Online Payment
Make a One-Time Payment ... 1
Add Automatic (Recurring) Payment ... 7
Add / Change Bank Information ... 14
Make a One-Time Payment
Making a one-time payment online allows you to pay your invoiced amount, pay a different amount or make an additional payment such as an audit, endorsement, renewal, earned premium invoice or demand letter payment. Instructions for setting up an automatic recurring premium payment follow in the next section beginning on page 7.
To make a one-time payment online, go tSM.
Click on the blue letters indicating Pay your premium bills online.
Click Pay Invoice.
The default payment amount is the amount due on your invoice. To pay a different amount or make an additional payment, select Other Amount, then type the amount you want to pay in the Amount field. You must
Note:: If you pay an amount that is less than the amount due, your policy may go into cancellation. Please call 800-226-3224, option 3, if you have questions regarding the amount due on your account.
If this is your first time making a payment online, the Payment Authorization and Agreements page with the full agreement will appear. When making subsequent payments, you will not see the full agreement. To continue, click I Agree.
Throughout the payment process, do not close your browser or click Back. Doing so will cancel
You will be redirected to Bank of America’s secure online payment system for FCCI accounts to complete the process. To continue, click Accept.
If this is your first time making a payment online, you will be prompted to enter your contact information.
Complete all fields shown. The email address you enter will be used to send confirmations of enrollment and payment to you. To continue the enrollment process, click Continue. To cancel enrollment and return to ExpressServeSM, click Cancel Enrollment.
Note: If you need to make changes to this information after enrollment is complete, follow the Manage Profile
Review the information you entered. To make changes, click Modify. To continue, click Complete
Review all the information on the Initiate Payment page. To continue, click Confirm. To make changes, click Modify. To cancel the payment, click Cancel.
Note: If you need to make changes to this information after enrollment is complete, follow the Manage Profile
instructions beginning on page 14.
The Payment Confirmation page will appear. To print a copy for your records, click Print. To return to
Add Automatic (Recurring) Payment
To set up automatic premium payments, you must be current (not past due) on your account. If you have a past due amount, use the instructions beginning on page 2 to make a one-time payment of the past due amount, or call our office at 800-226-3224, option 3.
To add an automatic payment with a current amount due, you must complete this set-up process a minimum of two business days before the payment due date
Note: Automatic recurring payments are not available for Monthly Self Reporting Policyholders.
To set up automatic recurring payments, go tSM.
Click on the blue letters indicating Pay your premium bills online.
If this is your first time making a payment online, the Payment Authorization and Agreements page with the full agreement will appear. When making subsequent payments, you will not see the full agreement. To continue, click I Agree.
Throughout the payment process, do not close your browser or click Back. Doing so will cancel
You will be redirected to Bank of America’s secure online payment system for FCCI accounts to complete the process. To continue, click Accept.
If this is your first time making a payment online, you will be prompted to enter your contact information.
Complete all fields shown. The email address you enter will be used to send confirmations of enrollment and payment to you. To continue the enrollment process, click Continue. To cancel enrollment and return to ExpressServeSM, click Cancel Enrollment.
Note: If you need to make changes to this information after enrollment is complete, follow the Manage Profile
Review the information you entered. To make changes, click Modify. To continue, click Complete
The Account Summary page will appear. To add the automatic recurring payment, click Add
Automatic Payment.
By selecting the Automatic Payment option, you agree to have the current amount due drafted from the specified funding account on the due date of your account invoice. Click Continue to enter your funding account information.
Complete all fields shown. To continue the enrollment process, click Continue. To cancel enrollment and return to ExpressServeSM, click Cancel.
Review all the information on the Initiate Payment page. To continue, click Confirm. To make changes, click Modify. To cancel enrollment, click Cancel.
Note: If you need to make changes to this information after enrollment is complete, follow the Manage Profile
instructions beginning on page 14.
The Add Automatic Payment Confirmation page will appear. To print a copy for your records, click
Add / Change Bank Information
To add or change your back information, go toSM.
Click the blue letters indicating Pay your premium bills online.
Click Pay Invoice.
Select Other Amount, then type $1.00 in the Amount field. You must include an explanatory comment in the Comment field. To continue, click Pay Invoice.
If this is your first time using the online payment system, the Payment Authorization and Agreements
page with the full agreement will appear. When making subsequent payments, you will not see the full agreement. To continue, click I Agree.
Throughout the payment process, do not close your browser or click Back. Doing so will cancel
You will be redirected to Bank of America’s secure online payment system for FCCI accounts to complete the process. To continue, click Accept.
Click Manage Profile in the left navigation menu.
If you have made previous online payments and elected to save your banking information, your account name and the last four digits of the bank account number will display in the Payment Account option.
To change saved bank account information, click Modify or Delete. Make the appropriate changes, then click Continue to confirm the change.
To add new bank account information, click NEW: Checking or Savings.
Change Payment Confirmation Email
To change your email address for payment confirmations, go to ExpressServeSM.
Click on the blue letters indicating Pay your premium bills online.
Click Pay Invoice.
Select Other Amount, then type $1.00 in the Amount field. You must include an explanatory comment in the Comment field. To continue, click Pay Invoice.
You will be redirected to Bank of America’s secure online payment system for FCCI accounts to complete the process. To continue, click Accept.
Click Manage Profile in the left navigation menu.
Enter the email address you want to use for payment confirmations in the New Email Address and
Re-enter Email Address fields. To save the changes, click Continue. To cancel the change, click Cancel.