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Co-evolution of host and virus : mechanisms of host resistance and virus attenuation


Academic year: 2019

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ech an isms



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esist a nc e

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t t enua t io n

Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of

The Australian National University

Susie Collins

School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

The Australian National University

Canberra ACT, Australia



ec laration

I herby certify that the work embodies in this thesis is my original work. Assistance

with rabbit handling was provided by employees of the CSIRO Gungahlin animal house

facility. Statistical analysis was undertaken by Mr J Wood and Ms J Searle, Statistical

Consulting Unit, The Australian National University.


To Matt,

for your unending patience, support and love

and to all my family and friends


Ac k n o w l e d g emen t s

To the past and present members of the van Leeuwen/Kerr laboratory, especially

Harvey, Barbara, Andelka, Mat and Rob, thank you for all the good times and great


To the School of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , ANU, and the Pest Animal

Control CRC, thank you for the opportunities given to me during my PhD.

To Peter Kerr and Barbara van Leeuwen, thank you for your patience and support

especially during the final stages of my PhD. Thank you also for encouraging me to

think and ford my own path. I am not too good with words (as you know by now) but

have the utmost of respect and admiration for you both as scientists and as people.

Thank you to the technicians at the Pest Animal Control CRC and at the John Curtin

School of Medical Research for all your help and advice.

Thank you to my sisters- Cathy, Lisa and Toma for doing the crappy jobs but also

helping to keep me sane. This thesis is as much for you as it is for me. To the rest of my

family, thank you for your support in my adventure.

Finally, to all my friends around the world, to those that I don’t see enough and those

that I see too much, for your continued love and support and frank advice to “just get


Ta bl e of Co nt ent s





1.2.1 My x o ma Virus ...4

1.2.2 My x o ma Vir u s Mo r ph o l o g y...8

1.2.3 Po x v ir u s Re pl ic a t io n Cy c l e...9 Virion Attachment, Fusion and Entry...12




1.5.1 De v e lo pm e n t o f At te nu ate d St r a in s o f My x o ma Vir u s... 19

1.5.2 Dev e lo pm e nt o f Rabbit Re sis ta n ce t o My x o m a t o s is...22

1.5.3 Co-e v o l u t io n in Recent Ye a r s... 24


1.6.1 Ce l l Pe r mis si v it y f o r Vir u s Re pl ic a t io n...25 Cell Permissivity for Virus Replication: Considerations for Myxoma Virus Attenuation...26 Cell Permissivity for Virus Replication: Considerations for Resistance to Myxomatosis...27

1.6.2 Hos t Re spo ns e t o Vir u s In f e c t io n... 28

(8) The Adaptive Immune Response...30 The Rabbit Immune System...33 T-cell Activation and Proliferation...34 Apoptosis...36 Summary of Host Response to Virus Infection...38

1.6.3 Spe c if ic Ac t io n o f a Vir u s Aga in st t h e Hos t Immun e Re s po n s e...40 T-cell Proliferation and Virus Infection...41 Apoptosis and Virus Infection...42

1.6.4 Imm un om od ula ti on by My x o ma Vir u s... 43 Anti-Apoptotic and Host-Range Factors...46 M002... 46 M004... 47 M005... 47 M011... 48 M151... 48 Additional Immunomodulatory Functions...49 Summary...50





2.1.1 Cel l s a n d Ce l l Lin e s...57

2.1.2 Cel l Cult ure Me d ia...57

2.1.3 Reco ns tit ut io n o f Ce l l Lin e s...58

2.1.4 Su b-c u l t u r in g o f RK13, Ver o a n d COS-7 Cel l Lin e s... 59

2.1.5 Su b-c u l t u r in g RL-5 Ce l l s...59

2.1.6 Pr e pa r a t io n o f Pr im a r y Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e f r o m Rab bit Ly mph No d e s... 60 Rabbit Breeds and Housing...60 Preparation of Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures...60

2.1.6 3 Trypan Blue Exclusion...61


2.2.1 De r iv a t io n o f Vir u se s...61

2.2.2 Pr e pa r a t io n o f Se e d a n d Wo r k in g St oc ks o f My x o ma Vir u s...62

2.2.3 Pl a q u e As s a y f o r De te r min in g Vir u s Conc en tr at io n... 63


2.3.1 In f ec t io n o f Ra b b it Lym ph o id Ce l l Cult ure s Pr io r t o Mito ge n -St im u l a t io n ... 64

2.3.2 In f ec t io n o f Mit o g e n-St im u l a t e d Rab bi t Lym pho id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s.65 2.3.3 Inf ec t io n o f RL-5 Ce l l s...65



2.4.2 DNA Co n t e n t o f In f e c t e d RL-5 Ce l l s...67

2.4.3 Da t a An a l y s is o f My x o m a Vir u s In f e c t io n...68

2.4.4 Da t a An a l y s is of Ce l l u l a r DNA Co n t e n t...68 Cell Viability...68 Stage o f Cell Cycle...69



2.6.1 3H-T In c o r po r a t io n...70

2.6.2 Ce l lTit r e 96® AQUE0Us On e So l u t io n As s a y...71

2.6.3 Pr e s e n t a t io n o f Ce ll Pr o l if e r a t io n Da t a ...71


2.7.1 Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in Ex pr e s s io n in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e In f e c t e d w it h My x o m a Virus Pr io r t o Mit o g e n St im u l a t io n...72

2.7.2 Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in Ex pr e s s io n in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s St im u l a t e d Pr io r t o In f e c t io n w it h My x o m a Vir u s... 73

2.7.3 Da t a An a l y s is...73




2.10.1 Pr e pa r a t io n o f Vir a l DNA... 76

2.10.2 Pr im e r s f o r Am pl if ic a t io n o f My x o m a Vir u s Ope n Re a d in g Fr a m e s 76 2.10.3 PCR Am pl if ic a t io n of My x o m a Vir u s ORFs...77

2.10.4 Cl o n in g of PCR Pr o d u c t ...79 Purification o f the PCR Product...79 Ligation o f PCR Product into the Plasmid Vector...80 Preparation o f Competent DH5a E. coli Cells...80 Transformation o f DH5a E. coli Cells...81 Isolation o f Plasmid DNA...81

2.10.5 Nu c l e o t id e Se q u e n c in g Re a c t io n s... 82

2.10.6 An a l y s is of Nu c l e o t id e Se q u e n c e s...83


2.11.1 Sy n t h e t ic Pe pt id e s De r iv e d f r o m Ra b b it Cy t o k in e...84

2.11.2 Im m u n iz a t io n o f Rats w it h Sy n t h e t ic Pe pt id e s...84 Conjugation o f Synthetic Peptides to mcKLH.......84 Rat Breeds and Housing...86 Inoculation Protocol...86

2.11.3 An a l y s is o f Ra t Sera f o r Re c o g n it io n o f Ra b b it Cy t o k in e s...87 Preparation o f Plasmid DNA Expressing Rabbit Cytokines...87 Transfection o f Vero Cells...87 Detection o f Rabbit Cytokines by Immunofluorescence...88

2.11.4 Im m u n iz a t io n o f Ch ic k e n s w it h Sy n t h e t ic IL-2 Pe p t id e s...89

(10) Inoculation Protocol...89 Infection of Vero Cells with SLS-IL2 and Examination for Antibodies to IL-2...90

2.11.5 DNA Immun iz at io n o f Ra t s...9i Preparation of Plasmid DNA for Immunisation...91 Inoculation Protocol...91


2.12.1 Tit r a t io n o f Rat Se r a... 92

2.12.2 IMMUNOBLOT ANALYSIS OF RAT SERA... 92 Preparation of Samples from Virus-Infected Cells...92 Processing of Supernatants from Virus-Infected Cells...93 Processing Cell Monolayers from Virus-Infected Cells...93 Preparation of Samples from Transfected Cells...94 Fractionation of Supernatants and Cell Extracts by SDS-PAGE....94 Protein Detection by Staining SDS-PAGE Gels...95 Electroblotting of Protein to a PDVF Membrane...96 Immunodetection of Cytokines...96 Stripping and Re-probing Membranes...97 Visualization of Rabbit Cytokines...98 ECL Detection... ys SigmaFast Detection...98


2.13.1 Opt imiz a t io n o f IFNy De t e c t io n in RL-5 Ce l l s Us in g Fl o w Cy t o me t r y...99

2.13.2 An a l y s is o f IFNy in RL-5 Ce l l s Infecte d w it h SLS o r Ur ...100 Examination of Different Permeabilising Solutions...100 Blocking Non-Specific Binding With Fetal Calf Serum or High Concentrations of BSA...101


2.14.1 Se c t io n in g Tis s u e s f o r An a l y s is...101

2.14.2 Imm un o de te c t io n o f Ra b b it Cy to k in es...102



3.2 RESULTS... 109

3.2.1 PERMISSIVITY OF RABBIT LYMPHOID CELLS FOR MYXOMA VIRUS Rep l ic a t io n...109 Replication o f Myxoma Virus in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures... 109 SLS Titres in Unstimulated and Con A-Stimulated Lymphoid Cell Cultures from Laboratory and Wild Rabbits...110 Ur Titres in Unstimulated and Con A-Stimulated Lymphoid Cell Cultures from Laboratory and Wild Rabbits...112 Summary of Myxoma Virus Replication...112

(11) Proportion of Rabbit Lymphoid Cells Infected with Ur...ns Summary of the Proportion of Infected Lymphoid Cells...119 Proportion of Cells Infected in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures Stimulated with Con A Prior to Infection...120 Infection of Con A-Stimulated Lymphoid Cell Cultures from Laboratory and Wild Rabbits...122

3.2.2 Co nA-Ind uc e d Pr o l if e r a t io n o f Rabb it Lym pho id Ce l l s...123 3H-T Incorporation as a Measure o f Proliferation of Rabbit Lymphoid Cells Infected with SLS or Ur...124 MTS Assay as a Measure of Proliferation of Rabbit Lymphoid Cells Infected with SLS or Ur...126 Proliferation of RL-5 Cells Infected with SLS or Ur...127 Summary of Cell Proliferation...128

3.2.3 Tit r e o f My x o ma Vir u s per Infecte d Ce l l ...130 SLS Titre per Infected Cell...130 Ur Titre per Infected Cell...131

3.2.4 An a l y s is o f My x o ma Vir u s Infec tion a n d Co nA-Ind u c e d Ch a n g e s in Ce l l Mo r ph o l o g y...132 Con A-Induced Changes in Lymphocyte Size...133 Cell Size in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures Infected with Myxoma Virus Prior to Stimulation with Con A...133 Cell Size in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures Stimulated with Con A Prior to Infection...136 Cell Size in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures Stimulated with Con A for 4h Prior to Infection with SLS or U r...137 Cell Size in Rabbit Lymphoid Cell Cultures Stimulated with Con A for 24 or 48 h Prior to Infection with SLS or Ur...139 Permissivity of Large and Small Sub-Populations of Laboratory and Wild Rabbit Lymphoid Cells to Infection with SLS or Ur...140 Lymphoid Cell Cultures Infected Prior to Con A Stimulation.... 140 Lymphoid Cell Cultures Stimulated with Con A Prior to Infection 142 Con A-Induced Changes in Lymphocyte Granularity...144 RL-5 Cell Size and Granularity...146

3.2.5 Su m m a r y...147

3.3 DISCUSSION... 149

3.3.1 Dif f e r e n c e s in Pe r mis si v it y o f Lym ph o id Ce l l s f r o m Su s c e pt ib l e a n d Re si st a n t Ra b b it s t o Vir u s Re pl ic a t io n...150

3.3.2 Th e Ef f e c t o f St im ul at io n o n t h e Pe r mis si v it y o f Ly mph o id Cel l s t o My x o ma Vir u s Re pl ic a t io n...152

3.3.3 Th e Sub-po pu l a t io n o f Lym pho id Ce l l s Per mis si v e f o r My x o ma Vir u s Re pl ic a t io n...154

3.3.4 Do e s My x o ma Vir u s Af f e c t th e Re spo n se o f Ra b b it Ly mph o id Ce l l s t o T-c e l l Mit og e n s? ... 156

3.3.5 Is At te n u a t io n o f Ur Ass o c ia t e d w it h t h e Ab il it y t o Pr o d u c t iv e ly Infect Lym ph o cy t es?... 158



4.2 RESULTS...167

4.2.1 Cel l Via b il it y a n d Ce l l Cy c l e An a ly si s o f Infecte d Rab b it Ly m ph o c y t e s... 167 Experimental Approach...167 Proportion of Events Classified as Sub G1 (Non-viable cells)...170 Viability of Infected RL-5 Cells... 172 Proportion of Lymphocytes in G1/G0 Stage o f the Cell Cycle...173 Proportion of Lymphocytes in G2/M Stage o f the Cell Cycle...175 Summary of Cell Viability and Cell Cycle...177

4.2.2 An a l y s is o f My x o ma Vir u s Antig en in Ev e n t s Cl as si fi e d a s Su b Gl, G1/G0 a n d G2/M... 177 Experimental Approach...178 Detection of Viral Antigen Stages of Cell Cycle...180

4.2.3 Su mma r y o f Ce l l Via b il it y a n d Ce l l Cy c l e Exa mine d b y Fl o w Cy t o me t r y... 183

4.2.4 Se q u e n c e An a l y s is o f Anti -Apo pto ti c a n d Ho s t-Ra n g e Ge n e s...i 83 Selection of Genes to be Sequenced....184 Sequence of Selected Immunomodulatory, Anti-Apoptotic and Host-Range Genes in SLS and Ur...186

4.2.5 Se q u e n c e An a l y s is o f M005... .... ... ... .187 Mutations in the M005 ORF...187 Implications of Nucleotide Mutations for M005 Protein Expression 190 Analysis of the Putative Protein Products from the MOO5 ORF 193 Amino Acid Composition... ...193 Protein Domains in M005... 194 Secondary Structure... 197

4.2.6 Se q u e n c e a n a l y s is o f M152...197 Mutations in the M l52 ORF...197 Implications of Different Nucleotide Sequences for M l52 Protein Expression...202 Analysis of the Putative Protein Products from the M l52 ORF.... 203 Amino Acid Composition...203 Protein Domains in M l52... 20T Secondary Structure and Transmembrane Regions...205

4.2.7 Su mma r y o f Se q u e n c e An a l y s is...206

4.3 DISCUSSION...207

4.3.1 Cel l Cy c l e Ar r e s t a n d In d u c t io n o f Apo pt o s is... 208

4.3.2 Impl ic a t io n f o r Dif f e r e n c e s in Lym ph o cy t e Via b il it y In Viv o...210

4.3.3 Gen e t ic Dif f e r e n c e s in t h e M005 ORF Betw e e n SLS a n d Ur... 211

4.3.4 Ge n e t ic Ch a n g e s in M l52 (Serp -3)...216

4.3.5 Th e Sub -po pu l a t io n o f Ly mph o id Ce l l s Perm iss iv e f o r My x o ma Vir u s Re pl ic a t io n... 217

4.3.5 Concl usio n...218




5.2.1 Ch a r a c t e r is t ic s o f t h e Ce l l Su r f a c e Ma r k e r s Ex a m in e d...225

5.2.2 Me t h o d u s e d to Ex a m in e Ce l l Su r f a c e Ma r k e r Ex p r e s s io n...225

5.2.3 Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in Ex pr e s s io n in Un s t im u l a t e d a n d Co n A-St im u l a t e d Mo c k-In f e c t e d Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s...221 Summary of Cell Surface Protein Expression in Mock-Infected Lymphoid Cell Cultures...231

5.2.4 Ex pr e s s io n o f Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s in Un s t im u l a t e d a n d Co n A- St im u l a t e d Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s In f e c t e d w it h My x o m a Vir u s 231 Expression of CD25...232 Expression of CD4...234 Expression of CD43...237 Expression of CD45... 239 Expression of KEN-5...241 Expression of MHC-1...241 Expression of MHC-II....244 Summary of Expression of Cell Surface Proteins In Cultures Infected with SLS or Ur...246

5.2.5 Ex pr e s s io n of Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s in La r g e a n d Sm a l l Cel l Su b -Po pu l a t io n s ... 246 Protein Expression on Large and Small Cells...248 Expression of CD25 and MHC-I in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations...248 Expression of CD4 in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations...251 Expression of CD43 in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations.253 Expression of CD45 in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations .254 Expression of KEN-5 in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations ...255 Expression of MHC-II in Large and Small Cell Sub-Populations ...256 Summary of Expression of Cell Surface Proteins in Large and Small Cell Sub-populations...258

5.2.6 Ex pr e s s io n of Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Cell Cu l t u r e s St im u l a t e d w it h Co n A Pr io r t o In f e c t io n wi th My x o m a Vir u s 259 5.2.7 Ex pr e s s io n o f Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s o n RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur ... 266

5.2.8 Su b-po pu l a t io n of Ly m ph o id Ce l l s Re s po n d in g t o Co n A ...212

5.3 DISCUSSION 276 5.3.1 Ex pe r im e n t a l Appr o a c h...277

5.3.2 Ex pr e s s io n o f Spe c if ic Ma r k e r s o n t h e Ly m ph o c y t e Su r f a c e...277

5.3.3 Im pl ic a t io n s o f Dif f e r e n t Le v e l s o f Ly m ph o c y t e Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s f o r t h e Im m u n e Re s p o n s e...279

5.3.4 CD25 Ex pr e s s io n in My x o m a Vir u s In f e c t io n...281

5.3.5 Ce l l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in Ex pr e s s io n Du r in g My x o m a Vir u s In f e c t io n ...281



6.2 RESULTS... 289

6.2.1 Pr o d u c t io n o f An t i-Pe pt id e Se r a Spe c if ic f o r Ra b b it Cy t o k in e s.... 289 Identification of Peptides with Potential Immunogenicity...289 Conjugation of Synthetic Peptides to mcKLH...295 Testing Rat Sera for Cytokine Specific Antibodies...296 Inoculation of Chickens with IL-2 Peptide/KLH Conjugate and Testing Sera for Anti-Peptide Antibodies...299 DNA Immunisation o f Rats with pMagicIL-2...300

6.2.2 Ch a r a c t e r is a t io n o f An t i-Pe pt id e Se r a Spe c if ic f o r Ra b b it Cy t o k in e s... 300 Titration of Anti-Peptide Rat Sera on Cells Transfected with Plasmids Expressing Rabbit Cytokines...300 Immunoblot Analysis of Anti-Peptide Rat Sera...311 Analysis of Samples from Virus-Infected Cells...3ii

6.2.3 Use o f An t i-Pe pt id e Se r a f o r De t e c t io n o f IL-4 a n d IFNy...321 Antibody Detection o f IFNy by Flow Cytometry...321 Detection of IFNy Expressed by RL-5 Cells...321 Detection of IFNy in RL-5 Cells Infected with SLS or Ur...322 Immunostaining of Rabbit Tissue Sections for IFNy and IL-4...324

6.3 DISCUSSION... 333




7.2.1 Su m m a r y of Ex pe r im e n t a l Re s u l t s Pe r t a in in g t o Re s is t a n c e... 342

7.2.2 Pr o po s e d Mo d e l f o r Re s is t a n c e t o My x o m a t o s is...343


^7 7 1 C i T\ 4 \ ma r \ \ r C v n r ’n i X / f r x i ' r * t D r p i t t 't o D r ' n rr , /» A rT','T,i_,x t jt * t t a m "> r* 1 / 1 O U l v n v i r \ K 1 w i j uA f i^ i \J l V I L ,i N 1 1 vjAo c; 1 0 l l^i v i /a iIn u n o 1 O r 1 iLi n u a 1 i v j i n ...j j 1 7.3.2 Pr o po s e d Mo d e l f o r Ur At t e n u a t io n...351

7.4 CONCLUSION...354






is t of


ig u r e s

Fig u r e 1.1. Th e Myx oma Vir u s Ge n o m e... 6

Fig u r e 1.2. My x o ma Vir u s Vir io n...9

Fig u r e 1.3. Th e Replication Cyc l e o f Po x v ir u s e s...n

Fig u r e 1.4. Mo d e l fo r t h e Pat ho ge ne si s o f My x o ma Vir u s...16

Fig u r e 1.5. Atte nuation o f Myx om a Vir u s...21

Fig u r e 1.6. Transmis sib ility o f St r a in s o f My x o ma Vir u s o f Dif f e r e n t

Vir u l e n c e Gr a d e s... 22

Fig u r e 1.7. Dev elopment o f Res ist an ce o f Wil d Ra b b it s t o My xom at osi s..24

Fig u r e 1.8. Th e Euka ryotic Ce l l Cy c l e...35

Fig u r e 1.9. Apo pt os is... 37

Fig u r e 1.10. Ho s t Immu ne Re spo ns e t o Vir u s In f e c t io n...39

Fig u r e 1.11. Intera ctio ns be tw e e n t h e Hos t Immu n e Re spo n se a n d My x o ma

Vir u s...45

Fig u r e 3.1. Tit r e s o f SLS a n d Ur in Lym ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s f r o m

Lab o r at or y an d Wil d Ra b b it s...111

Fig u r e 3.2. Fl o w Cyto me tr ic Ana ly sis o f My x o ma Vir u s In f e c t io n o f

Rab b it Lym ph o id Ce l l s...115

Fig u r e 3.3. Pro po r ti on o f Ce l l s in Ra b b it Lym ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s

Infect ed w it h SLS o r Ur ...117

Fig u r e 3.4. 3H-T inco rporation in Pr ima r y Lym ph o id Cel l s Is o l a t e d f r o m

Lab o r at or y or Wil d Ra b b it s a n d Infe cted w it h SLS o r Ur...125

Fig u r e 3.5. Prol ife rat ion o f Pr im a r y Lym pho id Cel l s Is o l a t e d f r o m

La b o r a to r y o r Wild Ra b b it s and In f e c t e d with SLS o r Ur ...127

Fig u r e 3.6. Prolife rat ion o f t he Ra b b it T-cell li ne , RL-5, In f e c t e d w it h

SLS o r Ur ... 129

Fig u r e 3.7. Th e Effe ct s o f Co n A Sti mu l at io n o n t h e Size o f Mo c k-In f ec t e d

Lym ph o cy tes fro m Lab or ato ry a n d Wil d Rabbits ... 134

Fig u r e 3.8. Th e Effe ct s o f Co n A St im ula ti on o n t h e Size o f Ly mph o c y t e s

INFECTED WITH SLS OR UR... 135 Fig u r e 3.9. Mea n Prop or tion o f La r g e a n d Sma l l Ra b b it Ly mph o id Ce l l s

in Cul t ur e s Stimul at ed w it h Co n A Pr io r t o In f e c t io n w it h SLS o r Ur

... 138 Fig u r e 3.10. Me a n Me d ia n Fl uo r e sc e nc e Inte nsit y o f An ti -My x o ma Vir u s

Anti bod y Staining in Larg e a n d Sma l l Ce l l Su b-Popu la tio ns ...141

Fig u r e 3.11. Popu lation o f Lym ph o id Ce l l s In fe ct ed w it h My x o ma Vir u s 143

Fig u r e 3.12. Th e Effe c t s o f Co n A Sti mul ati on o n t h e Gr a n u l a r it y o f

Lym ph o cy t es fr om Lab or ato ry a n d Wil d Ra b b it s...145

Fig u r e 3.13. Cha ng es in Ce l l Gr a n u l a r it y in In f ec t e d Ly mph o c y t e s f r o m

Lab o ra to ry an d Wil d Ra b b it s...145

Fig u r e 3.14. Granul arit y o f Lym ph o id Ce l l s St im u l a t e d w it h Co n A Pr io r t o Infection w it h My x o ma Vir u s...146

Fig u r e 3.15. Size an d Gran ul ar it y o f RL-5 Cel l s In f ec t e d w it h SLS o r Ur

... 147

Fig u r e 4.1. Me t h o d Us e d t o Ana lyz e Ce l l Via b il it y a n d Cel l Cy c l e

St a g e s...169

Fig u r e 4.2. Prop or tion o f Ev e n t s Cl as si fie d a s Su bGI in Ra b b it Ly mph o id


Fig u r e 4.3. Via b il it y o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur ...173 Fig u r e 4.4. Pr o po r t io n of Ce l l s in G1/G0 St a g e of t h e Ce l l Cy c l e in

Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s Mo c k-In f e c t e d o r In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur ...174 Fig u r e 4.5. Pr o po r t io n o f Ce l l s in G2/M St a g e o f t h e Ce l l Cy c l e in

Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s Mo c k-In f e c t e d o r In f e c t e d w it h SLS

OR U R ... 176 Fig u r e 4.6. Me t h o d Us e d t o An a l y z e Vir a l An t ig e n in Ev e n t s Cl a s s if ie d as

Su bGI G1/G0 o r G2/M...179 Fig u r e 4.7. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 33-35 Nu c l e o t id e s f r o m t h e Fir s t ATG

in t h e M005 ORF...188 Fig u r e 4.8. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 287-298 Nu c l e o t id e s Fr o m t h e f ir s t ATG in t h e M005 ORF...189 Fig u r e 4.9. Tr a n s l a t io n o f t h e M005 ORF Fr o m SLS a n d Ur Wh e n Re a d in g

Fr o m t h e Fir s t a n d Se c o n d ATG...191 Fig u r e 4.10. Al ig n m e n t o f M005 ORF Tr a n s l a t io n s f r o m Lu, SLS a n d Ur

St r a in s o f My x o m a Vir u s... 192 Fig u r e 4.11. Pu t a t iv e Pr o t e in Do m a in s in M005...196 Fig u r e 4.12. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 196b p Fr o m t h e Fir s t ATG in t h e M152

O R F... 198 Fig u r e 4.13. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 625b p Fr o m t h e Fir s t ATG in M152

O R F... 199 Fig u r e 4.14. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 684b p Fr o m t h e Fir s t ATG in M l52

ORF... .200 Fig u r e 4.15. Nu c l e o t id e Dif f e r e n c e s 778bp Fr o m t h e Fir s t ATG in M l52

ORF...201 Fig u r e 4.16. Al ig n m e n t o f M l52 ORF Tr a n s l a t io n s f r o m Lu, SLS a n d UR202 Fig u r e 4.17. Pu t a t iv e Pr o t e in Do m a in s o f M l5 2 ...205

Fig u r e 5.1. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD43 a n d MHC-I o n Ra b b it Ly m ph o c y t e s...227 Fig u r e 5.2. The Ef f e c t s of Co n A St im u l a t io n o n Ce l l Su r f a c e Ex pr e s s io n

V/SDipric Pd a t c i>j c t v i \ / f o n < r-TMFc r T C 'r ' T vK/<DqAin Cci i Pm t t.i d c c c p a u

La b o r a t o r y a n d Wil d Ra b b it s...229 Fig u r e 5.3. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD25 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s In f e c t e d

w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n... 233 Fig u r e 5.4. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD4 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s In f e c t e d

w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n... 235 Fig u r e 5.5. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD43 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n... 238 Fig u r e 5.6. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD45 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n... 240 Fig u r e 5.7. Ex pr e s s io n o f KEN-5 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s

In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n...242 Fig u r e 5.8. Ex pr e s s io n o f MHC-I in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s

In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n...243 Fig u r e 5.9. Ex pr e s s io n o f MHC-II in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s

In f e c t e d w it h SLS o r Ur , With a n d Wit h o u t Co n A St im u l a t io n...245 Fig u r e 5.10. Fl o w Cy t o m e t r ic An a l y s is o f Ex pr e s s io n o f Va r io u s Pr o t e in s


Fig u r e 5.11. CD25 Ex pre ss io n o n La r g e a n d Sma ll Ce l l s In Rab b it

Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu lt u re s... 250

Fig u r e 5.12. MHC-I Ex pr e ss io n o n La r g e and Sma l l Ce l l s in Rabbit Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu ltu re s...250

Fig u r e 5.13. CD4 Ex pr e ss io n o n La r g e a n d Sma ll Ce l l s in Ra b b it Lym ph o id Cel l Cu l t u r e s...252

Fig u r e 5.14. CD43 Ex pre ss io n o n La r g e a n d Sma l l Ce l l s in Rab b it Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu lt u re s...254

Fig u r e 5.15. CD45 Ex pre ss io n o n La r g e a n d Sma ll Ce l l s in Ra b b it Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu lt u re s...255

Fig u r e 5.16. KEN-5 Ex pr e ss io n o n La r g e and Sma l l Ce l l s in Ra b b it Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu ltu re s...256

Fig u r e 5.17. MHC-II Exp re ss io n o n La r g e and Sma ll Ce l l s in Ra b b it Ly mph o id Ce l l Cu lt u re s...257

Fig u r e 5.18. Ce l l Su r f a c e Ex pr e s s io n o f CD25 in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce ll Cu l t u r e s St im u l a t e d w it h Co n A Pr io r t o In f e c t io n w it h SLS o r Ur 261 Fig u r e 5.19. Ce l l Su r f a c e Ex pr e s s io n o f MHC-I in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s St im u l a t e d w it h Con A Pr io r t o In f e c t io n w it h SLS o r UR262 Fig u r e 5.20. Me a n Me d ia n Fl u o r e s c e n c e In t e n s it y Co r r e s po n d in g to CD25 Ex pr e s s io n in Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s St im u l a t e d w it h Co n A Pr io r to In f e c t io n w it h SLS o r (Jr ... 264

Fig u r e 5.21. Mea n Me d ia n Fl uo r e sc e nc e Intensity Corr e sp o nd in g t o MHC-I Ex pr e s s io n in Rabbit Ly mph o id Ce l l Cult ure s Stim ul at e d w it h Co n A Pr io r t o In f e c t io n w it h SLS o r Ur ... 265

Fig u r e 5.22. Ex pre ss io n o f CD4 o n t h e Surface o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d With SLS o r Ur ...267

Fig u r e 5.23. Ex pr e s s io n o f MHC-I on t h e Su r f a c e o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d With SLS o r Ur ...268

Fig u r e 5.24. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD43 on t h e Su r f a c e o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d Wit h SLS o r Ur ...269

Fig u r e 5.25. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD45 on t h e Su r f a c e o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d Wit h SLS o r Ur ... 270

Fig u r e 5.26. Ex pr e s s io n o f CD25 on t h e Su r f a c e o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d With SLS o r Ur ... 271

Fig u r e 5.27. Ex pr e s s io n o f KEN-5 on t h e Su r f a c e o f RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d Wit h SLS o r Ur ... 273

Fig u r e 5.28. Su b-po pu l a t io n o f Ly m ph o id Ce l l s t h a t Re s po n d e d t o Co n A273 Fig u r e 6.1. Se q u e n c e Al ig n men t a n d Mod el o f IL-2...290

Fig u r e 6.2. Se q u e n c e Al ig n me n t a n d Mod el o f IL-4...291

Fig u r e 6.3. Se q u e n c e Al ig n men t a n d Mod el o f IL-6...292

Fig u r e 6.4. Se q u e n c e Al ig n men t a n d Mod el o f IL-10...293

Fig u r e 6.5. Se q u e n c e Al ig n men t a n d Mod el o f IFNy...294

Fig u r e 6.6. De t e c t io n by Imm uno fluorescence o f Rab b it Cyto k in e-Spe c if ic An t ib o d ie s in Ra t Se r a ...297

Fig u r e 6.7. De t e c t io n b y Imm uno fluorescence o f Rabb it IL-2-Spe c if ic An t ib o d ie s in Ch ic k e n Se r a ...301

Fig u r e 6.8. Tit r a t io n o f anti -IL-4 (h e l ix A) Rat Se r a... 303

Fig u r e 6.9. Tit r a t io n o f anti -IL-6 (tail ) Ra t Se r a... 305

Fig u r e 6.10. Tit r a t io n o f anti -IL-6 (he li x E) Ra t Se r a... 307

Fig u r e 6.11. Tit r a t io n o f ant i-IL-10 (CD-h/D) Ra t Se r a... 309


Fig u r e 6.13. Tit r a t io n o f a n t i-IFNy (He l ix D) Ra t Se r a...315 Fig u r e 6.14. Im m u n o b l o t An a l y s is o f Ra t Se r a Spe c if ic Fo r Ra b b it

Cy t o k in e s o n Re d u c in g SDS-PAGE...318 Fig u r e 6.15. Im m u n o b l o t An a l y s is o f Ra t Se r a Spe c if ic Fo r Ra b b it

Cy t o k in e s on No n-r e d u c in g SDS-PAGE...319 Fig u r e 6.16. IFNy Ex pr e s s io n in RL-5 Ce l l s...322 Fig u r e 6.17. IFNy Ex pr e s s io n in RL-5 Ce l l s In f e c t e d w it h SL So r Ur ...323 Fig u r e 6.18. Ex a m in a t io n o f Pe r m e a b il is a t io n So l u t io n s f o r IFNy De t e c t io n in In f e c t e d RL-5 c e l l s...324 Fig u r e 6.19. Bl o c k in g No n-Spe c if ic Bin d in g w it h Fe t a l Ca l f Se r u m a n d

BSA...325 Fig u r e 6.20. Im m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e o f Ra b b it Cy t o k in e s in Tis s u e Se c t io n s

f r o m t h e Ly m ph No d e of an Un in f e c t e d Ra b b it ... 327 Fig u r e 6.21. Im m u n o f l u o r e s c e n c e o f Ra b b it Cy t o k in e s in Tis s u e Se c t io n s



is t of


able s

Ta b l e 1.1. Na t u r a l Ho s t a n d Dis e a s e Ph e n o t y pe in Or y c t o l a g u s c u n ic u l u s

In d u c e d by Le p o r ip o x iv r u s Sp e c ie s...5

Ta b l e 1.2. Pu t a t iv e Pr o pe r t ie s o f IMV- a n d EEV-As s o c ia t e d Pr o t e in s ENCODED BY MYXOMA VIRUS... 13

Ta b l e 1.3. Mea n Su r v iv a l Time a n d Mo r t a l it y Ra t e o f Na iv e La b o r a t o r y Ra b b it s In o c u l a t e d w it h My x o m a Vir u s St r a in s o f Dif f e r e n t Vir u l e n c e Gr a d e s...19

Ta b l e 1.4. Th-c e l l Su b s e t s...32

Ta b l e 1.5. Im m u n o m o d u l a t o r y, An t i-a po pt o t ic a n d Ho s t -Ra n g e Pr o t e in s En c o d e d b y My x o m a Vir u s...44

Ta b l e 2.1. Pr im e r s u s e d f o r Se q u e n c in g Vir u s ORFs...78

Ta b l e 2.2. So l u b il it y o f Sy n t h e t ic Pe pt id e s...85

Ta b l e 3.1. Mean Pr o po r t io n of Ce l l s In f e c t e d w h e n Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s w e r e St im u l a t e d w it h Co n A Pr io r t o SLS o r Ur In f e c t io n ... :... ... 121

Ta b l e 3.2. Mean Tit r e* pe r In f e c t e d Ce l l ... 130

Ta b l e 3.3. Su m m a r y of SLS a n d Ur In f e c t io n o f Ly m ph o id Ce l l Cu l t u r e s Fr o m La b o r a t o r y a n d Wil d Ra b b it s...148

Ta b l e 4.1. Pr o b a b il it y t h a t an Ev e n t in Su bGI, G1/G0 o r G2/M w il l St a in Po s it iv e f o r Vir a l An t ig e n... 180

Ta b l e 4.2. Dif f e r e n c e in Me a n Me d ia n Fl u o r e s c e n c e In t e n s it y Co r r e s po n d in g t o My x o m a Vir u s An t ig e n Ex pr e s s io n b e t w e e n Mo c k-in f e c t e d a n d Vir u s-In f e c t e d Ra b b it Ly m ph o id Ce l l s Cl a s s if ie d as Su bGI, G1/G0 o r G2/M...182

Ta b l e 4.3. The ORF Se q u e n c e d a n d t h e Fu n c t io n s o f t h e ir Pr o t e in Pr o d u c t s... ... ... ... 185

Ta b l e 4.4. Se q u e n c in g Re s u l t s 186 Ta b l e 4.5. Pu t a t iv e Pr o t e in Do m a in sin M 005... 195

Ta b l e 4.6. Pu t a t iv e Pr o t e in Do m a in sin M l52...204

Ta b l e 5.1. Cel l Su r f a c e Pr o t e in s... 225


Ab s t r a c t

The interaction between myxoma virus and the European rabbit is one of the best

documented natural models of host/ virus co-evolution. Although there were many

studies which documented the development of this co-evolution, the cellular and

molecular mechanisms behind the co-evolution are not clear. This thesis examined the

role of lymphocytes in resistance of rabbits to myxomatosis and in attenuation of

myxoma virus strains. Primary lymphoid cells were isolated from susceptible

(laboratory) and resistant (wild) rabbits and infected in vitro with the virulent SLS or

attenuated Ur strain of myxoma virus. The effect of lymphocyte activation on the

interaction between the lymphoid cells and myxoma virus was examined by the addition

of the T-cell mitogen, concanavalin A (Con A) to the primary cultures.

The permissivity of lymphoid cells to myxoma virus replication significantly increased

with the addition of Con A. When this was observation was examined at a cellular level

it was found that myxoma virus preferentially replicated in lymphocytes that were

activated or in the G2/M stage of the cell cycle. However, once lymphocytes were

infected myxoma virus completely abrogated T-cell activation processes, such as the

increase in cell size and CD25 expression. Myxoma virus also down-regulated MHC-I

and CD4 expression on the surface of activated primary lymphocytes and RL-5 cells.

These results suggested that activated cell signaling pathways may play a critical role

during myxoma virus pathogenesis.

The increase in SLS titres with T-cell activation was due to an increase in virus

production in every infected cell. For Ur infection, however, the increase in titres with


rabbits, was due to an increase in the number of infected cells. Ur did not replicate in

activated lymphoid cells from wild rabbits.

It was also observed that in Ur infections there was a reduction in lymphocyte viability

late in infection. This was presumably due to the failure of Ur to inhibit cell death

pathways that are initiated on cell cycle arrest. In contrast, SLS was able to maintain

lymphocyte viability late in infection. Genetic analysis identified a lesion in the M005

ORF in Ur where there was an insertion of a cytosine relative to the M005 ORF in SLS.

The insertion of this cytosine induces a frameshift, potentially resulting in production of

a truncated M005 protein. M005 has been previously implicated in lymphocyte survival,

so this lesion may interfere with the biological function of this protein ieading to the

inability of Ur to maintain lymphocyte viability at late time points. This may then lead

to a reduction in viral titres and viral dissemination in vivo compared to SLS and is the

first identified potential attenuation mechanism for myxoma virus.

This thesis is also the first to show a potential mechanism for resistance of rabbits to

myxoma virus. There was a small but statistically significant reduction in the

permissivity of lymphocytes from resistant rabbits for myxoma virus replication

compared to lymphocytes from susceptible rabbits. Unstimulated mock-infected

lymphocytes from wild rabbits also had greater cell surface expression of CD4 and

CD43 and stimulated lymphocytes had greater expression of MHC-I than lymphocytes

from laboratory rabbits which may enhance the early immune response against the

virus. Taken together, a lower ability of myxoma virus to replicate in lymphoid cells

from wild rabbits in addition to a potentially more efficient and effective early innate

immune response in wild rabbits compared to laboratory rabbits, may be responsible for


A secondary part of this thesis was the production and characterisation of antibodies

specific for rabbit IL-2 and IFNy, as representative ThI cytokines, and rabbit IL-4, IL-6

and IL-10, as representative Th2 cytokines. Synthetic peptides corresponding to

potential epitopes on these cytokines were designed conjugated to the immunogenic

carrier protein and injected into rats (and chickens for the IL-2 synthetic peptides).

Antibodies to IL-4, IL-6, IL-10 and IFNy were generated after immunization of rats

with synthetic peptide/conjugate. These antibodies worked to differing extents in

immunofluorescence, Western blot assays, flow cytometry and tissue sections.

Production of anti-peptide sera to rabbit IL-2 was attempted but was unsuccessful. The

ability of the antibodies produced to recognize native forms of rabbit cytokines will

enable future investigation of the role of cytokine expression in the attenuation of

myxoma virus and genetic resistance to myxoma virus. However, their most useful role

is likely to be in immunostaining in tissue sections rather than in immunostaining of

infected cultures as this will enable clarification of the immune response elicited by the

host rabbit on infection with myxoma virus.

In conclusion, this thesis showed that the interaction between myxoma virus and T-cells

may be critical for determining the outcome of infection and postulated that it is this

interaction that ultimately determines resistance of rabbits to myxomatosis and

attenuation of the virus. This thesis also presented a model for resistance of rabbits to


A b b r e v i a t i o n s

3h -t tritia te d th y m id in e

A P C A n tig e n p re se n tin g c e lls

A P S a m m o n iu m p e rsu lp h a te

A N U A u s tra lia n N a tio n a l U n iv e rsity

B F A b u ffe re d fo rm a ld e h y d e a c e to n e

B r e f A B re fe ld in A

B S A b o v in e seru m a lb u m in

C M V c y to m e g a lo v iru s p ro m o to r

C o n A C o n c a n a v a lin A

C P E c y to p a th ic e ffe c ts

c p m c o u n ts p e r m in u te

C T L c y to to x ic T -ly m p h o c y te

D T T d ith io th re ito l

E E V e x tra c e llu la r e n v e lo p e d v irio n

E R e n d o p la sm ic re tic u lu m

F A D D F a s a sso c ia te d d e a th d o m a in

F C S fetal c a lf seru m

F S C fo rw a rd sc atter

H R P h o rse ra d ish p e ro x id a se

IF N in te rfe ro n

IL in te rle u k in

IM V in tra c e llu la r m a tu re v irio n

k b k ilo b a se s

L P S lip o p o ly sa c c h a rid e


m cK L H m ariculture keyhole lim pet h em ocyanin

M E M m inim al essential m edia

M H C m ajor histocom patibility class

M IP m acrophage inhibitory protein

M R V m alignant rabbit virus

N K natural killer cell

ORE open reading fram e

pfu particle form ing units

PI propidium iodide

RT room tem perature

SFV Shope fibrom a virus

SLS standard laboratory strain

SSC side scatter

TG F transform ing grow th factor

TIR term inal inverted repeat

TN F tum or necrosis factor






1.1 I

n t r od u ct io n

Perhaps the most studied and documented natural model of host/virus co-evolution in

mammals is that of myxoma virus and the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Myxoma virus is the causative agent of myxomatosis and was released in Australia in

the summer of 1950-51 in order to control the wild European rabbit population, which

was immunologically and evolutionarily naive with respect to myxoma virus. The initial

epidemic of myxoma virus was estimated to have killed greater than 99% of infected

wild rabbits. However in the years following, there was rapid selection for attenuated

strains of myxoma virus and for rabbits resistant to myxomatosis (reviewed in Fenner

and Fantini 1999).

Leukocytes are one of the key players during myxoma virus pathogenesis. Fenner and

Woodroofe (1953) first identified leukocytes as important for in vivo amplification,

dissemination and pathology of myxoma virus. More recently it has been shown that

lymphocytes, in particular T-cells, are critical for myxoma virus pathogenesis as

myxoma virus localizes to the T-cell zones in lymph nodes from infected rabbits (Best

and Kerr 2000) and replicates in the rabbit CD4+ T-cell line, RL-5 (Barry et al., 1995;

Macen et ah, 1996; Barry et ah, 1997). It has also been postulated that T-cells are one of

the key cell types that disseminate myxoma virus systemically (Kerr and Best 1998).

This is supported by studies using recombinant myxoma viruses with genes essential for

replication in T-cells deleted, which show virus strains that are unable to replicate in T-

cells are attenuated in vivo (Opgenorth et ah, 1992a; Macen et ah, 1996).

This thesis investigates the role of T-cells in co-evolution of myxoma virus with the

European rabbit by examining infection of lymphoid cells from susceptible and resistant


of myxoma virus, the ‘standard laboratory strain’ (SLS), released in the field in 1950 is

available, as well as an attenuated strain, Uriarra (Ur), isolated from the field in 1953. In

addition, laboratory rabbits that are susceptible to myxomatosis and wild rabbits

selected in the field for resistance to myxomatosis are also available. The accessibility

of these resources puts our laboratory in a unique position to study host/virus

co-evolution in this natural model.

The introduction to this thesis will firstly detail the characteristics of myxoma virus and

the historical development of myxoma virus attenuation and wild rabbit resistance.

Following from this, the cellular responses to virus infection and the importance of T-

cells and T-cell activation and replication in these responses will be described. Then, the

immunomodulatory mechanisms used by myxoma virus to overcome the rabbit immune

response will be discussed and finally, the aims of this thesis set out.

1.2 My x o ma Vir u s

1.2.1 Myxoma Virus

Myxoma virus is the causative agent of myxomatosis, a systemic lethal disease of

European rabbits, Oryctolagus cuniculus. Myxoma virus is one of six members of the

Leporipoxvirus genus (Fenner 1979). All six of the Leporipoxvirus species cause a

benign, cutaneous fibroma in their respective natural host, but they cause differing

extents of disease in O. cuniculus (Fenner and Ratcliffe, 1965; Fenner and Ross, 1994).

The natural host of each of these virus species and the general disease each causes in O.

cuniculus are listed in Table 1.1. The use of ‘myxoma virus’ in this thesis refers to the


Ta b l e 1 .1 . Na t u r a l Ho s t a n d Dis e a s e Ph e n o t y pe

In d u c e d by Le p o r i p o x i v r u s Spe c ie s

IN Or y c t o l a g u s c u n i c u l u s

L ep o rip o x viru s N atu ral H ost* D isease in

S p ecies O ryctolagu s cu n icu lu s

S o u t h A m e r ic a n S ylvilagus brasiliensis generalized lethal disease,

M y x o m a V ir u s gross external pathology

C a lifo r n ia n M y x o m a S ylvilagus b ach m a ni generalized lethal disease,

V ir u s few external signs

S h o p e F ib r o m a V ir u s S ylvilagus floridanus benign, cutaneous fibroma

S q u ir r e l F ib r o m a S ciurus ca rolinensis benign, cutaneous fibroma

V ir u s

W e s t e r n S q u ir r e l S ciurus g riseus not determined

F ib r o m a V ir u s griseus

H a r e F ib r o m a V ir u s Lepus europaeus benign, cutaneous fibroma

* All virus species cause a benign cutaneous fibroma in their natural host

The Leporipoxvirus genus is part of the Poxviridae family. Poxviruses have linear,

double-stranded DNA genomes. The genome of myxoma virus is 161.8 kilobases (kb)

(Cameron et al., 1999). Each end of the genome is composed of a covalently closed

single stranded hairpin loop and 11.5 kb terminal inverted repeat (TIRs), which is

typical of poxviruses (Cameron et al., 1999). The TIRs and adjacent regions of the

genome typically encode ‘virulence’ genes (Cameron et al., 1999; Moss 2001).

Virulence genes encode proteins that disrupt and circumvent the host anti-viral immune

response and that block apoptosis of infected cells. The genes in this region are variable

between members of the Poxviridae family and tend to be specific to particular virus

species or virus genera. The central region of the genome encodes structural and

house-keeping genes (e.g. genes encoding mRNA transcription and translation factors, virion


infectious virus progeny and are highly conserved among the Poxviridae family. Figure £ 1.1A shows a schematic of the myxoma virus genome.

Sequencing of the genome from the Lausanne (Lu) strain of myxoma virus identified 425 potential open reading frames (ORFs) with a minimum length of 50 amino acids

(Cameron et al., 1999). Of these, 159 are predicted to be co-linear expressed genes based on homology to known poxvirus genes and by comparison to predicted ORFs in Shope fibroma virus (SFV). One of these ORFs, M037L, encodes a 32 amino acid protein, but has been identified based on comparisons with genomes from other

poxviruses. The 159 ORFs were numbered sequentially starting from the left end of the genome, based on the nomenclature of Melanoplus sanguinipes and Molluscum contagiosum (as shown in Cameron et ah, 1999). A diagrammatic representation of the

159 assigned ORFs of myxoma virus is shown in Figure 1 .IB. The ORF names used in this thesis are defined as in Cameron et al. (1999) without the direction of transcription

Figure 1.1. Th e Myxom a Virus Genome


stated, and will be described as genes (e.g. M001 gene). For this thesis, the putative

proteins translated from these genes will share the gene name (e.g. M001).

1.2.2 Myxoma Virus Morphology

The myxoma virus virion appears brick-shaped when viewed by electron microscopy

and morphologically is indistinguishable from the prototype poxvirus, vaccinia virus

(Orthopoxvirus genus) (Fenner 1996). Studies of vaccinia virus have identified two

infectious forms, the intracellular mature virion (IMV) and extracellular enveloped

virion (EEV). The IMV consists of a biconcave nuclear core, containing the DNA

genome and core membrane, and two lateral bodies surrounded by a lipoprotein

membrane. An additional membrane derived from the Golgi encloses the IMV to form

the EEV. Myxoma virus infection also generates IMV and EEV (Padgett et al., 1964).

Figure 1.2 shows an electron micrograph of a myxoma virus IMV and a schematic of a

poxvirus virion.

In vaccinia virus, IMV forms 80-95% of the total virus produced by the cell with the

remainder being EEV (Moss 2001). However, EEV is considered the primary infectious

form of virus for in vivo and in vitro dissemination. This is because the EEV does not

rely on the loss of cell membrane integrity (e.g. cell lysis), which is required for release



Lateral Body Outer ____ membrane


L ateral body Envelope

S u r f a c e \ I X „ O uter

tubules m em brane

N u c le o s o m e

C ore m e m b ra n e

Figure 1.2. Myxom a Viru s Vir io n

(A) An electron micrograph of the intracellular mature myxoma virus virion (IMV) (Fenner, personal communication) and (B) schematic of a typical poxvirus virion (taken from Fenner, 1996). A poxvirus virion is made up of the nucleosome, containing the DNA genome, and is surrounded by the core membrane. An additional lipoprotein membrane (outer membrane) surrounds this core and the two lateral bodies. This is the IMV form of the virus. A Golgi- derived membrane envelopes the virions in the EEV form.

1.2.3 Poxvirus Replication Cycle

Poxvirus replication has been elucidated by studying that of vaccinia virus and is


The first steps in the poxvirus replication cycle are attachment of a virion to the cell

membrane, fusion with the cell membrane and entry of the viral core into the cell

cytoplasm (Step 1, Figure 1.3). Attachment to and fusion of a virion with the cell

membrane will be discussed in more detail in Section Once the virion has

entered the cell, replication of the virus begins. Replication of poxviruses occurs

exclusively in the cytoplasm in defined areas called virosomes. The machinery required

to transcribe early genes is packaged within the viral core and transcription of these

genes is initiated from early promoters after partial uncoating of the core (Step 2, Figure

1.3). These early transcripts encode immunomodulatory proteins, host-range proteins,

intermediate transcription factors and proteins involved in replication of the viral

genome, in addition to proteins that complete uncoating of the viral core. Once the core

is uncoated (Step 3, Figure 1.3), replication of the viral genome can begin (Step 4,

Figure 1.3). At this time, gene transcription from intermediate and late promoters is


Replication of the poxvirus genome results in the formation of concatemeric DNA,

which is cleaved into unit genomes and packaged, along with early transcription factors

required during the next replication cycle (Step 5, Figure 1.3), and assembled at the late

stage of infection into an immature virion. Maturation of the virion occurs leading to

formation of IMV (Step 6, Figure 1.3) (Beaud 1995; (Moss 2001). Virions destined for

the extracellular environment acquire an additional membrane from the Golgi and are

transported to the cell surface via actin tail polymerization (Step 7, Figure 1.3)

(Frischknecht et al., 1999). At the cell surface, the virion fuses with the cellular

membrane and either EEV is released or the virion stays adhered to the cell surface

forming a cell-associated enveloped virion (Step 8, Figure 1.3) (reviewed in Moss


Step 1:

attachment, fusion and entry of virion

Step 6:

virion maturation

cell membrane Step 3: Uncoating of viral core


Step 2: transcription and translation of early genes

M \ /

trans-Golgi network

Step 4:

Replication of viral genome and

intermediate and late gene transcription

Step 5:

packaging genome and early transcription factors into immature virions

Step 7:

wrapping IMV with Golgi-derived

membrane Step 8:release of virions from the cell


Fi g u r e 1.3. Th e Re p l i c a t i o n Cy c l e o f Po x v i r u s e s

(36) Virion Attachment, Fusion and Entry

Attachment to, and fusion with the cell membrane differs between the two infectious

forms of virion, as there are additional viral-encoded proteins associated with EEV that

are not present in IMV (Payne 1979; Payne 1980). The differences between vaccinia

virus IMV and EEV in cell membrane attachment and fusion have been illustrated

experimentally (Vanderplasschen and Smith 1997; Vanderplasschen et ah, 1998). The

cell surface receptors responsible for vaccinia virus attachment have not been elucidated

(Vanderplasschen and Smith, 1997). However, it has been shown that entry of vaccinia

virus IMV is dependent on temperature, pH (Dorns et al., 1990) and cell signaling

cascades (Locker et al., 2000). In contrast, EEV entry does not require cell signaling

cascades (Locker et al., 2000) even though it is also dependent on pH. The fact that

signaling cascades are not required for EEV entry into a cell may explain why cell entry

of EEV is more rapid than that of IMV (Payne and Norrby 1978; Dorns et al., 1990).

A number of proteins putatively involved in myxoma virus virion attachment and fusion

have been identified based on homology to other poxvirus proteins. The products of the

M035, M041, M055, M071, M088, M098, M102, M103, M107 and Ml 15 ORFs are

predicted to be associated with the IMV membrane (Cameron et al., 1999) and may be

implicated in IMV attachment and fusion. For EEV, the products of M022, M l21,

M l22 and M l26 ORFs are associated with the EEV envelope and are putatively

implicated in EEV attachment and fusion (Cameron et al., 1999). The putative

properties of each of these IMV and EEV-associated proteins, in addition to their

poxvirus homolog and relative conservation among the Poxviridae family, are shown in


Ta b l e 1.2. Pu t a t iv e Pr o pe r t ie s o f IMV- a n d EEV-As s o c ia t e d Pr o t e in s


M y x o m a V i r u s O R F *

V a c c i n i a V i r u s H o r n o l o g

P u t a t i v e P r o p e r t i e s C o n s e r v a t i o n a m o n g P o x v i r u s e s + 1 M V

-a s s o c i -a t e d p r o t e i n s

M 03 5 E10R • hydrophobic N-terminus

• transmembrane domain • redox function


M 041 15L • hydrophobic

• basic

• structural protein • transmembrane


M 055 L1R • myristylated

• hydrophobic N-terminus conserved

M 07 1 H3L • hydrophobic

• heparin binding • immunodominant


M 088 D13L • rifampicin resistance conserved

M098 A9L • putative signal peptide

• transmembrane domain conserved

M 102 A 13L • predicted secreted

• hydrophobic N-terminus semi-conserved

M 103 A 14L • phosphorylated

• myristoylated • associated with A17L/M 107


M 107 A 17L • associated with A27L and semi-conserved A14L/M 103

• morphogenesis factor • neutralizing antibody

E E V - M 115

a s s o c i a t e d p r o t e i n s

A27L • fusion protein • neutralizing antibody • heparin binding • EEV formation


M 022 F13L • non-glycosylated

• palmitylated • envelope protein • EEV antigen


M 121 A33R • lectin-like glycoprotein

• transmembrane semi-conserved

M 122 A34R • hydrophobic N-terminus

• C-type lectin domain • transmembrane

• NK cell receptor homolog • N-glycosylated


M 126 A37R • unknown semi-conserved


The discrete entry mechanisms of myxoma virus IMV and EEV particles have not been

investigated. In fact, there are very few studies on myxoma virus in the early stages of

infection. One study that has examined myxoma virus infection, showed that infection is

dependent on tyrosine phosphorylation signaling pathways, as infection was blocked by

herbimycin A (tyrosine kinase inhibitor) and tyrophostin AG490 (Jak 2 inhibitor)

(Lalani et al., 1999b; Masters et al., 2001). Although not stated, it is probable that the

virus used in these studies consisted predominantly of the IMV form of myxoma virus

because of the method of preparing virus stocks. This suggests that myxoma virus IMV

also requires signaling cascades to enter a cell, and suggests that myxoma virus IMV

enters the cell by a similar mechanism to vaccinia virus IMV.

Lalani et al. (1999b) also found pre-treatment of cells permissive for infection with

either the growth factor RANTES (Regulated-upon Activation, Normal T-cell

Expressed and Secreted) or an anti-CC chemokine receptor-5 antibody that blocks HIV

infection, also blocked infection of myxoma virus. Pretreatment of cells with other

chemokines, such as macrophage inhibitory protein (MlP)-la or MIP-lß or with other

signal cascade inhibitors, such as pertussis toxin (G-protein inhibitor) or PP2 (4-amino-

5-(4-chlorophenyl)-7-(r-butyl)pyrazolo[3,4-<i] pyrimidine, generalized phosphatase

inhibitor) did not block infection (Lalani et al., 1999). These results suggest that some

aspects of HIV entry may be similar to that of myxoma virus and that signaling

pathways involving tyrosine phosphorylation and that are linked to RANTES or CC-

chemokine receptors may be critical for myxoma virus infection.

1.3 My x o m a t o s is

Infection of naive European rabbits with virulent strains of myxoma virus causes the


internal and external lesions, both at the site of virus inoculation and in tissues

throughout the infected rabbit. Clinical signs of myxomatosis include swelling of the

eyelids, conjunctival inflammation, anogenital edema and respiratory difficulties (Best

and Kerr 2000). In contrast, in its natural host, S. brasiliensis, myxoma virus infection is

generally not fatal and is characterized by mucoid cutaneous tumors localized to the site

of infection (reviewed in Kerr and McFadden 2002; Zuniga 2002).

Myxoma virus is transmitted by arthropod vectors, such as mosquitoes and fleas.

Transmission is passive, meaning myxoma vims does not replicate in the arthropod

vector; rather myxoma vims virions adhere to the mouthparts of the arthropod, which

transfers the virions to the epidermis or dermis of another rabbit during the arthropod’s

next feeding (Aragao, 1943). In Australia, epidemics of myxomatosis usually occur

annually in the spring and summer, but can occur at any time depending on the

availability of vectors and susceptible rabbits (Fenner and Ratcliffe 1965; Fenner and

Ross 1994).

A model for myxoma virus pathogenesis has been postulated by Best et al. (Best 1998;

Best et al., 2000; Best and Kerr 2000). This model is outlined in Figure 1.4 and is

described below. Myxoma virus enters the dermis of the host from the mouthpart of a

biting arthropod. In the dermis, the vims infects MHC-II+ dendritic-like cells that

transport the vims to the lymph node draining the site of infection. Once at the lymph

node the vims can infect other cells, but most importantly lymphocytes and monocytes,

which disseminate it systemically to other tissues. Lymphocytes and monocytes also

transport myxoma virus back to the dermis/epidermis where the vims can be picked up


Fig u re 1.4. Model fo r the Pa th o g e n es is of My xo ma Vir u s

■" Myxoma virus enters the dermis of the host from the mouthpart of a biting arthropod. The virus infects MHC-lT dendritic-like cells which transport it to the lymph node. At the lymph node the virus can infect lymphocytes and monocytes which disseminate the virus systemically to other tissues and also transport myxoma virus back to the dermis/epidermis where it can be picked up by the next biting arthropod and transmitted to another rabbit. Figure adapted from Kerr and Best (1998).

An inflammatory and immune response against myxoma virus is initiated at the skin

and lymph node. The interaction between the rabbit immune response and myxoma

virus determines subsequent pathogenesis and ultimately determines the outcome of

myxoma virus infection. This interaction will be influenced by the virulence of the virus

and the degree of resistance of the rabbit. These factors will be discussed in detail in


Infection of European rabbits, that are immunologically naive with respect to myxoma

virus, with virulent strains of this virus typically ends with the death of the infected

rabbit. The mechanism of death is obscure, but can be is associated with opportunistic

infection of the upper respiratory tract with Gram-negative bacteria. Death from virulent

South American strains of myxoma virus has been previously attributed to respiratory

obstructions (Hobbs 1928; Strayer and Sell 1983). The lethality of myxoma virus in

naive O. cuniculus made it an attractive candidate as a biological control agent for the

wild European rabbit population of Australia.

1.4 My x o ma Vir us as a Bio l o g ic a l Co nt r o l Ag ent fo r the

Wil d Eur o pea n Ra bb it

Wild European rabbits (wild rabbits) were deliberately introduced into Australia in 1859

and spread across the continent at an estimated rate of 100-300 km per year. The

clearing of land, introduction of domestic livestock, and control of predators by settlers

and pioneers all assisted the establishment and spread of the wild rabbit population

(reviewed in Myers et al., 1994).

Initial trials of the effectiveness of myxoma virus as a biological control agent were

undertaken in the 1930s using Moses’ strain of South American myxoma virus (referred

to in subsequent years as the ‘standard laboratory strain’ or ‘SLS’) (Moses 1911; Martin

1936; Bull and Mules 1944). These trials were unsuccessful, with the virus failing to

become established in the wild rabbit population and not spreading beyond the sites of

its introduction (Myers et ah, 1954). Further field trials with myxoma virus were

performed after World War II and, in the summer of 1950-1951, there was an explosive

epidemic of myxomatosis, initiated from experimental release sites in southeastern


Fig ure  1.5. Attenua
Figure 1.11 shows the steps in the host immune response with which some of these
table below. The increase in Ur titres as a result of Con A activation was only
Fig u remock-infection (MI) (black) or infection with SLS (green) or LIr (blue) at a moi of 3, for an additional 48 h


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