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Propagation of human parvovirus B19 in primary culture of erythroid lineage cells derived from fetal liver.


Academic year: 2019

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JOURNAL OFVIROLOGY, June 1989,p. 2422-2426 0022-538X/89/062422-05$02.00/0

Copyright© 1989, American Society for Microbiology

Propagation of Human Parvovirus B19 in Primary Culture of

Erythroid Lineage Cells Derived from Fetal Liver


Departments ofBacteriology' and Obstetrics and Gynecology,3 Tohokiu University School of Medicine, 2-1 Seiryo-machi,

and Miyagi Prefectural Instituite ofPublicHealth, 4-7-2 Saiwaicho,2 Sendai980, Japan

Received 1 December 1988/Accepted 13 February 1989

Erythroid lineage cells derived fromfetal liverweredemonstrated tobe target cells for human parvovirus B19 infection. B19 virus antigen-positive serum was inoculated into primary cultures containing erythroid lineage cells enriched fromfetal liver. The B19 virusantigenwasdetectedonabout 5% ofcellsintheculture

by immunofluorescence staining, and the stained cells were identified as erythroid lineage cells by double

stainingwithanti-B19 virus-positiveserumandanti-erythroid lineage monoclonalantibody. The immunoflu-orescencestaining study also revealedthatthe B19 virusantigenlocalized in thenucleus and theperipheryof cytoplasm. We also detectedB19virusDNA, whichwasgeneratedby replicationintheinfectedcells,notonly in thecells but alsointhe culturesupernatants, inwhich theamountof B19 DNA increaseddependingonthe period of culture, indicatingthat the cellsinfectedwith B19 virusproducedB19virus andreleased it into the medium. The ability of B19 virus released into the medium to infect fetal erythroid lineage cells was

demonstratedquantitatively. Because of the absence ofanycytopathiceffectofB19virusduringcultureperiods ofat least 15 days, this culture system should be useful in the study of B19 virus replication and in vitro generation of B19 virus. In addition, the present study may contribute to a better understanding ofthe pathogenesisofhydrops fetalis,which isprobablyassociated with B19 virus infectionduring pregnancy.

HumanparvovirusB19wasfirst discovered in theplasma of normalbloodbyCossartet al. (5). It is nowknowntobe etiologically related to human illnesses including erythema infectiosum (fifth disease) in children (2, 14), the aplastic crisis ofhemolyticdiseases(13),acuteinflammatoryarthritis in adults (12, 16), rheumatoid arthritis (4), and hydrops fetalis (1, 3, 17). Recently, several types of B19 virus have been identified genetically, but no relationship between these and the above-mentioned diseases has beennoted (7). Only erythroid progenitorcells derivedfrom bonemarrow havebeen demonstratedtobe atarget cellpopulationfor in vitro B19 virus infection (9, 10, 15, 20). When B19 viruswas inoculated into a culture of bone marrow cells, erythroid

colony formation was significantly inhibited (8). This

sug-gests that the aplastic crisis of hemolytic diseases could resultfrominfection of erythroid progenitor cells with B19 virus. However, the pathogenesis of other diseases associ-ated with B19 virus infection is still unknown. Hydrops fetalisisthoughttobecaused by infection offetalerythroid progenitorcellswith B19 virus duringpregnancy. We exam-ined whether B19 virus infected erythroid lineage cells derived from fetal liver, in which erythropoiesis occurs

actively. Ourresults demonstratethat B19virus propagates in erythroid lineage cells from fetal liver and suggest that hydrops fetalis with B19 virus infection duringpregnancy is a direct result of B19 virus infection of erythroid lineage cells.


Virusand antibody. At the initial stageof this study, B19 viruswasprepared from human serumfromanormalblood

donor which reacted to human anti-B19 virus-positive sera

*Corresponding author.

by counterimmunoelectrophoresis. The B19 virus antigen-positiveserum(290-6258)contained 20,ugof B19 virusDNA

perml, whichwasdetermined withaB19 virusDNAprobe, pGEM-1/B19 (the generous gift of J. P. Clewley). Human anti-B19virus-positive serawerealso obtained fromnormal blood donors.

EP-1 monoclonal antibody (immunoglobulin M [IgM]) specificfor the surfaceantigenoferythroidlineagecells(19)

was used in double immunofluorescence staining experi-ments.

Preparationof fetalerythroidlineage cells.Liver tissuewas

obtained from aborted fetuses ranging in gestational age

from 18 to 21 weeks. Theparents agreed to theuse ofthe tissue for research studies. These tissueswerewashedthree times in


Hanks medium, dissected into small pieces, and treated twice with collagenase (Wako Co., Osaka, Japan) at 37°C for 15 min. Hepatocytes were then removed by centrifugationat50 x gfor 1 min. The

super-natant was further centrifuged on a Ficoll-Conray gradient

(specific gravity,1.077g/cm3),and cellsatthe interfacewere

collected. Cells were cultured at 5 x 106/ml in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 20% fetal calf serum (FCS),

antibiotics, and 20 U of recombinant human interleukin-3 (IL-3; obtained from the Genetics Institute, Boston, Mass.)

perml at37°C inahumidified atmosphere with 5% CO2for 16 h in plastic culture flasks (Corning Glass Works, no.

25160-225). Subsequently, nonadherent cells were recov-ered. Over 70% of the cells were found to be erythroid lineage cells by Wright Giemsa staining, and about 20% of them were stained with EP-1 monoclonal antibody. These wereused asthetargetcellsfor the B19 virus infection.

Virus inoculation and cell culture. Cells(108) ofan eryth-roid lineage-enriched fraction were incubated with 20


of B19 virusantigen-positive serumfor 2 hat4°Ctoadsorb the


Vol.63, No.6

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virus. The cells were washed three times with RPMI 1640 medium, adjusted to 5 x 106 cells per ml with RPMI 1640

medium containing 20% FCS, IL-3 (100 U/ml), and 1 U of

sheep erythropoietin (Connaught Laboratories, Ontario, Canada) per ml and cultured at 37°C in a humidified atmo-sphere with 5% CO2. Mock infection was carried out in a

similarmanner with B19virus antigen-negative serum. Cells

and supernatants were harvested separately from day 0 to day 15.

Immunofluorescence staining. B19 virus-infected cells were washed twice with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and mounted on glass slides. Cells were fixed in

acetone-methanol (1:1) at -20°C for 20 min. Preparations were

treated with10 p.1 of a 1:20 dilution of anti-B19virus-positive

serum for 30 min at 37°C, washed twice with PBS, and

stainedwith 10 p.1of a 1:50 dilution of fluorescein

isothiocy-anate (FITC)-conjugated goat anti-human IgG for 30 minat 370C.

Indoubleimmunofluorescence staining, 5 x 106cells were treated with 20p.lof a1:100 dilution of EP-1 ascites fluid for 30 min at 40C. The cells were washed twice with PBS

containing 0.5% bovine serum albumin and then incubated

with 20


of a 1:20 dilution of FITC-conjugated goat

anti-mouseIgMfor 30 min at4°C.After being washed twice

with PBS, the cells were fixed and stained with anti-B19 virus-positive serum and rhodamine-conjugated goat

anti-human IgG.

Dotblothybridization. B19virus-infectedcells werelysed in 0.01 MTris hydrochloride buffer(pH 7.5) containing0.5%

sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), 0.1 M NaCl, and 0.005 M

EDTA, and the lysate was homogenized with a taper-type apparatus. DNA was extracted from the homogenized ly-sate, culture supernatants, and B19 virus antigen-positive serum by incubation with 200 p.g ofproteinase K per ml

overnight at 370C and then by treatment with phenol and

chloroform. DNA wassubjectedtodot blothybridizationby

amodifiedmethoddescribedpreviously (10). In brief, 0.6 N

NaOHwasaddedto DNAsamples fordegeneratingRNAs.

Theywereincubatedat60°C for30 minandthenneutralized

with 2 Msodium acetate. DNA (5


from the cellextracts and DNAfrom50 p.1ofthe culture supernatants were diluted with lOx SSC (lx SSC consists of 0.15 M NaCl, 0.015 M

trisodium citrate, pH 7.0) and applied to nitrocellulose

membranes. Afterbaking at 80°C for3 h, membranes were

prehybridized with 2 mg of denatured salmon sperm DNA

and 2mgofdenatured tRNA in ablotting solutionconsisting

of50% formamide, 10%dextran sulfate, 0.1% SDS,0.05 M

Tris hydrochloride (pH 7.5), 5x Denhardt solution (1x is

0.1%Ficoll[PharmaciaFineChemicals], 0.1% polyvinylpyr-rolidone, 0.1%bovineserum albumin), and Sx SSC at 42°C

overnight. DNA on the membranes was hybridized with a

B19 virus-specificDNA probe, the5.2-kilobase-pairEcoRI

fragment ofpGEM-1/B19, labeledwith


via nick

transla-tion, in thesolution described above at42°C overnight.

Preparation of B19 virus from in vitro culture. A 2-ml amount of the supernatant from the B19 virus-infected cell

culture was layered on 2 ml ofa 30% sucrose cushion and

centrifuged at 35,000 rpm witha Hitachi RPS-56Trotorfor

15h at 4°C. The B19 virus pellet was suspended in 20 pL. of PBS. The resultant B19 virus was tested for its ability to infecterythroid lineagecells in vitro.


Infection of erythroid lineage cells from fetal liver. We examined the infectivity of B19 virus for




z 2.0


m 1.0

0 r h

0 1 2 4 8 15

Days post-infection

FIG. 1. AppearanceofB19virus-infectedcells in the fetal eryth-roidlineage cell culture. Erythroid lineage cells derived fromfetal liver wereincubated withB19virus antigen-positive(@)or-negative (0) serum. They were then cultured for 15 days, and B19 virus-infectedcells weredetected by indirect immunofluorescence stain-ing.

cells from fetal liver. For this experiment, fetal liver cells were fractionated, and an erythroid lineage cell-enriched fraction was obtained in which more than 70% of the cells were of erythroid lineage, as determined by cytological

examination. This fraction was cultured in the presence of

B19 virus antigen-positive serum for 15 days. Cells (106) were harvested every day, and the expression of B19 virus

antigenwasexaminedby indirect immunofluorescence

stain-ing.Approximately 1.0%of the cells were stained onday 1,

but the fluorescence intensity was much weaker than that

observed on later days. On day 4, the intensity of

fluores-cence in the positivecells becamemaximal and the percent-age increased to 5.0%. After day 8, the numberofpositive

cells decreased gradually (Fig. 1). B19 virus-positive cells

variedfrom 1 to5%withthepreparation oftargetcellsfrom

liver. With B19 virusantigen-negative serum, nobrightcells were found after immunofluorescence staining. Similar re-sults were obtainedwith B19viruspurified fromserum(data not shown).

To confirm the specific infection with B19 virus, we

carried out an experiment to test the ability of human anti-B19 virus-positive sera to neutralize B19 virus.

Anti-B19virus-positive serum(20


wasmixed with 2p.l of B19

virus antigen-positive serum. The mixture was left to stand for 30 minatroomtemperature and thenwasinoculatedinto the culture. Infection with B19 virus in the cells was com-pletely neutralized bytheaddition of anti-B19virus-positive serum but notbynegative serum (Fig. 2). The immunofluo-rescence staining ofB19 virus-infected cells indicated that B19 virusantigen localized in the nuclei and peripheries of

cytoplasms(Fig. 3).

Although erythroid lineagecells in the fraction used were

enriched by the








aswell. We wished

to identify the lineage of cells that were infected with B19

virus. Cells from day4 of culture inoculated withB19 virus were stained doubly with human anti-B19


serum and mouse monoclonal antibody EP-1, which is

specific for burst-forming

unit-erythroid cells,





erythroblasts (19).


stained with anti-B19


serum were


stained with EP-1, and about 20% of



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~, 1.0



0 4 8

Days post-infection

FIG. 2. Neutralization of B19 virus by human antisera. B19virus antigen-positive serum was incubated with humananti-B19 virus-positive (serumA[0]andserumB [A]) or-negative (serum C[0] and serumD[A])sera for 30min at roomtemperature. These four serumpreparations were then inoculated intotheprimary culture of cryopreserved fetal erythroid lineage cells, andB19virus-infected cellsweredetectedby indirect immunofluorescence staining. expressed B19 virusantigen (Fig. 4). These results indicate that B19 virus can infect erythroid lineage cells in human

fetal liver and that the expression and replication of B19

virus can occur in the cells.

Replication of B19 virus genome in the infected cells.

Replication ofviral DNA in the erythroid lineage cells was

examined byquantitatively determiningtheamountof viral

DNAinthecellsandculture supernatants. Weusedthedot

blot hybridization method and estimated the concentration

of viral DNA in samples by using cloned whole B19 virus

DNAfrom pGEM-1/B19 as astandard. As littleas 10 pgof

B19 virus DNA per spot could be detected in this system

(Fig. 5a, lane P). Cells fractionated from fetal liver were

washed three times after exposure to B19 virus

antigen-positive serum. The medium solution used for the third

washing was tested for detection of B19 virus DNA. No

positive signal for B19 virus DNA was found in the assay

system (Fig.


day0). DNAwasextractedfrom cells and culture supernatants separately harvested from the B19

virus-infected cell culture on the days indicated in Fig. 1.




from the cells or DNA from 50 ,lI ofculture supernatants wasspottedas asampleof 1x onto nitrocellu-lose membranes. B19virus-specificDNAcould be detected in the sample on day 1 postinfection and was maximally presentin the sample from cells on day 2, atwhich time the amountof B19 virusDNA wasestimatedtobe5 ngin the1x

spot containing 5 ,ug of whole DNA, equivalent to the

amountof DNAfrom 2 x 106cells. As shown in Fig. 1, 5% of the cells included the B19 virus genome. Thus, we estimated the number of B19 viruses in an infected cell to be about 2 x 104. Even a DNA samplefrom the day 15 culture showed the existence of the B19 virus genome in the cells

(Fig. 5a). B19 virus-specific DNA was similarly detected in

preparations from culture supernatants. The content of B19 virus DNA gradually increased from 0.2 ng in 1 ml of culture supernatant onday 1 to 20 ng/ml on day 15 (Fig. Sb). These results indicate that the B19 virus genome replicates in

erythroid lineage cells from human fetal liver and that B19

virionsarereleased from these cells.

Infectivity of B19 virus produced in vitro. We next

ad-FIG. 3. Immunofluorescencestainingof B19virus-infected cells. Fetal erythroid lineage cells were infected with B19 virus (A) or mock-infected(B)in a manner similar to thatdescribedinthelegend toFig. 1.Onday4postinfection,thecellswerestainedby indirect immunofluorescence. Original magnification, x1,680.

dressed the question ofwhether the B19virus


in the invitro systemwasinfectious.B19virus in the superna-tantfrom the culture 15days after infection washarvested

andconcentrated bycentrifugation. Threedoses of the B19

virus preparations were inoculated into erythroid lineage

cell-enriched fractions from fetal liver, and the cells were cultured. Cellswereharvestedondays4and 8 afterinfection and tested for the expression of B19 virus by indirect immunofluorescencestainingand dot blothybridization.B19 virus-positive cells appearedonday 4, and the percentageof

positive cells was dependent on the dose of B19 virus

inoculated (Fig. 6).

B19virus-specific DNA wasalso detected in cellextracts

of the culture from days 4 and 8. The amount of B19

virus-specificDNAdetected was afunction of theamountof

B19 virusinoculatedinitially (Fig.7). Basedontheintensity

of signals


with the B19 virus probe, the copy

number of the B19 virus genome inaninfected cellonday4

wasestimated tobe about3 x 104. Although the amountof


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[image:3.612.] [image:3.612.326.563.78.459.2]



FIG. 4. Double immunofluorescence staining. Fetal erythroid lineage cells infected with B19 virus were harvested on day 4 postinfection and stainedsequentially with EP-1 (A) andanti-B19 virus-positive serum (B) as described in Materials and Methods. Original magnification, x1,630.

B19virusproducedby this culture system was much smaller

than that with B19 virus from serum, the infectivity per

microgramof DNA did notdiffer significantly between B19

virusproduced in vitro and in vivo (Fig. 5 and 7).


Days post-infection









0 4 8

Days post-infection

FIG. 6. Infectivity ofB19virusproduced by thefetalerythroid lineage cell culture.The supernatant ofthe B19virus-infected fetal erythroid lineage cell culturewasharvestedonday15postinfection and serially concentrated 4 (D), 20 (A), and 100 times (0). The concentratedsupernatantswereinoculatedinto theprimaryculture ofcryopreserved fetalerythroid lineage cells,and B19virus-infected cells were detected by indirect immunofluorescence staining. B19 virus antigen-positiveserum(0)wasinoculatedin asimilarmanner as acontrol.


Asthe serumofpatientswith B19 viremiaisknown as the onlysourceofB19virus,establishmentofanin vitrosystem

to provideB19 virus stably is urgentlyrequired. B19 virus

has been demonstrated to replicate in erythroid progenitor

cellsderived from thebone marrow ofpatientswith

hemo-lytic anemias (9, 10) and from normal human bone marrow


0 1 2 4 8 15 S P



lox a ox



c 1X

-_ lox

1 ioox

**.@ 0.

* 0 .0

* ~~00

Days post-infection

0 1 2 4 8 15 S P

*...0 0.0



FIG. 5. Viral DNAproduction in the B19virus-inoculated eryth-roidlineage cell culture. DNAwasextracted from the cells (a) or

culture supernatants (b) harvested in the experiment described in thelegendtoFig. 1. Their B19 virus DNAcontentsweredetermined

by dot blot hybridization with a B19 virus DNA probe,

pGEM-1/B19. DNAextractedfrom 1 of B19 virusantigen-positiveserum

(S)and10ngof DNAof thepGEM-1/B19 probe (P)wereusedas

controls. TheseDNAsampleswereserially diluted with 1Ox SSC.

Days post-infection

0 4 8






Ix lox 10ox 1oOox

s P

0 *0 @0

* S

FIG. 7. Detection of viral DNA in fetal erythroid lineage cells infectedwith invitro-propagatedB19virus. Fetalerythroidlineage cellsinfectedwith B19viruspropagatedinvitro wereharvestedon

days 0, 4, and 8 postinfection in the experiment described in the legendtoFig.6.Dotblothybridizationwith thepGEM-1/B19 probe wasperformedon5-,ug DNAsamplesprepared fromtheerythroid lineage cells infected with B19 virus preparations, which were

culture supernatantsconcentrated4(A), 20(B),and 100 times(C). DNAextracted from 1 ,ulof B19 virus antigen-positive serum (S) and 10ng of DNA ofpGEM-1/B19(P)wereusedascontrols. These DNAsampleswere serially dilutedwith lOx SSC.

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[image:4.612.345.510.76.304.2] [image:4.612.93.256.477.652.2] [image:4.612.340.526.513.626.2]


Inthe present study, wealso attempted to developan in

vitro culturesystemforB19 virusproductionwithfetal liver.

We demonstrated that B19 virus was susceptible to and


in erythroid lineagecells derived from fetal liver


doubleimmunofluorescence stainingwithanti-B19

virus-positive serum and monoclonal antibody EP-1, specific for

erythroid lineage

cells. B19 virus infection of the liver



cells was similar to that of bone marrow

erythroidprogenitorcells with regardtoviral DNA

produc-tion(10).B19virusDNAassociatedwith the cellsreacheda

maximum levelfrom 2 to 4 days afterinfection, while B19

virus DNA in the culture supernatants increased gradually

with timeinboth liverandbonemarrowsystems. In theliver



cell system, the B19 virus DNAcontentin

the supernatant reached 20


on day 15 postinfection.

Thiswastwiceasmuchasin the bonemarrow system(10).

B19virusantigenwasdetectedondays 1to 15in theliver


lineage cells,

but onlyon


1 and 2in the bone

marrowerythroid progenitor cells (10, 20). Theantigen was

localizedinnucleiand the


ofthecytoplasmin the

liver erythroid lineage cells. A similar feature of antigen


has been observed in cells infected with other


such asadeno-associated virus(6)andbovine

parvovirus (11). In the bone marrow erythroid progenitor



B19 virusantigenwasdetected


in the


not in nuclei (10, 20). This


in B19

virus antigen localization between liver and bone marrow

erythroid lineage

cells isprobablyduetothedifferencein the culture systems. Livererythroid


cellswerecultured in the presence of IL-3, known as a pluripotent stem cell

growth factor (18), which may allow



cellsto survive


andto accumulate B19 virus


innuclei. Thisexplanation isalsosupported bythefactthat




effect in the liver



cells infected withB19 virus wasobserved. The percentage

of B19 virus-infected cells was


in the bone marrow



cells than in the livererythroid


cells (10), but the recoveryofB19virus in culture superna-tants was the opposite, as mentioned above. This may be

also due to the difference in the survival of cells between

these two culture systems.

There have been several reportssuggestingthat B19virus



pregnancy causes


fetalis(1, 3, 17).

B19virus infectionin thefetushas beenspeculatedtocause

the destruction oferythroidprogenitor cells, generatingthe


of severe anemia and heart failure.

Conse-quently, the fetus falls into a hydropic state, resulting in

intrauterine fetaldeath.Our presentstudydemonstrates that


erythroid lineage

cells recovered from the liver are targetcellsforB19virusinfection,supportingthenotion that B19virus infection inducespathogenesis of hydropsfetalis.

Finally, although

fetal liver erythroid lineage cells are

valuable for in vitro propagation of B19 virus, a stable cell

line permissive for B19virus infection would be preferable.

Because of the excellent cell viability, the present culture systemof fetal livererythroid lineage cells may be useful for


a stable target cell line by the hybridoma method.


WethankJ. P.ClewleyforthegenerousgiftofpGEM-1/B19and T.Yokochi forhis kindgift ofEP-1.


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FIG.1.(0)infectedliverroid Appearance of B19 virus-infected cells in the fetal eryth- lineage cell culture
FIG. 2.antigen-positivepositiveandcryopreservedcellsserum Neutralization of B19 virus by human antisera
FIG. 6.lineageerythroidandconcentratedcellsofvirusas a cryopreserved Infectivity of B19 virus produced by the fetal erythroid cell culture


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