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How Outsourcing Payroll Services Can Save Your Company Time & Money


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Date: 11/21/2011

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© 2011 HR Allen Consulting Services. All rights reserved.

How Outsourcing Payroll Services Can Save Your

Company Time & Money


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© HR Allen Consulting Services

It is no mystery that, as a business continues to grow; the need for outside services becomes more and more of a reality. This is where many of the advantages of payroll

outsourcing come into play. While many businesses make attempts at conducting payroll services in-house, they are quickly learning why this could be better handled through outsourcing services. How? Once companies remove in-house services, they undoubtedly save time and money. You can save a significant amount of money through using outsourcing services, thus increasing profit.

The Expense of Software Implementation

Most computers do not come

equipped with the necessary software needed to perform payroll duties. In some cases, you will need special hardware installed as well. This is particularly true if you are printing out payroll on-site, and not having them printed at another location. Should you choose to utilize payroll outsourcing, you will not be required to make these expensive purchases. Keep in mind, too, implementation of these hardware and software purchases are costly in terms of the

necessary training involved, as well as if there are malfunctions where a technician needs to come solve or troubleshoot an issue. Rather than dealing with all of that hassle, all you have to do is send your payroll information to a company that is already fully equipped with all the hardware and software needed to handle these tasks.

No Need for Training

As mentioned above, training individuals on payroll software, as well as hardware issues, is time consuming and expensive. If you are not familiar with how to train on these payroll software services, you will need to hire someone who is, which is yet another costly expense you must add to your budget. These expenses add up, and take away from the company’s bottom line profit. Not only will payroll outsourcing solve this problem, you can be sure your payroll is consistently completed with accuracy and in a

professional manner each time you submit information.


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Elimination of Worry about Delays and Accuracy

Because payroll is such a complex system, the need for accuracy is a must. When errors occur, payroll is delayed and no one is happy about that. With payroll outsourcing, you can be sure your payroll is completed accurately and without delays, thus eliminating nearly all worries. Costly mistakes typically occur in-house, and are pretty much eliminated when outsourcing is put into place. In-house mistake generally occur when the business owner is in a rush, and is needed for other tasks and duties. That being the case, necessary paperwork and management duties related to payroll is put on the back burner. While this is not an

intentional mistake, it is a costly one.

A Mutually Beneficial Partnership You want to save your company time and money, there’s no doubt about that. Because payroll outsourcing achieves that goal, it is a mutually beneficial partnership. These payroll

companies need your business as much as you need their service. With that reality in place, they are going to deliver the best possible results to you in a timely and professional manner. There will be no corners cut and no details missed. You will be able to spend more time on other duties that will help your business increase its bottom line without having the worry of payroll duties and responsibilities.

A Plethora of Services Available

With all that said, it is no wonder so many companies choose payroll outsourcing. There are a number of services businesses can take advantage of including email reminders, easy Internet use, elimination of the need to set anything up, paycheck compliance, optional direct deposit, tax implementation, and superior customer service. Depending on what you need for your business, the service should be available.

Brainstorm a list of your needs prior to making an appointment with your choice of payroll outsourcing service. That way, you are sure not to miss any key points during your discussion. Hold several meetings with different service providers, that way you are able to make accurate and educated

comparisons. Such comparisons will allow you to save even more money for your


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business, and receive the best services for your budget.

Get All the Facts from the Field Another suggestion is to speak to other business using payroll

outsourcing services. That way, you can have a firm understanding of what to expect and how the services are operated. The best referrals you can obtain are from those who are utilizing the services on a regular basis. Inquire about pricing, timeframes, services received and customer support. It is also a good idea to ask about pricing for tax payments and filing. This will also help when you are setting up your interviews with service providers, as well as when you are creating your comparison chart. The bottom line: you will save time and money with these services. All you have to do is decide which company will best serve your business’s needs.

Questions to ask Features

• What does your basic service include?

• What are your most popular add-on features? How much do they cost?

• How quickly can you re-run a payroll if there is a mistake?

• How long does the average client stay with you?

Tax filing

• If I use your tax filing service, do you cover the penalties and/or interest charges?

• Do you provide filing assistance for local taxes?

• What is the cost to file taxes for multiple states?


• What is the cost for your service for one year, including year-end W-2 forms?

• How long are these rates in effect? What rate increase should I expect after that?

• How much will it cost to set up our payroll account?

• If there are payroll data mistakes, how long will it take to reconcile the errors and what will it cost?


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Questions for references

• How responsive is the provider to your questions?

• Have you had any problems with accuracy? How did they help resolve the problem?

• Have you used another payroll service? If so, why did you switch?

Buying tips

Looking for a stable provider If a firm’s only business is payroll, make sure to check the number of clients it supports. To ensure stability, a payroll service should ideally maintain at least several hundred clients.

Double-check the math when switching

Transitioning to a new payroll firm rarely occurs without glitches. Be especially thorough in reviewing the first paychecks issued through the service as well as the money paid to cover tax obligations.

Watch prices over time

Do not be swayed by services that waive charges upon sign-up. Often rates go up or charges start accruing after six months to a year of service. Be wary of low fees

Watch out for providers that offer low base processing rates with expensive add-on features. Your total fees paid may wind up being more costly than those of a provider with slightly higher fees.

Who is HR Allen Consulting Services HR Allen Consulting Services is a full service HR Management and Payroll Services provider to small and medium-sized businesses throughout California, Arizona and Nevada. We deliver HR

outsourcing and payroll outsourcing services that allow business owners to do what they do best.

To see if HR Allen Consulting Services is a great fit for your company, fill out our short form.

Website: www.hrallencs.com Phone: (888)-353-2976
























H R A ll e n C o n su lt in g S e rv ice s P a y ro ll S o ft w a re T ra d it io n a l P a y ro ll S e rv ice A cc e ss Y o u c a n r u n p a yr o ll fr o m a n y co m p u te r w it h I n te rn e t a cc e ss , v ia I p h o n e , IP a d o r A n d ro id a p p s (O R w e c a n d o e ve ry th in g fo r yo u , o n ce y o u s e n d u s h o u rs ). Y o u m u st u se t h e c o m p u te r w h e re y o u r a cc o u n ti n g /p a yr o ll so ft w a re i s in st a lle d . Y o u m u st m a k e y o u rs e lf a va ila b le t o s u b m it h o u rs b y p h o n e o r o n lin e . S e tu p W e d o t h e s e t u p f o r yo u , th e re ’s n o th in g to i n st a ll o n y o u r e n d . S o ft w a re a n d t a x ta b le u p d a te s re q u ir e d . N o h e lp w it h n e w h ir e r e p o rt in g , W -4 s, I -9 s. P a p e r in te n si ve m an u a l p ro ce ss . E m a il R e m in d e rs T im e ly e m a il re m in d e rs r e m in d y o u o f a ll im p o rt a n t d e a d lin e s. O n lin e r e m in d e rs e xi st , b u t th e y ar e n o t a u to m a te d . N o r e m in d e rs a va ila b le . P a y ch e ck c a lc u la ti o n s In st a n t a n d g u ar a n te e d a cc u ra te . In st a n t a n d g u ar a n te e d a cc u ra te ( b u t re q u ir e s o n g o in g t a x ta b le u p d a te s) . P a yc h e ck c a lc u la ti o n s ar e d e la ye d f ro m t h e ti m e y o u r e p o rt h o u rs . D ir e ct D e p o si t F re e E xt ra c h a rg e s a p p ly . E xt ra c h a rg e s a p p ly . P a y ch e ck s P ri n t in st a n tl y o n b la n k o r p re -p ri n te d ch e ck s to ck – e it h e r a t o u r o ff ic e o r yo u rs . N o b la n k ch e ck p ri n ti n g o p ti o n . D e liv e re d t o y o u r o ff ic e f o r a n e xt ra f e e . T a x I m p o u n d in g N o t a x im p o u n d in g - fu n d s st a y in y o u r b a n k a cc o u n t u n ti l th e p a ym e n t is d u e . D e p e n d s o n s e rv ic e s e le ct e d . T a xe s a re w it h d ra w n o n e a ch p a yd a y, t yp ic a lly se ve ra l w e e ks b e fo re t h e y a re d u e . E le ct ro n ic t a x p a y m e n ts a n d f il in g s E le ct ro n ic 9 4 0 s, 9 4 1 s, 9 4 4 s, W -2 s, a n d e -fi le f o r m o st s ta te s (o r w e p ro vi d e si g n a tu re -r e a d y fo rm s) . D e p e n d s o n s e rv ic e s e le ct e d . E le ct ro n ic fu n ct io n a lit y a va ila b le f o r 9 4 1 s, a n d v e ry fe w s ta te s. T h e s e rv ic e t a k e s ca re o f ta xe s fo r yo u , f o r an e xt ra f e e . C u st o m e r S u p p o rt A s yo u r tr u st e d a d vi so r, w e ’r e h e re t o h e lp y o u w h e n e ve r yo u h a ve a q u e st io n . E xt ra c h a rg e s a p p ly . In cl u d e d E x p o rt E a sy d a ta d o w n lo a d t o Q u ic k B o o ks ® , Q u ic k B o o k s O n lin e , Q u ic k B o o k s ® f o r M a c, M ic ro so ft M o n e y ® , P e a ch tr e e ® a n d Q u ic k e n ® . W o rk s o n ly w it h t h e a cc o u n ti n g s o ft w ar e yo u u se . D o w n lo a d s d a ta t o a cc o u n ti n g s o ft w a re , b u t a s jo u rn a l lu m p -s u m . T h e re a re n o s p lit l e ve l d e ta ils a va ila b le . P ri ce W e o ff e r b u n d le d w e e k ly , b i-w e e k ly /s e m i-m o n th ly a n d m o n th ly p a yr o ll p a ck a g e s th a t a re u p t o 5 0 % ch e a p e r th an o u r co m p e ti ti o n . P ri ci n g c a n v a ry g re a tl y b y se rv ic e se le ct e d . A d d it io n a l fe e s fo r d ir e ct d e p o si t. P ri ci n g v ar ie s b y n o . o f e m p lo ye e s a n d p a yr o ll ru n s. A d d it io n a l fe e s fo r d ir e ct d e p o si t, q u a rt e rl y fi lin g s, d e liv e ry f e e s, W -2 s e tc . Fo r m o re i n fo rm a ti o n o n o u r p a y ro ll o ff e ri n g , p le a se co n ta ct u s a t 8 8 8 -3 5 3 -2 9 7 6 .


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