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Role of N-linked oligosaccharides in processing and intracellular transport of E2 glycoprotein of rubella virus.


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CopyrightX 1992,AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology

Role of








of E2


of Rubella




Departmentof Pathology, Research Centre, University of British Columbia, 950 West 28th Avenue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada VSZ 4H4

Received 6September1991/Accepted 22 February 1992

Therole of N-linked glycosylationinprocessingandintracellulartransportofrubella virusglycoproteinE2 has beenstudied by expressingglycosylationmutantsof E2 in COS cells.ApanelofE2glycosylationmutants weregenerated by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis.Each of the threepotentialN-linkedglycosylationsites was eliminated separately as well as in combination with the othertwo sites. Expression of the E2 mutant

proteins in COScells indicated that in rubella virus M33 strain,all three sites are used for the addition of N-linkedoligosaccharides. Removal ofanyof theglycosylationsites resulted in slowerglycanprocessing,lower stability, andaberrantdisulfidebondingof the mutantproteins,with theseverityofdefectdependingonthe numberof deleted carbohydratesites.Themutantproteinsweretransportedtotheendoplasmicreticulum and

Golgi complexbutwerenotdetectedonthe cell surface.However,the secretion of theanchor-free form of E2 into themediumwasnotcompletelyblockedbythe removal ofanyoneof itsglycosylationsites. This effectwas dependentontheposition of thedeletedglycosylation site.

Rubella virus (RV) is the sole member of the genus Rubivirus in thefamily Togaviridae (23) and contains three major structuralproteins,thecapsid protein (C;33kDa)and twoenvelope glycoproteins (El [58 kDa] and E2 [42 to 47

kDa]) (30). The Cprotein is argininerich and is thought to

interact with the genomic RNAto form the nucleocapsid,

which is surrounded bya lipid bilayer containing the spike complex of the El and E2glycoproteins (30). The strategy forexpression of structural proteins during RV replication is similar tothat ofalphavirus, in whichapolyprotein

precur-sor(pllO) is translated fromasubgenomicRNA in theorder

NH2-C-E2-E1-COOH (29, 31). The precursor is then prote-olytically processedtogenerateeach structuralprotein (30).

El and E2aretransportedoutof theendoplasmicreticulum

(ER) totheGolgi cisternae and the cell surface (13, 14, 16), where virus maturation can occur on either membrane dependingonthecell type (3, 43).

RV E2isatype Imembraneglycoprotein, and its biolog-ical function remains unclear, although the protein appears

tocontainatleastoneviralneutralizationepitope (11) anda strain-specific epitope (6). Expression of an RV E2 cDNA

constructinCOS cells showed that translocation of E2 into the lumen of the rough ER is mediated by a signal peptide residing in the C terminus of the capsid protein (13).

Follow-ing translocation, asparagine-linked (N-linked) glycosylation of E2 takesplace. Processing ofRV E2glycans involvesat least two stable intermediates, a 39-kDa high-mannose-containing precursor and a 42-kDa form bearing some com-plex sugars (13, 14). The transport of E2 to the plasma membrane is inefficient, as only a small fraction of E2 is destined for the cell surface, while the majority of E2 accumulates in the ER and the Golgi cisternae (13). E2 from RV virions migrates as a diffuse band on sodium dodecyl

*Corresponding author.

tPresent address: Divisionof Cellular and MolecularMedicine,

UniversityofCaliforniaatSanDiego,LaJolla,CA 92093-0651. t Present address: Institute for Biological Sciences, National ResearchCouncilofCanada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KlA OR6.

sulfate(SDS)-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis (PAGE)at

42 to 47 kDa because ofheterogeneous glycosylation (30).

Furthermore, E2 is known to contain 0-linked

carbohy-drates (20). In the presence of tunicamycin, Vero cells infected with RVand COS cells transfected with RV cDNAs produce E2 with amolecularweight of 31 kDa (5, 30). The amino acid sequence predicted from E2 cDNAs reveals a

protein of 281 residues including three potential N-linked

glycosylation sites in M33 (4) and HPV77 (44) strains as

opposedtofourin Therien(9, 41) and RA27/3(26)strains. So far, the importance of N-linked oligosaccharides on E2 in virionassembly and infectivity is unknown.

N-linked glycosylation is one of the most common post-translational modifications ofproteins in the exocytic

path-way of eukaryotic cells. Animal viruses utilize host cell glycosylationmachinerytosynthesize and process oligosac-charides attached to viralglycoproteins. Thus, the expres-sion of viral antigens in cells has proved to be a useful systemforstudying the stepwiseeventsinglycan processing and intracellular transport along theexocytic pathway. Sev-eralapproaches have been usedtodefine the functional roles of N-linkedcarbohydrateaddition in cells. These include the

useof agents that interfere withglycosylation, elimination of eachN-linkedglycan addition siteonthe cDNA by oligonu-cleotide-directedmutagenesis,and use of glycan-processing-deficient cell lines. Avarietyof cellularand viral glycopro-teins have been analyzed by these approaches. It appears that oligosaccharides on glycoproteins play a role in initia-tion and maintenance of folding into biologically active conformation, protecting polypeptides from proteolytic at-tackandinfluencing the antigenicity and immunogenicity of glycoproteins (reviewed in references 8, 17, and 32).

Al-though the functional contribution of thecarbohydrate var-ies with the glycoprotein in question, it has been generally accepted that glycosylation is necessary to aid proteins in attaining and maintaining correcttertiary structure and

un-dergoingintracellular transport.

In this report, we analyze the role of N-linked glycosyl-ationintheprocessingandintracellular transport of RV E2 3514

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ROLE OF GLYCOSYLATION ON RV E2 3515 glycoprotein from M33 strain. Oligonucleotide-directed

mu-tagenesis was used to construct a panel of E2 glycosylation mutants that were subsequently analyzed by transient expression in COS cells. Our data show that all three potential sites are used for N-linked carbohydrate addition in the E2 glycoprotein. E2 glycosylation mutants were proc-essed to obtain some endoglycosidase H (endo H)-resistant sugarmoieties, indicating that they reached the Golgi appa-ratus. Although none of the mutants were detected on the cell surface by indirect immunofluorescence, the single glycosylation mutants were secreted when expressed in a soluble form.


Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis. The cDNA insert

encoding RV E2 protein (14) in the expression vector pCMV5(2)wassubclonedinto the EcoRI and HindIII sites ofM13mpl8 (25). Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis was performed on single-stranded uracil-containing templates by the method of Kunkel (19). The oligonucleotides used to eliminate each consensus sequence for N-linked glycan addition were


which intro-duced two nucleotide changes (underlined), resulting in a single amino acid change of asparagine 53 to glutamine;

pCCAGTCGCCCAGGTTGTA,whichdestroyeda glycosyl-ation site by changing serine 73 to glycine; and pGCTG

CTAATGAGGCC,whichchangedasparagine 115to isoleu-cine. Double and triple mutants were generated by ligating the restrictionfragment containing the appropriate wild-type

or mutantsite(s). All the mutants were confirmed by DNA sequence analysis (36) and subcloned into the expression vectorpCMV5 (2).

Transfection, metabolic labeling,andimmunoprecipitation. COS cells were transfected with recombinant plasmids

ac-cordingto the method of Adams and Rose (1) with modifi-cations (16). Metabolic labeling and immunoprecipitation

werecarriedout asdescribedpreviously (13, 16).

N-Glycanase and endo H digestions. N-Glycanase

(Gen-zyme) treatment was performed as recommended by the manufacturers. Immunoprecipitates to be digested with N-glycanase were adjusted to 100 mM sodium phosphate

(pH 8.6)-1%Nonidet P-40-100mM EDTA-0.5%

3-mercap-toethanol-0.1% SDS and incubated with different amounts

of enzyme for atleast 8 h(for complete digestion) orfor10 min (for partial digestion) at 37°C. Endo H glycosidase digestion wasperformedaspreviouslydescribed(37).

Indirect immunofluorescence. Transfected COS cells grown on polylysine-coated 9-mm glass coverslips were

washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)

with 0.7mM CaCl2 and 0.3 mMMgCl2, fixed for 20 minat room temperature in 2% formaldehyde-PBS, and washed with PBS. Some cellswerepermeabilizedwith0.1% Nonidet P-40-PBS for 30 min and incubated with

rhodamine-conju-gated wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) or concanavalin A (ConA) priortobeingblockedby1% bovineserumalbumin (BSA)-PBS. Coverslips were overlaid with diluted human

serum (1:200), incubated for 60 min at room temperature, and then washed with BSA-PBS. Incubation withsecondary antibody, i.e., fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-human



was for 60 min. Coverslips werewashed, mounted, exam-ined byepifluorescence, and photographed.




4 5 6


29-FIG. 1. Determination of the number of N-linked glycans on RV E2. [35S]methionine-labeledE2 was incubated with no (lane 1), 10 mU(lane 2), 20 mU (lane 3), 50 mU (lane 4), 100 mU (lane 5), and 300 mU(lane 6) of N-glycanase (Boehringer Mannheim) for 10 min at37°C, separated by SDS-PAGE, and fluorographed. Positions of molecularsize markers are shown on the left (in kilodaltons).


Determination of functional N-linked glycosylation sites in



The predicted amino acid sequence

indi-cates that E2 from RV M33 strain contains three putative N-linked glycosylation sites (4). However, it remains un-known how manysites are actually used. To characterize the number of oligosaccharide side chains on wild-type E2, recombinant plasmid pCMV5-E2 (14), which contains E2 cDNA in amammalianexpressionvectorpCMV5 (2)

down-stream from the human cytomegalovirus immediate early

gene promoter, wasusedtotransfect COS cells.Transfected COS cells (40 to 50 h posttransfection) were metabolically labeled with 100 ,uCi of [35S]methionine for 30 minat37°C

andlysed. E2 proteinwas immunoprecipitatedwith human anti-RV serum,digestedwithaserially dilutedN-glycanase,

andsubjectedtoSDS-PAGE andfluorography.N-Glycanase hydrolyzes theglucosylamine linkage of all types of N-linked

oligosaccharides on glycoproteins to give free

oligosaccha-rides andpolypeptides(33).Thispartial digestiongenerated

fourspecieswith molecularsizes of39, 36,33.5,and 31 kDa

(Fig. 1). It is likely that these species corresponded to E2 with three, two, one, and no carbohydrate side chain(s), suggestingthatwild-typeE2glycoprotein normallyhasthree N-linkedoligosaccharidechains. It has beenreported

previ-ously that digestion of E2 from RVvirion byN-glycanase changed the apparent molecular weight dramatically and resulted inasmeared appearance on SDS-PAGE(20).

Construction and expression of RV E2 glycosylation mu-tants.Toconfirm the above-mentionedobservation,apanel

of E2glycosylation mutants wasconstructed andexpressed transientlyin COS cells. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagen-esis was employed to introduce one or two nucleotide

changesin the codonsencodingasparagineorserine,

result-ing in a single amino acid substitution at each potential glycosylationsite.Theaddition of N-linkedoligosaccharides was prevented by changing the Asn-X-Ser consensus

se-quenceat asparagine residues53, 71, and 115to


Asn-X-Gly, and Ile-X-Ser, respectively. The mutants in whichconsensussequenceswerealtered singlyarereferred

to as G1, G2, and G3; the double mutant is referred to as

G12;and the


mutantisreferredto asG123

(Fig. 2).

The positions arenumberedsequentiallyfromtheNterminusof


The cDNAinserts ofRVE2mutants weresubcloned into thepCMV5vector(2) andusedto transfect COS cells. The

expression of mutant



analyzed by




andSDS-PAGE as de-scribedpreviously (13,




a prom-inent 39-kDa glycoprotein anda 42-kDa



3A), which correspond to isoforms of E2



VOL.66, 1992

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3516 QIU ET AL.

1 2 3

WT , Y Y Y

1 53 71 115



r-Y Y

y Y



y G12

r-+ B-Me - B-Me

f. r-l,


e -,1 Asn-Gin


i.-Y--t Ser-Gly 97


68--t:.:J Asn,-lie



j- -,- Sites 1 &2





W_ s

G1231 SHOItM1,


Altered FIG. 2. Schematic representation ofwild-type(WT) and

glyco-sylationmutantsof RV E2.TheE2protein contains three N-linked glycosylation sites at residues 53, 71, and 115, as indicated by branched structures (Y). The putative transmembrane region is locatednearthe C terminusofE2


).Thefirst residue ofmature

E2 isglycine1,and theC-terminal residue ofE2beforeElisglycine


mannose and complex sugars, respectively (13). The elec-trophoretic mobilities of themutant proteinsincreased

pro-portionally with the number of inactivated glycosylation

sites (Fig. 3A). Removal of anysingle


site at

position 1, 2, or 3 resulted in synthesis ofa



glycoprotein, while the double mutant G12 and the triple mutant G123 directed the synthesis of proteins which

mi-gratedat33.5 and 31 kDa,respectively



Toverify that the differences in electrophoretic


betweenwild-type andmutant E2wereduetothe numbers of N-linked oligosaccharide side chains attached, some

transfected cellswere treatedwithtunicamycin.

Tunicamy-cin at a low concentration efficiently inhibits N-linked gly-cosylationwithoutinterfering withprotein synthesisincells

(8).Inthe presence of 3 ,ug oftunicamycinperml, all the E2

polypeptides synthesizedin cells transfected withwild-type ordifferentglycosylation mutantcDNAconstructs had the

samemolecularweightasthetriple mutant, G123 (Fig. 3A,

+Tm). Tunicamycin did not affect the apparent molecular



FIG. 4. Formationof aberrantdisulfidebondingin E2 glycosyl-ationmutants.Transfectedcellswerepulse-labeledwith 100,Ciof [35S]methioninefor 30 min and chased withexcessmethionine for 2 h.RV-specific proteinswereanalyzed byimmunoprecipitationwith human anti-RV serum, separated on 11% SDS-PAGE with or

without1-mercaptoethanol(13-Me),andfluorographed.Positions of molecularsize markersareshown ontheleft(in kilodaltons), and thearrowindicatesthestartof theseparatinggel.

weight of G123 from transfected cells (Fig. 3) nor did

digestionwithN-glycanase (Fig. 3B). These results suggest that all three potential N-linked glycosylation sites are normally used and that the difference in molecular


between mutant and wild-type E2is due to the number of

carbohydrate chains attached.

Formation ofaberrant disulfidebonds in the


mutants.Thepossibleformation of aberrantdisulfide bonds in E2glycosylation mutants was examined by pulse-chase

analysis. COS cellsweretransfectedwith recombinant

plas-mids containing E2 glycosylation mutant cDNAs, labeled



for 30min, and incubated withachase

medium (with excess unlabeled methionine) for 2 h. Cells were lysed, and E2polypeptideswere immunoprecipitated

with human anti-RV serum and separated by SDS-PAGE underreducing and nonreducingconditions. Wild-type and mutantE2proteinsmigrated slightlyfaster in the absence of


than in itspresence

(Fig. 4), implying


existence of intramolecular disulfide bonds in E2 that have


Gi G2 G3 G12 G123 wt

- + - + - + -+ - + - +Tm



wt E2

- +

-- - +


- + - Tm




FIG. 3. Expressionofwild-type(wt)andglycosylation mutants of E2 in COS cells. (A) Transfected cells were labeled with[35S]methionine for30 min in the presence(+)orthe absence(-)of 3 ,ug oftunicamycin(Tm)perml. RV-specificproteinswereimmunoprecipitatedwith humananti-RVserumandseparated by11%SDS-PAGE.(B) Some immunoprecipitated E2 proteinsweretreated with 100 mU ofN-glycanase at37'Covernight (+glycanase)andsubjected to SDS-PAGE andautoradiography. Positions of molecular size markersareshownonthe left (inkilodaltons).



" :.., :..,



(.5 LI (.5 3.,


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wt G123 G12 G3 G2 GI






29-0 1 2 4 chase(hrs)

- + - + - + - + endoH












_ *'Wf'





43-29- No 4


-G12 4


-29 FIG. 5. Western blot(immunoblot) analysis of steady-state

wild-type(wt) andmutantE2proteins in transfected cells under reducing

andnonreducing conditions.Transfected COS cellswerelysed (40 h

posttransfection)with RIPAbuffer(50 mM Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 1% Triton X-100, 10mMEDTA, 0.15 MNaCl, 0.1% SDS, 1% sodium deoxycholate) containing 10 mM iodoacetamide. Cytoplasmic ex-tractswereelectrophoresed on11% reducing (A) and nonreducing (B) gels. The proteinswere transferred to cellulose nitrate

mem-branes. Membraneswereblocked in4% milk powder in TBS (0.15

M NaCl, 0.02 M Tris-HCl [pH 7.5]) and incubated with human

anti-RV serum (1:200 dilution). The proteinswerevisualized with

alkaline phosphatase-conjugated anti-human immunoglobulin G. Positions of molecular size markers are shown on the right (in kilodaltons).

also been observed inmanyotherglycoproteins (21, 22, 40).

TheG12proteinran as adiffuseband,andtheG123 protein wasnotdetectableonthe gel under nonreducing conditions, althoughin thepresenceof 3-mercaptoethanol,thereexisted clearsharpbands for thesemutant proteins (Fig. 4). These results suggest the formation of aberrant intermolecular disulfide bonds thatcausetheproteinsto migrateasdiffuse smearswhendisulfide bonds arenotdisrupted.

The possible formation of aberrant intermolecular disul-fide bonds in E2mutantswas further analyzedby immuno-blots (39). COS cells were transfected with wild-type and mutantrecombinantplasmids.Celllysateswereprepared48 h after transfection and analyzed directly by SDS-PAGE under reducing and nonreducing conditions. Transferred

proteins were probed with human anti-RV sera. Under reducing conditions, single glycosylation mutants had a predominant 36-kDa and minor 34.5- and 32.5-kDa high-mannoseglycoprotein species (Fig.5A).Twohigh-mannose glycoprotein speciesat33.5 and 32 kDaweredetectedinthe doublemutant(Fig. 5A). Onlythe 31-kDaunglycosylatedE2 proteinwasobserved in the triple mutant (Fig. 5A). Under

nonreducing conditions, thesamples migrated slightlyfaster because ofthe presence of intramolecular disulfide bonds (Fig.5B).Deletion ofanyglycosylationsite from E2 seemed

29-FIG. 6. Timecoursefor glycanprocessing of wild-type (WT) and

mutantE2proteins. Cellswerepulse-labeled with [35S]methionine

for30 min and chased for various timesasindicated. Some immu-noprecipitated samplesweredigested with endo H for atleast 8 h (+endo H). Endo H-resistant(R) and -sensitive (S) oligosaccharide-containing proteinsareindicated. Positions ofmolecular size

mark-ers areshownonthe left(inkilodaltons).

eithertoabolish thebindingofantibodiestoE2ortoreduce

theamountofmonomericforms, especially in G12 and G123 (Fig. SB). It is possible thatthese mutant proteins existas alternatively folded structures that are not recognized by

anti-RVserumand thattheantigenic sites inG12 andG123

formsaredetectableonlyafterunfoldingof theseproteins by cleavage of intramolecular disulfide bonds. These findings suggestthatthepatternofdisulfidebondingfor E2

glycosyl-ation mutants is heterogeneous and that glycosylation may be important in preventing aberrant disulfide bond forma-tion.

Glycanprocessingandintracellularstabilityof E2proteins.

The kinetics ofprocessing and the turnover rate of the E2 mutantproteinswereexaminedby pulse-chase experiments followed by densitometric analysis of processed proteins.


[35S]methio-nine for30minand chased for various times. The celllysates were immunoprecipitated with human anti-RV serum, and one half of eachsamplewas digestedwithendo H glycosi-dase. After a 30-min pulse-label, wild-type E2 was found

predominantly in the 39-kDa form, and removal of high-mannoseglycans by digestionwithendoH(38) reducedthe molecular sizeto32 kDa(Fig. 6). Approximately 25, 40,and 50% of wild-type E2 was found to possess complex-type

sugar after 1-, 2-, and4-h chaseperiods, respectively (Fig. 6). In contrast, Gl, G2, and G3 mutant proteins containing complex-type glycans represented only 17, 14, and 10% of the total amount of each mutant protein after a 2-h chase (Fig.6). No endo H resistancewasobserved for the double mutant,G12(Fig. 6).As theacquisitionof endo Hresistance is believedtobe indicativeoftransportof theglycoproteins through the medial Golgi apparatus, it is evident that





-S VOL. 66, 1992


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[image:4.612.] [image:4.612.332.526.77.324.2]


0 2 3 4


FIG. 7. Intracellular stability ofwild-type and mutant E2 pro-teins.Cellswerepulse-labeledwith[35S]methionine for 30 minand chased for various times as indicated. RV-specific proteinswere immunoprecipitated withhuman anti-RV serum. Rates of degrada-tion ofwild-type and mutant E2proteinswere quantified by scan-ningdensitometryof theX-ray filmsfrom threetosixindependent experiments,asshowninFig.6.Differentchase timesareindicated. Symbols: A,wild type; *,Gl; *,G2; A,G3;*,G12;*,G123.

moval of glycosyl moieties impairs the transport of E2

mutantproteins. This effect isdependent onboth the posi-tion and the numberofglycosylation sitesaltered.

To determine the turnover rate ofwild-type and mutant

E2, immunoprecipitates from transfected COS cells were

fractionatedby SDS-PAGE and quantitatedby densitomet-ric analysis of the autoradiographs (Fig. 7). Wild-type E2 wasrelatively stable in COS cells, with 70% of E2remaining

aftera4-h chase.By contrast, themutantsexhibitedahigher

turnover rate. The half-lives formutantproteinsin thecells were3h forGl, G2, andG3; 2h forG12; and30to60min for G123. It could be that the mutant proteins were not

properly folded and transported because of an altered

gly-cosylation pattern and were rapidly degraded, as has been

reported forsome otherglycoproteins (24).

Intracellular localization of mutant E2 proteins. The sub-cellular localization of E2mutantproteinswasexaminedby

indirectimmunofluorescence. Cellsexpressingwild-type E2 exhibited staining throughout the cytoplasmicreticulum as

well as in the juxtanuclear region (Fig. 8a). The single,

double, andtripleglycosylationmutantproteinsdisplayeda predominantlyreticularstainingpatternaswell asGolgi-like

staining (Fig.8c, e, andg).Tovisualize thedistributionof E2 protein in the ER and the Golgi, fluorescent-conjugated

WGA and ConA were used as markers for the

compart-ments.WGA has been showntolabel transGolgi cisternae,

associatedvesicles, and the cell surface (38) bybinding to

clustered terminalN-acetylneuraminic acid residues as well

as N-acetylglucosamine-containing oligosaccharide chains

on glycoproteins (42). Costaining of transfected COS cells with human anti-RV serum andfluorescein-conjugated WGA revealed that wild-type E2 was concentrated in the Golgi region (Fig. 8b) while the mutant E2 proteins were distrib-utedthroughout the reticulum network and the Golgi region

(Fig.8dandf). A strong reticular staining, which colocalized with ConA, was observed in COS cells transfected with


glycosylationmutants(Fig. 8h).Inaddition, unlike wild-type E2, which has been shown to exhibit a limited amount of cell surface expression (14), the glycosylation mutants had no detectablecellsurfacesignals (data not shown). Elimination

FIG. 8. Indirectimmunofluorescenceofwild-type andmutant E2 proteinsinCOS cells.Cellswerepermeabilizedpriortoadditionof rhodamine-conjugated WGAorConAandanti-RVserum.Afterthe cells were washed, a secondary antibody (fluorescein-conjugated goat anti-human immunoglobulin G) was added. (a) Wild type, anti-RV; (b) wild type, TRITC-WGA; (c) G2, anti-RV; (d) G2, TRITC-WGA; (e) G12, anti-RV; (f) G12, TRITC-WGA; (g)G123, anti-RV; (h) G123,TRITC-ConA.

ofanyoftheglycosylation sites in E2seemed toimpair the intracellular transport and block the cellsurface expression of E2.

Secretion of an anchor-free form ofwild-typeand mutant E2 proteins. Toanalyzethetransport behavior ofE2 mutants

in the secretory pathway, we constructed a panel of

trun-catedE2glycosylation mutants,each ofwhichhad68 amino acids deleted from the hydrophobic C terminus (4). The

truncated formofwild-type E2 was previously observedto be secreted into the culture medium as a 37-kDa endo H-resistant glycoprotein (15a). The truncated forms of E2

on November 9, 2019 by guest




wt Gi G2 G3 G12 G123

- + - + - + - + - + - + endoH


GI G2 G3 G12 G12. wt

- + +- + - + - + - + endo H

97- 68-


29P-FIG. 9. Intracellular processing and secretion of a soluble form of wild-type (wt) and mutant E2 proteins. Cells were labeled with [35S]methionine for 30 min and chased for 4 h. (A) Immunoprecipitated samples from culture media of cells transfected with anchorless wild-type and mutant E2 cDNA constructs. (B) Intracellular forms of each anchorless E2 protein of wild-type and glycosylation mutants. Equal volumes of eachsample were incubated at 37°C for at least 8 h with (+) or without (-) endo H and separated by11% SDS-PAGE. Positions of molecular size markers are shown on the left (in kilodaltons).

singleglycosylation mutants (G1, G2, and G3) but not double

(G12) andtriple(G123) mutants were also secreted into the culture medium, although not as efficiently as the anchorless wild-type E2 (Fig. 9A). In addition, the efficiency of secre-tion appeared to depend on the position of the deleted

glycosylation site. The deletion of the glycosylation site proximal to the C terminus (G3) had a more profound

inhibitoryeffectonsecretion than did deletion of the central site(G2)and thatproximal to the N terminus (G1) (Fig. 9A). The intercellular forms of anchorless wild-type E2 and E2

glycosylationmutants werefoundtobesensitive to endo H

digestion (Fig. 9B), whereas the secreted E2 was endo H resistant (Fig. 9A). However, expression of the truncated triple mutant was not detected intracellularly (Fig. 9B). A 31-kDa endo H-sensitive protein species was found in the culture medium of the G2-transfected cells (Fig. 9A). This probably was due to somecell lysis during the chase period that released the intracellular G2 mutant protein into the

medium. Taken together, it was evident that the single

glycosylationmutantsG1, G2, and G3 weretransported out of the ERthrough theGolgitothecell surface and that they then exited the cell into the culturemedium, althoughnotas

efficientlyasthe otherwise unaltered anchorless E2. DISCUSSION

Protein movement from the ER to the medial Golgi apparatus has been identifiedastherate-limitingstepin the exocytic pathway (35), asmeasuredby the acquisition of a

varietyoforganelle-specific posttranslational modifications. Regarding the intracellular transport rate, several viral

gly-coproteins thathave been extensively investigated fall into

twocategories.Thefirst group includes the vesicular

stoma-titisvirus G protein (34) and influenza virus hemagglutinin (10), whichmovequickly alongtheexocytic pathway.After

a 15-min chase, 50% of the oligosaccharides on vesicular stomatitis virus Gprotein and 25%on influenza virus hem-agglutinin acquire endo H resistance (10, 34). The second groupcontains humanimmunodeficiency virus type 1

enve-lope protein (Env) (7) and simian virus 5

hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (28), for which acquisition of endo H

resis-tance was observed within 80 and 60 min


respectively. Wefoundthat thecarbohydrates onwild-type RVE2wereconvertedtocomplex-typesugarmoietiesby1

hpostlabeling. However, the conversionwas notcomplete

even after an 8-h chase (data not shown), reflecting a slow movement of RV E2 from the ER to the Golgi apparatus.

Our data showed that E2 contains threepotential oligosac-charide addition sites and that all three potential N-linked glycosylation sites were utilized (Fig. 1 and 3). Inactivation

ofthese functional sitesimpaired theprocessing as well as

the intracellular stability ofE2 proteins (Fig. 6 and 7), the severity of the defectdependingonboth thenumber and the position of the glycosylation site deleted. Deletion of one N-linkedglycosylation siteon RVE2considerably reduced the rate of transport, as determined by the fraction of

proteins thatacquiredendo H-resistantcarbohydrates(Fig. 6). The glycosylation site proximalto the N terminus (G1) seems tobe less important than the siteproximal to the C terminus


asjudged by the fraction of molecules con-taining endo H-resistant carbohydrates for the membrane-bound form and by the secretion ratios of their anchorless counterparts (Fig. 6 and9). Oligosaccharide at each glyco-sylation site plays a different functional role, as has been notedpreviouslyin otherglycoproteins(24, 27).Inaddition,

studies on other glycoproteins by the same approachhave shown thatglycosylation on all the predicted sites isnot a

prerequisite for folding, assembly, and transport of the

protein (12). It has been suggested that the contribution of eachcarbohydratechain varies dependingon itslocation in

adifferent conformational circumstance ofaparticular pro-tein. RVE2is rich incysteineandundergoesintramolecular disulfide bonding (Fig. 5). Inspection of the amino acid sequenceofRVE2 reveals thattheG2 and G3glycosylation

sites areflankedbytwocysteineresidues (4). Itispossible

that theoligosaccharidesattachedtotheG2 and G3 sitesare important in preventing improper intramolecular disulfide

bondformation,whereasglycosylationattheG1site hasless effect on proper folding and transport. The diffuse or

smeared appearances ofnonreduced mutant G12 and G123

proteinsonanimmunoblotprobablyreflecttheformation of aberrant intermolecular disulfide bonds. Thus, it appears thatoligosaccharideaddition isrequiredfor proper intramo-lecular disulfidebonding topromote correct


which in turnisessential forefficient transport


Removal ofa

glycosylationsite leadstoformation ofimproper intramolec-ulardisulfide bonds and



Dramatic alter-ation in protein conformation could be the consequence whenglycosylation sites are inactivated. Thismayaccount


68b-43b- O VOL.66, 1992

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for diminished antibody binding by G12 and G123 proteins

under nonreducingconditions (Fig. SB).

Proteinsthataretransported slowlyin cellsdisplay heter-ogeneity in endo H resistance. Forexample, this has been observed for simian virus 5 hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (28), influenza virus neuraminidase (18), and human immu-nodeficiencyvirus gpl20 (7). Pulse-chase experiments have demonstrated that endo H-sensitive, partiallyendo

H-resis-tant,and endo H-resistantE2 formsrepresenttheER, Golgi,

and cell surface isoforms ofRV E2. Immunofluorescenceof transfected COS cells showed that the majority of the glycosylationmutantproteinswerelocalized in the ER(Fig. 8). A small fractionwerefound in the Golgi region (Fig. 8). Transport of the E2 single glycosylation mutants into the Golgi compartment was evidenced by the presenceof

par-tiallyendo H-resistant bands after the chase period (Fig. 6) aswellas bythe secretion of the C-terminal-truncatedform of E2 single glycosylation mutants (Fig. 9A). Thus, the transport of E2 to the Golgi apparatus appeared to be significantly affected but not completely blocked by the absenceofany oneof the N-linked oligosaccharides.

The anchorless E2 single glycosylation mutants were secreted into the culture medium, although less efficiently.

Theoligosaccharidesonthe secreted forms ofwild-typeand mutant E2 were completely endo H resistant, as was E2 from the RV virion (20), suggesting that carbohydrates

attached to these proteins are modified by Golgi enzymes. This finding indicates that the soluble forms of E2 single glycosylation mutants are transported through the normal exocytic route. Inabilityto detect cellsurface expressionof E2 single glycosylation mutants could be due either to the lowsensitivityof indirect immunofluorescenceinour

exper-iments or to the fact that mutant E2 proteins were quickly and extensively internalized from theplasma membrane, as has been observed for other glycoproteins (28).

The role of glycosylation generally varies for any given protein, and no concrete rules exist for predicting the phenotype ofa particular glycosylation mutant. Analysis of this type is further complicated by the fact that when glycosylationsitesarechanged bysite-directedmutagenesis, targeting and/or processing kinetics may differ as a

conse-quence of the amino acid substitution itself rather than of lack of glycosylation per se. Glycosylation may also be important for expression of immunogenic epitopes.

How-ever,inthiscase,human anti-RVseraseemedtorecognizes

the glycosylation mutantsjust as well as the wild-type RV antigens did. Studies are in progress to determine whether RV E2 is internalized anddegraded rapidly and to examine the capacities of the E2 glycosylation mutant proteins to function in RV virions.


We thank F. Tufaro for critical readingof themanuscript.

This work was supported jointly by grants from the Medical Research Council of Canada and British Columbia Health Care

ResearchFoundation. S.G. isaninvestigator of the British

Colum-bia Children's Research Foundation. T.C.H. was a predoctoral

trainee receiving support from the Medical Research Council of

Canada in thebiotechnology trainingprogram.


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VOL.66, 1992

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FIG.1.300molecularE2.mUat 37°C, Determination of the number of N-linked glycans on RV [35S]methionine-labeled E2 was incubated with no (lane 1), 10 (lane 2), 20 mU (lane 3), 50 mU (lane 4), 100 mU (lane 5), and mU (lane 6) of N-glycanase (Boehringer Mannhe
FIG. 3.forhuman(inat 37'C Expression of wild-type (wt) and glycosylation mutants of E2 in COS cells
FIG. 5.branes.Tritonanti-RValkalinePositions(B)posttransfection)deoxycholate)andtypetractsM NaCl, Western blot (immunoblot) analysis of steady-state wild- (wt) and mutant E2 proteins in transfected cells under reducing nonreducing conditions
FIG. 8.TRITC-WGA;goatanti-RV;cellsproteinsanti-RV;rhodamine-conjugated Indirect immunofluorescence of wild-type and mutant E2 in COS cells


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