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Dr John J M Powell Geolabs Ltd


Academic year: 2021

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When or should ‘advanced’ laboratory testing be ‘routine’

Dr John J M Powell

Geolabs Ltd


‘Routine tests’

• Atterbergs

• Particle size, density, specific gravity

• Compaction, CBR • Shear box • Triaxial – UU – CU • Permeability

• IL oedometers, Rowe cells


‘Routine tests’

• The profession often have trouble even

getting these repeatable and of a consistent quality


Proficiency / Interlaboratory

Comparison Testing Scheme

12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Co n e Pen e tr ation (m m ) Moisture Conent (%) LAB 1 LAB 5 LAB 6 LAB 7 LAB 8 LAB 10 LAB 13 LAB 15 LAB 16 LAB 17 LAB 21 LAB 23 LAB 24 LAB 27 LAB 30 LAB 32 LAB 34 LAB 35 LAB 36


Proficiency / Interlaboratory

Comparison Testing Scheme


Proficiency / Interlaboratory

Comparison Testing Scheme


Proficiency / Interlaboratory

Comparison Testing Scheme


Advanced Tests

• Advanced triaxial, (a significant enhancement on the

standard effective stress capability); including features such

as local axial and radial strain, mid height pwp,

piezobenders and anisotropic stress control (CAU)

• Cyclic triaxial

• Cyclic and static simple shear

• Resonant column

• Don’t forget the CRS oedometer


But first

• So you want to get reliable parameters for

your design using laboratory testing!

• So you need samples, but not just any old

samples, they need to be representative in terms of structure and composition



(love them hate them)


Quality and QA

• Quality in sampling

• Quality in transport and storage

• Quality in preparation and testing

• Quality in reporting

• Quality throughout!!


Tube sampling


Stages in sampling and preparing soil

specimen for laboratory test


Sources of tube sampling disturbance


Plugging Jarring

Indentation fractures

Plugging Jarring Indentation


Sources of tube sampling



Measured water content distributions across the diameter of tube samples of soft clay


Measured water content distributions across the diameter of tube samples of heavily


Canadian Sherbrooke block sampler -Rotation Control vertical

mopvement Water or bentonite mud

Borehole 400 mm in diameter

Water or mud circulated at each cutting tool

Annular slot

Cutting tool every 120 degr.

Block sample being carved out


Block sampling

with Sherbrooke


Block sample cleaned and wrapped in plastic cling film


• All natural clays have developed some structure

• Degree of structure can be assessed by comparing behaviour of an undisturbed sample to that of a remoulded clay (eg. in oedometer tests)

• Soil structure is a result of several processes including, but not limited to: secondary compression, thixotropy, cementation, cold welding between soil particles (ageing--)

• Effect of sample disturbance is to partly or fully break down the structure of the soil sample – parameters measured by lab tests may not be representative for in situ conditions


Results of CRS


Lierstranda clay 12,3 m depth Semilogarithmic scale

Clearly block sample gives a more stiff behaviour showing less sample


Better definition of preconsolidation stress, pc


Comparison of IL and CRS Consolidation Data

Vertical Effective Stress 'v (kPa)

10 100 1000 V ert ical S tr ai n  v ( %) 0 10 20 30 (b)

Boston Blue Clay - Newbury Depth = 7.3 m

w = 53%, PI = 21, LI = 1.4


CRS IL 24 hr.

Better definition of preconsolidation stress, pc’, from CRS


UU triaxial compression tests on Laval and piston samples. Bothkennar Clay


Results from shearing phase of CAUC tests

Lierstranda clay from 6.1 m depth

Stress path diagram

(Lunne et al, 2001) Similar failure envelopes?


Unconfined compression tests on Ariake Clay (Tanaka and Tanaka, 1999)

Axial strain (%) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Comp res si ve Stres s (kPa) 0 10 20 30 40 Shelby tube ELE100 NGI54

Japanese Standard Piston Sherbrooke Laval 10m Shelby tube ELE 100 NGI 54

Japanese standard piston Sherbrooke sampler Laval sampler


Disturbance during specimen preparation


Stiff clays: distinction on basis of unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression ( -)/ 2   a r ( ’+ ’)/2 a r 0 ( -)/ 2   a r ( ’+ ’)/2 a r 0 ( -)/ 2   a r ( ’+ ’)/2 a r 0

Stiff Sandy Clays C = f(w)u Stiff Fissured plastic Clays C = f(p ’)u 0 Stiff Medium plastic Clays C = f(w , p ’)u 0


Conventional practice for sampling

stiff plastic clays

• Shell and auger boring, dry hole, cased to cut off

ground water entry

• Open drive tube sampling

• Unconsolidated undrained triaxial compression tests

for stress-strain-strength

Invariably large scatter in strength and stiffness parameters variously attributed to:

– fabric

– sample disturbance

– stress relief

– sample size


Results of conventional site investigation in London Clay

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Undrained shear strength, Cu (kPa)

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 D e p th b e lo w t o p o f L o n d o n C la y ( m ) 0 20 40 60 80 SPT N (blows/300) 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0


Initial effective stresses in rotary cores and thin wall tube samples of London Clay


between rotary foam and


Effects of sampling method in UU triaxial compression tests on Upper Mottled Clay, Lambeth Group


Evaluation of sample quality

• Fabric inspection

• X- ray

• Comparison of tube sampling strains and yield strains

• Reconsolidation strains (esp in oed)

• Measurement of initial effective stress

• Comparison of in situ and laboratory

measurements of shear wave velocity/dynamic shear modulus


How can we then reduce effects of sample disturbance?

• Use the best sampler possible for the project

• Careful sample handling and testing – recompression

technique may to some extent “repair” the sample

• Trimming of sample to smaller diameter may help in

some cases but can also damage sample if not undertaken with great care (tubing vs hand trimming).


Sample disturbance effects


Sample disturbance(SD) can be very significant!

• Effect of SD is to partly or completely destroy structure

• SD has significant effects on deformation and strength

characteristics as measured in oedometer and triaxial tests

• e/eo is a consistent measure of SD for soft clays

• SD effects can best be minimized by carefull choice of drilling and sampling methods

• Sample handling and consolidation techniques may reduce SD effects

In situ tests will also give essential input to choice of soil design parameters, but will not eliminate need for sampling and laboratory testing


Advanced Tests

• Advanced triaxial, (a significant enhancement on the

standard effective stress capability); including features such

as local axial and radial strain, mid height pwp,

piezobenders and anisotropic stress control (CAU)

• Cyclic triaxial

• Cyclic and static simple shear

• Resonant column

• Don’t forget the CRS oedometer


Advanced Tests

• Advanced triaxial, (a significant enhancement on the

standard effective stress capability); including features such

as local axial and radial strain, mid height pwp,

piezobenders and anisotropic stress control (CAU)

• Cyclic triaxial

• Cyclic and static simple shear

• Resonant column

• Don’t forget the CRS oedometer


Shearing Tests

we often have conflicting requirements of our tests:

Strength – need large strains with minimum restraint while maintaining uniform stresses & strains in sample

Stiffness – need to apply and measure very small stress/strain changes

triaxial apparatus is fairly unique in its ability to


Triaxial Test


drainage can be controlled

complete stress state is known

(a, r, and U) and can be controlled

 a ’r Disadvantages:

axi-symmetric loading – soil parameters depend on mode of loading


r ’r


Triaxial testing CAUC

The most basic and useful geotechnical test

0 4 8 12 16 20 Axial strain, a, % 0 10 20 30 40 50 S h e a r s tr e s s , = (a -r) /2 k P a


We now have

Excellent equipment that allows us to, • control:

– Axial stresses – Radial stresses – Closed loop

• measure:

– Accurate axial displacements – Radial displacements

– Mid ht pore pressures

– Small strain stiffnesses in varying directions – Volume changes


Mid-height pore pressure measurement

(Hight, 1982)

use without lateral filter paper will lengthen tests considerably


Mid-height pore pressure measurement

(Hight, 1982)

Prebore hole


Local Strain Measurement - Axial

Hall Effect

(Clayton & Kathrush., 1986) LVDTs

(Cuccovillo & Coop, 1997)

most accurate

difficult to mount

transducers generally only glued to membrane – pins no longer used


(Jardine et al., 1984)

sensitive to rigid body rotation of sample – need to take average of two readings on opposite sides of sample

cannot be used for r





Flexible wire Fixing screw

Radial strain belt Mount

Sample Right-angle connection

Submersible cable

Local Strain Measurement - Radial

(Klotz & Coop, 2002)

single LVDT version or Hall effect double LVDT or Hall effect version - allows larger r -difficult to mount -BUT SPACE


Bender Elements

shear plane wave travelling through an elastic isotropic or cross-anisotropic medium – measure elastic shear stiffness, G0

Input Output


Piezoelectric Bender Elements

Kramer (1996) (Dyvik & Madhus, 1985)

v = D/tarr G0 = rv2


First Arrival

72 to 0.000333 sec from 0.000050 sec -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -0.0005 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 0.0020 O u tp u t Time (seconds) Shv


Control of triaxial tests: feedback loop ’a ’r ’r triaxial transducer output (voltage) computer data logger (analogue-digital conversion) transducer output (digital) controller command change of stress or strain

automated control of tests much less common than data-logging

simple basic program


Setting it all up


Setting it all up


Larger cells

more space, large strains


behaviour defined by the following parameters:

E’v = vertical Young’s modulus E’H = horizontal Young’s modulus

VH = Poisson’s ratio for influence of V on H

HV = Poisson’s ratio for influence of H on V

HH = Poisson’s ratio for influence of H1 on H2 or H2 on H1 GVH = shear modulus in vertical plane

GHV = shear modulus in vertical plane GHH = shear modulus in horizontal plane

Anisotropy of Elastic Stiffnesses: Cross-Anisotropic Soil


0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 S tr ai n (%)

Change in mid-plane effective stress (kPa)

local axial external vol local vol


Stress Path



Stress Path

Anisotropic Consolidation


Stress Path

2nd Anisotropic


Stress Path


-200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Sh ea r s tr es s t (k Pa )

Mean effective stress, s' (kPa)

this stage previous stages aniso3 aniso2 aniso1 finish start


0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10

dynamic methods

local gauges

conventional soil testing

Shear strain s: % Sti ffn es s G

Typical strain ranges

Retaining walls Foundations


Measurement of Stiffness


q’ a Etan = dq/da Esec = q/a critical state

- gradient over odd number of points

- No. of points in regression depends on No. of number data points

recorded (use a fixed strain interval)

- plot stiffness against strain at central point



Etan = dq/da

calculation of tangent stiffnesses

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0.0001 0.0010 0.0100 shear strain (%) G ( M P a )

tangents always more scattered than secant at small strains (also have more meaning)

natural London clay (Gasparre, 2005)



0.0001 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 1.0000 axial strain (%) 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 G u ( M P a) local LVDTs external LVDT

natural Greensand – very high G

suction cap used & compliance

correction made

strains prior to shearing small

reconstituted kaolin – low G

0.0001 0.0010 0.0100 0.1000 axial strain (%) 0 40 80 120 G u ( M P a) local LVDTs external LVDT

Measurement of Stiffness – Examples of Tangent Stiffnesses


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Lo c al s ec an t Y ou ng 's m od ul us ( MP a)

log(local axial strain (%))


0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Lo c al s ec an t Y ou ng 's m od ul us ( MP a)

log(local axial strain (%))


Anisotropy in London Clay


Sample quality assessment based on shear wave velocity


Using the equipment for Poisson’s ratio and

small strain stiffness of rock


Is it new or just commercially viable?



• there is much that can go wrong in conducting and interpreting tests But it can be done

we should conduct and interpret tests within a chosen and

appropriate theoretical framework

• level of complexity of tests should be appropriate to theoretical framework and design method

• You need to know what you are specifying and what can be

realistically achieved, commercial vs research


I must say - thanks

• I wish to acknowledge the help from

– David Hight

– Tom Lunne

– Matthew Coop

For some of the slides contained in this presentation



• Rubbish in – Rubbish out!



• We now have a new level of testing

available to us which I believe should be

consider ‘routine (advanced) testing’ for use when projects warrant it and samples are of the right quality.

• Particularly relevant for modelling and in


And finally

Thank you for your attention


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