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refine, a European Initiative to foster Innovation for Transport Infrastructure of the Future


Academic year: 2021

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reFINE, a European Initiative to

foster Innovation for Transport

Infrastructure of the Future

Alain Zarli (CSTB)

Luc Bourdeau, ECTP Secretary General

COST TUD Workshop



ECTP Mission

3 European Initiatives >200



Health and Ageing Society


Future Infrastructure

Networks in Europe


Transport Infrastructure Networks

Artery system of our society

– Mobility of people

– Mobility of goods Impact on all other activities

Heritage of the past and

Infrastructure of Tomorrow’s Quality of Life / Economy

How to deliver more

– Sustainability

– Resilience to climate change – For new energy modes

– For an ageing society


If things are not changing… (1/2)

Requirements for sustainable construction will increase construction and maintenance costs

Quality of services will become more difficult to ensure

Traffic congestion will continue to grow with detrimental societal and economic costs

Deteriorating infrastructure will cost EU companies billions of Euros in lost growth potential; it will reduce the benefits from investments made on other sections of strategic

transportation axes

Inefficient transport corridors will jeopardize the efficiency of industry

Europe’s industry will fall behind in international competition



If things are not changing… (2/2)

New transport technologies will fail to develop because of inadequate / insufficient infrastructure

Failing infrastructure will not cope with climate change: more severe and frequent disruptions with deeper impact on quality of life and economy

Environmental impact of infrastructure will become dramatic:

– From construction, to upgrade and maintenance, to demolition – Consumption of land, energy, raw materials

– Nuisances (noise, vibrations, pollution of air and ground water) – Waste generation


Construction Sector in the EU 27

Construction Sector is the biggest EU industrial employer

– 10.4% of GDP and 49.2% of Gross Fixed Capital Formation – 30% of industrial employment, 7.6% of totalemployment – 16.3 million operatives

A large influence on the whole economy

– 48,9 millions workers depending on Construction – Buildings/infrastructure supplied by the Constuction

sector serve all other industries and services

EU Construction Sector must remain the international leader



reFINE – the answer from the Construction Sector

An initiative of ECTP INDUSTRY leadership

– Acciona, Arup, Autostrade, Ballast Nedam, Bam, Bouygues Construction, Dragados, FCC Construcción, Ferrovial

Agromán, Hochtief, OHL, Soletanche Bachy, Vinci, Züblin, ..


– FEHRL, Ifsttar, Deltares, TNO, Danish Technological

Institute, Tecnalia, ZUS (Technical and Test Institute for

Construction Prague), Bundesanstalt für Wasserbau (BAW, Germany), CSIC (SP), STRESS (IT), Univ College Cork (IE)

Professional Associations – ENCORD, FNTP, ITA, ELGIP


reFINE is…

The answer of the Construction Sector to

coordinate and optimize research on multimodal Infrastructure Networks,

Cooperating with ‘Modal’ Platforms (ERTRAC, ERRAC, WATERBORNE, etc.)

Documents :

– Vision

– Strategic Research Agenda

– Strategic Targets and Expected Impacts – Roadmap (in progress)


The reFINE Team

High Level Committee

– Terry HILL, Arup – Remi DORVAL, Vinci

– Hansgeorg BALTHAUS, Hochtief – Miguel SEGARRA, Dragados



– Jean-Pierre HAMELIN– Vinci / Soletanche Bachy – Miguel SEGARRA– Dragados

– Claude DUMOULIN– Bouygues Construction

ECTP General Secretariat


reFINE – the strategic links …

Linking with EC : DG Move, DG Research

Linking with Technology Platforms


Member of the Joint Task Force on Cross-Modal Transport Infrastructure


reFINE Vision: HLSI

High Level Service Infrastructure


reFINE Vision for Infrastructure Networks (1/2)

To provide continuous, efficient and reliable quality of service with minimum environmental impact

over their entire life cycle

To ensure smart and resilient services throughout climate change, natural and man-made hazards

To optimise and manage maintenance / upgrade so as to preserve the quality of life for the future



reFINE Vision for Infrastructure Networks (2/2)

To support EU social and territorial cohesion in a sustainable way

To provide continuous and safe mobility for a high quality of life in sustainable European cities

To support an integrated and efficient transport system for competitive European economy





Strategic Targets and Expected Impacts

Smart Low Cost 3 Chall enges ROA D RA IL A IR W A TER S TRU CTU RES MULTI MODAL HUBS 3 Pillars ROA D RA IL A IR W A TER S TRU CTU RES ROA D R A IL A IR W A TER S TRU CTU RES URBAN MOBILITY LONG DISTANCE CORRIDORS -30% CO2 +30% Capacity -30% Ownership Cost Targets NEW + OLD Infrastructure


Multimodal Hubs

Airports, Major Railway stations, Harbours

Megastructures organised for cross-modal transit

Servicing very high fluxes of people &/or freight


Multimodal Hubs – Key Areas

KA1. Concepts for a New Generation of HLSI Multimodal Hubs

KA2. Energy Optimization

KA3. Reduction of LC Environmental Impacts KA4. Increasing Accessibility

KA5. Risk Management and Intermodal Information Systems


Urban Mobility

Multimodal urban transport networks

A critical challenge of Sustainable / Smart cities

Develop / maintain a complex fabric of pathways, roads, subways in constricted urban space

Cultural heritage infrastructure

Developing more / deeper / larger underground facilities


Urban Mobility –Key Areas

KA1. Infrastructure for Accomodating New Low-Carbon Vehicles

KA2. Minimizing Nuisances of Urban Networks KA3. HLSI Servicing City Development

KA4. Increasing Resilience of Urban Networks KA5. Optimisation of Total Cost

KA6. Inclusiveness & Safety

KA7. Information & Communication Networks Infrastructure


Long Distance Corridors

Infrastructure of intercity transport

Long linear structures : Highways, Railways, Waterways

Major pieces of Engineering for crossings : large bridges, tunnel crossings, etc


LD Corridors – Key Areas

KA1. Holistic Design to Improve Environmental Integration

KA2. Increasing the Capacity of Existing Infrastructure

KA3. Extending the Life Time of Existing Infrastructure

KA4. Innovative Infrastructure for Innovative Transport Means

KA5. Reducing Costs and Disruption

KA6. Resilient, Safe and Secure Corridors


Transversal Research – Key Areas

1. Foresight & Roadmap

2. Materials and Associated Construction Processes


Roadmap Synthesis


RA1: concepts for generation of new HLSI MH

(importance: medium)

ST: Low-intrusive construction methods

ST: Service life extension

MT: Back analysis of newly constructed MH

MT: Concepts and innovative scenarios


reFINE is recognised by the EC …

European Economic and Social Committee on ETPs and industrial change (4/10/2012)

6.3 Future role of ETPs

– 6.3.1 The role of ETPs is expected to be maintained in future (..). The EC is expected to use more (…) implementation instruments in

Horizon 2020 such as PPPs, and Joint Technology Initiatives (JTIs).

– 6.3.2 There is a strong commitment from the industry and the broader stakeholders to support the implementation of tools above

mentioned. Examples include Public-Private Partnerships for Biobased Industries PPP (Biobased for Growth), Sustainable Process Industries through Resources and Energy Efficiency (SPIRE), Energy Materials

Industrial Research Initiative (EMIRI) and Research for Future


Towards HORIZON 2020


– Transport White Paper 2011 (28/3/2011)

• http://ec.europa.eu/transport/strategies/2011_white_paper_en.htm

– New TEN-T Guidelines (19/10/2011)

• http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/infrastructure/revision-t_en.htm

– Strategic Transport Technology Plan 2012 (13/9/2012) • http://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/research/sttp/

Transport means : clean, smart, safe and quiet rail and road vehicles, aircraft

and vessels with a more effective interface with infrastructure

Infrastructure : smart, green, low-maintenance and climate-resilient

infrastructure, including for the provision of alternative fuels, modal traffic management and information systems which can support user services,

demand management, and other solutions related to optimised infrastructure


Transport services and operations: seamless and efficient services for passenger and freight transport


DG Research - Horizon 2020

4.4. Smart, Green and Integrated Transport

Resource efficient transport that respects the environment

– Aircraft, vehicles, etc / Propulsion technologies / alternative energies

– Smart equipment and infrastructures

– Improving transport and mobility in urban areas

Better mobility, less congestion, more safety and security – reduction of traffic congestion /

– transport and management systems

– Innovative air traffic management technologies

– Waterborne transport, improved and integrated planning and management technologies

– Rail and road : , the optimisation of network management will improve

efficient use of infrastructure

– New concepts of freight transport and logistics – Safety, security

Global leadership for the European transport industry

– New generation of transport means – On board, smart control systems – Advanced production processes



Coordination and optimisation of research is necessary to pave the way of the Future Infrastructures Networks of Europe (reFINE)

Innovation (technology, processes) must go through demonstration facilities or construction sites

ECTP: entrepreneurs committed for research Cooperation between ETPs is highly needed A long way behind us since 2009

– Vision, SRA, Impacts

– Infrastructure is in agenda of H2020 (NEW and OLD infra)

Next steps (coming weeks)

Consolidating topics


Thank you


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