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Vagal afferent pathway mediates physiological action of cholecystokinin on pancreatic enzyme secretion


Academic year: 2020

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Vagal afferent pathway mediates physiological

action of cholecystokinin on pancreatic enzyme


Y Li, C Owyang

J Clin Invest. 1993;92(1):418-424. https://doi.org/10.1172/JCI116583.

To establish the mechanism(s) and site(s) of action of cholecystokinin (CCK) on pancreatic secretion under physiological conditions, we used an in vivo model using anesthetized rats with pancreaticobiliary cannulas. Infusion of CCK-8 (10-160 pmol/kg per h) produced a dose-dependent increase in plasma CCK levels. CCK-8 infusion at 40 pmol/kg per h produced a plasma CCK level of 7.9 +/- 1.5 pM and an 80% increase in pancreatic protein output over basal. This level was closely approximated by a postprandial peak plasma CCK level by 6.2 +/- 1.1 pM. Pretreatment with atropine or hexamethonium completely abolished pancreatic protein response to low doses of CCK-8 (10-40 pmol/kg per h) but had only partial effect on doses > 40 pmol/kg per h. Bilateral vagotomy also abolished the pancreatic responses to low doses of CCK-8. Similarly perivagal treatment with a sensory neurotoxin, capsaicin, caused a complete inhibition of pancreatic protein secretion in response to CCK-8 infusion. In contrast, pancreatic protein responses to bethanechol were similar in control and capsaicin-treated rats. In separate studies we demonstrated that gastroduodenal but not jejunal application of capsaicin for 30 min abolished pancreatic protein secretion in

response to physiological doses of CCK-8. In conclusion, CCK at physiological levels stimulates pancreatic enzyme secretion via a capsaicin-sensitive afferent vagal pathway originating from the gastroduodenal mucosa.

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Vagal Afferent Pathway Mediates Physiological

Action of Cholecystokinin


Pancreatic Enzyme Secretion

Ying Li andChung Owyang

The University ofMichigan Medical Center, Gastroenterology ResearchUnit, DepartmentofInternal Medicine,AnnArbor, Michigan 48109


To establish the mechanism(s)andsite(s) ofaction of

chole-cystokinin (CCK)onpancreatic secretion under physiological conditions, weused an invivo model using anesthetized rats

with pancreaticobiliarycannulas. Infusion ofCCK-8 (10-160

pmol/kgperh) produceda dose-dependentincreasein plasma

CCK levels.CCK-8 infusionat40 pmol/kgperh produceda

plasmaCCK level of7.9±1.5pMandan80% increase in

pancre-aticproteinoutput overbasal.Thislevel was closely approxi-mated by a postprandial peak plasmaCCK level by 6.2±1.1

pM. Pretreatment with atropineor hexamethonium completely

abolished pancreaticproteinresponse tolowdosesofCCK-8

(1040 pmol/kgperh) but had onlypartial effecton doses >40 pmol/kg per h. Bilateral vagotomy also abolished the pancreaticresponses tolow dosesof CCK-8.Similarly periva-gal treatmentwitha sensory neurotoxin, capsaicin, caused a

complete inhibitionofpancreatic proteinsecretion inresponse toCCK-8infusion.Incontrast,pancreatic proteinresponses to

bethanecholweresimilar in control andcapsaicin-treatedrats. In separatestudies we demonstrated that gastroduodenalbut notjejunalapplication of capsaicin for30minabolished

pancre-atic protein secretion in response to physiological doses of CCK-8.Inconclusion, CCKatphysiologicallevelsstimulates pancreaticenzymesecretion viaa capsaicin-sensitive afferent

vagal pathwayoriginating from the gastroduodenalmucosa.(J. Clin. Invest. 1993.92:418424.)Key words:





Cholecystokinin (CCK) isthe


mediator of


exocrine secretion.Themechanism(s)


for CCK-in-ducedpancreaticenzymesecretionunder


condi-tions however is unclear. In vitrostudies

using dispersed

pan-creatic acinidemonstrate that CCK-stimulated


release isinsensitiveto atropine ortetrodotoxin






( 1).


theeffects ofcholinergic agonists andCCK in isolated



Addressreprint requeststo ChungOwyang, M.D., 3912 Taubman Center,Box0362,TheUniversityofMichiganMedicalCenter,Ann Arbor,MI48109.

Receivedfor publication 21 December1992.

1. Abbreviations usedinthispaper: 2DG,2-deoxy-D-glucose; TTX,


preparationsare no morethanadditive( 1, 2).Thissuggests the

effect of CCKonenzymesecretion ischolinergically

independ-ent(3, 4).However, invivostudies in humans (5-7) and dogs (8, 9) show thatpancreatic secretion stimulatedby CCKcanbe blocked by atropine, suggesting action via cholinergic

path-ways.Furthermore,enzyme outputin patients aftervagotomy

in response to low dosesof CCKis reducedcompared with normal controls (10). Itappearstherefore that CCKcan actvia both atropine-sensitive neural pathwaystostimulate

pancre-aticexocrinesecretion. Currently,it isnotknown ifexogenous

CCKinfusions that producephysiologicallevelsstimulate

pan-creatic secretionviacholinergic or noncholinergicpathways. Thisissuehasimportantphysiological ramifications. IfCCKat

physiological levelsstimulatespancreatic secretion viaan

atro-pine-sensitive pathway, then cholinergic neural pathways rather thanpancreaticacinar cellsrepresenttheprimarytargets onwhich CCKmay act as amajor mediator of postprandial pancreaticenzymesecretion.

Inthis study we investigated the mechanism and site of

action ofCCKon pancreaticenzymesecretionunder physio-logicalconditionsusing an invivorat model. Wehypothesize


cholin-ergic pathwayswhereassupraphysiologicalCCK levelsact di-rectlyonpancreaticacini. Furthermore, sincerecentstudies in theratsdemonstrate that afferentfibers oftheabdominalvagus

mediate CCK-elicited satiety signals (11), we examined the

roleof vagalafferentpathways in the mediation of CCK's

ac-tiononpancreaticenzymesecretion. Chemical ablation

stud-ieswerealsoperformedtoidentify specificvagal branches that

areinvolved in thisfunction.



Thefollowingwerepurchasedfrom SigmaChemical Co.(St.Louis, MO) atropine sulfate, bethanechol chloride, 2-deoxy-D-glucose

(2DG),andcapsaicin. Octapeptideofcholecystokininwaspurchased fromPeninsula Laboratories Inc.(Belmont, CA).



Animal preparation. Male Sprague-Dawley rats, weighingbetween 250 and 300 g,werefastedovernightandanesthetizedwithamixture of xylazine and ketamine (13 and 87 mg/kg body wt, respectively). Throughamidlineincision,apolyethylenecatheterwasinserted into thecommonbile-pancreatic ductattheampulla. Asecond catheter wasplacedinto the duodenum,slightlyabove thesphincterof Oddi for intestinalperfusionofpancreaticobiliary juice.Theabdominalwound wascoveredwithasaline gauge and the animalwasmaintainedat37°C withaheating pad.

Pancreatic secretionstudy.After 60 min ofstabilization, combined bile-pancreaticsecretionswerecollected every 15 min. The volumewas

measured andanaliquotwastaken anddilutedwith distilledwaterfor proteindetermination. The remainder of the undiluted bilepancreatic

juicewasreturnedtothe intestine via the duodenal cannuladuringthe J.Clin.Invest.

© The AmericanSocietyfor ClinicalInvestigation,Inc. 0021-9738/93/07/418/07 $2.00


nextcollection period.Pancreaticobiliary juice protein was measured spectrophotometrically usingthe assay method of Bradford( 12).Our previous study ( 13)confirmedthat the increase inproteinoutputin thebile pancreatic juiceafter CCK-8stimulationmainlyreflected pro-tein from thepancreatic source. Biliary juice protein did not increase with CCKstimulation.

CCK-8dose-response studies. Graded doses of CCK-8 (10-160 pmol/kg perh) wereinfused for 60 min. Sixrats weretested for each dose.Pancreaticobiliary juicewascollected every 15 min. Blood sam-ples for CCKmeasurement wereobtainedatthe endof each infusion by cardiac puncture. Plasma CCK levelsweremeasuredbyabioassay method previously reported ( 14). In separate studies, postprandial plasmaCCK response wasdetermined by obtaining blood samples fromratsfed5 mlof 18% casein. Caseinwasinstilled into the stomach with anorogastric tube and blood samples were obtained 15 min after casein administration.

Atropine, hexamethonium, andTTXinfusion studies. To deter-mine the roleofcholinergicpathways in the mediation of CCK's ac-tion, atropine( 100,g/kgperh)wasinfused 30 min before infusion of CCK-8 andwasadministeredthroughouttheremainder of the experi-ment.Pancreaticprotein outputs andplasmaCCK levelswere com-pared with those obtained withoutatropine.Similar studieswere per-formedwith hexamethonium treatment ( 15 mg/kg bolus plus 7.5 mg/ kg per h continuous infusion) to determine the role of presynaptic cholinergicneuronsin the mediation of CCK-stimulated pancreatic enzymesecretion.

To exerttotal neuralblockade,TTX,anonspecificblockerof neuro-nal axoneuro-naltransmission,wasadministeredbyregional intraarterial in-fusion into thepancreaticarterythroughtheabdominalaortawith the ligationof the renal arteries and temporary blockade of the iliac bifur-cation.Aloadingdoseof10pg/kgTTXwasgivenfollowedby2pg/kg per h of continuousinfusion throughoutthe experiment.Atracheal cannulawasinsertedto securefreeairwaysand therats wereartificially ventilated. Complete neural blockade was established by demonstrat-ingthatpancreaticsecretion in responseto2DG stimulationwas com-pletelyabolishedbut responsestobethanecholremainedunaffected.

Bilateralsubdiaphragmaticvagotomy.To demonstrate that physio-logicallevelsofplasmaCCKactviastimulationofthevagalpathways, acutebilateralsubdiaphragmaticvagotomywasperformed. Througha midline incision oftheabdominalwall,the stomachwascarefully ma-nipulatedtoexposetheesophagus. Thesubdiaphragmaticvagal trunks wereexposedhalfway between the diaphragm and thegastriccardia. Bothanterior and posterior trunks of the vagalnerves weretransected. Forcontrolexperiments, theabdominalvagalnerves wereexposed but not cut.CCK dose-response studieswereperformedasdescribed.To demonstrate completeness of vagotomy,pancreaticprotein secretion in responseto2DGwastested.2DG,anonmetabolicableglucose ana-logue, causeshypothalamia, glucopenia,andexcites the dorsal vagal nuclei. It hastraditionallybeen used as an agentfortesting complete-nessof vagotomy ( 15, 16).Adoseof 75 mg/kg i.v. was used.

Perivagalapplication ofcapsaicin. To investigate the role of vagal afferent pathway in the mediation of CCK's action, we examined the effects ofperivagalapplication ofcapsaicin.Afteranesthesiathe abdom-inal vagal trunks were exposed.Asmallpiece of gauze soaked in0.1 capsaicinsolution(0.1 mlperrat)wasleftonthe vagal trunksfor 30 min.Solutions ofvehicle alone were applied to control rats. CCK dose-responsestudies as described above were performed 5 d after surgery in thesetwogroupsof rats.

Vagalafferentrootlet section. To further demonstrate that vagal afferent pathway mediates CCK's action on pancreatic enzyme secre-tion,parallelstudies with vagal afferent rootlet section were performed. Inthe rats selective afferent or efferent rootlet section is possible be-causetheafferent rootlet enters the medulla dorsal to the site where efferent rootlet exists. The rats were placed in a head holder with the aid ofanoperatingmicroscopy and the basal aspect of the occipital bone wasexposedbypostauricular scalpincision. This revealed thevagus

nerveasitpenetratedthroughtheduramater andseparatedinto

affer-entandefferentgroupsof rootlets. Thevagalafferent group consists of

two tofour rootlets that reach the dorsal lateral surface of the medulla. Throughthe dorsal approach the afferent rootletswereexposeddirectly and transected under direct vision. In the control group,craniotomy wasperformed in sham operations but rootlet sections were not per-formed. 2 d after left vagal afferent rootlet section, aright cervical vagotomy was performed before CCK dose-response studies.

Gastroduodenal mucosalapplication ofcapsaicin.Toinvestigateif theCCK-sensitive afferentnerveendings originate from the gastroduo-denal mucosa,weexamined the effects of mucosal application of cap-saicin in the stomach and duodenum ( 17). Capcap-saicin was also applied tothejejunum to examine regional specificity. After laparotomy, cap-saicin (6 mg/ml) was topically applied to the gastroduodenalorjejunal mucosa for 30min. Saline application was used in control rats. CCK dose-responsestudieswereperformed 4 d after local capsaicin applica-tion. Rats were checked for normal eye wiping movement, which indicates that local mucosal treatment of capsaicin has nosystemic effect( 17).

Bethanechol andCCK interactionstudies.Toinvestigate ifthe stim-ulatory action of CCK requires the presence of a cholinergic tone,we examined the effect ofbethanechol,amuscarinic receptoragonist,on CCK-evoked pancreatic secretion in vagotomized rats. Acute subdia-phragmatic vagotomy was performed asdescribedabove in two groups of rats. In the first group of rats, which served as the control, aftera 60-min basalperiod,pancreatic protein secretion in response to intrave-nousinfusion of bethanechol(0.5mg/kg perh)wasmeasuredfor a total of 120min. The second group of rats received intravenous infu-sion ofCCK-8 (40pmol/kgperh)alone for 30 min followed by concur-rentintravenous administration of bethanechol (0.5mg/kgperh) for anadditional 120min.


Results were expressed as mean±SE. The multivariate analysis of vari-ancemethod was used to evaluate the effect of the repeated measure-ment overtime,treatmenteffect,and theinteractionbetween them. Significance was accepted at the 5% level.


Plasma CCK levels

Aftera 12-h fast, the basal plasma CCK levels were 0.5±0.1 pM. The basal levelswere notaffected by vagotomy (0.6±0.1 pM)oratropine administration (0.55±0.09 pM). Intravenous infusion of CCK produced a dose-related increase in plasma CCK levels (Fig. 1). The plasma CCK levels during infusion of 40 and 160 pmol/kg per hwere7.9±0.5 and 19±2.5 pM, re-spectively. Plasma CCK responsestoCCK infusion were not affectedby bilateral vagotomy (Fig. 1 )oratropine


Todetermine which rate ofCCK-8 infusion would produce aphysiological plasma CCK level, we measured plasmaCCK

levels after administration of a casein meal. Casein feeding re-sultedinapostprandial peak increase in plasma CCK levelsto 7.3±1.1 pM (Fig. 1 ). Therefore it appears that the infusion of CCK-8 at 40pmol/kg per h produced a plasma CCK level

(7.9±0.5 pM)similar tothatseenphysiologically afteracasein meal(7.3±1.1 pM). In contrast, the 80 and 160 pmol/kg perh doses produced markedly supraphysiological plasma CCK lev-els(Fig. 1).


The basal pancreatic protein secretion was stable, averaging 130±18 mg/h. Intravenous infusion ofCCK-8 produced a dose-dependent increase in pancreatic protein secretion (Fig.


CCK-8 infusion of 40 pmol/kgperh, whichproduceda


Plasma CCK Response





am4 U



S a






Vagotomy lb





0 20 40 80 160





level, causedan80% increase in pancreatic proteinoutput over basal(Fig. 2). On the other hand, infusion of supraphysiologi-cal doses of CCK-8 at 80 and 160pmol/kgper hproducedan

180 and 238%increase in pancreatic proteinoutput over basal




ofatropine and hexamethonium. Administrationof atropine (100


perh)orhexamethonium (15 mg/kg

fol-lowed by 7.5 mg/kg per hr) did not affect basal pancreatic

output butcompletely abolished pancreaticresponses to

CCK-8infusionat10, 20, and 40 pmol/kgper h(Fig. 2).In contrast,

atropineorhexamethonium produced only partialor no

inhibi-o 250 0 2 0 = 200

. E

0- 150

0-n. a


sX 100


h. 50

A* a

l Control a Atropine

El Hexamethonium


L 1 1


10 20 40 CCK-8 (pmol/kg/h)


80 160

Figure 2. CCK-8 infusion evokedadose-dependentincrease in pan-creaticproteinsecretion. Doses>40pmol/kgperhareconsidered supraphysiological. Administration ofatropine( 100gg/kgperh)and hexamethonium ( 15mg/kg+7.5mg/kgperh) completelyabolished pancreaticresponsestophysiologicaldosesof CCK-8(c 40pmol/kg

perh) butweremuchless potentathigherCCK-8 doses(80-160

pmol/kg perh). Valuesaremean±SE for sixratsin each group. *P <0.05.





S00 S



Figure 1. Infusion of chole-cystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) induced dose-de-pendentincrease in plasma CCKlevels. Infusion of CCK-8 at 40pmol/kg per h produced plasma levels simi-lar to those seen after a casein meal. Vagotomy had no ef-fectonbasal and CCK-8 in-fusion-stimulatedplasma CCK levels. Values are mean±SE for six rats in each group.

tion ofpancreatic responses to supraphysiological doses of CCK-8(Fig. 2). Theseobservations indicate that at physiologi-cal levels, CCK acts at a presynaptic site of the cholinergic pathway, whereas at supraphysiological levels CCK acts

mainly viaanatropine-insensitive pathway.

Effect ofvagotomy.Immediatelyafter vagotomy there was nochangein basalpancreaticprotein secretion. However, the responses to physiological doses of CCK-8 (10, 20, and 40 pmol/kg per h) were completely abolished (Fig. 3). This sug-gests that the vagal pathwayis the primary site of action of CCK under physiological conditions. In contrast, vagotomy



250 0 Control





,0 5



10 20 40 80 160

CCK-8 (pmol/kg/h)

Figure 3. Immediatelyafter vagotomy (TV) therewas nochange in basalpancreatic proteinsecretion but the responsestophysiological doses (< 40pmol/kg/hr) of CCK-8werecompletely abolished.In contrastvagotomy hadnoeffectonresponsestosupraphysiological levels of CCK-8. Infusionof tetrodotoxin (TTX) (10ag/kg+2,g/


hadlittleor noeffectonresponses tosupraphysiological levels

ofCCK-8 (80 and 160pmol/kgperh) (Fig. 3). To

demon-stratethatwehaveperformed completevagotomy westudied the effect of2DG, which has previously been shownto

stimu-latepancreatic secretion viaavagal cholinergic pathway ( 15, 16). In intact rats, 2DG (75 mg/kg) caused an increase of

pancreatic proteinsecretion by 150% overbasal. In ratswith truncalvagotomy,therewas noincrease inpancreatic secretion inresponse to2DGadministration.

Toinvestigatethe mechanismsresponsible for pancreatic

response tosupraphysiologicallevelsofCCK,weexamined the effect of intraarterial infusion of TTX, which exerts total neural blockade. TTX inhibited 65-75%ofthepancreatic re-sponses toCCK-8infusionat80 and 160pmol/kgperh(Fig.

3).Inseparatestudies,wedemonstrated thatintraarterial ad-ministration of TTX completely abolished pancreatic re-sponses to2DG but had no effecton stimulation evoked by bethanechol, which acted directlyonpancreatic acini. These

observationsindicate thatsupraphysiologicallevelsofCCKact onintrapancreaticneuronsanddirectlyonpancreaticacinito

mediate pancreaticenzymesecretion.

Effectofperivagal application ofcapsaicin. Similar to trun-cal vagotomy, perivagal application ofcapsaicin completely abolishedpancreatic proteinsecretion inresponseto

physiolog-icaldosesofCCK-8 infusion (10, 20, and 40 pmol/kgperh) buthadnoeffectontheresponses tosupraphysiologicaldoses (80 and 160pmol/kgperh)(Fig. 4).In contrast, we demon-strated. thatpancreatic protein secretion inresponse to 2DG stimulation remained intact in rats with perivagal capsaicin


va-gal function(Fig.5).




rootletsection. Tofurther

demon-stratethatvagalafferent pathway mediates CCK's action on

pancreaticenzymesecretion, parallelstudies with vagal


appli-cation ofcapsaicin, afferent rootlet section also completely abolishedpancreaticresponses tophysiologicaldosesof CCK-8(10, 20,and 40pmol/kgperh)butwasineffectivetomodify



o 0 Control 0 Capsaicin

Cf E [3 Afferentrootlet section







C* *

10 20 40 80 160

CCK-8 (pmol/kg/h)

Figure4.Perivagal application of capsaicin or vagal afferent rootlet section completely abolished the pancreatic responses to physiological doses(< 40 pmol/kg per h) of CCK-8 but had no effect on the re-sponsestosupraphysiological doses. Values are mean±SE for six rats ineachgroup. *P < 0.05.



0 6





0 30 60 90 120

Time (min)

Figure 5. Pancreatic protein responsesto2DGstimulation remained intactinratswith perivagalcapsaicintreatment,indicatingthat cap-saicindoes notaffectefferentvagalfunction.Values are mean±SE for sixratsin each group.

theresponses to supraphysiological doses of CCK-8 (80 and 160pmol/kgperh)(Fig.4).


ofgastroduodenal mucosal application ofcapsaicin.

Compared with control, gastroduodenal mucosalapplication ofcapsaicincompletelyabolishedpancreatic proteinresponses tophysiologicaldosesofCCK-8 (10,20, and 40pmol/kgper

h) but had no effect on the responses to supraphysiological

doses(80 and 160 pmol/kgperh)(Fig.6).In separatestudies

wedemonstrated thatgastroduodenalmucosalapplication of

capsaicindidnotaffectpancreatic proteinresponses to stimula-tion by 2DG, indicating that gastroduodenaladministrationof

capsaicin didnotaffect efferentvagaltransmissionor

pancre-aticacini secretory function.

In contrast to duodenal application of capsaicin, jejunal mucosalapplication of capsaicindidnotaffectpancreatic

pro-tein responses to both physiological and supraphysiological




O 3 Vehie

@ 250- E3


c 200* UDuodeno-capsaicin

200 C





A0 0

20 40 80 160

CCK-8 (pmol/kg/h)


Effect of bethanecholon CCK-evokedpancreatic secretion

in acutevagotomizedrats.Intravenous infusion of bethanechol

(0.5 mg/kgperh)inacutevagotomized rats produced a 65% increase in pancreatic protein secretion over basal. On the other hand, administration of CCK-8 (40 pmol/kg per h) alonefailedtostimulate pancreatic secretion in these rats(Fig. 7). Furthermore infusion of CCK-8 also did not evoke addi-tional increase inpancreatic secretion stimulated by bethane-chol (Fig. 7). This indicates that failure of CCK-8 given at


dosestoevoke pancreatic secretion in acute

vagot-omizedratsisnotduetoabsence of cholinergic tone.


Themechanism(s)bywhichCCK acts to stimulate pancreatic enzyme secretionremainscontroversial. In this study we


the relative roles of neural activation and direct acini

stimulation at physiological and supraphysiological levels of CCK


an in vivo rat model. Our results clearly indicate that the sitesofCCK'sactionto stimulate pancreatic secretion

aredosedependent. DosesofCCK-8that produce physiologi-cal


CCK levels actvia stimulation of the vagal afferent


whereas doses thatproducesupraphysiological CCK levelsact tostimulate intrapancreatic neurons and to a lesser

degree pancreatic

acini. Theseobservations support a predomi-nantly neuralphysiological rolefor CCK to stimulate pancre-atic enzyme secretion.

Inthe pastanumberofinvestigatorswereunable to

demon-strate inhibition ofCCKorCCK-like peptide-evoked pancre-atic enzymesecretionwithatropinein the dog ( 18, 19). These studies all used


dosesofexogenous CCK and did not

as-sesswhether these CCK doses reproduced physiological

condi-tions. On the otherhand, Kontureketal. (20), using a canine

model, demonstrated that pancreatic enzyme outputs in re-sponsetolowdosesof exogenousCCKwasinhibited by


whereas enzyme outputs in response to high doses of







100-Bethanecol infusion in both groups


0 Control - CCK-8


0 60 120

Time (min)

180 240

Figure7.Effect of bethanechol on CCK-8-evoked pancreaticprotein secretion inacutevagotomized rats. After acute subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, bethanechol (0.5 mg/kg per h) was administered by con-tinuousintravenous infusion for 120 min in both groups of rats. In onegroup, CCK-8 (40 pmol/kg per h) was infused 30 min before bethanechol infusion and continued for a total of 180 min. Values aremean±SEfor sixratsin each group. No significant differencewas observed between the two groups.

CCK were relatively insensitive to atropine. These observa-tionsare very much in accordance with our present findings.

Unfortunately, in that study, the CCK preparation used was

impure and there were no determinations of plasma CCK made intheir


therefore, no assessment of

physio-logical relevance could be made. More recently we (5) and others(6, 7) have shown that, in humans, CCK infusion that producedplasma CCK levels similar to those seen

postpran-diallystimulated pancreatic secretion by an atropine-sensitive pathway. Theseobservations suggest that in both humans and

experimental animalscholinergic neural pathways rather than pancreatic acini represent the primary targets in which CCK

acts to stimulatepancreatic enzyme secretion.

Sinceatropine andhexamethonium completely abolished

pancreaticenzyme responses to physiological doses of CCK, it suggests that CCK is acting on a presynaptic site along the

cholinergic pathway.Tofurther identify the location of action we examined the effect of bilateral subdiaphragmatic vagot-omy. Similartoatropine orhexamethonium, vagotomy com-pletely abolished pancreatic responses to low (physiological)

dosesof CCK but had little effect on responses to supraphysio-logical doses of CCK-8. We ruled out the possibility that a basal vagal cholinergic tone is necessary for CCK to directly

stimu-latepancreatic acinar secretion by showing that CCK did not produce an additional increase in pancreatic secretion

stimu-latedby bethanecholafter acute vagotomy (Fig. 7). Our results thereforeindicate that CCKstimulatespancreatic secretion via vagal pathway.This observation is supported by previous stud-iesshowingreductionin basal and nutrient-stimulated pancre-atic secretionafter truncal vagotomy (10, 18). Additionally, Malagelada et al. ( 10) reported that pancreatic secretion

in-duced by low but not high doses of CCK is impaired after

vagotomyin humans. Furthermore, studies on dogs with

dener-vated autotransplanted pancreas show impaired

responsive-ness to nutrients (21 ). Subsequent vagotomy or

administra-tionofatropinedoesnotfurtherimpair pancreatic responses to nutrient stimuli in this model (19, 21). These observatiqns indicatethe importanceofvagalinnervation in the mediation

ofCCK-evokedpancreaticenzyme secretion. Itisimportant,

however, to contrast these findings with some earlier studies

that show thatvagotomydoesnotsignificantlyreduce pancre-atic enzymesecretioninresponsetoexogenousCCK ( 18, 21-24). These contradictoryfindings are likely to be related to the

use ofsupraphysiological doses of CCK in earlier studies and differentlengths oftimeafter vagotomy before theexperiment

begins.In fact ourpreliminarystudiesinratsindicate that

re-sponsiveness of the pancreas to CCK stimulation returns

within2 wkafter vagotomy,possiblybecauseofrecruitment of

apopulation ofintrapancreaticneuronsthatwere


unresponsivetophysiological concentrations of CCK (unpub-lished data).

To investigate ifCCKexerts itsaction viaanafferent or

efferent vagal pathway we examined the effect of


treatmentwith thesensory neurotoxincapsaicin.


is becoming widelyused as a tool toinvestigate the roleof

affer-entC-fibersin a number ofphysiologicalprocesses(25).

Sys-temic administrationofcapsaicinhas been showntoaffect

neu-rotransmission inall somatic andvisceral capsaicin-sensitive

fibers. In addition, since capsaicin crosses the blood-brain barrier, systemic administrationofcapsaicin mayalso


effects in the centralnervous system.Inthisstudywe



affer-ent terminals in the peripheral and central nervous system. Perivagal application ofcapsaicin has been shown to inhibit axonaltransportofpeptides including substance P and

somato-statin (26). Previous studies have demonstrated thatperivagal

capsaicin treatment abolishes the vagal afferent pathway by

which CCKincreasessatiety(11)and decreasesgastric

empty-ing (27). Weshowed thatperivagalpretreatmentwith

capsai-cin impaired pancreatic responses to physiological doses of CCK-8, an effect similarto that observed with vagotomy or

atropine. Similar findings were observed with vagal afferent

rootletsection. This indicates thatvagalafferentpathwayis the primarysiteof actionofCCK. Toensurethatcapsaicin treat-ment does notaffectefferentvagal function,wedemonstrated that pancreaticresponseto2DG stimulation remained intact incapsaicin-treatedrats.Sincepancreaticresponsesto stimula-tion byphysiologicaldoses of CCKwereimpairedin these rats,

whoseefferent vagalfunctionwasintact,itarguesagainstCCK acting onvagalefferentpathwaytomediatepancreatic

secre-tion. We have previouslydemonstrated that CCK stimulates acetylcholine release from rat pancreatic lobules, indicating


Howeverthe doses of CCK-8(1 ,uM)neededtostimulate

intra-pancreatic nervesin the lobule preparationwere > 106times

significantly higher than postprandial levels ofCCK, raising questionsas tothe


relevance of this observation. Ourcurrentin vivostudies further demonstrated that


su-praphysiologicallevelsofCCKactonintrapancreaticneurons to mediatepancreaticenzymesecretion

(Fig. 3).

Using combined immunohistochemistry and retrograde tracing,thepresenceofcapsaicin-sensitiveafferentnervefibers

has been shown in the gastrointestinal mucosa (28). These neuralfibersareknowntoparticipateinthe



motil-ity, acidsecretion, andbloodflow( 17,29).Tofurtherlocalize the site of action ofCCK on the vagal afferent






dif-ferent regions ofthe




has been usedto chemically denervate sensory fibers in the duo-denalmucosa(17). Ourstudiesdemonstrated that

gastroduo-denalapplication ofcapsaicin completelyabolished


secretoryresponses to


dosesof CCK-8 but hadno

effectontheresponses tosupraphysiologicaldoses.In contrast,

jejunal mucosalapplicationofcapsaicindidnotaffect

pancre-atic responses to CCK-8. These observations indicate that

CCK-sensitive afferentfibers originate fromthevagalbranch fromthe mucosaofthestomach and duodenum butnotfrom


Inconclusion, wehave demonstrated that themechanisms


dose dependent. Doses of CCK-8 thatproduce physiological

plasmaCCK levelsactviastimulationofvagal afferent

path-way originated from thegastroduodenal mucosa(Fig. 8). In contrast, doses of CCK-8 that produce


plasma CCKlevels act on intrapancreatic neuronsand, to a lesser degree, onpancreaticacini(Fig. 8).Thesefindingshave

important physiological ramifications. Not only do they

ex-plain thediscrepancies inprevious in vivoversusinvitro stud-iesbuttheyrevolutionizeour currentconcepton the mecha-nism of action ofCCKonpancreatic exocrine secretion. Under physiological conditions, cholinergic vagal afferent pathway

rather thanpancreatic acinarcells representtheprimarytargets on which CCKmay act as amajor mediator ofpostprandial


Figure 8. Thesitesand mechanisms of action of CCKtostimulate pancreaticenzyme se-cretion. Doses of CCK-8 thatproduce

physiologi-cal plasmaCCK levels actviastimulationof


afferentpathway CCIC_








Incontrast, doses that


supraphysiolog-Ch. rw nwrm ical plasma CCK levels


CCK neuronsand,toalarger


dos) extent,onpancreatic



Thisinvestigationwassupported in partby U.S. Public Health Service grantsDK-32838 and P30 DK-34933 from theNational Institute of Diabetes, Digestive,andKidneyDisease.


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