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T-antigen expression in proliferating and non-proliferating simian virus 40-transformed mouse cells.


Academic year: 2019

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DepartmentofPathology,New York UniversitySchool ofMedicine,New York, New York 10016 Received for publication 30 October 1978

Previousstudies with simian virus 40-transformedmouse 3T3 cells whichare

temperature sensitive for theexpression of the transformed phenotype (ts SV3T3

cells) have shown that T-antigen expression and viral DNA transcription are

under cellcyclecontrol.UsingthesetsSV3T3cells,westudiedthe expression of the viral genome under proliferating and non-proliferating conditions, in the presence and absence of inhibitors ofmacromolecular synthesis and of the tumor promoterphorbolmyristate acetate. ts SV3T3 cells which were growth arrested

at39°Cbylowserumconcentrationorsaturationdensity accumulated in Gl and

didnotexpressT-antigen.When these cellswereinduced toproliferate,at either 32 or39°C,T-antigen synthesispreceded the entry of the cells into the S-phase

andwas notcoupledtoDNAreplication.Gl-arrested ts SV3T3cellswere induced

tosynthesize T-antigen by phorbol myristate acetate treatment, but T-antigen alonewas notsufficienttoinduce cellular DNAsynthesis. Isoleucine deprivation arrestedgrowth oftsSV3T3cells,but thesecells,aswellasnormal3T3, did not accumulate inGland continuedtoexpressT-antigen.The temperature-sensitive expression ofthe transformedphenotypeinthetsSV3T3cellsdoes not appear to bedueto alack oftranscriptionofspecific regions of the integrated simian virus 40genomeat390C.

Cells transformedbythe oncogenicDNA

vi-rus simian virus 40 (SV40) contain viral DNA sequences integrated into the chromosomal DNA. Viral functions expressed in these

trans-formed cells are the same as those expressed

during the early period of the lytic cycle. No

transcription of late genes orsynthesis ofviral

capsid proteins takesplace,and the viral DNA

does not replicate independently. The

expres-sion ofviralgenes intransformedcells istightly

regulatedand maycomeunderhostcell control


Studies with viral mutantshave shown that

theexpressionof viralfunction(s)isrequiredfor

theestablishmentandmaintenance of the

trans-formed state (7, 10, 16, 20, 24, 32, 37). However, the existence of revertants in which the viral genome is found toremain integrated into the chromosomal DNA and in which T-antigen

expressionpersistsindicates thataninteraction

of viral andcellular productsisnecessaryforthe

expression ofthe transformed phenotype (37).

More direct evidence ofsuch acell-virus

inter-action comes from the temperature-sensitive

SV40-transfonned mouse 3T3 cells (ts SV3T3

cells)isolated in thislaboratory (27). These cells

behaveastransfornants at the permissive tem-perature


and lose most or all of the

transformed growthcharacteristics atthe

non-permissive temperature (39°C)dueto acellular mutation.At


tsSV3T3cellsalso resemble normal 3T3 cells inbeingabletoreachastateof

Gl arrest (GO) under serum starvation or at

saturationdensity. Under theseconditions, the cells become T-antigen negative, and no viral

transcriptionoccurs(4). Throughoutthispaper

we use theterm Gl arrest toindicate thestate

of cell populations which are growth arrested

with a unimodal distribution of DNA content

equivalenttothatof Gl cells. ThetermGO has

been used to indicate Gl-arrested cells which retain viability for long times and which are

presumably resting in the


part of Gl or

may be removed from the





arrestandGO may be



butnotnecessarilyatall times.

Acellcycle-related control appears to be

ex-erted on the expression of the integratedviral

DNA in ts SV3T3 cells at the nonpermissive

temperature. Gl-arrestedtsSV3T3cellscan be inducedtoproliferate by changing the medium

and increasing the serum concentration. Thus,

we have found thisaconvenientsystem in which

to study the regulation of viral transcription duringthecell cycle and the relationship of T-antigen production to cellular DNA synthesis.


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The results presented in this paper indicate

the following. (i) Viral transcription and T-an-tigen expression in SV40-transformed 3T3 cells

occur in the Gl phase of the cellcycleand are

notcoupledto DNAreplication. (ii)Thecellular

control of T-antigen expressionobserved in

Gl-arrested ts SV3T3 cellsisspecificfor aGOblock.

Such controlis not exerted ifcellsare arrested

by isoleucine deprivation. (iii) The tumor

pro-moterphorbol myristateacetate(PMA)induces

T-antigen synthesis. (iv) Thepresenceof

T-an-tigen alone is not sufficient to induce cellular DNAsynthesis.


Cells. Thepropertiesof the normal 3T3 and the ts SV3T3 cells used in this work have been described

previously(4, 27). The line oftsSV3T3 cells used in

theseexperimentswas tsH6-15 (27). Cellstockswere

generally maintained inahumidified atmosphere of

10%CO2at320CinDulbecco modifiedEaglemedium containing 10% calfserum. For the experiments in-volvingrestingcellsat39°C,culturesweregrownin5 to 10% calfserum. Atthe timethey reached conflu-ence,mediumcontaining 1%calfserum wassupplied

unless otherwise stated.

T-antigen assay. Cells that had been grown on

cover slipswerefixed with acetone-ethanol (2:1) for


wereincubated with hamster antiserumagainst SV40

Tantigen for 45min at 37°C and then with rabbit

fluorescein-labeledantibody againsthamster

y-globu-lin. Cells were observed in a Zeiss UV microscope


DNAsynthesisandautoradiography. Cellsthat

had been grownon coverslipswereincubated in the presenceof[3H]thymidine.Attheend of thelabeling

period, theywerefixed with 95% ethanol-acetic acid

(9:1). Coverslips werewashedextensively in 70and

95%ethanol, dried,and mountedonglass microscope

slides. The slidesweredippedin nuclear track

emul-sion(NTB-2;Kodak).After about7daysof exposure,

they weredeveloped and stained withGiemsa stain.

Flow microfluorometric analysis of cellular DNAcontent.The method describedbyKirshan(17) was used. Cells weregrown in 100-mm petridishes. After removing the medium, cellswere washed and treated in the dark withacoldsolution ofpropidium iodide (0.05 mg/ml) and sodium citrate 0.1%. After

swellingfor10minat4°C, the cellsweredetachedby

vigorous pipetting, transferredto atube onice, and analyzed on amodel 4800Acytofluorograph (Ortho

Instruments,Westwood,Mass.) within24h.

Preparation of cytoplasmic RNA. Cytoplasmic RNA waspreparedaspreviouslydescribed(4, 36).

Preparation of SV40 DNA. Plaque-purified SV40 viruswasusedtoinfect BSC-1monkey cellsat alow multiplicity of infection. Total viral DNA was

ex-tracted from infected cells bytheprocedure of Hirt (15). Supercoiled SV40 DNA (form I) was purified

fromthe HirtsupernatantbyCsCl-ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation. FormI SV40DNAwas

sub-sequently resolvedona 5 to23% sucrosegradientin

J. VIROL. lx SSC (0.15 M NaCl plus 0.015 M sodium citrate). Purifiedsupercoiled SV40 DNA was dialyzed against abuffer containing10mMTris-hydrochloride, pH 7.9, 5mMNaCl, and 0.5 mM EDTA at 4°C, followed by storageat-20°C.

Restriction enzymes and gel electrophoresis. Restriction endonucleases BglI, TaqI, and BamHI were purchased from Bethesda Research Laborato-ries. Form I SV40 DNA was digested by the endonu-cleases in a reaction mixture (total volume, 50 dl)

containing1,ugofSV40DNA, 20 mM Tris-hydrochlo-ride, pH 7.9,10mMMgCl2, 6 mM KCl, 2 mM

mercap-toethanol, and eitherBglIand TaqI or BamHI and

TaqI. The reaction was stopped by adding EDTA and sodium dodecyl sulfate to final concentrations of 20 mM and 0.2%, respectively, and the mixture was heated at 68°C for 10 min. The resulting DNA frag-ments wereresolved on cylindrical gels (0.6 by 13 cm) of 1.4% agarose,asdescribed by Sharp et al. (29). The gelswerestained with a 0.5-ug/ml ethidium bromide

solution, and the DNA bands were visualized under

UVlight. For elution of DNA fragments from agarose

gels, gel slices containing the DNA fragments were

dissolved ina small volume of 5 MNaCl04-50 mM Tris-hydrochloride, pH 7.4, at 60°C. The solution was passed through a small column of hydroxyapatite equilibrated with 0.14 M phosphate buffer. The

hy-droxyapatitecolumn was subsequently washed

exten-sively with 5 M NaCl04-50 mMTris-hydrochloride, pH 7.4, to remove the agarose. After an additional equilibration with0.14Mphosphate buffer, the DNA wasrecovered by elution with 0.4 M phosphate buffer. The eluatescontaining the DNA fragments were

di-alyzedagainst5mMTris-hydrochloride, pH 7.9-2 mM


In vitro radioactive labeling of SV40 DNA. Radioactive labeling of SV40 DNA and its fragments wasperformed by introducing32P-labelednucleotides by the nick-translation technique as described by Maniatisetal. (19). The specific activity of the radio-active DNAwasusually between3 x107 and108cpm/ Mg.

Separation and purification of SV40 DNA

strands. The strand separation of nick-translated

SV40 fragments was performed by the method of

Sambrooketal. (28)aspreviously described (4). DNA-RNAhybridization. Hybridization experi-mentsbetweencytoplasmicRNAand theearly strand of32P-labeledSV40 DNAfragmentswereperformed aspreviously described (4).


T-antigen expressionand DNAsynthesis

in ts SV3T3 cells.Asreported before (4), 1or

2days after ts SV3T3 cells reach a state ofGl

arrest at39°C,T-antigenbecomesundetectable

in their nuclei and virus-specific RNA is not

transcribed. The cells remain viable for long

times. To study the time course ofT-antigen

expressionafterresumptionofgrowth,ts SV3T3

cells grown at


until confluent were

incu-bated in low-serum medium (0.5 to 1%) for 3

additionaldays.T-antigen productionand DNA

on November 10, 2019 by guest



synthesis were followed after the cells were

transferred to the permissive temperature

(320C) in medium containing 20% calf serum

(Fig. 1). At zerotime, themajority ofthe cells

were T-antigen negative, and only a few cells weresynthesizingDNA.Flow microfluorometric analysis indicated that the cells had

accumu-lated in Gl (Fig. 2). After the medium change and shiftto320C,thecellsstartedtoproliferate

and entered DNAsynthesis with thedegree of synchrony characteristic for cells released from quiescence. Thereappearance ofT-antigen

pre-ceded DNAsynthesis, and the cells became T-antigenpositive about 10 h beforetheyentered

the S-phase. By 27 h after the shift to 320C,

most of the cells were T-antigen positive,

whereasonly 20% had entered DNAsynthesis.

In Fig. 1B the results ofsimilar experiments

performed at 390C are shown. The cells were

arrested before confluence in 0.5% serum and thenstimulated togrowbythe addition of

me-dium containing 20% serum without changing

thetemperature.Again, T-antigenreappearance

preceded DNA synthesis, the only difference

beingthat both functions occured faster thanat

the lowtemperature. The data indicate that

T-100 320C.



= 60




80 9.


a:60- 40-20

B 5 10 '15 20 25 30 35 4 415

TIME (hrs)

FIG. 1. T-antigen expression and DNA synthesis intsH6-15 cellsstimulatedtoproliferateat32(A)or 390C(B).tsH6-15 cells which had been arrested in GIat390C(see text) received fresh medium contain-ing 20% calfserum in the presence or absence of cytosine arabinoside (20pg/ml).At the timeof serum anddrugaddition(zero time), half of the plates were transferredto320Candtheother halfwere kept at 390C.At the sametimehalf ofthecultures received

f3H]thymidine(1,LM;3,uCi/ml)to labelthe nuclei for DNA synthesis. T-antigen and DNA synthesis were testedby immunofluorescence and autoradiography respectively,atthe times indicated (seetext). Symbols: T-antigen-positive nuclei in the absence of (0) or presenceof(0) of cytosine arabinoside; 3H-labeled

nucleiin the absence (0)or presence (-) of cytosine arabinoside.


5?3 ~~~~~33

2 ~~~~~2-2

1020 30 40 50 6070 10 20 30 405060 70 10 20 30 405060 70


FIG. 2. Flow microfluorometric analysis of cellu-lar DNAdistribution of ts H6-15 cells at 39°C. (A) ts H6-15cells with growth arrested by low serum con-centration and saturation density. (B) ts H6-15 cells growing at 39°C. (C) ts H6-15 cells with growth rested by ileu- medium at 39°C. ts H6-15 cells ar-rested by ileu- medium at 32°C exhibited a similar pattern of cellular DNA distribution (data not shown).

antigen is synthesized while those cells are in

the Gl phase of the cellcycle. Consistent with


RNAwasexpressed10 to 12h after shift-down.

This was measured by testing the ability of

RNA, pulse-labeledatvarioustimes after

shift-down,tohybridizewithSV40 DNA immobilized

onnitrocellulose filters(datanotshown).

Effect of inhibition of DNAsynthesis.To confirm the conclusion that DNA replication

was not required for T-antigen expression, the

experiment described above was performed in

the presence of cytosine arabinoside, a DNA

synthesis inhibitor (13). tsH6-15 cellswere

ar-rested in Gl at 39°C in low-serum mediumat

saturation density. Cells were then inducedto

proliferate by adding fresh, complete medium containing20


ofcytosinearabinoside per ml.

T-antigen-positive and DNA-synthesizing cells

were scored (Fig. 1). At both temperatures

cy-tosine arabinosideprevented thecellsfrom

en-tering the S-phase, whereas T-antigen reap-peared with almost the same kinetics asin the

controls. Similar results were obtained when hydroxyurea insteadof cytosine arabinoside was


Effect ofinhibitors of RNA and protein

synthesis on T-antigen reexpression. To

verify that new transcription and protein

syn-thesiswererequired for T-antigenreappearance inthe stimulatedcells,weperformedtheabove

experimentsinthepresence of an RNA

synthe-sis inhibitor (actinomycin D) or a protein

syn-thesis inhibitor (cycloheximide). As expected,

both actinomycin and cycloheximide inhibited T-antigen reexpression at both temperatures


Temperatureeffecton T-antigen

expres-sion.Theshift-down experimentsdescribed

pre-viously were donewith a simultaneous change

of the growth medium, with the fresh medium


on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:3.505.251.448.58.159.2] [image:3.505.74.218.351.513.2]

containing 10 or20%serum. We wanted to

de-termine the effects of shifting Gl-arrested ts

SV3T3 cells from 39 to 32°C without changing

the low-serum medium(Fig. 3). Both T-antigen

reappearanceand the initiation of DNA

synthe-siswere delayed and increasedataslowerrate

thanwas the case with thecultures which had

received complete fresh medium (Fig. 1). Again,

T-antigenreappearancepreceded DNA

synthe-sis, although the interval between thetwo

phe-nomena became very long. Nevertheless, we

have shown thatasimple change oftemperature

from 39 to 32°C releases these cells from Gl


The results of these experiments are

some-what paradoxical. Although it is clear that a

simple change in temperature is sufficient to

makethesecellslose the normalphenotypeand,


accom-paniedby the expressionofviral functions,the

primary change mustoccur when the cells are

devoid of viral gene products. In addition, the

extremely long time interval between

appear-anceofT-antigen andtheentry intoDNA

syn-thesissuggests thatthepresenceofT-antigenis

notsufficienttoinduce thecellstoenterthe

S-phase. Some other temperature- and

time-de-pendent changes apparently must occur. The

hypothesis that T-antigen is not sufficient to

induce DNA synthesis inthese cells in the

ab-sence of other temperature-dependent

func-tion(s) issupported bythe results of the

experi-mentdescribed below.

Effect of tumor promoter PMA on

Gi-arrestedtsSV3T3 cells. PMA isa

represent-ative of various phorbol esters which enhance












20 40 60 80 100 TIME (hrs)

FIG. 3. Temperature effect on T-antigen

expres-sion. tsH6-15 cells werearrested in Gl at39°Cby celldensityand lowserumconcentration(1%). After 3days at39°Cin low-serum medium the cellswere

transferred to 32°C without medium change (zero time). [3H]thymidine (1 pM; 3,uCi/ml) was added, and the nucleiwerescoredfor T-antigen positiveness

(0)or3H-labeling (0)atdifferenttimes(see text).

tumorigenicity ofmany chemicalcarcinogensin

vivo (30). In the presence ofPMA, normalcells

in vitro reversibly acquire some of the

charac-teristics of transformed cells (30, 39). Sincethe

data shown abovesuggestedto usthat T-antigen

was not necessarily coupled to cellular DNA

synthesis, we wanted to determine whether T-antigen-negative ts SV3T3 cells could be

in-duced toproduceT-antigenwithoutsubsequent

cellular DNA replication. ts SV3T3 cells were

arrested in Gl at 39°C as described previously

and held at low serumconcentration (1%) for3

days. At this point,PMA (in 50% ethanol

solu-tion) wasaddedtotheplatesatafinal

concen-tration of 0.1 ,ug/ml without medium change.

The additionof PMAinduced thereappearance

of T-antigen in the majority of the cells, al-though very few cellssynthesized DNA (Table

1). Thesynthesis of T-antigen occurredin most

of the cells by 13 h with the same kinetics as

those of serum-stimulated cells at 39°C, but little cellularDNAsynthesiswasdetectedeven

after 31 h (cf. Fig. 1). Atlater times, the cells returned to quiescence. Thus, the addition of PMA enabled the ts SV3T3 cells to overcome

theGO blockand tosynthesize T-antigen.

How-ever, the cells did not enter the S-phase,

sug-gestingthatT-antigenper se may not be able to

trigger the DNA replication machinery of the


Effect ofisoleucine deprivation. In

expo-nentially growingcellpopulations,cells progress

through the mitotic cycle in an asynchronous

manner. Different metabolic blocks, nutrient

deprivation, ortemperature-sensitivemutations

are ableto stop cellproliferation andcause the

TABLE 1. Effect oftumorpromoterPMA in Gl-arrestedtsH6-15cellsa

% ofT-anti- DNA


Time(h) gen-positive % of

DNA-syn-cells thesizing cells cpm/culture

0 5 1 1,400

6 ND 1 1,000

9 36 ND ND

13 75 5 1,800

24 82 6 3,500

27 ND 4 4,300

31 78 6 4,200

atsH6-15cellsweregrown in 10%serum at


untilthey becameconfluent; thennewmedium with 1%serum wasadded. After3days (zero time) PMA (0.1ug/ml)wasaddedwithoutchangingthe medium.

bCells were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine (3

,tCi/ml) for 1 h; thefrequency of labeled nucleiwas

determinedbyautoradiography,andtheradioactivity incorporated into DNAwasmeasuredin trichloroace-ticacid-precipitablematerial.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



cells to accumulateatspecific pointsofthe cell cycle. Such blocks can be utilized to studythe

eventsoccuring duringcellcycle progression (3).

Low serum concentrationorisoleucine depri-vation have been used to viablyarrest normal cells in Gl (8, 18, 25). Transformed cells,

how-ever, generally either do not respond to these

blocks or die during DNAsynthesis (9, 18, 23,

25, 26, 35, 38). Since ts SV3T3 cells at 39°C

behaveasnormalcells,it was assumed thatthey would respond to isoleucine deprivation. We wished to compare the effects of such a block with thoseresulting fromdensityorserum


ts SV3T3 cells were G1 arrested at 39°C in

serum-depleted medium. After 3 days (zero time) the cells were washed and incubated in medium with or without isoleucine (ileu+ and

ileu- media, respectively) and supplemented

with extensively dialyzed calf serum at a final concentration of10%,andtheywerethen

trans-ferred to 320C. Figure 4 shows that isoleucine deprivation didnotpreventT-antigen

reappear-ance. DNA synthesis was inhibited, although

notcompletely,since a small percentage ofcels

synthesized DNA in ileu- medium. Similar

re-sults were obtained withcellskeptat390Cafter serumaddition.

Thisunexpected resultpromptedthe investi-gation of the cell cyclearrestpoint oftsSV3T3




z 2

80 2



10 2

3000 5

TIME (hrs)

FIG. 4. Effect of isoleucine deprivationon

T-anti-genexpressionand DNA synthesisintsH6-15cells

arrested inGIat39°Cand thenstimulatedto prolif-erateat320C. Gi-arrestedtsH6-15 cellswerewashed, and new medium with or without isoleucine and supplemented with 10% dialyzed calf serum was added(zerotime).Atzerotime[3H]thymidine(1 zM;

3,Ci/ml)wasalso added.T-antigen-positive and

3H-labeled nuclei were tested by immunofluorescence

andautoradiography, respectively,atdifferent times.

Symbols: T-antigen-positive nuclei in the presence

(0)orabsence(E)ofisoleucine;3H-labelednuclei in the presence(0)orabsence(U)of isoleucine.

cells at 32 and390Cin ileu- medium. tsSV3T3

cells growing at 32 or390Cin complete medium were washed twice with ileu- medium and in-cubated in ileu- medium supplemented with 10% dialyzed calf serum. Under these conditions the cells remainedT-antigen positive, and DNA syn-thesis dropped to zero. However, measurements of the distribution of DNA content of the ts SV3T3 cellsinileu- medium showed that cells were distributedin the Gl and S-phases of the cell cycle (Fig. 2). In other words, isoleucine deprivation stopped the proliferation of the ts SV3T3cells but did not cause them to accumu-late inG1.

It isclear that ts SV3T3cellsrespond differ-ently than other cell types to isoleucine depri-vation. This apparently results, however, not from the fact that these cells are SV40









x co


1O 20 30 40 50 60

TIME (hrs.)

10203040 5060 70


FIG. 5. DNA content and DNA synthesis of3T3 ME cells keptin ileu- medium. 3T3 ME cells were

growninDulbeccomodified Eaglemedium

contain-ing10%calfserum.Beforeconfluencethe cellswere

washed,and ileu- mediumcontaining10% dialyzed

calfserum wasadded. Flowmicrofluorometric anal-ysisofcellular DNA distributionwasperformnedas

described in the text. (A) 3T3 cells in complete

me-dium.(B) 3T3 ME cells in ileu- mediumfor38h. (C)

3T3 ME cells in ileu- mediumfor50h. (D)Rateof

DNAsynthesisin 3T3MEcellswhiletheywerekept

in ileu- medium. The rate of DNA synthesis was measured bypulse-labeling thecells with

[3H]thy-midine(0.5stM;3,uCi/ml)attheindicated timesfor Ih and thencountingthetrichloroacetic


on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:5.505.258.448.274.517.2] [image:5.505.74.234.398.545.2]


formed, but from an inherent property of the

3T3 mouse cell line. This was shown by an

experiment in which 3T3 ME cells growing at

37'C in mediumcontaining10% calf serumwere

washed and incubated in ileu- medium. DNA

synthesis, as measured by the rate of

incorpo-ration oftritiatedthymidineintotrichloroacetic

acid-precipitable material, dropped rapidly, and

flowcytofluorometric analysis indicated thatthe

cellswerearrestedinthe GlandS-phases (Fig.

5). A similar effect ofisoleucine deprivation on

3T3cellshas beenreportedrecentlyby Yen and Pardee (40). The above data confirm the fact

that only a GO-like block suppressed T-antigen expression, whereas isoleucine deprivation, al-thoughstoppingcellproliferation, didnotinhibit it.

Viraltranscription in ts SV3T3. Ina

pre-vious paper (4) we reported that virus-specific

RNA is detected in ts SV3T3 cells only while

theyaregrowingat 32 or39°C.Whenthesecells

are arrested in G1 at 39°C, they become

T-antigennegative,andviraltranscription ceases. Wealsohadindications thatthetranscription of theearly strand of theSV40genome was more

extensive incells growing at 32°C than in cells


We attempted to determine whether there

was a part of the early region of the SV40

genomewhichwaspreferentially transcribed at

the permissive temperature, 32°C. It has been

shownthat theearly region of the SV40genome

encodes two polypeptides, large T and small t,

responsible for viral replication and initiation and/or maintenance ofcellulartransformation, respectively (14, 31). A possible

temperature-dependent control of thetranscription ofsmall

tgenescouldhaveexplained the'behaviorofthe


To determine whether the integrated viral

genome wastranscribeddifferentlyat39°C than

at 32'C,wecleaved SV40 formIDNAwith the

restriction enzymes BamHI, BglI, and TaqI (Fig. 6). Thefragmentswereresolved inagarose

gels,eluted,and nick-translated in thepresence

of 32P-labeled nucleoside triphosphates, as

de-scribed above.Fragments B and C (Fig. 6)

com-prise the early portion of the SV40 genome.

Fragment B encompasses the sequences where

all of the SV40 gene A mutants have been

mapped.Consequently,itstranscriptionsecures theintegrityofthelargeT.Fragment Ccontains

thesequence where the viable deletionmutant

d1890wasmapped,and itstranscriptionappears

tobe responsible for small tsynthesis (14, 31).

Wetested thehybridizabilityof theearlystrands

of fragments B and C with cytoplasmic RNA

extracted from ts H6-15 cells under different

growth conditions (Fig. 6). The extent of

tran-cioro0 A B BrH

a - B I{ 1

60 Taqi


X 20

X05 10 15 20 05 1o 15 20 mg/ml RNA

FIG. 6. Hybridization of cytoplasmic RNA ex-tractedfrom tsH6-15 cellswith theearly strands of fragmentsB (0.15 to 0.57 map unit) and C (0.57 to 0.67 mapunit)of the early regionof SV40 genome (insert). Hybridization was carriedout at68°Cfor40 h as described in the text. The reaction mixture (0.2 ml) contained2 x 10-5to 5 x10-5,tgof[2P]DNAper ml (specificactivity,3x107to108cpm/p.g).(A) Fragment B withcytoplasmic RNA fromtsH6-15 cells growing at32°C (U),growing at 39°C (0), and arrested at 39°C and then stimulatedtogrow(0). (B) Fragment C with thesameRNApreparations.

scriptionof these two fragmentswasgreater at

32°C than at 39°C. ts H6-15 cells growing at

39°C contained viral RNA sequences derived

from bothfragmentsBandC. Neitherfragment


was at32°C. From theabove analysiswe were

unable to detect preferential transcription at

39°Cbetween thetwoselectedfragmentsof the

SV40 genome. It has been shown recently in

lytically infected cells that the mRNA's forlarge

T and small t bothencompass the wholeearly

region of the SV40 genome (5, 14). Inview of these new data, such preferential transcription

should notbeexpected.

Todetermine whethervirus-specific RNAwas

possibly degraded fasterat39°C, tsH6-15cells

weregrown at39°C until they became arrested

in Gl. Then these cellswerestimulated with a

highserumconcentration to enter DNA

synthe-sis. When all cellswere T-antigenpositive,

cy-toplasmic RNA was extracted and tested for

hybridizationwith theearlystrandsoffragments

B and C (Fig. 6). The amountofvirus-specific

RNA and the extent ofhybridization increased

compared with cells exponentially growing at

39°C, although they were still lower than the

values detected at32°C. It seems likely that in

ts H6-15 thenonpermissive temperature lowers

the rate of the transcription of the integrated

SV40 as well as the stability of the viral

tran-scripts. Whether this differencemay be related to the temperature-sensitive expression of the

transformedphenotypeinthetsSV3T3 cells is

unknownatthis time.


The SV40 gene A product (T-antigen) is a

on November 10, 2019 by guest



DNAbinding protein which is expressed in cells lytically infectedortransformed withSV40and the synthesis of which is selfregulated (1, 12,

34). T-antigen appears to be required for the

initiation of viral DNA replication and the

es-tablishment of cell transformation (10, 20, 32,

33). A functionalT-antigen is alsoprobably

re-quiredtomaintainsome,ifnotall, of the

prop-erties oftransformed cells (7, 11, 20, 24, 32). It


un-regulated cellgrowth by actingas aninitiator of

DNAreplication (10, 21, 22).

Abiologicalsystemin which theexpression of

T-antigencanbe controlled should be usefulto

study the role of this protein in viral transfor-mation. Ina previous paper weshowed that a

cellular controlwasexertedonT-antigen

expres-sion in cells whichexpressthetransformed

phe-notype inatemperature-dependent manner(ts

SV3T3) (4). Gl (GO)-arrestedtsSV3T3cells do

notexpressT-antigen and donotcontain

virus-specific RNA, whereas growing cells expressed


Inthispaper wehave extended the

character-ization of thisphenomenoninanattempt togain

informationonthe roleplayed byT-antigenin promoting cellular DNA synthesis and on the regulation of itsexpression in transformed cells. Our results show that when Gl-arrested ts

SV3T3 cellsareinducedtoproliferate, T-antigen


but alwaysprecedes the entry of the cells into

the S-phase. Accordingly,theuseof DNA

syn-thesis inhibitors does notpreclude the

appear-ance of T-antigen. T-antigen reappearance is

clearly not related to the exposure of the ts

SV3T3 cells tothe temperature permissive for the expression of the transformed phenotype, butonlytotheresumption ofcell cycle

progres-sion. Inaddition, the results obtained with ileu-medium confirm the hypothesis thatonlycells viably arrested in Gl fail toexpressT-antigen, whereas othertypesofgrowtharrestdonotlead


Itis,unfortunately, difficulttodefmethe

pre-cise point in Gl at which T-antigen becomes reexpressedorwhere viraltranscription restarts.

This is due not onlyto the fact that acertain

amountofT-antigenmustaccumulatebefore it

canbe detected, but, more importantly, to the

abnormally longGllagexhibitedbyGl-arrested

cells after stimulation (2).Therefore,wedonot

know at which point in G1 the expression of

viral functions restart, nor can we relate this


The kinetics of resumption of growth and

entry into DNA synthesis exhibited by the ts

SV3T3 cells are not different from those

ex-hibited by normal3T3cellsupon readdition of

serumafterserumstarvation. Thus,the appear-ance ofT-antigen does not seem toaccelerate the recruitment of cells intothe S-phase. In this

respect, it isinterestingto compare the behavior

ofour ts SV3T3 cells upongrowth stimulation

or shift to the temperature permissive for the transforned phenotype with the behavior of

cellstransformed byAmutantsofSV40 under

similar conditions (6, 11, 23). Inbothts SV3T3 cells and tsA SV40 transformants, the

trans-formed phenotype is temperature sensitive. However, thets SV3T3 cellsowe their charac-teristicsto a cellularmutation,whereas the be-havior of SV40-transformed cells is presumably determined byaviral mutationaffecting

T-an-tigen function. Atthe nonpermissive

tempera-ture, exponentially growing ts SV3T3 cells

ex-press anapparentlyfunctional T-antigen. When

these cells become confluentor aredepleted of

serum, this expression ceasesdue to acellular

control atthe level oftranscription. Under the

same conditions, tsA SV40 transformants

con-tinuously produce T-antigen which is

presum-ablyinactive because of the temperature-sensi-tive mutation. It is unknown whetherT-antigen isexpressed when these cells reach Glarrest at

39°C, and,infact,it hasonlybeen shown inone

casethat these cellscanreachaGlarrest atthe nonpermissivetemperature(23).

Theabilitytoreacha stateofviable Glarrest

under conditions ofserum starvation, density,


nor-malcellsfromSV40-transformedcells (9, 18, 23, 25, 26, 35,38).The tsSV3T3 cellsclearlyhave thesepropertiesat39°C.Inashift-down

exper-iment with tsA SV40transformants, T-antigen should becomefunctionallyactive and then


induc-tionof cellular DNAsynthesis. Inthecaseofts

SV3T3cells,however, newT-antigenshould be

synthesized before such an induction effect is

manifested. Indeed,as indicated above,

T-anti-gen expression precedes DNA synthesis. After

shift to the permissive temperature, ts SV3T3 cellsresumed DNAsynthesis afteralagperiod

of20 to 25h inserum-containing medium and

60 to80hunder conditions ofserumstarvation.


byMartin and Stein (23) and Brockman (6) in studies withtsA SV40-transformed cells.

How-ever, Butel and Soule(11) observedavery short

lag period of4to 8 hbefore thesecellsentered DNA synthesis. The temperatureeffect in the

resumption ofDNAsynthesisintsA

transform-ants was serumindependent.Thisfindingraises

the question of whether the tsA transformed

cells used by these authors were indeed Gl arrestedat39°C. Inourcase, readdition of

nor-mal medium to ileu- medium-arrested cells,

on November 10, 2019 by guest




which doesnotbringabout aGlarrest,resulted

in a very rapid resumption of DNA synthesis


Thetemperatureshiftexperiments performed

with tsA SV40-transformed hamster or mouse

cellssuggest thatthe continuous expression of gene A is required for the maintenance of the transformed phenotype and that the gene A productmaydirectly induce cellularDNA

syn-thesis in SV40-transformed cells (11,21,22).Our results are not intotal agreementwith this

in-terpretation. Asmentioned before, the kinetics


stimula-tionatboth32and390Caresimilartothose of

3T3 cells. Thus, T-antigen, which appears in

these cells inmid-Gl doesnotseem tobe capable

ofinitiating cellDNAsynthesis directly. Sucha

mechanism of action would belikelytoresult in

an accelerated recruitment of cells into the

S-phase. Inaddition, thetemperatureshift

exper-iments without addition ofserum also suggest

that T-antigen does not play a direct role in

initiation of DNA synthesis.

In most of the experiments described, the startingpoint(Gl arrest)wasacharacteristicof thenontransformedphenotype.WhentsSV3T3

cellsareinducedtoproliferate byincreasingthe

serumconcentration,T-antigen expressionis

co-ordinated with theexpression ofother cellular

geneswhich pull the cells out ofGO and push

them toward theS-phase.It isnotclearwhether,

after shift to 320C, ts SV3T3 cellsacquire the transformedphenotype beforeorafterT-antigen

expression. When thecells are shiftedto 32°C

without mediumchange,both theappearanceof T-antigen and the resumption of growth are

quite delayed. T-antigen cannot be obviously

implicated in thisprocess,asitwas notpresent at the beginning. Furthermore, the extremely

long lag separatingT-antigenappearance from

DNAsynthesis in theseexperimentsstrengthens

theconclusion thatT-antigenisnotsufficientto

induce cellular DNA synthesiswithout the

ac-tivation ofsome other cellular function. If

T-antigen could induce cellular DNA synthesis

directly,thelag between its appearance and the

entry into S-phase would be expected to be

approximately 10 h rather than the 40 h

ob-served in this type ofexperiment. The results

with PMA also show that,under conditions of

serum starvation and temperature

nonpermis-sive for the expressionof the transformed

phe-notype, induction of T-antigen is notfollowed

byDNAsynthesis.Thus,webelievethatSV40 T-antigenintransformed cellsismorelikely to

act as an inducer of cell proliferation, rather

than as adirect initiator of DNAsynthesis.

Further work in this area will include the

search for virus-specific proteinsand their char-acterization in ts SV3T3 cells under different growth conditions. Preliminary experiments

with[35S]methionine-labeledcells indicatedthat

polypeptides corresponding to small, medium, and large T-antigens are immunoprecipitated

fromextractsoftsSV3T3cells growingat 39 or

32°C. Thus, these cells express all known

T-antigensatthenonpermissivetemperaturewhen in exponential growth. It will be interesting to

estimate the relativeamountsof these viral

pro-teinsatthetwotemperatures. Itis possiblethat

the cellular control of the transformed

pheno-typeoftsSV3T3 cells is manifested by regula-ting thesynthesisofthesepolypeptides.


Thisinvestigationwassupported by Public Health Service grants CA 11893 and CA 16239 from the National Cancer Institute.

We thank PatSantanellofor herexcellenttechnical

assist-anceand EricEilenfor thehelpful discussions.


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FIG. 2.centrationlargrowingrestedrestedH6-15pattern Flow microfluorometric analysis of cellu- DNA distribution of ts H6-15 cells at 39°C
FIG. 3.cell3transferredsion.time).(0)and days Temperature effect on T-antigen expres- ts H6-15 cells were arrested in Gl at 39°C by density and low serum concentration (1%)
FIG. 5.grownME DNA content and DNA synthesis of 3T3 cells kept in ileu- medium. 3T3 ME cells were in Dulbecco modified Eagle medium contain-
FIG. 6.39°CtractedfragmentsmapCdescribedcontained(specificHybridizationBat with with 32°C Hybridization of cytoplasmic RNAex- from ts H6-15 cells with the early strands of B (0.15 to 0.57 map unit) and C (0.57 to 0.67 unit) of the early region ofSV40 genom


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