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Species Identification and Genome Mapping of Cytoplasmic Adenovirus Type 2 RNAs Synthesized Late in Infection


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Copyright 0 1977 AmericanSociety for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.



and Genome

Mapping of


Adenovirus Type




Late in Infection


Department ofPathology and Department of MicrobiologyandImmunology, Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, Washington UniversitySchoolof Medicine,St.Louis,Missouri 63110

Received for publication 25 January 1977

Adenovirustype 2cytoplasmic RNAssynthesized late in productive infection

wereresolved byelectrophoresisonformamide gels. Regions of the adenovirus2 genome specifying RNAs of distinct sizewere determinedby hybridization to



fragments generated

by cleavage with endo R EcoRI and endo

R*SmaI. From thesestudies13distinctviral RNA specieswereidentified. A 26S

to 28S sizeclass and a21S to 23S size classwereeach foundto consist offour distinct RNA species. Three RNA species wereidentified in a 16Sto 18S size class,andafourth size class, 11Sto13S, wasresolvedinto two components.The SmaI-Dregion (0.38 to 0.51 onthe unitgenome)and the EcoRI-F, Dregion (0.70

to0.83) of thegenome werefoundtocodefor multiple transcripts. Three RNAs (28S,22S,and 18S)arespecifiedbySmaI-D,and fourcomponents,28S, 22S, 18S, and 16S, are encoded by EcoRI-F,D. The RNA


by each set of multiple transcriptsexceeds the coding capacityof the respective region, and the species within each set of RNAs appear to contain common sequences. The relationship between the cytoplasmic RNA species


atlatetimesand early cytoplasmic RNAs was determined



experi-ments.Themultiple transcriptsencoded by the EcoRI-D fragmentwerefoundto

contain sequences that are present in early cytoplasmic RNA. These studies enabled preparation ofamapwhichaccountsfor transcription of


67%of therstrand of the adenovirus2genome.


Expression of theadenovirustype 2 genome

during productive infection is under temporal control (18, 47). At early times, before viral

DNA replication begins, seven to eight viral

mRNAspecies aretranscribed(8, 12,43).These mRNA's include transcripts from limited re-gions of both strands of the genome (33, 38).

The cytoplasmic RNA isolated lateininfection contains transcripts of approximately 90% of the single-strand coding capacity (33, 38).

These RNAs include sequencestranscribed

ex-clusivelyatlatetimesaswellasRNAsthatare also present early ininfection. Of the cytoplas-mic viral RNA synthesized at a typical late

time, 17h, 99% isspecifiedby onestrand(30),

the DNA strand transcribed in the rightward

direction(r strand) (38).

At latetimes, expression of viral genes

pre-dominatesinthe infectedcell. Morethan 80%

of thepolyadenylated cytoplasmicRNA synthe-sizedatthese times is virus


(6, 22,42). The adenovirusmRNAlabeledat 18 hconsists

offourmajor sizeclasses, which migrateas13S to 27S RNAs on polyacrylamide gels (22, 36,

42). Thesemajor sizeclasses are likely to con-tain multiple species, for more than 20

virus-induced or -specified polypeptides have been



lateininfection(2, 20, 28). At least 14 of these polypeptides can be identified as structural components of the vir-ion (15, 20).

To establish the size of individual viral

mRNA species and identify the genome sites

coding for viral mRNA's, RNAscanbe fraction-ated by


gelelectrophoresisand then


to specific DNA fragments. In

an initial


using this



werefractionated in aqueous gel systems and hybridizedtoDNAfragments(43)generated by digestion of adenovirus 2 DNA with endo

R-EcoRI (27). Theonly unique species identi-fied was a24S RNA detectedby


with EcoRI-E DNA (0.83 to 0.90 on the unit genome). Here wehaveused 14 DNAfragments

to characterize cytoplasmic viral RNAs

frac-tionated in 98% formamide gels. The present

studies haveconfirmed the previous results and identified at least 12 additional cytoplasmic

viral RNAs. Two regions ofthegenomespecify

several sizeclasses ofRNA,whosetotallength exceeds the transcriptional capacity of the re-gion. These RNAsof differentsizesapparently

contain commonsequences. Theresults ofthese

studies suggest a transcription map for late


on November 10, 2019 by guest







Cell culture and virus infection. Maintenance of KB cell suspension cultures, virus infection, and purification of adenovirus type 2 wereperformedas described previously (13). Prior to labeling, cultures were concentrated to 9 x 105 cells/ml. [3H]uridine



40 Ci/mmol; New England Nuclear

Corp.) was added either 12 to 14 h or 17 to 19 h after infection.

Cell fractionation, RNA purification, and frac-tionation. Cultures wereharvested at40C,and cyto-plasmic fractions were prepared by suspending cells inisotonicbuffer (0.15 M NaCl, 0.01 MTris,pH 7.5, 0.0015 M MgCl2, 0.1% diethylpyrocarbonate) and 0.1% Nonidet P-40 (Shell Chemical Co.). Nuclei were removed by centrifugation at 800 x g for 10

min,and the supernatant was clarified by centrifu-gation at 18,000 x g for 20 min. RNA waspurified, afterthe additionof 0.002 M EDTA and 0.2%sodium

dodecyl sulfate, by multiple extractions at room temperature with anequal volumeofphenol (satu-rated with 0.1 M NaCl, 0.01 M Tris, pH 7.5, and 0.002 MEDTA) andchloroform-isoamylalcohol (at a ratioof 24:1) as previously described (9).

RNA containing polyadenylic acid [poly(A)I was selected by chromatography on oligodeoxythymi-dylic acid-cellulose (Collaborative Research, Inc.)

(4) andprecipitatedwith 2 volumes of 95% ethanol in the presence of 0.1 M NaCl at -200C.


fractionated on 3.0 or 3.5% bisacrylamide gels (0.6 by 10 cm) containing 98% formamide (EastmanCo.)

(14, 41). Theelectrophoresiswasperformedin 0.04 Msodium phosphate (pH 6.8) for 4 to 6 h at 2 to 3

mA/gel. To providereference positions of 28S and

18S rRNA, "4C-labeled cytoplasmic RNA isolated

fromuninfected KB cells was added to a sample of the [3HIRNA and fractionated in a parallel gel. In some experiments, E. coli [14C]RNA was also added toprovide23S and 16S bacterial rRNA's as additional markers. For these four rRNA's the rela-tionship betweendistance migratedand S value was linear. To establish theabilityofthese gels to frac-tionateRNAs largerthan28S,KBcell 45Sand32S ribosomal precursorRNAswerealsofractionatedin this gel system andcould be separatedas distinct

peaksmigrating slower than28S RNA. Gels were

fractionated into 1-mm slices, and the RNA was eluted from each sliceby incubationfor 36 hat66°C

in 6x SSC(lx SSC =0.15 Msodiumchloride,0.015 Msodium citrate) containing 0.1% sodiumdodecyl

sulfate. Prior to performing hybridization

experi-ments with RNAsfractionated by size, a sample of the RNA eluted from each fraction was counted directly to establish that the RNA profile was char-acteristic of thepattern reproducibly obtained late inadenovirus 2 infection (42).

Purification of viral DNA and preparation of DNAfragments. Adenovirus 2 DNA was extracted from CsCl-purified virus by the procedure of Tib-betts et al.(45). Viral DNA was digested with either endoR-EcoRI or endoR-SmaI, and the DNA frag-ments wereisolated by electrophoresis on 1% aga-rose gels as described previously (11, 39). Trace

amounts of32P-labeled adenovirus DNA (100 cpm/


wereadded before digestionto quantitate recov-ery. DNA fragmentswereroutinely subjectedto a second electrophoresis on agarose gels to insure their purity. DNA was eluted from gel slices by crushing the gel in 2 volumes of 0.01 M Tris, pH 7.5, 0.002 M EDTA followed by three cycles of freezing and thawing. The gel suspension was then forced through a syringe plugged with glass wool to retain gel particles. The eluted DNA was clarified by cen-trifugation at 15,000 x g for 15 min. Recovery of DNAfragments by this procedure was greaterthan 70%.

AllSmaI DNA fragments wereprepared by cleav-ageof EcoRI-A. Topurifythe EcoRI-Afragmentfor

subcleavage,theeluted DNA waspassed througha 1-ml hydroxylapatite column (Bio-Rad) at room temperature; the DNA wasapplied in 0.01 M potas-siumphosphate,pH 7.0, washed with 0.01 M potas-sium phosphate, pH 7.0, and eluted with 0.5 M potassium phosphate, pH 7.0,according to the pro-cedure ofLudwigand Summers (24). After passage

throughthe column, the DNA was dialyzed at4°C

against fourchanges of 0.01 M Tris, pH 7.5, 0.002 M EDTAfor a total of 24 h. The dialyzed DNA was

adjusted to 0.1 M NaCl and precipitated with 2 volumes of ethanol at -20°C.

RNA-DNA hybridization. Hybridization experi-ments utilized adenovirus 2 DNA immobilized on 6.5-mm cellulose nitrate membranes (type B6,

Schleicher and SchuellCo.) (9, 35). For

hybridiza-tionwith whole adenovirus DNA, membranes con-tained from 0.5 to 2


of DNA. Forhybridizations

with DNA fragments, amounts of DNA were defined as microgram equivalents; a


equivalent of a DNAfragmentisthe amount of DNAderived from 1


of whole adenovirus DNA. All DNA membrane filters were tested for competence byhybridization

to32P-labeled DNA (34). [3H]RNA eluted from gel slices was hybridized for 24 h at 66°C in 6x SSC, 0.1%sodium dodecyl sulfate. Afterincubation, fil-ters werewashed with 2x SSC, treated with 20 ,ug of pancreatic RNase per ml (Worthington Biochemi-calsCo.),andprocessedasdescribedpreviously(10). When membranes containing different DNA frag-ments were hybridized simultaneously, each DNA filter was processed separately. Filters were dried

and counted in aliquidscintillationcounter.

Hybridization-inhibition experiments were per-formed in two steps as describedby Craigetal. (13). Unlabeledalkali-fragmentedRNA was first

hybrid-izedto filters containing either 0.5


ofwholeviral DNA or


equivalents of a particular DNA fragment. Three different types of unlabeled cyto-plasmic RNAs were used: RNA from uninfected KB cells, RNA from cultures treatedwith 25,g ofcyclo-heximideper ml andharvested at 6 h after infection,

orRNA fromculturesharvested at 18 h after infec-tion. In the second step, 3H-cytoplasmic RNA la-beled lateininfection wasadded and incubated with the prehybridized DNA filters for24hat66°C. Fil-ters were washed and treated with RNase as de-scribed above. For someexperiments the [3H]RNA wasfirst fractionated ongels, then eluted, and hy-bridized to membranes that had beenpreannealed withinhibitor RNA.

VOL. 23, 1977

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Sincepreviousstudies hadnotidentifiedany viral mRNA's lacking poly(A) (22), late

cyto-plasmic viral RNA could be selected by oligo-deoxythymidylic acid-cellulose

chromatogra-phy. When the poly(A)-containing [3H]RNA

was analyzed by electrophoresis on 98% form-amide gels, fourmajorsizeclasses of viral RNA

wereresolved: 26Sto28S,21Sto23S, 16Sto18S RNAs, andasmallvirus-specific peak of 11Sto

13SRNA (datanotshown). Late inadenovirus

2infection, morethan80%of the polyadenyla-tedcytoplasmic RNA is virusspecified (22, 42); therefore, the total profile of


cyto-plasmic RNA is essentiallyidenticaltothe

pro-file ofviral RNA. Although the size distribu-tionobtained withformamide gelswasin

gen-eral agreement with previous studies using

aqueous gel systems (6, 22, 29, 36, 42), one consistent difference was revealed. Although several earlier studiesreported thatsome

cyto-plasmic viral RNA migrated


slower than 28S rRNA (22, 29, 42), such size classes havenotbeen detected whenformamide gelsareused.

Forthe studies



we have used

two restriction


endo R EcoRI andendo R-SmaI. Cleavage mapsof

adenovi-rus 2DNAfor thesetwoenzymes areshownin

Fig. 1. The viralgenomeiscleavedatfive sites by endo R EcoRI (27) and at twelve sites


endo R SmaI (C. Mulder,


communi-cation). Nine of the endo R SmaI sitesare lo-catedinthe left-hand58%of the viralgenome.

Cleavage of purified EcoRI-A


with endo R SmaI


nine SmaI


andone new


designated A-A,

which is generated from the region of EcoRI-A that overlaps SmaI-A (0.561 to 0.585 on the unit genome).

Use of





RNAs transcribed from the left-hand 58% of thegenome. When



ana-lyzed by






containing the left-hand 58% of the genome, the size distribution obtained was essentially thesame asthat obtainedwithwhole

adenovi-Eco RI

2.9 10.711.3 18.118.5

SmaI J E F


35.4 38.4



rusDNA. Tolocalize RNAs ofdifferentsizesto specific regions withinEcoRI-A,


experiments were performed with the eight largest SmaI fragments generated by subcleav-ing EcoRI-A (Fig. 2). Foreach experiment in

which multiple panels are shown, the experi-ments were performed by eluting RNA from individual gel slices andhybridizing the eluted

RNAsimultaneouslyto aseriesofmembranes containing different DNA fragments. The re-sults withthe SmaIfragmentsarepresentedin the genomicorder of thefragments(see Fig. 1). The size of theRNAsdetected by hybridization

withtheSmaI fragments andthecoding capac-ity of thesefragmentsare compared inTable1.

Although SmaI-J specifies early mRNA's (11), the levelofsynthesis of cytoplasmicRNA atlate timeswas too low to bedetectedin these

experiments.Thehybridization profile withthe

SmaI-E fragment includes a major peak that migrates as 13S RNA. Of all the late-specific sequences, only those sequences contained in

SmaI-F and part of SmaI-B are transcribed

from the1strand ratherthan the rstrand(32). SmaI-F DNA givesalow level of hybridization that is heterogeneous in size. Hybridization with the SmaI-B fragment reproducibly

re-solved 26S, 21S, and 13S RNAs superimposed

on abackground ofheterogeneous RNAs. The SmaI-I fragment contains thesequences in 0.354 to 0.384 on the unitgenome map (see

Fig. 1). Hybridization with this fragment

yielded a broad 27-26S peak and also a 21S peak. Hybridization to SmaI-D DNA was 10-foldhigher thantothe other SmaI fragments. TheSmaI-D profile consisted of 27S, 22S, and 18S RNAs. A single 28S peak was found to hybridizeto bothSmaI-H and SmaI-A-A

frag-ments. This RNA size class consistently

mi-grated slower than the 27SSmaI-D peak. Fromthe summaryinTable1, itisclear that the total molecular weight of the RNA size classes transcribed fromsomeSmaI fragments

is greater than their coding capacity. This

re-sult would be obtainedif (i) somemRNA'sare encoded by sequences present intwo adjacent fragments or (ii) some RNAs contain common sequences.


58.5 70.7 75.9 83.4 89.7







51.1 56.1






76.8 91 99


FIG. 1. Restriction endonuclease cleavage maps of the adenovirus 2 genome. The cleavage sites for endo

R-EcoRI were determined by Mulderetal. (27). The endo R -SmaI sites are based onstudies of Mulder, Green, and Delius (C. Mulder, personal communication). The cleavage sites are designated by arrows and a numbercorresponding to the map position of thesite. The space between each pair of small vertical bars represents 10%of thelength of the viral genome.

, . I * i

on November 10, 2019 by guest





0~~~ fA,~ ~ ~~~~ ~

1 1 C



10 20 30 10 20 30


FIG. 2. Hybridization of 3H-labeled cytoplasmic RNA to SinaI fragments derived from the left-hand 58% ofthe viral genome. Poly(A)-containing RNA was isolated from thecytoplasm of cultures labeled with [3H]uriditw from 17 to 19 h after infection. [3H]RNA(10C cpm) was fractionated on 3% poly-acrylamide gels cast in 98% formamide. Ekectropho-resis wasfor25.5hat2 mAgel. RNA was eluted from 1-mm gel slices in 200 of6 x SSCcontaining0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (see text). The eluted RNA

washybridized for 24 h at66°Cto eightSnaI frag-ments obtained by cleaving EcoRI-A DNA. Each

membranecontaineda i-pgequivalentoffragment

DNA (the amountof DNA derived from 0.58 pgof EcoRI-A). The results are arranged to correspond to thelinear order of thefragments: J, E, F, B, I, D, H, andA-A (seeFig. 1). To provide 28Sand18S refer-ence markers, a parallel gel contained 2 x105cpmof 3H-labeled lateRNAplus2 x 104cpmofuniformly labeled g4C-cytoplasmic RNA isolated from unin-fected KB cells.

Cytoplasmic RNAs transcribed from the

right-hand 42% ofthe adenovirus 2 genome.

3H-labeled cytoplasmic RNA containing poly(A) was fractionated by electrophoresis in

formamide gels, andthe eluted RNA was

hy-bridizedsimultaneously to the five EcoRI

frag-mentsthatconstitutetheright-hand 42% of the

adenovirus 2 genome (Fig. 3). These five

frag-ments have the genome order B,F,D,E,C (see

Fig. 1 for cleavage map). The estimated


tran-scribed from these fragments and the coding

capacityof thesefragments are summarized in

Table 2.

Improvedresolutionofthe RNAs encodedby

EcoRI-F and EcoRI-D


was achieved

by examining



at 12 h


infection (Fig. 4). The RNAsizeclasses










the16Sand 28S RNAs



the 18S RNA



EcoRI-F were de-tected in





noted for the RNA size classes

transcribed from the left-hand 58% ofthe ge-nome, many ofthe fragments from the

right-hand42 %also


RNAs whose total

molec-ularweight is greaterthantherespective


capacity (see Table


Detection of early RNA sequences inRNA

sizeclassessynthesizedat latetimes. Someof

thecytoplasmicviral RNAssynthesized atlate times include sequences that are also



(42, 44).


prob-ably examples

ofthe class II

early RNAs,

se-TABLE 1. Size classes ofpolyadenylated RNA transcribedfrom theleft-hand58% of the genomea


Tran- wtof

SmaI scrip- Molwt RNAs



Late oflate tran-ment (molpacity RNAs RNAs scribed

wt, (x 10-6) fromeach

x 10-6) fragment

(x 10-6)

J 0.34

E 0.90 13S 0.29 0.29

F 0.78 ?

B 1.95 13S 0.29

21S 0.88

26S 1.40 2.57

I 0.37 21S 0.88

26S 1.40 2.28

D 1.44 18S 0.62

22S 0.97

27S 1.52 3.11

H 0.58 28S 1.65 1.65

A-A 0.28 28S 1.65 1.65

aThetranscriptional capacity of the SmaI DNA fragments derived from cleavage of EcoRI-A DNA

wasdeterminedfrom the molecularweightofeach oftheSmaIfragments (Mulder, personal communi-cation). The S value for each RNA size class was estimated from the mobility in formamide gels,

us-ingKB and E. coli rRNA's asstandards (41). Molec-ular weights werecalculated from the S value using the Spirin equation (molecular weight = 1,550S2 1) (40). Themolecular weightofgenome-specified RNA

wasassumed to bethemolecular weight less 50,000 for thepoly(A) segment. The RNA size classes were identified by theexperiment showninFig.2.

VOL. 23, 1977

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[image:4.499.] [image:4.499.255.444.309.556.2]


Eh 4 i

bidie simlaeuy to0.-u0qialnsoh

2 4

fieEoI frgens I.F,E n C hyrd

co I2

the 28S and18SrRNA markers2

2 2

10 20 30 10 20 30


FIG. 3. Hybridization of H-labeled cytoplasmic RNA to EcoRI fragments representing the

right-hand42%ofthe viralgenome. Poly(A)-containing

cytoplasmic RNAwas preparedandgel

electrophore-sis wasperformedasdescribedinthelegendtoFig.

2. RNA was eluted0412%in 200 of 6x SSC,

sodiumdodecyl sulfate, and each fraction was

hy-bridizedsimultaneously to0.5-pgequivaknts ofthe

fiveEcoRIfragments, B, F, D,E,and C.The


thefragments. Dashedlines indicatethepositionof

the 28S and 18S rRNA markers.

quences whose cytoplasmic transcripts are in

relatively high concentrations at late times

(10). The early sequences present in


be detected byhybridization-inhibition

experi-ments (10, 23, 42).

To determinewhichRNAspecies


at 18 h containearly sequences,

hybridization-inhibition experiments were performed with

RNAs fractionated bysize (Fig. 5). Initial

con-trol experimentswere performed to determine the concentrationof RNArequiredtogive

max-imal inhibition. Membranescontaining

EcoRI-B,F,D,E,C, SmaI-E, and SinaI-B fragment

DNAs were


with excess amounts

ofone ofthree unlabeled RNAs. In thesecond

step presaturated filters wereannealedto

ali-quots of late 3H-labeled cytoplasmic RNA eluted from gel slices. One aliquot was

incu-bated with a set of fragment filters

presatu-ratedwith RNA fromuninfectedcells, the




early inhibitor,and the finalaliquotwith

frag-mentsprehybridizedwith late RNA.

Asexpected,the hybridizationtofilters

pre-saturated with RNA from uninfected cells

re-vealed the same RNA size classes described

above. Hybridization with filtersprehybridized with latecytoplasmic RNA reduced the

hybrid-ization to allfragments 80 to 90%. Usingearly RNA as inhibitor, the hybridization profiles

obtained withEcoRI-B,F,E,CandSmaI-B frag-ments were not altered. Thus, the late RNA species transcribed from thesefragmentsdo not contain early sequences. Hybridization ofthe 13SRNA encoded by SmaI-E wasreduced80%

by early RNA. This region of the genome has previously been shown to specify a 13S early RNA,whichcontinuestobesynthesizedatlate

times(8). In controlexperiments,hybridization of total 3H-labeled late RNA to the EcoRI-D

fragment was inhibited 60% by early RNA

(data now shown). Surprisingly, hybridization

of all of the EcoRI-D sizeclasses synthesized at 18h was inhibited to the same extent,

approxi-mately60% (Fig. 5). Thisresult demonstrates

that all the size classes transcribed late from

EcoRI-D contain sequences that are also

ex-pressed at early times.


Theprimary goalsofthesestudies werethe identification of late viral mRNA species and the genomesitesthatspecify those species. The


2. Size classesof polyadenylated RNA transcribed fromthe right-hand 42 % of the genomea

Tran- Totalmol

EcoRI scrip- Molwt wtof

frag- tionalca- Late of late RNAs


pacity RNAs RNAs from each

meant (mol


(x 10-) fragment

x 10-6) (x10-6)

B 1.41 28S 1.65 1.65

F 0.60 28S 1.65

22S 0.97

18S 0.62 3.24

D 0.87 28S 1.65

22S 0.97

18S 0.62

16S 0.47 3.71

E 0.73 22S 0.97 0.97

C 1.19 22S 0.97 0.97

aThe transcriptional capacity was determined

from the molecularweight of each of the EcoRI DNA fragments (27). The S value for each RNA size

classwasestimated from themobilityinformamide gelsascomparedtoKBandE.coli rRNA's(41). The molecularweight of the RNA specieswascalculated from the S valueusing theSpirin equation

(molecu-larweight=1550S2.1)(40). The molecularweightof genome-specified RNAwasassumedtobethe

mo-lecularweight less 50,000 for thepoly(A) segment. The RNA size classes were identified from the experiments showninFig.3.


on November 10, 2019 by guest


[image:5.499.] [image:5.499.265.457.384.566.2]


0 x














a c:



10 20



FIG. 4. PolyadenylatedRNAsspecified byEcoRI

fragmentsFandD: hybridization of 3H-cytoplasmic

RNAlabeled from12to14hafterinfection. Poly(A)-containingRNA wasisolatedfromthecytoplasmof cultures labeled with[3H]uridine from 12 to 14 h

after infection.[3H]RNA (5 x105cpm)was

fraction-ated on a 3.5% polyacrylamide-formamide gel by

electrophoresisfor 6 hat2mA/gel.Eluted[3H]RNA

washybridizedtofilters containing 1-pgequivalents ofeitherEcoRI-ForEcoRI-D DNA. Toobtain the

positions of28S and18S rRNA's,asmallsampleof

[3H]RNA was mixed with "4C-labeled cytoplasmic

RNA from uninfected cells, and the mixture was

fractionatedon aparallel gel.

identification ofa viral RNA size class as an

mRNA species requires that the molecule be homogeneous in size, that it contain aunique

basesequence, and that it functionas mRNA.

Inprinciple, the hybridization ofan RNA size

classtoaDNAfragment ofcomparable sizecan provide adequate evidence forphysical identifi-cationofaspecies. Forsomeof thesize classes we have studied, this criterion appears to be fulfilled.

Although the details of the present studies

are discussed below, two important observa-tionsshould benoted:

(i) First, there appearto be at least several regions (for example, 0.40 to 0.50 and 0.70 to

0.83 on the unit genome) that specify RNAs

whose sequence content is greater than the

coding capacity of the DNA segment. These

families of RNAs share common sequences

and are present in polyribosomes (M.

Mc-grogan and H. J. Raskas, manuscript in

10 20 10 20 40


FIG. 5. Hybridization-inhibitionstudies with

3H-labeled late cytoplasmic RNA fractionated by size.

Cytoplasmic RNA was prepared from cultures la-beled 17to20afterinfectionwith[3H]uridine. Polya-denylatedRNA(1.2 X106cpm)wasfractionatedon

3%polyacrylamide-formamide gels, and the elated

RNAwasdividedinto threealiquots.Three separate

hybridization-inhibition experimentswereperformed

using 0.5-pgequivalents ofSmaIfragmentsEandB

and EcoRIfragments B, F, D,E, and C(seetext).

ThefirstsetofDNAfragment filterswashybridized

with 1 mgofcytoplasmicRNApermlfromcultures

harvestedat18 hafter infection (0);the secondset wasprehybridized with1.5 mgofearlycytoplasmic

RNApermlpurified fromcycloheximide-treated cul-turesharvestedat6 hafter infection(A);the third set wasprehybridizedwith 1mgofcytoplasmicRNAper

mlfromuninfectedKBcells (a).Eachsetof

prehy-bridizedfilterswasincubated withaliquotsofRNA

elatedfromgelslices, and thehybridizedcountsper

minute were determined. The arrows indicate the

positions ofthe28S and18SrRNA markers.

preparation). Asimilar structural relationship exists between 19S and 16S late RNAs

trans-cribed from simian virus 40 (1, 19). Although the translation products of these adenovirus RNAs havenot yet beenexamined, it maybe

that only limited portions of the RNAs, for

example, sequences at the 5' ends, are

ac-tually translated. This possibilityis consistent

with the observation that in in vitro systems, sixvirus-specific polypeptides were translated

from RNAsmuch larger than expected for the sizeofthepolypeptides (20).

(ii) A second observation pertains to

se-quences contained in the EcoRI-D fragment. This fragment specifies 20S and 13S early

VOL. 23, 1977


on November 10, 2019 by guest



mRNA's (43). However, late in infection, the earlysequences appeartobe partof RNA

spe-cies thatare different in size from the species

synthesized before theonsetof DNAsynthesis. Preliminary mapping experiments with late cytoplasmic RNAwereperformed by Taletal.

(43). This study established that 27S, 24S, and 19S RNAs weretranscribed from the EcoRI-A

fragment, and that EcoRI-E specified a 24S

RNA. To attain the sensitivity and resolution required toperformadetailed analysis of late

RNA, wefound itnecessarytofractionate RNA onformamide gels andtoinsurethat each hy-bridizationwascarriedoutinDNAexcess.The

sizeclasseswehave identified by this procedure may not represent a complete catalog but do

include all size classes that we found to be reproducible, andat least threefold above hy-bridization background.

From our interpretation of the results, we

suggest that there are at least 13 cytoplasmic

RNA species synthesized late in infection. These viral RNAs have been organized into a

transcriptionmap(Fig. 6). Transcription maps

have been prepared previously from the results of liquid hybridizations between separated strands ofradioactive DNA fragments and

cy-toplasmic RNAs (16, 32, 33, 38, 46). Such stud-ies identify blocks of early and late sequences

but do not allow species identification. The

mostrecentof thesemapsispresented in Fig. 6 for comparison to the species map proposed here. Sincegreaterthan 95% of thecytoplasmic viral RNAsynthesized late in infection is speci-fiedby therstrand (30), we have assumed for

the present that the RNA size classes we

de-tectedare specified by this strand.

Proposed map. For each region of the ge-nome the following data are the basis for the mapof late viral RNA:

0.00 to 0.11 on the unit genome. At early times ininfection, therstrand of the left end of

the genome is transcribed into cytoplasmic RNA (8, 16, 32). The transcripts from this

re-gion include two 13S RNAs, 11S RNA, and a

23S species (7, 8; F. Eggerding andH. J.

Ras-kas, manuscript in preparation). One of the 13S RNAs is transcribed from a terminal region

(0.00 to 0.075) defined by the HindIII-G

frag-ment, and the second RNA is specified by the region 0.075 to 0.11. At late times we have

detected only a 13S RNA, which annealed to

SmaI-E butnot toSmaI-J (Fig. 2). Hybridiza-tion-inhibition studies demonstrated that this 13S RNA is composed of sequences that are

transcribed into cytoplasmic RNA at early times (Fig. 5) (8). Therefore, the 13S RNA de-tectedat18 hmaybe identicaltotheearly 13S RNAspecified by the 0.075to0.11region of the







-L-1S@] I's


[ 22S

[!J? [13S] [_ S, , 28S [ S 22S


j e f b d h -a B F D E C


.1 2 3 .4 5 6 7 .8 .9

FIG. 6. Map of cytoplasmic viral RNA species synthesized lateininfection. The lower line provides reference positionsforsites onthe genome. The space between each pairof vertical lines represents 0.10 genome unithavingacoding capacity of1.15 x 106 daltonsof RNA. The second line from the bottom reviews the cleavage sites relevant to this study. Fragmentsproduced by cleavage with endo R *EcoRI are identified with uppercase letters and those pro-duced by endo R -SmaI by lowercase letters. The blocks shown on the third linefrom the bottomare

the regions ofthe genome transcribed from the r

strand basedon liquid hybridization studies (32). The open blocks are regions transcribed at early

times, and the shaded blocks are late specific. Re-gionsfor which the bar is omittedareregionsfrom

which mRNA is coded by the 1 strand. The upper portionof the figureisbasedonthe studies reported in the Discussion. The map includes the RNA size classes synthesized atboth12and18hafter infection and assumes that allthese size classes are rstrand transcripts. The brackets around aspecies indicate the extent of uncertaintyinassigning the genome site. The line representing each size class is proportional to its molecular weightas deducedfrom migration during electrophoresis (Tables1and2). Thearrows

indicate the direction of transcription.


0.11 to 0.39 on the unit genome. Liquid hybridization studies haveshown that this seg-ment contains late cytoplasmic RNA

tran-scribed from the1strand(38, 46).These1strand

transcripts areprobably dividedinto two

differ-ent blocks ofgenes (32). Since all other late

sequences are specified by the r strand, the metabolism of these RNAs may be different from that of other late RNAs. These

cytoplas-mic RNAstranscribed from the I strand may be

synthesizedearlierthan12h,may berelatively

unstable ascytoplasmicspecies, or may be inef-ficiently transportedtothe cytoplasm.

Hybridi-zations of[3H]RNAwithSmaI-FDNA(0.113 to 0.18) have not identified a discrete RNA spe-cies. One of the RNAs detected in

hybridiza-tions with SmaI-B DNA is a 13S RNA. The proposed r strand region (0.18 to 0.22) (32) be-tweenthe two blocks of I strand transcripts is large enough to specify this RNA.

The region of the genome from 0.26 to 0.39 is represented by sequences inSmaI fragmentsB

andI. These two segmentsspecify 26S and21S

on November 10, 2019 by guest




RNA size classes. Although part of the mRNA transcribed from SmaI-B is encoded by the 1

strand, for the present we haveassumed that

the RNAs synthesized at late times use ther

strandastemplate. Itshould be noted that the

low-molecular-weightVA RNAmapsat0.30on

the r strand of the unit genome (25, 31, 49). Thus, thesequencesin VARNAmayalso bein


0.39 to 0.51 on the unit genome. DNA fragment SmaI-D encodes a complex set of cytoplasmic RNAs. SmaI-D specifies 27S, 22S,

and 18S RNAs, which have a collective

mole-cular weight of 3.26 x 106, more than twice

the transcriptional capacity of this fragment. As described above, further experiments have confirmed that the three RNAs specified by SmaI-D are present in polyribosomes and that these RNAs contain common sequences (McGrogand and Raskas, in preparation).

0.51 to 0.71 on the unit genome. Three

contiguous fragments all specify 28S RNA, SmaI-H, SmaI-A-A, and EcoRI-B. This28S size class is different from the 27S RNAspecified by SmaI-D; it hasadifferentmigrationrate ingel

electrophoresis, and RNA selected by SmaI-D does not rehybridize to EcoRI-B (data not

shown). Fragment H, together with A-A and the portion of EcoRI-B that specifiesr strand

RNA(0.585to0.65) (32),aresufficienttospecify asingle 28S species.

0.71 to 0.83 on the unit genome. This

region includes EcoRI fragments F andD. Hy-bridization with thesetwofragmentsyieldeda

result similar tothat described earlier forthe

SmaI-Dfragment: theRNAsize classes

identi-fied exceed the coding capacity of the

frag-ments. RNAs synthesized at 12 and 18 h

postinfection contain four sizeclasses from this

region, 28S, 22S, 18S, and 16S RNAs (Fig. 4). Allfour RNAsweredetected in hybridizations

withEcoRI-D; only the three larger RNAs

an-nealedtoEcoRI-F DNA. Thesimplest interpre-tation of these results is that each of three

RNAscontainssequencesfrombothfragments, F and D. Although quantitative inferences fromour hybridization datacannot be precise,

it appears that the 28S, 22S, and 18S RNAs contain progressively fewer sequences from EcoRI-F. This model is supported by

subse-quent hybridization experiments with smaller DNA fragments generated by subcleaving EcoRI-Fand EcoRI-D (McGrogan and Raskas,

inpreparation). Thus, if all four of these RNAs containsomesequencesincommon,itislikely

thatthesharedsequences arein the 3' half of

themolecule. It issignificant that fragmentsF and D are not large enough to specify a 28S

RNA. Therefore,wesuggestthatthisspecies is


inpartbyEcoRI-B. This modelis

con-sistent with observations that the only late polypeptide identified as a product of this re-gion, a lOOK protein, couldbe translated with

RNAsselected by EcoRIfragmentsB, F, andD (20).

Aparticularly interestingfinding regarding these RNAs was obtained from

hybridization-inhibition experiments (Fig. 5). All four of

these RNAs were shown to contain EcoRI-D

sequences that are transcribed into early mRNA. Incontrast,thesequencesfrom

EcoRI-Fwerenotrelatedto any early RNAs.Previous

studies have shown that the early RNAs speci-fiedby EcoRI-Dmigrate as 20Sand 13SRNAs (11, 43).

0.83 to 1.00 on the unit genome. Both

EcoRI-C and EcoRI-E specifya22S RNA (Fig.

3), and rehybridization of RNA selected by EcoRI-E (unpublished data) demonstrated that

sequencestranscribed from these fragmentsare

covalentlylinked. The 22S RNAcorrespondsto

the block ofcontiguous late specificsequences

transcribed from therstrandof these two

frag-ments(32). An RNA smallenoughto be

speci-fied from the terminalregionof EcoRI-C (0.98

to 1.00) has not been detected in samples la-beled at various times after infection

(un-publisheddata ofD. Carlson).

Relationship of RNA size classes to viral

proteins. A partial genetic mapforadenovirus

2 peptides has been constructed from in vitro

translation studies of fragment-specified mRNA (3,


21)andby studying the DNA of

recombinants between adenovirus 2 ND1 and adenovirus5


37). Thismap suggests corre-lations between some of the viral RNA size

classeswehave observed and theviral

polypep-tides synthesized at late times. The data sug-gestthat the SmaI-D region(0.40 to 0.50 onthe

genome) may code for the core proteins p-VI (27K), p-VIII (20K), and p-V (48.5K). The gene

for themajor virionprotein, hexon (120K), has

been shown by both translation and recombi-nantstudiestobe located intheregion 0.50 to 0.60, sequences included inSmaI-H,

SmaI-A-A, and EcoRI-B fragments. We suggest that a 28SmRNAistranscribedfromsequencesfound inthese fragments (seeFig. 6). The


poly-peptide was the only late protein found to be

specifiedby the second region, which specifies a

family of mRNA's, 0.70 to 0.80 (EcoRI-B,F,D). It hasbeen established by both translation and

physical mapping studies that the fiber gene

(IV, 62K) is located in the EcoRI-E,C region (0.85 to 0.95). The 22S RNA transcribed from

thisregion has acodingcapacityof97Kdaltons ofprotein, considerablymorethan the molecu-larweight ofthefiberpolypeptide. Forfurther

247 VOL. 23, 1977

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correlations of mRNA's withpolypeptides, it is apparent that RNAs fractionated by size and selected by fragment


must be used in in vitro translation studies.

Origin of the late mRNA's. The present study has established the identity of cytoplas-mic viralmRNA's synthesized lateininfection. Although these RNAs areprobably transcribed by RNA polymerase II (50), other details of their origin are not clear at present. Several observations suggest




mol-ecules are not


transcripts: nuclear RNAs synthesized at late times include se-quences that are not in thecytoplasm (33, 38, 48), and nuclei contain RNAs that are appar-ently larger than the

cytoplasmic species

(5, 29, 48). One


is that there is only one


promoter for late

transcrip-tion from the r strandand that most mRNA's arederived by processing a single large precur-sor (5). Studies of nuclear RNA


early in infection have identified

polyadenyla-ted nuclear RNAs whose structural features are compatible with a precursorrole (11); how-ever, these putative precursors represent a

transcriptof no more than 15% of the




viral genome. The notion of a limited

num-ber of promoters for latetranscription must be balanced by the observation that transcripts from different late genes accumulate in strik-ingly different quantities in the cytoplasm (17). In our study the transcripts from SmaI-D accu-mulated at nearly a 10-fold-higher rate than RNAs from other regions of the genome (see Fig. 2). Such differential accumulation of

cyto-plasmic RNAs may




physio-logical features, differences in transcription, processing, and transport, or


in the cytoplasm. Further analyses of individual mRNA's are necessary to resolve these alterna-tives.


WethankDavidSchlessingerforcriticalcomments on

the manuscript and a gift of E. coli [(4C]rRNA and Thomas Brokerforcommunicatingresultspriorto

publica-tion. We appreciate the technical assistance of Mark TelleandJoeKelly.

This studywassupported byPublicHealth Servicegrant CA16007from the National Cancer InstituteandAmerican CancerSocietygrantVC-94. M.M.issupported byPublic HealthServicetraining grantGM07067 from the National Institute of GeneralMedical Sciences. Cell culture media wereprepared in facilitiesfunded bygrants from the Na-tional ScienceFoundation andNational Cancer Institute. Thisstudywasalsosupported bythefollowing companies: Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp.; Larus and Brother

Co., Inc.; Liggett & Myers, Inc.; Lorillard, aDivision of LoewsTheatres, Inc.; Philip Morris, Inc.; R. J. Reynolds

Tobacco Co.; United States Tobacco Co.; and Tobacco



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VOL. 23, 1977

on November 10, 2019 by guest



FIG.1.RrepresentsGreen,number -EcoRI Restriction endonuclease cleavage maps of the adenovirus 2 genome
TABLE 1.transcribed Size classes ofpolyadenylated RNA from the left-hand 58% of the genomea
FIG. presented Dashedthe 28S fragments.thebridized EcoRI profiles dodecyl and 18S rRNA the simultaneouslyfive fragments,izationsodium are sulfate,0412%2.RNAcytoplasmicsishand RNA3
FIG. 4.fragmentsRNApositionsculturescontainingafterelectrophoresisatedoffractionatedRNA[3H]RNAwas either Polyadenylated RNAs specified by EcoRI F and D: hybridization of 3H-cytoplasmic labeled from 12 to 14 h after infection


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