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Direct measurement of the poliovirus RNA polymerase error frequency in vitro.


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Copyright © 1988, American SocietyforMicrobiology



of the Poliovirus




Frequency In



DepartmentofImmunology and MedicalMicrobiology, University ofFlorida College of Medicine, Gainesville, Florida 32610

Received8June 1987/Accepted22October 1987

Thefidelity of RNAreplication by thepoliovirus-RNA-dependentRNApolymerasewasexaminedby copying homopolymeric RNAtemplatesin vitro.ThepoliovirusRNApolymerasewasextensively purifiedand usedto

copy poly(A), poly(C), or poly(I) templates with equimolar concentrations of noncomplementary and

complementary ribonucleotides. Theerrorfrequency wasexpressed as the amount of a noncomplementary nucleotide incorporated divided by the total amount ofcomplementary and noncomplementary nucleotide

incorporated. The polymeraseerror frequencieswere very high and ranged from 7 x o-4to5.4 x 1 depending onthespecific reaction conditions.There were nosignificantdifferencesamongtheerrorfrequencies obtained with different noncomplementary nucleotide substrates on a giventemplate or between the values

determined on two different templates for a specific noncomplementary substrate. The activity of the

polymeraseonpoly(U)and poly(G)was toolow to measure error frequenciesonthesetemplates. Afivefold

increaseinthe errorfrequency wasobservedwhen thereaction conditionswerechangedfrom3.0 mMMg2+ (pH 7.0) to 7.0 mMMg2+(pH8.0). Thisincreasein the errorfrequency correlateswithaneightfoldincrease

inthe elongation rate that was observed under thesameconditions in aprevious study.

Poliovirus RNA replicates in the cytoplasm of infected cellsby usingavirus-coded-RNA-dependent RNA

polymer-ase. The purified polymerase synthesizes full-length copies ofpoliovirionRNAand otherpolyadenylatedRNAsin vitro in the presence ofan oligo(U) primer (9, 32, 33). Synthetic homopolymers, including poly(A) oligo(U), poly(C)


poly(I) oligo(C), and poly(U)


serve as

templates ahdprimers forthepolymerase.

The rapid evolution of RNA viruses is now a well-documentedphenomena (forareview, seereference 16). A low fidelity ofreplication by viral RNA polymerases could explain inpart how this rapid evolution takes place. Many different indirect methods have been used to measure the mutation rates of RNA viruses. These methods have in-cluded the measurement of reversion frequencies of viral mutants(12, 15),the measurementofthe lossofrecognition sites forneutralizing


(20, 23, 26, 27, 34, 35), and the measurementof changes inT1 oligonucleotide maps (3, 5, 14, 22-24, 29, 31). The


direct measurement of base substitution frequencies has been done with vesicular sto-matitis virus (VSV) in which an error frequency of 2.2 x

10-4 wasobserved invivo (30).

StudiesofthefidelityofpoliovirusRNAreplication have

a unique advantage over studies with most other RNA animal viruses since theviral polymerase has been purified inasoluble and template-dependent form and can be used to directlymeasureerrorfrequenciesinvitro on different RNA templates. By copying synthetic homopolymers with the purified polymerase and differentially labeled complemen-tary and noncomplementary ribonucleotide substrates, one

candirectlymeasurethe errorfrequency of the polymerase. This procedure eliminates the bias of converting mutation ratestoerror rates of thepolymerase. The in vitro procedure also has the distinct advantage of allowing one to vary the reaction conditions and observe any changes in the error frequency. Templates may also be varied to determine if

*Corresponding author.

certain base pair mismatches are allowed more often than others.

Ourfindingsindicate that thepoliovirus polymerasehasa

very high error frequency of




The error fre-quency was not significantly affected by using different ribonucleotide substrates and templates. Reaction condi-tions which are known to correlate with faster elongation rates,however,werefoundtosignificantlyincrease theerror



Polymerase reaction conditions.Thestandardreaction mix-ture (final volume, 30 ,u1) contained 50 mM HEPES (N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid) (pH 8.0), 3 mMMgCl2, 10 mM dithiothreitol,2.5 ,ug of poly(A), 1.25




offraction4-HApolymerase purified

as described previously (36). Any changes in the standard conditions are indicated in table footnotes and figure leg-ends. Forthe double-label 3H-32Pmisincorporation assays, 10 pLCi of [5,6-3H]UTP (36 Ci/mmol) was added as the

correct ribonucleoside triphosphate and 20 ,uCi of either





(410Ci/mmol) was

addedastheincorrectribonucleosidetriphosphate. Labeled ribonucleosidetriphosphateswere


fromAmersham Corp., Arlington Heights, Ill. Unlabeled ribonucleoside tri-phosphates (Calbiochem-Behring, La Jolla, Calif.) were added to make the reaction mixtures equimolar (7.2 ,uM) with respect to complementary and noncomplementary ri-bonucleoside triphosphates. The reactions were run for 1 h

at 30°C. The labeled product RNA was precipitated in 7% trichloroacetic acid and 1% sodium


collected on mem-brane filters,and counted.

RNA digestion with P1 nuclease. Product RNA was syn-thesizedon apoly(A) template as described above, with 10 ,uCi each of


and 10 ,uCi of either


[32PJGTP, or [32P]CTP. The labeled product RNA was phenol-chloroform extracted, ethanol precipitated, dis-solved in 100


of0.1 M NaCl, 1 mM EDTA, 10 mM Tris


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TABLE 1. Errorfrequency ofthe poliovirusRNApolymerase

Reaction Noncomplementary Complementary Errorfrequency'

conditions" substrate substrate

Poly(A) [32P]ATP [3H]UTP (3.8 ± 0.6) x 10-3

3 mM MgC12 [32P]CTP [3H]UTP (2.9 ± 0.4 x 10-3

pH 8 [32P]GTP [3H]UTP (3.8 ± 0.5) x 10-3

Poly(A) [32P]ATP [3H]UTP (5.2 ± 0.4) x 10-3

7 mMMgC12 [32P]CTP [3H]UTP (3.4 ± 0.6) x 10-3

pH 8 [32P]GTP [3H]UTP (5.4 ± 0.3) x 10-3

Poly(A) [32P]ATP [3H]UTP (1.5 ± 0.5 x 10-3

7mM MgC12 [32P]CTP [3H]UTP (2.5 ± 0.3) x 10-3

pH 7 [32P]GTP [3H]UTP (3.0 ± 0.6) x 10-3

Poly(A) [32P]ATP [3H]UTP (1.5 ± 0.2) x 10-3

3 mM MgC12 [32P]CTP [3H]UTP (1.0 ± 0.2) x 10-3

pH7 [32P]GTP [3H]UTP (0.7 ± 0.3) x 10-3

Poly(C) [32P]ATP [3H]GTP (2.9 ± 1.2)x 10-3

3 mM MgC12 [32P]CTP [3H]GTP (4.8 ± 2.0) x 10-3

pH 8 [32P]UTP [3H]GTP (2.5 ± 0.2) x 10-3

Poly(I) [32P]ATP [3H]CTP (2.2 ± 0.5) x 10-3

3 mM MgC12 [32P]GTP [3H]CTP (1.6 ± 0.4) x 10-3

pH 8 [32P]UTP [3H]CTP (1.9 ± 0.6) x 10-3

aReactionconditionswere asdescribedinMaterialsandMethods, exceptthefinalvolume of thepoly(A) reactionswas 50p.1. In thepoly(C)and


reactions,thefinal volumewas30 ,ulandthe totalnucleotideconcentrations were 25.6 and 16.6p.M,respectively.

b Theerrorfrequencywasdefinedasthepicomoles ofnoncomplementary nucleotideincorporateddividedbythe totalpicomoles of nucleotideincorporated into product RNA. For example, 432,802cpm of[3HlUMP(2.02x 104 cpm/pmol) and 8,038cpmof[32PJAMP(1.33x 105cpm/pmol)wereincorporatedatpH 8 and3mMMgCI2.Acountingefficiency for3Hof0.33 was assumed.

(pH 7.6), and run over a G-50 spun column as previously described (21) to remove unincorporated labeled nucleo-tides. The labeled RNA was ethanol precipitated and dis-solved in 15pAl of 10 mM sodium acetate (pH 6.0) containing 1.5 U of P1 nuclease (Bethesda Research Laboratories, Bethesda, Md.). The sample was then heat denatured at 100°C for 10 min and cooled to 37°C, and another 1.5 U of P1 nuclease in 15 pul of 10 mM sodium acetate (pH 6.0) was added to the sample. The sample was incubated for 1.5 h at 370C to complete the digestion.

High-voltage ionophoretic separation. lonophoretic separa-tion of the P1 nuclease-digested product RNA was per-formed on Whatman 3MM paper at pH 3.5 as previously described (1, 28). 32P-labeled ribonucleoside monophos-phates were located by autoradiography, cut out from the paper, and counted in 5 ml of Aquasol-2 scintillation fluid.


Polymerase error frequency. The error frequency of the poliovirus RNA polymerase was determined by measuring the rate at which a noncomplementary ribonucleotide sub-strate wasincorporated into the product RNA with synthetic homopolymeric RNAs as templates. When poly(A) was used as the template, [3H]UTP was used as the complementary substrate and32P-labeled ATP, GTP, and CTP were used as the noncomplementary substrates. The picomoles of the noncomplementary nucleotide incorporated divided by the total picomoles of nucleotide incorporated into product RNA was defined as the error frequency of the polymerase reaction. The error frequency determined in these reactions was quite high and ranged from 7 x


to 5.4 x 10-3 (Table 1). No significant difference in the error frequency was observed among the three noncomplementary ribonu-cleotide substrates. When poly(C) wasused as thetemplate,

the errorfrequency ranged from 2.5 x 10-3 to 4.8 x


(Table 1). Within the experimental error of these experi-ments,there wasagain nosignificant difference between the error frequencies obtained on the poly(A) and the poly(C) templates atthe same pHandMg2+ concentration(Table 1). With apoly(I) template, the errorfrequencieswereabout the same asthose observed on poly(A)andpoly(C) (Table 1). It was not possible todetermine error frequencies on poly(U) and poly(G) because very low levelsof polymeraseactivity were observed.

St oligou

, PolvA J

- -- polymerase


pppC *


cgigo U p U p U p U p U p U p C p U p U p U

3' PolyA

I P Nuclease

5oligo U pU pU pU pU pU pC pU pU pU




3, 5. 3,







FIG. 1. Diagramshowing 5'-ribonucleoside monophosphates

re-covered fromproductRNAdigested withP1nuclease. Illustrated is the synthesis ofproduct RNAon apoly(A)template (PolyA) in the presence ofan oligo(U) primer (oligoU) by the polymerase in the presenceof



[32P]CTP (pp'pC).


nucleasedigestion products thatresult fromcleavage of the labeled

productRNAatthesites indicatedbythe downwardarrowsarealso shown.

on November 10, 2019 by guest



2 3 4




* ori

FIG. 2. High-voltage ionophoretic separation of P1 nuclease digestion products. RNA was synthesized in the presence of [32P]UTP and the following 32P-labeled noncomplementary ribonu-cleotides: [32P]ATP (lane 1), [32P]CTP(lane 2), [32P]GTP (lane 3). Lane 4isamarker lane containing the 32P-labeled 5'-ribonucleoside

monophosphates. UMP (pU), GMP (pG), AMP (pA), and CMP (pC). After digestion with P1 nuclease, the sampleswerespottedat

the origin(ori) and subjectedtoionophoretic separation.

P1 nuclease digestion of productRNA. Toensure that the 32P-specific radioactivity incorporated into the product RNA

was the noncomplementary nucleotide as opposed to con-taminatingcomplementary nucleotide, weanalyzed the base composition of the product RNA. Product RNAwas synthe-sized on a poly(A) template with


and a noncom-plementary 32P-labeled nucleoside triphosphate. separated from unincorporated labeled ribonucleotides at the end of the reaction, and then digested to completion with P1

nuclease (see Materials and Methods). P1 nuclease digests RNAto 5'-monophosphates and should yield a 32P-labeled noncomplementary ribonucleoside monophosphate in the digestion mixture only if it were actually incorporated into theproduct RNA (Fig. 1). Afterdigestion with P1 nuclease, the resultant productswere separated by high-voltage iono-phoretic separationatpH 3.5 onWhatman 3MMpaperand located byautoradiography (Fig. 2). When 32P-labeled ATP, GTP, and CTP were used as the noncomplementary

sub-strates, small butdetectableamountsof labeled AMP, GMP,

and CMP, respectively, were recovered in the digestion products (Fig. 2). To determine the error frequencies, the spotswerecut.outof thepaperandcounted.Inthiscase,the error frequencies ranged from 2.0 x 10-3 to 4.8 x 10-3 (Table 2). These values were in agreement with the error frequencies determined under the same reaction conditions by differentially counting the 3H- and 32P-labeled product


RNA (Table 1). This indicates that the 32P-labeled nucleo-tides incorporated in the first assay were not due to small

TABLE 3. Correlation between polymeraseerrorfrequencies andelongation rates

conditions' Error




3 mMMgCl, (0.9 + 0.2) x 10-' 83

pH 7

3 mMMgCl, (3.5 + 0.5) x



pH 8

7 mM MgCl, (4.7 + 0.4) x 10-3 635

pH 8

"Reactionconditionswere asdescribed in Materialsand Methods with a


'Eacherrorfrequency is themeanoftheindividualvaluesfor the reactions

withATP, CTP.or GTP at eachspecifiedreactionconditionin Table 1.

' Determined under identical reaction conditions with virion RNA as

previously described (11).

amounts of contaminating 32P-labeled complementary nucle-otides.Otherwise, onlytheincorporation of complementary ribonucleotides would have been observed in the second


Errorfrequencies and elongationrates. Significant changes in the errorfrequencies were observed when different pHs and Mg2+ concentrations were used in the reactions (Table 1). This shows the importance of using the same reaction conditions when comparing the error frequencies with

dif-ferent substrates and templates. In a previous study, we

found that the elongation rate of the polymerase reaction

alsovaried significantly withchanges in the reaction condi-tions (11). Increasing thepH from 7.0 to 8.0 and the Mg2+ concentrationfrom 3 to 7 mMincreased theelongationrate

by abouteightfold.When the samechangesweremade in the reaction conditions used in this study, the average error frequency increased about fivefold (Table 3). Thus, there appears tobeadirect correlation between anincrease in the elongation rate andanincrease in the errorfrequency.


In thisstudy, we have examined the fidelity of the polio-virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in copying homo-polymeric RNAtemplates in vitro. Highly purified poliovi-rus RNApolymerase wasused to copy poly(A), poly(C), and poly(I) templates in vitro, and the error frequency was expressedastheratio of the amount of a noncomplementary nucleotide incorporated relative to the total nucleotide in-corporatedinto theproductRNA.Thisgeneralapproach has been widely used to measure the fidelity by which purified DNApolymerasescopypolynucleotidetemplates (2, 13). An essentialrequirementof thisassay is that the polymerase be extensively purified and freeof any contaminating RNA or terminal transferase. Poliovirus is unique among the RNA

TABLE 2. Polymeraseerrorfrequencycalculatedby digesting32P-labeledproduct RNA withP1nuclease

Template Noncomplementary Complementary Error frequency"

substrate substrate

Poly(A) [32P]ATP


(2.9± 2.8) x 10-'

3mMMgCl2 [32P]CTP


(4.8± 2.4) x 10-'

pH8 [32P]GTP [32P]UTP (2.0 + 2.4) x 10-3

"The errorfrequencywasasdefined in footnotebof Table 1. The picomoles ofcomplementaryand noncomplementary substrateincorporatedwasdetermined byionophoretricseparations ofthe32P-labeleddigestion product.locatingthemonophosphatesbyautoradiography.and counting them in a scintillationcounter (Fig. 2). Thevalues shown are an average of at least threeexperiments.



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animal viruses in that we and others have been successful in purifying the polymerase to near homogeneity in a soluble and template-dependent form (4, 9-11). Essentially no activ-ity above background levels is observed in the absence of exogenously added template and primer RNAs (11).

The results from this study indicate that the poliovirus RNA polymerase has an extremely high error frequency that ranged from 7 x 10-4 to 5.4 x


depending on the specific reaction conditions. No significant change in the error frequency was observed when different noncomple-mentary nucleotides were used in the reactions or when a poly(C) orpoly(I) templatewasusedin placeofpoly(A). In addition, there was no increase in the error frequency for UMP and AMPincorporation on poly(I) although relatively stable I-A and I-U base pairs cantheoretically form.

Changesin the reaction conditions were found to result in significant changes in the error frequency. From previous studies, it was known that certain modifications in the reaction conditions would result in about an eightfold in-creasein the elongation rate of the polymerasereaction. In thisstudy, the same changes resulted in a fivefold increase in the errorfrequency. These results suggest that acorrelation exists between faster elongation rates and higher error frequencies. Infuture studies, it will be important to deter-mine if other changes in the reaction conditions, such as alterations in the relative nucleotide concentrations and the reactiontemperature, and the useof


in place ofMg+2, significantly affectsthe errorfrequency.

Thefidelity ofthe polymerasereactiononsynthetic poly-nucleotide templates may not be exactly the same as that which occurs on RNA. For example, it is possible that some increasedmisincorporationsmaybe associatedwithslippage of theprimeron the homopolymeric RNA during synthesis oftheproduct RNA. It is veryinterestingtonote,however, that our results are in very good agreement with those of Steinhauerand Holland (30) in which the VSV polymerase errorfrequency was measured at a single-base site in VSV RNA. The error frequency they observed in vitro ranged from 1.0 x


to 8.5 x 10-4, with an average of 7.0 x

10-4. An average value of2.2 x 10-4 was observed at the

samesite forVSV RNA synthesizedinvivo.Our resultsare

also in accord with the


to 10-4 error frequencies estimated forretrovirusreversetranscriptases (8, 19)and the 10-4 errorfrequency determined for the


RNA polymer-ase(6, 7).

In a recentstudy by Parvinetal. (25), the neutral mutation rate in the VP1 gene ofpoliovirus was assayed by direct sequenceanalysis. The neutral mutationrate wascalculated to be less than 2.1 x


mutations per nucleotide per infectious cycle. This result is in sharpcontrast to thevery high polymeraseerrorfrequenciesobtained in thisstudyand with the VSV polymerase (30). The difference between the low neutral mutation rate measured asdescribed above and the high errorfrequency determined in vitro raises several questions. Does the viralpolymerase exhibit amuch


level offidelity duringRNA


invivo oris therea

highprobabilitythat mostmutationsaredeleterious and are

selected against duringviral replication?

Infuture studies, we planto measurethe



polymerase errorfrequency





polio-virus RNA in vivo. These results should help


between two possible mechanisms for the evolution of picornaviruses. If the viralpolymerase exhibits a


lowerrorfrequency duringRNA





large number of infectious cycles would be



generate changes in the viral genome. In contrast, a


polymeraseerrorfrequencywould generatemutations inthe genomic RNA aftera relatively small number of infectious cycles. It is clear that poliovirus and other picornaviruses rapidlychangeastheyreplicatein their natural hosts (5, 17, 18, 23,24, 31). Determiningthepolymeraseerrorfrequency invivo, however,shouldhelpdistinguishbetween thesetwo



Wethank Joan Morascoand Mike Duke for excellent technical assistance.

This workwassupported by PublicHealthServicegrantA115539 from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. J.B.F. is the recipient ofPublic Health Service Research Career Developmentaward A100523 from the National Institutes of Health.


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FIG.1.coveredthepresencepresencenucleaseproduct Diagram showing 5'-ribonucleoside monophosphates re- from product RNA digested with P1 nuclease
FIG. 2.digestioncleotides:monophosphates.(pC).theLane[32P]UTP High-voltageionophoreticseparation of P1nucleaseproducts


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