© 1986, AmericanSociety
for MicrobiologySite-Directed Mutagenesis
of the
gag-mycGene of Avian
and Intracellular
Localization of
Department of Microbiology, UniversityofVirginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, Virginia22908,1 andLaboratory
Cell and MolecularBiology,
National CancerInstituite,
202052Received 24February1986/Accepted 17 June 1986
Transfection ofchicken embryo cells with pMC29, aplasmidvectorcontainingthesequencesfor theacute transforming virus MC29, and a cloned transformation-defective helper virus, pAMst, resulted in
morpho-logical transformation, the synthesis of P11gag-mYc(theproduct ofthegag-myconcogene),and the production
of infectiousvirus.MC29mutantsbearing site-directed deletions within the gag-specificsequences orwithin the
middle portion of themyc sequencesefficiently induced transformation of chicken embryo cells in culture. However, variants containingdeletions ofsequencesin the amino-terminal halforcarboxy-terminalportion of
themyc gene were defective fortransformation. Thegag-myc proteins encoded by these variants efficiently
localizedto the cell nucleus. Premature termination mutantswere isolated which encodedgag-myc proteins
lacking the carboxy-terminal 185 residues; these truncated proteins localized to both the nucleus and the
cytoplasm. Deletion ofasfewas 11residueswithin themiddleof the myc-specificsequences (residuesIle-239 toGlu-249) significantlyreducedtheefficiencyof chicken hematopoietic cell transformation.
The acute avian retrovirus MC29 contains the oncogene v-myc which is required for the induction of carcinomas, sarcomas, and, most commonly, acute leukemia in infected
animals (5, 35). Alterations in the expression of the normal
cellularhomolog,c-myc wereimplicated inneoplastic
trans-formation ina number ofspecies (27). In the case ofavian
leukosis virus-induced B-celllymphomasin chickens,
inser-tion of retrovirus transcriptional elements at or near the
c-myclocus (8, 37, 39)appears to alterc-myc gene
expres-sion. Cell lines derived from murine plasmacytomas(44) and
human Burkitt
(3, 4) possess a characteristicchromosomal translocation whichmay in some cases result
inthe transcriptional activation ofthec-myc gene. In
addi-tion, cell lines derived from humantumors contain
amplifi-cations ofthe c-myc gene whichresult in elevated levels of
c-myc RNAtranscripts (12, 14, 32).
Infection of avian cells withMC29 results in the
expres-sion ofavirus-encoded 110-kilodalton(kDa) fusionprotein,
containing gag-specific and myc-specific se-quences(9, 26).TheP110yw9-mYc
proteinis aphosphoprotein(10) that binds to double- and single-stranded DNA and is
associated withthenuclearmatrixin MC29-infected cells (1,
15, 17). In cultured cells, expression of the
protein results in the efficient transformation ofboth avian
embryo fibroblasts and hematopoietic cells of macrophage
origin (7, 20, 23).
The amino acid sequence of the MC29-encoded
reveals severalprovocative
structured motifs(Fig. 1A). The amino-terminal half ofthe
se-quence contains several
rich inproline
particularly residues Pro-155 to Pro-170, in which 10of 15
residues are proline. The carboxy-terminal
ofthegag-myc protein is rich in
residues andmay account for the DNA
of thegag-mycprotein (2). The center
of the v-myc sequencecontains a
in which 17 of 35* Corresponding author.
residuesareeitherglutamic acidor asparticacid. This region
is encoded by a sequence which corresponds to the 5'
boundary ofthe secondcodingexonofthe c-myc gene and is
conserved among myc proteins ofchicken, mice, and man
(6, 13, 45-47). As pointed out by Ralston and Bishop (40),
this acidic region has homologous counterparts in the
nu-cleus-associated proteins encoded by the ElA and v-myb
Conventional genetic analysis of the v-myc gene has
yielded little informationregardingthestructurallyand
func-tionally important regions of the v-myc gene product.
Ramsayetal. (41) isolatedthreespontaneousMC29mutants
containingdeletions rangingfrom 200 to 600 nucleotides in
themyc gene (10,42).These mutantstransform chickenand
quail fibroblastsbutexhibitsignificantlyreduced efficiencies
for transformation ofchicken cells ofhematopoietic origin
(41). The viral mutations were mapped to the
carboxy-terminal half ofP11W9aR-mYc (18).
Inthis paper we describe theconstruction and
character-ization of site-directed deletion mutations within the
gag-myc geneof MC29. Analysis ofthe
of these MC29 mutants revealed that deletion ofas few as 11 amino acids within aparticularly
acidic domain of the gag-myc protein greatly reduced theefficiency
of chickenmacrophagetransformation but notthatof chicken
cells. Nuclear localization studies showed that the gag-myc
proteins encoded by a numberof
deletion mutationslocalizedtothecell
with theexception
ofpremature termination mutations that encoded truncatedgag-myc pro-teinslackingthecarboxy-terminal
halfof theprotein.
Thesestructurally altered
werefound in both the nucleusand the cytoplasm of transfected cells. The MC29 mutants described in this paper further define a
of the mycgene required for efficient
transformation. Inaddition, they
useful reagents fordefining
theim-portant structural and functional domains of the myc gene
on November 10, 2019 by guest
* plY plU Ap;zl
P.. -.r-h Acidic Basic Region Region Region
wild 1,
tgpe t p19 plO &p27 ATG
Size of Deletion
Pro-rich Acidic Basic
Region Begion Region
45 79 145 170
CH202 AcidicRegionEM:
228 262
BasicRegionD :
300 359
360 415
t1 CH204
CH206 CH207 t
CH301 t
11 13'NT 20aa LE1111111113'NTI 84aa
1l111111111111111113NT1 60aa
NT 182a0b
FIG. 1. Structure of thegag-mnyc geneandP110'"'"'Ycprotein. (A)Schematicdiagramof thegag-mnycprotein.Aminoacidsequences are deduced from the nucleotidesequencedata(2, 46). (B) Mapsof deletion mutations. The isolation and characterization of individual mutations
wereperformedasdescribed in Materials and Methods.a, Aminoacid deletion followedby54 aminoacids unrelatedtomIvc; b,amino acid deletion followedby 10 amino acidsunrelatedto mvc;c,frameshift deletion of 54carboxy-terminalamino acids followedby9 unrelatedamino acids. 2, denotes the additionof unrelated amino acidsequencesderived from sequences3' tothemycgene(see text).
Cells, viruses, and plasmids. Chicken embryo and quail embryo cell cultures were prepared and maintained as describedpreviously (11). COS-1 cells(22) weremaintained in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium plus 10% fetal calf serum.Viral DNAs used in the construction ofpMC29were obtained from the following sources: prnvc (29) from T. Papas, National Cancer Institute, and pJD100 and pSVO10 (20) from G. Gilmartin. A plasmid, tdPr-RSV-B, bearing a permuted copy of tdPrB-RSV (16) was obtained from J. Coffin. Chicken embryo cells were transfected by the cal-cium phosphate precipitation method of Graham and Van der Eb(24)asmodifiedby Bryantand Parsons(11). Optimal transfection with the replication-defective pMC29 or mutagenized pMC29 was attained when these DNAs were mixed(ina4:1 ratio) with pzvMst helpervirusDNA, usinga total of 1 .tgofDNAper60-mmculture dish. Wild-type and
mutant virus stocks were prepared from supernatants of transfected cultures 7 to 14 days posttransfection. COS-1 cells were transfected by calcium phosphate precipitation with theglycerol shock modification (34) by using 10 ptg of plasmid DNAper100-mmculture dish. Invitro transforma-tion of bone marrow cells was carried out essentially as
described by Beug et al. (7).
Isolation of deletion mutations in the gag-myc gene. The
deletion mutationspCH201, pCH203,andpCH207containa
deletion ofmyc-specific sequences flanking the Clal site in
themycgene.DNAofthe plasmid pMC29waslinearized by
partial Clal digestion and subjected to BAL 31 digestion (0.05 U/ml at 37°C) for 30, 60, or 90 s. The samples of
digested DNA were combined, the staggered ends were
repaired with Klenow fragment of Escherichia (cli DNA polymerase,andthe DNA wasligated and transformed into competent E. coli HB101. The resulting colonies were
screened for the loss of the Clal site. pCH101, pCH202, pCH204, pCH205, pCH206, and pCH301 were constructed by either complete or partial digestion with the restriction endonucleases designated in the text. Partial restriction
Quail gag env
FIG. 2. Construction of the plasmids pMC29 and pAvMst. The cloningstrategyusedtogeneratepMC29 and pAMst is described in detail in Materials and Methods. The RSV-derived sequences (B) delineatedbytheBamnHI siteinthegaggeneand theBgllI site in the
src gene were replaced by the BamnHI fragment from the MC29 proviral clone pmnc (A) (29). A Hindlll fragment containing the
complete MC29 recombinant genome was cloned into a plasmid
vector(D)containing the SV40 origin of replication(19)yieldingthe plasmid pMC29 (E). The pAvMst helper-virus plasmid (C) was
isolatedby deletion of thesequencesbetween thetwoMstIlsites in thesrcgeneofpJDIOO (B).
CH101 t ".4
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-6 E-UTI
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eZ e a] CD
R.", .. .-..
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:2.612.64.554.64.315.2] [image:2.612.318.556.439.624.2]FIG. 3. Light microscopy of infected and uninfected quail embryo cells. (A) Uninfected quail cells. (B) Cells infected with pMC29
(pAMst). (C) Cellsinfected with CH207 (pAMst). (D) Soft-agar colony of cells infected withCH201(pAMst). Magnification, x140.
digestswere carried out by varying the time or temperature
ofdigestion or both. After digestion, the DNA wasligated
with T4 DNA ligase and used to transform E. coli HB101.
The boundaries of each deletion were determined by direct
DNA sequencing(33).
Celllabeling, immunoprecipitation,andgelelectrophoresis.
COS-1 cellswereincubated inmethionine-free media for30
min before the addition of labeling medium containing 100
,uCi of
per ml. Cells were labeled for2 to4h and harvested as described by Bryant and Parsons (11). Cellextracts wereprepared bythe method of Abramset al. (1), and theimmunoprecipitation was performedasfollows. Cell extracts were incubated with 5 ,ul ofpolyclonal rabbit
anti-gagoranti-myc for60 minat4°Cfollowedby incubation
withFormalin-fixed Staphylococcusaureusforanadditional
60minat4°C. Immunecomplexeswerewashedsequentially
with RIPA buffer (150 mM NaCl, 1% deoxycholate, 1%
Triton X-100, 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate, 50 mM Tris
hydrochloride [pH 7.2]), high-salt buffer (2 M NaCl, 0.5%
deoxycholate, 1% NonidetP-40, 10mM Trishydrochloride
[pH 7.5]), RIPA buffer, 1M
and 10 mM Trishydro-chloride (pH 7.5). The immune complexes were boiled in
sample buffer for 3 min, and equal samples were then
electrophoresedin 10.5%
gels (28)andauto-radiographed.
Indirect immunofluorescence stainingof cells. COS-1 cells were seeded on cover slips and transfected with plasmid
DNA 12 to 18 h later. At 48 h after transfection, the cells were fixed with cold methanol for 5 min followed by
treat-mentwith coldacetonefor 3 min(31). Thefixed cells were incubated with 100,ul of eithera mousemonoclonal
tothe mycprotein (36)
for30 min at room temperature. The
of theprimary
incubation ofthecellswithon November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:3.612.48.586.74.517.2]170 HEANEY ET AL.
goat F(ab')2 anti-mouse immunoglobulinG (10
(Jack-son Immuno Research Laboratories, Inc.) for 30 min fol-lowed by incubation with fluorescein-conjugated rabbit F(ab')2 anti-goat F(ab')2 (10 Fig/ml) (Jackson) for an addi-tional 30 min. Localizationofprimaryrabbit antibody bind-ing was carried out in a similarmannerby using rhodamine-conjugated mouse F(ab')2 anti-rabbit F(ab')2 (10 pLg/ml). Between incubations with antibody, the cover slips were washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline. The stained cells were examined and photographed with a Leitz fluorescence microscope (Leitz/Opto-MetricDiv. ofE.Leitz Inc.) equipped with epi-illumination.1
6 7 8
dmpm Q,wlo'm
Isolation ofan infectious MC29 plasnmid vector. To intro-ducedefined mutations in the gag-myc geneofMC29 andto facilitate the biological analysis of the resulting mutations, weused standard methodsof molecularcloningtoconstruct a recombinant plasmid containing an MC29 provirus and a
second plasmidtoprovidehelper-related functions. Inbrief,
aplasmid,pmyc,containingapartial MC29 provirus (29)and
5'-flanking host quail DNA was used as the source of
myc-specific sequences. Exploitingthehigh degreeof
nucle-otide sequence homology among the avian retrovirus gag structural genes, we inserted a partial gag-myc fragment from the plasmid pmyc into the gag region of pJD100, a nonpermuted proviral clone of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) inserted into pBR322 (48). Intheresultant construction, all of theRSV-specific pol andenvgenes andmostof RSV
gag-and src-specific sequences were deleted (Fig. 2). The
pBR322 vector sequence was then replaced with that of
pSVO10, which containsthesimian virus 40(SV40)originof
replication (21). The resultant plasmid pMC29 is a
nonpermuted clone of the MC29 provirus that encodes a gag-mycfusion protein identical in sequence toMC29 gag-mycandcontains the SV40 and pBR322 origins of replication
(Fig. 2).
Because MC29 is a replication-defective virus, a helper
virus plasmid, pAMst, was constructed by deletion of
virtu-ally all of the src genefrom pJD100 (Fig. 2). Transfection of
chicken embryo cells with a mixture of pMC29 and the
helper plasmid pAMst DNA yielded characteristic
92--p 1 1ogag-myc
*, _,
45-FIG. 4. pMC29 directs thesynthesis ofP110j"gg-"m. Infectedand
uninfected quail cells were labeled with [35S]methionine,
im-munoprecipitated with rabbitantiserumtothe RSVgagproteinsand
analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electropho-resis as described inMaterials and Methods. Lanes: 1, uninfected cells; 2, helper-virus-infected cells; 3, pMC29-(pAMst) virus-infectedcells; 4, MC29-transformed quail cell line, Q8.
FIG. 5. Immunoprecipitation of wild-type and mutantgag-myc
proteins. COS-1 cellsweretransfected withtheindicatedDNAsand labeledwith[35S]methionineasdescribedin Materials andMethods.
Cell extracts wereimmunoprecipitated with rabbit anti-gag serum
(lanes 1,2,and 4 to 12)orrabbitanti-mnyc sera(lane 3). Lanes: 1, mock-transfected COS-1cells; 2, pMC29; 3, CH101;4, CH201; 5, CH202; 6, CH203; 7, CH204; 8,CH205;9,CH206; 10,CH207; 11, CH208; 12, CH301.Thepositionsof the markerproteins phosphor-ylaseb(97.4kDa), bovineserumalbumin(68kDa),andovalbumin
(43kDa) are shown at the left.
liketransformation in 7 to 14days. Culture media harvested from transformed chicken embryo cultures induced stable transformation when used to infect either chicken orquail embryo cells (Fig. 3B). These cultures were
indistinguish-ablein morphology from chickenorquail cells transformed
with wild-type MC29 virus stocks obtained from several different sources (data not shown). These experiments es-tablished the biological activityof the MC29plasmidvector and thetransforming activityof the cloned v-myc sequence. Metabolic labeling of pMC29-transformed quail embryo cells with [35S]methionine andimmunoprecipitation of gag-relatedproteins with either rabbit anti-gag rabbit serum (Fig. 4, lane 3) or anti-p271("i monoclonal antibody (not shown) revealeda 110-kDaprotein that comigrated with P110gag-my( of the MC29-transformed quailcellline andQ8 (Fig. 4, lane 4),aswellasPr76and thebreakdownproducts of Pr76. The
P1109"'g-n'C was absent from helper-infected cells (Fig. 4,
lane 2), indicatingthat P110""' expression resulted from
theexpressionof theMC29-specific sequences. Transfection
of COS-1 cells (an SV40-transformed CV-1 monkey cellline) with pMC29 yielded high-level, transient expression of
(Fig. 5, lane 2)within 48 to 72 h posttransfection. Intracellular localization of P110"g9g-m'v in pMC29-transfected COS cellswas ascertained by indirect immuno-fluorescence with a monoclonal antibody to p279a'. The observed nuclearfluorescence(Fig. 6B) was consistent with previous reports that P110g"eIgn'' is a nucleus-associated protein (1, 15). These experiments clearly documented the efficient expression of biologically active P11V'9-mv" protein encoded bypMC29.Isolationand characterization of site-directed mutations in gag-myc. In aninitial attempt to determine which regions of P 109"s'-n"'I wererequired for MC29-induced transformation of chicken embryo cells, we introduced site-directed
dele-tions into the gag-myc gene of pMC29. Two methods of
mutagenesis wereused. Deletions wereeither generated by
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:4.612.317.552.74.260.2] [image:4.612.80.273.505.658.2]FIG. 6. Immunofluorescence localization of wild-type and mutantgag-myc proteins. COS-1 cells were transfected with the indicated DNAsand examinedbyindirectimmunofluorescence,as described inMaterials and Methods, by using either a monoclonal antibody top279'ag
(A, B, andD to H) orrabbitanti-myc serum (C). (A) Mock-transfection. (B) pMC29. (C)CH101. (D) CH201. (E)CH202. (F) CH203. (G)
CH204. (H)CH205. (I)CH206. (J)CH207. (K)CH208. (L)CH301.
BAL 31 exonuclease or were isolated by the fusion of
restriction sites within the gag-myc gene. The size and
position ofthese deletions aresummarized in Fig. 1B.
Both in-frame and out-of-reading-frame mutations were
isolated (Fig. 1B). The in-frame deletions included pCH201,
an 11-amino-acid deletion within the acidic region of the
gag-mycprotein, and
an84-amino-acid deletion in the center of the myc gene that lacks the same region andapproximately 30 flanking amino acids. The out-of-frame
mutant, pCH207, contains a 57-base-pair deletion and en-codes a protein containing 1l1 of the gag-specific amino
acids,230aminoacidsof theaminoterminusofmyc,and 54
unrelated amino acids. A second frameshift mutant,
pCH208, wasgenerated byan incomplete repairof the Sall
siteoftheplasmid pCH207.Thisproduceda+2alteration in
thereadingframefrom the Sall siteto thepointof deletion
in pCH207 and a +1 shift in the readingframe thereafter.
The net result was q mutation that, due to a termination codon in the +1reading frame,encodesaprotein containing
219 myc-related
acids and only 10 unrelated amino acids.The restriction enzyme site fusion deletions ranged from
20 amino acids to 182 amino acids. The smallest deletion,
pCH202, is afunction ofthe Sall and ClaI sites in the myc
genefollowing thefilling in with T4 DNA polymerase. This
mutationcontainsaglutamine residue as a result of the filling
in and deletes 9 of the 17 glutamic acid and asparagine residues within the acidic region (Fig. 1). Deletion of the sequences between each of the three HincII sites in myc
generated deletion mutants lacking 60 amino acids
(pCH204), 122 amino acids (pCH205), and 182 amino acids
(pCH206). pCH204 contains adeletion that overlaps thatof
pCH202 and extends the deletion 40additionalamino acids
toward the carboxy terminus. The deletion within pCH206
overlaps those inpCH205 andpCH204. pCH301 containsa
345-base-pair deletion of the 3' end of the myc
sequencesandnontranslatedregion, resultinginthedeletion of54amino acids of thecarboxyterminusof the
andthe addition of 9 unrelated amino acidsbefore
termina-tion. pCH101 encodes a protein with a 170-amino-acid
deletion, resulting in the removal of
75% ofthe p27-gagsequences
acids Thr-258toIle-427).
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:5.612.166.463.72.464.2]172 HEANEY ET AL.
Biological properties of the MC29 mutants. Chicken em-bryo cells werecotransfectedwith plasmidDNAcontaining
each of the respective mutations and pAMst DNA. The morphological alterations of the cellswereassessed after 14
to21 days, and the culturesupernatants were usedtoinfect
quail embryo cells. The in-frame myc deletion mutants
CH201, CH202, CH203, and CH204, and the in-frame gag-deletion, CH101, induced thetransformation and growth in softagarof chicken and quail embryo cells. Themorphology
of these mutants (Fig. 3) andtheir growth in soft agar were indistinguishable from thatof wild-typeMC29. Thein-frame
deletion mutants CH205 and CH206 were transformation defective, as were both frameshift mutants CH207(Fig. 3C)
and CH208.
Toestablisharapidandefficient methodfor the analysisof
expression of structurally altered gag-myc proteins, COS-1
cells were transfected with individual mutagenized plasmid
DNA and the transient expression of the encoded gag-myc
proteins was monitored by immunoprecipitation. In each case, alabeled myc-relatedprotein ofanappropriate
molec-ular weight could beimmunoprecipitated with eithergagor
myc antiserum (Fig. 5). Thus, weestablished that the trans-formation-defective mutants were capable of producing a stable myc-specific gene product under conditions of
tran-sient expression. The detection of structurally altered
gag-myc proteinsrin COS-1 cells permitted us to determine the intracellularlocalization of these proteins byindirect immu-nofluorescence. Each of the transformation-competent
mu-tants encoded a protein that efficiently localized to the cell nucleus (Fig. 6C, D, E, F, and G). In addition, the
transfor-1 2 3 4 5 6
-p 1 1
FIG. 7. Intracellularlocalization of truncatedgag-mycproteins.
COS-1 cells were transfected with pMC29 or pCH207 DNA and
labeled with[35S]methionineasdescribed in Materials andMethods.
Nuclear andcytoplasmicfractions werepreparedbyamodification
ofthe procedure ofAbrams et al. (1) asdescribed by Morganand
Parsons (36). Nuclear fractions (lanes 1 to 3) and cytoplasmic
fractions (lanes 4 to6) were immunoprecipitated with rabbit
anti-inyc serum, and immune complexes were subjected to
polyacryl-amidegel analysisasdescribed in thelegendtoFig.5. Lanes: 1 and 4,mock-transfectedcells;2and5,pMC29-transfectedcells;3 and6,
P110g"g-and pCH207-encoded
are indicated at the right.Molecularweight markers areindicated at the left.
TABLE 1. Transformation of chicken bone marrow cellsby wild-type andmutantMC29 viruses
Virus(helper Approximate Colonies formed/106 virus) titer(FFU)a nucleatedcellsb
MC29(MAV) 104 75,77
103 8, 14
102 1,2
pMC29(tdPrB) 104 50, 35
103 3,3
102 0, 0
CH101(tdPrB) 104 15
l03 3
102 0
CH201 (tdPrB) 104 0
CH202(tdPrB) 104 0, 0
CH203 (tdPrB) 104 0,0
CH204(tdPrB) 104 0,0
a The transforming titer(focus-formingunits)of the virus stocksonchicken embryocells wasdeterminedby end-pointdilution.
bBonemarrow cells were preparedasdescribedbefore (7). Two values representduplicate assays.
mation-defective in-frame deletion mutations pCH205 and
pCH206,aswellaspCH301,encodedproteins that localized
to the nucleus (Fig. 6H, I, L). In contrast, the truncated
thetransformation-defective frameshiftmutations pCH207 and pCH208 were found both in the
cytoplasmandin the nucleus(Fig. 6J and K). To confirm the
dual localization of the truncated gag-mycprotein encoded
by pCH207 (P88g(19-'""), COS-1 cells transfected with
pCH207DNAwerelabeled with[35S]methionine and nuclear
andcytoplasmic fractions were prepared. Immunoprecipita-tion with gag antiserum revealed that pMC29 encoded p1102"2'-.rn which was foundprincipally in the nucleus (Fig. 7, lanes 2 and 5). In contrast,
encoded by pCH207, was observed in both nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions(Fig.
7,lanes 3 and6). In summary, it appears that none of the in-frame deletions, including the carboxy-terminaldeletion present inCH301, remove sequences nec-essary for nuclear transport.However, the dual localization of pCH207- and pCH208-encoded proteins suggests that sequences within the carboxy-terminal half of the myc protein play somerole in stable nuclear association.Identification ofmyc deletion mutants with altered trans-forming properties. Ramsay et al. (41) described mutantsof MC29containing deletions within the 3' half of the gag-myc genethat exhibita reduced abilityto transform hematopoi-etic cells but not fibroblast cells invitro. These mutants also showed a greatly reduced pathogenicity in chickens (19).
The transformation-competent MC29 deletion mutants
CH101, CH201, CH202, CH203, and CH204 as well as
wild-type molecularly cloned MC29 (pMC29) were used to
transform chicken hematopoietic cells in culture. Culture supernatants from chicken embryo cells infected with pMC29 (and atdPrB helpervirus) were used toinfect both chickenembryocells andchicken bone marrow cells (Table
1). Wild-typeMC29 and the p27gagdeletion mutant (CH101)
readily induced characteristic transformation of bone mar-row cells, yielding transformed cells in liquid culture and transformed colonies in semisolid agar (Fig. 8). Wright-Giemsa-stained preparations of transformed bone marrow cells revealed thetypicalmorphology of MC29-transformed macrophages (Fig. 8). Inaddition, the phagocytic property of the transformed cells was established by their ability to
phagocytize latex beads (data not shown). In contrast, the
mutantsCH201, CH202, CH203, and CH204, which readily J. VIROL.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
[image:6.612.314.556.94.238.2] [image:6.612.58.296.392.606.2]a6
&It 4..
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-I, 1.
1% ..
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[image:7.612.99.527.43.701.2]0 0
FIG. 8. Light microscopy of infected and uninfected chicken bone marrow cells. Bone marrow cells were infected as described in MaterialsandMethods withpMC29 (1)orCH101 (2)or wereuninfectedcontrols (3). (a) Liquid bonemarrowcultures(magnification, x140). (b)Semisolidagarcolonies(magnification, x140). (c) Wright-Giemsa-stained preparationsoftransformed cells(magnification, x1000).
aa d
. . i
on November 10, 2019 by guest
TABLE 2. Summaryoftheproperties of MC29mutants Celltransformation
Mutant Amino acids deleteda Bone
in IntracellularlocalizationEmbryo
CH101 Thr-258gag. . .Ile-427gag + + + Nucleus
CH201 Ile-239.. .Glu-249 + - + Nucleus
CH202 Asp-220.. .(Glu).. .Ile-239 + - + Nucleus
CH203 Arg-205.. .(Pro).. .Ala-288 + - + Nucleus
CH204 Asp-220.. Val-279 + - + Nucleus
CH205 Asn-98... Val-219 - NDC - Nucleus
CH206 Asn-97...Val-279 - ND - Nucleus
CH207 Glu-231... .(n54) - ND - Nucleus andcytoplasm
CH208 Asp-220...
- ND - Nucleus andcytoplasmCH301 Ala-362 ...
- (-)d - NucleusaResidues in parentheses representamino acids insertedas aconsequence ofmutagenesis.Thenvalue inparenthesesis the addition of unrelated amino acids
(Fig. 1).
bGrowth of transformed embryo cells in soft agar. ' ND, Not determined.
dInfection of bone marrow cells with a virus of unknown titer.
transformed chicken embryo cells, exhibited a significantly
reduced efficiency ofchicken bone marrowcell
transforma-tion (Table 1). CH301, which did not transform chicken
embryo cells, also was defective for bone marrow cell
transformation. Immunoprecipitation of extracts prepared
transformed bonemarrowcells(transformed with either pMC29 or CH101) with anti-myc
serum confirmed the presence ofwild-type or structurally
altered gag-myc proteins (data not shown). We conclude
from these experiments that a deletion of a myc-specific
sequence as small as 11 amino acids (residues Ile-239 to
Glu-249) within the gag-myc gene product
re-duces theefficiency by which thisproteinmediates
hemato-poietic celltransformation.
Tofacilitate theinvitro genetic analysis of the myc gene,
we constructed the plasmid pMC29, which contains the v-myc sequencesof the avian retrovirus MC29.Transfection
of chicken embryo cells with pMC29 DNA and a plasmid
DNA containing either a tdPrA-RSV or tdPrB-RSV helper
virus genome yielded virus stocks containing defective
transforming virus and a replication-competent,
nontransforming helper virus. These transforming virus
stocks inducedtransformation of chicken and quail embryo cells and bone marrow cells in culture. Cells transformed with recombinant MC29 (pMC29) were indistinguishable from cells infected with wild-type MC29 obtained from several sources. Chicken or quail embryo cells transformed with either the transforming variants or with wild-type
pMC29 exhibited analteredmorphology and readily formed
colonies in soft agar. Bone marrow cells transformed with pMC29 or CH101 (a variant without
weremorpho-logically indistinguishable from cells transformed with
wild-type MC29 viruses. Wright-Giemsa staining as well as the
phagocyticactivity of these cells indicated that they were of
the macrophage lineage. Inaddition, as described by Leutz et al. (30), establishment of cell lines from transformed colonies induced with either pMC29 or CH101 was
depen-dent upon the addition of chicken myelomonocytic growth factor.
Deletion of a substantial portion (approximately 75%) of
sequences did not alter the ability of the mutantvirus (CH101) to transform either chicken or quail embryo
cellsorbone marrowcells (Table 2). Recentlyweextended thisanalysistoinclude the characterization of additional gag deletion mutations, the largest of which retains only the carboxy-terminal 36 amino acids of p27g"l'. The mutants with these deletions transform both chicken embryo cells and bonemarrowcells inculture, indicating that thegag-specific
sequences do not play a major role in MC29-mediated transformation in vitro (M. L. Heaney, J. H. Morgan, J. H. Pierce, and J. T. Parsons, manuscript in preparation). Re-cently, Shawetal. (43) showed that in vivo-derived variants of MC29 containing deletions of gag sequences arecapable oftransforming chicken embryo cells.
Examination of the amino acid sequence of the v-myc protein reveals several interesting structural features. Sev-eral clusters of proline residues reside within the amino-terminal half of themolecule, whereas thecarboxy-terminal portion is lysine and arginine rich. Large deletions which impinge upon or delete either of these regions yielded transformation-defective viruses. In both cases, the deletion ofamino acid sequence did not appear to alter the localiza-tion of the gag-mycprotein to the nucleus(Table 2). This is particularly interesting with respect to the mutant CH301,
which contains a deletion ofthecarboxy-terminal 50amino acids, including the deletion ofsequences particularly rich in lysines and arginines (Fig. 1). Ourresults indicate that none of theregions of themyc protein removed by thesedeletion mutations specifies an amino acid sequence necessary for nuclearlocalization, such as the nucleartransport signal of the SV40 Tantigen (25). Thepremature-terminationmutants CH207 and CH208, however, didexhibit an altered pattern of localization, being present in both the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Since the deletions in CHC207 and CH208 are quite extensive, it isdifficult to assessthe roleofthedeleted amino acid sequencesin stable nuclearassociation. Amore detailedanalysis of this region, however,is warranted.
Deletion ofas many as84amino acids within the middle
portion of the myc-specific sequences did not substantially
reducethe ability of the mutant virus (CH203) to transform chickenembryocells(Table 2). However,deletion of as few as 11 amino acids within this same region (CH201) greatly reducedtheefficiency of bone marrow cell transformations. Our results agree with and extend the previously reported results of Ramsey et al. (41, 42), who reported that large deletions within the 3' portion of the myc gene sequences greatly reduced theefficiency of hematopoietic cell transfor-J. VIROL.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
mation. The deletion of11 aminoacids in the mutantCH201
resulted in the removal of residues within a particularly
acidic region of the miyc protein (16 glutamic and aspartic acid residues within a sequence of 35 amino acids; Fig. iB). Itis unclear how such a change mayinfluencetheinteraction of the gag-rnvc protein with hematopoietic cell-specific
factors required for transformation. However, several
inter-esting possibilities can be entertained. First, such sequence
changes could alter the stability of the mnc protein in hematopoietic cells. Second, such sequence changes could selectively alter the interaction of the
protein with specific hematopoietic cell transcription factors (proteins) required for gene expression. Finally, myvC sequence alter-ations may reduce the efficiency ofinteraction with specificDNA transcriptional regulatory elements.
The unique structural features contained within the
g(ig-myc protein arelikelytobeintimatelyinvolved inregulating
its biological and biochemical functions. The studies pre-sented here show that the alteration ofoneofthese features, namely the glutamicacid-rich regionof the protein, appears toalter thebiological activityof the resultant MC29 virus, in that it exhibits diminished capacitytotransform
hematopoi-etic cells. The additional mutants
in thisstudy
showthat several other structural featuresare necessaryfor
gag-rnvc function. However, the extensive nature of these
mutations precludes us from commenting on the possible
consequences of such changes. Nonetheless, these mutants offer a starting point for the continued structural and func-tional analysis of the gag-mzy( gene product.
Wethank B.Creasyfor the excellenttechnicalassistance.Weare
indebted to S. Parsons. J. Morgan. and D. Bryant for providing antibodiesand useful discussionsduringthecourseof thestudyand to S. Farinaand Mac forhelp in the preparationoffigures.
J.T.P. is a recipient of a Faculty Research Award from the American Cancer Society. This work was supported by Public Health Service grants CA29243 and CA 27578 from the National
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