tl ;lwa lilpu c rcre Itci...c...i. Kei te hoki rvltakitrrturi aktt rvlr:rk:taro e ho:l nrai ki te rco wnirua tilllgilta nfura le kdrero E ht'la Witiwirir auei lc k:rkano wltak:rtipu:r tuai e koc. nlci kore tipu hci wltakiuturttit ttr:ti hci wltlkltiketike i taku ntnul Miori nrotultakc ...c-..i Ka nui talru hari e nglr irvi kua rite hoki laku rvarvata nre tnlflr ul()cln()ql i taku n-rkatr nui rirkau klhl ritkau arolta. ki ugl iwi o lc rllottl rn0 ake loDtt itlu...c...i NA te kuia uei, nA Huia i tito tenci witiillil nro tc whilkillftwlrcralanga o Te Kupcuga o te M:'it:ruraug:r |9ti(l. The patteru use(l oo the cover ol this thcsis is callcrl I'lc 'lirura 'faugata: it is the t-ust heke iu Te Whareuui: Te Kupuga o tc Mi-rtaur:rtrga. lt wus pliulc<l collcctivcly by the tirst groups of Mlori Studies stt|(lent teachers..

(4) iii. HE MIHI I runga i te ngakau aroha. hc rnihi tenci ki ir tet()u katoa. ki nga urorehu o rltou tna kua takahi atu rd i te ara wairua. I(ci te mihi akc rl ki a ratt.ru kua huri kE atu ki tua o te arai, kua mene ki te p6. Nl ratou i waiho tl ratolr tlouga hei rniltarotauga tna tatou, hei kawenga rna talou ki roto i rrga tau 1000 rrckc atu. Terrei te rnihi. Ki a koutou aku tDpuna. e te kuia. e te whaea. kci te tangi touu tc ugakau rro koutou. Ki nga rangatira nl rltou i poipoi ngf, kaupapa i Tc Kupctrea o te Matauranga, e Te Kdrauna Whakarnoe. korua ko ttl hoa ko ALtnty I-luie. kci tc rnihi tol'lu matou, kore rawa e wareware i a matou. Ki tuku rangatira ki a .lohn Tapiata. kua puawaitia ol whakaaro. Nau tEnei rnahi itirnata. ko lo wairuu kci tc mau Lor-tu. Il hika, kei te tangi tonu.. Ko te Hokorvhitu a T[ te papa e tlkoto akc nci tenl koc. I(o te r'vhare a Te Kupenga o te Matauranga. t€r'ra koc. c tLl c tc u,ltare. kdrtta ko tO piringa a Te Ilaorrui. Ki ngl kaitiakio te kair-rga nci tErrl koutor-r. tclnl koul.ou. tDne koLttou katoa. Ki a Kui Rangi Tamehana. k6rua ko Koro l]ob Tan-rcharra. he nrihi terrei ki a k6rua 6 tatou kaurnatua. nd k6rua lratou i arahi i rrga tikarr-ua I (r tatorr tltprura. Ki n-ea Pou o Te Kupenga o te Mltauranga ki a Kahu Stcrlirrg korua ko lvlcreheni tEna kOrua. tae atu hoki ki a Peti Nohotirna me l-lenarc Cirecn. Na o koutou whakaaronui ki te. marae oTe Kupenga o te MXtaurauga kci tc ors tonu. a kei te kaha tonu tona kaupapa ataahua. NE reira kei te rnihi tenei iti rrei.. I{e mihi hoki tenei ki aku kaitautoko. kaitirotiro i tenei rangahau. terra k6rua. Ki a koe Ian Christensen m6 to drvhina. rnc to kaha ki tc tautoko iahau iroto it€nei mahi, e hoa ka nui te mihi. Ki a koc Colin Cibbs rno te tahu ki tc rnatauranga o te ao whanui. kei te rnihi. rno t6 kOrua kaha ki tc kau,c i ngl tikanga () tenei fftorTlo tuhinga, k6rua tahi i dwhina i alrau kitc whakatutuki itcnci kaupapa. E te rangatira. e Meihana. e rnilri urra ki a koutou kat()a o Te P[tahi-a-Toi. nd koutou. i tautoko mai te kaupapa rangahau nci. Tena hoki koe llsther mc tou rourou lwhina i te taha ki te rorohiko. TErr[ kotttou tend koLltou kutou.. E te komiti whakah:rcrc p[ltca. ln(-). tc rangahuu ki Tc Kupcnga () tc lr4ltauranga c. rnihi ana kia koutou. nI koutor.r i tautoko rlui koutou.. tC'rrci rrruhi.. nl rciru uku lroir nruhi tCnI.

(5) lv. Ko te kOrero whakarntrtuugu ka hoatu ki rrgl tauiru i rr,hakaac rnai ki taku tono. na ratou i tautoko tenei rarrgalrau. terru koutolr katoa. I(ci tc rlihi ki a koutou i hdrnai a koutou kdrercr ki ahau hci hepai itenci rnuhi. I(a rrui tc rlil'ti e kare nrf,. Ko te t[manako kei te tika tottu taklt kawc i a kotttttLt korcro. K6ore kau he kOrero tua atu itaku whlnau. taku rvhanau tuatahi i pakeke mai ahau. taku hoa rangatira me aku tarnariki. Na to koutou tautoko i oti i ahau te kaupapa. r-rei.. Ki taku hoa rangatira ki a lll,ion ka rrui tc rnihi c lror. to kaha hoki ki te tautoko i ahau, ki te tiaki i nga tarnariki i ahau c mahi unll. te nA koc. Il hika. kua oti tGrrei rroernoed. T€nE koutou. tena koutou. tena koLltoLl kilt()a. Ndku noa iti nei nf, Frances..

(6) BACKGROUND INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESEARCHER It is importaut that I. share with thc rcatler rny backgrotrtl(I. atttl sotne of the litc. experiences which have lecl. trc t() this topic. I atn ot'N-elpuhi. ar-rcl. Ngati Flirre. niy father lrorn Ngapuhi anrl my motlrcr I'ronr Nguti l-linc. Botll rny were bom ancl livecl thcir e arly ycars itt thc t'ar Norlh ol New Zealancl.. clescent. parents. of post-r'var farlilies. atrcl was one of eleven chilclrep. raisecl or-r farnily lancl whiclr was paftly bush clacl. close to Kaeo. FIis father was of English stock. ancl his mother rvas ctl' N4aori ancl Scottish ancestry. Both were harcl-workers but cliccl be tbrc thcir grarttlchilclrcn r.r'crc born. Their fann. My lather. hacl an upbringirig typical. tIeir rnothcr's rnaric u,hich l-l]callt they clicl trot go there often. When rny tathcr rvas oltl cntrugh. hc lcti thc l'anl urrtl loutrcl rvork as a was a fair clistance lrom. lreezing worker irt Flarvkcs lJxv. urhcrc hc scttlecl.. My mother's parents were both ol'N,qati I-line clcscetri. ancl she r.vas the olclest of eleven childrep. S[e was born in Arvartta attd wus lortullcte to spencl her early years being brougl'rt up by her -rrarrclparcnts. l-lcr l'irst larrguagc was Mdori. Later, her tamily movecl to Flastings irr scurch ot-u,ork . This l1'love. cor-rplecl with being ol the Monnon Church. lrcant a tintc rrl'challcrrgc arcl contrucliction as n]y mother's tarnily sought ways to survivc in e city t'er fronr thcir t[rangawaewae (place). My parents met in I Iustings ancl it was tlrere the y also cleciclecl to settle. members. My brothers. sisters ancl I rverc all born ancl brecl in Ilastirlgs arnidst high employment. which consistccl rnairrly o['seasonul ancl trrrskillccl labour' It was also cluring the tirne of MXori migration frorn rural arcas to thc cities. Most of those who were not trom Ngati Klhungurru (thc locul trihul grotrp) were able to recite. their tribal histories ancl. as l)arl rccullccl. thcrc rcttruitrctl a ficrcely staunch tribal pricle. However. as tirnc progrcssctl. tlrc strengtlt untl Iirtks rvith thcil tribcs bccatnc less eviclent as. city lit'e took ovcr.. Ranginui Walker irr his book Ka whuwhai lotlu which I grcw up:. t7"tiltou clcscribcs. tlrc contcxt tn. l3thnicity. culturul dil'll.rcrrcc untl thc cxpcrict'tcc ol'bcirrg colotrisccl irnpcllctl the Mlori to rlwcll irr thc tluul rvorltl ol'bicttlturalisrl or surrcnclcr to thc Pdkehl irnpcrutivc ol'ussinril:.rtion. Wlrilc sotrlc Miori chosc ttssirnilation,.

(7) VI. the vast rna.iority re.icctccl. it. Thrt. l"ncant cotrttnitlrlent. to cultural. coptinuity...hr the early stagcs ol'urt'ranisiltion. rnigrauts maintainecl contact with tl-reir cultural roots l'ry occasional visits to thcir kainga atrcl urarae tor holiciays. weclclir-rgs. tangi arrcl unvcilings o['hcaclstotres. l]ut graclually. as the migrarrts becantc ll()rc sLlrc ol'tltcrlsclvcs. thcy pttt clorvn roots ancl plantecl their culture in trcr.v grourrcl (Welkcr. 1990.. p.l9tl).. My brothers. sisters ancl I rvcrc the t'irst urban gctre rltiotr. boru ancl brecl hunclreds ol miles tiorn cultural roots aucl iu thc rniclst ol' aggressive assimilatory arlcl integration policies which were to rnake us tnore Ptkchd arrcl less Mdori. Our schooling cluring the 1960s u,us sirlilar to thet ol'cvcry other sclrool chilcl across New Zealancl living irr a city. Thcrc was little rccognition of trs being Maori. except tor the school M[ori club ot'r,vhich I u,ls a ve ry ltroutl tnetnlrer. Liitially I uever telt any real conuecticlrr or scltsc ol'be lou-eing to sclrool; ulrtil I reachecl secotrclary school. where ip tl're lburth lirn'n lvlurl :utrl l)ucl scltt rtlc to Saitrt Joscph's lvllori Girls College iu Greenrncarlows. Thcrc I rvas ll'rlc to thrivc atrcl bc-uan the Maori educatiorl joumey of which I ant tlorv u part.. Atter Saipt Joseph's. I trairrecl as a tcuchcr lt Palrncrstorr North Teacl'rers'Collegc. For me it was a transt'er frorn tl're St .l<lscph's rvhlrtau to thc Palmerstolr North Mdori Studies' whdrrau. arrcl unclcr thc tute lrgc ol' .lohtr Tapiata I was able to tlourish. In hinclsight. as a yourlg Maori won'riur -urowit'tg up I t'eel privilegecl to have been part ol'the many rich ancl rcwi.rrclinu cxpericnccs gainetl irr both these institutions ancl in the type ol'constartt antl consistcnt sLlpport I receivecl l'rom my whdnau.. After some years teaching. I returned to the Collcgc ol'llclttcation as a lecturer teaching Prot'essional Stuclies ancl rvorking rvith rnuinly M5ori stuclent teachers in a self-selectecl whdnau group. Tlrc irnpctus lor this tltcsis. tlrcn. has comc trom not. only my own personal backgrountl antlcxpcricnccs hut ulso l'rom tlrc N4aori stuclent teachers whom I huvc workcrl with. My cxllcricncc hoth as u Mdori stuclellt teacher. teacher. ancl tcuclrcr ccluc:,rtor. thcrclbrc. hus slrupccl rny contributioll to this. study. Nd reira e te iwi TEnd koutou. tenl koutou kat<ta..

(8) vii. ABSTRACT Muori stu(lent teachers The present stucly sought to invcstigatc thc fact()rs thet at'lcct proSramlne. ltlentityittg acaclemic anrl cultural self-e ftlcucy in a tclchcr crlucatiort teacher eclucatiotr these tactors is consiclcrecl irnportant tor clcvcloping appropriatc stuclcpt tcechcrs' programmes to better provicle lor this irrcrcesirrg pilpulltion 9f crrl-ollccl ir-r tlle gctlcral The target sarnple goul) arc N4eclri stuclcut tclcltcrs u'ho urc () Unclcrpirlrlipg t[e teacher eclucation progrilllllllc at Tc l(Lrpcllgrl tc iVlltuururlsa'. that tliey will provicle cleveloprnent of these stuclcut leachcrs lics atr cxl)cclatiorr on the tact Maori irrput i1 general eclucation schools arrcl progrutTtrles. basecl n]ainly cuiturally that they are Ir4lori. Ilnsurirrg that thcsc stutlcttt te eclrcrs arc tl-reretbrc. coffipetent to clo so is irnpc)rlal]t il'succcss is to bc echicvccl for therlselves beerr personally. for Maori arrcl l-or Ncw Zcalalrtl socicty' A l'rat'trework has reletiot't to tcacller clevelope6 to assist ip cxarninirtg inlporti.lrt N'leori c()llccPts itr eclucatiorr. The clevcl()plllcut in I(ure KrtrPulla lvl aori tcacher eclucatiott stLlclent progratnmes has rneapt rhat the pool ol'utrrrc ctrltut'ully colnpctcrrt Ir4lori hor'vever' a teachers has been absorbctl intcr Ihtlsc progralnlrt:s' Thcrc rcnlaills' to cotrtinue commitment to Meori stuclerrr teachcrs irr gcncral teacl')e r ctlucation Wlrinar'ri (the wiclcr achievement i' both Te Ao Mlori (thc l\4lori u'orltl) arrtlTc Ao. world). ancl lbnnal This stucly analysecl [u,o kincls oI clata: i] survcy (ot'24 sttrclcnI tc;rchers) were interviews (ot lour ql' thc sLlrvcy participal'lts). Quantitative analysis. integratecl with qualitative clata tiom thc inl'cryicu's'. In iclentitying tactors that al'l'ecl. the acadernic untl cultural selt'-efficacy of these was highly student teachers it becarne clcar thirt thcir serrsc t-rt'collcctivc e I'l'icacy given lesser influential in both contexts. Irr thc acaclemic conl.cxt howcvcr. it rvas i1 tlte mairr emphasis thap ip the cultttral contcxt. as work irr tfte acaclemic context wcrc lrlorc inclinecl to required them to work inclcpcntlcrrtly. Tlrcsc sturlcnt tcache rs groups. to support crch ()thct's lcurrrirrg urtrl to cliscttss tasks amonSst. work in. themselvcs. Thcsc lactgrs tcnclccl to rlcvclup in thcm u strongcr sensc ol'collcctivc efticacy. Stuclent teachcrs who hucl cc)r'llc straiglrt l'rom scltool with tonnal qualitications (Bursury) gcncrully displuyctl higlrcr lcvcls ctt'ircuclcmic sclt'-cl'ficacy' many ha(l cntcrcrl collcgc with othct'quulil'ications such us wttrk. However.. ol'selt'-clticucy experience or suituhility lbr tcuclring :rncl tcntlctl to lruvc lrtwcr lcvcls clairnecl to trc in the acuclemic cotltcxt. Whilc thc rnujority ol'thcsc sturlcnt tcachcrs strategics thilt capable learncrs, most ulso cluirnctl thc trcctl to tlcvclop skills und coulcl hclp thcrn in lxrtfi thc :rcutlctlric ulrtlcttlturul curtcxts..

(9) vlll. Achievement in Te Ao Mlori (thc Vldori rvorltl) was lbr all ol these stuclent teachers a key issue. Yet. most cxprcsscrl quitc low lcvcls ol'-sell-el't'icacy irr this context. I1 particular. thcse low lcvels ot' scll-cl'l'icacy rvere relatecl to their competency in Te Reo Mlori arrcl Tikanga. I-luving high scll-efl'icacy is saicl tcr provide higher levels ot'e[lort ancl pcrsevcrtncc in uctivitics (Barrtlura. 1986)Despite having generally lower levels ot'scll-cl'ficucy [or Te Recl Mdttri ancl Tikanga, these stuclent teachcrs slrowe'cl pcrsistcncc ltrcl tlotivetion in lcaming abollt their owl.r culture. Te lleo Miori. Tikarrga arrcl Whdrrau pxrvecl to be key sources irr the developmerrt ol these stuclent teachers' cultural selt'-el'l'icacy..

(10) lx. TABLE OF CONTENTS (ii). Me tu au. iii) (v) (vii) (ix) (xiii) (xiv) (. He Mihi Backgrourrcl. Intonlation Aboul' Thc llcscurchcr. Abstract Table of Contents. List of Tables List of Figures. Chapter. 1:. Introduction The col'ltcxt of thc stutlY. Chapter. 2:. Review of Literature. Ac aclemic sel. t--e. Sources. ['t'icacy o1' se I t'-c l'l'icecY. Past perlbnnal'lce accolllpl ishrnctrts. Vicarious exPericnccs Verbal Pcrsuasiotr Emotional arousul Measuring ac:tclcmic scl I -ct'llcacy Collc'ctive se I l'-e ftlcucy Collectivc school e flicacY Relatecl concepts ancl irr l'lucntg5 t)11 sc I l'-cl'tjcacy. AbilitY Attributiort thcorY Motivation Seli-efl.icacy.stratcgyttseantlscll.-re8trIateclleamirrg Social cctgrritive thcorv Cultural selt'-e flicacY Cultural minoritics in ccluction Sources oI cu ltural scl ['-c l'tlcau^y Devcloping u Mdori tcachcr cclucation liamework I-le Fluarahi Ako lrrumcwork Pou Tuatatri: #Te llco Mlori (l-,anguage) Pou Tuarua: #Tikangl Mlori (customs) Pou Tuatoru: #Kaupup:r Miori (Mi<.rri politics) l)oulfuuwhu: #Ako (Mlori pcclagogy) Tc Tllruhu: #Wainru Tc l)uPu: #Whini'ru Summury ol' ctttturul sclt'-cl'ljcucy uttl tlrc culturul tiuncwork Meori Eclucution atrd l{cscurch in Atttcurru l:klucution in trinlitional Mltrri socicty Thc mirruc as an ucxlcrnic institution A history of M3ori univcrsity grutluutcs. 8. il. II II l2 t2 I-1. l4 l6 l1 r8 18. I9 20 ?2. 2i 24. ?6 29 29 J_r. 35. 36. i7. /39 39. 40 4L. 4l 43 43.

(11) X. Maori rcsearch l?.esearch principlcs. Chapter. 3:. McthodologY Airns o[ the researclr Setting ancl research participants Cornbirrirrg rnethocls of rcscurch Fielcl techrriqucs Part ici parrt obscrvat iotr. Phase one: Literature rcview Phase two: The stlrvey. The qucstiotttraire Thc intcrvicr'vs three: Phase Valiclity antl rclialri I ity Piloting the questionnairc Ethical corrsiclcrations ot' tlre stucly Perceivccl outconcs ol stttclctrt parricip;rtiorl Collaborirtiotr rvitlt otltcr N4eol'i ltrtl ecuclcrnic stut'f AnalYsis of rcsults. Chapter. 4:. 44 46. 48 48 52 )_i 54 54 5-5. 55 58 Cr0. 61. 6l 62 (t2 fii. Results Characterist ics o f M do ri. tttictrt te uclr crs Survey. irrtervicws urrcl purricipunt obscrvations Acaclernic selt'-e I I'i cacy Acaclcrn ic sel t'-e fllcacy i ncl icators l'rom suruey .st. results Acadernic selt'-efl'icacy il1 context: Protcssional studies as case stucly Summary o[ task onc: llcpon oI observatiol"ls Surnmary of task two: Tcst Sumrnary ol'tu^sk thrcc: l)airccl oral prcsctttatiolls SummarY ttl'tasks. Collectivc el'licacy A whitrau group Factors corrtribttting to Mdori stu(lcnt tcacl'lers' acaclemic selt'-et'llcacy Explai ning ucatlemic succcss ExPlain ing ucaclcmic lailurc Planning. uspirat ions atrcl uchicvcnrcnt Stratcgics l-canr i ng Prc ll'rcnccs Studcnt tcirchcr motivitt ion l .carni rrg cnvi nrnnlcnt Acutlcm ic sc I l'-c tlicucy: Intcrv icw purticipunts Sumrnury o[ intcrvicw participants Cultural consiclcrutions lor lcanring Summury o[ ucuclcmic sclt'-cl licitcy rcsults. 65 65. 66 66 68. 68 IU. 7l 73 IJ. 74. 74 75 75. 76 78 78 79 79 80 83 83 84.

(12) XI. 8rl 84. Cultural selt'-elticacy Cultural self-ct'l'iclcy: survcv participunt rcsults Sources of culturul scll -cl'licucli Ilc l-luaralii Ako l'ratlcwork [)ou tuutahi: #Tc llco VIaori l)ou tuarua: #Tikanga Muori l)ou tuatoru: #Kaupapa Meori Pou tuarvha: #Ako Tc l-'apa: #Whdnau Tc Tahuhu: #Wairua The rnurac as a learuiug irrstitutiort Cu ltu rul sel l'-c l-llcacy : Ilt tcrv ic w ptrt i c i paltLs Surnrlury ot' irrtcrv icrv rcsp()nscs Summlry ol'chirl)tcr. Chapter. 5:. tJ-5. 8(r. 86 87 88. 89. 9i L)2. 9:l 94 c)6. 96. Discussion and c<lnclusion. Characteristics ol' MIori stutlctrl. tcuchcrs Acaclemic sell'-ctlicacy Sourccs ot' acllcrn ic scl l'-cl'l'icecv Collective efticacv A'Wharrau group Kaupapu husccl rvhr.rnru Other relatccl cotrtril'luting ILtctors to l\'llori stttclctrt teachers' sell'-c t'llcucv Attributiclrr l)lanrrirrg. uspirttions ancl rchicvcrncnt Strategies Stuclerrt tcacher nrotivat ion M lori pecla-togical pre I'crcrrccs Cultural sell'-elficucy Mlori stuclent tcachers' sourccs ol' culturtl sclt'-efl'icacy Pou tuutalri: #Tc lleo Mlori l)ou tuurua: #Tikunga N4iori l)ou tuatoru: #Kaupapa Mlori l)ou tuawhu: #Ako Tc l)apa: #Whxrtau Tc Tlhuhu: #Wuirua Surnnrury l-lc l-luuralri Ako: A Mloricclucation Itarncwork Conclusion Summury ol' ucuclcm ic sell'-c l'licucy Sunrmary o I' cu lturul sc I l'-cl'licucy Acutlcrnic unrl cttlturul scll:cl'licucy u ctnrpurutive ovcrvicw l,irlitutiorrs ol' this sturly l)crccivcd cnlturul tcnsions. 99 99 99 102 I. n'). 103 104. l0'1 t0-5. 105. 106 106 107 107. r09. nl. l12. ll3. 1r3 1t4. lt5. ll6 ll6 il7. tl7 ilrl lln.

(13) xii. Apperrclixes. Appenclix A: QLrcstiorrtruircs Appenclix 13: Surve Y qlresti()l'l Apperrclix C: Itrlbrmll'iotr Shcct. Bibliography. nl t-1 /. l4l l4-5.

(14) xiii. LIST OF TABLES Table. i. Table 2. I:le Fluarahi Ako l\'antework. -)'. Maori stuclcttt tc achc r c/?11)llle/lis I'ty p r<tg rantntc' ycar grcup. uncl I'tv lirst ycar gtoult in 1997. )U. Description t> l' I i rst v c ar gcnc rzl eclu c at io tt p rogratTlne Miori student teachcr participants Ity: gender, age' spousd' children and Ir4 l<>ri Stur/rc's n"ta-ior. Table 3. Surveygucsllolls sciccfer/ to rcprcsent inclicatiotts of the. Table 4. ov cral I ac aclcn't i c sc. I. t -c t. ti c :tcy o l' t he p. a. rl i c i p rt'tls. lnlnt. /t:.s/)o,l.s(:.s. tltc suruev panici\tutts. Table 5. Acaclentic sclt'-cl'l'icacy. Table 6. Survey rc.?otl.sc.s to lask otlc-'olr'scrvittg :t cltiltl. Table 7. Survey resp(),l.sc's Io rJ.sk lwo.' tc.sl. Table 8. Survey rcspo/l.s(:.s u) usk lhrcc: oral prcsctttJtiotl' working in pairs. Table 9. Partic i p ut s' r. Gtent. Table l0. Table. ll. Table 12. :tt t r i b u. tt ns. /irr pcrsoI. se. t ;t. att ribur io tls lbr- pe rrcrtul ucadcnt i c fai lu re. I. /itclor.s lrom survey ('itent. I'-e !'i c ac y rc.s/x)rl.sc.$. f. # 32). I t'-c l't'icacy ilc.trl.s. /itlrl l hc tlucst i<>n nai rc. Table l4. Cultural sc|!'-cl'Iicacy rc.?(xr.sc.s littnt lltc suNcy particiPants Cultu ral scl particiPttnts. 76 79. 80. Cul tural. 15. 12. l'nnn the i nterv i ew. Table l3. Table. (r9. I ;tc ul c nt i c succcss. participutts sc. 61. 15. five motivating. Acaclent ic. (')(). 1l. #30). Patticip ants' (itent #31) Top. ti. 51. I'-c t'l'ic ac y rc'.Vr)rtsc.s. 84. 85. l'ront thc i ntcrv icw 9.5.

(15) xtv. LIST OF FIGURES Figure. 1'. Mainsoltrccsol-sclt.-ct.t.icecy(irrput)atrclcilrrcsl-l<ltltlit-tg possibilitics (oLttPLtts ). l0. by. Figure 2.. crtectctl An exarnplc tll'ltou' scll'-ct'l'icacy lllilv lrc tilsK stucleuts whilc ctrrlrplctirrg utl ecltlctnic. Figure 3.. Iractors rclatccl to scl t -cfl'icuclt. Figure 4.. I'luarahi Ako: A pictorial rcprcscntrtiotr (rvlrerctrtri) ot'tle a Maori te achcr ctlrtcltiotr t'runcu'ot'k. I-1. t1. -rI.



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