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Avian sarcoma virus-transformed quail clones defective in the production of focus-forming virus.


Academic year: 2019

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Sarcoma Virus-Transformed Quail




the Production of

Focus-Forming Virus


The Institutefor CancerResearch, Fox Chase Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19111,' and Department

ofMicrobiology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania 191742

Received for publication 20 December 1978

Quail embryo fibroblastswereinfectedatlowmultiplicity with aviansarcoma

virus, and transformedcells wereselectedby their abilitytoformcolonies inagar.

Five clones that failed to produce focus-forming virus were examined for (i)

intactness of the integrated proviral DNA, (ii) intracellular viral RNA production,

(iii)intracellular viral antigen production, (iv) production of virus particles, and

(v) rescue ofafunctional srcgene and ofparental hostrange determinants by

superinfectionwithRous-associatedvirus-60,anavian leukosisvirus of subgroup

E. Deletions in the integrated viral DNA were apparent in three of the five

nonproducer clones.Inoneclone producingfocus-forming virus, analysis of the

integrated viral DNA revealedaninsertion in the region of thegenomethat codes


In a previous publication we described the

state of the integrated proviral DNA in

trans-formed clonesofchicken, duck, andquailcells

isolated after low-multiplicity infection with

avian sarcoma virus (27). Within one group of

transformedquailclones derived fromthe cells

of a single embryo, we found that 7 out of 18

transforned clones failedtoproduce

focus-form-ing virus. The purpose of this manuscript is to

present a preliminary characterization of five of

these defective clones and of one interesting nondefective clone.


Cells and viruse8. The sourcesofembryonated

eggs andtheproceduresfor thepreparationofchicken

andJapanesequail embryofibroblast cultureswere as

described (36).The chickenembryofibroblastswere


tumorviruses ofsubgroupsEorBplusE,respectively. Thequail embryofibroblastswereQ/BD,resistantto

viruses of subgroups B and D, but susceptible to

infectionby viruses ofsubgroupsA,C,and E. For isolation of clones of transformedquailcellswe

used both the Prague strain of Rous sarcoma virus

(RSV)ofsubgroupA(wtPR-A)and theBratislava77

strain ofaviansarcomavirusofsubgroupC(wtB77).

Theproceduresandmedia for the isolation andgrowth

ofclones of transformed quail cellswere previously

described (27). Forrescueoftransformingvirusfrom defective clones we used Rous-associated virus-60

(RAV-60), anavian leukosis virus ofsubgroupE (8)

that isinfectious forJapanesequail embryofibroblasts butnotforC/EorC/BEchickenembryofibroblasts.

Cellculturewas at37-38°C. wtB77wasprovided by

E. Hunter (University of Alabama, Birmingham);

RAV-60wasobtained fromH. Hanafusa(Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y.). ABryan strain

RSV-infected quail cellline, Q-BH-RSV(-) cl. 3 (7), was provided by R.Friis,Justus Liebig Universitat, Gies-sen,WestGermany.

Virus a8says. Focus assays on chicken or quail embryo fibroblastswere done using standard

proce-dures (36),and concentrations of sarcoma viruses are

expressedasfocus-formingunits per milliliter. Trans-formation-defectivesarcomaviruses and avian leuko-sis virusesare notdetectedbythe focus assay.

To test for the presenceof transformation-defective

viruses or avianleukosis viruses,gs(-)chf(-) chicken embryofibroblastcultures(38) were infected with the

sampleinquestionandpassagedthree times. The cells were growninHam F10 medium supplemented with 10%(vol/vol)tryptosephosphate broth, 10% (vol/vol) calf serum, and 2% (vol/vol) heat-inactivated (1 h, 56°C) chickserum, exceptthat infection and transfer weredone in Ham F10supplemented with10% (vol/ vol)tryptosephosphate broth,5%(vol/vol)calf serum, and0.0002%(wt/vol) polybrene (GM+PB).After the third passage, the cellson a 100-mm-diameter petri dishwerewashed three times with10ml of ice-cold

phosphate-buffered saline (0.15 M NaCl, 0.0028 M

KH2PO4,0.0072 MNa2HPO4, pH7.1),scrapedinto0.5

ml ofphosphate-buffered saline,and storedat-80°C forsubsequentassay.Thesamplesweresonically dis-rupted priortoassayfor thegroup-specific(gs) antigen of aviantumorvirusesbythe COFAL assay(2, 28, 32). Forthis assay, antiserumwasobtained fromapigeon


Radioactivelabelingof viruses and cells.

La-belingwasdoneon100-mm-diameterpetridishes with monolayers that were ca. 70 to 90%confluent. The monolayerswerefirstwashed threetimeswith37°C Earle basal salt solution containing 0.056% (wt/vol)


on November 10, 2019 by guest




NaHCO3 and 1% (vol/vol) dimethyl sulfoxide. For labeling of virus, the cellswereincubated for 16h in 5ml of HamF10 medium containing 2% the normal concentrationofmethionine, 5% (vol/vol) calfserum, 1%(vol/vol) dimethyl sulfoxide, and 100


of [3S]-methionine (200 to 300 Ci/mmol; New England Nu-clearCorp., Boston, Mass.).The virus was then har-vested from the tissue culture fluids as described be-low. To label thecells for immune precipitation, 1.5 ml of Earle saltsolution containing 0.056% (wt/vol) NaHCO3, 1% (vol/vol) dimethylsulfoxide and 100 uCi of[3S]methioninewasaddedfor20min at37°C.The label was removed, and the cells were washed two

times with 5 ml ofprewarmed GM + 1% (vol/vol) dimethyl sulfoxide and then incubated for an

addi-tional 2.5 h. At the end of this incubation, the cells werewashed once with 10 ml ofice-cold phosphate-buffered saline containing1%(vol/vol) dimethyl sulf-oxide and stored at-80°C, priortolysisfor immune


Purification of viruses. Radioactive virus was

partiallypurified from tissue culturefluids,essentially

aspreviously described (5). Briefly, the media were

clarified,0.1mg ofpurifiedwtPR-A virus was added as carrier,the media werelayered over 3 mlof35% (wt/vol)sucrose in 0.1MNaCl-0.01M Tris-chloride-0.001 M EDTA (pH 7.4), and the viruses were sedi-mentedthroughthe sucroseby centrifugationfor 2h,

38,000 rpm,4°C,in aSpinco SW40rotor.Thepellets

were then suspended for sodium dodecyl sulfate

(SDS)-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis (15).

Immunoprecipitation. Cells were lysed and

clar-ifiedpriortodirectimmunoprecipitation,asdescribed (5). To half of thecelllysate (900


wereadded 5yg ofwtPR-Avirus and 0.1ml ofrabbitanti-gsserum.As acontrol,to anequalvolume ofcelllysatewasadded 5


of human serum albumin and 0.1 ml of rabbit anti-human serum albumin(Behring Diagnostics,

So-merville, N.J.). The immunoprecipitates were col-lected after anovernightincubation at4°Cand

resus-pended for SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

Theanti-gagserum waspreparedby three subcu-taneous injections of a female New Zealand white rabbit at2-to3-week intervalswith 0.5 mg of

Nonidet-P40-disrupted avian myeloblastosis virus in Freund

adjuvant.Thefirst was incomplete adjuvant,the next two in incomplete adjuvant. Eight weeks after the thirdinjection,avianmyeloblastosisvirus wasinjected

intraperitoneally without adjuvant. The serum was

collected10dayslater. Avianmyeloblastosisvirus for these injections was gradient purified (23) from chicken plasma obtained from D. Bolognesi (Duke University,Durham, N.C.).

Gel electrophoresis. Discontinuous

SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresiswascarriedout as

de-scribedbyLaemmli (15), except that the spacer and

separationgelscontained twice the recommended

con-centrations of Tris-chloride and the ratio ofacrylamide

tobisacrylamide in the separationgel was adjusted

according to the formula of Blattler etal. (1). Gels

were prepared and fluorographed using preexposed

film,asdescribed(3, 16).

Determinationof theaverage number of mol-eculesof viral RNA per transformed cell. Total nucleic acidwasobtained from ca.4 x 107cellsusing

an SDS-Pronase treatment followed by two phenol

extractions (27). The total nucleic acid was annealed with 3P-labeled DNA probes to the viral RNA (34). A

representative probelabeledwith[nP]dATP (350Ci/ mmol; New England Nuclear) was prepared using

avian myeloblastosis virus reverse transcriptase, wtPR-C RSV 70S RNA, and calf thymus DNA

primers, allaspreviouslydescribed(35).Aprobefor those sequences located near the 3'terminus,

exclud-ingpolyadenylicacid[poly(A)],of theviralRNA was prepared using a similar reactionexcept that we used astemplatepoly(A)-containingviral RNA, selected by two passages through acolumn of

oligodeoxythymi-dylic acid-cellulose(21). As primer weused 5'-p(dT)8-rG-3' obtained from Collaborative Research (Wal-tham, Mass.), which was subsequently removed by treatmentwith alkali.

To determine the average number of viral RNA molecules per cell, the kinetics ofannealingdata were

entered into aDigital 11/70 computerprogrammed for thisanalysis(22).

Analysis ofintegrated viralDNA. The proce-duresforanalysisofintegrated viralsequences were described in a previous report (27). Briefly, DNA extracted from infected cells wassubjectedto restric-tion endonuclease digesrestric-tionfollowed by electropho-resis on slabgelsof 0.7% (wt/vol) agarose. The DNA was then transferred tonitrocellulose filters by the method ofSouthern (30), andviral sequences were detectedby hybridizationwith a3P-labeled

comple-mentary DNA (cDNA) probe (11). For detection of

ribosomalsequences, weprepared a cDNAprobeto a mixtureof purified 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA using calf thymus DNA primers (35). Unintegrated viral DNA (11), used as a marker, was a gift from R.

Guntaka,ColumbiaUniversity,NewYork,N.Y. It is

importantto notethatthese unintegratedviralDNA intermediates contain the large terminal repeat

(LTR), of which at least part is also maintained in

integratedviralDNA(11, 27).



quail clones. As noted

above,7 outof18clones ofaviansarcoma

virus-transformed quail embryo fibroblasts failed to

produce focus-formingvirus.These isolatesare

designatedas"nonproducer" clones.Two ofthe

clones did not grow well, and were discarded. Theremaining cloneshave beensubjectedto a

detailed analysis of the integrated viral DNA and to a preliminary analysis of virus gene

expression, with the ain of establishing the

block(s)tovirusreplication. On theassumption

that thefailuretoproduceinfectious progeny is

dueto avirusmutation,wehavedesignatedthe

virusescarried by the clonesasreplication

de-fective(rd)(37).Accordingly,the viruses

infect-ing the five clonesaredesignatedrdPH9PR-A,

rdPH18PR-A, rdPH2B77-C, rdPH1OB77-C,

andrdPH11B77-C.The correspondingquail cell

clones are called Q-PrA-9, Q-PrA-18, Q-B77-2,

Q-B77-10, and Q-B77-11, respectively.


on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 1. Synthesis of viral RNA and avian tumor virus gsantigen

Relative Quail Viral RNAb(mol- g antigen particle clone' eculespercell) conCnf


Q-PrA-9 1,500 5.7-11.4 0.4

Q-PrA-18 1,300 7.7-15.4 1.2

Q-B77-1 1,600(2,200) NDe ND

Q-B77-2 60(370) <0.5 0

Q-B77-10 500 7.4 0.7

Q-B77-11 1,000 8.6 1.6

Q-PrA-4 2,200 16.5 1

Q-B77-8 300 14.4 0.7

aThenonproducer quailclonesaredescribed in the text. Q-PrA-4, Q-B77-1, and Q-B77-8 are producer

clones isolatedfrom infectedcells of the same quail embryo asthenonproducerclones.

bThe amount ofviral RNA percellwasdetermined asdescribed in thetext,assuming25x10-12gof total RNApercellandusing arepresentativecDNAprobe. The numbers in parentheses weredetermined using a

probe specificfor sequences near the 3' terminus of theviralRNA(Fig. 1).

'TheCOFAL reactivity was expressed as the recip-rocal of thehighest sample dilution producinga

posi-tiveresponse,determined on twofold serial dilutions ofcelllysates. Theresults have been normnalizedby

dividingby the protein concentration(milligramsper

milliliter) in eachsample(19).

dTo quantitate the production of virus particles, virions were labeled with [3S]methionine, purified,

disrupted, and subjected to electrophoresis on 18%

(wt/vol) polyacrylamide-SDSslab gels,as described in the text.Afterfluorography,films were scanned at 620nm with adensitometer, and the areas under the

peaksweredetermined for themajorvirion proteins. The numberspresentedaretherelativeyieldsof virus

particlesdetermined fromthequantitationofthe

ma-jorvirionprotein,P27.Results obtainedby normaliz-ingto P19orP12/P15differedbyafactor of two or less from those presented. Q-B77-2 did not produce detectableyieldsof virusparticles.Theyieldof parti-clesproduced by Q-PrA-4wastaken as unity.

eND, Not done.

Tocharacterize the nature of the defect in the

five nonproducerclones, we first measured four

parameters ofvirus infection. These were

syn-thesis of viralRNA, synthesis of avian tumor

virusgsantigens, release of virus particles, and

rescue ofthe src gene by superinfection with

RAV-60 avian leukosis virus.

In the following section, we show that the

inabilitytoproduce infectious progeny virus can

beattributed neither to afailure to transcribe

the provirus into RNA nor to an inability to

translate that RNA into thetypical

group-spe-cific(gs) antigens of the avian tumor viruses.

Nonproducer clones synthesize viral

RNA and avian tumor virus gs antigens.

Theresults of the analysis for viral RNA and

gs-antigen synthesisarepresented in Table 1 and

in Fig. 1. Intracellular viral RNA was

quanti-tated by hybridization, in RNA excess, with a

cDNA probe representative of the entire viral


meas-ured in the COFALassayusingserumfroman

RSV tumor-bearing pigeon.

The results ofatypicalhybridization between

a cDNA probe representative of the viral

ge-nomeandnucleic acid isolated fromaproducer

clone, Q-B77-1, are shown in Fig. lb.

Qualita-tively similar resultswereobtained with four of

thenonproducer clones, PrA-9, PrA-18,

Q-B77-10, and Q-B77-11,aswellaswith the three

other producer clones, Q-PrA-4, Q-B77-1, and

Q-B77-8. The amount of viral RNA per cell

(Table 1) varied from 500 to 2,200 copies per

cell, with the exceptions of theproducer clone,

Q-B77-8 (300 copies percell), and the

nonpro-ducerclone, Q-B77-2 (ca.60copiespercell).



a w




z z 4






-1 0 1 2

logio (Crt mole-sec/liter)

FIG. 1. Annealing kinetics of f2P]cDNA probes, representingtotal and3'-specificaviansarcomavirus

sequences,tonucleic acid extractedfrom transformed quailclones. [PP]cDNA probes (6,000cpm per

reac-tion), prepared by calf thymus-primed transcription (-4, total) or5'-p(dT)8-rG-3'-primed

transcrip-tion(x-x, 3') ofwtPR-CRNA, wereannealedto the total nucleicacid extractedfrom aproducer quail

clone(Q-B77-1) andanonproducer quailclone (Q-B77-2).At the indicated valuesofC,t, sampleswere

removed, and theformation of hybridswasassayed

byresistance tonucleaseSl. Eachannealingcurve

has been correctedto 100% annealingofthe

/P]-cDNAtoan excessofpurified70SRNAofwtPR-C. The actualextent of annealing ofeachprobe with virion RNAwasapproximately85%.

0. .

Q-B77-2 /I






X--- -




-0-B77-1 14


- _ S/I

on November 10, 2019 by guest




In contrast to the hybridization of Q-B77-1

presentedinFig.lb, only40% ofarepresentative

cDNA probewasannealed, atalogio(Crt) of3,

to nucleic acid extracted from clone Q-B77-2

(Fig. la). A greater extent of annealing was

achieved withacDNA probe transcribed from

poly(A)-selected viral 35SRNA.This result

sug-geststhat it isprincipallythosesequences

spe-cifictothe 3'region of theviralgenomethatare


The results of molecular hybridization

indi-cated thateach nonproducer clone,except

pos-sibly Q-B77-2, synthesized RNA codingfor the

gs-antigenic determinants associated with the

gag gene products. Consistent with this, each

quail clone but Q-B77-2synthesized gsantigen

detectablein the COFALassay (Table 1). The

maximum variation between COFAL-positive

clones was ca. twofold, but the cells of the

COFAL-negative clone, Q-B77-2, accumulated

less than 1/10 theamountofgsantigen that the

cellsof theCOFAL-positiveclonesdid.

The positive results of the viral RNA and

COFAL assays (Table 1) allowed thatsomeof


noninfec-tiousparticles. Totestthispossibility, the cells

were grown for 16 h in the presence of

[3S]-methionine, and any virus particles released

weresedimentedfrom the supernatantfluidsby

ultracentrifugationandanalyzed by

electropho-resisonSDS-polyacrylamide gels. By this

anal-ysis, each of the clones, except Q-B77-2,

pro-ducedapproximately equivalentamountsof

typ-ical virusparticles containing P27, P19, andP15

+ P12asdidthewild-type virus-infected clone,

Q-PrA-4 (Table 1). In addition, we have

dem-onstrated thatthese virusparticles, labeled by

growthinthepresenceof[3H]uridine, bandedat


centrif-ugation in sucrose density gradients, and that

theseparticlescontained 70SRNA (G. Seal,C.

Yeater,and W.Mason,unpublished data). The

particles released by the clones were then

as-sayed for reverse transcriptase activity, using

calf thymus DNA as an exogenous template.

DNA polymerase activity wasdetected in the

particles released by Q-PrA-18, Q-B77-10, and

Q-B77-11, butwasnotdetected in the particles

released by Q-PrA-9. Unfortunately, we were unabletodetermine whether


Q-PrA-9virus contained theaand/i subunits ofreverse

transcriptase, since a high background of

cell-specific proteins in the purified virus

prepara-tions reducedtheresolutioninthe region of the polyacrylamide gel containing these subunits.

Thepresence oftypical C-type particles

sug-gested that some of the clones might produce

transformation-defective virus.Despitethe

pro-duction of virus particles by four out of five nonproducer clones, none of the nonproducer

clones produced infectious but

transformation-defective virus. The supematant fluids from the nonproducer clones did not transfer

transfor-mation-defective, replication-competent avian

tumorvirusestocultures ofsusceptiblechicken

embryo fibroblasts.

Rescueof transforming viruses by

super-infection withRAV-60.Tofurther

character-ize virus expression in the transforned quail

clones, we haveattempted to rescue viral






super-infectionwith RAV-60 avianleukosisvirus. The

rescueof viral RNA sequences


trans-formation (src) wasdetected in the focus assay.

Simultaneous rescue ofsubgroup A or C host

rangedeterminants was recognized by theability

ofthe rescuedtransforming viruses to forn foci

onC/BE cells resistanttothesubgroupEhost

rangeof RAV-60. Wewereabletorescue

focus-forming virus fromallof thenonproducer clones

(Table2). The absolute efficiency of rescue of

focus-forming virus fromQ-B77-2was approxi-mately 100-fold lowerthan from any otherclone, suggesting a defect either in the packaging of

the transforming gene into virions or in the

utilization of thesesequencesduringinitiation of infection in the focus assay. Moreover,

trans-formingvirusrescued fromQ-B77-2did notform

foci on C/BE, indicatingthatsubgroup Chost

range determinants were absent or defective in

this clone. Therelativelylowefficiencyof rescue

ofsubgroup C virus fromQ-B77-10suggeststhat

thisclone, also, mightcarryadefectiveenvgene. Fortheremainingnonproducerclones, the

effi-ciency of rescue of transforming virus of the

parentalhost rangemoreclosely



seen with the producer clones. We have not

determined whetherrescueoftheparental host

rangeoccurred bycomplementationor as a

con-sequence of intragenic recombination in env


Theseresults suggest that viral RNA

synthe-sizedby allthenonproducerclones,except

pos-sibly Q-B77-2,wasefficiently packagedinto

vir-ions released aftersuperinfectionwith RAV-60.

Thus, these mutantsdiffer from thepackaging

mutant, rdSE21PR-E-(M. Linial, E. Medeiros,

and W.S.Hayward, Cell,inpress).Inaddition,

all the mutantsexceptpossibly Q-B77-2 coded

for the determinants of the host range of the

parental viruses.

Analysis ofintegrated viral DNA.

Proba-blythemostinformativeproperty ofthe

defec-tive quailclones that wehave examined is the

statusoftheintegrated viralDNA.Forthiswe

haveuseddigestion ofcellDNAby one of

sev-VOL. 30,1979

on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 2. Rescueoftransformingvirusesby superinfection withRAV-60a

Virus production

Quailclone" (FFU/ml)



Quailcln'on: BE)C


Q-PrA-4 3.4 x105 9.3 x104 0.27

+RAV-60 1.3x 105 6x 105 4.6

Q-PrA.9 <10d <10

+RAV-60 7.1x 104 2.6x 104 0.37

Q-PrA-18 <10 <10

+RAV-60 2x lo, 2.8 x105 1.4 Q-B77-1 1x 104 9.4x 102 0.094

+RAV-60 2.1x 104 2.8x 105 13.3

Q-B77-2 <10 <10

+RAV-60 <10 6.8x102 >68 Q-B77-8 6x103 ca. 3x 102 ca. 0.05

+RAV-60 5x 103 9.8x104 19.6

Q-B77-10 <10 <10

+RAV-60 1.1x 103 5.8x 104 52.7

Q-B77-11 <10 <10

+RAV-60 2.8x 104 1.9X 105 6.8 Q-BH-RSV(-)cl. 3 <10 <10

+RAV-60 <10 1.8x 105 >1.8x 104 Controls

wtPR-A 1.7x 106 6.4x 105 0.38

wtB77 8x105 1.lX105 0.14

'Atotal of106cells per 60-mm-diameterpetri dish were infectedwith 0.2ml of RAV-60 andpassagedtwice at a 1:2 dilutionat 6- to11-day intervals.Supernatant fluids harvested 3 to5days after the secondpassage wereassayed for focus-forming units(FFU)permilliliteronC/BE chicken embryo fibroblastsor onquail embryofibroblasts.

h Data arepresented for cellsthatreceivedRAV-60aswell asforcells thatwere notsuperinfected. Q-PrA-4, Q-B77-1, andQ-B77-8areproducerclones.Q-BH-RSV(-)clone 3 has beendescribed(7).

CRelativeplating efficiencies ofsubgroups A, C, and E avian viruses onC/BEandquailembryo fibroblasts.wtPR-A andwtB77weregrown onchickenembryo fibroblasts.

d<10, Focus-formingunits were not detected in 0.3 ml of supernatantfluids.

eral restriction endonucleases, followedby

aga-rosegelelectrophoresis of theDNAfragments.

As in apreviousstudy (27), unintegrated viral

DNA wasnotobserved in thetransformedquail

clones (datanotshown).

In a previous study of the integrated viral

DNA ofwtPR-A or wtB77 productively

trans-formed clones ofchicken, quail,orduckembryo

fibroblasts,weobserved alargeterminalrepeat

(LTR) ofatleast300basepairsateach endof

the integrated viral DNA (27). The restriction

endonuclease PvuI makesone cut in the LTR

and releases fromintegratedviral DNA a

frag-ment of unit length (5.85 x 106 daltons [5.85

Mdal]); that is, a fragment the size of a transcript

ofthe viral RNA, minus the poly(A) and one

copy of the short terminal repeat. Digestion of the integrated DNA of the nonproducer clones also yielded a single fragment, equal to, or in

some caseslarger or smaller than, unit size (data

notshown). This result suggested that the

inte-grated viral DNA of the nonproducers also

con-tained theflankingcopies of the LTR but that

insome clonesinterveningsequences had been

lost. Moreover, as with the producer quail

clones, analysisoffragmentsproducedby

diges-tionwith the restriction endonuclease KpnI

sug-gested that each clone containedasingle

inte-grated provirus.

KpnI cleaves viral DNA once,approximately

in the middle of the genome (33; P. Shank, S.

Hughes, H. J.Kung,R. V. Guntaka, H.E.

Var-mus, and J. M. Bishop, personal

communica-tion). Thus, if viral DNA within a cloned

popu-lation is integrated at a unique site, two

cell-virusjunctionfragments should bereleased by

KpnI, the size of thefragmentsdepending upon

the location ofadjacent cellularKpnI sites

rel-ative to the site ofintegration. In Table 3 we

show that for all the clones but Q-B77-2 two

cell-virusjunctionfragmentswereobtained. The

fragment sizes are different between clones,

sug-gesting that the integration site on the host

DNAis different in each.Q-B77-2 yielded only

asingle fragmentof9.5Mdal. Results presented

below suggest that Q-B77-2 has lost the viral

KpnIsite,implying thatthe 9.5-Mdalfragment

contained the entireprovirus. Theresultswith

KpnIindicate that eachclonecontains one

pro-virusintegrated atasingle site, butdoesnot rule

outthe possibilitythatthe clones also contain

some viral sequences integrated at random

within each clonedpopulation.

The restrictionendonuclease EcoRI cuts the

integrated viral DNAat a site in the LTR, as wellas at two intemalsitesonthe viralDNA, yieldingthreerestrictionfragmentsof 2.35 Mdal

(A), 1.96 Mdal (B), and 1.53 Mdal (C),

respec-TABLE 3. Massof cell-virus DNA junction

fragmentsreleasedbythe restrictionendonuclease Kpnja

Quaflclone KpnIjunctionband (Mdal)

Q-PrA-9 ... 12.2,6.4

Q-PrA-18 ... 8.1,7.1

Q-B77-1 ... 13.7,11.5

Q-B77-2 ... 9.5

Q-B77-10 ... 6.9,3.3

Q-B77-11 ... 13.0,6.6

Q-PrA-4 ... .... 9.3,3.1

Q-B77-8 4.4,3.8

aSeetextfor details.

on November 10, 2019 by guest




tively, representing the entire viralgenome(11)

(see Fig. 3). Relative to the 3' terminus of the

viral RNA genome, these fragments appear in

the order B, A,C (33).

The resultsofan EcoRIanalysis of the

inte-grated viral DNAs of the defective quail clones

are shown in Fig. 2. Lane 1 shows an EcoRI

digestion of unintegrated linear viral DNA in-termediates which yielded fragments A, B, and

C. Lane 2 shows the EcoRI digest of the

pro-ducerclone, Q-B77-1, with the surprising result

thatfragment B isreplaced byanewfragment

(B') which is 0.17 Mdal larger than B. The

EcoRI analysis of the nonproducer clone,

Q-B77-10 (lane 3),suggeststhatadeletion of0.09

Mdal has occurred infragment B, yielding

frag-mentB". InQ-PrA-9cells(lane4),fragmentsA

andCaremissing, whilea newfragment,A +C,

appears. A + C is 0.6 Mdal smaller than the

summed molecular massesoffragmentsAand

C, suggestingthat adeletion in either A,C, or

both has occurred.CloneQ-B77-2haslost

frag-mentsAandC, indicatingdeletion of substantial

portion(s) of both thesefragments (lane 5). In

lane 6 we show that certain common bands

observed in all the clones alsohybridizedwitha

ribosomalcDNAprobe, indicating thatourviral

cDNA probe had some contamination with

ri-bosomalsequences. As discussed in aprevious

report(27),even1% contamination of theprobe


ofasmallamount ofrRNA into virions would

leadtodetection of ribosomal DNA because of

the reiteration of these sequences within the

cellulargenome.The EcoRIfragmentsof clones

Q-PrA-18andQ-B77-11 wereofnormalsize, at


Tomorepreciselylocate the deletions and the

insertion/duplication detected by our EcoRI

analyses of the defectivequail clones, we

exam-ined theproductsofdigestionof each clone with

the restriction endonucleases PvuI, XhoI, and

BglII, as appropriate. The cleavage sites for

these enzymes on integrated viral DNA are

shown in Fig. 3. The results ofour analysis of

each defective clone are also shown in Fig. 3,

which presents a schematic representation of

the size and location of each deletion and inser-tion orduplication. As shown, Q-B77-1 has an

insertion of0.17 Mdal, in src, Q-B77-10 has a

deletion of 0.09 Mdal in env, Q-PrA-9 has a

deletionof 0.41 Mdalinpoland/orenv, and

Q-B77-2hasadeletion of3.97Mdal encompassing

gag,pol, andenv. Although the Q-B77-10

dele-tion maps near the env-src junction, we have

placed this deletion in env because this clone

does notproduce infectious virus; however,some

overlapintosrccannotyet be ruled out.

Q-PrA-1 2 3 4 5













FIG. 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis of EcoRI re-strictionfragmentsof integrated proviral sequences in transformed quail clones. From 4 to 8pgof cell DNA was digested with 4 units ofEcoRIper Ag,

followed byslabgel electrophoresis, transferto nitro-cellulosefilters, andhybridizationwith[3P]cDNA.

Lanes 1-5,hybridizationwith a cDNAprobetoviral 70SRNA;lane6,hybridizationwith a cDNA probe topurifiedrRNA. Lane7, HindIIIdigest ofphage A DNAlabeled with[32P]dCTP,in vitro, as described (33). Lane 1,unintegrated intermediates (11); lane 2,

Q-B77-1; lane 3,B77-Q-10; lane 4, Q-PrA-9;lane 5,

Q-B77-2;lane 6, Q-B77-2. The numbers on theright arethe masses inmegadaltonsoftheHindIII frag-ments of phageA DNA, used as molecular weight markers. The notations on theleftareexplained in the text. The twofragmentsatthe topof the gels, not detected with a ribosomalprobe, are also seen in uninfected quail cells, as are the ribosomal


9mayalsocontain amutationnearthe junction

ofgag andpol, since the EcoRI cleavage site location in this region is missing in Q-PrA-9.

Although Fig.3 shows thedeletions and

inser-tion(s) in the mutants as single changes, it is

importanttonotethat thechangesinsize of the


sites mayactuallyresultfromanumberof

non-contiguousdeletionsor insertions.

VOL. 30,1979


on November 10, 2019 by guest




PH1877 rdPH10877.

rdPH9PR-A -0.41 t 0.04

rdPH2B77 -3.97t0.11


10- KO env

o Xho I

Eco RI 6 4

V§jE MW (Md)

Kpn I

10 5


FIG. 3. Thesizesandlocationsof

deletions on theintegratedproviral Q-B77-1, Q-B77-10, Q-PrA-9,and


mutationsinPHIB77-C, rdPHIOB77


nucleases PvuI, XhoI, EcoRI, BglII personal communication), andKpni

ontheproviral DNAgenome. The ci

correspondstothe 5'terminusofthe

complementary totheviralRNA. (

additionalsequenceswerelocated b

siteat1.09Mdal and the XhoI site ai

ofthese sites are located on src ( personalcommunication).The size o


parison of EcoRIand BglII fragm with those of unintegrated DNA

(rdPH1OB77-C)The deletionwasloc XhoI site at 1.45Mdal and the Ec

Mdal. The sizeofthisdeletion, 0.a was determinedfrom analysis ofI

digests. (rdPH9PR-A) The deletion theleftoftheKpnI siteat2.71Mda experimentindicated that thedeleti


TheBglII siteat 3.26Mdal is mis

that the mutation encompasses thi

Thesizeofthedeletion, atleast0.

was derivedfrom thefragmentspr and adoubledigestionwithPvuI an



0.6Mdal. Although themajordele asmappingtotherightoftheHpaI

analterationhas alsooccurredtot)

since the EcoRI site at4.4Mdalt

(Fig.2).(rdPH2B 77-C) Digestion wi

fragment of

size 1.76Mdal, wherec

EcoRIyielded a singlefragmentc presenceofsrcwas indicated by ti

gene by superinfection with RAV-6

believe, therefore,that the1.9-Mdal is released bycleavagesatthe Eco Mdal andeither2.06or 5.95Mdalt nus.Inthefigure,theopen brackets tionsofthedeletions andinsertion/

the hatchedorfilled brackets ind should be noted that the mutations

tplesites within the indicatedlocat

+0.17t0.04 In thefollowingsection, we present a




of the




synthesized by one of the nonproducer clones, Q-PrA-9.

Clone Q-PrA-9 synthesizes a defective form of Pr180. The resultsof our analysisof

0 integrated viral DNA indicated that Q-PrA-9

has adeletionmapping near the junction of env

src andpol. If the DNAsequences detected by our

| analysis were transcribed into viral mRNA

spe-2 0 cific forpol,the reversetranscriptase precursor,

Pr180 (9, 20, 26), would not be synthesized.Cells

o were labeled with[35S]methionine, and

cell-as-sociated viralproteinswereimmunoprecipitated

'theinsertions or with anantiserumto whole virus. As


IDNA inclones


was notsynthesized in Q-PrA-9cells(Fig.





wedetected a novel protein

(desig-r-C, rdPH9PR-A, natedX) withamolecularweight of ca. 130,000

restrictionendo- to


Pr76 appears to be of



Iare alsoshown however, processing of Pr76 to thegag structural


!DNA transcript a b c d e f g h

PHIB77-C). The

PetweentheBglII Aft..

tl45MdalBoth 1 -u '. X

P.Shanketal., PriSO8 )ftheinsertionor X Serivedfrom

com-wents of Q-B77-1

iintermediates. Pr

76-atedbetween the coRI site at 2.06

VhoIand EcoRI;qgi V

twas located to

il.Apreliminary ..

on waslocated to ...

rdal(not shown).

ssing, suggesting

s site, as shown.

.41 ± 0.04Mdal, roduced by XhoI dKpnI, although


rtionis indicated site at 4.22 Mdal ieleftofthissite,

was not detected th PvuIyielded a isdigestion with

)f1.9Mdal. The he rescueofthis 50 (Table2). We EcoRIfragment

)RIsites at0.095 fromthe 5' termi-sdefinethe loca-'duplication, and 'icate the size. It could be at mul-tions.



dye-FIG. 4. Immune precipitation of viral proteins

fromlysatesof Q-PrA-4, Q-PrA-9, and Q-B77-2. The procedure is described in the text. Electrophoresis was ona12.5%(wt/vol)polyacrylamidegel.Lanesa,

h:WtPR-A,grown in chickenembryofibroblastsand

purifiedasdescribedin thetext. Lane b: Q-PrA-4, anti-gs. Lane c: Q-PrA-4, anti-human serum albu-min. Lane d:Q-PrA-9, anti-gs.Lanee:Q-PrA-9, anti-human serum albumin. Lane f Q-B77-2, anti-gs. Laneg: Q-B77-2, anti-human serum albumin.

on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:7.501.] [image:7.501.267.455.290.560.2]

proteins P27, P19, P12,and P15 may be partially

defective. Byradioactivelabeling, Q-PrA-9 cells contained lessprocessedgagproteins and

pro-ducedslightly less virus than Q-PrA-4cells

(Ta-ble 1). Since the apparent reduction in the size

of Prl80 (ca. 40,000 to 50,000daltons) is greater

than predicted from the size of the deletion,

which issufficienttoaccountfor ca. 21,000

dal-tons, atleast part of the deletion probably maps

at aninternallocation in pol, rather than at the

3' endofpol or across the pol-envjunction.

As predicted from the results of the DNA

mappingand COFALexperiments, Q-B77-2did

notsynthesize any gsproteinsrecognized by an

antiserum raised against total virion proteins

(Fig. 4).


We have describedapreliminary

characteri-zationoffivetransformedquailclones with

non-conditionaldefects in virusreplication.Inthree

instances, restriction enzyme analysis has

re-vealed that the defect is a consequence of a

deletionin theviral genome. The mechanism of

formation of thesedeletionsis unknown. A

com-mon feature of the defective clones we have

studied is the maintenance ofan LTR. This

maintenance is consistent with the proposed

importance of the LTR in the initiation and

termination oftranscription ofintegratedviral

DNAinto RNA, as discussed inaprevious


Although 7nonconditionalmutants were


experiment withcells ofadifferentquail embryo

andusinga newfocus clone ofwtPR-A, only1

transformedclone in35failedtoproduce

prog-enyvirus. A similar low level of defectiveswas

reported previously in RSV-transformed quail cells, and mutantswithnonconditional defects

inpol (18) and in thepackaging of viral RNA

(Linial et al., Cell, in press) were described.

Modified viral genomes in RSV-transforned


cellshave been foundbyP.Shank

and co-workers (P. Shank, S. Hughes, H. J.

Kung,J. E.Majors,N.Quintrell,R. V.Guntaka,

J. M.Bishop,and H. E.Vannus,personal

com-munication)andbyK.Steimerand D.Boettiger (personal communication; 31). In addition, S.

Martin and co-workers (personal

communica-tion) have obtained a number ofdeletion

mu-tants similar tordPH2B77-C, using UV-inacti-vated RSV.

Irrespectiveof themechanismsbywhich

dele-tionsandinsertionswereformed, several

poten-tiallyusefulmutantsaredescribedinthisreport. Q-B77-1 is transformed and produces

phenotyp-ically wild-type virus (PHlB77-C), yet has an

insertion in src sufficientto code for an

addi-tional80 aminoacids. It is difficult to envision theretentionofafunctionalsrcproduct

follow-ingsuch alarge alteration, and it will be

inter-esting to see whether or not these cells

synthe-size alarger form of the src gene product, P60

(4, 12). Altematively, the additional sequences

may be removed by RNA splicing or protein


Theprovirus of rdPH9PR-A has a deletion in

polandaphenotype reminiscentof the

Schmidt-RuppinRSVmutant,rdNY8a (13).Unlike this

mutant,however, rdPH9PR-A has afunctional

envgene, and may be similar to a48T, isolated

as a recombinant between the Bryan strain of

RSV and RAV-49 avianleukosis virus (25). In

contrast to a48T, rdPH9PR-A has a

nondefec-tive parent and should be useful for precise


Finally, rdPHlOB77-Chas adeletion near the

3' end of env and may, therefore, be a gp37

mutant(14, 29). This mutantcouldproveuseful

inanalyses of the processing of the glycoprotein

precursor Pr95(6, 9, 14, 24, 29)togp85 and gp37,

and in the assembly of the gp85-gp37 dimer,

VGP (17).


We aregrateful toH.Hanafusa (Rockefeller University, New York, N.Y.), E. Hunter (UniversityofAlabama, Bir-mingham,Ala.),andR.Friis(JustusLiebig Universitat, Gies-sen, WestGermany)forprovidingvirusesand to R. Guntaka (Columbia University, New York, N.Y.) for providing the unintegrated viral DNA intermediates.

Thiswork wassupported bygrantsVC-155C and NP-241 from the AmericanCancerSociety, byPublicHealth Service grantsRR-05539, CA-06927, CA-16641, and CA-19497from the NationalInstitutes ofHealth, bygrantPCM76-81525from theNational Science Foundation, andbyanappropriation from theCommonwealthofPennsylvania.


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on November 10, 2019 by guest



TABLE 1. Synthesis of viral RNA and avian tumorvirus gs antigen
TABLE 3.fragments Mass of cell-virus DNA junction released by the restriction endonuclease
FIG. 2.followedDNADNALanesmentsmarkers.uninfecteddetectedare(33).Q-B77-1;cellulosestrictioninQ-B77-2;theto70S purified transformed Agarose gel electrophoresis of EcoRI re- fragments of integrated proviral sequences quail clones
FIG.Kb'thedeletions 3. The sizes and locations of on the integrated proviralI


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