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Academic year: 2021



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Ph.D. Marketing

State University of New York at Buffalo School of Management

Amherst, New York, September 1992. Minor: Measurement

M.I.M. International Management

American Graduate School of International Management (Thunderbird)

Glendale, Arizona, December 1987. B.A. Business Administration Central College

Pella, Iowa, August 1985.


TEACHING Associate Professor of Marketing

Niagara University, Fall 2005 - present Associate Professor of Marketing

Loyola University Chicago, 1997- 2004 Assistant Professor of Marketing

Loyola University Chicago, 1992-1997

Teaching Assistant

SUNY at Buffalo, 1990-1992 CLASSES TAUGHT

MBA Program Niagara University • Marketing Engineering

• Product and Marketing Communications • International Marketing

• Marketing Strategy

MBA Program Loyola University Chicago

• Principles of Internet Marketing (course creator and leader 1996-2004) • Strategy of Internet Marketing (course creator and leader 1998-2004)

• Customer Relationship Management (course creator and leader, 2000-2004) • Business-to-Business Marketing (course creator and leader, 1993-1998) • Sales Force Management (course creator and leader, 1993-1998) • International Marketing (course leader 1992 to 1999)

• Marketing Management (1994)

Undergraduate Program Niagara University • Sales Management

• Product and Marketing Communications Strategy • Business Policy and Strategy


Undergraduate Program Loyola University Chicago

• Direct Marketing & The Internet (course creator and leader, 1998-2004) • Global Marketing Management (course creator and leader 1998) • Principles of Marketing (1992-1994)

• Sales Force Management (course creator and leader, 1992-1996). Carthage College Executive MBA Programs

• Business-to-Business Marketing (1999)

California State University Hayward Executive Education Program • Internet Marketing (2001)

• E-Commerce (2001)

Loyola University Mid-Management Executive Education Program • Sales & Marketing Management (1997-1999)

On Site Executive Education Sponsored By Loyola University • Principles of Internet Marketing (2000)

• Strategy of Internet Marketing (2000) JOURNALS

Melnik, Mikhail, Paul Richardson, and Dan Tompkins (2011), “Does It Pay to Promote on eBay,” Journal of Promotion Management, Vol. 17 (4), in production.

Melnik, Mikhail, Paul Richardson, and Dan Tompkins (2011), “How Seller and Product Characteristics Impact Promotion on eBay,” Journal of Promotion Management, Vol. 17 (4), in production.

Melnik, Mikhail and Paul Richardson (2010), “Impact of Shipping Charges in Online Auctions: Evidence from Electronics Auctions on eBay”, The BRC Academy Journal of Business, Vol. 1 (1), 81-106.

Melnik, Mikhail and Paul Richardson (2010), “Determinants and Effectiveness of Advertising in eBay,”The BRC Journal of Advances in Business, Vol. 1 (1), 100-133. Richardson, Paul S. (2007), “The Impact of Organic Versus Non-Organic Headlines on Response Rates to Search Ads,” Journal of Website Promotion, Vol. 2 (3/4), 43-59. Richardson, Paul S. (2006) “The Impact of Direct Appeals on Clickstream and Response at Promotional Websites,” Journal of Website Promotion. Vol. 1 (1/2), 37-51.

Grimm, Pamela, Jagdish P. Agrawal, and Paul S. Richardson (1999), "Product Conspicuousness and Buying Motives As Determinants of Reference Group Influence".

European Advances In Consumer Research, Vo1. 4, 97-103.


Agrawal, Jagdish, Paul S. Richardson, and Pamela E. Grimm (1996), "An Empirical Examination of the Relationship Between Warranty Terms and Product Reliability," The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol 30 No. 2, 421-443. Richardson, Paul S., Arun K. Jain, and Alan S. Dick (1996), "Household Store Brand Proneness: A Framework," Journal of Retailing, Vol. 72, No. 2 159-185. Arun K. Jain, Alan S. Dick, and Paul S. Richardson (1996), "How Consumers Evaluate Store Brands," Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 5 No. 2, 19-28.

Richardson, Paul S. Arun K. Jain, and Alan S. Dick (1996), "The Influence of Store Aesthetics on Evaluations of Private Label Brands," Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol. 5 No. 1, 19-28.

Dick Alan, Arun Jain, and Paul Richardson (1995), "Correlates of Store Brand Proneness," Journal of Product and Brand Management, Vol.4 No. 4. 15-22. Richardson, Paul S., Alan S. Dick, and Arun K. Jain (1994), "Extrinsic and Intrinsic Cue Effects on Perceptions of Store Brand Quality," Journal of Marketing", Vol. 58 (October), 28-36.


Kling, Jim, Steve Mayer, and Paul Richardson, “Beyond Case Study Analyis?: Three Enhanced Approaches to Teaching Business Strategy,” Proceedings of the 2010 Business Research Consortium of Western New York, forthcoming.

Melnik, Mikhail and Paul Richardson, “The Impact of Shipping Charges in Online Auctions: Evidence from Electronics Auctions on eBay, “ Proceedings of the 2009 Businesss Research Consortium of Western New York, 135-145.

Melnik, Mikhail, Paul Richardson, and Dan Tompkins (2008), “How Seller and Product Characteristics Impact Promotion on eBay,” Proceedings of the 2008 Business Research Consortium of Western New York, 125-139.

Melnik, Mikhail, Paul Richardson, and Dan Tompkins (2008), “Does It Pay to Promote on eBay,” Proceedings of the 2008 Business Research Consortium of Western New York, 141-165.

Melnik, Mikhail and Paul Richardson (2008), “Determinants and Effectiveness of Advertising in eBay,” 2008 Proceedings of the Business Research Consortium of Western New York, 167-200.

Richardson, Paul (1994), "Cue Effects on Evaluations of National and Private Label Brands, " (AMA Winter Educators' Conference Proceedings) Marketing Theory & Applications, Vol. 5, C. Whan Park and Daniel C. Smith, eds., Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1994, 165-171.


Richardson, Paul, editor (2001) Internet Marketing: Readings And Online Resources, Irwin/McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0-07-242793-0.



Instructors Manual for Internet Marketing: Building Advantage In A Networked Economy by Rafi A. Mohammed, Robert J. Fisher, Bernard J. Jaworski, Aileen M. Cahill. Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2001. Completed first edition of manual August 2001. Completed second revision on January 15th, 2002.

Web Research Forum (http://www.webresearchforum.com). Online companion to Internet Marketing Reading and Online Resources (Richardson). Includes over 2000 resources links, exercises, tutorials, case studies, articles, and perspectives. Has attracted thousands of registrations since it went online August 1st, 2000.


“Beyond Case Study Analyis?: Three Enhanced Approaches to Teaching Business Strategy,” Business Research Consortium of Western New York, SUNY Geneseo, April 17, 2010, with Jim Kling and Steve Mayer.

“Impact of Shipping Charges in Online Auctions: Evidence from Electronics Auctions on eBay”, Business Research Consortium of Western New York, St. John Fisher College, April 25, 2009, with Mikhail Melnick.

“How Seller and Product Characteristics Impact Promotion on eBay ", Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Niagara University, April 5, 2008, with Mikhail Melnick and Dan Tompkins.

“Does It Pay to Promote on eBay", Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Niagara University, April 5, 2008, with Mikhail Melnick and Dan Tompkins. “Determinants and Effectiveness of Advertising in eBay ", Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Niagara University, April 5, 2008 with Mikhail Melnick.

“Marketing on the Internet: Advanced Techniques and Results,” Presented at the Everett W. Ockerman Lecture, Niagara University, Fall, 2007.

“Have Store Brands Lost the Perceived Value War to Discount Clubs?", Presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, St. Bonaventure University, April 21, 2007.

"The Use of Organic Headlines in Text Search Ads: An Empirical Investigation", Presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, St. Bonaventure University, April 21, 2007.

“Explaining Low Conversion Rates at Promotional Web Sites”, Presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Canisius College, April, 29, 2006.

“Experiments in Online Environments: Techniques and Pitfalls for Testing Effects”, Presented at Business Research Consortium of Western New York, Canisius College, April 29, 2006.


University Family Business sponsored professional meeting, April 4, 2006.

“Integrated Web Performance Metrics,” at The Performance Institute Applied Information Economics Seminar, Washington, D.C., March, 2002

“The Impact of Virtual Branding & Retailing On The Private Label Industry,” Private Label Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1999.

“The Future of Private Label Marketing,”Private Label Exposition, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1998.

"Sales Force Automation In Hybrid Marketing Systems," at AMA Business to Business Marketing Symposium, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, IL, November 1995.

"Cue Effects on Evaluations of National and Private Label Brands, " at AMA Winter Educators' Conference, Tampa, Florida, January 1994.

"Determinants of Private Brand Attitude: A Model and an Empirical Investigation," Presented at 1991 TIMS Marketing Science Conference, Delaware, March 1991. "Consumers' Response to Price Promotion: An Optimal Inventory Explanation," Presented at 1991 TIMS Marketing Science Conference, Delaware, March 1991. OTHER PUBLICATIONS

Richardson, Paul (1996), "Interactive Technology Transforms Marketing," BEAM, A Publication of the International Interactive Communication Society of America, Chicago Chapter, (November)


* Hutchens Real Estate MKG335 Marketing Project

Niagara University (2007)

* St. Peters School MKG335 Marketing Project

Niagara University (2006) * Committee for Instructional Design

Loyola University (1994 to 1998)

* President's Day (April 1995)

Loyola University (1995)

Demonstrated to corporate sponsors teaching technologies. * Webmaster Environmental Studies Program Web Site

Loyola University (1998-1999)

Created and managed Environmental Studies Web Site SERVICE TO COLLEGE AND SCHOOL

* Niagara University, College of Business Administration, MBA Committee

Committee Chair (2008-present)


Consortium of Western New York (2006-present)

* Editorial Board – Journals of the Business Research Consortium of Western New York (2006-present)

* Senate – Academic Honesty Subcommittee

Niagara University (2006-2008)


Niagara University (2006-present)

* MRD Committee

Niagara University (2005-2007)

* Graduate Curriculum Committee

Loyola University (2002-2004)

* Deans Advisory Council

Loyola University (1999-2000)

* Dean Search Committee

Loyola University (1999-2000)

* Strategic Planning Committee

Loyola University (1995-1996)

* Compustat Advisory Council

Loyola University (1993 to 1998) SERVICE

* Webmaster Business Research Consortium Web Site

Created and manage BRC Web presence

* Webmaster Marketing Group Web Site

Loyola University (1998-2003)

Created and manage Marketing Affinity Group Web Site * Webmaster MSIMC Program Web Site

Loyola University (1998-2003)

Created and manage MSIMC Web Site

* Simulation Software Development

Licensed MARKSTRAT, INDUSTRAT, INTOPIA, BRANDS simulation software for marketing group Loyola University


* Independent MBA Thesis Research

Coaching / coached 5 independent studies German students Niagara University (2005 to present)

* Faculty Advisor


* Faculty Advisor

Alpha Kappa Psi (1993 to 1997) AWARDS/RECOGNITION

* 2009 Researcher of the Year Award, Niagara University College of Business Administration, shared with Mikhail Melnik * “Top 15” Faculty Member Teaching Evaluations, Spring 2001

Strategy of Internet Marketing Course, Loyola University

* “Top 15” Faculty Member Teaching Evaluations, Spring 2000 Principles of Internet Marketing

* Semifinalist, 1999 Researcher of the Year Loyola University Chicago

* Faculty Advisor of the Year Water Tower Campus

Loyola University, 1993-1994 TELEVISION APPEARANCES

* Anytown USA

CLTV 10 Front & Center, November, 1998 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

* Celebrity Endorsements in the Post O.J. Simpson Era

CLTV 10 Front & Center, October 11, 1995, 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

* Taco Wars

Channel 2 News, 5:30 p.m., July 3rd, 1996 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS

* American Marketing Association (AMA) * Delta Sigma Pi

* Alpha Kappa Psi (AKPsi)

* International Interactive Communication Society of America (IICSA)

* Chicago Interactive Marketing Association (CIMA) EDUCATION TRAINING SEMINARS CONDUCTED

Fall, 2001 E-Commerce

Sponsored by University Libraries

* seminar on how university libraries can better leverage the web

Spring, 1995 How the Dynacom System Can Be Used for Lectures

Sponsored by School of Business Administration, Loyola University * conducted two one hour sessions regarding how

multimedia lectures can be done in conjunction with the Dynacom system.

Fall, 1993 How to Create Multimedia Presentations

Sponsored by Loyola University Center for Instructional Design * two hour presentation of how Compel is used to create



Winter, 1997 Marketing on the Internet

Sponsored by Interactive Marketing Association San Francisco,

* twenty hour seminar on how to market on the internet Summer, 1996 Proven Classroom Teaching Techniques

Conducted by Ed Jones, President, Management Training Consultants Sponsored by Loyola University Chicago

* fifteen hour seminar on effective teaching techniques & technologies. Spring, 1996 Using Toolbook 2 To Create Interactive Courseware On The Internet

Sponsored by Asymetrix Corporation

* four hour applied seminar of uses of Toolbook 2 CBT Fall, 1995 How to Create Your Own World Wide Web Page

Sponsored by Information Technologies, Loyola University of Chicago. * four hour applied seminar on HTML practices in WWW publishing. Fall, 1995 Adding Multimedia Magic to CBT

Sponsored by Asymetrix Corporation

* four hour applied seminar on uses of Toolbook CBT Summer, 1995 TiLT: Technology In Learning & Teaching

Conducted By Information Technologies, Northwestern University. * four day (32 hour) seminar on HTML Web programming. Spring, 1995 How to Create Interactive Courseware Using Toolbook

Sponsored by Loyola University Center for Instructional Design. * eight hour training seminar in use of Toolbook Software Spring, 1994 Multimedia in Marketing Education

Sponsored by DePaul University, Chicago, IL.

* five hour training seminar on multimedia technology Spring, 1994 The Odyssey Project: Multimedia Advances In Education

Sponsored by Odyssey Inc.,Phoenix, AZ

* sixteen hour multimedia ToolBook training session. TEACHING SKILLS ACQUIRED

* Proficiency in html, CSS, ASP.Net, cold fusion and dynamic HTML programming for course web sites

* Proficiency in cold fusion, ASP.Net methods for personalization, e-commerce methods. * Customized instructional program for data and text mining (Clementime, Angoss) * Proficiency in multimedia presentation software including integration of

sound, animation, video clips, and hyperlink technology (Compel, Powerpoint) * Proficiency in interactive courseware programming (Multimedia Toolbook) * Proficiency in Using WWW & Gopher Resources for MBA research

projects as well as electronic databases (NEXIS, Infotrac, Dialog, etc.) * Experience in using videotaped role plays for case instruction





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