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University library management and the journal selection problem


Academic year: 2019

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(1)ResearchOnline@JCU. This file is part of the following reference:. James, Maurice Keith (1977) University library management and the journal selection problem. Masters (Coursework) thesis, James Cook University. Access to this file is available from:. http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/23364 The author has certified to JCU that they have made a reasonable effort to gain permission and acknowledge the owner of any third party copyright material included in this document. If you believe that this is not the case, please contact ResearchOnline@jcu.edu.au and quote http://eprints.jcu.edu.au/23364.

(2) Dlt;ser t o.U.on. ~ubmittC!d. by. HhlJRICE KEITH .Jt.MES, Ph , D, (Met . ). III nay, 1977. in p,:;rtia1 fulfilment of th" rcqulrc\1\e>nts f"r Lhe Dcgrr,: e of. Mnslcn' of. Ellgin~er i ng. Science (predo'!l.! 'laotly by COUr5!'. in the F:lculty of F'l:::lm'ering wf. the James Cook. of t\(ll'tr. QUt.!cm:land,. \-lo~:k). Univc~~sit.y.

(3) I~RSTll.AC:T. e.c(ldclU.; c library is dis(..uf'sl::!d . term~. The librlJ,y syslem is defined in. of !.ts intl'.raci...ion wj.:..h lhe \... idcl:" systen: l.i.tcrat:u~e. body of scholarly .:\nd res(:!acch. an:~. complc>x u[ su.bsystems \·,hose activitie5 llchievc·me nt of en oVl::!rall objective .. anc of n measure of system Hamburg et al.,. \011>0. on I.hic.h it drmoJ:>, and the directed tot;lards lhe. FOrtl'uiation of th is objective ,. ~~foTmance,. ~e l eclecl. which i t serves, ::h e. rei.ies on the!' work of. the objective of maximizing t he. C}:poSllre of i r.di\'idua ls t.o documents of recorded hlllnan experience .. IX>cumcnt exposure ti.me is employee us a mt:!asure. or. pt~rfOrLltBtlcc.. Schema ti c models of the libr ury and i:· 8 :>ubsystehls are dev'dvpeci . F:i.r~,rJy,. is. the interaction of t!1(; library. Htu5~rated,. hack l oops :. sy~;terr.. \;I:i th its envirol1men t. jn broad detE'.i1, as consisting f)£ two r:!ajoT" [eed -. a positive loop, [or t.be influence of J.i.bo:-ary £l.ct:ivj.1"y. on t he level of ur.er demand;. a negnlive loop, for the budgelary. constl"{li.nt on libt'nry activity.. Thi s is followed by a series o f diagnlms. j. ll us trating the. oper a tio:1s of the chief subsystf'LnS o f lhp. librar y, lheir inle racti.olh"l, and lh", key decisions and conslrain ls invo lved in their control.. At.te ntio n i.s focu s sed on lhe s ub systf'm for seriu ls acquisition and, in particular, the pl:"obl (.!1n pr imar y periodiCAls (or l iLc'l"/-"\ture is. discl1 s~:e d. D(. selecting an appropri a t e set o f. ~ubsc ... iplion. .. 111.:! usage of serials. bt"i co (l y , and lIlt· potenticd. value of t he. seri,.<lJs c{l ll eC lioll b ; dc(iH\>o in terms, of t he se l. of relevant. erti c h's it containf- ..

(4) (ii). Th'8 Jou:"lwl. sclcc.~:icr;. )11'ohl-:'>I ;:n fO"-'::'.1];;t!.·d \'i!:r:.. 1::1(;. cbjcctive. of maximid.1ilj t hie p(1t:e-,1 1;iul , :,uh.1r:ct to the ovL'l'u11 c.ucl::,c.t constraint . In addition,. th~ n,qui~~c::. . cnt:. tOI1t: 1'C!~:oun:e~ a'L'l~ d.istribu~.cd. emong un:l.ven.;ity departl-1cnts ellr.lI!:e tha:;. (~acl~. department. i~. equitably. met hy inclHdine ccnstr.aj.nts ....,lItch f:t leas\: a certain miu:l.:lIuiT!. r('.r.,~j.ves. level of satiofactton . Data requiremen ts of t.t:e anel. nl~t hc,d;;. of collection. ar~. t1od~l. a:r(. discus sed in some detAil ,. proposed.. An heurlstl<" cllgo:-:lthlil. 1s de.veloped and employed. to f:ind. feasibl€: soluth,ue to a samp le prohlem. invoh~illg. 1320 journals and. 13 clepat'tments. b::lsed on artificial de.ta ,·ihich are g(:!nerlltcd to reflect. the. 1110.il1. featm:es of a. These. ~clut:i.oml. r~nl. deta sot.. al:e dCincn.r.tratt:.d to. b~. clost· to optimal, by. compat'ing, titcln ,dth opt:Lmal co!utions (lotaincd 10J: th;>; s1.mple kna:)£Hlc,y' problem \-.. hich results t'~ la::cci. .. Hhc~-,. th!:: equity ccnatr.sints ere.

(5) Page No . ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS. LlST OF FiGURES DECLAfl.A nON ACKNOWLEOG91:ENTS CHAPTER 1. f. SYSTE."'S APl'ROII,Oi TO LJBR/.RY MANAGEHENI. Introduct ion Formulation of Obj~ctiv"'s Systems Analysis Scope of Succeeding Chapt.ers. 1. 1 1.2. 1. 3 1. 4 CHAPTER 2. TI~E. UNIVEr.$lTY LIBRARY. S'iS!1~. The Librarj' and iLs Em'ironment Monograph t\rquisition und Processing Serials Acquisition, Processing and Binding Circulation, In -Li brary Use and Houseke eping Int.er - Librat·y Loans Reference and ReadeI:' Serv ice. 2. 1 2.2. 2. 3 2.4. 2 ·5 2.0. SERIALS ACQUISITION. 3.3 CHAPTER 4. fORMULATl(?~_Qf__ JHE JOURNEIJ~. 1. 2 9 10. 13 13. 17 19 21. 23 26 28. I ntroduct i on Simplified ~!odcl of 5crtals Usage Jour nal Selection. 3.1. 3.2. 1. 28 29 31. S]J-LECTION. );IROBLD-i. 36. 4 .1. Introduc ti.on. 36. 4.2 4.3 4.11. The Obje(;tive Function. 36. Equity ConSll'Bj nts Inter - Libl:" ll.ry Loans Subscriptivn, Pt'ocessing and the To tal Hudge t Data Requirements. 42 43. 4.5 4 .6. SOLUTION ALGOR I'l11NS AND A SAHPLE PROBLEH. 5 .1 5.2 5 .3. 5 .4 5 .5 CHAPTf~R. 6. BIBLlOGRAPIl Y. 45 48 56. Intr.oduct ion The Simple Kn <lpsack Prob·lem Knapsack Problem with Demand Constraints A Sample Problem Results. 56 58. CONCLUJ)] N(: lU::-1ARKS. 83. 63 65 72. 87.

(6) ~ 1ST. ov. F IGUR1~S. Page No . 1.1. Major Fc€dback Loops. 2.1. The Ur.iversity LiLrary SystelR and Environment. 14. 2.2. ~lon~graph. 18. 2.3. Scrlai.::; Acquisi tion, Pr ocessing and. 7. Acquisit::ion ant! Processing. Binding. 2.4. 20. Circulation, In-l.ibrary Use, and Ilousekeeping. 22. 2. 5. In ter-Library Leans. 25. 5.1. 'l'he BradfoL"d Distribution. 66. 5.?. Productivity Distributions. 68 & 69. 5.3. Distribution. 5.4. Benefit - Cost Curve: Constraints. 5 .5. o~. Journa l Costs. 71. No Equity. Detail from Benefit-Cost Curve: No Equity Constraints. 76 78.

(7) ( v). 1 dcclBl:c that tlL lS the:; i .<; is f.;uOmitLed jn any Lorm [or:. a~other. r.1Y O h'11. I·/ork and has not been. degree or dlp l ')ma in any. ot tcrtitlry cc.!t:cation .. univcL"!";ity or other inf.;ti t ute. lnfoL'matio r.. dcriv('d from I:he pub l is hed o r: unpubliRhed I,'cd:. of ot he r s has been Elcknol-llcdgcd i n the t.ext and. &. list. or. r cicrcnccs is gi ven ,. (t-! . K . James , Ph . D).

(8) STATEMENT OF ACCESS. I, the undersigned author of this work, understand that James Cook University will make this thesis available for use within the University Library and, via Australian Research Online, for use elsewhere.. I understand that, as an unpublished work, a thesis has significant protection under the. Copyright Act and;. I do not wish to place any further restriction on access to this work Or. I wigH this work to be-embar-gooe-until·. Or. Date. Signature. IV?·. f(,. Name (please print).

(9) (vi). AC1{Fml1..I::lGElPNTS. 'l'hi~. "i(lrk Has perforllled und.?r the joint ISlIperv::"sj.oll of. A5soci,atc Pl."ofesser D. B.C, Richs ras, of the H.:I';.:hcnll';ticc Department. aurl Dr. Y ..1 . Demoulin , of the Dapart;ncnt 0: Civil and Systems El1gjneerine.. I t is u pleHsure to thank them for their ad.vice and. encour<'lgern~'lt.. I. c l!;o zrateful to Prof essor Ie.P. Stark ,. Blll. P;:,ofcssC/Y.' of Systmo.s EnGineeril!g, for many valuable suggestions. and ro~:. reail.ins Bud cor.nnenting on the first draft of this r eport.. an~. also due to Dr. L . C. \';adhwa fOr ad\Tice concerning. Thallks. presfmtat~.on. of the v;:;,rious syst em diaGrams. Durin:; thE: course of the proj ec t . nIany fruitful discussions \>1(~H!. h e ld wJ.th staff. plCll f>lll:e to. Special. l·e~ord. rn~mti{JlI. en C0l\l.-."?gr::~lZn t. ~:e).~bers. my. th ~nks. of th"! Ur.ivcrsity Library, :md it is a. for their tnter.est end co- ope.ra ti on .. should be made of the Lib rarian . C. J . Hunt , fo r his. and conGtructive suggestions;. valu3b lc {'ot.ur.ents rf>r,arcing the first draft ;. of J . E . Sp..ylor , for his and of P . Beveridge .. f or pr.ovld :l'Jg a n.umber of useful r ef erences, 31td details of serials. acquisition and processing .. I am tud e hted to J . Petersen for her excellent typing of this dis sertation .. Finally, I should ltke to record my deep gratitude: to my wife Sandra . tdthollt ",ho,,€': cm1 s tant support and encQnragerr.ent this study ""Quld not have beel! possibl e ..



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