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Synthesis of the viral glycoprotein of Rous-associated virus-2.


Academic year: 2019

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Vol.43, No. 2 JOURNALOFVIROLOGY, Aug. 1982, p. 756-760


Synthesis of the



of Rous-Associated Virus-2


Departmentof Pathology, School of Medicine, University of Colorado HealthSciencesCenter, Denver, Colorado 80262

Received21 December1981/Accepted 14April 1982

The synthesisof the viral glycoproteinof Rous-associated virus-2 was studied

in vitroinacell-freesystemprogrammedwith viral RNA andsupplementedwith

dog pancreas membranes. Theprotein synthesized was related structurally and

immunologically to those found in Rous-associated virus-2-infected chicken

embryo fibroblasts. This work confirms and extends earlier work on the nature

and synthesis ofviralglycoproteins.

The envelope (env) gene of avian leukemia

sarcoma viruses encodes theenvelope proteins

ofthevirion, gp85 and gp37, whicharelinkedby

disulfide bonds (7, 10, 24). These proteinshave

been shown tobe derived from a glycosylated

polyprotein precursor (molecular weight,

92,000),Pr92env(3, 10, 12, 14, 15), the

predomi-nant species found in the cell. Translation of

viralmRNAofvarious sizesallowed the

identifi-cationof themRNAforthe envgeneproductas

a molecule of21Sfor leukosis viruses and 28S

forsarcomaviruses(16, 17,22, 24).The


product encoded by these mRNAs isaprotein of

65,000 (65K) to 70,000 daltons (70K), which is

specifically immunoprecipitated by antisera

raised against the envelopeglycoproteingp85.

The purpose of the experiments described

here was to study the




of the viral


in a cell-free system

programmed by viral RNA and supplemented

withdog pancreasmembranes inamanner

anal-ogous tothatdescribed






of vesicular stomatitis virus. In

doing so we wanted to




product of the 21S viral RNA from


chick-en embryo fibroblasts(CEF) and relate it

struc-turallyandimmunologically tothe


form of the viral


found in the

infectedcell, Pr92env. Inaddition,wewanted to

determinethe natureofthe



in a cell-free system supplemented with dog

pancreas membranes and determine its

relation-shiptoPr92en .

To this endpolyadenylated subgenomic

frag-mentsof RNAfromRAV-2and


RNA from RAV-2-infected CEFwere


asdescribedby Purchioetal.(19)and sizedon5

t Present address: ImperialCancer Research Fund, Lon-don, England WC2A3PX.

to 20% neutral sucrose densitygradients. RNA

21S to 23S in size was collected in each case,

precipitated,and resedimented on a second 5 to

20% neutral sucrose gradient; it was then

pooled, ethanol precipitated, and prepared for


Translation reactions were carried out with

rabbit reticulocyte lysates (18) and were

pro-grammed with 21S RAV-2 RNA, prepared as

above, using either [35S]methionine or

[35S]cys-teine as a label as described by Purchio et al.

(19). As can be seenin Fig. 1 the predominant

protein synthesized by 21S RAV-2 RNA has a

molecular weight of approximately 64K, as

de-scribed by others (16, 17, 22). A small amount of

protein with a molecular weight of76K is also

synthesized and probably represents Pr76

pro-grammed bygag-gene mRNAcontaminatingthe

21S fractions obtained from the sucrosedensity


In addition to the 76K-dalton and








were also



probablyrepresentproducts ofpremature

termi-nation of protein synthesis.

To determine whether a message21S in size

isolated from RAV-2-infected CEF could also

program the synthesis ofa protein of this size,

polyadenylated RNA wasisolatedfrom

RAV-2-infectedCEFby oligodeoxythymidylic

acid-cel-lulose column chromatography and sized on


previous-ly (18). Using 21S RNA to program the rabbit

reticulocyte cell-free protein-synthesizing

sys-tem, it can be seen(Fig. 1) that aproteinof64K

daltons was synthesized along with a variety of

other proteins which probably represent

pro-teins encoded bycellular mRNAs21S insize.

Tocharacterize the primary product of these

translationreactions and to relate thisproduct to

the viral glycoprotein two experiments were

carried out. Inthefirstexperiment, theproduct


on November 10, 2019 by guest



viralRNAb 2Is

I- + Ip I-cell 215-s



T7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

FIG. 1. Cell-free products programmed by21S

vi-ral RNA and 21S RAV-2-infected CEF RNA. Viral

21S RNA and polyadenylated 21S RNA from

RAV-2-infected CEFwere isolated as described previously (19) andusedtoprogram amessage-dependent rabbit reticulocyte lysate cell-free protein synthesizing sys-tem(18).Proteins synthesizedwereeither immunopre-cipitated asdescribedpreviouslyoranalyzed directly by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE, fluorography, and autoradiography. Lanes 1 through4, proteins synthe-sized in thepresenceof21SRNAisolated from RAV-2. Lane 1, no exogenous RNA; lane 2, products programmedby 21SRNAfromRAV-2;lanes3and4,

immunoprecipitation of products programmed by 21S RAV-2RNAwithimmuneserum B(lane 3)ornormal rabbitserum(lane 4). The label used in these transla-tions was [35S]cysteine (25 ,uCi, Amersham Corp.).

Lanes 5 through 7, product synthesized in lysates programmed with 21S RNA from RAV-2-infected CEF; lane 5, total cell-free product; lanes 6 and 7, products immunoprecipitated with immune serum B

(lane 6)ornormal rabbitserum(lane7). The label used in these experiments was [35S]methionine (25 p.Ci,


ed by immunoprecipitationof labeled disrupted

virions (datanotshown) and by

immunoprecipi-tation of[35S]methionine-labeled

RAV-2-infect-ed CEF cell extracts. As can be seen in Fig. 2,

both serarecognized the polyprotein precursor

Pr92en , aswellas,in thecaseofimmune serum

A, Pr76, the precursor to theinternal structural

proteins. Little of the mature glycoproteins gp85

or gp37 was immunoprecipitated from these

cells. Pr92, immunoprecipitated by these two

sera, appeared tomigrate slightly differently by

polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), a

difference which appears to reflect the

specific-ity of theantisera fortwodifferent forms of Pr92

which vary in glycosylation and degree of

sulf-hydryl bonding (data notshown).

To show an immunological relationship

be-tween the proteins synthesized in vitro by 21S

viralorcellular RNA and theviralglycoprotein,

we dissolved cell-free product in RIPA lysis

buffer (9) and immunoprecipitated the product,

asdescribed previously (4), with immune serum

B ornormal serum. As can be seen inFig. 1, the

64K-dalton protein was specifically precipitated

from cell-free lysates programmed with viral or

cellular 21S RNA, using antiserum against the

viral glycoprotein, thus relating these proteins


To confirm thisrelationship, it wasnecessary

to show structural similarity between the

pro-tein synthesized in vitro, the 64K-dalton

pro-tein, and the predominant form of the

glycopro-tein found in vivo, Pr92env. This was

accomplishedby two-dimensional chymotryptic


ofcell-free translation was related to the viral



and inthe second

experiment, theproductwasrelatedstructurally

bypeptidemapping. Bothexperiments reliedon

the availability of antisera capable of

recogniz-ing the viral glycoproteinand, in this case, the


precursor Pr92env. Two types of

antisera were used in these experiments.

Im-mune serum A was prepared by


8- to

10-week-old New Zealand white rabbits with

500,ug of RAV-2viruswhich had beenprepared

asfollows. The virus was harvested every 12 h

from RAV-2-infected CEF, clarified at 10,000

rpm, pelleted onto apadof70%sucrose in 0.01

MTris(pH7.2),andspun on a sucrosegradient

(20 to70%)in 0.01MTris(pH7.2)at26,000rpm

for 15 h. Injections were given a total of four

times at 10-day intervals. Immune serum B, a

generous gift of D. P. Bolognesi, was prepared

againstthepurifiedviral glycoprotein gp85 (21).

The specificities ofthese sera were

demonstrat-92k- O

-1 2 3 T1

FIG. 2. Immunoprecipitation of RAV-2-infected CEFwithimmuneseraAand B.RAV-2-infected CEF

were labeled with 150 ,uCi of [35S]methionine and

immunoprecipitated as previously described (4).


sodi-um dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (13), which

were soaked for30min in a 1 M solution ofsalicylic acid (5),dried,andexposedat-70°C,usingKodak X-omat X-ray film. Lane 1, immune serum A; lane 2, immuneserumB; lane 3, normalserum.




on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:2.491.] [image:2.491.289.415.435.577.2]


peptide fingerprint analysis of 64K-dalton and

Pr92env proteins immunoprecipitated from

[35S]methionine-labeled RAV-2-infected CEF,

using immune serum A. Peptide mapping was

carried out onthe [35S]methionine-labeled


3 A

teins essentially as described by Erikson etal.

(8). As canbeseeninFig. 3 (A and B) all of the

major92K-daltonpeptides could be found in the

64K-dalton protein, with five peptides in

com-mon. Itisapparentthat the64K-dalton



02 B



2 43


2 C




FIG. 3. Chymotryptic peptidemapsof92K-dalton,64K-dalton,and mixedproteins. (A)RAV-2-infected CEF

were labeledfor2 h with150 jiCi of[35S]methionine, immunoprecipitated as described previously (21) with

immune serum A, and analyzed by PAGE. The 92K-dalton protein was localized by autoradiography and

prepared for analysis by two-dimensional chymotryptic peptide mappingasdescribedpreviously (8). Proteins to

be analyzedwere digestedatanenzyme/protein ratio of 1:24, using chymotrypsin (Worthington Biochemical Corp.) and were separated in the first dimension by ascending chromatography in 20 butanol-N-propanol-isoamyl alcohol-pyridine-water (1:1:1:3:3). Separationinthe second dimensionwasby high-voltage

electropho-resisatpH 3.5.(B)[35S]methionine-labeledcell-free product from translation reactionsprogrammed with viral

21SRNA wasanalyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE. The 64K-dalton proteinwaslocalizedby autoradiog-raphy and analyzedasdescribed above. (C) Equalnumbersofcounts of 64K-dalton and 92K-daltonproteins were prepared and digested as described above. These were mixed and subjected to chromatography and

electrophoresis. Ineachcasesharedpeptidesarenumbered.


s8..:'&.H<-J. VIROL.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



VOL. 43, 1982

subject to moreextensive cleavage than the

92K-dalton protein, possibly because of the

differ-ence in glycosylation; the 64K-dalton protein

was unglycosylated under these circumstances.

Amixingexperiment (Fig. 3C)wasthencarried

out in which equal numbers of methionine

counts of 92K and 64K-daltons, digested by

chymotrypsin, were analyzed. All numbered

peptides appeared to comigrate. This analysis

then relates the 64K-dalton protein to Pr92eM '

structurally as well asimmunologically.

Having characterizedthe primary product of

RAV-2 viral and cellular 21S RNA and having

shown its relationship to the primary product

found in the infected cell, the glycosylated

Pr92en', it was of interest to study theprocessing

of primary product to the precursor pM92en'.

Analogousstudiescarriedoutby Katz et al. (11)

provided an in vitro model system in whichthis

could be accomplished. In this system, dog

pancreas microsomal membranes, added to the

cell-free protein-synthesizing system, provide

the enzymemachinery required forthe

process-ing (i.e., glycosylation) ofglycoproteins, ashas

been described inavariety ofsystems(1,2, 11).

Rough endoplasmic reticulum vesicles were

isolated from dog pancreas, essentially as

de-scribed byKatzetal. (11). Thesewereaddedto

thereticulocyte cell-freesystembefore the

addi-tion ofRAV-2 viral RNA 21S in size and were

present during translation. Proteins synthesized

in the presence and absence ofpancreas

micro-somalmembranes wereanalyzed and, ascanbe

seen inFig. 4, a64K-daltonproteinaswellas a

92K-daltonprotein was synthesizedin the

pres-ence of membranes. In the absence of

mem-branesonly the 64K-dalton proteinwas

synthe-sized(Fig. 1).

Because proteins synthesized and processed

in the presence of the microsomal membrane

fractionappear tobetransferred intothe lumen

of the membrane vesicles, they are protected

fromdigestion byenzymes suchastrypsin(11).

To determine whether any ofthe proteins

syn-thesized inoursystemwere resistant totrypsin

treatment aftertranslation, partofthe reaction

mixture was treated with trypsin as described

previously (11). After incubation, the products

of the translation reactions carried out in the

presence orabsence of membranes andwith or

without trypsin treatment were analyzed. Only

the 92K-dalton protein and a protein

endoge-nous tothecell-free systemwereprotectedfrom

trypsin digestion, suggestingthat the 92K-dalton

protein had been sequestered within the lumen

of the microsomal membrane vesicles(Fig. 4A).

Todetermine whether the 92K-dalton protein

synthesized in the reticulocyte cell-free system

programmed with 21S RAV-2 RNA was

glyco-sylated, its bindingto columns of lens culinaris

coupled to Sepharose was tested. Binding

oc-curred, but elution of the protein with

CX-D-methyl-mannopyranoside could not be

accom-plished. Thus, it was not possible to say

conclusively that the 92K-dalton protein

synthe-sized in our system wasglycosylated. We were

able to demonstrate, however, that the protein

synthesized inthissystemwasimmunologically

related to the 92K-dalton protein precipitable

from RAV-2-infected cells.

Immunoprecipita-tion ofcell-free product from translation

reac-tions carried out in the presence of membranes

wasdonewith immune serum B and with normal

serum. As canbeseeninFig. 4B,92K- and


im-mune serum. Otherproteins of lower molecular

weight which were specifically

immunoprecipi-tated arethought to beeitherpremature

termina-tion productsorproteolytic cleavages of64K-or

92K-daltonproteins. Inaddition,the92K-dalton

protein, synthesizedinvitro and

immunoprecip-itated, could be shown to comigrate with the

92K-daltonproteinimmunoprecipitated with

im-mune serum B from the infected cell (datanot


From thework described here it is clearthat,


21s RNA+ MEM


-P B




64k- _


2 3

FIG. 4. Translation and immunoprecipitation of

21S viral mRNA in the presence of dog pancreas

microsomal membranes.(A)Viral mRNA 21S in size was used to program a message-dependent rabbit

reticulocyte lysate supplemented with dog pancreas

microsomal membranes andprepared asdescribedby Katz etal. (11). The label used in these experiments

was[35S]methionine(25 ,uCi, Amersham Corp.). Lane

1, total cell-free product synthesized in the presence of

dog microsomal membranes. Lane 2, total cell-free

productsynthesized in the presence of dog microsom-al membranes and treated after translation with

pan-creatic RNase A (1 ,ul of a 300-,ug/ml solution) and

trypsin(5,ulof a3-mg/ml solution) for 20 min at 23°C. (B) Cell-free product synthesized in the presence of

dog microsomal membranes, without trypsin treat-mentand immunoprecipitated with immune serum B

(lane 1) or normal serum(lane 2). Lane 3,


on November 10, 2019 by guest




invitro, the primaryproduct of RAV-2 viral and

cellular mRNAs is a protein of64K molecular

weight whichcould be related immunologically

and structurally tothe polyproteinprecursor to

the mature viral glycoproteins Pr92enV. This

work confirms andextends the results of others

(16, 17, 22). Inaddition,we wereableto

demon-stratethesynthesis ofaprotein of92,000daltons

in rabbit reticulocyte lysates programmed with

21S RNA from RAV-2 supplemented with dog

pancreas microsomal membranes. This protein

could be relatedimmunologically tothe

precur-sor Pr92eMY, precipitable from RAV-2-infected

CEF. These results imply that the 64K-dalton

primary product is processed by microsomal

membranes during its synthesis to give rise to

the glycosylatedprecursor, Pr92enV, which isthe

predominant form of the viral glycoprotein

found in the infected cells (3, 12). In vivo, the

64K-dalton proteincan only beseenunder

con-ditions which inhibit glycosylation, such as

growthintunicamycin(6,23),lendingsupport to

the notion that processing of the 64K-dalton

proteininvitromimicsthe process



vivo. Moreevidenceto support thishypothesis

comes from the recent work of Purchio et al.

(20), in which they demonstratedthat the

64K-daltonprotein (and by extension the 92K-dalton

protein) was synthesized exclusively on

mem-brane-boundpolyribosomes. Further



this in vivo





path-way by which this glycoprotein is


and inserted into the cell membrane.


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FIG. 1.AmershamCEF;rabbittionsprogrammedimmunoprecipitationinproducts(lanebyautoradiography.2.programmedcipitatedRAV-2ral21SLanesinfectedreticulocytetemsized(19) Lane these Cell-free products programmed by 21S vi- RNA and 21S RAV-2-infected CEF RNA
FIG. 3.wereimmunebeelectrophoresis.raphypreparedCorp.)21Sisoamylresiswere Chymotryptic peptide maps of 92K-dalton, 64K-dalton, and mixed proteins
FIG. 4.dog(laneweighttrypsindogalcreatic(B)mentwasproductreticulocytemicrosomalwasKatz21Smicrosomal1, membranes total Translationandimmunoprecipitationof viral mRNA in the presence of dog pancreas membranes


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