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Detection of Avian Tumor Virus RNA in Uninfected Chicken Embryo Cells


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JOURNALOFVIROLOGY,Feb. 1973, p. 157-167

Copyright i 1973 American Society for Microbiology PrintedVol.11, No. 2in U.SA.



Avian Tumor Virus

RNA in

Uninfected Chicken Embryo



The Public Health Research Instituteof theCity of New York, Inc., New York, NewYork 10016

Received for publication4October 1972

Uninfected chickenembryo cells were analyzed for thepresenceofviral

ribo-nucleic acid (RNA) by molecularhybridization with the single-stranded deoxy-ribonucleic acid (DNA) product of the RNA-dependent DNA polymerase

con-tained in avian sarcoma-leukosis virions. Viral RNA was detected in all cells

which contained the avian tumor virus group-specific antigen and the virus-related helper factor. The amountsof viral RNA in these cells ranged from

ap-proximately 3 to 40 copies ofviral-specific sequences per cell. In general, the

viral RNAcontentcorrelated withthelevel ofhelper activity in the cells.Cells infected with Rous-associated virus 2 contained 3,000 to 4,000 copies ofviral RNApercell. RNA from theseinfected cells hybridized with nearly 100% of the

viral 3H-DNA. By contrast, a maximum of less than 50% hybridization was

obtained with RNA from the uninfected helper-positive cells, suggesting that not all of the viral RNA sequences were present in these cells. No viral RNA

was detected in cells which lacked group-specific antigen and helper activity.

Under the conditions used in these studies, less than 0.3 viral genome

equiva-lents of RNApercell would have been detected.

Two products specific to avian

leukosis-sar-coma viruses are present in uninfected cells derived from a majority of chicken embryos

from leukosis-free flocks, although mature

virus particles are not detectableinthese cells (10, 23, 25, 43). The formation ofthese viral products-the group-specific (gs) antigen and

a component ofthe viral




with presence


domi-nant (31, 45).


because the latter product can complement a defective function of Bryan strain Rous sarcoma virus


these chicken cells provide a helper activity

for this particular virus. The level of expres-sion ofboth the


function and gsantigen

varies quite widely among cells derived from



(25). Cells from a minority



contain no detectable viral

prod-ucts. A new type of leukosis virus, Rous-asso-ciated virus 60


canbe isolated from the viral product-positive cells following in-fection with other known leukosis or sarcoma viruses (24). This virus contains genetic

in-formation, apparently derived from the host

cell, which codes for the two viral


described above.

Further studies, using a very sensitive

tech-nique, showed that cells derived from all of

these embryos, including those which lacked detectable viral products, were capableof

pro-ducing RAV-60 following infection with other leukoviruses(25). Thepresence ofviralgenetic

information inalltypes ofcellswasalso demon-strated



hybridization analysis,

which showed that viral


acid (DNA) sequences are present in similar

amounts in uninfected cells both positive and negative for the viral


(3, 34, 40). The

presence ofviral DNA in cells which lack viral functions suggests that the expression of the viral genes is blocked


a specific control mechanism. However, it is also


that cells which lack these two viral


con-tain incomplete or


defective viral


To gain additional information about the expression of viral genes, we have examined uninfected chicken


cells for the pres-ence of viral ribonucleic acid



mo-lecular hybridization. Viral


cells wouldbe


to contain viral


though perhaps at very low levels. Cells which

lack detectable viral



also contain viral


since the two functions which can be


may not


reflect the expression of the viral genes. If


on November 10, 2019 by guest



the expression of viral functions is regulated by some control mechanism, the presence or

absence of viral RNA in viral product-negative cells would depend on whether control is

me-diated at the level of transcription or trans-lation.

Virus-specific RNA was detected by

mo-lecular hybridization with 3H-labeled viral DNA, which was synthesized using the

endog-enous RNA template and RNA-dependent

DNA polymerase contained in sarcoma-leuko-sis virions (2, 38). This method has been used successfully for the detection of viral RNA in infected cells of both avian and mammalian origin (9, 16, 19, 26, 30). Hybridformationwas

detected by analysis with the single-strand-specific S-1 nuclease of Aspergillus oryzae

(1, 30, 37, 41). This technique permits the

use of high concentrations of RNA, thus

in-creasing the sensitivity of the assay. The conditions used in this study are capable of

detecting less than 0.3 viral genome equiva-lents of RNA percell.


Materials. Deoxyribonuclease I (ribonuclease-free) and hyaluronidase wereobtained from

Worth-ington Biochemical Corp.; crude a-amylase (A.

oryzae), trypsin, and diethylaminoethyl

(DEAE)-cellulose were from Sigma Chemical Co.; Pronase andactinomycinDwerefromCalbiochem;

hydroxyl-apatite (hypatite C) was from Clarkson Chemical

Co.; Nonidet P-40 (NP-40) was from Shell Chemi-cal Corp.; transfer RNA (tRNA) (Baker's yeast)

and salmon sperm DNA werefrom Schwarz/Mann; poly(rA) and poly(dT) from Biopolymers, Inc.; and

'H-thymidine triphosphate (TTP) was from New


Cells and viruses. Viruses used in this study

were Rous-associated virus2 (RAV-2), RAV-60, and

the Schmidt-Ruppin strain of Rous sarcoma virus

subgroup D (SR-RSV). Conditions for growth and infection of cells and characteristics of viruses have been described previously (21, 22, 24, 42). RAV-2 andSR-RSVweregrowninchick cells which lack the

gs antigen and helper activity, and RAV-60 was

prepared in quail embryo cells. The SR-RSV used in these studies contained spontaneously appearing nontransformingvirus(equivalenttoRAV-50),which

wasdetected bytheplaqueassayof Kawaiand

Hana-fusa(28).The ratiooffocus-formingto plaque-form-ingunits in this preparationwasapproximately 3: 1.

Classification of chicken embryo cells. The titer of gs antigen in each embryo was determined

by complementfixation (15, 27, 31),usingthe viscera which were removed during the preparation of

pri-mary cultures (25). Embryos have been classified

into three categories, gs-, gsL (low), and gs+ (see Table 1). Thepresence ofhelper factor activitywas

determined by assaying for the productionof infec-tiousB-RSV(f) followinginfection withthedefective

B-RSV(-) in the presence of ultraviolet (UV)-inacti-vated Sendai virus (Method A), or with B-RSV(RAV-2) (Method B) (25). Embryos have been classified h-, hL (low), hH (high) orhE (extremely high), based on the relative titer of infectious virus in these as-says (see Table 1). Allembryos were tested by both methods.

Four relatively distinct classes of embryos have been used in these studies (Table 1). Embryos of type gs-h-, gs-hL, and gs+hH correspond to cell types


C/O'-L, andC/O, respectively, and have been described in detail previously (25). Embryos of type gsLhE, which are relatively rare, contain low levels of gs antigen and produce infectious RSV(f) at extremely high levels. All embryos used in this study are resistant to viruses of subgroup E. Thus, they are more properly classified in a new genetic category of C/E (24, 32), rather than C/O

as reported inearlier publications.

Purification of viruses. Virus stocks for RNA extraction and DNA synthesis were prepared from infected secondary cultures of chicken embryo cells which lack both gs antigen and chick cell helper factoractivity. Culture fluids offully infected cells were collected at 12-hr intervals, pooled, and centri-fuged at 8,000 x g for 20 min. The supernatant fluid was centrifuged for 2 hr at 19,000 rpm in an

Internationaltype 19rotor.Thepelletwassuspended

in TEN buffer (0.01 M tris(hydroxymethyl)amino-methane [Tris], pH 7.4; 0.001 M ethylenediamine-tetracetic acid [EDTA]; 0.15 M NaCl) containing

10 Ag per ml of hyaluronidase and centrifuged at

lowspeed to remove cell debris. The pellet was re-suspended in a small volume of TEN plus hyal-uronidase, incubated for 10 min at 38 C, and again centrifuged at low speed. The supernatant fluids from these low-speed centrifugations were pooled and treated for 20min at 37 C with 20 ,ug/ml of pro-nase which hadbeen predigested for 2 hr at 37 C to

remove nucleases. The viruses were further purified by equilibrium density centrifugation, using a linear gradient of15to 50%(w/w) sucrose in TEN buffer. Virusinasingleband(p 1.16)waspooled, diluted with TEN, and concentrated by centrifugation onto

a layer of 50% sucrose overlaid with 20% sucrose. This material wasused for RNA extraction orDNA synthesis.

Extraction of RNA. Viral RNA was prepared by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-phenol extraction

at room temperature and concentrated by ethanol TABLE1. Classification of chicken embryo cells

Celltype Titer ofgs Titer ofRSV(f)

antigena atday5b

gs-h- 0 0

gs-hL 0 10-200

gs+ht, 8-16 1,000-3,000

gsLhE 2-4 10,000-30,000

aExpressedas thereciprocal ofthe terminal

anti-gen dilution which givesmorethana +3 reaction in

the complement fixation test.

°Determinedby MethodA(seereference 25).

on November 10, 2019 by guest




precipitation. Yeast tRNA (200


was used as

acarrier. Viral 70sRNAwas purified by rate zonal centrifugation, usinga linear gradient of 15 to 30% glycerol in TEN buffer. For isolation of 35s RNA, phenol-extracted viral RNA was heated for 3 min at 70 C in 0.01 x SSC (SSC = 0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate) prior to centrifugation. Centrifugation was for 90 min (70s RNA) or 150 min (35s RNA) at 50,000 rpm in an SW50.1 rotor.

Fractions containing 35sor70sviral RNAwerepooled, dialyzed for 6 hr against 2 x SSC and stored at

-20 C. When necessary, RNA was concentrated by lyophilization. Whole cell RNA was prepared from secondary cultures 4 to 5 days after transfer. Cells were removedfromcultureplates by trypsiniza-tion (0.5 mg/ml, 10 min at 38 C) andwashed with Tris-saline. RNA was extracted by the hot phenol method, as described by Scherrer (36). After phenol extraction the RNA was precipitated with ethanol and resuspended in a buffer solution

con-taining 0.01 M Tris (pH 7.0), 0.01 M NaCl, and

0.001 M MnCl2. The sample was treated with 10

Mg/ml of deoxyribonuclease (ribonuclease-free) for 60 min at 4 C. Predigested Pronase (50 ug/ml) was

then added, and the sample was incubated for 30 min at 37 C. The RNAwasthen repurified by SDS-phenol extraction at room temperature and precipi-tated with ethanol. The pellet was resuspended in 2 x SSCcontaining 0.1%SDS and storedat -20C. Cellular 4 to 10s RNA was prepared by rate zonal centrifugation ofthis RNA, using a linear gradient

of15to 30%glycerolinTENbuffer. RNA concentra-tions were determined by optical density at 260 nm. The 260/280 ratio was greater than 2 for all preparations.

Synthesis and purification of Viral DNA. 3H-DNAwassynthesizedfromdetergent-treated virions

inthe presence ofactinomycinD. The reaction

mix-ture contained 20 mmTris (pH 8.1), 5 mmMgCl2,

15 mM dithiothreitol, 0.03% NP40, 0.5 mm each of deoxyadenosine triphosphate, deoxyguanosine

tri-phosphate, and deoxycytidine triphosphate; 0.0005

mM 3H-TTP (51 Ci/mmole), 200Mg/mlof actinomy-cinD, and purified virus (0.5to 1mg/mlofviral pro-tein). The mixturewasincubated for3hrat38C, fol-lowed by addition of EDTA to a concentration of 10 mM.DNA was purifiedby SDS-phenol extractionat roomtemperature, dialyzed overnightagainst0.01 x SSC,and treated with0.5 NNaOHfor 20hrat 37C. The sample was dialyzed overnight against 0.05 M (Na)PO4 buffer(pH 7.8) with twochanges. A minor fraction ofthis DNA (8to 12% in different prepara-tions)wasresistanttodigestion bythe single-strand-specific S-1 nuclease of A. oryzae, even after treat-mentwith alkali or incubation at 100 C.(Nuclease

di-gestionwasperformedin 0.3MNaCl,asdescribedfor

analysis of RNA-DNA hybrids. Under these

condi-tions the S-1 nuclease is completely active against very low concentrations of single-stranded DNA

[30].) Theseproperties suggest the presenceofsome structures containing intramolecular regions of complementarity which rapidly reanneal following

denaturation. These structures were not further

characterized, however, and their significance is not clear. The nuclease-resistant material was ef-fectively removed from the DNA preparation by fractionation on hydroxylapatite. DNA was applied to acolumn (1 by 8 cm) of hydroxylapatite equili-brated with 0.05 M (Na)PO4 (pH 7.8) at 55 C. The DNA was eluted at the same temperature, using a linear gradient of 0.05 to 0.4 M (Na)PO4 buffer. Fractions containing single-stranded 3H-DNA (eluting at less than 0.18 M PO4) were pooled, dia-lyzed against water, and concentrated by lyophyli-zation. The lyophilized DNA was resuspended in 2 x SSC-0.1% SDS, and stored at -20 C. This DNA, which constituted approximately 70% of the 3H-DNA applied to the column, was 97 to 98% hydro-lyzed by S-1 nuclease. The DNA prepared in this waycontained more than 60% of the viral sequences as indicated by hybridization experiments of the type described by Duesberg and Canaani (12), using DNA-RNA ratios as high as 250: 1. (The specific activity of the 32P-RNA was 107counts per min per jg,based on thespecific activityof the 32P used in the growth medium during virus production.) How-ever, the majority (70-80%) of this 3H-DNA repre-sentedonlyasmall fraction(ca. 15-20%) ofthe viral genome,asindicatedbythekinetics of theannealing reaction in this study(unpublished results). Similar results have been reported for viral DNA products synthesized in the absence of actinomycin D (17, 39). Isolation of S-1 nuclease. S-1 nuclease was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and DEAE-cellulose column chromotography, as de-scribed by Ando et al. (1). The starting material

was crude a-amylase from A. oryzae. Enzyme prep-arations obtained from the DEAE-cellulose column werestored on ice, or at -20 C in 50% glycerol. The activity against double-stranded DNA with these preparations was less than 0.1% of the single-strand activity, under the conditions used in the hybridiza-tionanalysis (see below).

Hybridization. The annealing mixture contained

0.3 M NaCl, 0.03 M sodium citrate, 0.1% SDS, 37% formamide, 0.005


per ml of 3H-labeled DNA (except where indicated), and RNA as indicated in legends. The specific activity of the 3H-DNA was 1.8 x 107 counts per min per


The reaction was performed at 45 C, using either 5 or 10


of annealing mixture in sealed 50-uliter capillary tubes. ForCrt analysis of cellular or viral RNA samples, a series of annealing reactions was performed, using

asingle RNA concentration and varying the incuba-tion time. In mostcases, samples were frozen follow-ing incubation and stored at -80 C untilincubation was completed for all samples in the series. The

extent of hybridization was analyzed by digestion with thesingle-strand-specific S-1 nuclease. Anneal-ing mixtures were diluted into 0.1 ml of a buffer solution containing 0.025 M potassium acetate (pH 4.4), 0.005 M ZnSO4, 0.3 M NaCl, 60


of double-stranded salmon sperm DNA, and 10 units/

ml of S-1 nuclease. (One unit of nuclease is equal to thatamount which hydrolyzes 1



nucleo-tide per min under the conditions described here, 159 VOL. 11, 1973

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using250yg/ml of denatured salmonspermDNAas

substrate.) The native salmon sperm DNA was

in-cluded during the nucleasetreatmentof thehybrids

to saturate any double-strand-specific nuclease

which mightbe present in the S-1 nuclease

prepara-tion.Thesampleswereincubated for 60minat38C, and precipitated with cold 10% trichloroacetic acid, using tRNA (150 Ag/ml) as a carrier. The

hybrid-ized 3H-DNA was collected on nitrocellulose filters

as acid-insoluble material, and theradioactivitywas

determined by scintillation spectrometry. In

dupli-cateexperiments,hybridization valueswerein

agree-mentwithina rangeof ±5%.

A low level of self-annealing (up to 2-3% above

background) was observed when 3H-DNA was

incu-bated for long periods of time in the absence of

RNA. To correct for this time-dependent

self-annealing,and forvarying backgroundlevelswith

dif-ferentDNApreparations,controlmixturescontaining only 3H-DNAwere incubated inparallel with

DNA-RNA hybridization mixtures. All data have been

corrected forthebackground levels obtained in

con-trol samples incubated for comparable periods of

time. This control levelwaslessthan 5%ofthe total

3H-DNA. A positive control mixture, containing both cellular RNA(20 mg/ml)and viral RNA(1 gg/ ml), was also incubated underannealing conditions to test each RNA sample for the presence of

ribo-nuclease or other inhibitors. In every case, greater than 90% hybridization was obtained with these positive controls. Hybridization between viral 3H-DNA and RNA from helper-positivecells was

com-pletely abolished by pretreatingthe RNAsamplewith

ribonuclease. Thus, the virus-specific sequences

which annealed to the 3H-DNA probe were

con-tained inRNA, notin DNA.

Thehalf-Crt (see below) for hybridization between

RAV-2 3H-DNA and RAV-2 RNA was 8 x 10-2 mole sec/liter, usingthe conditionsdescribedabove. In 2 x SSC(without formamide), valuesof10- (60

C)and 2 x 102(68 C)wereobtained.


Specificity of the hybridization assay.

RAV-2 3H-DNA was synthesized in the pres-enceofactinomycin D, using detergent-treated RAV-2virions as a sourceofenzyme and RNA

template (see above). This DNA hybridized almost completely with 70s or 35s RNA from

RAV-2 (98 and 93%, respectively) (see Table

2). Thus, essentially all of the 3H-DNA

pre-pared inthiswayiscomplementarytothe viral

plus (+)-strand RNA. The RAV-2 3H-DNA

also hybridized extensively with 70s RNA from two other leukoviruses, RAV-60 and

SR-RSV (96 and 88% hybridization, respectively). This demonstrates thata considerable amount

of cross-homology is present in the RNAs of these three related viruses.

RAV-2 3H-DNAwas tested forhybridization withheterologous RNA from 3T3 and hamster embryo cells to determine the degree of

spec-TABLE 2. TestforhybridizationofRA V-23H-DNA withpolynucleotides of various types

Cnn %RAV-2 Polynucleotide Concn 3H-DNA hybridizeda

3T3 RNA... 3,000 1.1

HamsterRNA... 3,000 1.0

Hamster RNA..20,OOOb 1.5

Poly(rA) ..200 0.4

Poly(rA) ..600 0.6

Poly(dT) ..600 0.4

4-lOs RNA from

gs-h-chicken cells 500 0.5

RAV-2 70s RNA 5 98

+poly(dT) .. 200 97

+poly(dT) .. 600 98

RAV-235S RNA 5 93

RAV-60 70S RNA ... 5 96

SR-RSV 70S RNA ... 5 88

aReaction mixtureswereincubatedfor 150hr.

"Thekinetics ofhybrid formation are not affected

by this high RNA concentration. The presence of 20 mg/ml of heterologous RNA did not affect either the rate or extent of the annealing reaction between RAV-2 RNA andRAV-2 3H-DNA (see Fig. 2).

ificity in the annealing reaction. The level of

hybridization with these RNAs was less than 2% above background (Table 2). (The

back-ground level in the experiments was approxi-mately 3%.) Low levels of hybridization were also found with poly(rA) (0.6%) and with 4 to lOs RNA (0.5%) isolated from chicken

embryo cells of the type used for the virion preparations. These latter controls were in-cluded to test specifically for the possibility

that a portion of the 3H-DNA might have been transcribed from the adenine-rich se-quences of the viral RNA (18, 20, 29, 35), or from low-molecular-weight cellular RNA which

might be present in the virion (5, 13, 14, 33). Such transcripts wouldhybridize with the

ade-nine-rich sequences of cell messenger RNA

(mRNA), and with the 4 to lOs RNA in the

cell, thus interfering with ouranalysisof

viral-specific RNA in these cells. The results de-scribed above demonstrate, however, that transcripts of this type do not constitute a significant fraction of the 3H-DNA. The ab-sence of sequences in the 3H-DNA which were

complementary to adenine-rich regions of the viral RNA was further confirmed by the fact that excess poly(dT) did not compete in the annealing reaction between RAV-2 3H-DNA and RAV-2 RNA (see Table 2). Approximately 98% hybridization was obtained in the pres-ence of poly(dT) at a concentration 120-fold in excess of viral RNA and 120,000-fold in excessofRAV-2 3H-DNA.

on November 10, 2019 by guest





of the annealing

reac-tion. Hybridization data can be conveniently represented on a semilogarithmic graph, plot-ting the percent DNA hybridized against the product of initial RNA concentration x time


(8, 30). The parameter Crt, suggested by

Birnstiel et al. (4), is analogous to



concentration x time) introduced by Britten

and Kohne (8) to describe DNA-DNA inter-actions. With this representation, the curves

obtained for a given polynucleotide species

will beidentical over a wide range of RNA

con-centrations since the incubation time (t)

re-quired to reach a given level of hybridization

is inversely proportional to the initial RNA



when RNA is in sufficient excess. The Crt value at which 50% maximal

hybridization is attained



charac-teristic ofthe hybridizing RNA species and is

roughly proportional to its genetic complexity



When theRNA sequenceshomologous tothe radiolabeled DNA are present in a mixture of RNA species (e.g., cellular RNA), a


curve can be constructed




values based on total RNA concentration. The curve

obtained inthiswaywill be





values, in proportiontothe dilution ofthe homologous RNA species with heterologous RNA. The concentration of the


RNA can be calculated


comparing the


obtained for the RNA mixture with that







the DNA


The kinetics of


formation between RAV-2 3H-DNAand RAV-2RNAwerestudied

over a


range ofviral RNA concen-trations to determine the limits ofsensitivity of ourassay (see


1). At concentrations of

0.75 (curve A, open circles) to 100



the points fall on the same curve,


a maximum of




The linear portion of this curve,


to 0

and 100%, covers








for an ideal second-order reaction (8). Viral RNAwas


detectable atlevels

as low as0.012



D). However,




with this low RNA concentra-tion differed


from the ideal

rep-resented by curve A, and less than 25% of the

3H-DNA was


at the


incu-bation time tested. These non-ideal kinetics are a result of the


ratio of RNA to

DNA, which is


2.4: 1 in these


(curve D). The RNA-DNA ratio appearsto be

extremely critical in these


pre-sumably because of the


of the DNA probe. Although the 3H-DNA used in

these experiments contains sequences homol-ogous to at least 60% of the viral RNA, the

majority of the DNA is homologous to only a

limited region (15-20%) of the viral genome (see above). At low RNA-DNA ratios many of

the DNA species would be in considerable

excess over the homologous RNA sequences, whereas other DNA species would not. Thus,

the kinetics of the annealing reaction would be heterogeneous because of the different re-action rates ofthe various DNA species. The heterogeneity of the DNA is reflected in the

decreased slope of curve D, and, to a lesser

extent, in the slopes of curves C and B, in

which RNA concentrations of 0.10 and 0.23


were used. Apparently, evenat a ratio of45:1 (curve B), some ofthe RNAsequences

arenot insufficient excess.

Itseemed possible that the hybridization val-ues obtained with RNA-DNA ratios of 45:1 or

less might be artificiallylow due to thelong

in-cubation times(up to 500 hr) required atthese

RNA concentrations. To test this possibility,




,80 7

N o

5 /

cr ~~~~o/B <

40 4 z

ui ~~~~~~~D







1 2 10O 10° 10


t ( mole*sec/liter

FIG. 1. Hybridization of RA V-2 3H-DNA with RAV-2 RNA. Hybridization was performed as de-scribed in Materials andMethods, using RNA-DNA ratios of 150 to 20,000 (curve A), 45 (curve B), 20




were 0.060


(V), 0.038


(A, *), or0.005 ug/ml (all others). Viral RNA -was used at

concen-trations of 100 jug/ml (X), 9.0


(0), 0.75


ml (0), 0.225








(A), 0.75


(A), 0.012 iAg/ml (V), and



(v). Annealing reactions were per-formed in the presence of heterologous RNA from

hamsterembryo cells(0) oryeast tRNA(others) at a concentration of20 mg/ml. Crt values and RNA-DNA ratios were calculated from viral RNA

con-centrations and thus do not reflect the presence of heterologous RNA.

VOL. 11, 1973 161

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1 60 C

C) D

40-CE 20 a----0

LU +

I ~~~~~~~~~~G

0 4- ---T

10-2 I 10 210P 3 4 15

10- 10 10° 10 102 103 10 10






FIG. 2. Hybridization of RA V-2 3H-DNA with RNA isolatedfrominfected anduninfectedchickenembryo cells. 3H-DNAwashybridizedwith RNA isolatedfrom thefollowingsources:RA V-2 virus(curveA);RA V-2-infectedcells oftypegs-h- (curveB); andgs+hH (curve C); uninfectedcellsoftypegsLhE (curve D), gs+hH (curveE), gs-hL (curveF), andgs-h- (curveG). RNAconcentrations were9.0,ug/mlofviral RNA (curve A) in the presence(0)orabsence(0) ofwhole cell RNA(20mg/ml)isolatedfromhamsterembryo cells;3mg/ml of cellular RNA (curves B and C); and20mg/ml ofcellular RNA (curvesD-G).Approximately 1,000counts

per minof 3H-DNAwereused in eachhybridreaction. Crt valuesforcurveA were based on viral RNA concen-tration; all otherswerecalculatedfromtotal cellular RNA concentration.

samples were prepared containing


con-centrations of'both RNA andDNA, but

main-tainingthesameinputratiosused in the

experi-mentsabove. The incubation times



reachagivenCrt valuewillbe decreasedin pro-portion to the increase in RNA concentration. (The increase in DNA concentration will not affect the Crt curves. The data are normalized to DNA concentration


expressing the

hy-bridization level in terms ofpercent DNA hy-bridized.) The values obtained at these higher nucleic acidconcentrations (Fig. 1,closed

sym-bols)fell onth;- same curvesobtained with sim-ilar RNA-DNA ratios at lower concentrations

and longer incubation times (open symbols). Thus,it seemsunlikelythat


levels were significantly affected


nucleic acid deg-radation or other artifacts resulting from

pro-longed incubation.

Very high RNA concentrations can be used in the annealing mixture without affecting the kinetics of the reaction. TheCrtcurveobtained

with RAV-2 RNA in the presence of 20 mg of heterologous RNA/ml fromhamster cells (Fig.

2, curve A, closed circles) was identical to that obtained in the absence of heterologous RNA (open circles). Neither whole cell RNA, as mentioned above, nor low-molecular tRNA

(data not shown) affected the rate or extent of the reaction at a concentration of20mg/ml,and both have been used as heterologous RNA in experiments described below.

Hybridization analysis of RNA isolated

from infectedanduninfected chickenembryo cells. When RNAisolatedfromRAV-2-infected cells was tested forthe presence ofviral RNA



with RAV-2 3H-DNA



curves B andC),nearly100%hybridizationwas

obtained, demonstrating that essentially all of

the nucleotide sequences which were

repre-sentedin the viral DNA were present inthe in-fected cells. The half-Crt values obtained with these infected cell RNA sampleswere 0.9 and 1.1 x 101 mole sec/liter, as compared with 8 x 10-2 mole


forpurified RAV-2 RNA

(curve A). Based on these half-Crt values, we

have calculated that approximately 0.7 to0.9% of the infected cell RNA is viral specific, in

good agreement with previously published re-ports (9, 16, 19). This would correspond to

approximately 3,000 to4,000viral RNAcopies

percell, based on a value of1.7 x 10- I,ugof

RNA per viral genome (11) and an estimated 8 x 10-6 ,ug of total RNA per cell. The slight

differences in the


curves obtained with the infected helper-positive and helper-negative cells are notsignificant with this assay.

Noviral-specific RNA wasdetected in unin-fected chicken embryo cells which lacked gs

antigenorhelperactivity (Fig.2, curve G), even at Crtvalues ofgreater than 105. However,

hy-bridformation wasdetected with RNA from all cells which contained these viral functions

(curves D-F). The levels ofhybridization with RNAs from cells with high levels of helper

ac-tivity (gs+hH and gsLh E) reached maxima of

on November 10, 2019 by guest




approximately 36 and 45%, respectively. The fact that these curves reached plateau levels

of lessthan100%suggeststhatmanyofthe viral

sequences represented in the 3H-DNA are not

present in the RNA from these cells. Low but significantlevelsofhybridizationwereobtained

with RNA from cells with low helper activity (gs-hL cells) (curve F). However, no plateau

value was reached at the level of sensitivity used in these experiments.

Atotal of14 embryos of differenttypeswere

examined for the presence of viral RNA (see

Table 3). No hybrid formation (<2%) was

de-tected with RNA from any of five embryos

which lackedgsantigen and helper activity. Of

nine helper-positive embryos, all contained detectable levels of viral RNA. The maximum levels ofhybridization and the half-Crt values for embryos of each type weresimilartothose shownin Fig. 2.

To exclude the possibility that some ofthe

hybridization observed with cellular RNAwas

duetothepresenceofhost cellsequencesin the

3H-DNA preparation, asampleof3H-DNAwas

pre-annealedtoviral 35sRNA and then treated with S-1 nuclease. Thistreatmentwould

elimi-nate any DNA sequences which would not

hy-bridize with the viral RNA. The DNA-RNA complexes which remainedafternuclease

treat-ment were extracted with SDS-phenol and

treated with NaOHtohydrolyze the RNA.This preannealed 3H-DNA was then used in

hybrid-izationexperiments with RNA from each of the celltypes testedabove. Levels ofhybridization obtained with the preannealed DNA (Table 3)

were essentially the same as those obtained

with DNA which had not been preannealed. Slightly lower values (0.4 and 0.7% versus 1.2

and 1.7%) were obtained with the RNA from gs-h- cells. However, values of less than 2% above


arenotsignificant under the conditions used;in these experiments. We

con-clude that the hybridization obtained using RAV-2 3H-DNA represents virus RNA-specific


Estimation ofviral RNA content in unin-fected cells. Although the amount of RAV-2 RNA in infected cells was calculated by

com-TABLE3. Hybridization of RA V-23H-DNA with RNA from uninfected cells


Source of RNA Embryo no. Half-Crt |



3T3cells 1l.d 0.7

Hamsterembryocells 1.5

Chick cells:

gs-h-.1510 1.2d 0.7

gs-h-.1537 1.5d

gs-h-.1603 0.8

gs-h-.1613 1.1

gs-h-.1622 1.7 0.4


gs-hL.1541 NDe 13 12

Chick cells:

gshH *1488 1.5 x 103 36d 39

gs hH1539 1.8 x 103 35d 37

gs+hH.1542 ND' 34d

gs+hH.. 1602 2.1 x 103 39

gs+hH. 1621 1.8 x 103 36

gs+hH .1624 0.7 x 103 48

Chick cells:

gSLhE 1601 0.6 x 103 46 45

gsLhE 1620 0.7 x 103 45

aCrtvalueatwhich50% oftheplateaulevel ofhybridizationwasattained.

bMaximumhybridizationlevel obtained; analyseswereextendedtoCrtvalues of 0.5to1.0 x 105usingan

RNAconcentrationof 20mg/ml,except whereindicated.

cDetermined at a


value of 0.5 x 105. 3H-RAV-2 DNA was preannealed to viral 35s RNA and then

treated withS-1 nuclease. The DNA-RNAcomplexes whichremainedafternuclease treatmentwere phenol extracted andthentreated withNaOHtohydrolyzetheRNA.

dAnalyses extendedtoCrtvalues of 0.2to0.4 x 105using4 to5mg/mlofRNA.

eNotdetermined; analysiswas notextendedtohigh enoughCrtvaluestoreachaplateau level.

fNotdetermined; hybridization levels weredeterminedonlyathigh Crtvalues.

163 VOL. 11, 1973

on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:7.493.47.441.354.600.2] [image:7.493.48.440.355.598.2]

_o/_g,a- / O80

-jo 0

9 m



-1~~~~~~-10° 10 10 10 10

Crt ( mole sec /liter )

FIG. 3. Analysis ofhybridization levels in recon-struction experiments using heterologous RNA and various amounts of viral RNA. Reaction mixtures contained 0.005,ag/ml of RA V-2 3H-DNA, 20 mg/mI of heterologous RNA from hamster embryo cells(0), gs-h- chicken embryo cells (X), or yeast tRNA (0, , A,IV);and RA V-2 RNA at concentrations of 9.0

ygIml (A), 0.05 yg/ml (X), and 0.012 Mg/mi (C'). These amounts of viral andheterologous RNA would be equivalent to approximately 210 (0), 18 (0), 5

(O'), 2.4 (A), 1.2 (X), and 0.29 (V) copies of viral RNA per cell (see text).C,tvalues in the experiments were calculated from total RNA concentrations, rather thanfrom viral RNA concentration as in Fig. 1. Crt curves for uninfected cell RNA, shown in Fig. 2 (curves D, E, F), have been superimposed (broken lines) to facilitate comparison with the curves ob-tained in these reconstruction experiments. The presence of 20 mg/mI of heterologous RNA, whether from hamster cells, gs-h- chicken cells, or yeast tRNA, does not affect the kinetics of the annealing reaction. (Inset) Relationship between relative viral RNA concentration and Cdto values obtained in re-construction experiments.Cuti values were

deter-minedfromthe C,t curves shown above, by

extrapo-latingthe linear portionofeach curve to the baseline

(i.e., to 0% hybridization). The linearportions used for this analysis were takenfrom points 3-6on the

firsttwo curves (O, O)andpoints2-4on the remain-ing curves.

paring the half-Crt values with that of RAV-2

RNA, this method might notbevalid for

unin-fected cells containing much lower

concentra-tionsofviral RNA. To evaluateresultsobtained

with uninfected cell RNA, we have plotted a

series of Crt curves based on reconstruction

experiments in which RAV-2 3H-DNA was

hy-bridized with mixtures containing various low

amounts of viral RNA, and 20 mg/ml of

het-erologous RNA (see Fig. 3). At low RNA-DNA

ratios the


does not accurately reflect

the initial concentration of viral RNA, since

the kinetics of hybrid formation are affected by

the change in viral RNA concentration as the

reaction progresses. However, a Crt value

which more nearly reflects the initial reaction

rate can be obtained by extrapolating the Crt

curve to the base line. This

extrapolated value,

which we shall call Crto, appears to be a more

validparameter for




dataatlow RNA-DNAratios.When



plotted against the relative concentration of

viral RNA inthe reconstruction experiments,a


the lowest RNAconcentrationsused(seeinset,

Fig. 3). Thus, instead of half-Crt values, we

have used these Crto values for estimating the

amount ofviral RNA in uninfectedcells. A second problem inestimating the amount ofviral RNAinuninfected cellsarises fromthe

fact that only a fraction of the viral RNA se-quences were detected in these cells. Both the plateaus and the slopes ofthe Crt curves for

uninfected cell RNA (Fig. 3,broken



significantly lowerthan thoseobtainedat

com-parable Crt values with RAV-2 RNA (solid lines) in the reconstruction experiments. The precisefraction ofviralRNA sequencespresent in the uninfected cells cannot be determined because of the heterogeneity of the 3H-DNA

(see Discussion). For this reason, the

concen-tration of viral RNA in these cells cannot be calculated. However, the average number of

copies of virus-specific sequences can be

esti-mated from these data. The rate of

hybridiza-tion is directly proportional to the number of

the copies of unique RNA sequences in the

reaction mixture which hybridize with the

DNA, irrespective of the molecular weight of

the RNA (4, 6). The numberofcopies of viral

RNA sequences in uninfected cells was

esti-mated from


values, using the relationship between


and relative viral RNA concen-tration shown in Fig. 3 (inset) as a standard. One genome equivalent ofviral RNA per cell


to approximately 2.1 x 10-6


ofviral RNA per ,ug oftotal RNA, based on a

value of 1.7 x 10- " ,g of RNA per viral

ge-nome (11) and an estimated 8 x 10-6


of total RNAper cell. Based on thesecalculations we have obtainedvalues of 36, 15, and 3copies ofviral-specific RNA percell for



and gs-h, cells, respectively. These numbers represent average values for those sequences which hybridize specifically with the RAV-2

3H-DNA. The range of values for the four

em-bryos of gs+hH type was 14 to 20 copies per

cell; values of 36 and 40 copies wereobtained for the two embryos of type


. One

em-bryo oftype


(embryo 1624) gave a value similar to those obtained for embryos of type


(38 copies percell).

on November 10, 2019 by guest




TABLE 4. Comparison ofhybridizationlevelsusing 3H-DNAfrom RAV-2 andSR-RSV


SourceofRNA Embryono. RAV-2 RSV 3H-DNA 3H-DNA Hamsterembryo

cells 1.5 1.4


gs-h- 1603 0.8 1.1

gs-h-.1622 1.7 1.3

gs-hL.1541 13 11

gs+hH. 1621 36 31

gs+hH ... . 1624 47 36

gsLhE. 1620 46 40

RAV-2 98 69

SR-RSV 88 97

aDetermined at aCrtvalueof 0.5 x


forcellularRNA; hybridization levels for viral RNA are maximum plateau values.


of cell RNA with 3H-DNA from SR-RSV virions.

Approxi-mately 98% of the 3H-DNA synthesized from



withSR-RSVRNA, but a maximumofonly69% hybridizationwas

obtained with RAV-2 RNA(see Table



asignificant fraction oftheRSV 3H-DNA rep-resents sequences which are not present in

RAV-2 RNA. These additional sequences may

include viral genes involved inthe transforma-tionprocess.

It seemed


that some ofthese addi-tionalsequences


bepresent incells which do notcontain RNA


to the RAV-2 3H-DNA.Forthisreason,samplesofRNAfrom

cellsofeach typewere testedfor


with RSV 3H-DNA. As in the


experi-ments, no viral-specific RNA was detected in

thegs-h- cells (see Table 4).



ofhybridization were observed with RNA

iso-lated from cells whichcontained gsantigen or

helper activity. The values obtained with the RSV 3H-DNAweresomewhat lower than those obtainedwith RAV-2 3H-DNA. This difference

would be expected ifthe additional sequences intheRSV DNAwerenotpresent inuninfected cells.


Previous investigators have detected

virus-specific RNA in infected chicken


butnot inuninfected cells (9, 16). The failuretodetect

viralRNA inthe uninfectedcells may have been due to limits insensitivityunder theconditions employed. However, cells used in the


studies were not examined for gs



helper activity, sothe resultscannotbe


compared with those




Leong et al.(30)havebriefly described

prelimi-nary observations suggesting the presence of

viral RNA insomenormal chicken cells.

The sensitivity of the hybridization analysis is primarily determined by three factors:

incu-bation time, RNA concentration, and specific

activity oftheradiolabeled DNA.We have tried tooptimizethe conditions forthisassay by per-forming the reaction at a relatively low tempera-ture (45 C) in thepresence of formamide, thus permitting prolonged incubation without serious thermaldegradation of RNA (4, 7). The use of S-1 nuclease to analyze hybrid

forma-tion provides several advantages over other

methods (30, 37, 41). The assay is relatively

simple, permitting the handling of large

num-bersofsamples; low and consistent background

levels areobtained; and high concentrations of

RNAcanbe used, thus increasing the sensitiv-ity ofthe assay. RNA concentrations of up to 20


were used in our experiments. This

high concentration did not affect the kinetics ofthe annealingreaction. The conditions used in these studies permit the detection of less

than 0.3viral genomeequivalents/cell, as

dem-onstrated in reconstruction experiments (Fig.


In our studies we have used only

single-stranded DNA complementary to the viral RNA. Thus, the results presented here do not

apply to minus-strand RNA. Reports from

other laboratories indicate that only the plus strand of viral RNA is synthesized in virus-infected cells (9, 30). One seriouslimitation to

the use ofvirion-synthesized DNA is the het-erogeneity of the DNA product. Essentially

all ofthe viral sequences are transcribed into

DNA (12, 17). However, the transcription is

nonsymmetrical, with the majority of DNA representing a small fraction (5-25%) of the viral genome (17, 39). Thus, viral sequences

which are represented at very lowlevels inthe 3H-DNA may not be detected with this assay.

Likewise, the plateau levels of hybridization obtained with helper-positive cell RNAdo not

necessarily reflect the fraction of viral RNA

present in these cells.

No viral RNA (<<0.3 copies per cell) was

detected in uninfected cells which lacked gs






levels of viral RNA were found in all cells which contained either of these viral functions. The amountof RNA inhelper-positive cells,ranging from 3 to 40copies per cell, correlated

reason-ablywell with the level ofhelperactivity. Only

afraction of the viral RNAsequencesappeared

tobe present in thesecells, however. This was indicated bothbythe lowplateaulevels andby

the decreasedslope ofthe


curves for

cellu-VOL. 11, 1973 165

on November 10, 2019 by guest



lar RNA as compared with those for RAV-2 RNA at similar C,t values (see Fig. 3). The

analysis of RNA from cells with low helper activity was not carried to a high enough Crt

value to determine a plateau level. However,

the slope obtained with this sample was lower than that forcomparablereconstructioncurves,

suggestingthat a similarplateau would be ob-tained if the assay were extended to higher

levels of sensitivity. Several


can be offered to explain these results. (i) A sig-nificant portion of the viral genes in these cells may be repressed or expressed at levels too

low to be detected in this assay. (ii) The viral genes in these cells may contain significant

regions which are not homologous with the RAV-2 3H-DNA. However, similar plateau levels were obtained with 3H-DNA from

SR-RSV. Furthermore, a high degree of

cross-homology was observed between RAV-2

3H-DNA and RNA from two other leukoviruses, SR-RSVand RAV-60. The RAV-60preparation

was derivedfromcellsofthetypestudiedhere

and presumablycontains viral


material fromthe host cell.(iii)Thecellsmay contain

in-complete viral genomes. This could explain why spontaneous


ofvirus particles

is never observed in these cells. RAV-60 is

recoveredonly after infectionwith other leuko-sis or sarcoma viruses.


the induc-tion ofvirus production has notbeen observed inthese cells



chemi-cal or physical agents (T.


personal communication). Cells used in these studies

appear to differ in this respect from those

studied by Weiss et al. (44), which


low levels of virus


treatment with

chemicaland physicalagents.

The average numberofviral RNA copies in

uninfected cellsorwhether it is inducedbythe

mately 1% ofthat in infected cells. Thiscould

mean either that 1% ofthe cells contain viral

RNA at high

levels, equal

to that in infected

cells, orthatall cellscontain low levelsofviral RNA. No virus-specific RNA sequences were

detected in uninfected helper-negative cells.

However,the presence of one cell per 105 which contained viral RNA in amounts equal to that in the infected cells would not be detected at the levels ofsensitivityused in thisassay.

The presence of helper activity in chicken cells is determined by abiological assay which

involves infection withB-RSV. It is notknown

whether this function is normally expressed in uninfected cells or whether it isinduced by the

infectingvirus. Thehybridizationanalysis used in these studies does not permit identification

of the individual RNA species which code for this function.However,thecorrelationobserved

between helper activity and viral RNA levels inuninfected cells suggests that the viral genes are expressed even in the absence of'viral in-fection.

Previous experiments have demonstrated

that helper-negative cells from these chicken

flocks contain viral DNA which can be de-tected both by molecular hybridization (34)

and byrescue ofRAV-60 following

superint'ec-tion (25). The absence of detectable levels of viral RNA in these cells suggests that viral gene expression is controlled at the

transcrip-tion level. However, a mechanism which in-volves rapid breakdown of viral RNA cannot be excluded.


We thank T. Hanafusa for helpful discussions, and

Grazina Boeckforexcellent technical assistance. Wewould

also liketothank H. FanandD.Baltimore forproviding

in-formation concerning the use of single-strand-specific

nu-clease forhybridization analyses. This work was supported

by U.S. Public Health Serviceresearch grants CA08747 and

CA12177 from theNationalCancer Institute.


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VOL. 11, 1973 167

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TABLE 1. Classification of chicken embryo cells
TABLE 2. Test for hybridization of RA V-2 3H-DNAwith polynucleotides of various types
FIG.Crjg/ml(curvescribedformedRAV-2hamsterratiosheterologousawere0.144DNAtrationscentrationsmlug/ml concentration1
FIG. 3H-DNA 2. Hybridization was hybridized of RA with V-2 3H-DNA RNA isolated from the following from infected and uninfected chicken embryocells.C rtsec isolated /liter) RNA (mole with sources: RA V-2 virus (curve A); RA V-2-


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