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Assessment of the base sequence homology between the two subtypes of equine herpesvirus 1.


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Copyright 01982,American Society for Microbiology

Assessment of the Base Sequence Homology

Between the


Subtypes of





Departmentof Veterinary Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 40546

Received 26April1982/Accepted4June1982

The magnitude of the genetic relatedness of the two antigenic subtypes of equine herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1) was determined by DNA-DNA reassociation kinetics. Denatured, labeled viral DNAfromoneEHV-1 subtypewas allowedto

reassociate in thepresence orabsenceof the unlabeledheterologous viral DNA. The initialrateof reassociation of either labeled viralDNA was increased by the

presence of the heterologous viral DNA to an extent indicating 10 to 20%

homology betweenthe two EHV-1 genomes. Similar estimatesof the amountof homology between the genomes of the two EHV-1 subtypes were obtained by determining the maximum fraction of labeled viral DNA that could be made resistant to S1 nuclease by hybridization with a large molar excess of the unlabeled, heterologous viral DNA. Analysis of the thermal stability of the

subtype 1-subtype 2 heteroduplex DNA indicated approximately 30%o basepair

mismatching within the hybrid DNA molecules. Cross-hybridization of 2p_

labeled virion DNA to nitrocellulose blots of restriction endonuclease cleavage fragments of each EHV-1 subtype DNA indicated that the observed homology

betweenthe twoviruses was nonuniformly distributed within the viralgenome. Nohomology couldbe detected between the DNAof either EHV-1 subtype and thatofastrain of equine cytomegalovirus (EHV-2). The datasuggestthat thetwo

biotypes of EHV-1 have arisen by divergent evolution fromacommonprogenitor herpesvirus.

Equine herpesvirus1 (EHV-1) is the

etiologi-cal agent of both upper respiratory infections

(rhinopneumonitis) and contagious virus abor-tion of horses (2). Two antigenic subtypes of EHV-1 have beenrecognized since 1959, when Shimizu and co-workers (12) demonstrated that EHV-1 isolates could be grouped into either of

two distinct but cross-neutralizing serotypes.

Subsequent studies have revealed other major

differences in the growth rate, in vitro host

range, adaptability to hamsters, and

abortigeni-city of the two EHV-1 subtypes (3, 4, 14; R.

Burrows, Abstr. Annu. Cong. Br. Equine Vet.

Assoc. 20th, Cambridge, England, p. 18, 1981).

Moreover, members representative of the two

virus subtypes exhibit differences in the electro-phoretic mobility ofatleast sevenof their

struc-tural glycoproteins when analyzed in sodium

dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels (16).

Inves-tigations by Burrows and Goodridge (3) first suggested that, whereas the majority of

respira-tory isolates of EHV-1 fall into one antigenic subtype, viruses isolated from aborted equine fetuses belong to the other EHV-1 subtype.

Recent comparisons ofthe restriction

endonu-tPublished as paper no. 824-103 by permission of the Director oftheKentuckyAgriculturalExperiment Station.

clease cleavage patterns of the two viral

ge-nomes suggested a greater degree of genetic

dissimilarity than was originally suspected,

since thetwovirus DNAs haveveryfew

restric-tion enzyme cleavage sites in common (10, 15,


The purpose of the studies described in this

paper was to investigate the degree of base

sequencehomology between the genomes ofthe

twosubtypes of EHV-1,usingthetechniquesof blothybridization, DNA-DNAreassociation

ki-netics, and S1 nuclease analysis. Our results showed that thetwoequineherpesviruses share approximately 17% of theirgenome sequences.


Viruses and cell culture. The viruses used in this study were the Army 183 (A-183; subtype 1) and Kentucky T2 (Ky-T2; subtype 2) strains of EHV-1 and theKy-T162 strain ofequinecytomegalo-virus

(EHV-2). The origin and propagation of these viruses and

theirpurificationfrom the culture medium of infected

equine dermal fibroblasts (KyED cells) have been


Isolation and labelingofDNA. The procedures for isolation of DNA from purified EHV virions or from uninfected KyED cells by sodium dodecyl sulfate-pronase digestion and phenol extraction have been


on November 10, 2019 by guest



described elsewhere (1). EHV-1 DNAs werelabeledto

specific radioactivities of 3 x106 to4 x106 cpm/,Lg by infecting KyED cells in the presence of 800 ,uaCi of [3H]thymidine (77 Ci/mmol) per ml of culture medium. Viral DNAs for blot hybridization werelabeled invitro by nick translation (9)with[32P]dCTP(7,000Ci/mmol) to a specific activity of108 cpm/,g. All DNAs for hybridization were degraded tofragments 400 to 500 nucleotides in lengthby boiling in 0.3 N NaOH for 20 min (11). After fragmentation, the DNAsolutions were neutralized and dialyzed against TNE buffer (0.1 M Tris-hydrochloride [pH 8.11-0.015 M EDTA-0.15 M NaCl).

Hybridization to nitrocellulose blots of restriction fragments. Unlabeled EHV DNAs were digested to

completion with therestriction endonucleasesBamHI and EcoRl. The resulting cleavage fragments were

separated by electrophoresisin horizontal slab gelsof 0.6% agarose and then blot-transferred to nitrocellu-losefor hybridization (13). The conditions for nitrocel-lulose filter hybridization and subsequent washing were those described by Jeffreys and Flavell (6). Autoradiography of thefilter sheets after hybridization was performed at -80°Cwith Kodak XAR-5 film and Lighting-Plus intensifyingscreens(Du PontCo., Wil-mington, Del.).

Kinetic hybridization.The strategyanddesign of the DNA-DNA reassociation kinetics experiments for quantitation of the extent of base sequencehomology between two viral genomes has been previously de-scribed in considerable detail (1, 5). Hybridizations were performed at 65°C in TNE buffer. Reaction mixtures consisted of 100 ng of labeled viral probe

DNAperml, 0 to 2 ,ug of unlabeled test DNA per ml, and enough calf thymus DNA to give a total DNA concentration of 2pug/ml.The mixturesweresealed in 100-,u microcapillary pipettes, denatured for 7 minat

110°C in an ethylene glycol bath, and allowed to

reanneal at 65°C. Samples were taken after various

periods of incubation, quickly chilled in ice, and

frozen until assayed by chromatographyon hydroxy-apatite columns.

Reassociation of labeled viralDNA wasmonitored by hydroxyapatite (BioGel HTP; Bio-Rad Labora-tories, Richmond, Calif.) chromatographyat60°C,as

described in detail by Sharp et al. (11). The DNA eluting from the columnat0.14M phosphate (single-stranded DNA) or 0.4 M phosphate buffer, pH 6.8

(double-stranded DNA) was precipitated with

tri-chloroacetic acid, collected on nitrocellulose

mem-brane filters (type BA85; Schleicher & Schuell Co., Keene, N.H.), and counted by liquid scintillation spectroscopy.

Thehybridization resultswereplotted bythelinear transformation method of Wetmur and Davidson(17), with the time interval ofhybridizationasthe indepen-dentvariable and thereciprocal ofthefraction ofDNA

remaining single-stranded asthe dependent variable; the method of least-squares regression was used to determine theslopes of the plotted data.

Thermal elution chromatography of DNA-DNA

du-plexes. The extent of base pairmismatching present within the EHV-1 subtype 1-subtype 2heteroduplex

DNAs wasestimatedbycomparison of their thermal stability with that of the homoduplex DNA of each virussubtype. Reannealed viralDNAin0.14 M

sodi-umphosphate (pH6.8)-0.4% sodiumdodecyl sulfate

(PB) waspoured intoajacketed column containing 1 g of hydroxyapatite at 40°C. Single-stranded DNAwas

washed through thecolumn with PB, and the column temperature was then raised in 2°C increments to 90°C. After each temperature equilibration, 2 ml ofa

solution of PBcontaining 8 M urea (7)wasallowedto

flowthrough the column, mixed with RIA-Fluor (New England Nuclear Corp., Boston, Mass.) and assayed forradioactivity.


Blot hybridization. Restriction endonuclease

fragments ofEHV-1, strain A-183 (subtype 1);

EHV-1, strain Ky-T2 (subtype 2); and EHV-2,

strain Ky-T162 were transferred from agarose

gelstonitrocellulose sheets and then hybridized with each of the three viral DNAs that had been

radiolabeledby nick translation with [32P]dCTP,

as described in Materials and Methods. Photo-graphs of the ethidium bromide-stained gels be-fore transfer to nitrocellulose and

autoradio-grams of the blots after DNA transfer and

hybridization are shown in Fig. 1 and reveal several notable features.

No hybridization could be detected, even af-ter prolonged exposure of the film, between

EHV-2DNA and that ofeitherof the two EHV-1 subtypes. Hybridization between the DNAs

from the two subtypes ofEHV-1 was readily

demonstrated but wasconsiderably less efficient

than that between each virus genome and its homologous DNA restriction fragments.

Auto-radiographic exposure times for hybridization between heterologous viralDNAs (i.e., EHV-1

subtype 1 x EHV-1 subtype 2) were approxi-matelyfivetimes longer thanthoserequired for the same degree offilm darkening for


Homology between the DNAs of the two

EHV-1 subtypes was not restricted to any

se-lectedportion of thegenomebutwasdistributed

overthe entire DNA molecule. However, some

restriction fragments appearedtoexhibita great-er degree of cross-hybridization than others,

indicatingthatsomeregions of thegenome may

have been more highly conserved than others during divergent evolution ofthe twovirus


Reassociation kinetics andcomputation of

ho-mology.Foranalysis of the kinetics of

reassocia-tion of mixtures ofDNAsfrom bothsubtypes of EHV-1, labeledDNAfromoneEHV-1subtype

was denatured and allowed to reanneal in the

presenceofa4-, 10-, or20-foldexcessof

unla-beledDNAfrom the heterologous virussubtype

(Fig. 2). In each instance, the initial rate of reassociation of the labeled viral DNA was

increased by the presence ofthe heterologous

DNA in the hybridization mixture, indicating

sequences shared by the two herpesvirus

ge-nomes. However, the additionoftheunlabeled

on November 10, 2019 by guest




- * w_n--. - ,, .* *_.

a b c a b c a b c

*i|L W.:


k _

F* l










FIG. 1. Hybridization between 32P-labeled EHV DNAs and fragments of the viral DNAs generated by restriction endonucleases. EHV-2, EHV-1 subtype 2, and EHV-1 subtype 1 DNAs (lanes a, b, and c,

respectively) were cleaved with either BamHI (1) or EcoRI (2). The resulting cleavage fragments were

electrophoresedon0.6%agaroseslabgels,stainedwith ethidiumbromide(topframes),and then blot-transferred

tonitrocellulose forhybridization(bottomframes)with either EHV-1 subtype1(A), EHV-1 subtype2(B),or


second viral DNA tothe hybridization reaction resulted inabiphasic reassociation curve (Fig.

2). These results indicate thatthe DNA of each

EHV-1 subtype contained sequences

homolo-gous toonlyafractionof theheterologous

EHV-1 genome (5).

Fujinagaetal. (5)havederiveda formula for

quantitating the amount of base sequence

ho-mology betweentwoviral genomes utilizing the

followingtwoparametersfromthe DNA

reasso-ciation kineticstest: (i)thedegreeof increase of

probe reassociationratecausedby the presence

of the second unlabeled viral DNAand (ii) the

molarratio oftest toprobe DNA. Thebasis of theFujinaga equation istoreplotthe

experimen-tal data byamethod thatemphasizes the initial

reassociation reaction of the labeled viral

genome inthe presence of the unlabeled second

viralgenome. Suchplots areshownin Fig. 3 for

thereassociation oflabeled subtype 1 viral DNA

fragments in the presence of three different

concentrations of unlabeled subtype 2 DNA

fragments and vice versa. The initial rate of

probe reassociation, represented by the slopes ofthe lines, was,ineach case,dependentupon

the concentration of added test DNA. The

slopes of the plots of single-stranded DNA/

double-strandedDNAratios(CSJCds)versus lit

duringthe initial period of reassociation of the

probe DNA in the presence (A) and in the 44,

on November 10, 2019 by guest







3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12


FIG. 2. Reassociation of denatured EHV-1 subtype 1 (A) and subtype 2 (B) [3H]DNA in the presence of unlabeled DNA from the heterologous virus. Hybridizations were performed at65°C in TNEbuffer for various

lengths oftime, and the fraction of DNA remaining single-stranded


was determined byhydroxyapatite

chromatography. A 0.1->g amount of denatured EHV-1[3H]DNApermlwasallowedtoreannealin the presence ofnounlabeled viral DNA(0);0.4 ,ug(0),1.0 ,ug(A), or 2.0 ,ug (X)of unlabeledheterologousviral DNA per ml (n=0, 4, 10, or 20, respectively); or 2.0 ,ug of unlabeled KyED cell DNA per ml (+). The total concentration of DNA in eachhybridization reaction was adjusted to 2.1 ,ug/ml with calf thymus DNA.








FIG. 3. Reassociation of0.1 1lgof EHV-1subtype1(A)orsubtype2(B)[3H]DNAperml inthe presence of different concentrations of the unlabeled heterologous subtypeviral DNA togive unlabeled-to-labeled DNA ratios (n values) of0(0), 4(0),10(A),or20(+). Hybridizationswereperformedat65°Cin TNE buffer for various lengths of time, and the ratio of single- to double-stranded DNA (CSS/CdS) was determined by hydroxyapatitechromatography.

l l

on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:4.496.56.443.59.311.2] [image:4.496.103.393.403.624.2]

absence (AO) of the unlabeled DNA, together

withthe ratiooftest toprobe DNA(n), can then

be used to calculate the fraction ofsequences

shared by the two viral genomes


from the

following relationship (5): xlf = [1 -


[n(A/Ao)]. Using this equation, the fraction of

nucleotidesequencesshared betweenthe DNAs

of thetwo EHV-1 subtype viruses was

comput-ed(Table 1). Itcanbe seen that the two herpes-viruses share only about 17% of their genome sequences.

Analysis of homology by Si nuclease analysis.

Heteroduplexes of subtype 1-subtype 2 DNAs wereprepared by annealinglow concentrations

of each labeledviral DNA witha100-foldexcess

of unlabeledheterologousviralDNA; hybridiza-tion was allowed to continue at 65°Cfor 12 h.

Under theseconditions, homoduplexes

account-ed for less than 25% of the labeled hybrids,

whereas heteroduplex formation went virtually

to completion. Samplestakenatfrequent

inter-vals during the hybridization reactions were

monitored forreassociation of denatured DNA

by Si nuclease analysis. The values for

hetero-duplex formation were corrected for

self-rean-nealing of labeled DNAmolecules.

The resultsof thistypeofanalysisof homolo-gy indicated that, in the presence of a large


approximate-ly 10 to 12% of the EHV-1 genome could be

driven into Si-resistant, double-stranded

mole-cules (datanotshown).

Thermal stability of EHV-1 heteroduplex

DNAs.Because thedegree of nucleotide

comple-mentarity innucleic acid hybridsis reflected in

TABLE 1. Fraction of genome sequences shared by the two subtypes of EHV-1

Unlabeled test Ratio of Shared DNA/labeledprobe slopes fractionof

DNA(n) ~~(A/AO)a genome



EHV-1 subtype11

4 0.50 0.25

10 0.42 0.14

20 0.23 0.17

EHV-1 subtype2d

4 0.58 0.18

10 0.40 0.15

20 0.29 0.12

aRatio of slopes of curves for




during the intial periods of reassociation of labeled

EHVprobe DNA in the presence (A)and absence(AO)

ofunlabeled heterologous test DNA.

b Calculated by the equation (xlf) = [1 - (A/AO)]/ [n(A/Ao)].

c EHV-1 subtype 1 [3H]DNA was reassociated in the presenceof unlabeled subtype 2 DNA.

d EHV-1 subtype 2 [3H]DNA was reassociated in thepresence of unlabeled subtype 1 DNA.

02 0




44.8 32.2

2- .4

1L-40 5060 80 90 40 50 070 80 90


FIG. 4. Thermal stability of EHV-1 subtype 1-sub-type2heteroduplex DNA. A 0.05->g amount of EHV-1subtype1(Aand C) or subtype 2 (B and D)[3H]DNA

per ml wasdenatured and allowed to reanneal for 4 h

at 65°C with a 200-fold molar excess of unlabeled heterologous viral DNA. A 2-,ug amount of EHV-1

subtype1(A and C) or subtype 2 (B and D)[14C]DNA

per mlwas denatured and allowed to reassociate at 65°Cfor 24 h to form homoduplex DNAs. Hetero- and homoduplexes were diluted into PB and adsorbed onto

ahydroxypatite column at 40°C. The column tempera-turewasraised stepwise to 90°C, and denatured DNA was removed at each step with 2 ml of PB containing 8 M urea. Eachfraction was mixed with 10 ml of RIA-Fluor and counted forboth tritium(0)and carbon-14 (0)radioactivity. Radioactivity present in each eluted fraction at the indicated temperature is plotted in (A) and(B); the cumulative radioactivity is plotted in (C) and (D).

their thermal stability, thermal chromatography of subtype 1-subtype 2 heteroduplexes on

hy-droxyapatitewas used to determine the extent of

mismatchedbase-pairing present within the

hy-bridviral DNAs.

Tritium-labeled heteroduplexes were

ad-sorbedtohydroxyapatite at 40°C along with

14C-labeled homoduplex DNA. By increasing the

temperature of the hydroxyapatite column,

melting ofthe DNA-DNA duplexes was

moni-toredbythe appearance of labeled

single-strand-ed DNA inthe column effluent (Fig. 4).

Homo-VOL 44,1982

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[image:5.496.260.450.69.364.2] [image:5.496.51.244.459.585.2]

duplexes of either viral subtypeDNA possessed

steep melting profiles with midpoint

tempera-turesof 76 to78°Cin 8 Murea. EHV-1

heterodu-plex DNAs, in contrast, were eluted from

hy-droxyapatite over a broad temperature range

whose midpoint was 20°C below that of the




betweenthe tworecognized molecular subtypes of EHV-1 wasdeterminedby akinetic analysis ofviral DNA-DNAreassociation. Results of this studyindicate that the twoherpesviruses share only about 17% of theirgenome nucleotide

se-quences. Similar estimates of homology

be-tween thetwoviralDNAs (11%)wereobtained

by analysis of the maximum fraction of each viral genomethatcould bemade resistanttoS1 nuclease after hybridization with alargeexcess

of theheterologous viral DNA. These valuesare

approximately one-third of theamountof DNA homology (47%) exhibited between the two

types of herpes simplex virus(7).

Because the two EHVs, during their

evolu-tionary descent fromacommon ancestor, have accumulated basesubstitutions (i.e., mutations)

intheir DNAs, heteroduplexes formed between thetwoviral genomeswill contain

non-comple-mentary regions representing the positions at

which base substitutions have occurred. These mispaired bases reduce the stability of the

hy-bridsto an extentthata1.5%mismatch results ina


decreasein the meltingtemperatureof the duplex DNAs (8). The extent ofbase-pair

mismatching in thesubtype1-subtype2

duplex-es was therefore estimated by comparing their

thermal stability with that of the homoduplex

viral DNAs.Suchheteroduplexes meltedovera

broad temperature range, with a midpoint 20°C

below that of the homoduplex DNAs. These results indicate the presence ofan average of

30% noncomplementary nucleotides within the

subtype 1-subtype 2 hybrids (8), which

repre-sents, by comparison, approximately twice the

amount ofbase-pair mismatching reported for

herpessimplextype1-type 2heteroduplexes (7). These observations may beinterpreted to

indi-cate alongertimeintervalor a morerapidrateof

evolutionary divergence of thetwo subtypes of EHV-1thanfor thetwotypesofherpessimplex


Thetechnique ofhybridization ofeach labeled

virionDNAtonitrocellulose blots of restriction

endonuclease DNA fragments from the

heter-ologous virus was employed to determine

whether the observed homology between the

two EHV-1 subtypes was localized to specific

regions of the viral genome. Results of this

procedure indicated a nonuniform distribution within the genome molecule of the sequences

shared by the two virus subtypes. Based upon

therestriction enzymecleavage mapsgenerated

for EHV-1 by Whalleyandco-workers(18),the

evolutionarily conserved sequences of EHV-1

are located both within the unique L- and S-components and within therepeat sequences of the viral genome. Studies currently in progress

to map EHV-1 proteins to specific restriction

fragments should aid in determining the

biologi-calfunctions of the more conserved and diver-gent sequences betweenthe twoviruses.


This investigation was carried out in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and wassupportedin part by a grant from The Grayson


Wethank Gregory Stratton and Michelle Yeargan for excel-lenttechnical assistance.


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on November 10, 2019 by guest



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VOL. 44, 1982

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FIG. 1.electrophoresedrestrictionrespectively)toEHV-2 nitrocellulose Hybridization between 32P-labeled EHV DNAs and fragments of the viral DNAs generated by endonucleases
FIG. 2.chromatography.unlabeledlengthsof(nDNA = no Reassociation of denatured EHV-1 subtype 1 (A) and subtype 2 (B) [3H]DNA in the presence of DNA from the heterologous virus
FIG. 4.fractionandand(0)Mtypeatheterologous65°ChomoduplexesawastureperFluorpersubtype1 subtype hydroxypatite 65°C urea


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