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Who are the Value and Growth Investors?


Academic year: 2021

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Who are the Value and Growth Investors?

Sebastien Betermier, Laurent E. Calvet, and Paolo Sodini

First version: October 2013

This version: May 2015


This paper investigates value and growth investing in a large administrative panel of Swedish residents over the 1999-2007 period. We show that over the life-cycle, households progres-sively shift from growth to value as they become older and their balance sheets improve. We verify that households climb the value ladder by actively rebalancing their stock and fund holdings. Furthermore, investors with low human capital and low exposure to aggregate la-bor income shocks tilt their portfolios toward value. While several behavioral biases seem evident in the data, the patterns we uncover are overall strikingly consistent with risk-based explanations of the value premium.

Betermier: Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University, 1001 Sherbrooke St West, Montreal, QC H3A

1G5, Canada, sebastien.betermier@mcgill.ca. Calvet: Department of Finance, HEC Paris, 1 rue de la Libération, 78351 Jouy-en-Josas Cedex, France; calvet@hec.fr. Sodini: Department of Finance, Stockholm School of Economics, Sveavägen 65, Box 6501, SE-113 83 Stockholm, Sweden, Paolo.Sodini@hhs.se. We are grateful to Kenneth Single-ton (the Editor), the Associate Editor, and an anonymous referee for many insightful comments. We thank Stephan Jank, Claus Munk, Per Östberg, Jonathan Parker, Sébastien Pouget, and Shaojun Zhang for helpful discussions, and acknowledge constructive comments from Laurent Barras, John Campbell, Chris Carroll, Luigi Guiso, Marcin Kacper-czyk, Bige Kahraman, Hugues Langlois, Alex Michaelides, Ben Ranish, David Robinson, Johan Walden, and seminar participants at the City University of Hong Kong, Copenhagen Business School, HEC Montréal, HEC Paris, Impe-rial College Business School, Lund University, McGill University, Peking University, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Swedish School of Economics, the Toulouse School of Economics, Université de Sherbrooke, the University of Helsinki, the University of Southern Denmark, the Norges Bank Household Finance Workshop, the 2014 IFM2 Math Finance Days, the 2014 China International Conference in Finance, the 2014 NBER Summer Institute As-set Pricing Workshop, the 2014 European Conference on Household Finance, and the 2015 Cologne Colloquium on Financial Markets. We thank Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Twin Registry for providing the data. The project benefited from excellent research assistance by Milen Stoyanov, Tomas Thörnqvist, Pavels Berezovkis, and espe-cially Andrejs Delmans. This material is based upon work supported by Agence Nationale de la Recherche, BFI, the HEC Foundation, Riksbank, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, and the Wallander and Hedelius Foundation.


Who are the Value and Growth Investors?


This paper investigates value and growth investing in a large administrative panel of Swedish residents over the 1999-2007 period. We show that over the life-cycle, house-holds progressively shift from growth to value as they become older and their balance sheets improve. We verify that households climb the value ladder by actively rebal-ancing their stock and fund holdings. Furthermore, investors with low human capital and low exposure to aggregate labor income shocks tilt their portfolios toward value. While several behavioral biases seem evident in the data, the patterns we uncover are overall strikingly consistent with risk-based explanations of the value premium.

JEL Classification: G11, G12.

Keywords: Asset pricing, value premium, household finance, portfolio allocation,




A large academic and practitioner literature documents that value stocks outperform growth stocks on average in the United States and around the world (Basu 1977, Fama and French 1992, 1998, Graham and Dodd 1934).1 The economic explanation of these findings is one of the central questions of modern finance. The value premium may be a compensation for forms of system-atic risk other than market portfolio return risk (Fama and French 1992, 1995), such as aggre-gate labor income and consumption shocks (Cochrane 1999, Jagannathan and Wang 1996, Let-tau and Ludvigson 2001, Petkova and Zhang 2005, Yogo 2006),2 cash-flow risk (Campbell and Vuolteenaho 2004), long-run consumption risk (Bansal, Dittmar, and Lundblad 2005, Hansen, Heaton, and Li 2008),3 the costly reversibility of physical capital (Zhang 2005), or displacement risk (Garleanu, Kogan, and Panageas 2012).4 The underperformance of growth stocks relative to value stocks may also be evidence that investors are irrationally exuberant about the prospects of in-novative glamour companies (DeBondt and Thaler 1985, Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny 1994).5

The extensive empirical literature on the value premium focuses primarily on stock returns and their relationships to macroeconomic and corporate data. Disentangling theories of the value pre-mium, however, has proven to be challenging on traditional data sets that do not provide individual positions and therefore do not permit researchers to assess the determinants of investor decisions.6 The present paper proposes to use the rich information in investor portfolios to shed light on ex-planations of the value premium. We investigate value and growth investing in a highly detailed

1See also Asness, Moskowitz, and Pedersen (2013), Ball (1978), Basu (1983), Capaul, Rowley, and Sharpe (1993),

Chan, Hamao, and Lakonishok (1991), Fama and French (1993, 1996, 2012), Griffin (2003), Liew and Vassalou (2000), and Rosenberg, Reid, and Lanstein (1985). Some recent work also shows that the strength of the value premium can be improved by refining the sorting methodology (Asness and Frazzini 2013, Barras 2013, Hou, Karolyi, and Kho 2011).

2Eiling (2013), Jagannathan, Kubota, and Takehara (1998), Addoum, Korniotis, and Kumar (2013), and Santos

and Veronesi (2006) provide further evidence on the relationship between labor income and the value premium.

3See also Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich, and Yaron (2014), Bansal, Dittmar, and Kiku (2009), and Gulen, Xing, and

Zhang (2011).

4Other forms of countercyclical risk can contribute to explaining the value premium. For instance, the variance of

idiosyncratic labor income risk is high during recessions (Storesletten, Telmer, and Yaron 2004) and value stocks tend to provide low dividends when the aggregate housing collateral is low (Lustig and van Nieuwerburgh 2005).

5See also Barberis and Thaler (2003), Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam (2001), La Porta, Lakonishok,

Shleifer, and Vishny (1997), and Shleifer (2000).


administrative panel, which contains the disaggregated holdings and socioeconomic characteris-tics of all Swedish residents between 1999 and 2007. The data set reports portfolio holdings at the level of each stock or fund, along with other forms of wealth, debt, labor income, and employment sector.

The paper makes four main contributions to the literature. First, we show that the value tilt exhibits substantial heterogeneity across households. When we sort investors by the value tilt of their risky asset portfolios, the difference in expected returns between the top and bottom deciles is approximately equal to the value premium. Over the life-cycle, households climb the “value ladder”, i.e. they gradually shift from growth to value investing as their investment horizons and financial circumstances evolve. The value ladder is made possible by active rebalancing, which allows households to mitigate the impact of realized returns and revert to their slow-moving target. The positive relationship between age and the value loading is also evident among new participants, whose portfolios are not passively affected by past returns.

Second, we relate the value tilt to household characteristics. We show that value investors are substantially older, have higher financial wealth, higher real estate wealth, lower leverage, lower income risk, lower human capital, and are also more likely to be female, than the average growth investor. By contrast, men, entrepreneurs, and educated investors are more likely to invest in growth stocks. These baseline patterns are evident both in stock and mutual fund holdings, and are robust to controlling for the length of risky asset market participation and other measures of financial sophistication. The explanatory power of socioeconomic characteristics is especially high among households that invest directly in at least five companies, a wealthy subgroup that owns the bulk of aggregate equity.

Third, we show that households adjust their portfolio value loadings to systematic risk in their employment sectors. We uncover a strong factor structure in the panel of industry per-capita in-come growth and show that a single macroeconomic factor, per-capita aggregate inin-come growth, explains on average 88% of the time-series variation of per-capita income in any given 2-digit SIC industry. Households employed in sectors with high exposures to the macroeconomic factor tend to select portfolios of stocks and funds with low value loadings. We obtain similar results when


we measure systematic risk by using industry exposures to the value factor.

Fourth, we verify that our results are robust to a large number of alternative hypotheses which include financial market experience or stock characteristics other than the value loading, such as professional proximity, the dividend yield, taxes, firm age, skewness, and size. We document that the equities most widely held by households are a mix of growth stocks and value stocks, and that the relationships between portfolio tilts and investor characteristics are unlikely to be driven by these stocks. As in Calvet and Sodini (2014), we consider the subsample of Swedish twins to control for latent investor fixed effects, such as family background, upbringing, inheritance, or attitudes toward risk. The sensitivities of the value loading to socioeconomic characteristics are similar in the twin subsample as in the general household population, regardless of whether or not the twins communicate frequently or infrequently with each other.

The patterns that we uncover in the Swedish portfolio data appear remarkably consistent with the implications of risk-based theories for the cross-section of portfolio tilts. Value stocks are held by households that are in the best position to take systematic financial risk, for instance because they have sound balance sheets or low background risk. We document that young households with long investment horizons go growth and progressively migrate toward value as they get older, which provides strong empirical support for intertemporal hedging explanations (Jurek and Viceira 2011, Larsen and Munk 2012, Lynch 2001). In addition, investors with high human capital and high exposure to aggregate labor income shocks tilt away from value, which is in line with labor-based theories of the value premium. These empirical regularities are stronger among households that invest directly in at least five stocks, have high risky shares, and own the bulk of aggregate equity.

The Swedish data set provides highly detailed information on household finances and demo-graphics but is somewhat less informative about psychological traits. With this caveat, we find that behavioral explanations of the value premium also help to explain the portfolio evidence. Overcon-fidence, which is more prevalent among men than women (Barber and Odean 2001), is consistent with the preference of male investors for growth stocks. As attention theory predicts (Barber and Odean 2008), a majority of direct stockholders hold a small number of popular stocks.


Further-more, some of the empirical regularities documented in the paper can receive complementary risk-based and psychological explanations. For instance, the tilt of entrepreneurs toward growth stocks can be attributed both to a marked overconfidence in own decision-making skills (Busenitz and Barney 1997) and to exposure to private business risk (Moskowitz and Vissing-Jørgensen 2002).

The evidence reported in this paper contributes to the growing body of work showing the rel-evance of portfolio theory for explaining household financial behavior. Retail investors allocate a high share of liquid financial wealth to risky assets if they have high financial wealth and hu-man capital (Calvet and Sodini 2014), earn safe labor incomes (Betermier, Jansson, Parlour, and Walden 2012, Calvet and Sodini 2014, Guiso, Jappelli, and Terlizzese 1996), and are not en-trepreneurs (Heaton and Lucas 2000).7 Households actively rebalance their financial portfolios

in response to realized returns (Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini 2009a). Furthermore, a major-ity of households incur small welfare losses from underdiversification (Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini 2007). We document here that financial theory also accounts for the cross-sectional and time-series properties of household value tilts.

Our results complement the literature showing that retail investors favor assets with certain characteristics, such as familiar stocks,8 and adjust their investment styles to news and past ex-perience (Kumar 2009a, Campbell, Ramadorai, and Ranish 2014). The Swedish panel contains high-quality data on holdings and socioeconomic characteristics, which allows us to uncover new patterns in the household demand for value and growth stocks. The paper also sheds light on the potential influence of genes. Cronqvist, Siegel, and Yu (2015) estimate a variance decomposition of the portfolios held by twins and conclude that value investing has a strong genetic component. The present paper demonstrates that the so-called “genetic” component is negligible among twins that communicate infrequently with each other, which suggests that simple variance decomposi-tions severely overestimate the impact of genes. The value tilt is not simply encoded in the DNA of retail investors, but is also strongly driven by financial circumstances and communication.

7See also Angerer and Lam (2009), Bonaparte, Korniotis, and Kumar (2014), and Knüpfer, Rantapuska, and

Sarvimäki (2013).

8Households are known to favor stocks that are familiar (Døskeland and Hvide 2011, Huberman 2001, Massa and

Simonov 2006), geographically and culturally close (Grinblatt and Keloharju 2001), attention-grabbing (Barber and Odean 2008), or connected to products they consume (Keloharju, Knüpfer, and Linnainmaa 2012).


The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the data and defines the main variables. Section 3 reports the cross-sectional distribution of the value loading. Section 4 docu-ments the value ladder and empirically investigates how the value tilt relates to the demographic and financial characteristics of households. Section 5 relates the evidence to risk- and sentiment-based explanations of the value premium. Section 6 presents robustness checks and Section 7 concludes. An Internet Appendix (Betermier, Calvet, and Sodini 2015) develops an equilibrium model of the cross-section of portfolio tilts, discusses estimation details, and reports additional empirical results.


Data and Construction of Variables


Local Fama and French Factors

Data on Nordic stock markets for the 1985 to 2009 period are available from FINBAS, a financial database maintained by the Swedish House of Finance. The data include monthly stock returns, market capitalizations at the semiannual frequency, and book values at the end of each year. Free-float adjusted market shares are available from Datastream. We focus on stocks with at least two years of available data. We exclude stocks worth less than 1 krona, which filters out very small firms. For comparison, the Swedish krona traded at 0.1371 U.S. dollar on 30 December 2003. We end up with a universe of approximately 1,000 stocks, out of which 743 are listed on one of the four major Nordic exchanges in 2003.9

The return on the market portfolio is proxied by the SIX return index (SIXRX), which tracks the value of all the shares listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. The risk-free rate is proxied by the monthly average yield on the one-month Swedish Treasury bill. The market factorMKTt is

the market return minus the risk-free rate in montht.The local value, size, and momentum factors are constructed as in Fama and French (1993) and Carhart (1997). We sort the stocks traded on the major Nordic exchanges by book-to-market value, market size, and past performance. We use

9The major Nordic exchanges are the Stockholm Stock Exchange, the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, the Helsinki


these bins to compute the value factor HMLt, the size factor SMBt, and the momentum factor MOMt,as is fully explained in the Internet Appendix.

We index stocks and funds by i ∈ {1, . . . ,I}. For every asset i, we estimate the four-factor


rie,t=ai+biMKTt+viHMLt+siSMBt+miMOMt+ui,t, (1)

whererie,t denotes the excess return of asseti in montht andui,t is a residual uncorrelated to the

factors. Estimated loadings are winsorized at -5 and +5. The value premium is substantial in Sweden: HMLt averages to about 10% per year over the 1985 to 2009 period, which is consistent

with the Sweden estimate in Fama and French (1998) and also in the range of country estimates reported in Liew and Vassalou (2000). In the Internet Appendix, we also show the SwedishHML

factor shares many similar properties with its U.S. equivalent.


Household Panel Data

The Swedish Wealth Registry is an administrative data set compiled by Statistics Sweden, which has previously been used in household finance (Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini 2007, 2009a, 2009b, Calvet and Sodini 2014). Statistics Sweden and the tax authority had until 2007 a parliamen-tary mandate to collect highly detailed information on every resident. Income and demographic variables, such as age, gender, marital status, nationality, birthplace, education, and municipality of residence, are available on December 31 of each year from 1983 to 2007. The disaggregated wealth data include the worldwide assets owned by the resident at year-end from 1999 to 2007. Real estate, debt, bank accounts, stockholdings, and mutual fund investments are observed at the level of each property, account, or security. Statistics Sweden provides a household identification number for each resident, which allows us to group residents by living units. The age, gender, education and immigration variables used in the paper refer to the household head.

We focus on households that participate in risky asset markets. Unless stated otherwise, the results are based on representative random sample of approximately 70,000 households observed at the yearly frequency between 1999 and 2007. The data requirements imposed on households


and the method used to construct the random panel are fully explained in the Internet Appendix. We also use a twin panel from the Swedish Twin Registry, the largest twin database in the world. The registry provides the genetic relationship (fraternal or identical) of each pair and the in-tensity of communication between the twins. We have merged the twin data base with the Swedish Wealth Registry, so that all financial and demographic characteristics are available for the twin panel.


Definition of Main Variables

2.3.1 Financial Assets and Real Estate

We use the following definitions throughout the paper. Cash consists of bank account balances and Swedish money market funds.10 Risky mutual funds refer to all funds other than Swedish money market funds. Risky financial assets consist of directly held stocks and risky mutual funds. We exclude assets with less than 3 months of return data.

For every household h, the risky portfolio contains risky financial assets. The risky share is

the fraction of risky financial assets in the portfolio of cash and risky financial assets. A market participant has a strictly positive risky share.

The value loading of the risky portfolio at timet is the weighted average of individual asset

loadings: vh,t= I

i=1 wh,i,tvi, (2)

wherewh,i,t denotes the weight of asset i in householdh’s risky portfolio at timet. We will

oc-casionally call vh,t the HML loading or the value tilt. The value loadings of the fund andstock

portfolios are similarly defined. The estimation methodology takes advantage of (i) the detailed yearly data available for household portfolios, which permit the calculation of wh,i,t,and (ii) the

10Financial institutions are required to report the bank account balance at year-end if the account yields less than

100 Swedish kronor during the year (1999 to 2005 period), or if the year-end bank account balance exceeds 10,000 Swedish kronor (2006 and 2007). We impute unreported cash balances by following the method used in Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini (2007, 2009a, 2009b) and Calvet and Sodini (2014), as is explained in the Internet Appendix.


long monthly series available for individual assets, which permit the precise estimation ofvi.

Un-der the unconditional pricing model (1), individual firms have constant value loadings,vi, so that

time variation in household portfolio loading, vh,t,in (2) are driven exclusively by time variation

in portfolio weights. Thus, in Section 4, our estimates of active management of the value tilt by households will not be contaminated by exogenous changes in firm tilts over the 1999-2007 sample period.

We measure the household’s financial wealth at datet as the total value of its cash holdings,

risky financial assets, directly held bonds, capital insurance, and derivatives, excluding from con-sideration illiquid assets such as real estate or consumer durables, and defined contribution re-tirement accounts. Also, our measure of wealth is gross financial wealth and does not subtract mortgage or other household debt. Residential real estate consists of primary and secondary res-idences, while commercial real estate consists of rental, industrial and agricultural property. The

leverage ratiois defined as the household’s total debt divided by the household’s financial and real

estate wealth.

2.3.2 Human Capital

We consider a labor income specification based on Carroll and Samwick (1997) that accounts for the persistence of income shocks. Specifically, we assume that the real income of householdhin

yeart, denoted byLh,t,satisfies

log(Lh,t) =ah+bxh,th,th,t, (3)

whereahis a household fixed effect,xh,t is a vector of age and retirement dummies,θh,tis a

persis-tent component, andεh,t is a transitory shock distributed as


(0,σ2ε,h). The persistent component

θh,t follows the autoregressive process:




(0,σ2ξ,h)is the persistent shock to income in period t. The Gaussian innovations

εh,t andξh,t are white noise and are uncorrelated with each other at all leads and lags. We conduct

the estimation separately on household bins sorted by (i) immigration status, (ii) gender, and (iii) educational attainment. We estimate the fixed-effects estimators ofahandbin each bin, and then

compute the maximum likelihood estimators of ρh,σ2ξ,h andσ2ε,h using the Kalman filter on each

household income series.

As is customary in the portfolio-choice literature (e.g., Cocco, Gomes, and Maenhout 2005), we assume that the household observes both the persistent and transitory components of income. At a given datet−1,the household knows the contemporaneous componentθh,t−1and next-period

characteristicsxh,t. The period-t log labor income, log(Lh,t), therefore has conditional stochastic


ηh,th,th,t, (4)

and conditional variance

σ2h=Vart−1(ηh,t) =σ2ξ,h

2 ε,h.

We callσhtheconditional volatility of incomeand use it as a measure of income risk.

We define expected human capital as

HCh,t= Th

n=1 Πh,t,t+nE t(Lh,t+n) (1+r)n , (5)

where Th denotes the difference between 100 and the age of household h at datet, andΠh,t,t+n

denotes the probability that the household head h alive at t is still alive at date t+n. We make the simplifying assumption that no individual lives longer than 100. The survival probability is imputed from the life table provided by Statistics Sweden. The discount rateris set equal to 5% per

year. We have verified that our results are robust to alternative choices ofr. Detailed descriptions of the labor income and human capital imputations are provided in the Internet Appendix.



Summary Statistics on Participating Households

Table I reports summary statistics on risky asset market participants (first set of columns), mutual fund owners (second set of columns), direct stockholders (third set of columns), and direct stock-holders sorted by the number of stocks that they own (last set of columns) at the end of 2003. To facilitate comparison, we convert all financial variables into U.S. dollars using the exchange rate at the end of 2003 (1 Swedish krona = $0.1371).

The average participating household has a 46-year old head and a yearly income of $45,000. It owns about 1 year of income in liquid financial wealth, 3 years of income in real estate wealth, and 21 years of income in human capital. Within the financial portfolio, the average participant has a risky share of 40%, owns 4 different mutual funds, and directly invests in 2 or 3 firms. These estimates are similar to the average number of stocks in U.S. household portfolios (Barber and Odean 2000, Blume and Friend 1975). The vast majority of risky asset participants (88%) hold mutual funds, while 59% of them own stocks directly.

About half of direct stockholders invest in 1 or 2 companies; they have modest levels of finan-cial wealth ($35,000), and low risky shares. We classify a stock as popular if it is one of the 10 most widely held by the household sector in at least one year between 1999 and 2007. Popular stocks, which account for 59% of the Swedish equity market, represent 79% of the direct hold-ings of households with 1 or 2 stocks. The diversification losses of these households are modest, however, because concentrated stock portfolios represent only a small fraction of their financial wealth.11

By contrast, almost 30% of direct stockholders own at least 5 different stocks. This subgroup is important for the following reasons. Households in the subgroup have high education levels and exhibit no bias toward popular stocks. They also have substantially higher financial wealth ($125,000) and select a higher risky share (61%) than the average investor, and correspondingly own the bulk of aggregate equity. In the bottom rows of Table I, Panel B, we report the fraction of the aggregate portfolio held by specific subsets of investors. The aggregate portfolio is constructed


by adding up the stock and fund holdings of all participants. Households owning 5 stocks or more, which represent only 17% of all participants, own 36% of aggregate mutual fund holdings and 80% of aggregate direct stockholdings. They therefore account for a substantial fraction of the household demand for risky assets. Polkovnichenko (2005) obtains very similar statistics for this wealthy subgroup in the U.S. Survey of Consumer Finances.

Households are not heavily tilted toward stocks in their employment sector. We classify a stock asprofessionally closeto householdhif it has the same 1-digit Standard Industrial Classification

code as the employer of one of the adults inh.The average direct stockholder allocates 16% of the stock portfolio to professionally close companies, which is rather modest and consistent with the evidence from Norway (Døskeland and Hvide 2011).

In Figure 1, we report the fraction of corporate equity held by Swedish households. Specif-ically, we sort firms by market capitalization, and for each size bucket we report the fraction of firms in the size bucket (solid line) and the fraction of equity owned directly by Swedish house-holds (solid bars). Househouse-holds directly own 30% to 50% of firms with a market capitalization up to 100 million U.S. dollars, and a smaller fraction of larger firms.12 For the majority of Swedish com-panies, the aggregate demand from the household sector is therefore substantial and can potentially have a sizable impact on stock prices.


The Cross-Section of Household Tilts

Table II reports the distribution of the value loading of individual stocks at the end of 2003. The loadings of individual stocks range from -3.22 (10th percentile) to 0.94 (90th percentile), with a median of -0.37. The distribution of the value loading across individual stocks is therefore highly heterogenous and negatively skewed. The value-weighted (VW) portfolio of Swedish stocks, which by construction coincides with the SIXRX market index, has a value loading of -0.15 in

12In the Internet Appendix, we verify that the share of equity held by the household sector is the same for value and


2003.13 We will therefore view a value loading of -0.15 in 2003 as being neutral. The equal-weighted (EW) average stock loading is more negative than its VW counterpart, which stems from the large number of small growth stocks.

Like individual stocks, household portfolios exhibit substantial heterogeneity in their value loadings. Among participants, the loading of the risky portfolio ranges from -0.94 (10th percentile) to 0.10 (90th percentile); the implied expected return differential is therefore approximately equal to the value premium.14 The median loading is neutral at -0.18, so the loading distribution is neg-atively skewed. Cross-sectional heterogeneity is slightly stronger for stock portfolios, as intuition suggests.

The aggregate risky portfolio of the household sector has a loading of -0.26, which confirms that the household sector as a whole exhibits only a mild growth tilt. This slight tilt originates from the aggregatestockportfolio, which has a loading of -0.36, while the aggregatefund

portfo-lio is neutral. Moreover, whether we consider stocks or funds, the EW average household has a more negative tilt than that its VW counterpart. A natural explanation is that low-wealth house-holds invest in growth stocks, while high-wealth househouse-holds invest in value stocks. We test this explanation in the next section.


What Drives the Value Tilt?


The Value Ladder

In Figure 2, we illustrate that households progressively switch from growth to value stocks over the life-cycle, a phenomenon which we call the “value ladder.” We sort households by birthyear into 9 cohorts, and for each cohort we plot the average VW value loading between 1997 and 2007. The figure is based on the stock portfolios of all Swedish households that directly hold equities

13As equation (2) implies, the value loading of the SIXRX index can vary from year to year because the universe of

listed stocks changes over time and the value loadings of individual stocks are time-invariant over the period.

14In the Internet Appendix, we report standard errors for the loading percentiles and infer that their difference are

highly significant. We also show that the return differential is slightly higher for households owning 5 stock or more, which suggests that heterogeneous loadings are not just the by-product of portfolio underdiversification.


during the period. We weigh households by their financial wealth because this aggregation method has the strongest implications for asset pricing. All value loadings in a given year are demeaned in order to control for changes in the average loading of individual stocks, which are caused by the exit of some stocks from the stockmarket and the entry of new stocks. A similar ladder also exists with the EW average loading or for the risky portfolio, as the Internet Appendix shows.

The value ladder in Figure 2 indicates that between the ages of 30 and 70, the value loading varies by 0.58 and the implied return differential is therefore about one half of the value premium (5.8% per year), which is economically substantial. The relationship between the loading and age is strikingly linear, and in every cohort there is a tendency for households to migrate toward higher loadings as time goes by. We note that the value ladder cannot be explained by cohort effects alone, since such effects can explain the average loading of a cohort but not the migration of each cohort toward value stocks. A tight combination of time and cohort effects would therefore be required to generate the value ladder in the absence of age effects. Such a structure might originate from inertia and other mechanical effects driving the portfolio tilt, but would otherwise be economically challenging to explain.

From a portfolio-choice perspective, the value ladder can be attributed to (i) changes in financial conditions over the life-cycle and (ii) pure investment horizon effects. In Sections 4.2 to 4.4, we run pooled panel regressions to quantify the respective roles of age, financial characteristics, and income risk on the value ladder. In Section 4.5, we consider the impact of purely mechanical effects, such as portfolio inertia, by investigating if households actively rebalance their value tilts and by analyzing how new entrants select their initial portfolios. These sections indirectly answer concerns about cohort and time effects. The value ladder might also originate from learning, time-variation in overconfidence, or peer effects. In Section 6 and in the Internet Appendix, we use measures of sophistication, financial market experience, interpersonal communication, and firm age to control for such mechanisms.



Demographic and Financial Determinants

Table III maps the relationships between portfolio tilts and socioeconomic variables. We report pooled regressions of a household’s value loading on the household’s characteristics and year, industry, and county fixed effects. The industry fixed effect is the 2-digit Standard Identification Code of the household head. In the first three columns, we consider the value loading at the level of (1) the risky portfolio, (2) the stock portfolio, and (3) the fund portfolio. In column (4), we regress the risky share on characteristics. Standard errors are clustered at the household level.

The financial wealth coefficient is positive and strongly significant for all three portfolios. Households with more liquid financial wealth tend have a higher value tilt than other households. The financial wealth coefficient is the highest for the stock portfolio, which suggests that wealthy households achieve a value tilt primarily via direct stockholdings. This finding is consistent with the fact that mutual funds tend to have fairly neutral HML loadings (see Table II).

Households with high current incomeLh,tand high expected human capitalHCh,t(as defined in

equation (5)) tilt their financial portfolios toward growth stocks. These relationships are significant for all three portfolios. Measures of income risk also have strongly negative coefficients: house-holds with high income volatility and a self-employed or unemployed head are prone to selecting growth stocks.15 Expected human capital and the volatility of the income process therefore both tilt household financial portfolios toward growth stocks.

Demographic characteristics are significantly related to the value tilt. The age of the household head tends to increase the value loading in the regression, which suggests that age is a likely contributor to the value ladder. Younger households tend to go growth and older households tend to go value, primarily through direct stockholdings. The gender variable is strongly significant: men have a growth tilt and women a value tilt. Immigrants and educated households both tend to go growth, which suggests that the value loading is not just driven by sophistication.

In Table IV, we reestimate the baseline regression on five separate groups of investors: (1)

mu-15In the Internet Appendix, we verify that our findings are robust to regressing the value tilt on the persistent and

transitory components of income risk,σξ,handσε,h,instead of the total volatilityσh.We also show that the results are


tual fund owners, (2) direct stockholders, and (3) to (5) direct stockholders sorted by the number of firms that they own. The baseline results remain valid in all groups. Furthermore, the explanatory power of the regression is twice as high for households with at least 3 stocks as for households with 1 or 2 stocks. Thus, wealthier, more educated direct stockholders holding at least three stocks are prone to selecting value tilts that are well explained by their financial and demographic char-acteristics.

Tables III and IV raise some immediate questions about real estate wealth, which are important for the interpretation of the results and their connections with risk-based theories. The effects of real estate and leverage on the value loading are relatively weak in the panel regressions. In Table III, real estate has a positive but small effect for the risky and stock portfolios, and no effect for the fund portfolio. Likewise, leverage has a negative effect on the value loading of the stock portfolio, but no effect for the risky and the fund portfolios. These weak results are potentially due to the fact that real estate is both (i) a form of wealth and (ii) a source of background risk. The strength of the two channels is likely influenced by the level of leverage.

In Table V, Panel A, we obtain stronger results by interacting demeaned real estate with de-meaned leverage. The leverage ratio as a standalone variable has a strongly negative impact on the value loading, which is significant for all portfolios. For households with low leverage, residen-tial and commercial real estate tilt the risky and stock portfolios toward value stocks, whereas for households with high leverage, both forms of real estate tilt the financial portfolio toward growth stocks.

Like leverage, family size plays an ambiguous role in the baseline regressions of Table III. On the one hand, households with secure jobs and sound financial prospects are more likely to decide to have children; thus family size can be viewed as a predictor of sound financial conditions and co-vary positively with value investing in the cross-section. On the other hand, children are a source of random needs and other forms of background risk that can discourage value investing. We use twins to disentangle the two effects. Our identification strategy is that while the decision to have a child is endogenous, the arrival of twins is an exogenous financial shock that could not be fully anticipated and should tilt the portfolio toward growth stocks. In Table V, Panel B, we


accordingly modify the baseline regression by including a dummy variable for having children and a dummy variable for having twins. While the child variable has a positive coefficient, the twin variable has a negative impact on the value loading for all three portfolios. Thus, the unexpected birth of an additional child tilts the portfolio toward growth stocks.

The regressions in Tables III to V provide substantial evidence that the portfolio value loading co-varies with financial and demographic characteristics. Value investors have high financial and real estate wealth, low leverage, low income risk, and low human capital; they are also more likely to be older and female. Conversely, young males with risky income and high human capital are more likely to go growth. In Section 6 and in the Internet Appendix, we verify that these results hold in a large set of investor subgroups and sub-portfolios, and are robust to a large number of alternative hypotheses. In particular, we show that the links between the value loading and socioeconomic characteristics are unlikely to be due to financial market experience, the latent heterogeneity of investors, or stock characteristics other than the value loading, such as popularity, professional proximity, dividend yield, taxes, skewness, firm age, or exposure to the size factor.


Economic Significance

We now assess the respective contributions of age and financial characteristics to the value ladder. In Table VI, we consider a 30-year old investor, to which we assign the average wealth-weighted characteristics of his age group in 2003. We also consider a 50-year-old and a 70-year old with the average characteristics of their age groups. The estimates in Table III allow us to quantify how characteristics drive the life-cycle variation in the value loading. Between 30 and 70, the value loading of the risky portfolio increases by 0.23, out of which 0.11 is due to age. For the stock portfolio, the value loading increases by 0.58 between 30 and 70, out of which 0.35 is due to age. For both portfolios, age therefore explains about 50% of the life-cycle variation in the value load-ing. Financial characteristics also have a substantial impact. The decumulation of human capital between 30 and 70 accounts for 27% of the life-cycle variation of the risky portfolio loading, while the accumulation of financial wealth accounts for another 10% of the migration. Other


character-istics, such as real estate, have more marginal impacts.16 Overall, age and financial characteristics explain almost entirely the slope of the value ladder.

The table reveals that life-cycle changes in age and financial characteristics all tend to increase the value loading. Households migrate to higher loadings as their investment horizons shorten, their balance sheets improve, and their human capital decumulates. The estimates for the 50-year old investor confirm that consistent with the value ladder, the predicted migration is approximately linear, which we attribute to linear changes in average characteristics across age groups.

In the Internet Appendix, we obtain similar results when we consider equal-weighted averages instead of wealth-weighted averages. We also reestimate the decomposition when the interaction between real estate and leverage is taken into account, and verify that age continues to explain half of the life-cycle variation in the value loading. The measured impact of real estate and leverage is then substantially stronger, which illustrates once again that is important to account for the interaction between debt and real estate.


Systematic Labor Income Risk

We have seen that income volatility tends to tilt the financial portfolio toward growth stocks. We now investigate if the value loading can also be affected by forms of systematic risk to which households in different industries are heterogeneously exposed.

For every two-digit SIC sectors, we compute per-capita income,Ls,t,in yeartusing all workers

in the sector, and impute the sector’s per-capita income growth, ℓs,t=log(Ls,t)−log(Ls,t−1).

16Demographic characteristics other than age, such as immigration status or educational attainment, vary across

cohorts but are not expected to vary over the life-cycle of a typical household. Moreover, as Table V shows, the impact of family size is not accurately measured by the regression coefficient in Table III. We include all characteristics in Table VI for completeness, but we observe that demographic characteristics other than age only have a marginal impact on the value loading and therefore have no impact the conclusions of this section.


We similarly compute the growth rate of per-capita income in the economy: ¯


where ¯Lt is average per-capita income in yeart.

Table VII, Panel A, documents that there is considerable comovement in sectoral income growth.17 We estimate the regression:

s,tssℓ¯ts,t (6)

for each of the 70 sectors, and report the distribution of the sensitivityϕs and the coefficient of

determination R2 across regressions. The R2 coefficients are generally high and equal to 0.88

on average. Thus, aggregate income growth, ¯ℓt, is an important factor explaining the panel of

sectoral growth rates. The sensitivity,ϕs,is heterogeneous across sectors, ranging from 0.81 (10th

percentile) to 1.22 (90th percentile).

Table VII, Panel B, shows that households working in sectors with high aggregate income exposures tend to reduce the value tilts of their risky portfolios. Specifically, we regress a house-hold portfolio’s value tilt,vh,t,on the household sensitivity to the macro factor,ϕh,t, the conditional

volatility of household income,σh,t, and all the other characteristics in the baseline regression. The

household sensitivity,ϕh,t,is measured by the average income-weighted sensitivity of its members,

as is explained in the Internet Appendix. The value tilt of the financial portfolio is negatively related to industry sensitivity and income volatility. These results are especially strong for the risky port-folio, which further confirms that household tilts are not simply the by-product of a preference for certain types of stocks. Economic significance is substantial. For instance, as Table VII shows, the income exposures of sectors in the 10th and 90th percentiles differ by about 0.4, which corresponds to an absolute difference in household portfolio loading of 0.2×0.4=0.08.As a comparison, this estimate slightly exceeds the change in loading induced by the life-cycle decumulation of human capital.


We make several observations about these results. First, we impute household sensitivities from industry data because household income growth has a large idiosyncratic component and the direct measurement of household sensitivity entails large estimation error, as is further explained in the Internet Appendix. Second, our approach is motivated by earlier research showing that the value factor correlates positively with future economic growth (Liew and Vassalou 2000) and future labor income in U.S. and international data. In the Internet Appendix, we replicate these earlier results on Swedish data, even though the available time series are relatively short. We also consider a direct measure of risk, the sensitivity of labor income to the lagged value factor itself, and similarly obtain that the portfolio value loading is negatively related to the labor income sensitivity to HML. Overall, Table VII uncovers a powerful factor structure in industry income growth and shows that households adjust their portfolio loadings to systematic labor income risk.


Active Rebalancing and New Entrants

4.5.1 Active Rebalancing at the Yearly Frequency

In order to climb the value ladder over the life-cycle, households presumably need to rebalance their portfolios at shorter horizons to mitigate the impact of realized returns and revert to their slow-moving target. For this reason, we now investigate passive and active variation in the value tilt of household portfolios.18 Consider householdhwith portfolio weightswh,i,t−1(i=1, . . .,I)at

the end of yeart−1.If the household did not trade during the following year, the share of asseti

at the end of yeartwould be

wPh,i,t = wh,i,t−1(1+ri,t)


. (7)

18Calvet, Campbell, and Sodini (2009a) define active and passive changes of the risky share, and show that

house-holds actively rebalance the passive variation in the risky share due to realized asset returns. We apply a similar methodology to the value tilt of the risky, stock, and fund portfolios.


By equation (2), the value loading of the passive household at the end of yeart would then be: vPh,t= I

i=1 wPh,i,tvi. (8)

The data set reports the actual loadingvh,t.We can therefore decompose the actual change of the

portfolio value loading as the sum of active and passive changes:


whereah,t =vh,tvPh,t denotes the active change and ph,t =vPh,tvh,t−1the passive change.

Table VIII regresses the active change,ah,t,on (i) the passive change,ph,t,(ii) the lagged value

loading, vh,t−1, and (iii) either no characteristics or all other lagged characteristics. The passive

change has a negative and highly significant coefficient for all portfolios, regardless of whether or not one controls for household characteristics. Specifically, the passive change coefficient is -0.36 for the risky portfolio, is slightly stronger for the stock portfolio, and is slightly weaker for the fund portfolio. Thus, households actively rebalance the passive variations generated by realized returns, which confirms that their portfolios tilts are not purely driven by inertia.

4.5.2 New Entrants

We now verify that the value ladder is not the mechanical consequence of exogenous drifts to which stockmarket participants are passively exposed. A natural identification strategy is to consider new participants in the year they enter risky asset markets. In Table IX, we regress the stock portfolio value loading of new participants on their characteristics. All the results are consistent with the baseline regression.

In Table X, we verify that the positive age coefficient is not driven by specific age groups. Specifically, we regress the value loading on cumulative age dummies, cumulative age dummies for new entrants, and all characteristics other than age. The cumulative age dummies common to all participants are strictly positive and almost all significant. Moreover, the relationship


be-tween a participant’s age and its value loading is approximately linear, consistent with our baseline specification and the value ladder in earlier sections.

The dummy variable for new entrants aged 30 or more is significantly negative. The other age dummies of new entrants are insignificant. Since the age dummy coefficients are cumulative, these results imply that (i) all new entrants have a significant bias toward growth stocks and (ii) age does not impact the difference between the tilt of preexisting participants and the tilt of new entrants. Thus, the value ladder of new entrants is located below and is parallel to the value ladder of preexisting participants.

Overall, this section documents that household portfolios progressively shift from growth to value over the life cycle. The migration is explained by the complementary impact of age and socioeconomic characteristics on the portfolio tilt. The value ladder is made possible by active rebalancing and is also observed in the portfolio of new entrants. In the next section, we discuss how these results relate to theoretical explanations of the value premium.


Interpretation of the Portfolio Evidence

In this Section, we show that our empirical results are consistent with some of the leading expla-nations of the value premium.


Intertemporal Hedging

5.1.1 Investment Horizon and Age

Risk-based theories of the value premium emphasize the link between the HML factor and the dynamics of the investment opportunity set. Empirically, good realizations of the value factor pre-dict high aggregate returns (Campbell and Vuolteenaho 2004) and high economic growth (Koijen, Lustig, and Van Nieuwerburgh 2014, Liew and Vassalou 2000) in U.S. and international data. Thus, the HML factor explains both the cross-section of risk premia and the distribution of future


returns, which is consistent with the definition of a factor in the Intertemporal Capital Asset Pric-ing Model (ICAPM, Merton 1973). Investors can use growth stocks to hedge against low future aggregate returns.

The existing portfolio-choice literature on the value factor focuses on intertemporal hedging and its implications for investors with different horizons (Jurek and Viceira 2011, Larsen and Munk 2012, Lynch 2001). Because the hedging motive is stronger for long-term investors than for short-term investors, portfolio theory implies that young investors should be more tilted toward growth stocks than old investors. A closely related mechanism is that value stocks have shorter durations and less discount-rate risk than growth stocks (Campbell and Vuolteenaho 2004, Cornell 1999, Dechow, Sloan, and Soliman 2004, Lettau and Wachter 2007); one therefore expects young investors to hold long-duration growth stocks, while old investors should hold short-duration value stocks.19

The empirical evidence in Section 4 shows that age is positively and significantly related to the value loading. This relationship is observed even when we control for real estate, debt, financial market experience, human capital, income risk, and other socioeconomic characteristics that vary with age. Our baseline results thus provide strong empirical support for one the main predictions of portfolio choice models incorporating the value factor, the positive link between age and value investing.

5.1.2 Household Tilts in Partial and General Equilibrium

In order to facilitate the theoretical interpretation of the value ladder and the panel regressions in Section 4, we now consider an ICAPM model similar to Merton (1973) and Breeden (1979). The economy consists ofKstate variables,Irisky assets, and a set of investors with finite horizons and

heterogeneous lifespans, which we fully specify in the Internet Appendix. The model accommo-dates a wide range of overlapping generations structures, which is important for the analysis of the value ladder. When the state variables consist of the market price of risk and aggregate labor income, the model can relate the HML portfolio to time-varying returns, as in Lynch (2001), and


to labor income risk, as in Jagannathan and Wang (1996).20

The following portfolios play an important role in the analysis. The tangency portfolio τττttt

maximizes the Sharpe ratio of a myopic (or short-lived) agent. The kth mimicking portfolio is

the portfolio with the highest absolute correlation with thekth state variable. We denote by fffkkk,,,ttt

the zero-sum portfolio that is short the tangency portfolio and long the kth mimicking portfolio.

The long-short portfolios fffkkk,,,ttt can be viewed as “factor portfolios” that have similar definitions and

pricing implications as HML.

The optimal portfolio of an individual investorhis determined by diversification and hedging.

The shares of risky wealth held in each risky asset,ωh t ωh t ωh t ∈RI,satisfy ωht ωh t ωht =τττttt+ K

k=1 ηh k,t wth fffkkk,,,ttt, (9)

where each coefficientηh

k,t quantifies the investor’s sensitivity to state variablekandwh,t denotes

the risky share. The investor’s deviation from the tangency portfolio is substantial if the ratios


k,t/wth are large, that is if the hedging demand is strong and represents a substantial fraction of

the risky portfolio.

The portfolio choice literature implies that the following properties hold under a wide range of state dynamics. Young investors generally have stronger sensitivitiesηh

k,t than old investors,

which stems from the fact that older investors are close to the terminal date and tend to behave like myopic investors (Lynch 2001, Wachter 2002). When aggregate income is a state variable, the sensitivityηh

k,t is strong if the household is exposed to high systematic risk in labor income

or has a large stock of human capital. The risky sharewht, which has been widely studied in the portfolio-choice literature,21 is low if the investor has high risk aversion, holds little liquid wealth, earns a risky income, and has high debt. In the context of value and growth investing, this partial equilibrium analysis suggests that young investors with risky incomes and weak balance sheets should tilt their financial portfolios away from value.

20Breeden (1979) and Cochrane (2007) show that labor income risk can easily be included in the ICAPM framework.


In general equilibrium, households hold the market portfolio,mmmttt,and heterogeneous positions

in the factor portfolios:

ωht ωωthht =mmtmtt+ K

k=1 ηh k,t wht − ηm k,t wtm ! fk,t ffkk,,tt, (10)

where each coefficient ηm k,t/w


t denotes the relative sensitivity of the aggregate investor to the kth factor.22 While the aggregate investor holds the market portfolio, each investorhtilts toward or away from thekth factor if its relative sensitivity to the state variable,ηh

k,t/w h

t, differs from the

average sensitivityηm

k,t/wtm.We refer the reader to the Internet Appendix for a full discussion of the

model. Equation (10) implies that the value ladder can arise in the equilibrium of the overlapping generations ICAPM economy, because the young have stronger hedging needs and the old weaker hedging needs than the average investor.

The value ladder of new entrants reported in Section 4.5 also has a natural interpretation in a general equilibrium context. In an economy in which participants gradually sell their growth stocks and migrate toward value stocks, the growth stocks must be absorbed by another group of investors. The empirical evidence shows that new entrants have a growth tilt compared to other households. Thus, new entrants absorb thegrowthstocks of preexisting participants. At the other end of the ladder, the portfolios of the deceased containvalue stocks that surviving investors can

purchase. New entrants and inheritances therefore permit the migration from growth stocks to value stocks over the life-cycle. Our results also suggest that demographic changes can affect the demand for value and growth stocks, which may have implications for the value premium.


Risk Aversion, Wealth and Background Risk

Risk-based explanations of the value premium are based on the premise that HML carries sys-tematic risk that is unspanned by the market index. Value stocks should therefore be picked by investors who have a strong capacity to bear risk, for instance because they have high liquid finan-cial wealth, high real estate wealth, and low leverage. These effects are apparent in the ICAPM model discussed in Section 5.1.


Quite remarkably, the empirical impact of financial variables on the portfolio tilt is generally in accordance with the predictions of risk-based theories. Liquid financial wealth is positively related to the value loading across participants (Table III) and in all subgroups of investors, including the wealthy group of stockholders owning 5 stocks or more (Table IV). As in earlier studies, financial wealth is also associated with high risky shares (Table III). These results suggest that wealthier households adopt value strategies because they are effectively more risk tolerant and therefore more prone to bearing the systematic risk (other than market portfolio risk) embedded in value stocks. The results on real estate wealth and leverage provide further evidence that households with sound balance sheets tilt their portfolios toward value stocks in order to earn the value premium.

Expected utility theory also implies a link between effective risk tolerance and the level of background risk (see, e.g., Kihlstrom, Romer and Williams 1981). The baseline results on family size, income risk, self-employment, and immigration status all give empirical support to this view. The unexpected birth of a child induces a growth tilt, which is consistent with the lower resources per-capita and higher idiosyncratic needs that the arrival of a newborn entails. High volatility of income also creates a growth tilt. Indeed, the volatility of household real disposable income is substantial in Sweden, with an average of 16% per year (Table I),23 and is primarily idiosyncratic,

as we show in the Internet Appendix.24 Similarly, entrepreneurs and immigrants exhibit a growth tilt, presumably because of substantial idiosyncratic risk in business assets and income.25

23The high volatility of income in Sweden is also documented in Floden and Lindé (2001) and Betermier, Jansson,

Parlour, and Walden (2012). Complementary evidence from Holmlund and Storrie (2002) shows a sharp rise in fixed-term contracts following the recession of the early 1990’s, accounting for up to 70% of new hires in Sweden by the late 1990’s.

24We verify that consistent with the baseline regression,idiosyncraticincome volatility induces both a low risky

share and growth tilt, just as theory predicts.

25The income volatility of self-employed households is estimated at 29% per year, as compared to 16% for the

aver-age household. Private businesses are also characterized by high failure rates and highly risk in capital returns, which are primarily idiosyncratic (Moskowitz and Vissing-Jørgensen 2002). For immigrants, the rate of unemployment is 11% in Sweden in 2003, as compared to 7% for non-immigrants. Lemaître (2007) provides a detailed description of the hurdles faced by immigrants in the Swedish labor market.



Income and Human Capital

Risk-based theories consider that the HML factor captures forms of cash flow risk to which value and growth stocks are heterogeneously exposed.26 While the exact nature of this risk is the subject of some debate, an extensive literature relates HML to labor income and human capital. For instance, Jagannathan and Wang (1996), Lettau and Ludvigson (2001), Palacios-Huerta (2003), Petkova and Zhang (2005) and Santos and Veronesi (2006) develop conditional versions of the CAPM and C-CAPM that incorporate aggregate income growth and can price the Fama and French portfolios.27 Garleanu, Kogan, and Panageas (2012) consider that human capital is sensitive to

innovation shocks, and derive the implications of the resulting “displacement” risk for the cross-section of stock returns and household portfolio tilts.

The present paper uncovers several empirical facts in support of labor-based theories of the value premium. First, we document a strong factor structure in the industry distribution of income growth. As Section 4.4 shows, aggregate income growth explains on average 88% of the time series variation in sectoral income growth, and the sensitivity to the factor is heterogeneous across sectors. Industry data therefore confirm that aggregate income growth is an appealing macroeco-nomic factor for asset pricing.

Second, we find that households working in sectors withhigh exposures to the macro factor tend to select financial portfolios withlowexposures to HML, as the hedging motive implies. The

household data thus reveal a close link between aggregate income risk and the portfolio choices of retail investors, which confirms that aggregate income growth is a good candidate for asset pricing applications. In his Presidential Address to the American Finance Association, Cochrane (2011) develops the following implications of the value factor: “If a mass of investors has jobs or businesses that will be hurt especially hard by a recession, they avoid stocks that fall more

26Statistical decompositions show that value stocks have higher exposures to the market’s cash-flow risk than growth

stocks (Campbell and Vuolteenaho 2004), and that the value loadings of individual stocks are primarily driven by their own cash flows (Campbell, Polk, and Vuolteenaho 2010). Furthermore, value stocks are strongly exposed to deep recessions and the persistent reductions in aggregate cash flows that they entail (Campbell, Giglio, and Polk 2013).

27Complementing these empirical studies, Parlour and Walden (2011) and Sylvain (2013) derive general equilibrium

models in which risky labor income drives the cross-section of book-to-market ratios and risk premia. See also Lewellen and Nagel (2006), Nagel and Singleton (2011), Ang and Kristensen (2012) and Roussanov (2013) for recent critiques of the CAPM and C-CAPM.


than average in a recession.” The present paper confirms Cochrane’s prediction by showing that workers in exposed industries select portfolios with low HML loadings. Furthermore we document that households with self-employed heads exhibit additional tilts toward growth stocks, presumably because small businesses are especially sensitive to recession risk.

In addition to these results, we uncover that high expected human capital is associated with a growth tilt in the financial portfolio. This relationship is strong in all the specifications considered in this paper and the Internet Appendix. Intuition suggests that human capital is both of form of wealth, which in principle might induce a value tilt, and a form of risk, which in the data induces a growth tilt. We can offer several possible explanations for the dominance of the risk channel, which build on the extensive literature relating the value premium to the production process.28 Since

human capital is a key complement of physical capital in production, households with high levels of human capital may tilt away from the physical capital in value firms and invest instead in growth firms. Sylvain (2013) accordingly develops a general equilibrium model with both human and physical capital investment, and shows that value stocks endogenously exhibit a high sensitivity to human capital risk.29 A complementary explanation is that human capital is highly risky because it is exposed to tail risks and innovation shocks that are difficult to anticipate and measure ex ante, as in the theoretical models Garleanu, Kogan, and Panageas (2012) and Kogan, Papanikolaou, and Stoffman (2013). The strong empirical link between human capital and growth investing is a novel empirical fact that deserves to be explored in future research.

28Production-based asset pricing models, which have had success in relating the sensitivity of a firm’s traded equity

to the firm’s physical assets and growth options (Berk, Green, and Naik 1999, Gomes, Kogan, and Zhang 2003). Cutting physical capital in bad times entails more adjustment costs that expanding physical capital in good times. Assets in place are therefore riskier than growth options, especially in bad times when the price of risk is high. As a result, value stocks are more sensitive than growth stocks to the business cycle (Zhang 2005). Related channels include operational leverage (Carlson, Fisher, and Giammarino 2004), investment-specific technology (Kogan and Papanikolaou 2014), and the cyclicality of the demand for durable goods (Gomes, Kogan, and Yogo 2009).

29Baxter and Jermann (1997) show that human capital is positively correlated with aggregate physical capital at the




Sentiment-based explanations of the value premium consider that investors exuberantly overprice growth (“glamour”) stocks and underprice value stocks (“fallen angels”), which explains the long-run success of value investing. Several psychological biases may account for such mispricing. In-vestors may be overconfident and thereby overestimate the accuracy of available information. They may also pay more attention to recent events than Bayesian updating would imply (Kahneman and Tversky 1973). Investor with such biases tend to overprice stocks following positive news and un-derprice stocks following negative news, so that valuation ratios can predict future returns (Daniel, Hirshleifer, and Subrahmanyam 2001). These mechanisms are consistent with the biases in stock analyst expectations (La Porta 1996, La Porta, Lakonishok, Shleifer, and Vishny 1997, Greenwood and Sheifer 2013, Skinner and Sloan 2002) and the pricing impact of sentiment measures (Baker and Wurgler 2006).

Cognitive biases have a number of potential implications for portfolio choice. Men and en-trepreneurs are known to be especially prone to overconfidence (Barber and Odean 2001, Busenitz and Barney 1997, Cooper, Woo, and Dunkelberg 1988) and should therefore favor growth stocks. The evidence in Section 4.2 confirms these predictions. Women tend to select low risky shares and invest in value stocks, while men tend to select aggressive risky shares and go growth. These pat-terns cannot easily be explained by differences in risk aversion alone, since a risk-tolerant investor should choose both a high risky share and a growth tilt. The positive link between entrepreneurship and growth investing might also be explained by overconfidence.

In the Internet Appendix, we reestimate the baseline regression on the subsample of households with a male head and on the subsample of households with a self-employed head. The baseline results of the paper hold in both subsamples and are therefore unlikely to be driven by cross-sectional differences in overconfidence alone.



Identification and Robustness Checks


Popular and Professionally Close Stocks

A potential concern with Swedish data is that a handful of firms dominate the domestic stock mar-ket and therefore the stock portfolios of a majority of households (Table I). In Table XI, we consider the 10 stocks that are most widely held by households at the end of 2003, and report for each firm the percentage of direct stockholders owning it, the stock’s percentage of aggregate household fi-nancial wealth, the stock’s percentage of the Swedish stock market, the stock’s percentage of the Swedish free float, the stock’s value loading, and the percentile of the stock’s book-to-market ratio. Popular stocks are a mix of growth stocks and value stocks, regardless of whether one classifies stocks by their value loadings or book-to-market ratios.

In the first two sets of columns of Table XII, we reestimate the baseline regression on (1) household portfolios of popular stocks and (2) household portfolios of non-popular stocks. For both portfolios, characteristics have the same impact as in the baseline regression.30 In the Internet Appendix, we verify that the baseline results also hold among households that invest either 100% or 0% of their stock portfolios in popular firms.

We next ask if professionally close stocks, which represent 16% of household stock portfolios, can account for the relationships between the value loading and characteristics. In columns (3) and (4) of Table XII, we show that the baseline results are also valid in household portfolios of professionally close stocks and in household portfolios of other stocks. In the Internet Appendix, we reach a similar conclusion for households with extreme shares of professionally close stocks or working in specific sectors. Thus, the relationships between the value loading and characteristics are not driven by popular and professionally close stocks.

30One complementary result is that the baseline results holds among the wealthy subgroup of investors holding at


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