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Introduction: Services and the Green Economy


Academic year: 2019

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Jones, A., Strom, P., Hermelin, B. and Rusten, G. (2016). Introduction: Services and the Green Economy. In: Jones, A., Strom, P. and Rusten, G. (Eds.), Services and the Green Economy. (pp. 1-22). UK: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 9781137527080

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Chapter 1: Introduction: Services and the Green Economy

Andrew Jones, Patrik Ström, Brita Hermelin, & Grete Rusten

The debate about the emergence of an environmentally sustainable global economy has

become more substantial and diverse in the last decade, and at times arguably more

controversial. Early concepts of the ‘green economy’ in the 1990s (e.g. Jacobs 1996) have

been superceded by a variety of different concepts of how economic activity might become

environmentally sustainable (Bina 2013), what it constitutes (Dryzek 2005), how it should be

measured and a plethora of critiques levelled at competing popular and policy manifestations

of the idea of a green economy (e.g. Le Blanc 2011; Caprotti & Bailey 2014). Yet equally the

concept of a green economy has gained much wider currency as a policy paradigm and

acceptance within state and in international policy discourses (UNEP 2011; UNDP 2012). A

key aspect of this conceptual evolution is the way that the green economy has been reframed

as a combined response to meet economic, climatic and environmental challenges, although

acknowledging in this that enormous challenges around both the commitment of actors and

practical implementation remain (Newton and Cantarello, 2014).

One of the key axes of debate within the social scientific literature in recent years has

however been on the feasibility and nature of a sustainable transition in economic activity,

and in particular the need for a low carbon economy in the context of the ongoing (and

increasingly pressing) challenge of human-induced climate change in the twenty-first century

(c.f. Schulz & Bailey 2014) as well as sustainable development that addresses resource use

and management of ecosystems (Bina 2013). An enormous literature now exists across this

debate about the mechanisms through which such a transition might be achieved, and the

respective role of different actors including governments, firms (Porter and Kramer, 2011),

NGOs and consumers to name but a few (e.g. Mulaney & Robbins 2011; Atkinson &

Klausen 2011). However, within these debates the breadth of different industries considered

as key agents of intransigence or change has been relatively limited. Much has been written

about the energy sector of course focusing on the historical path dependant economic

development of fossil fuel energy (Simmie 2012), and there is a burgeoning literature concern

with the role of transport, construction, agriculture and manufacturing – at least within certain

specific framings of an environmental sustainability such as reducing carbon emissions or

recycling materials through product lives (e.g. Cooper 2010). However, with the exception of


Carerra et al 2012), debate about the nature and role of service industries in the transition to a

green economy has been very limited indeed.

The entry point for this book is to develop and make the case for an emerging field of

work from within the sub-disciplinary area of environmental economic geography which

adopts service-based perspective on the transition to a green global economy. The book is

premised on the proposition that there has not been significant engagement with the nature of

role of service industry involvement for the contemporary green economic transition and it

develops a theoretical and conceptual approach which takes service activity as its primary

focus. We argue through this book that the lack of direct engagement with the role of services

represents a significant limitation on the capacity of social science theories to understand the

nature of how a greener economy might come about. This introductory chapter therefore

seeks to provide an overview of how the contributions in this book correspond to an

emerging field of research which foregrounds the role of service inputs and service activities

in green economic development, and which develops an environmental economic

geographical perspective (c.f. Soyez & Schulz 2008; Schulz & Bailey 2014). The latter has to

date paid little attention to service industries but in developing it from a service-based

perspective, we suggest there is considerable utility for better understanding the way in which

different service industries and activities are contributing to a green economic transition both

as provider of ‘green services’ and by providing producer service inputs to other actors

engaged in the transition.

We expand these arguments in the remainder of this introductory chapter around a

number of component issues. In the next section we outline what is meant by a service

perspective on environmental economic geography, identifying what we argue are the

advantages this offers in developing both theoretical and empirical insight into the

contribution of services in the contemporary green economic transition over some of the

narrowly-focused frameworks for theorising service activity that have been developed in

management and international business (Merchant and Gaur, 2008). Our economic

geographical approach seeks to develop a theoretically pluralist approach that makes use of

insight from a range of interdisciplinary bodies of work engaged with the service economy.

In so doing, it enables a fuller understanding of both the breadth and complexity of green

service activity, including in ways that move beyond just considering firms or industry

sectors to a wider range of public and private stakeholders and actors. The third section then

moves on to consider a key conceptual issue which continues to haunt social scientific debate


boundaries of a service / non-service activity or product might be best understood. Here we

seek to clarify the utility of conceptualising different types of services and argue that the

concept has considerable value in epistemological terms, even if its broadness does present

challenges. The following section then continues by addressing the other important

definitional aspect to the topics of this book: the nature of what might be meant by the green

economy. Again we argue that a broad definition has considerable utility but also argue that a

service perspective poses a series of potential ways in which the green economy might be

reconceptualised and implemented The final section then outlines the structure of the rest of

the book, and provides some guidance to the reader as to how the different contributions from

a wide variety of authors working on service industries or activities each contribute in

different ways to our overall argument.

1.1 Environmental economic geography from a service perspective

The book is grounded in an approach that can be termed environmental economic geography

that focuses on a service perspective. This means it explores on the one hand how services

themselves can be sustainable whilst equally being concerned with how service industries

provide a crucial contribution to other industries shift towards a more sustainable economic

activity. The premise shared by both the editors and chapter contributors to this book is that

service sector activity represents an unexplored and under-researched dimension to the

development of the green economy, that not only warrants attention but which needs to be

foregrounded in theoretical and policy discussions of a green economic transition. Much of

the existing research undertaken on the green economy has operated within a conventional

epistemological framing of the economy as a range of different industries that are faced with

a challenge of shifting towards environmental sustainability. Firms within these industries are

seen as agents of change or transition and the processes by which production, distribution and

consumption systems are transformed as being contained within firms in terms of knowledge,

innovation and decision-making. What the authors in this book share is a view that whilst

there is obviously a need and merit in considering specific industry cases, the contribution of

a whole variety of service activities to this process has been largely ignored and consigned to

the background of these change processes. Our argument is that to more effectively

understanding the nature of change and whether or not it will be successful, then the nature

and role of these service contributions to the green economy need to be understood in much

more depth. We suggest to a considerable extent that the success or otherwise of greener


industries operating at a range of scales which are not easily captured by analyses that treat

industry sectors as black boxes containing aspects of the green economy.

In this respect, a service-oriented approach to sustainable economic transition argues

for more integrated perspective based on the assumption that services are integrated into all

types of industries, regardless of the industrial sector. Such arguments have been made using

the theory of service-dominated logic (Vargo and Lusch, 2008) and in discussions about the

“servitization” of economic activities (Toivonen and Tuominen, 2009; Neely et al 2011) as

well as the value creation logic (Ørberg Jensen and Petersen 2014). This is not to seek to

subsume all industry categories into ‘services’ in some broad generalisation but rather in line

with this servitization argument services may be conceived to be a perspective and not

referring to particular activities (Enquist et al 2011). A service perspective means that the

experiences from the side of both clients and customers come in focus and the function of the

economic activity in relation to outcomes becomes the important issue. This

interconnectedness among sectors has also attracted an increasing interest in policy

development in relation to economic integration and international competitiveness for firms

(EU, 2014).

The second important issue we want to raise is how service activities may contribute

to the transition of the society more generally towards sustainable processes. This leads the

discussion towards service activities as mediators, developers and agents for knowledge

dissemination, knowledge development, learning and innovations and that may lead to more

sustainable processes and systems. Economic activities of advanced producer services are

important for future growth and sustainable development but the impact of services is still in

need of further research (Beyers, 2012, Daniels 2012; Bryson et al., 2014). These include

both technical firms (in engineering, ICT and architecture) and those in management,

eco-service infrastructure (e.g. legal eco-services, certification and auditing eco-services, management

consulting and environmental/engineering services) education and other relevant fields. The

importance of advanced services for the innovation system, but also as creators of regional

economic development in both mature and emerging markets is evident (Park and Shin, 2012;

Jensen, 2013). This connects to the growth of sustainable or green economies in the most

rapidly growing emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. The combination of integrated

service systems can enhance the sustainability. The interconnectedness of the global economy

through product trends, production networks or value-chains also shows the difficulty of only

work with greening of the economy in partial geographical areas, when, in the end, it has


mature and emerging economies. Increased co-operation and up-grading of the value-chains

in emerging markets is seen to be of great value for future economic development (Hsu et al

Stark et al., 2014).

A key aspect of this is the role of consultancy services in a variety of forms.

Consulting capability is often needed at different stages of infrastructure and construction

process, product and process development in manufacturing through management and

technical knowledge, industrial design, legal advice, etc. Various chapters in this book also

address issues about how innovation and knowledge development for more eco-friendly

technologies and systems are related to the societal and institutional context. The effects of

environmental solutions also requiere and understanding of geographical scale. This means

that what we find to be a sustainable technological solution on a local level can have a less

positive impact on a larger scale. The use of smart ICT-solutions which reduces the pollution

levels in our cities causing less emissions, might lead to a more harmfull extraction of

minerals used in these devices somehwere else. This also suggests there is a need to pay

attention to how services can be used to reduse the overall consumption by for example

contribute to the production or service systems leading to longer lasting products (the

Matsimuto chapter explores this issue in some depth).

Finally, a third key element to our argument about the need for a service perspective

in considering the greening of the economy is concerned with the nature of policy and policy

development. A range of commentators have argued that there is a need for an holistic

approach to policy development if green economic development is to be successful, and that

a reliance on industry, research and development institutions or government in isolation will

not lead to coherent approach (Ely et al 2013; Atkinsen & Klausen 2011). The EU 2020

Smart Growth initiative is a good example of an attempt to develop such an holistic approach

to integrate the goals of ecological sustainable goals with goals about economic growth

involving a wide range of stakeholders (EU 2012). This program involves the development of

many activities and initiatives from politics and with implications for economic activities.

This is in the form of programs for research and development, arenas and platforms for

meetings and information dissemination, networks, etc. and at different geographical scales.

This means regulations, incentives and resources of different kinds with implication on how

economic activities transform the production or infrastructure to become more green and

ecological sustainable. In that respect, we extend our service perspective on green

development to a whole range of ‘service-like’ activities that are not conventionally classified


bodies, third sector activity and hybrid public-private entities in our service-based perspective

on green development since non-commercial knowledge production, policy bodies, public

sector funding and the constitutions of public-private partnerships are important frameworks

for the development and implementations of “green” solutions that covers the need of society

of as a whole (Ely et al. 2013).

1.2 Defining the service economy: an old debate in ‘green’ clothing?

Having set out the case for a service based perspective on green economic development thus

far, before going any further it is important in terms of the goals of this book to consider in

more depth some of the longstanding (and not unproblematic) debates about the nature of the

service economy itself. Social scientific interest in the nature of the ‘service’ sector is

longstanding, with work spanning a range of disciplines emerging during the 1970s as it was

recognised that a growing proportion of advanced industrial economies GDP was accounted

for by service industries rather than agriculture, mineral extractive or manufacturing

industries (Hermelin & Rusten 2015). This service transition is well rehearsed in a literature

spanning decades, but in the context of the second decade of the twenty-first century and the

focus on this book, a number of key features of the contemporary debate about what the

service economy ‘is’, how it relates to the rest of the economy, and the geographical and

scalar dimensions to service industry activity are important.

First, it is clear that any definition of a service sector to national, regional or global

economies needs to operate with a very great degree of generality. Whilst national statistical

agencies point to the fact that service industries for seventy to eighty percent of GDP in

economies such as the UK, US or Sweden, and indeed increasingly account for over 60

percent of many emerging economies such as Brazil or China, the nature of the service

industries within this classification varies enormously (Illeris 1996). The literature generally

distinguishes service industries by market and by ‘order’. The former enables an important

distinction between producer and consumer services, with industries such as management

consultancy or investment banking falling into the producer service category and hospitality,

retail banking and leisure in the consumer service. To complicate matters further, many

service industries unevenly occupy both categories with, for example, financial and legal

service industries comprising firms that provide services to both groups of customers. With

regards to the concept of order, there is also a debate about the relative importance to

different types of services for economic development and sustainability, wealth creation and


knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) as ‘higher order services industries’ which are

argued to be the key to wealth generation and innovation in the contemporary global

knowledge economy (Bryson & Daniels 2015). High order services have thus been the focus

of much research in relation to their capacity to transform the nature of economies (ibid.) and

clearly such an argument resonates through many of the chapters in this book engaged with

considering how green economic development occurs and whether it is successful or not.

However, what we would highlight at the outset is that an over-emphasis on high-order

service industries may present a narrow and unhelpful account of the role in which services

are leading to the greening of economies. Taking the concept of an environmentally

sustainable economy in its broadest sense, lower order consumer services are important albeit

in different ways from high order producer services. Sectors such as waste management,

construction and local public services are considered in various chapters in this book and

represent a significant aspect to the way in which services are contributing to a green

economic transition.

A second aspect to this debate however is the validity of distinguishing a service at

the level of industries or firms at all. A growing body of research has demonstrated that the

purity of service provision by service firms in service industries is questionable. This even

goes as far as the provision of a given service itself. In contemporary economies, a research

emphasis on production as a process or practice has shown that many producer services are in

effect co-produced across and between service firms and their clients (Ørberg Jensen and

Petersen 2014; Bramklev and Ström, 2011), and potentially with an array of multiple service

providers collaborating and work together in delivering services via projects (Rusten and

Bryson 2010). Obvious examples would be the delivery of foreign direct investments in

different countries where are firm buying a foreign subsidiary would require a whole range of

services (financial, legal, consultancy) from different external firms and enabled by internal

employees in order to undertake the acquisition as a project. The pureness of any given

service itself is therefore problematic to identify, and service-based research has been argued

to maybe be better focused around these service-rich projects in these contexts (Jones &

Ström 2012). Such an insight is highly pertinent to many of the industries and topics

considered in this book in the process of economic ‘greening’, and the fact that a purely green

service sector firm or service activity is hard to purify from non-green activity or agents is

widely evident in many of the cases considered. A key point therefore that runs through the

book is that we are not arguing that the green service economy is easy to disentangle from the


Rather, the book is premised on a conception of the key contribution of service industries,

firms and practices to spatially uneven ‘greening’ processes in the economy, in all the diverse

and messy forms that are currently occurring.

This leads to a third and final aspect to the debate about the service economy which is

important to understand in the context of this collection, and which this book seeks to

contribute to: the uneven nature of the globalization of service firms and industries, and the

increasingly complex spatial form of service sector activity. This is leading to changing

delivery of services and the development of services in different economies and regions

across the planet. Debates about the nature of service sector in the global economy have, as

with other sectors, been increasingly concerned with the rising significance of transnational

firms (TNCs) in service industries, and the globalization of the market for services. TNCs

have become increasingly dominating in many service industries such as banking, retail and

hospitality, although the challenges faced by service firms to internationalize are in many

cases greater than in manufacturing or extractive industries. Many services are embodied

activities, delivered by skilled individuals, and are thus highly sensitive to different national

and cultural contexts (EU, 2014)). Other service industries such as legal services are also

shaped by national regulatory jurisdictions which makes the development of standardised

global service products more difficult for firms (c.f. Jones 2005; Faulconbridge 2010).

However, social science research has increasingly been concerned to examine the role of

KIBS in transmitting industry and business practice norms across the planet, and in fostering

innovation in different national economies. This trend of course has considerable significant

for the theme of this book in seeking to understand how service TNCs are often central in

delivering green services to firms in different national economic contexts which are

propagating the greening of these economies. The particular complexities of how service

firms TNCs including smaller firms piggybacking global manufacturing companies are

entangled in green economic development at a variety of scales in the global economy, and

their relationship to the transmission of knowledge, technological innovation and business

practices is at the heart of our argument for the value of a geographical approach to green

service development (c.f. Faulconbidge 2013). Many of the contributions to this book explore

this spatial dimension to the nature of services in green economic development through the

lenses of local or regional industries, the interactions of TNCs with regional economies or the

way in which global ‘best practice’ or innovation are adopted and implemented in specific


1.3 Theorising the green economy

Thus far we have set out our case for foregrounding the role of service industries in the

greening of the global economy, and considered how current theoretical debates about the

nature of services themselves impact on that topic. However, a further key task of this

introductory chapter is to consider the conceptual issues that exist around the concept of

green economy itself.

Of course, the starting point of this discussion is to highlight that the concept remains

a contested and to some extent controversial one. We do not therefore seek to argue for a

strong definition of the green economy, and many of the contributors in this book engage

with (sometimes subtly) different perspectives on the idea. In broad terms the concept has

developed from political international discussions and it is about the interactions and

integrations of ecological sustainability,economic growth and social inclusion. Environmental

and climate challenges are important backdrops for this direction of political action and at its

heart the idea of the green economy aims to develop more sustainable societies and resource

solutions. UNEP offer a recent definition that has been increasingly widely adopted:

In its simplest expression, a green economy is low-carbon, resource-efficient and

socially inclusive. In a green economy, growth in income and employment are

driven by public and private investments that reduce carbon emissions and

pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency, and prevent the loss of

biodiversity and ecosystem services (UNEP 2011: 16)

Such as definition give room for alternative development scenario (ADS) whereby

economic activities bring the promise of a transformation in the way business is done as they

dynamically engage with social relations (around the environment) (c.f. Gibbs & O’Neill

2014). It moves beyond earlier definitions of the green economy through an ecological

modernization lens that represented ‘business as usual’, whereby ‘greening the economy’ was

confined to new products and processes that used less energy and resource inputs, but without

addressing issues of growing consumption or rebound effects (c.f Bina 2013; Lorek &

Spangenberg 2013;). What has happened more recently is an imperative to move beyond

current economic thinking around a range of number of different theoretical directions. We

highlight three here that we suggest are important current conceptual considerations in

understanding what a green economy might be and how it might be achieved, and all of


The first is what might be termed ‘transition management theories’ (c.f. Elzen et al

2004), seeking to understand the economic conditions under which economic systems

innovate and change, leading to a transition to a more sustainable form of economy. Much of

the growing literature has focused on how specific industries or production processes are

evolving towards delivering more environmentally sustainable economic outcomes (e.g.

Markard et al 2012). Transition theory seek to move to a green economy as co-constituted

through the co-evolution of social, economic, political and scientific-technological

subsystems (Smith et al 2010; Foxon 2011; Farla et al 2012). This ‘socio-technical’

approach (Geels 2010) thus does not see the economy as easily disentangled from society,

politics, institutions or culture and therefore aims to adopt a holistic theoretical approach to

how a green economy might develop. However, whilst we and many of the contributors to

this collection find this a useful epistemological framing of how economic systems might

change, it represents more an entry point rather than an approach we simply seek to apply.

Transition management theories have been applied to a wider range of elements to the green

development debate but despite much application to concepts of the green economy, the

greening of firms, green technologies and green entrepreneurship, there has been little or no

direct engagement with the role of service industries in the evolution of the green economy.

We suggest that this is surprising and significant absence in the debate about the nature of

any transition to sustainable economic development. Furthermore, we would argue that a

service-based perspective (incorporating services as products, servitization as a process and

service-like activities) provides a new and potentially powerful way of understanding key

elements of the socio-technical nature of a sustainable transition. Many of the contributions to

this book use transition management theories as an entry point which allows a reframing of

the drivers and mechanisms of transition.

A second approach of considerable importance is the substantial (largely

geographical) literature that has been concerned with the development of sustainable urban

and regional economies (c.f. Altenberg & Pegels 2012; Cooke 2013), and in particular has

focused on how urban sustainability might be achieved. This literature is not purely

concerned with the economy of firms or industries either, seeking to take the city or region as

the unit of analysis for environmental sustainability (c.f. Bulkeley & Betsill 2005; Rutherford

& Coutard 2014; Childers et al 2014). Importantly, however, this literature shares much in

common with work on service economies and the role of (global) city regions in the

development of the service sector (e.g. Chang & Sheppard 2013). It is we would argue a


embedded in specific urban and institutional contexts that shape the capacity and direction of

green service development. The urban sustainability literature also is helpful in framing the

role of non-commercial institutions, labour markets and public sector actors in the

constitution of green service activity since it seeks to adopt a place-bound and multi-actor

perspective on how urban sustainability is achieved.

Finally, and related, a significant body of social scientific work has specifically

examined the nature of green economic development through an institutional theory

approach. Drawing on ‘new institutional theory’ in political science and other theories of

governance (c.f. Geels 2004; Zhu & Sarkis 2007; Bosselman et al 2012; Pinkse & Kolk

2013), a range of different disciplinary contributions have sought to understand how local,

national and supranational institutional contexts shape the possibilities and capacities for

economic development to become more environmentally sustainable. Examples are the

negotiation activities linked to the development of international environmental standards (eg.

ISO certification schemes). Institutional theory permeates much of the current social

scientific literature on green development and in particular link policy ideas and initiatives

which seek to achieve environmental sustainability to the institutional and governance

contexts. With regard to the objectives of this book, and in the case of many of the

contributions, institutional theory provides an important basis to understand how services are

entwined in the transitional to a green economy. It enables an understanding, for example, of

how policy and regulatory contexts both shape and are shaped by service products, the

strategies of green service firms and the way in which innovation is fostered. Many of the

chapters that follow thus draw insight from institutional theoretical perspectives although

many also seek to move beyond a narrow institutional focus in developing the service-led

perspective on the green economy we advocate in this book.

1.4 The structure of this book

The different chapters in this book are organised around three major areas of contribution,

focused around different thematic aspects to the relationship of service activity with the green

economy. These themes loosely progress from more generalised (e.g. green transition

processes) to more specific topics (particular industry sectors) in three successive parts

reflecting the areas of different contributor expertise. The first part examines the broader

nature of service contributions to green economic development with Brita Hermelin’s chapter

beginning with an examination of the wider issues of scale around the way in which


explores a regional Swedish case examining how the interaction of local institutions,

governance structures, corporate networks are all caught up in service inputs into the

‘greening’ of economic processes. The chapter considers how competing discourses around

Local Agenda 21 (LA21) initiatives in different Swedish municipalities shape both service

firm involvement and the scope for an innovative contribution by a wider array of service

industries. The key argument developed is that the concept of a ‘green services‘ in fact refers

to a wide range activities that are present in many different industries and in the private and

public sectors. It also demonstrates that local policy has a powerful influence in shaping the

development of firms providing ‘green services, and that the creation of green services is

constituted through cross-sector interactions..

Such an argument provides a good context for the third chapter in which Grete Rusten

turns to the Norwegian case and the significance of regulatory and institutional frameworks

in shaping the development of certains types of green services within a national economy.

The chapter examines the role of certification management systems which accredit service

firms with certain levels of environmental credentials and thus facilitate access to certain

markets. The chapter presents an empirical analysis of three certification schemes, examining

the level of uptake by firms in different service sectors and how they are geographically

distriibuted across the different sub-national regions. The study reveals the rationales and

motivations for companies to adopt environmental certification and also reveals the important

role an environmental certification consultancy industry within the economy which both

facilitiates and develops the prevalence of certification as a ‚greening‘ mechanism across a

range of industries. It thus provides signfiicant insight into how green KIBS are important in

catylising green economic transition rather than these transformations being purely internally

driven within firms of different industry sectors.

The fourth chapter then moves to consider the relationship of servitization and

greening processses in the economy, in particular looking the role of services in

remanufacturing processes. Mitsutaka Matsumoto and his colleagues argues that knowledge

intensive service sector inputs play a crucial role in the development of remanufacturing

systems that recycle manufactured components and (potentially radically) shift the

sustainability of manufacturing industry activity. The contribution importantly also explores

the blurred boundaries between services and manufacturing, focusing primarily on the way

that many manufacturing TNCs are entering the service business rather than outsourcing

service inputs. The chapter examines through a number of Japanese industry case studies


servitization is playing an important role in the shift to green remanufacturing production

systems in many of the cases it considers, although the process in and of itself will not

necessarily lead to remanufacturing processes developing. Following this, chapter five

provides a complementary but contrasting view by considering the role of external

knowledge intensive service firms in fostering a similar but different form of green economic

transformation in production: the development of green information and communication

technologies (Green ICT). It does this through a regional economy case, presenting research

into the nature of Green ICT development in the Gothenburg region of Sweden. The chapter

reveals however that despite these green service being providing by specialist ICT firms, they

are constituted through multiple actors and need to be understood as the products of a

network of stakeholders including producers, users and regional institutions. The agency of

service firms in developing green economic activity lies in a range of intangibles around their

role in bringing these multiple actors together.

The final chapter in Part I provides yet a further cut at understanding the broader

nature of service activity contribution to green economic development. Here Helge Lea Tvedt

considers not green service firms or servitization within non-service firms, but the role of

what he terms ‘green support services’. These, the chapter argues, are service activities conducted with the purpose of increasing an organization’s (e.g. private companies, hospitals)

environmental performance. Importantly, it further argues that this service activity is not per

se necessarily environmental in nature, but the service input nevertheless contributes to a

better environmental performance by the users. The nature of this aspect to green service

activity is examined through research into two case studies in the Norwegian economy, firms

both specialized in knowledge-intensive services that few other organizations conduct

internally. The chapter considers the role of regulatory context within Norway in the

development of the complex marketplaces for these companies’ services, and thus shows the

significance of local and national institutional context in developing specialist green service


Part II of the book turns to consider the particular key role of services in the transition

to green forms of energy. In chapter seven Johanna Dichtl and Hans-Martin Zademach

examine the issues around green finance in relation to energy, arguing that the financial

sector has shifted its focus in the last several decades toward the (renewable) energy sector,

driven by the motivation to place its liquid assets profitably in renewable energy projects and

participate in the growth of the renewable energy. This financialization of the renewable


the chapter developing the conclusion that a stable, reliable and long-term legal and policy

framework for renewable energy at the national level is fundamental for investors. In

particular it focuses on what shapes the behaviour of financial service firms, and how this

behaviours shape the overall direction of green energy financing. Analysis of both case study

economies reveals that where there is either legal or policy uncertainty, the capacity for a

green energy sector to develop is greatly restricted and that financial service firms are unable

or unwilling to drive the process.

This echoes to some extent with the argument of chapter eight where Britta Klagge

and Sebastian Reimer consider the nature of carbon offsetting as a financial vehicle at the

centre of a green energy transition. However, the chapter takes a service product / activity as

its focusing, examining how firms in a range of industry sectors based in the German

economy engage with offsetting as part of their operations. The chapter shows that firms’

approaches to carbon offsetting are clearly context-dependent, but also firm- and

industry-specific. It argues that this service product / activity has developed quite dynamically with the

large German firms studied, both as a reaction to changing context conditions and resulting

from experience and learning more about the opportunities, but also the risks associated with

carbon offsetting.

Chapter nine then shifts our attention around service and energy sustainability to an

urban regional context in examining the nature of the ‘smart city’ initiative and the

involvement of service firms, inputs and activities in its development. The analysis by

Harvard Haarstad here again demonstrates the value of a multi-stakeholder perspective to

understanding the role of services in a green economic transition, as well as the blurred nature

of firm / product / institutional boundaries around where service activities are created and

delivered. The chapter presents research into the Norwegian case, showing how the broad

‘smart city’ agenda represents key strategies for making urban energy systems more

sustainable. It examines in particular the role of high-tech business service firms in

developing the smart city agenda, although arguing that they form part of an assemblage of

actors involved in service-like activities that all need to be considered if the implementation

of this approach is to be understood fully.

The final major part of the book comprises three chapters which move to the more

specific scale of individual industries in order to examine how green services are created and

delivered. In the first of these, Kentaro Watanabe and his colleagues examine the Japanese

engineering industry and in particular the development of ‚service engineering‘ in relation to


of service engineering as a paradigm for servitization within engineering and manufacturing.

The uniqueness of the Japanese context provides an important comparator for other national

cases studies considered elsewhere in the book, and the chapter examines a number of

different approaches to service engineering in the Japanense case including energy, footwear

apparel and transportation. It contrasts the relative effectiveness of two approaches deployed

within the Japanese economy – a model-based approach based on theoretical understanding

of product usage and one driven by data drawn from consumers actual use of products.

Overall the argument developed is that service engineering that makes use of both approaches

is likely to be most successful in achieving sustainability goals.

Chapter eleven then moves to a different industry in a different region of the world:

wine production in the Chilean economy. Andrew Berry and his co-authors examine the

development of environmental sustainable practices in the industry over the last 15 years,

showing how external specialised public and private service providers have been the

prominent players in increasing sustainability. These providers not only deliver services

directly to vineyards and wineries, but are also central parts of the upstream and downstream

segments of the wine value chain. The chapter argues that high value added services such as

R&D are assisting wine makers to produce sustainable wine through alternative sources of

electricity generation, sustainable water management as well as genetically modified wines

that do not require toxic chemicals to protect them from pests and diseases. A key driver of

this process is producers and consumers’ demand for sustainable products. Thereafter, in

chapter twelve Christian Schulz and Berenice Preller examine how service firms and service

inputs are a central element of the transition to sustainable construction industry activity.

They seek to develop a management transition approach to the construction industry arguing

that a relational and multi-agency approach is crucial to understanding the complexity of

green development in this sector. The chapter highlights the role service plays in three

particular ways in the greening process: increasing the number of service firms adapted to

new building sustainability, enabling more building firms to transition; service provision

contributing itself to the greening of the final product, and third by transmitting the approach

of early adapters across the industry which inspires more hesitant firms to move in this

direction. As with the other industry case studies, this contribution again reveals the central

but also multi-dimensional role of service activity in the greening process.

Finally, we end the book with a short concluding chapter that seeks to draw together

some of the common insights from the contributions around areas of future research and


to the key challenges that conceptualising green service activity poses given the complex

nature of service embeddedness in the current trends towards environmental sustainability

with future prospects for the economy and society.


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