The National School of Engineers of Sfax
Professional Master
Security of Computer Systems (SCS)
Academic year :2009/2010
Teachers in charge of Professional Master SCS :
Chokri Ben Amar, Master of Conference, Director of Studies of
Motivation and opportunity of Professional Master (SCS)
The objective of Professional Masters « Security of Computer Systems SCS » is to train security specialists mastering the different techniques of securisation which can be used in applications, systems and networks in order to authenticate the confidentiality and integrity of data.
The professional masters « Information Systems IS » represents a high standard training based on a multi-disciplinary domain (Systems and INFORMATION Technologies and communication STTC). It usit allow training specialists capable of occuping positions of responsibility in the new automatized mills of computer systems and their securisation in diverse rocio-economic sectors of th country.
This project will relyon the experience and inertia acquired from the creation of professional Master (ex DESS) « logistics » and « New Information Technologies and Electronic Commerce » in the content of EMCUN (Eurespe-Maghreb Co-operation of Universities in Network). The active members of EMCUN are actually seven (Sfax University, Tunisia +HAURE University in France + Nouakcholt University in Mauritania + Caddi Ayadd University of Marrakech , Marocco +Ain chok University of casablanca, Morocco +Constantive University in Algeria + Annabu University in Algeria). The EMCUN project was born after many contacts with the Maghreb for ten years. It use able to weave privileged relations with Maghrebin and European colleagues. In this content, contacts were made with a set of university and in dustrial Maghrebin officials (rectors , deaus, departement heads, laboratory heads and industrial decision –makers). The retained domain of co-operation is « Engineering Logistics in Sciences and Information technologies and Communication (STIC ) ».
Objectives of Professional Master (SCS)
The professional Master (SCS) is a process of professionalization with training courses and intrvenrs from the world of enterprise . it is intended to train poner people who will immediatdely be operational in the domain of secuirity of computer systems and the SITC it is aholutely adirsable to students deriving form computer system specilities . the systematization of trainings is to fille the disence of contact withe the industrial world in the university curriculum of the future graduate.
In the industrial fabric capable of receiving the future holders of professional master SCS there is an important part of PME where the candidate must be polyvolent .the pedagogie content of this professional master must take into account this polyvolence
The admission to Professional Master SCS is conditioned by the possession of one of the following diplomas or their equivalents :
- Diplôme of Enginer in Computing Engineering ; - Diplôme of Enginer in Electrical Engineering ; - Diplôme of Master’s Degree in Computing ;
- Diplôme of Master’s Degree in Computer Science Applied to Management ; - Certificate of Higher Studies Specialized in Computer science ;
- Certficate of complementary Studies Specialized in computer Science.
Condidates who are not computer Specialists and who hold Diplomas of Engineers or diplomas of Master’s Degrees in sciences can exceptionally be accepted if hey grave sonie acceptable know ledge of computer sciences.
Suppersision of Professional Master SCS
The targeted high Standars teaching is presented both conceptually and very closed to the reality of the world of is the reason for which the pedogogie stoff of Professional Master CS is composed of :
- University teachers from schools of Engineers ;
- University teachers from Faculties of Sciences and Management ; - Enterprise staaf of high Specialization ;
- Visitor professors.
The partnership with the Enterprises will be reinforced during the degree course by group work, mini – projects, seniors, conferences and references of company managers and especially the obligatory training course which will serve as a stand in the preparation of a « professional Disoertation ».
Pedegogy of Professional Master scs
In order to alternate theoretical and practical teaching, the degree course composes :
- Masterly courses ; - Case studies ;
- Group researches and exposés ; - Seninars and conferences ;
- Thematic meetings withe experts of concertued activity sectors ; - Computerized simulations ;
- Workshops, pratical work and mini- projects.
Detainled syllalms and Number of Hours of Professional Master : Security of Computer Systems SCS.
The training Professional Master Security of Computer Systems SCS connists of 360 hours of teaching, in the form of modules of 20 hours each. The degree course is composed of :
- A common teaching connisting of the entrepreneurial culture module, the communication Techniques module, the module C2i ( exclusively remotely
organized), the Durable development module and Management of Quality and Innovation and the Englich module for the preparation to Toefl.
- Mini-projects, Personnalized work ,seminars and Visits to indutries. - A professional project on a concrete case.
All the modules last 20 hours and will be organized in four sessions of 4 hours and a half each plus an evoluation of 2 hours in the form of personalized work,exclusively organized on Saturday morning. The courses will be organized at ENIS exclusively on Saturday afternoons (13.30 16.00 +16.15-18.15) and on Sunday morning (8.30-11.00 +11.15-13.15)
Syltadones Content of Professional Master SCS of ENIS
Common Modules :MTC SCS (80h)
MSP-SCS 1. English (20 h)
MSP-SCS 2. Entrepreneurial culture (20 h) MSP-SCS 3. C2i (20 h)
MSP-SCS 4. Seminars and mini-projects (20 h)
Common Teaching M-TC-SCS (80h) 4 modules
English, C2i, entrepreneurial culture , Seminars and visits to industries.
Specialization modules M-SP-SCS (280 h )
14 modules
Specialization Modules for the Professional Master « SCS » of ENIS (280h)
MSP-SCS 5.Introduction to the computer security (architecture and security models) (20h)
MSP-SCS 6.Introduction to the Networks ,Insurance contract and Management of Ristes (20h)
MSP-SCS 7.Computing and computer Systems Audit (20h) MSP-SCS 8.Security of telecommunitions and Networks (20h) MSP-SCS 9.Methodology of audit and riskanalysis (20h) MSP-SCS 10. Service continuty (20h)
MSP-SCS 11.Access contrôle (20h)
MSP-SCS 12. Security Tools and open source Audit (20h) MSP-SCS 13. Management of Information Security(20h) MSP-SCS 14. crypostology (20h)
MSP-SCS 15.Investigation on computing Incident (20h) MSP-SCS 16.Audit of Web application (20h)
MSP-SCS 17.Security of disk operating Systems and data bases (20h)
MSP-SCS 18. Preparation for the certification CISPS (certified Information System Professional Security) (20h).
Partners of ENIS in Professional Master : Security of Computer
Systems « SCS »
ENIS associatesthe main typesofpartener institutions
- University Institution : computer and Multimedia High school , Faculty of Sciences of Sfax, Faculty of Economie Sciences and Management of Sfax ,Research center ,Freing
Universities : French and notably Morrocan.
- Support Institutions :Technical Centers API Ministries (Communication Technologies , professional training,Industy,etc…), Stade Secreteriat of computer Science….
- Industrial and Economie Institutions : Commerce Chmbers ,UTICA, Arab Institute of Entreprise Managers, Study offices and other operators up to needs.
Scientific Facilities and Pedagogic Tools.
- Center and computer classrooms of ENIS ; - Laboratories and logistics of ENIS.
International cooperation
- Foreiqu Interveurs : French Universties : Havre University.
Morrocan Universities : University of Caddi Ayadd of Marrakech, University of Ain chak of casablanka.
Algerian Universities : constantive University , Annada University.
Groupe ware International co-oporation, and E-learning at the Service of Professional Master Security of Computer Systems « SCS »
Suice Septembre 2002, all the student in Professional Master of ENIS have benefited the planning cominication, the exchange of information , the daring of electronic documents and files, serninar planification, chatting and discussions , mailing…… Suice the academic year 2005 -2006 a WIFI space has been put for the dispasition of Professional Master students , all mingle specialities, in the hall of teaching amphis for an access at the weekend. We have also equipped the ENIS with other WIFI spaces in many places (libraries , departements , floors of teaching bruildring, for an acces during the rest of the week.
Actualty, a groupware is fonctioning : for an access since the Intravet and Internet or the session users.
On the other hand, more than 50% of Professional Master modules SCS will be insured by experts from outside ENIS .About 10% of professional Master modules SCS of ENIS will be insured by visitor professors from abroad.
List of Interveners in the context of Professional Master SCS.
Mohamed Jmail Professor ENISRafik Bouaziz Professor FSEG Faiez Gargouri Professor ISIMS Ahmed Hadj Kacem Senior Lecturer FSEG SFAX
Slim Chaoui Assistant Lecture ENIS Walid Mehdi Assistant Lecture ISIMS Slim Kanoun Assistant Lecture ENIS Moncef Charfi Assistant Lecture ENIS
Tarek Chaari Assistant ISECS Fadoua Drira Assistant ENIS Hafedh Allouche Engineer- Expert Group STUNA Anis Fourati Engineer- Expert Group SDS Nabil Ouerhani Doctor – Expert Adhoc Noomene Samet Engineer- Expert IGL
Sodki triki Engineer- Expert Tunisian Chemical Group Frederique Biennifer Visitor Professor INSA , Lyon