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Calibration of sensors in sensor networks


Academic year: 2021

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Calibration of





Leon Kleiboer, Paul Havinga

EEMCS Faculty, University of Twente

Postbus 217

7500 AE

Enschede, the Netherlands




In thispaper wepresenta newapproach to calibrate

sensors in sensor networks in an uncontrolled

environ-ment. Theproposed algorithm makesamodelofthe

distri-butionofthe measuredquantity. This modelcanbe usedto

estimateandcorrectthe bias of thesensor Theproposed,

centralized calibration algorithm isa macro-calibration

algorithm whichtries toimprove thesystemresponse as a

whole, instead ofoptimizingtheresponseofanindividual sensor The algorithm decides, based on measurements

to apply the calculatedcorrections ornot. Testingshows

that thealgorithmcanbeappliedone.g. temperature sen-sors. Systematic measurementerrors can be reduced. A

combination ofafew accurate (expensive) sensors, and a large amountof less accurate (cheap) sensors, can be

usedtogether with the algorithm in reallife applications to improvethequality of themeasurements.



Consider a scenario where vegetables are stored in a cold storage. Insuch a scenario, it is crucial tokeep the temperatureconstant. In ordertoextend the shelf-life of thevegetables, it is necessary to ensure that the cooling

system is able to respond accurately to external events, e.g. opening of doors, which might resultinasudden rise oftemperature. Thecoolingsystemmonitors the

temper-atureusing wireless sensornodes thatare equipped with temperaturesensors. Whenatemperaturesensorisbiased, theoutputof thesensorisalwaysedegreestoohighortoo low(whereeisconstant). Temperaturesensorsgenerating biasedreadings could resultinthecoolingsystem switch-ingon oroffprematurely,orlater than it shouldbe, which

may affect the freshness of the vegetables. In order to

havean accurately functioning system it isimperative to

ensurethat the sensors areproperly calibrated. Sinceour temperaturesensors operatewithin normal environmental temperatures, inthe middle of the range of the sensors,

we do not deal with errors that are caused due to non-linearity. When measuring atthe borders of therangeof

thesensors, these non-linearityerrors mustbe taken into

account.Randomerrors, e.g. noiseortransientevents, are

suppressed by averaging multiple samples. By applying theproposed calibration algorithm, systematic (bias) er-rors canbe reduced, resulting in extended shelf-life of the

vegetables in theexample scenario. Thispaper will

dis-cussrelated calibration algorithms with their drawbacks, section 3 and 4. Weprovidea newalgorithm, describe its characteristics in section 5. Simulations and real life

re-sults are statedin sections6 and 7. Section 8 lists some

future worktobe carriedout, aconclusion is statedin




In[6] aformal definition of calibration is stated. Each device has a set ofparameters, 3 C


Thepurpose of calibration is to choose the correct parameters for each device such that they, in conjunction with a calibration function, will translateanyactual deviceoutputT into the corresponding desired output T*. The calibration func-tion must therefore be of the form T* =


T).For a temperature sensor these set ofparameters can be de-duced by creating a controlled environment. In an ab-solute controlled environment the desired output T* is known. Directly observing each device and building a

mapping from TtoT*todirectly optimize that device re-sponseis called micro-calibration. Thiscanbe done

man-ually. In aWireless Sensor Network(WSN)many temper-ature sensors are available, calibration relationships

be-tween two ormultiplesensors canbe obtained. E.g. Rel-ativecalibration, calibration of individualsensorsrelative

to each other instead ofsome absolute reference. More

approaches exists. The opposite of micro-calibration is macro-calibration. Macro-calibration does not optimize the accuracy ofoneindividual sensor, but optimizes the

accuracyof the wholesystem(the WSN). Macro calibra-tion exploits the sensorredundancy in the WSN. Macro

calibration contains threesteps


The firststepisto

pa-rameterize individual devices and model thesystem accu-racy as awholeusing theseparameters. The second step

isto collect data from all the devices inthe system. The thirdstepistooptimize theaccuracyof the entiresystem,


3 Related work

LaMarca etal [4] suggest to use a service robot. This service robot is equipped with calibratedsensors. The

ro-bot visits every nodeinthe network andperformsa pair-wise calibration between the sensors of the service robot and the sensors of the node. This service robot runs in an office environment. Disadvantage of this approach is the intrusive anddisruptive behavior of the robot.

Prob-lems might arise when reaching thenodes physically

be-comes more complicated (e.g. rough terrain). In [1] and [2] Bychovskiy et al proposes to use relative cali-bration in the first phase of their algorithm. In the

sec-ond phase, the relative calibration relationships are

op-timized. Due to errors, calibration relationships are not

globally consistent. WithaLocalized Consistency Max-imization algorithm, calibrationrelationships can be

im-provedon alocal scale. Calibrationrelationships of short paths (nodes placed closelytoeachother)aretrustedmore

than relationships of longer paths. Calibration relation-ships can be stored in a graph. A calibration cycle

in-variantwasintroduced; acalibrationgraph is consistentif

andonlyif aconvolution of calibrationrelationships over any cycle in the graph is a null transformation. White-house and Culler[6]areusingamong mean-and iterative-calibration, macro-calibrationinordertoimprove the sys-temaccuracy. Theyare using the MICAsensorplatform connected with a mica sensorboard. These boards

con-sist ofasounder and amicrophone. A total of 32 nodes

areplaced in 30cm x 30cm grid. When measuring the Time ofFlight (TOF), the distance betweentwonodescan

be calculated. Inthis scenario, twodevices, the sounder and themicrophone, oneachnode, havetobe calibrated. With joint-calibration, a set of equations can be made, d* =






d +

GR d,




BRrepresent startuptimes for oscillation(constants).




represents transmitter volume and receiver

sen-sitivity, respectively andareproportional tothe distance. Joint-calibration performed better than mean- and itera-tivecalibration, duetotheexploitation of theredundancy of the sensors. Results can be optimized, using a pri-ori information. The distance betweentwo sensors must

be the same, d*


and the triangular inequality, dt*; + dj*Zd*;>Oij


k >0.

4 Drawback





There are some drawbacks of the calibration algo-rithms mentioned in the previous section. This section explains why theyare notcompletely suitable for calibra-tionin a sensor network. Manual calibration ofsensors in a sensor network is a time consuming task. Which makes manual calibration ofsensors in a WSN simply

tooexpensive. Relative and absolute calibrationarebased

on the assumption that two sensors


the same

physical process, should produce the same desired

out-put T*. For nodes placed close to each other this is

an acceptable assumption. When the distance between

nodes increases, nodes are not measuring the same

physi-calprocess. Therefore the desiredoutputisnotthesame,

which makes relative and absolute calibration less appro-priate in larger areas. Mean-calibration will not work

ei-ther. Assume thatcooling-water (ofe.g. afactory) hasto

be measured. The temperature directlyat the drain will behigher than thetemperature at a certain distance from the drain. Themeantemperature canofcoursebe calcu-lated, but what is the meaning of this value? The described joint-calibration algorithm works for measuring the

dis-tancebetweentwo nodes, becauseasinglemeasurement

is a function oftwo nodes. Measurements between two

nodes can be optimized due to known a priori informa-tion, like the triangular inequality. A priori information of thisnaturehowever isnotavailable inthecaseof tem-perature measurements. A temtem-perature measurementis a

single and independentmeasurement.



A new calibration algorithm for temperature sensors in WSNs has to be designed, keeping in mind some

properties of known calibration algorithms. As stated earlier, the main idea of the algorithm is to make a

model of the distribution of thetemperature. This idea is basedonfact that there mustbesome sortof correlation between the measuredtemperaturesbytwo or morenodes placed close to each other. Due to this correlation, the distribution of thetemperaturehas a smoothshape. This shape can be


with a slope, with a curve or some sort ofsine-shape. Sharp edges, like step-functions are

unlikely. Lets define theproblem of biased temperatures a little bit more. When measuring the temperature, one wants to know the exact physical temperature (at the position ofsensor


this temperature is called


Due to an unknown bias error Ei the measured temperature


is only known, but the physicaltemperature


is not

known. The goal is to estimate a temperature


such that the difference between thephysicaltemperature and the estimated temperature is as small as possible andin

the idealcaseequalto zero




Estimating the

temperature can be done by estimating the bias error Ei

of the sensor. When subtracting the estimated bias error


from the measured temperature, an estimation of the









is estimated



realphysicaltemperature. Ei biaserror.


measured temp.








diff. measured and estimatedtemp.

The assumption is made that in a set ofsensors the bias will be normal

(Gaussian) distributed,




mean,uand variance(72.


The goal ofmacro-calibration is to improve the system accuracy as awhole. Every temperature sensor, as stated earlier, ihas abias error,


Let's define thecurrent sys-temaccuracy,


asthe summation of those biaserrors


whereNis the total number of nodes.

this value is


wheretis the time of theepoch.



= K E T i,Tk) k=1 N


= E |6i (1) i=l1

Theaccuracyof thesystemisimproved if and only if the following equation holds, where


is the correction for sensori.








Ideally the left side of the equation iszero, the error of each sensor is than reduced to zero and therefore also the accuracy of the system as a whole. Note that the

systemhas alist oftriples (i, ,y). Where i is the node

number, x and y are the positions belonging to node i. Both notationsareused in this thesis. SoEi is



5.1 Phaseone,parameterize individual devices

The firstphase of the algorithm istoparameterize

in-dividual devices and thesystem as awhole. The sensor nodes are placed in a grid orplaced randomly, as stated earlier. Thepositions of the nodescanbe storedina data-base. Position information is needed tocalculate the cor-rections of the biases. This phase can also be used ifa priori calibrationparameters are available. If these para-metersarenotavailable itcanbeskipped.

5.2 Phase two, datagathering

The secondphase of the macro-calibration algorithm is datagathering. Lets defineanepoch. The duration ofone epoch is constant (e.g. oneminute) and is the same for allsensornodes. Anepoch is needed becausetemperature

measurements mustbecompared. It is possible to

com-paretemperaturemeasurementsof differentsensors atthe sameepoch. Per epoch, several samples aretaken. These samplesareaveragedand theaveragedvalue of each tem-perature sensor is sent to a central database. Averaging is needed because twoconsecutivetemperature

measure-ments(ina shortperiod of time) are notthe samedueto roundingerrors of theAnalogtoDigital Converter(ADC) of thetemperaturesensor, electrical disturbances etc. As-sumethemeanof these randomerrorsis closetozero, so anaveragingalgorithmwill calculateatemperaturewhich is close tothe realtemperature plus orminus the bias of thesensor. Please notethat theaveragingis donelocally for each node. Anaverageof Ksamples, perepoch, will

be taken. Fromtime stampT-K+1uptoandincluding

time stampT. WhereT- K+ 1 ...T aretime stamps in

one epoch. This averaged value is sent to the database,

Which value of Ktochoose? Theprobability thatmean of the random errorwill be closerto zeroifthe value of Kincreases ishigher. The value of K is restricted dueto

practical limitations, sampling ofa sensortakes time and

energy, soKcannotbeset toohigh. More sophisticated approaches exist, likeaweightedaverageor aKalman

fil-ter, but areundesirable due to their computational com-plexity and constraints. Recall that these computations have tobe performed on the node itself. Sending all K

measurements (ofoneepoch)to a centralplace where it can be processed, is not an option due to the relatively high energy costs of data communication in sensor net-works.

5.3 Phase three, optimize systemresponse

The third and finalstepistooptimize thesystem accu-racy. Notice that the third step of the algorithm is

per-formed centrally, using measurement data stored in the database. Whentryingtomakeasimple model of the

tem-peratureone cantry tofitaline, aplane, or ahigher order

curve, between measuredtemperatures of different nodes

at the same epoch, using least squares regression. The temperature for node icanbe estimated with the

follow-ing equation.


Ti =ao+ api+ aqyYi

p=l q=P+l


Wherexi andyi are xandyposition respectively of sen-sor node i and ao ...aQ coefficients to be determined.

Theplane which fits the best, has has the lowestsum of residualsSr, equation 5. 2 N / Pp P+Q S'r =E|Ti- |ao+ aP + E


aqq i=1 \ \ P=1 q=P+l (5) Lowest sum of residuals means that Sr has to be mini-mized withrespect to zero. Minimize Sr means,



to each coefficient ai, equation 6, and setthe equationstozero.



= O,

The coefficientsao ...aQcanbe calculated. Inmatrix notation.

[[Z]T[Z]]A =[Z] T

A =



(7) (8) Where A is the vectorofao...aQ and T the vectorof



Let [Z] be the following


trix; temperature might benot good enough. When



u 2 P 2 Q thecalculated corrections, the system accuracy might get

1 xl12 l ...



2 * Y l worse. On the other side, themodel of the distribution of 2 ... x2 Y2 y2 ... Y2 the temperaturemight be good enough ifverybadsensors

. . . areused. In thatcasethe




Re-i Xn


...* P Yn




call that one has to look at the accuracy of the system as a

(9) whole. When theerror




for9sensorsis increased with 0.1°


and forone sensortheerroris decreased with 5.3.1 Order of




it is stillan


of the


as awhole.

Sosome sortof decision functionmustbe made which de-The correction, of the bias, can be improved in two cides toapply the corrections or not. As stated earlier the ways. First, do not use measurement data from one assumption has been made that the bias is Gaussian

dis-epoch, but calculate corrections for the biases for many tributed, assume,u = 0 and or = 1,



proper-epochs and average the result. A bad correction for ties ofthe Gaussian distribution are going to be used. The a single sensor, e.g. due to noise in a single epoch is firstquestionto be answered,whatis the systemaccuracy than slightly suppressed. Note that more samples do beforeapplying the algorithm. Recall equation 1, the sys-not necessary meanbetter results. When two estimated tem accuracy is the summation of the absolute value of distributions of the temperature are more or less the all biaserrors. When having N sensors (and N is large), same (e.g. measurements from consecutive epochs) the theaverage value of the absolute value of the bias can be

calculated correction values will also be the same. So calculated with equation 12. averaging two more similar values makes no difference.

When the temperature changes, different distributions of the temperature of the deployment scenario can be made. Due to the differences in temperature, different correction values will be calculated. A bad correction for a single sensor ofone distribution (one epoch) will be outaveraged bymultiple good estimations. Themore

different distributions of thetemperature exist, the better the result. This results in equation 10, where p is the order of thepolynomial,p= 1...4andEis the number

ofepochs, andiis the number of thesensor.


) E A




The second way to improve the correction is to aver-agethe correction calculated


different order of

polyno-mials. In simulations it is noticed that, a bad correction for one sensor for one specific order of polynomial will beoutaveraged by


calculated corrections of all polynomials (p = 1...


Insome casesduetothis

aver-aging the correction is betterthan, acorrection calculated byasingle







orderpolynomial is better. The best choice can


be determinedafterwards, and


insimulations when real values of the biases are available.


the calcu-lated corrections of different orderpolynomials will result

in most cases ingood estimations of the corrections. This is writtenoutinequation


where P =4.




A(i,p) P=l



5.3.2 Decision

The laststep inthealgorithm istodecide whether the cal-culated corrections should be


or not. Ifvery accu-rate sensors areused, the model of the distribution of the






Letscall this value theaverageabsolute value of thebias,

C. So when or = 1 andhaving 50 sensors, thesystem ac-curacywould be 50*0.7978 -


Assume that the

sensors arebought in a store. The chance thatarandom

setofsensors haveabettersystem accuracy is


The chance thatarandom setofsensors havea worsesystem accuracy is also


(symmetric properties). When deciding to apply the calculated


based on a

function with e as parameter, the system accuracy


get worse when using a good setofsensors. So ehave

to be made alittle bit lower to cope with a


set of

sensors. Letscall this lowered



The value of(low dependson acertainpercentage pand the number ofsensorsN. Assume the


is lowered that much that when


arandom setofsenors,the chance that the system accuracy of thatsetis above that



p, e.g. p =


Inordertocalculate the lowerboundary,twoequations from statistics. Ifthe biases '1 ...EN aremutually inde-pendent, and all


o2) distributed,



13 and14 canbe usedtocalculated thesumand


respectively. N






'EN =


'Ei i=l








'Thevalue ofa canbe derived from e.g. the data sheetfor real




To calculate a boundary for e.g. p >


the cumulative

table ofastandard normal distribution has tobe used. In

this table,one canfind that, p > 95% = N(1.65).

Equa-tion 15 is usedto show the calculation of the boundary, whereSN is the standardized value of SN.

not be applied.



A2 -









) =1.65)=

(15) This value, (low will be used inan equationtodecide

toapply the calculated corrections ornot. Note that, the higher value ofp,the lower the boundary. Note also, fora large number of nodes, this boundary is notlowered that much.

The laststep is the real decision of the decision func-tion. Please notice that theempirical decision function is foundduring experiments. At this stage of thealgorithm the estimations of the biases, all


are known. In the idealcase all


are equalto Ei. Unfortunately thecurve fitting doesnotfiteveryrealphysicaltemperature


So ateverysensoriasmall difference between the estimated

and the real bias remains. Lets call thiserror atsensori,


The next equation is relatedto the sum of residuals (equation 5), but duetoall theaveraging which have been carriedoutthere isnosingle physicaltemperatureandno single estimatedtemperature anymore. Whensummating

the square of all


more or less the sameresults is ob-tained although. As stated before there is an error ri at everysensori, sothe


inthenextequation canbe re-placed with ciandTji,whichareboth unknown. Equation









i=l i=1

When perfect sensors are used, all Ei are zero, so the only variable left is the amount oferror at each sensor squared, r


This summationof


is the bestsystem

ac-curacywhich ispossible. This value seemedtobe

impor-tantinthe decision function. Perfectsensors are impossi-ble, allsensors haveabiaserror c, sotheamountoferror



ateachsensormustbe estimated. One knows thaton

averageof the absolute value of all


this value is eas mentioned earlier. So the value of the summation of allr2

canbeestimated, this is doneinequation 17, note2. Recall thate is afunction of(7.




2 -



i=l i=l

The final, empirical found decision function becomes equation 18. When the left side of the equation is larger than theright side of the equation, the algorithm should

During simulations it is noticed that the left side of the previous equation results in more or less a straight line when simulating the proposed calibration algorithm for different values of(7. For small values of( the left side of

theequation is larger and therefore theaccuracyof the

sys-temas awhole decreases when applying the corrections. When the value of(7 increases, the line of the left side

of the equation intersects line of NE2 at a certainpoint,

note3. For this and larger values oforthe calculated cor-rections of the biases could be applied. Note that (low has been introducedtoraise the left side ofequation 18 andto

lower the right side of this equationalittle bit forahigher value ofpercentagep. Recall thatahigherpercentage of p,e.g. p = 95% results inalower value of (low



When performing a simulation run, figure 1 can be

made. The standard deviation of the bias is simulated from 0 to 0.5 (depicted on the x axis). On the y axis the average amount oferror per sensor in 0C (absolute value) is depicted. In the graph itself several system

accuracies are depicted. The solid line is the original system accuracy. System accuracies are depicted when applying corrections by single order of polynomials (1st

...4thorder). Thesystemaccuracyis alsodepicted when

the corrections calculatedby the several single


order polynomialsareaveraged, and finally thesystemaccuracy

of these averaged corrections are depicted including the decision function which decidestoapply the algorithm or


Many simulationrunshave been carriedoutandmany

could beplacedinthispaper. Two simulations(office en-vironment) have been chosentoshow the different results of the different order ofpolynomials. The different results when averaging the calculated corrections and the deci-sion function. The decideci-sioninonesimulation isvery ac-curate,inthe other simulation it isveryconservative. The

results of the first simulationrun aredepicted in figure 1. Theperformance of the algorithm and thecorrectness of the decision functioncanbe measured. This canbe done by calculating theamountof'improvement', 'missed' and 'degradation' pernode(per standard deviation)indegrees

Celsius. Inthe first simulationexample, the decision func-tion decidestoapply the calculated corrections when oris 0.175. The systemaccuracygetsworse,although 6.4m°C pernode isnotworthmentioning it. For values oforis 0.2 andhigher thesystemaccuracyimproves (the summation


2Note thatintheory this valuecanbenegative duetothiscalculation,

this isnoproblem because it is usedas asortof threshold. 3Recall thateisafunction ofa

P(SN <


= P SN


0.06 01 0.16 0.2 0.26 03 035 04 045 standard deviation of sensor









When running the same scenario a second time, new

biases are generated and the nodes are placed randomly again (thus the nodes are placed at other places), the results of thealgorithm will therefore also be different.In

the second simulationrun, a relative bad set ofsensors

have been simulated. A set ofsensors have an absolute

averagebias of


Inthissetthe absoluteaverage

value of the bias is - 0.9(7. Due tothis high value, the

algorithm decided to apply the calculated corrections

too late. It could apply the corrections for biases with

a standard deviation of0.15, but it decidedto apply the corrections for astandard deviation of0.425 and higher,

as can be seenin figure 2. The amount 'missed' is not

0.05 01 0.15 0.2 0.25 03 035 04 045 05 standard deviation ofsensor









that much per node in the


when or = 0.15 ...0.25.Improvements are


noticeable for standard

deviations of the bias of 0.275 andhigher, 0.10 Cpernode.



Data wasreceived from 24 distinct nodes. Temperature readings of the LM92 temperature sensors [5] seemed to be valid, all between 23.125°C and 26.125°C. To

calculate the correction of the biases of the sensors

the algorithm has been applied on a section of the

measurement data. Only epochs where more than N (e.g. N = 8) nodes deliveredtemperaturereadingswere

used. The tests were influenced with communication problems, epochs were more than 20 nodes delivered

measurements were rare. Increasing N did not make that much difference. In total 185 epochs were used. Calculations for the corrections of the biases (for every

node) were made for 1st,

2nd 3rd



order poly-nomials. These calculated corrections were averaged as

described before. Thealgorithm decidednot toapply the corrections of the biases. Calculated corrections were too high although close to the boundary (for different values of p) were it could apply the corrections. The

average absolute value of the bias when having a large

amount of LM92 temperature sensors is 0.08776


Notethat the resolution of thesensoris 0.0625'Cso the algorithm should correct the measurements in the order of1 or 2times the resolution which is almostimpossible

in an uncontrolled environment. When looking at the results of thealgorithm the calculated corrections seemed quite reasonable. From the24 calculated corrections, 6 calculated corrections had a higher absolute value than


but these higher values have probably too

much weight, so the algorithm decided not to apply the corrections. The highest calculated correction was


C. This value isalittle bitmorethan the maximum bias error (0.33


according to the data sheet of the LM92.

Accordingtothe data sheet andassuming that the read-ings of the LM92 are correct, temperature readings of the internaltemperature sensorof the



processor[3] of thesensornode should be between10


and 40°C. Lookingattheresults, temperaturesbetween 17.87


and 32.49


were measured, so the measure-mentsseemedtobe valid.Temperaturereadings ofsensor

node 1 aredepictedinfigure 3. The internaltemperature

reads always - 6.5


higher than the LM92

tempera-turesensor, the difference between both biaserrors. The

temperature courseismore orless equal. The same

phe-nomenais observedatall other nodes.

The calibration algorithm is also appliedon measure-ment data generated by the internal temperature sensor.

The algorithm decided to apply the corrections (for dif-ferent values of


Intable 1 the calculated corrections for the several order of




aswell VOLUME 2



1E31 46 61 76 91 106 12l 136 151 16lffl18 96 211 226 241 256 271 286 301 316 331 346 361 378 391

Figure 3. Temperature

readings of node


as the average correction (of the several different orders ofpolynomials). Inthe last column thepairwise (relative) calibrationrelationships between theLM92 and the

inter-nal temperature sensor aredepicted. The pairwise calibra-tionrelationships are calculated withequation 19, where

E is the number of epochs. Ifthere is no temperature measurementforanepoch available the difference for that epoch isset to zero.

Table 1. results of





(19) e=l

During simulations and testing, the assumptionwas that for both sensors the biases are Gaussian distributed, with mean ,u = 0. Due to the fact thatno temperature sensoris used which is calibratedtoanabsolute reference temperature, the real value of ,u for both temperature

sensors can not be determined. The ,u of the biases of

LM92temperaturesensor aswell as the internal temper-ature sensor will probably be close to zero, according to measured temperatures and priori knowledge. But if,u = +0.2 °C or -0.05°C, one can not say. When

averaging all temperature measurements of the LM92 temperaturesensors,theaveragetemperatureis 24.28'C.

The average temperature of all the measurements of all internaltemperaturesensors of theMSP430 is 24.64 °C.

When the average temperatures are equal, one can conclude that the value of ,u for both sensors is equal,

and probably close to zero. Although the difference in average temperature is not that big, the values of,u are

definitelynotthesame. Thereforeone cannotdeduce the real value of,ufor the LM92 and the internaltemperature

sensor. When assumed that the temperature readings of theLM92 are correct apairwise calibration relationship between the LM92 and the internal temperature sensor can be made. This pairwise calibration relationship is an estimation of the bias of the internal temperature sensor. Whencomparing these values with the averaged calculated corrections, these values mustbe in the same order. Looking at the results, the average correction of

node 8 and 11 are different in sign with respect to their

pairwise calibration. Looking in table 1 and 2 one can

node pos.X pos.Y node pos.X pos.Y

1 0.5 1 14 5.5 1.5 2 0.5 2.5 15 3.5 3 3 1.5 1 16 3.5 2 4 3 0.5 17 4 3 5 1.5 0.5 18 4.5 2 6 5.5 1 19 6 1 7 2 0.5 20 3 2 8 3.5 2.5 21 1 3 9 0.5 3 22 6 1.5 10 0.5 0.5 23 1 0.5 11 4 2 24 2.5 2 12 1 1 25 4.5 3 13 2 1



Position of the nodes

see that node 8 and node 11 are placed close to node

14, 15 and 16. These nodes have relative high (absolute value) bias errors. Due to the fact that a curve has to

be fit through the measured temperatures, the algorithm calculates corrections for node 8 and 11, which are affected by biased measurements of nodes 14, 15 and 16. Therefore the calculated corrections for node 8 and 11 are not correct. Looking at the pairwise calibration relationships, and assuming these relationships are more orless correct,node 1, 5, 12, 14, 20 and22have relative large biaserrors. Using onlya


order ofpolynomial (a plane) to calculate the corrections wouldproduce better results. Theproblem is that this conclusion is based on

measurements ofatemperature sensorwhichmeasures at

thesameposition and time thetemperature. Inan applica-tion wherenoreferencetemperature sensorisplaced this conclusioncannotbe drawn. Again,assumethe

tempera-turereadingsof theLM92temperaturesensors arecorrect.

8 Future work

During the experiments to test the calibration algo-rithm,sensornodeswereplacedon orclosetotheground. Thismeansthat thealgorithm is testedina2dimensional scenario. In a real life scenario it is likely that sensor nodesareplacedondifferentheights (meters difference). The calibrationalgorithm should be adaptedsothat itcan be used ina 3 dimensional environment. This should be

node ist 2nd 3rd 4th aver. pair 1 -3.14 -2.15 -0.10 0.42 -1.24 -6.75 2 0.06 0.38 0.06 -0.02 0.12 1.43 3 -4.96 -4.97 -4.25 -3.56 -4.43 -4.46 4 -2.95 -2.81 -0.97 -0.43 -1.79 -3.56 5 2.07 2.45 1.54 1.08 1.79 5.44 6 -0.56 -1.02 -1.46 -0.49 -0.88 -1.95 7 -0.35 0.15 -0.11 -0.67 -0.25 2.25 8 1.48 2.14 0.25 0.09 0.99 -1.77 9 0.13 -0.23 0.60 0.08 0.14 1.16 10 -2.99 -1.78 0.08 0.20 -1.12 -2.05 1 1 1.61 1.56 0.44 -0.48 0.78 -1.08 12 4.38 1.79 1.44 1.17 2.19 5.63 13 0.07 0.13 0.08 0.05 0.08 -0.30 14 -1.93 -2.01 -0.98 -0.80 -1.43 -6.83 15 6.11 5.75 3.77 3.36 4.75 4.76 16 0.42 0.19 -0.08 -0.65 -0.03 -3.71 17 1.22 0.87 0.44 0.49 0.76 0.55 19 0.25 0.52 0.70 0.54 0.50 -0.20 20 -4.44 -3.71 -2.64 -1.25 -3.01 -6.95 21 1.81 1.73 0.43 0.27 1.06 1.78 22 -3.59 -3.24 -1.02 -1.67 -2.38 -7.89 23 -4.25 -3.48 -2.00 -0.57 -2.57 -0.71 24 -2.15 -1.01 0.16 0.01 -0.75 -4.14 25 -0.85 -1.09 -0.43 0.03 -0.58 -4.73


simulated and tested. The calibration algorithm has been

tested in arelative small room. Temperature differences weretherefore relative small. When a sensornetwork is applied in a larger area, it is likely that the difference in temperatureincrease and that there is less correlation in temperaturebetweengroups of nodes thatarephysically

far away from each other. In this case the area should be

separated into smaller areas, sothealgorithmbecomes a more localized calibration algorithm. Separation can be

doneby dividing theareainsmallerareas onbeforehand.

More sophisticated approaches canbethought of, like a

separation based on temperature readings. Temperature sensorswhicharemeasuring thesametemperature course intimecanbe grouped together.

Afinal question should be answered. Whattodo with

sensor readings that are probably measurements errors.

Somemeasurementvaluescanbe filteredoutveryeasily.

Due to errors, e.g. acommunication error with the sensor or aconversion error on thesensor, the sensorprobably reads the minimum ormaximumsensorreading which is possible. Assumemeasurements are notperformedatthe boundaries of thesensor, sotheseextreme sensorreadings

canbe detected and removed quite easily. When one or two sensors aremeasuring slightly differenttemperatures,

it is difficultto state ifthe measurements are correct or not. The office scenario where the algorithm is tested is taken as example. Assume all sensors are measuring between 22°C and 25 °C, one sensor measuresbetween

29°C and31'C. What towith thesevalues, it is alittle bithigh butnotimpossiblein anoffice. Makingamodel of the distribution of the temperature with or without these high temperature readings makes a difference. Therefore the algorithm might make a wrong decision

in order to apply the algorithm or not. How to filter measured data in order to improve the results of the calibrationalgorithm should be researched further. What

to doifthe decision function decides that the calculated corrections mustbe applied. Assume all corrections are

less then the maximum expected (absolute) bias error except one. Should one apply the calculate correction for thissensor, orthe maximum expected (absolute) bias

error orshould this calculated value(or all values) be

ne-glected. These questionscanbe researchedinthe future. Some additionaltests canbe madetocheck the calculated corrections. The calculated corrections should follow a

Gaussian distribution. If e.g. the,uisnotcloseto zero or

the shape does notlook like a Gaussian distribution the calculated corrections are unlikely. Additional tests can

be researched further.

Amodel of the distribution of thetemperature can be made to check for measurement errors. The model can

also be usedto inter- orextrapolatemeasurement values. Useful whenmeasurementdata ismissing,or tocheck the

accurate sensors. These possibilities should be explored.



In order to improve the accuracy of sensor measure-ments, less accurate sensors must be calibrated. Without anyquestion the bestway todo thisis, is manually. How-ever, the labor needed for manual calibration makes this

approach unusable. The proposed calibration algorithm is suitable for calibration of sensors in sensor networks.

Simulations and practical tests have been carried out

with temperature sensors. These simulations and tests

showed that the accuracy of the temperature sensors can beimproved. The amount ofimprovementdepends on the environment, in a clean environment, where the

distribution oftemperatureissmooth, large improvements of the accuracy are possible. Due to the conservative

behavior of the algorithm, the chance ofa decrease of

accuracy (of the whole system) is small. Therefore the proposed calibration algorithm can be used to improve theaccuracyof themeasurements,withoutanyharm. The

proposed algorithm isanoff-line algorithm,soit requires

no additional hard- or software on the sensor nodes. Besides the possibilityto calibrate sensors, the model of the distribution of the temperature canbe used to check

measurement values for validity. It is possible to

inter-or extrapolate missing measurement data. This can be

exploited while estimating (calculating) a measurement

is moreefficientin terms ofenergy than sampling areal physicalsensor. This is usefulin aWSN.


[1] V. Bychkovskiy. Distributed in-place calibration insensor

networks. Master'sthesis, University ofCaliforniaatLos Angeles, June 2003.

[2] V. Byckovskiy, S. Megerian, D. Estrin, and M. Potkonjak. Acollaborativeapproachtoin-placesensorcalibration. In

Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on In-formation Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), volume 2634 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 301-316.Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.

[3] T. Instruments. MSP430F149 Data sheet,


[4] A. LaMarca, W. Brunette, D. Koizumi, M. Lease, S. B. Sig-urdsson,K.Sikorski,D.Fox, and G. Borriello.Making sen-sornetworkspracticalwith robots. InPervasive '02: Pro-ceedings ofthe First InternationalConferenceonPervasive Computing, pages 152-166.Springer-Verlag,2002. [5] N. Semiconductor. Temperature sensor LM92,


[6] K.Whitehouse and D. Culler. Calibrationasparameter

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validity ofmeasurementdata. Asmallamountofaccurate sensors can be used to calibrate a large amount of less


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