Copyright© 1986, American Society for Microbiology
Hexavalent Capsomers of
Simplex Virus
Laboratory ofCellular andDevelopmental Biology, NationalInstituite of Arthritis, Diabetesand Digestive and Kidney
Diseases,1 andBiological Engineering andInstrumentationBranch,3 and Computer Systems Laboratory, Division of ComputerResearchand Technology,4 National Institiutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892; and Microbiology
Department, UniformedServices University of the Health Sciences, 4801JonesBridge Road, Bethesda, Maryland208142 Received5August 1985/Accepted23October 1985
Thestructuresof thehexavalentcapsomersof herpessimplex virustype2wereanalyzed by negative staining
electronmicroscopy ofcapsomerpatches derived from partially disrupted nucleocapsids. Optimally computer-averaged images were formed for each of the three classes ofcapsomer distinguished by their respective
positions on the surface of the icosahedral capsid with a triangulation number of 16; in projection, each
capsomer exhibited unequivocal sixfold symmetry. According to correspondence analysis of our set of capsomerimages,nosignificant structural differencesweredetected amongthe three classesofcapsomers, as
visualized under these conditions. Taking into accountinformation from images offreeze-dried, platinum-shadowed nucleocapsid fragments, it was established that each hexavalent capsomer is a hexamer of the 155-kilodaltonmajor capsidprotein. Thecapsomerhasthe form ofasixfold hollowcone-12nmindiameter
and -15nmindepth, whose axial channel tapers in width from the outside towards the innercapsid surface.
A full understanding of the assembly mechanisms that specify the clustering of protein subunits to form viral capsids is still lacking. According to the theory of quasiequivalence (5), the capsomers (oligomers of capsid protein[s]; hexavalent [pentavalent] capsomers are sur-rounded by 6 [5] other capsomers) should be arrayed on icosahedral surfacelattices, with 12 pentavalent capsomers occurringattheverticesand hexavalent capsomers occupy-ingtheintervening spaces. Such icosahedra are classified by triangulation numbers (T) in the series T = 1, 3, 4, 7, etc., andcontain increasingnumbers[10 x (T- 1)]of hexavalent capsomers (5). Afurtherprovision of this theory isthat the pentavalentand hexavalent capsomers should be pentamers andhexamers, respectively, ofthe same protein. As exper-imental evidence has accumulated, it has becomeclear that icosahedral surface lattices are indeed almost ubiquitous (21). However, inan increasing number of cases, capsomer organization has turned out to be other than that given above, particularly among the double-stranded DNA-containing animal viruses. For example, the hexavalent capsomersof adenovirus(T=25)aretrimers(4, 7), whereas adenovirus pentavalent capsomers contain a different pro-tein, which also has been reported to be trimeric (8). The hexavalent capsomersofFrogVirus 3,aniridovirus withaT number of-133, are also thoughtto be trimers (F. Darcy-Tripier, M. V. Nermut, E. Brown, H. Nonnenmacher, and J. Braunwald, Virology, in press). On the other hand, the hexavalent capsomers ofpolyomavirus (T = 7) have been found to be pentamers, like its pentavalent capsomers (3, 20). As yet, no empirical trend or theoretical insight has emergedwhich allows thepredictionof the type of capsom-er(s)tobeexpectedfor anygiven virusonthe basis of other
more fundamental properties. In this context, we have
investigated the capsomerstructureofherpes simplex virus type2(HSV-2),arepresentative member of the herpesvirus family.
* Corresponding author.
The surfacelatticeof the herpes simplex viruscapsid has long been knownto be aT = 16 icosahedron (31), but the composition of its capsomers has been a matter of
unre-solved debate. Several electronmicroscopic studies of neg-atively stained nucleocapsids have argued that the
hexaval-entcapsomersare hexamers (1, 11, 19), but it has also been proposedonthebasis of the same type ofevidence(29) that theyaretrimers. The latterpossibilitywould conform to the precedentestablished in adenovirus,whereas it has not yet been shown conclusively that any animal viruses have hexameric capsomers. However, interpretation of such im-agesiscomplicated bythe variabilityin staining conditions, the superposition of details from the upper and lower sur-faces, and otherfactors thatcontributeto anadverse signal-to-noise ratio. Image-processing techniques,basedonimage averaging implemented invarious forms (18), offera poten-tial solutionto these problems. In this studywe performed negative stainingelectron microscopy ofpatches of HSV-2 capsomers derived from disrupted capsids and made a computationalanalysisof thembycorrelationaveragingand correspondenceanalysis (9, 28).Theseprocedures admitthe formation of optimally averaged images that are properly corrected for spatial disordering effects and allow their statistical classification. In addition, we prepared HSV-2 nucleocapsids for electron microscopybyfreeze-drying and shadowing. The resulting images complement the negative staining data, allowing aproposal tobe made for the three-dimensional organization of the hexavalent capsomers.
Cells and virus.The humanforeskin fibroblast line USU 184 (a gift of G. Fischer, Department ofPediatrics, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences) was grown in Eagle minimal essential medium supplemented with genta-micin(100,ug/ml)and10% fetal calfserum.HSV-2(strainHG
52(26)wasgrownonconfluentmonolayersof 184 cells with
amultiplicity of infection of 0.05 PFU per cell. Stock virus
wasprepared byscraping infected monolayers after about 3
on November 10, 2019 by guest
at37°C, disrupting
the cells with ultrasonic treatment, andtitrating by
themethod of Russell(22).
ofnucleocapsids. Nucleocapsids
from infected 184cellsby
themethod of Strauset al.(25).
Infected cellmonolayers
were washed twice withphosphate-buffered
saline at 40C and thenscraped
x g for 5 min. The cellpellet
was putthrough
ice-acetone andthawing
threetimesandwas thensuspended
3.6 mMCaCI2,
5 mMmagnesium
acetate, 125 mM
0.5 mMEDTA,
6 mM2-mercapto-ethanol,
deoxycholate, [pH 7.5]).
Toeach 1 ml oflysis
bufferwereadded25 ,gofDNaseand 25 ,ugof
and incubation was carriedout at37°C
for30min. The solutionwas then shaken for 1 min with an
volume oftrichlorotrifluoroethane,
and the aqueousphase
over a 5 to 40% discontinuous
glycerol gradient
buffer. After45minat
in 10 mM Trishydrochloride-1
mM EDTA(pH 7.5;
tryp-sin. Fractions(50
of each ofthenucleocapsid
suspen-sions described above each were mixed with 50 pI ofphosphate-buffered
9 U oftrypsin
(Worthington Diagnostics,
N.J.) activity
and incubated at37°C
for various times(2
min in the case ofsamples
the mostpatches
ofcapsomers for electronmicroscopy).
The reaction wasstopped by
the addition of 150Rl
ofaprotinin (Sigma
followedby centrifugation
B forSmin. Thepellet
in 50,ul
of TEbuffer.Electron
for60sto a400-mesh copper
grid bearing
a nitrocellulose substratecovered with a thin
of carbon. Thegrid
was washed twice withdrops
ofTE bufferandstained for 15 swith 1%uranyl
acetate. The excess stain was drawn off with Whatmanno. 3filterpaper, andthegrid
wereperformed essentially
in TE buffer was adsorbed for 60 s to a
nitrocellulose-backed support
which was thenwashed(four
with double-distilled water. Thegrid
was im-mersedinliquid
nitrogen, placed (while submerged)
on agrid
holder withaprotective lid,
holderofa Balzers BAF300freeze-etch unit that had been
and the
were freeze-dried for30minat-100°C,
was returned to-80°C,
from an elevationangle
to an average thickness of1nmasmeasured withaquartzcrystal
a thinlayer
of carbon wasevaporated
EM400T and EM300microscopes operating
at80kV. Aliquid
nitro-genanticontamination device was usedroutinely.
and these were calibratedby
the 2.49-nmperiodicity
of thedye
Image processing. Micrographs
with a Perkin-Elmer 1010MG flatbedscanning
with a raster stepcorresponding
to -0.3 nm at thespecimen.
were per-formed with thePIC
which wasdeveloped
inpart from the earlier MDPP system (23). Images(512by512 pixels) were displayed for visual inspection on a video monitor with a Gould-DeAnza IP8500 image processor. Photographic negatives of processed images were obtained with the Perkin-Elmer 1010MG in the film-writing mode, with Kodak Shell-Bursttype 2476 film and a 50-pum raster.
For correlation averaging and correspondence
programs specificallydeveloped for this purpose were used (T. Pun, M. Unser, B. L. Trus, and A. C. Steven,
manu-script in preparation). Of a total of 149 capsomerimagesthat were analyzed, 53 were rejected because they did not
converge stably in correlation alignment and 20 were re-jectedbecausecorrespondenceanalysis showed them to be anomalously (and randomly) different from the bulk of the data set. The remainder were averaged as follows: P-type capsomers(see Fig. 2), N = 27; C-typecapsomers,N= 18; E-type capsomers, N = 19; Maltese cross capsomers (not differentiated as toP-, C-, or E-types), N = 12.Finallythese averaged images were band limited between 0.4 and 0.5
As resolution criterion, a phase residual method similar to thatof Frank(10) was employed. Clusteranalysis (2) of the factoral map ofindividual capsomer images was performed with C-LAB(M. B. Shapiro and G. D. Knott, in D. M.Allen, ed., Proceedings of the 17th Symposium on the Interface, in press).RESULTS
Electron microscopyof partially disrupted HSV-2
nucleo-capsids. Micrographs
ofpatches ofcapsomers derived from capsid facets would be highly suitable for image analysis, because they should lie flatonthe support film and thus be viewed inadefiniteorientation.Furthermore,asmonolayers theywouldgreatly reduce thecomplicationofsuperposition effects. Noting that such patches have previously been obtained in other virus systems (e.g., the groups of nine capsomers of adenovirus (7, 16) and in iridovirus trisym-metrons (32),ourexperimental strategy was to try togener-ate
aggregates for HSV-2 by disrupting puri-fiednucleocapsids.Of the various forms of disruptive treatments that we
tried, only
with trypsin gave promising results. Innegatively
stainedpreparations,theearliest man-ifestation of thistreatmentwastheobservation of a substan-tialfraction ofparticles
thathadflattened by splittingalong theiredges, generatinga "Maltese cross"appearance(Fig. la andb).Atslightlylatertimes, isolatedpatchesofcapsom-ers were observed (Figs. lc and d; see also Fig. 3b). As monitored
sodiumdodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide
the time course oftryptic digestion corre-sponded to gradual conversion of the 155-kilodalton (kDa)capsid protein
tomajor fragments
at85, 82,and48 kDa (datanot
The 155-kDaprotein isknown to be the majorcapsid protein (6, 12)
andis, presumably,thebuildingblock of the hexavalent capsomers. However, at the early timepoints
fromwhichoursamplesfor electronmicroscopyweretaken,
theextentofproteolysiswasslight, and the majority of the 155-kDaproteinwasstillintact. In these experiments, theyield
ofcapsomerpatches wassmall, and our efforts toimprove
have notbeen successful. However, we didacquire
enoughdata forimage analysis of the capsomerstructure.
imageofthehexavalentcapsomer of HSV-2. The hexavalent capsomers ofa icosahedronwith a T number of 16 occupy three distinct bonding environments (Fig. 2): P, thoseimmediately adjacent
to a pentavalent capsomer; E, those located on an edge but not vertex adjacent; and C,on November 10, 2019 by guest
FIG. 1. Electron micrographs ofIJSV-2 nucleocapsids negatively stained with 1% uranyl acetate. Panels a, b,c, and d representthe
respective successivestagesof disruptioncaused by limited proteolysis with trypsin.(aand b) Samples flattenedonthe electronmicroscope
grid because of splitting along theiricosahedral edges, presentingaMaltesecrossmorphology.(cand d)Monolayer patchesofcapsomers;
arrowsindicate the darker staining sites of pentavalentcapsomers. (eandf) Intact nucleocapsids penetrated by stain.
those lying in the centerofafacet. The average
center-to-center spacing of adjacent capsomers was measured to be
12.4 ± 0.6 nm (standard deviation; N = 89). Of the 150
hexavalentcapsomers,60wereP, 30wereE, and60wereC.
Inprinciple,thecapsomersofthesethreeclasses might have
FIG. 2. Schematicdiagramofanicosahedron withaTnumberof 16viewedalongathreefoldsymmetryaxis; the three differenttypes ofhexavalentcapsomers on asingle facetareindicated. They differ
interms of theirlocalbonding environments through their
respec-tive configurations of adjacent capsomers and their relative proximities tovertices andedges.
different structures, andso ourinitial analysis treated them separately. This was possible because we were able to
identify the positions of pentavalent capsomers in the
patches assites ofrelatively dense staining (Fig. lc and d).
Whether thispropertyreflects proteolytic degradation of the pentavalentcapsomersisnotknown; nevertheless, it has the usefulempiricaleffectofproviding fiducial markers relative
towhich P, E, and Ccapsomers maybe identified.
The optimally averaged images of all three capsomer classesareshown inFig.3a. Theaveragingwasdonein such
awayastocompensatefor translationaldisplacementof the capsomers from their ideal lattice positions (the average offset encounteredwas0.5nm), and for rotational
disorder-ing (the average angular correction was 4.10). Without this
refinement to the averaging technique, smearing of the
visualizedfeaturesofthecapsomerswould have resulted.In each case (Fig. 3a), the capsomerimage has at its centera
dense accumulationof stain about 4-nmacrossand exhibits definite sixfold symmetry. This is most conspicuously seen through the six stained features (presumably surface
crev-ices) thatemanate radially from the center. The capsomer images thatwerecombined in each case were orientedin a
standardsettingrelativetoareference framespecified bythe
nearest vertex site and intervertex line; thus, norotational
averagingwascarriedout.Consequently,rotational symme-tries exhibitedintheseimagesmustrepresentreal attributes of the capsomers.
From visual appraisal, we found no evident differences among the P, E, and C capsomers (Fig. 3a). In a more
quantitative test, the individual images (aligned but not
averaged)wereanalyzed by factorialanalysis. This statisti-calprocedure (28)identifies those traits(factors)that exhibit the greatest variability and classifies each image by how those traitsarerepresented in it. Atwo-dimensionalplotis
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[image:3.612.95.523.68.327.2] [image:3.612.96.272.462.661.2]P
FIG. 3. Computer-processed imagesof hexavalent HSV-2 capsomers.(a)OptimizedimagesofP, E,andCcapsomers,togetherwiththe
globally averaged(G) image. Theseimageswereobtainedby correlationaveragingof capsomers frommonolayerpatches.Thecorresponding
image derived from Maltesecross(M)particles is alsoshown.(b)High-magnification imageofanegatively stainedpatchof capsomersused inthis analysis. (c) The samepatchasin panel b with processed capsomerimage(globally averaged)implantedattheappropriatelattice sites forone icosahedral facet.
presented in Fig. 4 that maps these data by the two most significant factors. If there were tobeastatisticaltrend that distinguished systematically P, E, or C capsomers such a
trend would beexpressed as asegregation ofthe capsomer images ofa given type into a particular part of this plane. However, no suchsegregation isevident in Fig. 4, and this conclusion wasconfirmed
by clusteranalysis (2;Shapiroand Knott, in press).Accordingly, therewerenostructural differences among them, at least as visualized under these conditions. After this point was established, these data were pooled to amplify the averaging (Fig. 3a, part G). The globally averaged image conveys, with some-what greater clarity, all the features noted above for the separateimages.Toconfirmthatenoughaveraginghad been performedtogiveanasymptotically stableresult, the initial datawere randomly divided into two subsets, which were
then averaged separately: these images were indistinguish-able fromeachother andfromthat showninFig.3a, partG. A similar
was conducted with capsomerimages
derivedfroma setofMaltesecrossimages(e.g.,Fig. la and b), although in this case we were not able to identify the capsomers as types P, E, or C with such confidence. However, this did not appear to matter
the end product was the same in all essential respects as that obtained fromthe isolated patches (cf. Fig. 3a, parts G and M). We conclude that the projection images of all three hexavalent capsomers (P, E, C) are indistinguishable and that all have unequivocal sixfold symmetry.Thickness and surface relief ofthehexavalent capsomer. To investigate three-dimensional aspects of the capsid struc-ture, we also obtainedimages ofnucleocapsidsand nucleo-capsid fragmentsthat had beenpreparedfor electron micros-copy by freeze-drying and unidirectional shadowing with
platinum (Fig. 5). From the lengths of the shadows castby the flattened structures, we measured the thickness of the capsid shell tobe 14.7 + 1.6nm (N = 66). The splitting of flattened capsids along their icosahedral edges isillustrated in these images (Fig. Sb to e). Thecapsid outer surfacewas
studded with conicalprotrusions, each of which representsa
single hexavalent capsomer. On the other hand, the inner surface, when exposed (Fig. 5c, e, and f), presents a rela-tively smooth and featureless relief. Therefore, the major stain-excluding features visualized bynegativestaining(Fig. 3b) primarily convey aspects of the outer capsid surface. These inferences with regardto both capsid thickness and the respective reliefs of the inner and outer surfaces are supported by the capsomer side views visualized at the edges of negatively stained nucleocapsids that were infil-tratedby stain(Fig. le and f). From suchimagesweestimate that the capsid thickness is 15.0 + 1.5 nm (N = 49). The central channel visualized in Fig. 3 as a feature ofheavy stain accumulation and in Fig. 5 as an indentation in the
outer surface protrusion is seen to penetrate virtually the entire thickness of thecapsomner.
In projection, all hexavalent capsomers of HSV-2 have sixfoldsymmetry. Inanearlierstudy, Furlong (11) examined therotational power spectra ofindividualnegatively stained herpessimplex type 1 capsomersimagedby scanning trans-mission electronmicroscopy.These data suggest that these C capsomers had sixfold symmetry, but were inconclusive with regard to P and E. In this study, our correlation-averaged images of all three types of HSV-2 capsomer exhibited definite sixfold symmetry, both by visual criteria and intermsof their sixfold symmetryresidualswhich were
on November 10, 2019 by guest
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 * 9
Factor 2
p E
c p P P
p p
Factor 1
CF c
c c
pp PP
FIG. 4. Two-factorplotof individual imagesof individual P, E, and C capsomer imagesclassified by correspondence analysis (see text). To improve the signal-to-noise ratios, each image was sixfold symmetrized before analysis. The rotational power spectrum of the global
(translational) average capsomerimage(Fig. 3a) is inset. The randomdistributionin the plane of all three types indicates that there are no systematicstructuraldifferencesamong the three types of capsomers, as visualized in thisnegatively stained data set.
98.0% (P), 97.6% (E), and 98.4% (C) and 99.2% for the globally averaged capsomer. Theresolution oftheseimages was -2.8 nm, according to a phase residual criterion (see above). With our data, we
that the method of rota-tionalpower spectrumanalysis isinconclusiveasappliedto individualcapsomers.Although some spectra with relatively prominentsixfold
harmonics could be found, their signifi-cance was unconvincing because of the substantial noise levels and lack ofreproducibility.
On the other hand, the power spectraofthecorrelation-averaged imageseach gave conclusive results (e.g., Fig. 4inset).
The use of limited proteolysis to generate capsomer patches raises the issue of the structural
of the capsomerproteins visualizedin theseimages.
Itis of interest thattryptic proteolysisof the 155-kDapolypeptideof HSV-2 (albeitadifferent strain than that usedhere),indicated that in the dissociated state, the protein could be cleaved into approximately 12 fragments, 7of which were major(6). Incontrast, ourtrypsinization ofthisproteinin situ generated only three major fragments, suggesting that only a few trypsin-sensitive sites are exposed when the protein is
as-sembledintothecapsid. However, our electronmicroscopic samples were taken attimepoints when little degradation of the 155-kDa major capsid protein was detected by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Even if theproteinsin thepatcheswere tobepartly proteolysed, the cleaved fragments were not necessarily removed; more importantly, theperceived rotational symmetry of the
aver-agedcapsomerwould notbe altered by partialproteolysis, provided only thatarandomfractionof the monomers was affected. An additional strong argument that inferences drawnfromtheseimagesareapplicabletothe intactprotein follows from theconsistency ofthe resultsobtained fromthe monolayer patches with those obtained from the Maltese crossspecimens (Fig. 3a), whichwere preparedatlevels of proteolysisthat werebarely perceptible by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.
Hexavalent capsomers of HSV-2 are hexamers of the
155-kDa capsid protein. The sixfold symmetry of the capsomer in projection is consistent with its
a hexamer, but itdoesnotcompletely ruleoutthealternative possibility that itmight
be atrimer. Forinstance, atrimer with three stain-excluding protrusions on its upper surface and three othersonthe lowersurface, offsetby anangleof 30 would present an apparent sixfold symmetry in pro-jection. However, the markedly different surface reliefs ofthe upper and lower sides demonstrated in our shadowed specimens (Fig. 5) indicate that the features
contrasted by negative staining are located on the outer surface; on thisbasis, we reject the trimer hypothesis. An additional argument in favor of the contention
the hexavalent capsomer is indeed a hexamerfollows from anestimate of its volume. From two independent types of measurements,wedetermined that theheight ofthe
capsom-ers was -15 nm. Their center-to-center spacing was 12.4 nm. Furthermore, fromimages like that inFig.
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[image:5.612.111.484.68.380.2]FIG. 5. Electronmicrographs of HSV-2nucleocapsids preparedfor electronmicroscopy by freeze-dryingandunidirectionalshadowing
withplatinum.The particlesexhibitdifferent degreesofdisruptionandflatteninganddifferentviewingangles.(a) Intactparticle viewedalong athreefoldaxis.(b)Flattenedparticle viewed alongafivefold axis. Particles(bthrough e)show clearsplitting along edgesoftheicosahedra. Inpanels c, e, and f, therelativelysmooth inner surface of thecapsidshell is revealed(whitearrows). In panelc,ashadowofdoublelength
iscastby anadjacent double layerof capsomers(double-headedarrow).
approximatethedimensions of thehole, which tapers from4 nm atthe outersurface. Bycalculatingthe capsomervolume
as that of a hollow conical cylinder with the given dimen-sions and taking the density ofprotein to be 1.3 g/cm3, the estimated mass was calculated to be 1,130 kDa, which corresponds to 7.3copies of the 155-kDa protein. Although there is considerable latitude in this calculation, its result favors the proposition that the capsomer is indeed a
hexamer, because toreconcilethis value withatrimer would require that ourcalculation overestimated the volume by a factor of 2.5. On the contrary, precedents indicate that underestimatesaregenerallythecaseforenclosed molecular volumes calculated by electron microscopic analyses of stained specimens (24).
We conclude that the hexavalent capsomerisahexamerof the 155-kDa major capsid protein, having the form of a cylindrical cone about 12 nm in diameter and 15 nm in length. It hasadeep central indentation about4-nmwide at
theoutersurface which tapersprogressivelytoward the base of the capsomer.
An independent estimate of the oligomeric state of the major herpes simplex virus capsid protein follows from the data of Heine et al. (13), who calculated the numbers of copies per virion ofthe herpes simplex virus type 1
struc-tural proteins based onthe molecularweight of the genome, the DNA to protein ratio, and estimates of the relative
amounts of the proteins from quantitation of Coomassie blue-stained gels and autoradiograms of
prepa-rations. Insertion of the more recent value for the genomemass of97 + 5 megadaltons (30) into their calculation gives quotas of824 + 41 (Coomassie blue stain) and 970 + 50
pervirion ofthe155-kDamajor capsid protein.According to the hexamer hypothesis, there should be 900
copies if the pentavalent capsomers consist ofsome other
protein(s), and960copiesiftheyarepentamersof the same
protein.Accordingtothetrimerhypothesis,thereshould be 450 copies if the pentavalent capsomers consist of some
other protein(s), and 486 if they are also trimers of the
155-kDaprotein. Although the uncertainties attributedtothe biochemical quantitations (13) appearto beunderestimates, these data agree that the hexavalent capsomers are
Molecular implications of symmetry-breaking in HSV capsid (expression of quasi-equivalence). Our results have
shown that the structures of P, E, and C capsomers of HSV-2 are essentially the same when visualized in planar arrays of capsomer patches (Fig. 3a). However, in the unflattened icosahedralcapsid, itisclear that the dissimilar-ities between theirrespectivebondingenvironmentsmustbe reflected in substantially different structural arrangements.
In particular, P and E (cf. Fig. 2) lie along edges of the icosahedron and must presumably be symmetrically dis-posed relative to the two facets which meet at the edge; consequently, they must be tilted or distorted to some
considerable extent relative to the conformation of C. As yet, we have no insight into how such distortions are
accommodatedat the molecular level. Similarly,the molec-ular identity and oligomeric nature of the pentavalent capsomers remainto be solved.
We thank Michael Unser for helpful discussions about image processingandcorrespondenceanalysis.
on November 10, 2019 by guest
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