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A comparative study of formalisms for programming language definition : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science at Massey University


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A Comparative Study of Formalisms for Programming Language


A thesis presented in partial fulfilment of tho requirsments for the degree of Master. of Science in

Computer Science at Massey University.



This sludy looks Rt a number of methods for defining the f u 11 syntax and s efl12.n ti cs of computer pro gr arnrni n g languages. The syntax, especially the nature of context-dependent conditions in it, is first oxamined, then some oxtensions of context-free grammars are compared to see to what cxt8nt they can encompass the full contGxt

-conditions of typicc1l programminy lnnguages. It is found that several syntax extensions are i11adequate in this r egard, and that tho ability to cnlculoto complicated functions and conditions , and to eventually delete the val ues of such functions, is needed. This ability may be obtained either by allowing unrestricted rules and rncta -vari ablos in the phrase- structure, or by associating roathematical functionc either with individual production r ules or with the whole contoxt--froe structure, to trL,ns -f orm it into an ' c.ibstrocl syntax ' .

Since the forrn of o definition of a progr2.r,1rnir19 J.,rngt1ar;e semantics de pen cJ s critical .l y on how one conceives II n: can i 11 y 11 , f ive mo.in tyf)es of semantics are considered: these are


I\ c know led genre n ts

In the preparation of this thesis, I wish particularly to thank Lloyd Thomas and

Professor Tate for many valuable discussions, suggestions 1 and criticisms, and also to

thank Bob Doran for help in his obtaining i mportant source materials.



1 The probl ems of programming l anguage definition.

2 Syntax

2 .1 Introduction

2.2 Context-dependent conditions 2.3 Extended grammars

2.3.1 Context-sensitive grammars 2. 3.2 Scattered-context grammars 2.3.3 Programmed grammars

2.4 Grammars with associated c ontext-dependent conditions

2.4 .1 Property grammars

2.4. 2 Grammars using inherited and derived



3 3 4 7 7 9 12

14 14

attributes, Production Systems 17 2.4.3 Conditions defined by functions on the

whole context-free syntactic structure 20 The Vienna Definition method 21 Objects and selectors and·

operations in VDL 21 Constructing the abstract syntax

in VOL 24 Linked-Forest Manipulation Sys tems 26

2.5 van Wijngaarden grammars 29


2. 5.2.1 An historical digression

2.5. 2.2 Context-dependencies defined by van Llijngaarden grammars

2.6 Conclusion

3 Semantics

3.1 Introduction

3. 2 ~atural semantics

3.2.1 Natural l anguage semantics



36 36

37 37 3.2.2 Semantics by compilers 39 3. 3 P,r oposi tional semantics 40 3. 4 .r unctional semantics 44 3. 4. 1 The l ambda cal culus 45 3 • 5 S e f! i an t i c s b as o d on s t r i n g r e w r i t i n g r u l o s 4 8 3. 5.1 Preprocessing semantics 48 3.5. 2 Data-processing semantics 51 3.6 Semantics with structures and computations

on structures 54

3 • 6 • 1 I n f o r rn :q t.i. o 11 s t r u c t u 1· e s 3.'1.2 Sornentic 01etaJ.angu2ges The Vienna Definition Language 3. G. 2.2 The





definition of




f O r [ [ U\/ /'. r~ S J

3. G. 2. 3 The Algal 60 method

3 • G • 2 • I~ L i n l<G d- ~-or e s t r:i an i p u l a t i on S y s t ems as semanti c met al anguoges

3. 6. 3 Hypothetical machines 3.G.3.1 Machine structures 3.7 Conclusion

References Bibliography


A Concrete syntax of


a context-free

54 57 57

59 60

62 , 6G (;7


73 79


covering grammar 83

8 Abstract represent ation of .the concrete

syntax in




F Definition of ALEX syntax by ~ van Llijngaarden grammar

G Definition of ALEX syntax by a Linked-Forest Manipulation System

H f'iachine states for the VDL definition of ALEX semantics

I Interpretation instructions for tho VOL


1 02


definition 107

J Abstract syntax for the BAS IS definition of

ALEX 112

K Machine states for the BASIS definition 113 L Interpretation program for the BASIS dofinition 114 M Abstract syntax tree-structures for the LFMS

definition of ALEX 120


1 The problems of proaramming lanquage definition

Defining a computing language is generally done in two stnges :

1) ~ntax : defining as rigorously as possible the set of all possible programs of the language, together with their formal structures and substructures.



semantics : associating wi th each such program its meaning, so that the effects of executing the progr am with its data are as rigo rous-ly defined as possible.

Details of definitions of these two stages will be discussed in the following two chapters (although t he exact dem2rcation between the stages has varied for different people; I shall discuss t his further in section



The aim is to be able to define a significantly l ar ge language,including both st ages of definition, 8nd to this end there are several criteria for

comparing the different systems examined l ater. 1) Scope of t he definition method

Is it applicable to all features of all progr amming languages, or are there some features that can be encompassed either not at all, only with great difficulty, or at the cost of breaking up a neat system?

2) Elegance

A general aim is for a definition as readable , concise, and 'trahsparent' as possible. A readable definitJon should be understandable even with only a short

initiation into the details of the formalism ; it should not be written in a wholly foreign language. A definition should al.so ·transparentl y follow the


disti nguish between the method and its appl ication to specific l anguages: a very simpl e method wil l general ly lead t o a very compl i cated definition. 3 ) Rioour

Syntax definitions should dofine, ideall y, al l and only the proqr;-ims in the .lant_;uage, and assign correct formal structures to val id programs. They should avoid ovorlapping, incompatible, ambj guous, and/or missing specifications. Si mi larly wit h

semantics. Note, however, t hat i t i s occasionaJ Jy desi reab le to leavo certain parts of~ standar d

de fin j_ t .i on either corn p let e 1 y op on , or to de J. i berat e 1 y give only a pnrt i ol definition of t hem. r or example, the de ta .i l [; of re c1 l a r i t h m Ei ti c, beyond certain

basic conditions, may be postponed beyond the

standard defi nition; and i n any case the effect of merging p;:,ralJ.eJ. operations should i ntentionally be left undetermined.

4 ) Fur rn a J. is i.' t i on

The for111al jsts ' idec:il is th2t a ciefinition shouJ d

S8Y everything thnt can be sc1id about c1Jl programs i n the lc111guc1ge, a11d i n such a manner that mechan -i cal ~;b:1ternents r.,rn be rnarle 8hOut the proqri:lm wj thout either us.inq hum,:,n understand.ing at this point, or rL1nnin9 i t on a computer with specif ic data. Such statements, for exnmple, could concern the mechan -ioal design of impJ.oment~tjons , or the mechanical proofs of correctness , equival ence, etc., of

programs i n t he language.

Chapter 2 looks at lhe synlactic; and chapter 3 the

semant i c, components of definitions of progr amming l anguages , and in the appendi ces I have used those methods which ar e sufficiently powerful for the definition of "ALEX". ALEX i s the name which hencefort h I give to a certai n subset of Algal 60; i t does not include arrays ,. for-loops , conditional

expressions , or designational expressi ons , but i t does

incl ude mi~ed- mode arithmetic, procedures , functions, call-by-name and call-by-value parameters, 11goto11 and 11if11



2 .1 Introduction

Syntactic theory i s concerned with the formal systems to be used for the gramm~rs of the languages to be def -ined. A grammar is a set of rules prescribing which sequences of symbol s over a given alphabet constitute programs in the l anguage, and it should al so define the structure of valid programs in such a way that efficient transl 8t i on or interpretation is possible.

The first grammars to be used in the definiti on of full-size languages were context- free grammars, and, by now, thair theory i s becoming wel l understood (see, for example, the text Hopcroft and Ullrnan, 1968),

having been by far the most common topic for formal investigations . As well, they are incr easingl.y being appli ed i n t he construction of compilers . FeJ.drnan and Gries(1 968) give an extensive survey of such and

similar applicat ions .

However, these context- free formal isms are inadequate to describe t he full syntax of computer languages , and most of chapter 2 wi l l be concerned with the various methor.'s that have been proposed to overcome such inadequacies, arid to try to capture these ccntext -sensi tive conditions.

In the next section we will look at the detaiJs of these pr oblems , and after that consider the progr essively more complex and more powerful formal isms proposed as


2. 2 Context- dependent conditions

Context dependencies arise in all pr actical programm-ing: when it comes to checking the scopes of identifiers; checking that identifiers are not declared twice in

the same block; che~king that identifier attributes given by the declaration are consistent both among

themselves and with those presupposed by, the l ater uses of that identifier; the notion of type conversion in

. general; and the correspondence between formal and actual par ameters.

In sorne more complex languages -· PL/ ! especially, -because of the great variety of contexts in which identifiers can be used, and because many identifiers need onl y be implicitly or contextunlly declared, many of the context conditions are idiosyncratic, and need individual treatment. For example, in PL/r, there are no clean and simple universal rules telling how 1

implicit1 and 1contextual 1 attributes are derived from all the

particular contexts . These processes are difficult to describe by a context-free grammar : i t will be seen l ater (section 2.4.2 and Appendix E) how Ledgard(1974) has to use speci al funct ions, and table attributes of nonterminal symbols , to speci fy co~textual declarations.

Because context-free grammars are easy to mechanically conver t into parsing algorithms, the use of BNF to describe the context-free r8quirements on syntax has had a

pro-found effect in computer science. It is common for

compil er writers and others to use a context-free grammar to determine the main phrase structures of the source ptogram. But, as I have described above, there are

many critical pr obl ems of syntax that transcend context-free specificati ons. Hence the context-free grammar used in the compiler must be a ' covering grammar1

: one which generates all valid source programs , and many more in -vnlid ones besides . It is then easy to consign the

specific context conditions to the ragbag of ' semantics ' , to be deal t with by hand-written procedures in l ater



This arfangement may work well for the compiler writer, but when someone wants a rigorous specification of the (context-sensitive) syntax, he should not be required to plumb the barely-fathomable depths of the compiler writer' s ingenuity just to find out, say, in PL/:t, whether labels are allowed on 11declare11 statements, or the exact nature of conversions in structure assign-ments. As a matter of pr inciple, I believe that ' semantics' should be recognised for what i t is, as meaning and

effects, and not conf used with context-dependent conditions: these conditions are essentially syntactical, being

determinable statically, independently of any program execution. They may still be represented and enforced by auxiliary procedures written separately, but formally they are part of the syntactic component. When someone wants to standardise the language, and to rigorously define the set of all legal programs i ndependently of any compiler, he will see thAt the hand-written

procedures that are in the later st ages of a compiler effectively act as syntactic conditions as well: if the condition is not s~tisfi ed in a source program, t hsn that procedure will flag an error. He will want t o separate these conditions from ot her functions of the procedures (e. g. code generation) and include all the conditi ons in the syntactic component, al ong with the covering context-free grammar.

Thi s leads to the aim of trying t o synthesize both

the generative grammar and the context-dependent conditions w i t h i n ~ syntactic formalism. This formal ism must of

course be more powerful than context-free grammars. For example, the grammar of this very simple set of Algal programs

' begin real


w :=w


end' for al l win (a,b,c)


i s not cont ext-free if a context-free language does contain the above set of programs, then i t must contain other programs that are incorrect Algal because on


of dimensions or procedures with any number of parameters

are allowed, the practical problems of checking identifier

consistencies ars more gener al and more complex.

Note that only if the context dependencies have sig

-nificant regularity will it be possible to extend the syntax in a uniform manner. For example, in Algal 68,

where constraints concerning the declaration and use of

identifiers are independent of other features of the

language (such as modes) , the identification of identifiers

may be simply stated, and even included in the phrase

structure (see below, secti on 2.5). In


on the other

hand, many constraints are spec;ific to particular modes and perticular contexts of use, so that it is here better

to define these constraints using individual conditions ,

written alongsi de the relevant context-free rules of a

covering grammar.

So now we look at various extensions of context- free


2. 3 Extended grammars

2.3.1 Context-sensitive arammars

Context-sensitive grammars r estrict ths applicability

of context-free rules of the form A



w to specific su~rounding contexts so that they have rules of t he form

rf\.s : := rws (where f\ is a nonterrninal, and t..J, r, and s

ar e arbitary strings of terminal s and nonterminals,

provided w is not null).


However, straight context-sensitive formalisms arc

r arely u~ed bGcause they are too general for existing programming l anguages, which r equire only a number of specific types of context-dependent conditioni. If they

were used, definitions wculd be longwinded and untrans

-paront ones: programming l anguages have context conditions

between parts of a progr~m that may be arbitarily far

apart, such as between the decloration and all the uses of an identifier. Because the context-sensitive forma

l-i sm only all ows conditions from the i mmediately surrou

nd-ing strings, incorporating the context dependencies

of practical importance would i nvolve, typically, having

several ' ~nrker' symbols that c2n travel to and fro

alonQ the par tiall y expanded sentential form, car

ry-ing vital information, say, from decl arati ons to

aprlications .l ater in the program. Defining all these

operations for the murker symbols which do not directly

i lluminat e the context dependencies or t he semantic inte

r-pretation r equires many times as many rul es as there might

be context-free rules in a covering grammar.

For example, to generate just the strings of the

f orm a mbn a mbn , f or any pos1 · t ~ve · man d n, · requires · a se t

of rules such as





BU ::= UB

AU: := AX










AT::= TA

BAT : ::.: BYA

A : : = a

B : :



o r , i n t h e o f f i c i a 1 i: r A s : : = r w s 11 f or mat o f a b o v e :

S : := AXBAB

I\BF : := ABY


BE::= UE









AXF : := ABF

AAXG : := AtlBG

BU ::= BE


YA::= YI AYB : := JYBB

AYB : := ABB

TI< : := TI\








- UB





AT::= AK


A : : = a

AU : : = AX

BBAH : := 88AY

AI ::= AY





B ::= b.

The nonterminals X,Y,T, and U (and E through L) are only used as markers that carry information backwnrds and

forwards along the sentential form to synchronise separate expansions. Having these extra symbols, and their associated

rules, results in the context conditions of the original language being represented most obscurely, even for a

l anguage as simple as this example.

Further, context-sensitive arammars do not have nice

features such as par~ing algorithms which are com

putation-ally tolerable. And this is only complicated by t he opacit y

of the derivations as given above, where many powerful

extended rules are used to define a context-dependency

who~e algorithmic specification may be quite simple.

It would be very much easier to write a small progr~m to

. m n m n

directly check for strings of the form a b a b than

i t would be to use a program operating only from the

context-sensitive rules listed above. Using the small

program to directly check for the context-dependent

conditions, which is the simpler, faster, and more

readable alternative, defeats many of the pu£poses


2.3.2 Scattered-context grammars

The difficulties of the general context-sensitive formalism seem to stern from its only allowing context-ual conditions on immediately surrounding strings.


This limitation is avoided by scattered context grammars, introduced by Greibach and Hopcroft(1968), which allow rules of the form

(A1, ••• ,An) ::= (w1, ••• ,wn)

which, when applied, means we have derivations like x 1 A1x2A2 ••• xnAnxn+ 1


x1 w1x2w2 ••• xnwnxn+ 1

for any intervening strings x .• The basic formalism l

does not limit n, but Greibach and Hopcroft(1968) prove that increasing n above 2 does not increase the generative power of a scattered context grammar.

For an exampl e of how this kind of grammar can express context conditions, consider the generation

. m n m n

of the strings a b ,a b by the set of rules

S : := ABCAB

A ::= AA

8 ::= 88

( A , C , A )

(8,C, B) C : : = ,



-: -:


(a,C,a) (b,C,b)

I consider this set decidedly more elegant than that using the general context-sensitive formalism.

Thus, in principle 8t least, scattered context g~ammars can deal with ensuring that all used iden-tifiers have been declared, but what about other bOrts of context conditions, such as preventing the same identifier being declared twice in one block? The first problem is essentially one of generating

disparate identifiers wnich are the same, the second of generating identifiers which are all different: a


contextual conditions into the formalism, since such

conditions can no longer be imi L:ited by sets of positive

conditions. For example, in an ordinary context-sensitive

grammar. a 'productiont of the form






lJ if there is no C immediately to the left of

is equivalent to the set of productions



Xw for all X/C in the vocabulary,

since once some X/C is present immediately on A's left,

C cannot be present. But in a sc2ttered context grammar,

in trying to represent the 'production'




w if there is no C anywhere to the left of A,

the number of different substrings that can occur just to

the left of A is unbounded, and hGnce there is no general

way of excluding C by any finite set of conditions. This

suggests that scattered context grammars be generalised

to allow negative context conditions directly: notationally,

it tould be represented by a line (-) above the symbol.

The last 'production' above can then be written as

([, A) ::= ([,w).

Milgrarn and Rosenfeld( 1971) prove that the resulting

formalism is exactly as powerful as that of

context-sensi-tive grammars, so now it is possible to define the

programming-language-like sequence . • , i




,v n e

where each 6f the i's and v's is any identifier, but with

the further context conditions that (a) nll the i's are

different (i.e. each identifier declared only once here) and (b) each of the v's is identical to one of the i's

(i.e. only identifiers declared can be used).



b D; U e


::= 1 /



( £ ,

t ,

I ,

t ,


::= (E.,,t,t,t,;) for all identifiers t (£,t,;,V)


(.!2.,t,;,t) for ell identifers t.


If there are a finite number of possible identifiers then there will be a correspondingly finite number of rules,

but it is hardly a satisfactory situation when the size of

the grammar increases in proportion to the number of



Alternatively, the formulae above could be regarded as

rule schemata, which are ' meta-rules' for the generation of an indefinite number of other ordinarj rulss. This idea wi ll

be discussed more fully later, in section 2.5.2, with respect

to the van Wijngaarden grammars, but even so, strictly speak

-ing, the above example is not a valid scattered-context

grammar . For only single symbols are all owEd in the loft

-hand sequences of valid rules (see p9) , and ~t is an esse

n-tial part of the above ~rammar that, rather than checking for the symbol 11t 11 alone, as in the rule

(_~, t, ;, V) ::=


t, ;, t),

i t checks for a large number of S[28Cific i dentifi ers, e g








(Q, a


a) '







' ,



















ab) , etc.

This means that it requires nny sized string as a context

condition, and this was not allowed in the original formulation. However, even if .scattered-context grammars are yenerali sed

to allow all of positive and negative context conditions ,

meta- rules and meta- variabl es, and having any sized strings

in the context conditions , they are s till not adequate to define full-scale programming languages. In particular t hey

cannot handle i dent ifiers having one of a number of attri butes. For in a phrase- structure system such as this one, all

rele-vant information must be contained in the current sentential

form. Tl,erefore· informati on about variable attributes Must

be so included, but, because this information should not

appear in the final program, it must be deleted at some stage

by some rule. Thi s is i mpossible, however, in even the

extended scattered- context formalism, because it is based on

context-sensi tive rules rather t han on unrestricted rules.

Thus to handle identifier attributes, they must either be

represented outside the phrase structure (cf. section 2.4),


2.3.3 Proqrammed grammars

Another way of restricting the application of

context-free rules is used in the programmed grammars

of Rosenkrantz(1969). These have l abelled productions,

and allow successors of a given production to be chosen

by specifying two sets of labels(prod~ction names).

To try that production, the current sentential form is

searched for an occurence of t~e non-terminal symbol

on the left-hand side of the rule. If one i s found (or

the l eftmost, if more than one), it is replaced by the

expansion on the right-hand side of the production rule.

Then, depending on whether or not the rule was used,

one of the two sets of labels is taken, and an ar bitary

selection from it is made to give the next production

to be tried.

An example, given by Rosenkrantz , is a programmed

n g r a mm a r w h i c h ~1 e n e r a t e s s e n t e n c e s of t h e f or rn n h a ,

where n is a nonnegative integer expressed as a binary

number. A typical sentence is 101haaaaa - a sort of

pseudo Holleri th field.

1 •







158 5(3) 2.




-- OS 5(3)

3. A





S(3)F(4) 4.





- A S(4)F(1,2,5)







h 5(6)

6. A





a S(6)F(STOP)

While these grammars define a proper extension of

context-free grammars th2t is properly included within

the context-sensitive family, they are not well suited

to defining those context conditions found in program

-ming languages. For example to define all and only the

set of strings w;w (w being any identifier on the

3lphabet of 1a1 and 1b1 ), which is a simplified version

of the problem of matching the declaration with the use



1 •







A;B 5(2,3,6,7.)

2. A





a 5(4)

3. A








4 • E)





- a 5(STOP)







- b S(STOP)

6. A








7. A



--~ bA 5(9)

8. B







a El 5(2,3,6,7) 9. B




bB S(2,3,6,7)

For a l arger number , n say, of alphabet letters,

we would require 4n+1 productions jus t to dcf.i.n0 w;w.

Just as with the scattered context grammars of the

previous section, this is clearly not a satisfactory

arranc;ernent. A definition would be much better if i t

were to use a single nonterminal (say ' alphanumeric

-char acter') to generate the variety of any particular

,iJ phabet.

Generalising from this example, there is the result

that a progr ammed grammar, with context- free sore rules,

cannot generate the set w

1;w2; •.• ;w01 where al l the wi

are equal for this would need a number of rules varying


2.4 Grammars with associated co1:..text-dependent conditi.ons

2. 4 .1 E'...£..£.E_er ty grammars (_Stearns and Lewis, 1969)

Inste~d of building the context conditions into the phrase structure rules , the aim of property grammars i s to add extra conditions to each rule and require that the condition associated with any rule be sa tis-fied before it can be applied. There are various ways of representing these associat ed conditions - see the following sections - but in property grammars these are conditions on the properties of identifiers at

each place in the syntactic structure. Each nonterminal symbol has associated with it a table in which each identifier is given a certain numerical property. An

example,given by Stearns and Lewis(1969), is aver~ simple block-structured language in which we have the choice of values for an identifier, 1 id' say,

0 - not used

1 - this nonterminal produces id



produces a declaration of id as a variable



11 IT II II II 11 11 1 a be 1



produces a use of id as a variable

5 II II 11 II II 11 11 label.

That is, at each node in the syntax tree for each nonterminal - there is a table of values. Each identifier

will index the table, and must each have one of ~ha property values e.g. of the list above.

Conditions of produc~ions are given as a collection of vectors of properties. If, for example, the rule is

A ::= @CD, then we give it the vectors 0110 and 1300:

A::= 63CD

0 11 0

1 300

This means that when this rule is used in a derivation,

each identifier must 1Batisfy1 one of the vectors. It

may, have property O in the table at A, 1 in the tables

at 8 and C, and Oat


or else it will have 1 at A,



tJote that t he grammar is bot h ' local' and ' static 1

It i s stati c i n the sense t hat no order of deri vati on

is requi red or implied, and it t s local in the sense that

the correctness depends only on there ~eing a correct

r elation between each nonterminal and its immediate


To demonstrate their mEthod, Stearns and Lewis

apply it to a skelet al subset of Algal 60 - just

enough to i nclude block structure, and the declaration

and use of identifiers as vari ables and l abels (labels are declared by their being st atement prefixes ). They

use the underlyi ng grammar

p : :










beo.in D L end






- dee ID, D

























use 10


l ab ID


goto ID where ID is any i dent ifier

dee ID = declaration of ID as a variable

use ID= statement using ID as a variable

l ab ID = statement labelled with the identifier



goto ID = statement causing transfer to



Then, using the attributes O through 5 descr i bed earl ier

this section, Stearns and Lewis give the producli on-and

-condition set







8 13





-0 0 0

0 0










0 D D 4

3 0 3 5

3 3 0 3 3 5

3 5 3 D



-4 D 4 D

4 4 0 2

4 4 4 2

5 0 5


5 0

5 5 5











nul l 0

bec.in D L end

0 0 0

0-0 2 0 0

0 2 4 0

0 0 3 0 D 0 4 0 ·O 0 5 0





D 0 0 0 2

1 0







4 5
















: :


0 5 B 0 4 5

use ID 0 1

l ab ID 0


goto ID



This scheme is elegantly applicable to such a simple

language as this . However, for others it is seri ously

restricting in that it requires a finite set of properties

to be chosen beforehand. This is not always possible,

even in a languge such as Algal 60. For i nstance, an

array may have an arbitarily lar ge number of dimensio11s ,

and a procodure or function can have any number of parameters (each of a certain type). Although some

implementations use run-t ime checking of both subscript

-ing and parameter matching, this is only useful when

arrays or procedur~are passed as procedure ar guments

without the type of the corresponding formal parameter

being fully specified. In all other situations i t is

possible and usually desirable t o check these condi t ions syntactically, and property grammars with fi nite sets of properties ar e unable t o do this when any number of

array dimensi ons or procedure parameters is allowed,

for then tt1ero is no fixed bound to the number of



2.4.2 Grammars using ' inherited' and 'derived' attributes,

Producti on Systems

Whereas property grammctrs have a value for each

identifier at each node i n the synt ax tree, grammars in this system have attributes only for each node (each ncnterminal symbol) . But these attributes can be much more complex than just i nteger values. They could be functions , for example, or t hey could be whole tabl es,

which can be used to model, as in property grammar s,

the symbol table of identifiers ' visible' to that

particular place in the program. And the values in these tables and of these functions are not restricted to i ntegers: any mathematical obje~t is possible.

The method for constructing these attributes is also more complex than that of property grammars.

Instead of having a predetermined table of alternatives, with each product ion rules for I A' say, there are now associated i nstructions to calculate the attributes of this A. Each attribute of A may be either composed from t he attributes nf t he descendant nodes of A, or i t may depend only on the attributes of t he ancestors of A, j .e. on the context of A. These are cal l ed by Knuth ( 1 9 6 8 ) 1 synthesised 1

( or ' c er iv e d 1 ) and ' in her i tE,1 d '

attributos respectivel y. So the initial nonterminal

(e. g. ' progr am' at the r oot of the parse tree) can

have no inherited attributes , and the derived attributes

of termi nal s , const ants , and identifiers etc., can

only be const ant.

In an actual parse tree, there may be considerable

interacti on between inherited and derived attributes

while the½ are being calculated, but potentially

circular defini tions can be detected using an algorithm

formulated in Knuth(1968).

Knuth(197.1) contends that the definition of orogram

-ming languages by means of inherited and derived attributes

corresponds closely to the ~ay people understand them,

because the essential idea of such definitions is that


·conditions on each nonterminal that start only from the attributes in the immediate neighbourhood of

·that node.

For examples of his method Knuth(1971) defines

Turingol, an Algal-like language to program Turing

machines, and he gives a formal definition of the class cf all reducible l ambda-calculus expressions.

Maurer(1972) also uses the method: to define a simple

subset of Fortran II (Fortran without declarations, subroutines, arrays, common, or input-output, but

with real and integer expressions and assignments,

if statements, go to statements plain and computed,

do statements, and general program organisation).

Most of his definition concerns the operational semantics

·of the various statements . This will be considered in

more detail later (section ·3.4); what is of concern

here is how he deals with the several context conditions present in his subset of Fortran. In fact, his problems :are simple; since there is ·no problem of matching

declarati ons to uses because variables are not declared

in this subset. And labels cannot be confused with va

r-:i ables or integer constants because their possible

cont exts of use do not overlap. That only le2ves the problems of checking that there are no duplicate label definitions, and thot there ·are no transfers to undefined

.l abels. To this purpose, one attribute of each program

' section' i s the ' label-function', which is a set of -o r d e r e d p a i r s ( 1 a 13 e 1 , l i n e - numb e r ) , o n e f o r e a c h o f t h e

labels used in that section. Llhen another statement is

;added to the section by the production

-s e-c t i on , x . : :·


section , z s t at em en t , v ·there are the associated ir.structions

label-function label-function U ( label line-number)

X = Z V ,v

,an d t h e -c on d it i on

(v·labe],=nuTl ·oR 2·1abel-functiun(vlabel) ·is undefined)

The ·first ins.truct.ion is -used to ·construct ·the

co~posite label-function attribute as a derived attribute:



label and line-number attributes of the statement v. The condition checks that there are no duplicate labels by checking, if t he added statement has a l abel, that that l abel does not already occur within t he prsceding section z. Togeth5r with a simil arly worded condition that ensures that labels used in "go ton statements must have an entry in the l abel-function of the whole program, all the context-dependent conditions in this simple

Fortran subset hRve been defined.

The ' Production Systems' of Ledgard(1974) have

mcJny similarities to the sche1nes of Knuth and l"laurer, but Ledgard has used the idea of compl ex attributes much more extensively, especially for defining the context conditions. He usos a great varioty of conditions , operations, and

functions to compute the required attributes. As well as using well-known functions, in Production Systems

one can define, recursively if necessary, new functions of any nature tho.t would heJ.p the definition as a whole.

As an example of a l ar gerscale definition, Lcdgard ( '1 97,4.) defines thr3 compl ete syntax of a significant part of PL/I. This subset - .which ho calls PL.1 - includes block structure, explicit , implicit, and contextual declarations, checking compatibilities of declarations with uses, and use of arithmetic, string, pointer and structured variablos and their poss~ble conversions . In Appendix E, I have used his method to define the subset of Algal GO which I have called ALEX in chapter 1. In this definition there are special functions for computing

symbol-tables from declarations, and for computing types of expressions. Neither of these func~ions is very simple, but because they are separate from, rather than integral witl,, the phrase structure rules, one can directly use more powerful mathematics e.g. set theory. It is particularly

useful, as in this definition, to compose and use functions mathematically, completely avoiding string-handling

auto-mata, e.g. Turing machines, whose calculation of even


2.~.3 Conditions defined b~ functions on the whole

context-free syntactic structure

The previous methods hav0 associated the various

context conditions with particular production rules so

that they can be checked when those rules are appli ed;

it i s also possible to define the conditions by functions

on the whole program. To do it this way , all lhe program

text is first parsed to give its ' concrete syntax', this

is then transformed by a ' tranclate' function to ~ive

th e ' abstract syntax' . The translation function, operat

-ing on the whole concrete-syntax structure, is able to

check and change as much of that structure as i s desired:

it can check any necessary context conditions, and usually

it will rearrange the syntax to remove ' syntactic suqar '

such as extra keywords , se111icolons, etc., and to produce

a structure most suitahle f or loter use eg. for

inter-protation or code generation.

There are mc1ny such practicr1J. advantaqes in havi ng two staq8s of syntax in this way: whereas context- freR gramm,ns assume that the set of objects whose syntax

i s t:• e i n g d e: f i n e d i s a s e t o f s t r i n ~J ::, , a n d , t h e r e f o r e , sensitive t o the t Pxtual order in which the components appeorin c.1 strin~i, compilers and interpreters are

concernod not t,Ji th strings wrj_ tten down but with str

uct-ures reoreser1ted in some rnL:re abstr3ct foshion. Compon0nts of structures in a computer are identified not by a

linear textual ordering but by pointers (selectors )

that associate another object with each of the

compo-nents of a structure~ ' Abstract syntax' i s the formal

representation of these general structures, and the

Vi0nna Definition Language (VDL ) is a language

especially desi 9ned to describe these structures and

operations on them (see section and Lucas(1968)

or Wegner(1972)~ Also the next section).

Another advantage i s that arbitary functions and

conditionsmaybedofined on any part of the concrete

syntax to. verify context conditions of any complexity.



declarations , or a l arge variety of default attribut~s

and defaulting constructions, and later sections of the

definitions, eg. an interpreter section, should not

have to work out these details each time statements are executed. For, properly viewed, these are syntactic

details, being determinable statically, and independently of any particular execution of the program .

2.4.3. 1 The Vienna Definition method

As mentioned earlier, the Vienna Definition Language

(VDL) was designed to handle abstract syntaxes st

ruct-ured with ' objects ' and 'selectors '. More detail of this language is first giv~n, closely following the presentation of Llegner(1 972) , then in section

a way of going from the program text to the abstract

syntax, checking context conditions in the process, is


'2. 4. 3 .1. 1 Objects and selectors and operc1tions in VDL

There are two classes of data objects in VDL :

1) Elementary objects, atomic objects which have no

components but have names which may be relevant

during interpretation.

2 ) Composite objects , which may be built up from

elementary objects by 'construction operators ' .

Composite objects have components that may be

selected by unique solsctors .Tho components m2y


be either elementary objects or composite objects.

Figure 1 is a representation of a composite

object whose three compoGents a,+,b may be selected

by the selectors s

1,s2 and s3 respectively. The

association of a selectors with an object ob will

be represented by the notation (s :ob) and will be

referred to as a 'selector-object pair'. The

construction of the composite object of Figure 1 from

its three components may be· accomplished by the

Hpplication of the 'construction operator' u

0 to the

three selector-object pairs (s


The construction operator u

0 t akes as its arguments a variable number of selector-object pairs of the form (s.:t.) , where s.

l J. l is a unique selector and t. is l an

elementary object or a tree-structured composite object. The general form of u

0 is illustrated in Figure 2. Selectors may be used as ' operators' that, when appl ied to a structured object, select one of its components. For example, if ' t ' is the composite object of Figure 1, then s

1(t) selects the elementary object 'a'. When the object to which the selectors is applied has no edge labeled 11s11 emanating from its root vertex, then s(t) is defined as the null object 'null'.

In order to be able to update and manipulate data structures, the construction operator u

0 is now

generalised to allow assignment of values to components of data structures and allocation of new components in an existing data structure. The assignment operator, denoted by u, may defined as follows:

u ( t ; <x: t ') ) is: assign the value t I to the x-component

of t if t has a x-component; add a new x-component t I

to t if t does not have a x-component; delete the x-component of t if t'=null. This is also extended to allow many selector-object pairs <x:t').

The 'u' and 1 u

01 operators are central to the Vienna Definition Language. In terms of these data-stru~ture operations it is possible to build translation or

interpretation routines LS required. In section this composition of elementary operations into

conditional expressions and subroutines will be described;



Figure 1.








Figure 2. The composite object

u O ( <'. s 1 : t 1) ; ,(:s



t 2) , • . • ,


s n : t n) ) •







Figure 3. VDL abstract structure.


cell . assignment-stmt


INT,undef INT,undef · 5

Figure 4. LFMS abstract structure


2.~.3.1 .2 ~onstr uctinq the 2bstrHct syntax in VDL

The translation from concrete programs to abstract

p r o g r .:i ms i s p e r f o r m e d i n t. w o s t c p s b y t h 8 h i o f u ri c t i o n s

1 parso ' and ' t ransl ate ': if ' txt' is a concrete

program, t he corresponding abstract program i s defined as


The link between the two steps, namely the resu]t

of parse and the argument of translate, is a s truct ured

object t lJhjcil i s callod the cibstroct r epresentciti on

of txt and rn;.:iy he thought of ns the p;::irsing tree of txt,

according to the concrete syntax of the language.

For thG example lPnsuage ALEX, in Appendix A is given the concrete syntax i n the usual o~ckus ~ormal

F o r m ( l:l ~J F ) • T h i s n o t ,, t i o n , h o t,J e '-' D r , i s n o t t h e m o s t s u '.i ta h 10 for 2. l an 9 u a g c lJ hi c h u [; e s ci 8 ta s t r u c tu re s

with f,eloclors nnd unnrcJored comronents. Instead, Uie

VDL definition uses the ' ahslract reprefontution of the

C O n C r O t O S y n t 8 X 1 9 i V 8 n .i. n A p p 8 n d i X B • T h i S , t O Q 8 t. h (! r

w j t h a f u n c t. _;, on ' g e n or n t o ' , c o n r; t i l l I t e s a f o r m ril d e f .i n i i., i on of an alaorithm for gcn~rating 2Jl concrete programs

of t he progr,.mrning Lrn!Juege. Honcc they aro equivc1J0nt

to t he rnoductj on ruJ es of the concret e synlc1x ( r~ppondix

/\) toge:1tlier t,1.i.th the in::,tructions for their use.

The function 1 qer1er2te' , mc1pping the object t ,

satis fying the predic~te i s-c-progr of ApnenJi x O, i nto


a sut of cliaracter vaJ.ue lists, is now defineci E\S follo,,Js:

gGnerate(t) =

i s- null(t) ::= null

s.l ength(t)=D : := t


T ::= ~enerate(s1(t)) + ~~~C (gener::ite(s- del(t) )

+generate(s .(t) ) )


(i t has been assumed t hat a speci al selector s- dol

has been used to sel ect list delimi t ers (cf. e.g.,

AR3, AR6 and AR1? etc. of /\ppendix B))

The function ' parse' , which i s the inverse of the

function ' generate' , is defined, following Lucas(1 96B),

as follows :



parse(txt) =

(tt) (txt





A s s um i n g t h a t t h e c on c r e t e s y n t a x i s u n a 111 b i ~ u o us ,

the meaning of this definition is that the function

1 par se1 tra~sforms a program character-text into its

parsing tree 1t 1

, provided the list is a syntactically

correct r,ro~rarn. This is in preparation for the

' translate' function, and so far depends only on the

covering context-free grarnmc:ir, which includes no

context conditi ons.

1Tronslate' is c1 function on the concrete syntax to t r a n s f o r m i t i n t o a n a b s t r a c t - s y n t a x ~. t r u c t u r e l.J i t h t h e same meaning, and at the s c 1:1 e t i rn e to c 11 e ck a 11 the

context- dep8ndoncios thilt can be statically verified

in a reasonable time. For ALFX, this rcqt1ires the 19

functions defined in Appendix D, and produces o struct

-ure satisfying the predicate 'is- progr1 of the abstract

syntax, defined in Appendix C.

A total of 11 context cund.i.tions aro checked durinu

the operation of the t r ansl2tion function of Appendix

D, these ar e: in T1


valid concrete syntax.

no duplicate du~laration of the same identifjar at the same block level .

T 8 t 11 e r e t u r n - e x p r e s s i on o f a f u n c t i on 111 u s t b e

of the requirGd type.

T9 no dufllicete :ir;entifjors in n forrn2l-p2rarneter Jist.

T12 gotos must rAfBr t n rleclar ed lRbeJs.

T13 expression i n an if-clause mu~t be of type 1logjcal 1 •

T14 the expression in an nssignrnent stmt. 111ust be

convertible to the type of the variable.

T1 5 a procedure call must reference a pr ocedure id. T16 t he lengths of f ormal- and actual-parameter

lists must be the equal.

T17 an actual parameter must be convertible to the

type of t he formal parameter.

T18 variables in expressions must have been declared

as such.

The conjunction of all these conditions is not

explicitly defined as a function that can be evaluated.


Rather, in the course of converting the syntax from

concrete to abstract, if any on0 of the conditions is

not satisfied, then the corresrionding translation

function will produce er.£..2.E., and so further translation

in this defin.inC) translator r:Easef3. So, instead

of havi ng conditions on the concrnte ~yntax explicitly

s ta t e d , they are now




r .i. t :i. n the op er a t i c n of t h e transJation functions .

2 .4.3. 2 Linkerl- Forest f'~c1nirJulntion ~_y2tems

A slightly different, but r oJated, form for the

;:ibi,tract synt 2x , And annlh8r t.1ay of constr1icti ng il,

has heen dcsrlbcci by ~ulik(1973). ThRro are three

fe8tures in· his System[, ~1hir:h hc1ve r10t boen considenid

yet in this survey: 1) to all o1J orhiLny .links around

t h e t re 8 s t r u c tu re s , 2 ) to hove f-'1


k o v - 1 j k o r 01,1 r i t i n g

r u l e s t o m "' n i o u Li t e t h e s 8 1.i n k P. rJ - f ore:, t ~J t r u c tu r o s ,

and 3) to construct the 2hstract :;yntax in rinr nllel

~ith the concroto t oxt hy h2ving nmHll linked-forest

manipulation systems at 5trategic places to check

context ccnditionn.

Allowing ~rbitary l inks µoint~ out £Omo shortcominys

of the Vienna Dof.i.nition method thc::t concer n some

par ticular contoxt-dercnrlsnt rel~tion~hips: fer ex~mrlo,

to rel ate a got n- s t m t. to l he corresponding l 3 be J. , t he

label to the corresponding p~ogrnm point, procedure call s

to procedure dedlaiations, etc. I rligress to describe

the protlem, and the solution attempted in VDL, in more


The Vienna Definition met hod handles such relations

by allowing selectors to be elementary objects . The

result of selecting s uch an eJementjry object would

be a further sGlector which may bo applied t o some

other tree node which i s already known - such as a

directory node. For example, the small



beoin i nteqer a,b; a:=5 end

would be represented by the abstract syntax tree of


Here, t he left part of the tree represent ing ' a:=5' is the nawe ' a' , and this name is used as a selector on the ' decl-part ' noGe to obtain the decl aration of this identifi er ' a ' .

This scheme works wel l for situations where, from s o m e k n o 1,1 n n o d e , on 1 y on e s e l e c t i on i s n e e de d t o f i n d t he required destination. lJi th labels, tho situc1tion is not nearly so eJeganl. In ALEX I have fol lowed the idea used in the PL/I definition (Al ber,1969 ) in

constructing "declarations" for each lobe.l thc1t occurs in the given block. This ciPclnration gives for the l abel a list nf selectors which when successivel y

2 ri p 1 i e d t. o t Ii e s t at P. me n t -1 .i s t o f t h a t b .l o c k , 1,1 i 11


locate the st2tement originally indic2ted by thAt l abel.

S p e 2 k i n g f o r ,n a 11 y t,J i t h r e s p e c t t o l h e A L E X d o f i n i t i o n , a label attribute is the inteaer-list

( .c(.e J c rn ( 1 ) : i

1') ,


e l c rn ( ? ) : i ?.) , , I... e J e in ( n ) : i n) ) • Then, if IJ .is the block in which the 1abo.l is declc.:,red ,

s . • s . • . • • s . (s- st.-list(h))

ln ln-1 11

i s the l abelled statement.

Having to store a vector of sel ectors in this manner i s a c u ;11 lJ o r s o m e c on s t r u c t i on , a n d r e s u .l t s f r o m n o t

having poi11turs that can directly link disp0r0te ports o f the s y n-\..


x tree , as , for ex a rn rile , is po s s i b 1 o j_ n 'Culik' s(1 973) ' Unked- forest mc1nipul at .i.on systems ' .

In addition to the tr ee structures of VDL, there

can now be additional directed edges of a different

type(callBd ' pointers ' or ' links' or ' designators') t hat more directly refl oct the context-ssnsi tive aspects of t he pr6gr~rn. For example, i t i s possible

to represent the short program of above by t he str ucture of Fi gure 4 (satisfying Appendix M) • .

Now one of the great advantages i n having only pure tree structures i s that subtree replace;i,ent and construct -ion is easi ly done, and guaranteed t o produce a valid r es.ult. lJith the extra links, in the extended formalism , more care must be t aken. Cul.11<(1973) formall y defines

. .


these are more complicated than subtree repl acem-ent

mechanisms because now more general types of subgraphs

than trees are being considered, and also because of the

linking. However, he manc:iqes t o define the !rianipulation

systems in such a way that coalPscing 2n unchanged

part of a graph with a newly created subgraph causes

no problems. The formalism is more properly described

in sect ion where the similarities to f·iarkov

systems are considered in more detc:iil.

As in the Vienna method, a concrc-:te syntax is defined

using a context-free grurn1nar. But instead of converting

this to an abstr,-ict syntax once the whole program has

been parsed, thore is now with each context-free rule

a p r o d u c t i on f' o r t h e µ a r a l l cd c on ,3 t r t J c U. o n o f t h e abstr act-syntax tree. The ALEX definition of Appendix

C requiros 29 such pairs of product.ions.

This by its P. l. f would only be s u ff icier, t for prod u

c-i n g the abstract s y n L:1 x j_ f there LI ore no context-s en s

i-t iv e condjti ons: it is just the formalism fur

syntax-directed translations of CF Jangu~qos. To check those

conditions and translate properly to the abstract

s y n t a x , w i t h 1 i n k s w h c r e a p p r o p r i ~~ l e ,


u :t5. k ( 1 9 7 3 )

a s s o c i a t e s w i t h ~: e v e r


l p a i r s o f p r o d Li c t i o n s 2 s m a 11

linked-forest manipulation syst0m. Those LFr'iSs oporcite

on all the abstract syntax derjved from the node with

which each i s associated, a~d the structure suitably

prepared, o. g. for intorpretation, and in which

context conditions have been verified , is returned.

For example, after all the context-free syntax for

a block or procedure has boen chosen and constructed,

there is a LFMS to check that no identifier has been

declared twice (Appendix C, rule


to put in links

(designators) from the uses to the declaration of

identifiers (rules 2.2 to 5), to-check that pDrameter

lists agree in number and types (rules 2.7 to 10) .

Several other changes are made so that the resulting

abstract syntax, with links, is most useful for the

semantic p~rt of the definition (eg. rule 2.11, which

converts declarations into data cells for execution).

The semantic part will be described in section 3.6. 2.4



2. 5 van ~ijngaarden orammars (

2.5.1 Grammars with unrestricted rewriting rules (type 0)1

Type D ~rammars are those with rules of the form

v ::= w, where v & ware any sentential forms (v having

at least one nonterminal symbol) . Traditionally in

computer science these grammars have been little used .

Thoy are the most QE:neral phr.::ise-generation grammars

-being able to produce all recursively enumerable sets ,

and to simulate Turing machines - but being so general

they have little built-in structure that can be

system-atically exploited. A parser, for example, cannot represent the derivation structure of a program by a s i 111 p l e tree.

However , by imposing some discipline on the use of

these 'unrestricted' rules , one can benefit from the power of type O systems while having an intelligible grammar too. One can define a wide variety of predicates

to delimit various sets of strinys - such as the sets

/\,C such th.-=it f~=B, t\if.l, A is contained in B, or A begins

with B, Rte. - that cannot be defined by context - free

g r c:i rn rn a r s , a n d u ~' e t h e s e s e t p r e d i c a t e s t o j u d i c i o u s 1 y

Gnforce context-sensitive conditions throut;Jh the grammar. It would no l onger be necessary to have conditions

written apart from the production rules , e. g. as in

Production Systems (see section 2. 4. 2, also Appendix



Instead of using sot-theoretic notions t o define, for

example, symbol- table membership, i t can now be done




2.5.2 Grammars with met2syntactic variables

To properly define a set predicate of the section above, ' A=B' for example, it would be"best if it were possible

t o define it only once, with A and B string variables , a n d t h e n a p fl 1 y it to as m a n y p a r t i c \J 1 a r s t r i n g s 8 s r e q u i r e d •

Because A and O stand for syntactic variables (i. e. nonter11,inal s ), they will be cc:illed "metavariablesn, and productions which show which ctrings of ordinary variables

they can produce are called "rnetaproductions" . An example, from AppLndix F, is the predicate definition for A=B

where NDTETY is WUTETY true.

tJ i t h t h e m e t a p r o d ll c t i o n s f o r



T E T Y t o g e n e r a t e a n y

character s tring (possibly empty) : [\JOT E T Y I , D T I D f~ ; Er-1 P T Y • NOTION CHAR ; NOTION CHAR.

CHAR : : a b; c etc .

The predicate definition i s therefore a ·finito abbrev -i ation for the infinite number of ordinary productions

where i s true.

where c1 is a

1,1here b is b



where nb is ab : t rue. etc.

There aro no productions for 1'where a is b0

, so "truen

can never be produced from it. An historical diaression

Metavariables were introduced in Algol U (Bauer et al, 1968) to abbreviate the writing of rules for real, double



Baker(1972) qives a general introduct i on t o van Wijngaarden grammars, which use both unrestricted retJrit ing rules and melavariab.1.es; and one of his examples is how parameter matching can be defin~d by

them. (See, for o,:ample, t he rules for "procedure call "

and "function c,0 1111 in /\ppondix F).

T h e s e f o r m Pt l .i f; 111 s l,I e r e o r .i. g i n 8 J l y d e s i SJ n c d t o

2bbreviate to manageable proportions the descripti on

of al l the context-free r ules necus3ary for all the

modes of procedur es, structures , etc. , thRt a pr oqram

-m er 1n .i ~; I 1 t LJ ant to use in his program , but i t was soon

realiseci that the formal t,ystem was much more po1..t1er ful

than the 8NF nolation usod in the AJgol 60 report

( f1l;:, u r o t . al . , 1 9 6 :.'.1 ) w her GcJ s i n Chums k y ' s c 18 s ~, i f i c a t .i. on

8NF i s of t ype 2, these two-lovel gr ammars are of type

0 (5inlzoff(1967) , see also Baker(1972)).

At first the context conditions or AJgoJ 60 to do w j_ t h ,, v o i rl i n g rn u l t i p J. G d e c J. a r a t i o n s , m a t c h i n ~ u s e w i t h

~ome preceding declaration, etc., WAre dofined by

special 11contoxt conditions" in Enr;.Lish uhi.ch were

riuitc; separate from tile phrasG-str ur:ture formalj!,m.

Those were avoi.cir-;cl jn sub:-equent versions of the

A 1 ~; o 1 (, 8 r e r10 r t , r c s u 1 t i n ~ i n v F, n U i. j n c.:; ;, 2 r de n e t a 1 , ( 1 9 7 4 ) , hy using the 1H~tci-syr.tar.t.i c fe2tur r.s to dcf i11e Vclrious

rrocli r.rites as ment.ionpd ahove, and dcscrir·od in more

detajJ. below. Appendix F givos a definition of the

compl ole synt2x of ALEX using this method.

2 • 5 • 2 • 2 C on t e x t - rJ e p e n d e n c i e s d B f i r1 e d b v v a n lJ .i


n q a P. r d e n

qrammc1r s

The entire procef,S of matching indenti fiers with

their docJarations can now be ciescribed in the syntax,

using a metavariable (e. g. "NEST") to stand for the

' symbol table': it has motaproductions which are

capabl e of descrjbing, and of passing on to the descendant constructs, all the declared information which is

available at any particular place in the progr am.

In the 1974 definition of Al gal 68 - which I largel y follow in t he ALEX definition in Appendix F - 11


Figure 1 is a representation of a composite
Figure 2. The composite object 2 :


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