Copyright © 1993,American SocietyforMicrobiology
Development of
Type-Specific and Cross-Reactive
Probes for the Minor Capsid
Protein of
InstitutfurMedizinische Mikrobiologie, UniversitatMainz, D-6500 Mainz, Germany,1andInstitut Pasteur,
75724Paris Cedex15,2 and Institut de BiologieMoleculaireetCellulaire, Universite6de Strasbourg, 67084 Strasbourg,3France
Received 29 September 1992/Accepted 21 December1992
Human papillomavirustype33 (HPV33) is associated with malignanttumorsof the cervix. Inanattempt to
develop immunological probes for HPV33 infections, antisera against variousbacterialfusion proteinscarrying
sequencesof the minorcapsid protein encoded by L2wereraisedinanimals. Antigenic determinantsonthe
HPV33 L2 proteinwereidentified by using truncated fusion proteins andwere classified as type specific or cross-reactivewith respect toHPV1, -8, -11, -16, and -18. Cross-reactive epitopesmaptoamino acids 98to107 or to amino acids 102 to 112 and 107 to 117, respectively, depending on the fusion protein used for immunization. Antibodies directed toward these epitopesdetect L2 proteins of HPV11, -16, and -18, butnot
of HPV1and-8,inWesternimmunoblots and enzyme-linked immunosorbentassays. HPV33 L2 amino acids 82 to 94 and 117to130 inducetype-specific antibodies,with themajorresponsedirectedtoamino acids 117to 130. By using a synthetic peptide corresponding to L2 amino acids 117 to 130, high-titered, type-specific antiserawereobtained. These antisera should be usefulas immunological probes for HPV33infection.
Papillomaviruses (PVs) comprise a heterogeneous group of double-stranded DNA viruses infecting the skin and mucosa. Morethan 60 types of human PV(HPV)have been identified (for a review, see reference 10). They infect epithelial cells in a highly tissue specific manner and are thoughtto induceabnormalgrowthof the affectedcells
42, 49, 61). On the basis of their tissue
and the associatedpathobiology,
theycanbe classified into different groups. The HPVs infecting cells in theurogenital
tract are subdivided into viruses that are mostly associated with benign lesions such as commongenital
acuminata [HPV6, -11, and
and those associated with cervical intraepithelial neoplasias, which can progress to invasive cervical carcinoma (HPV16, -18, -31, -33, -35, -39, and-52)(10).Theconfirmationof HPV infection
relies either onthe detection of viral DNAbyusing
tech-niques(2, 11, 32, 35,57)andmorerecently polymerasechain reaction (PCR) technology (52, 62) or on the use of acommercially available
antiserum directed against disrupted bovine PVparticles
(Dako, Copenhagen,
Denmark). Thebovine PV antiserum is usedto detect viral antigen in tissues
(24, 30,
These antibodies arebroadly cross-reactive and
most animal and hu-manPVs(6,
14,19, 22-24,
To enable clinicians to
between the HPVs associated withbenign
andmalignant lesions,
reagents that are type or group specific and easy to use in routine screeningmustbedeveloped.
has beenplaced
on thedevelopment
of serological tests to detect HPV infection. To thisend,
regions of
the more commongenital
HPV types,whichgiverisetoahumoral immune response in*Correspondingauthor.
humans, have been mapped by use of either overlapping peptides(12, 13,33)orbacterially expressed fusion proteins
28,60). Thus far, the best-characterized proteins are the major and minor capsid proteinsLi
and L2, respec-tively, and the early protein E7. It was shown that the most commonly observed antibodies against HPV16 and HPV18 proteins are directed against L2 and that they are mostly typespecific (20).Eventhough many but not all studies find anincreasedprevalence for anti-HPV antibodies in patients with low- andhigh-grade lesions, a significant percentage of healthy individuals are seropositive for HPV proteins (21, 27).The bestcorrelation between the grade of the lesion and seroconversionseems toexist forantibodies directed against the transforming proteins E6 and E7 (25). Recently, how-ever,itwaspointedoutthat theantibody prevalence to these proteins increases only after the development of malignant lesions (36).Adifferentapproach istoscreenfor viral antigens in tissue of possibly infected individuals. For this purpose, well-defined antibodies of polyclonal or monoclonal origin are needed. Whereas the late proteins
and L2 are easily detectable in cervicalintraepithelial neoplasias (7,15, 16,34, 54), earlyproteinswith theexceptionof E4areexpressedat levels that are difficult to detect. Thus, antibodies directed againstthecapsidproteinsseem to be bestsuited to detect HPVinfectioninearlystages.Sincenoviralparticlescanbe isolatedinlargeenoughquantitiesinmost cases(40, 43,51), recombinant proteinshave been used for the immunization of animals (15, 41, 53, 54). Several groups have shown that the L2 protein expressed as a fusion protein in bacteria induces a type-restricted immune response in animals(29,
53). In contrast,
ishighlyconserved amongPVtypes and gives rise to cross-reactive antisera(24,
We have thus initiated a study to identify type- andgroup-specific
antigenicdeterminantsonthe L2
protein by
serafrom animals immunized withbacterially
For 1927on November 9, 2019 by guest
thiswork,wehave chosenHPV33, whichwasfound in 10% of cervical carcinomas (1). Different parts of the L2 protein wereexpressed inEscherichiacoli in the context of different fusion moieties and used for immunizing guinea pigs or rabbits. Here we report ourresults on the identification of cross-reactive andtype-specific antigenic regions of the L2 proteinrecognized by the animalsera.
Construction ofexpressionplasmids.We usedpRIT2Tand pGEX3X(PharmaciaLKBBiotechnology)forthesynthesis of HPV DNA-encodedpolypeptides asfusion proteinsin E. coli. pRIT2T carries the coding sequence of the staphylo-coccal protein A under the control of the lambda PR pro-moterfollowed bya polylinker (39). pGEX3X contains the inducibletacpromoterfollowedbytheglutathione S-trans-ferase(GST) geneandapolylinker sequence atits carboxy terminus(47).Allmanipulationswith DNAwerecarriedout accordingto Maniatisetal. (37).
To constructpRI33F1, aPvuII-PstIfragment(nucleotides [nt]4451 to4614) of the L2 openreadingframe of HPV33(5) was fused in frame to theprotein A gene bycloningit into SmaI-PstI-cutpRIT2T.APvuII-HindIIIfragmentof HPV33 (nt4451 to 4983)was ligated toEcoRI-cut pGEX3X DNA after Klenowpolymerasetreatmentof bothDNAs, generat-ing plasmid pG33L2. Correspondgenerat-ing fragments of the L2 openreading frames of HPV1 (nt 4018 to 4529), HPV8 (nt 4442 to5111), HPVll(nt4558 to 5043), HPV16(nt 4469 to 4906),and HPV18(nt4484to5003)werecloned in frameto the GST gene of pGEX3X to generate plasmids pG1L2, pG8L2,
pG16L2, and pG18L2,respectively.
The L2 sequences of thevarious HPV types present in thefusion proteinscorrespondtoamino acids 42to211 (HPV1),55 to 278(HPV8), 48to209(HPV11), 79to226(HPV16), and 81 to 254 (HPV18). pBR322-basedbacterialplasmids with the complete DNAsequencesof HPV1 (8),HPV8(17), HPVll (9), and HPV16 (46) were kindly provided by E. M. de Villiers (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany). pHPV18 (4) was a gift from G. Orth (Institut Pasteur,Paris, France). For the fusion of part of L2 tolacZ, aPvuII-HindIIIfragmentcorrespondingto nt4451 to 4983 of the HPV33 genome wasinserted intopSKS105 (3)cleaved by SmaI andHindIII, yielding plasmid pHPL2.33,G.Restriction enzymes, the large fragment of DNA poly-merase I, T4 DNA ligase, and T4 DNA polymerase were purchased from Boehringer Mannheim.
Construction ofdeletion mutants. Deletion mutants of the HPV33 L2fragment were obtained either by use of naturally occurring restriction sites or by introduction of additional sites via PCR with synthetic oligonucleotide primers (44).
The 5' primer for obtaining carboxy-terminal deletions hybridizedtopGEX3Xvector DNA at its uniqueCsp45I site and had the sequence 5'-GCTGAAAATGTTCGAAGATC-3'. All 3'primerswerecomplementary to successive parts of the L2 fragment present in pG33Flb and contained a non-hybridizing tail carrying an EcoRI restriction sequence. Deletions from the amino terminus were introduced by PCRs usingpG33F1 DNA as the template, a series of 5' primers, and a 3' primer hybridizing to pGEX3X DNA at its unique AatII site
Each of the 5' primers possessed a BamHI restriction sequence at its 5' end which did not hybridize with the L2 sequence. Theoligonucleotides weresynthesized on a Mil-ligen/Biosearch Cyclone Plus DNA synthesizer.
PCRswereusuallyrun at anannealing temperature of 56
to 65°C with Thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Ampli-Taq; Perkin-Elmer/Cetus) in a Perkin-Elmer Thermocycler. PCR products were double-digested withCsp45I-EcoRI or BamHI-AatII, respectively, purified by agarose gel electro-phoresis, isolated from the gel, and ligated with pGEX3X which had been cleaved correspondingly and purified from agarose gels. All recombinant expression plasmids were sequenced to confirm the in-frame orientation of the insert (45).
Expression and purification of fusionproteins. The protein A/L2 fusion gene wasexpressed in E. coli N4830-1 carrying the temperature-sensitive lambda cI857 repressor. Fusion proteinswerepurified by columnchromatographyon immu-noglobulin G-Sepharose 6 FF (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnol-ogy) (39).
fusion protein waspurified from anovernight culture of E. coliMC1060 carrying plas-midpHPL2.33PG
accordingto the affinity chromatography procedure describedby Ullmann (56).Expressionplasmids derived from the GST fusionvector pGEX3X were transformed into E. coli MC1061. Fusion proteins were purified from the supernatants of bacterial lysatesbyaffinitychromatographyonglutathione-Sepharose 4B (Pharmacia LKB Biotechnology) (47). For further puri-fication, the GST fusion proteins (approximately50 to 100 ,ug)weresubjectedtopreparative sodiumdodecyl sulfate-12.5% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Protein bands were visualized aspotassiumdodecyl sulfate-proteinprecipitates andcut outof thegel. Theproteinwas elutedby diffusion.
Immunization of animals. Polyclonal antisera of three guinea pigs were raised against a purified L2/11-Gal fusion protein containing amino acids 82 to 259 of the HPV33 L2 protein; two guinea pigs and two rabbits were immunized with the A/L2 (amino acids 82 to 134) fusion protein. The animals were subcutaneously immunized with approxi-mately 200 ,ug ofaffinity-purifiedfusionproteinin complete Freund'sadjuvant(Sigma)followedbytwoinjectionsof the same dose of antigen in incomplete Freund's adjuvant at intervals of 3 to 4 weeks. Serawere collected 10daysafter the third injection. Monospecific antisera directed toward the epitope encompassing amino acids 117 to 130 were obtained by immunization oftwo rabbits with the peptide YGAPAPSIPTPSGFD, conjugated to ovalbumin via bisdi-azobenzidine asdescribedpreviously (57). Sera of the same animals collected before immunization were used as con-trols.
Westernimmunoblotting.Purified fusionproteinsorwhole bacterial lysates were subjected to SDS-PAGE (31) and blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes (Hybond C; Amer-sham) as described before (55). Guinea pig antisera were diluted 1/500, and rabbit antisera were diluted 1/200 to 1/400 in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) containing 2% bovine serum albumin (BSA); theantisera were preincubated with untransformed E. coli lysates for 1 h at room temperature. To selectively abolish the immunoreactivity of rabbit anti-serum against distinct epitopes, undiluted serum was incu-bated with an equal volume of an unpurified preparation of thecorresponding fusion protein overnight at 4°C and for 1 h at roomtemperature.
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). L2 fusion proteins of different HPV types which had been purified by affinity chromatographyandgel electrophoresis were diluted to about 2 ,ug/ml in 50 mM sodium carbonate (pH 9.5) and were bound to microtiter plates (Falcon Microtest plates). All washing steps were carried out with PBS (pH 7.5) J. VIROL.
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FIG. 1. Mapping of the immunoreactive region of HPV33 L2 protein with guinea pig anti-L2/,-Gal antiserum MEL. (A) Coomassie blue-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gel ofGST/L2fusion proteins. Numbers above the lanesindicate the amino acid
bound-ariesof the L2fragmentexpressed in the respective fusion protein
(see Fig. 3 fornames of the clones). untrans., lysateof untrans-formed E. coli MC1061 cells.(B) Western blot of thesameproteins
reacted with antiserum ME1(diluted 1:400).
containing 0.1% Tween 20. After blocking by 2% BSA in PBS-Tween 20, the plates were incubated with various antiserum dilutions for 90 min at 37°C. Immunoreactions werevisualizedbyuseofhorseradishperoxidase-conjugated proteinA(dilutionof1:300; Bio-Rad)and1,2-phenyldiamine dihydrochloride (Sigma) as the substrate. BSA and GST were usedas negativecontrols.
Immune response in guinea pigs to a
fusion protein. To identify antigenic determinants on the minor capsid proteinofHPV33,threeguinea pigswereimmunizedwith theL2/I-Galfusionprotein carryingL2 amino acids 82
to 259 at the amino terminus. The immune sera obtained
were tested in Western blots with truncatedGST/L2 fusion proteins synthesized in E. coli. Either total lysates of
in-duced bacterial cellsorpurified fusionproteinswereused.
None of the sera tested contained antibodies directed against GST alone (Fig. 1). However, the animal sera reacted withtwobacterialproteinsofslightlymoreand less
than 66kDa, respectively, presentinlysatesof both
untrans-formed and transuntrans-formedE. colicells (Fig. 1B and2B). The
largerof thesetwoE.coliproteinsalsoappearedinWestern
blots ofaffinity-purified preparations ofthe GST/L2 fusion
proteins, suggesting a copurification (Fig. 1B and 2B; see also Fig. 4).
All three guinea pig antisera reacted with fusion protein G33L2,which contained L2aminoacids 82 to 259 andwas
FIG. 2. Mapping of immunoreactive regions of HPV33 L2
pro-tein with rabbit anti-protein A/L2 antiserum K18. (A) Coomassie
blue-stained SDS-polyacrylamide gel of GST/L2 fusion proteins.
Numbers above thelanes indicate the L2 fragmentsexpressedinthe
respective fusion proteins (for names of the clones, see Fig. 3). untrans.,lysate of untransformed E.coli MC1061 cells. (B)Western
blot of thesameproteins reacted with antiserum K18 (diluted1:400).
used for immunization. This fusion protein was partially degraded in E. coli (Fig. 1). When the L2 region was subcloned, reactivitywasexclusivelydisplayed by L2 amino acids82to 134 (fusion proteinG33F1),whereasnoreaction wasobserved with clones expressingamino acids 135to175 (pG33F2) and 174 to 259 (pG33F3) (Fig. 1B and 3). In addition, proteinG33Fla carryingL2sequence82to94was
notrecognized by the immunesera.
To more precisely locate the L2 epitope(s), a detailed deletion mutagenesis of the region from 95 to 134 was performed by using PCR amplification of overlapping
frag-ments, whichwere subsequently expressed as GST fusion proteins. The corresponding Western blot isshown in Fig. 1, and thesizes, names,andreactivities of all deletionmutants
constructed are summarized inFig. 3.
Step-by-stepdeletion starting fromthe carboxy terminus of thesequence from amino acids95 to 134 didnot abolish reactivity with any of the guinea pig antisera unless the fragment was shortened beyond amino acid 107. A fusion protein containing amino acids 95 to 104 (G95/104) did not
react.Usingdeletionsstartingfromthe aminoterminus, only three residues could be deleted without loss of reactivity (G98/134).The removal of fouradditional amino acids(G102/ 134) destroyed the antibody binding site. The common epitope reactive with all three guinea pigantisera (ME1 to ME3)thusmapstothesegmentbetween amino acids 98 and 107 (GPLDSSIVSL). This is the only epitope on the L2 fragmentused forimmunization, sincepreincubationof the
antisera (ME1 to ME3) with the G98/107 fusion protein completely abolished the reactivity of all antisera to the
wholefragment (G33L2; notshown).
30-_- _
17-VOL.67, 1993
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[image:3.612.345.535.76.329.2] [image:3.612.]1930 VOLPERS ET AL.
12protein: aa1r / 77 aai467
PvuII AccI PstI PstI HirxllI
82 134
135 175
174 259
82 94
Pivityofd tis--a
E1-3 la7 las K8
+ + + +
+ + + +
- - - nt.
+ + + it
aa82 ,7IF,, Z/ aa259
95 aa134
G95/126 95 126 + - + at
G95/117 95 117 + - + nt
G95/112 95 112 + - + Mt
G95/107 95 107 + - - nt
G95/104 95 104 - - - nt
G98/134 98 + + + nt
G102/134 102 134 - + + nt
G98/107 98 107 + - - nt
G107/134 107 134 - + + +
G123/134 123 134 nt - - nt
G102/117 102 117 nt - + +
G107/117 107 117 nt - +
-G111/126 111 126 nt - - n
G117/134 117 134 nt + + it
G117/130 117 130 nt - + it
FIG. 3. Epitope mapping of theHPV33 L2proteinwithguinea pigantisera(ME1toME3)and rabbit antisera(K17andK18).Positions and sizes of L2 deletionmutantsofaGST/L2fusionprotein (G33L2)areindicatedbyhorizontal bars. Names of the variousproteinsarelisted
onthe left.Reactivityof the antisera with the deletionmutantsin Westernblottingis indicatedby+(positive)or-(negative).aa,aminoacid;
Immune response in rabbitsand guinea pigs toa protein A/L2fusionprotein. To examine theimmunogenicity of the same segment of the HPV33 minor capsid protein in the
context of another fusion protein and in another animal species, two rabbits and two guinea pigs were immunized withaprotein A/L2 fusion protein carryingL2 amino acids 82 to 134 at the carboxy terminus. Both rabbit antisera obtained strongly reacted with the GST fusion protein G33F1 carrying the same L2 sequence (Fig. 2 and 3). However, a morecomplexpatternofantibody bindingsites on L2wasfound forthe rabbit antisera(K17andK18)than forthe guinea pigantiseraME1to ME3 previously charac-terized. The rabbit antiseraalso differed from eachotherin reactivity.Bothantisera reacted withadeterminant located between amino acids 82 and 94 (AIPLQPIRPPVTV). When the L2 fragment 95 to 134 was deleted from the carboxy terminus, reactivity of the K18 antiserumwasstillobserved with fusion protein G95/112 (Fig. 2 and 3), although to a lesserextent than withdeletionmutants G95/117 andG102/ 117, which retained the L2sequence upto amino acid 117. This result indicated that an antigenic site extending to amino acid 117was destroyed in deletion mutant G95/112. We therefore analyzed the antiserum with fusion protein G107/117 (amino acids 107to117)and foundastrongsignal in Western blots (Fig. 2). When the K18 antiserum was preabsorbed with G107/117, eliminating all reactivity with the epitope 107 to 117, fusion protein G102/117 was still reactive (Fig. 3), albeit more weakly than with untreated antiserum. We conclude that G102/117 contains two inde-pendent but overlapping epitopes extending from amino
acids 102 to 112 (SSIVSLIEETS) and 107to 117 (LIEETS FIEAG), respectively.
Using fusion protein G102/117 to preabsorb the K18 antiserum,weidentifiedanadditionalantigenic determinant; preabsorption did not abolish reactivity to fusion protein G107/135. However,fusionproteinsG123/134andG111/126 wereunreactive. This result indicated thatanepitope might be centered around amino acid residues 123 to 125. This observationwasconfirmedbythestrongpositivereaction of the G117/130 deletion mutant carrying the L2 sequence GAPAPSIPTPSGFD. Compared with reactivities of other fusion proteins carrying a single epitope, the reactivity of G117/130 was particularly strong (Fig. 2). Although not
obvious fromthephotographic reproduction, this resultwas clearlyseen andrepeatedlyfound withthe original blotting membranes. Thisfinding prompted usto call the epitope a major antigenicsite.
Thus, onemajorand three minor antigenic sites reactive with the rabbit antiserumK18 have beenlocatedonthe L2 protein:aminoacids 82to94, 102to112, 107to117, and117
to130; i.e.,theepitopesidentifiedarespreadovernearly the entire L2fragmentused forimmunization.
Apart from the antigenic determinant localized between amino acids 82 and 94, whichwas common to both rabbit antisera,thereactivityofantiserum K17wasconfinedtoone additionalepitope located within L2aminoacids 117to135 (Fig. 3).Since the K18-reactivefusionproteinG117/130was
not detected by antiserum K17, the binding site of the corresponding antibodies present in K17 should include G33L2
G33F1 G33F2 G33F3 G33Fla G33F1b
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FIG. 4. Cross-reactivity of polyclonal antisera with GST/L2 fusion proteins of different HPV types. (A) Coomassie blue-stained
SDS-polyacrylamide gelof fusionproteinsofHPV33(G33L2),HPV1(G1L2),HPV8(G8L2),HPV11(G11L2), HPV16 (G16L2),and HPV18
(G18L2). (BtoD)Western blots of L2 fusionproteinsreacted withguinea pigantiserum ME1 (B), rabbit antiserum K18 (C), and rabbit antiserum K18 afterpreabsorptionwithprotein G102/117 (D).
amino acid residues located carboxy terminal of the major antigenic site of K18.
Fromtwoguinea pigs (ME4andME5) immunizedwith the sameprotein A/L2fusionproteinused for theimmunization of the rabbits, we collected antisera which were reactive withtheepitopecommontoK17 and K18(aminoacids 82to 94) and with further antigenic sites, yielding a pattern of antibody specificitiessimilartothose ofrabbitseraK17 and K18 (data not shown). However, no reactivity was found toward theonly epitope recognized by guinea pigseraME1 toME3(aminoacids 98to107).Since the immuneresponses of the guineapigs totheL2/V-Gal fusionwerevirtuallythe same and the immune reactions of the guineapigsand the rabbitstodifferent batches of theprotein A/L2fusionprotein werealso similar but different from the reactiontoL2/j-Gal, we feel that the different fusion protein constructs used rather than differences between the animal species were responsiblefor the different immuneresponsesobserved.
The antisera contain cross-reactive and type-specific anti-bodies. To examine the type specificity of the antisera obtained, fragmentsof theL2openreadingframes of various
HPV types were expressed as fusion proteins with GST.
The following HPV types were selected for comparison: HPV1 and HPV8 as representatives of cutaneous and epi-dermodysplasiaverruciformis-associated types, respective-ly; HPV11,which inducesbenign genitalwarts;and HPV16
andHPV18,whichareassociated with variousmalignancies of the genital tract and are mostclosely related to HPV33 (10).The reactivities ofthe different L2 fusionproteinswere tested in Western blots and ELISAs. For ELISAs, the
affinity-purified L2fusion proteins were further purified by SDS-PAGEandsubsequent elutionfrom the gel, to avoid an unspecific backgroundsignal due to the cross-reactivity with contaminating E. coli proteins (Fig. 1, 2, and 4). The corresponding Westernblots are shown in Fig. 4; the results of theELISAsareshown in Table 1.
[image:5.612.154.476.77.369.2]None of the animal sera assayed stained the L2 fusion proteins of HPV1 and HPV8 (Fig. 4). However, the guinea pigantisera ME1toME3 reactedwith L2 fusion proteins of
TABLE 1. ELISAreactivities ofguineapigantisera and rabbit
antiseraagainstGST/L2 fusionproteinsofHPV33,-1, -8,
-11, -16, and -18a
Opticaldensityat492 nm
Virus Guineapig antisera Rabbitantisera
ME1 ME2 ME3 K17 K18 Kl8b K18C K28 K29
HPV33 1.66 1.80 1.74 1.58 1.82 1.62 1.72 1.95 1.80
HPV1 0.0 0.02 0.0 0.02 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HPV8 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.06 0.05 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0
HPV1l 0.87 0.31 0.61 0.17 0.28 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HPV16 0.50 0.05 0.27 0.11 0.48 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HPV18 0.20 0.03 0.12 0.12 0.24 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 a Antiserawereused atfollowing dilutions(end-pointtitersareindicatedin
parentheses): ME1, 1:400 (1:6,400); ME2, 1:100 (1:3,200); ME3, 1:800 (1:
12,800); K17, 1:100(1:1,600); K18, 1:200 (1:6,400);K28, 1:800(1:51,200);
bPreabsorbed withproteinsG33FlaandG102/117.
cPreabsorbed withproteinG33F1b.
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HPV11, -16, and -18. Theextentofcross-reactivitydiffered among the three antisera. ME1 displayed the strongest
in both Western blots and ELISAs(Fig. 4B; Table1).The ME1 and ME3 antisera reacted with L2 fusion proteins of HPV11 andHPV16,
and weakly with the HPV18 L2protein.
In contrast, ME2 detected neither the HPV18 L2protein
in Western blots nor the HPV16 and HPV18 L2proteins
in ELISAs(Table 1).
The different cross-reactivities of the sera recognizingthe sameepitope
onthe HPV33 L2protein
mayreflect differences in the finetuning
of the variousL2-specific
antibodies.The rabbit antisera
with the L2proteinof the
HPV typeswhen tested in Western blots. The K17 serum wasweakly
reactive with HPV11 and HPV16 L2and showed strongerreactivity
with the HPV18 L2protein.
theserumhad acomparable degreeofreactivitywith all three L2proteins. The rabbit antiserum K18recognized
the L2fusionprotein
of HPV16 better than those of HPV11 and HPV18 in both assays
4C; Table1).
Preabsorption of the polyclonal antisera with HPV33 L2 fusion
eachcarrying only
allowed us todistinguish
between the differentantibody
with respect tocross-reactivity
with L2proteinsof other HPV types. When antiserum K18waspreabsorbed
cross-reactivitywith the L2 proteinsofHPV11, -16, and-18was reduced(not shown). Preabsorption
withamixture of fusionproteins
acids 82to94)
andG102/117orwith G33F1b(amino
acids 95to259)
abolished anycross-reactivity
ofantiserum K18 in Western blots and ELISAs. Thesameresultwasobtained when G102/117was used(Fig. 4D;
rendered thepolyclonal
for themappedepitopes
82to 94or 117to 130and
for HPV33.Conversely, preabsorption
of antiserum K18 with fusionproteins
G33Fla andG117/130 carrying only type-specific
epitopes completely
eliminated thereactivity
toward theseproteins
but left thecross-reactivity
In conclusion, the antigenic determinants carried by amino acids82to94and 117to130 of L2areHPV33-specific
for the rabbit antiserum K18, whereas antibodiesbinding
to theoverlapping epitopes
present in amino acids 102 to 112 or 107 to 117 are responsible for the type-restrictedcross-reactivit"
of the antiserum. The type-spe-cific character ofepitope
82 to 94 can be confirmed bypreabsorption
of antiserum K17 and ofguinea pig antisera ME4and ME5 with fusionprotein G33F1b (aminoacids 95 to259) (not shown).
Immunization with a synthetic peptide yields type-specific antisera. In an attempt to obtain a type-specific polyclonal antiserumtothe HPV33 L2protein,apeptide comprising the L2 aminoacid sequence 117to130wassynthesized, coupled to
and used forimmunization oftworabbits. The antisera obtained (K28 and K29) were assayed for cross-reactivitywithL2proteinsofseveral HPV types in Western blots.Asshown inFig. 5 forantiserum K28, fusion proteinsincluding
thepeptide sequence used for immunization or the entireL2 sequenceanalyzed (G33L2)werestrongly positive, whereas no reactivity could be observed with L2 fromHPV1,
-8, -11, -16, and -18. Thesameresults were obtained with antiserum K29(not shown).This result shows that the L2 amino acid sequence from 117 to 130 induces atype-specific
immuneresponsein animals both in the context of a
66-45- 1
FIG. 5. Type-specific reactivity of rabbit antiserum K28raised against a peptide comprising HPV33 L2 amino acids 117 to 130 (correspondingtodeletionmutantG117/130). Shown isaWestern blotofGST/L2 fusionproteins of HPV33(G33L2),HPV1(G1L2), HPV8 (G8L2), HPV11 (G11L2), HPV16 (G16L2), and HPV18 (G18L2) reacted with rabbit antiserum K28 (diluted 1:1,000).
un-trans.,untransformedlysate ofE. coli MC1061 cells.
largerL2fragmentsynthesizedin E. coliandas asynthetic peptide.
Inthiswork,wehaveidentified andmappedtype-specific and cross-reactive antigenic determinants on the minor capsid proteinencodedbyL2of HPV33by using bacterially expressed fusion proteins. The humoral immune response found in guinea pigs was directed toward a single epitope located betweenamino acids 98 and 107 when amino acids 82 to 259 of the L2 protein were expressed at the amino terminus of 1-Gal. Intestswith L2proteinsfrom other HPV types, cross-reactivity was observed with HPVll (varying between 17and
HPV18 (2to 12%), and HPV16 (3to 30%). No cross-reactivity was seen with the L2 proteins from HPV1 and HPV8. A comparison of the amino acid sequences in the region from 98 to 107 reveals very little similarity of HPV33to HPV1 and HPV8. HPV1 and HPV8 carryan 11-amino-acid insertioninthisregion (Fig. 6).The moststrikingdifference between HPV11, -16, and -18 com-paredwith HPV33 is thesubstitution ofaprolineforaserine residue in HPV33 at position 102. It is surprising that HPV11, showing the highest degree of cross-reactivity, is less similar to HPV33 than to HPV16. A comparison of carboxy-terminally adjacentaminoacids showsaconserved isoleucine residue in HPVll whichissubstituted forvaline in HPV16. This finding indicates that the isoleucine at position 108might influence the bindingof the antibody to theepitope,whereas residue 98 is probably not recognized bytheantibodies.A more complex picture was seen when a smaller L2 fragmentexpressedatthe carboxy terminus of protein A was usedforimmunization of either rabbits or guinea pigs. In this context, almost the entire L2 sequence wasantigenic. With use ofoneofthe rabbit sera formapping, two overlapping epitopes in the conserved region between amino acids 102 and 117 were revealed. Antibodies directed against these epitopes cross-reactwithHPV11, -16, and -18 but not with HPV1 and -8. Cross-reactivity of the K18 antiserum was highestwith the HPV16 L2 fusionprotein (26%) compared with HPV11L2(15%)andHPV18 L2(13%).Thisresult is in J. VIROL.
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[image:6.571.356.480.67.209.2]82 94 98 102 107 112 117 130
81 142
80 133
83 138
81 133
FIG. 6. Alignment of the HPV33 L2 amino acid sequence containing the antigenic sites mapped with the homologous regions of L2
proteinsof different HPV types. Gaps in the alignment are indicated by hyphens. The epitope (amino acids 98 to 107) reactive to guinea pig
antiseraME1 toME3 is underlined;type-specificepitopes detected by rabbit antiserum K18 are boxed; cross-reactive epitopes detected by
antiserum K18areindicatedby brackets. The figures in the HPV33 sequence refer to the amino acid boundaries of the epitopes. Amino acids
identicaltothe HPV33 sequence arein boldface.
agreementwith thevarious degrees of sequence homology in thisregion (Fig. 6).
Tworegions, amino acids 82 to 94 and 117 to 130, induce a type-specific immune response, with the main response directedtoamino acids 117to 130. Typespecificity refers to the lack of cross-reactivity with the L2 proteins of HPV1,-8, -11, -16,and -18.Acomparison of the amino acid sequences in theseregionsis in agreement with this result. Epitope 82 to 94 isconserved atthe carboxy-terminalsix amino acids, but the amino-terminal seven amino acids show no homol-ogy among the HPV types studied. In addition, the HPV types tested either show hardlyany sequence homology in epitope 117to130 (HPV11andHPV18)orhaveamino acid insertions in thisregion (HPV16).
The use ofa conjugated syntheticpeptide corresponding to L2 amino acids 117 to 130 as an immunogen yielded high-titered,HPV33-specific antisera. This result confirmed our findings obtained with larger, bacterially expressed fusion proteins; epitope 117 to 130 is a major antigenic determinant and inducesatype-specificimmune response in rabbits. These antisera should prove useful for probing tissue forproductiveHPV33 infection.
The L2 aminoacid sequence 1to80 hasnotbeenanalyzed in this work since this region is highly conserved among HPVs and is therefore unlikelyto carry type-specific anti-genic determinants. Fusion proteins carrying the L2 se-quences downstream of amino acid 259 tend to aggregate. Workonthe
inthis L2 segment isnowin progress. The methods used in our experiments allow the identifi-cationof linearepitopes only.Recent work of several groups has pointed out that humans oftendevelop
anti-HPV anti-bodies directedagainst conformationalepitopes (48).
How-ever, theseantibodies are readily destroyedwhen tissueis prepared for immunohistochemistry orELISA.Therefore,
antibodies recognizing linear
are more useful for diagnosticpurposes.Linearepitopesonthe minor
capsid protein recognized by
humanantibodies have beenmappedfor several HPV types. In analogy to our
wereidentified between L2 amino acids 106to128and 103to127 of HPV6 andHPV11,
whereas atype-specific
epitopewas located between amino acids 110to 139on the HPV18L2
protein (20, 60).
ofthe HPV16 L2protein
does not seem to induce an immune response in humans. We do not yet know whether theHPV33 L2 epitopes mapped for animal sera induce an immune response in humans. We are currently testing sera from cervical carcinoma patients for reactivity with these epitopes.
We thank E. M. de Villiers and H. zur Hausen for the cloned genomesofHPV1, -8, -11, and -16 and G. Orth for HPV18. C.A.K. and R.E.S. aregrateful to0. Croissant and F. Breitburd for help
duringthe initial stages of this work. Wealso thank M. H. V. van
Regenmortelfor thesynthesisof peptides.
This workwas supported bythe Bundesministerfur Forschung
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