For Date: 10/01/2015 - Thursday
Time Call Reason Action
0650 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0725 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0826 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001387] LEOMINSTER DISTRICT COURT - 25 SCHOOL ST
0828 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Vicinity of: 111 PRINCETON ST
0836 Motor Vehicle Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 170 WHITNEY ST @ 130 WATER ST
Refer To Arrest: 15-26526-AR
Arrest: ROCKEL, SARAH D Address: 3 WILLOW ST CLINTON, MA Age: 38
0841 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 705 CENTRAL ST @ 325 LITCHFIELD ST
0858 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 935 MAIN ST @ 1 LINCOLN ST
0914 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001387] LEOMINSTER DISTRICT COURT - 25 SCHOOL ST
0930 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001402] LEOMINSTER HIGH SCHOOL - 100 KINGMAN DR
Refer To Incident: 15-27017-OF
0931 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 92 MIDDLE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26530-OF
0933 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 000122] APPLESEED DENTAL - 23 MILL ST
0943 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 705 CENTRAL ST @ 325 LITCHFIELD ST
0949 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
0957 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 285 CENTRAL ST
0957 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000730] DONATELLI, GREG G - 173 LINDELL AVE
1000 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002203] STAPLES - 289 N MAIN ST Apt. #101
1005 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 372] FIDELITY BANK - 75 MAIN ST
1018 Radio Problem Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 700 N MAIN ST @ 1 WESTLAND AVE
1021 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 164 CENTRAL ST
1023 Alarm False Alarm
1025 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: 89 MONARCH ST
1037 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 1 NELSON ST @ 298 N MAIN ST
1039 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 285 CENTRAL ST
1040 Suicide Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 728 WILLARD ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26545-OF
1045 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1058 Civil Complaint Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 127 MERRIAM AVE
1101 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 50 OLD MILL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-26549-OF
1106 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001678] MR MIKE'S MOBIL - 76 MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26551-OF
1148 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 30 CAMPBELL AVE @ 205 ARLINGTON ST
1149 Fraud Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 17] FIGNOLE, NOEL - 37 ORCHARD ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26556-OF
1207 warrant Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 34 FRANKLIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26557-OF
1246 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 144 WEST ST Apt. #24
Refer To Incident: 15-26559-OF
1258 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: WEST BOUND - CONNECTOR RAMP
1304 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000012] A TASTE OF VIETNAM - 814 N MAIN ST Apt. #3
1312 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 335 LANCASTER ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26563-OF
1319 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000205] BEAUCHEMIN, WILLIAM & BETTY - 910 PLEASANT ST 1324 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - 400 MECHANIC ST
1326 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001611] LEOMINSTER SHELL - 436 LANCASTER ST
1331 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 34 KENDALL HILL RD
1348 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 95 CENTRAL ST
1352 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - 400 MECHANIC ST
1403 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 163 UNION ST Apt. #3
Refer To Incident: 15-26572-OF
1500 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 31 HAYES ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26575-OF
1503 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001209] ATHENS - 525 MAIN ST
1504 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: MONUMENT SQ
1505 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location: RTE 12 @ RTE 2 OVERPASS
1527 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1529 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002401] WAL-MART SUPERCENTER - 11 JUNGLE RD
Refer To Incident: 15-26580-OF
1540 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 54 MAIN ST
1541 Leaving Scene Accident Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 54] AVIDIA BANK - 470 LANCASTER ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26582-OF
1550 Motor Vehicle Dispatch Narrative Location: MONUMENT SQUARE
1553 Juvenile Problem Investigated - Report Ta
Location/Address: [LEO 000675] DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILIES - 690 MECHANIC ST Apt. #100 Refer To Incident: 15-26584-OF
1602 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 54 MAIN ST
1605 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 54 MAIN ST
1625 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 54 MAIN ST
1823 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 646 WACHUSETT ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26594-OF
1831 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000392] LOPEZ, EFRAIN & JOHANNA - 18 ELMWOOD AVE
1834 Larceny of Bike Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001067] GUTHRIE BROTHERS LANDSCAPING - 62 ALLEN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26574-OF
1842 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000613] CVS/PHARMACY - 188 CENTRAL ST
2045 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001920] TWIN CITY MALL - 975 MERRIAM AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-26606-OF
2112 warrant Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: STATE ST
2250 Motor Vehicle Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 683 LANCASTER ST @ 1 SAGE AVE
2331 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000111] ANSIN, RONALD M - OFFICES - 1 MAIN ST
For Date: 10/02/2015 - Friday
0006 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000045] ADVANCE AUTO PARTS - 568 MAIN ST
0110 Private Tow Dispatch Narrative
Location/Address: [LEO 000420] CENTRAL VILLAGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES - 740 CENTRAL ST 0154 Private Tow Dispatch Narrative
Location/Address: 11 BLOSSOM ST
0218 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 VISCOLOID AVE @ 428 LANCASTER ST
0340 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 149 THIRD ST Apt. #1R
0409 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 164 THIRD ST Apt. #2F
Refer To Incident: 15-26665-OF
0703 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0723 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 211 MECHANIC ST
0738 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0828 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001387] LEOMINSTER DISTRICT COURT - 25 SCHOOL ST
0919 Leaving Scene Accident Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001576] MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT - 302 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26675-OF
0954 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 68 NICHOLS ST
1009 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 1002 MAIN ST @ 1 EASTERN AVE
1036 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 002389] WACHUSETT SEAT COVER CO INC - 28 NICHOLS ST
1104 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1111 Any Police Tow Vehicle Towed Location/Address: 178 WATER ST
1116 Civil Complaint Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 20 WELLS CT
Refer To Incident: 15-26684-OF
1146 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 74 NICHOLS ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26685-OF
Location/Address: [LEO 001906] POST OFFICE - 68 MAIN ST
1231 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 9] TARGET - 86 ORCHARD HILL PARK DR
Refer To Incident: 15-26687-OF
1239 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: 35 EDEN GLEN
1259 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: CONNECTOR RAMP
1308 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 30 MARCELLO AVE Apt. #5
Refer To Incident: 15-26692-OF
1334 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000088] THE WELLINGTON - 54 GREEN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26694-OF
1340 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - 400 MECHANIC ST
1359 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - 400 MECHANIC ST
1410 Assault & Battery Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002334] MIRANDA'S LOUNGE - 488 LANCASTER ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26698-OF
1411 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 823 MAIN ST
1429 Break and Enter Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 144 WEST ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-26702-OF
1512 Drug Offenses Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 DRUG ST
1522 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 97 WEST ST
1542 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 15 ARLINGTON ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26707-OF
1558 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 400 MECHANIC ST @ 135 COMMERCIAL RD
1633 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 73 HERITAGE LN Apt. #A1
Refer To Incident: 15-26712-OF
1738 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002327] TURNOUT VARIETY STORE - 636 MAIN ST
1752 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 23 MILL ST @ 23 TREMAINE ST
1837 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 13 CEDAR ST
1900 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 349 N MAIN ST @ 410 HAMILTON ST
1925 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 190 SIXTH ST @ 245 MECHANIC ST
1950 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 285 DAY ST @ 1 JUDY DR
2000 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000168] BAKER CADILLAC OLDSMOBILE - 495 MAIN ST
2015 Trespassing Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [LEO 381] RYE & THYME - 14 MONUMENT SQ
Refer To Arrest: 15-26726-AR
2054 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001782] OUTBACK STEAKHOUSE - 865 MERRIAM AVE
2133 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: [LEO 001576] MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT - 302 N MAIN ST
2138 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001576] MCDONALD'S RESTAURANT - 302 N MAIN ST
2158 Larceny of Motor Vehicle Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 106 COTTAGE ST Apt. #2FLR
2223 Alarm False Alarm
2223 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: COLBURN ST
2250 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 32 NILE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26737-OF
2252 Alarm False Alarm
2319 Harr. Phone Calls Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 174 FIFTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26741-OF
2328 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 180 LANCASTER ST @ 315 SIXTH ST
For Date: 10/03/2015 - Saturday
0016 Traffic Verbal Warning
Location/Address: MAIN ST
0031 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: (FLR 1) - 9 FOURTH ST
0050 Disturbance Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 182 FLORENCE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26765-OF
0119 Alarm False Alarm
0220 Private Tow Vehicle Towed
Location/Address: [LEO 000420] CENTRAL VILLAGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATES - 740 CENTRAL ST 0240 Reposses MV Vehicle Towed
Location/Address: 212 MAIN ST
0244 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000671] DENNY'S RESTAURANT - 38 COMMERCIAL RD
0324 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 187 MECHANIC ST Apt. #3
Refer To Incident: 15-26795-OF
0415 Private Tow Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 30 TERRACE DR
0732 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 000059] AIRPORT AUTO PARTS - 56 CRAWFORD ST
0803 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001507] MAGIC FUEL - 509 MAIN ST
0910 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001315] CLOCKWORK PIZZA - 9 PLEASANT ST
1041 Animal Complaint Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 9] TARGET - 86 ORCHARD HILL PARK DR
1058 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Vicinity of: [LEO 342] TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY - 235 NEW LANCASTER RD
1117 Drug Offenses Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 DRUG ST
1124 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 32 NILE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26816-OF
1226 Leaving Scene Accident Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001085] HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET - 977 MERRIAM AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-26817-OF
1252 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: LAUREL ST
1436 Motor Vehicle Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 152 NINTH ST
Refer To Arrest: 15-26822-AR
1445 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001537] MARSHALLS - 520 N MAIN ST Apt. #3
1521 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001020] GOLD BOWL CHINESE RESTAURANT - 753 CENTRAL ST 1525 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 29 BICENTENNIAL AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-26828-OF
1600 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 146 MAIN ST @ 1 WALNUT ST
1612 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 331 HILL ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26831-OF
1614 Civil Complaint Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 14 PROSPECT ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-26832-OF
1619 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001402] LEOMINSTER HIGH SCHOOL - 100 KINGMAN DR
1643 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 63 GREEN ST Apt. #3
Refer To Incident: 15-26834-OF
Location/Address: [LEO 001605] MICHAELS ARTS & CRAFTS - 18 WATERTOWER PLZ Refer To P/C: 15-26835-AR
Address: 74 LEIGHTON ST Apt. #1L FITCHBURG, MA Age: 25
1732 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002401] WAL-MART SUPERCENTER - 11 JUNGLE RD
1803 OUI Alcohol/Drugs Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: CONNECTOR RAMP
Refer To Arrest: 15-26837-AR
1850 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 2 MAIN ST @ 1 WEST ST
1906 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: MONUMENT SQ
1949 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 345 CENTRAL ST
1951 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 1133 CENTRAL ST @ 525 GRANT ST
1957 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 23 MILL ST @ 23 TREMAINE ST
2107 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 80 VINE ST @ 170 WALNUT ST
2115 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001419] LEOMINSTER POLICE DEPARTMENT - 29 CHURCH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26849-OF
2151 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001786] P J FERGUSON INSURANCE AGENCY - 184 MAIN ST
2156 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 16 NINTH ST
2259 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001606] COLUMBIA TAVERN - 16 CENTRAL ST Apt. #REAR
Refer To Incident: 15-26853-OF
2329 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 168 TENTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26856-OF
2330 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 002177] SANTANDER BANK - 11 PARK ST
2336 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001397] LEOMINSTER GARDENS APARTMENTS - 560 N MAIN ST 2349 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 219 MECHANIC ST @ 200 FIFTH ST
For Date: 10/04/2015 - Sunday
0016 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
0051 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 590 MAIN ST @ 1 MARSHALL ST
0120 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001667] MOTEL 6 - 48 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #253
Refer To Incident: 15-26875-OF
0127 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 255 LANCASTER ST @ 1 MARGUERITE AVE
0204 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 13 STATE ST Apt. #F
0218 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 235 NASHUA ST @ 1 MOHAWK DR
0220 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: (SE SECTOR) (cell: 128 MAIN ST) - 16 CROSSMAN AVE
0229 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002063] RTE 2 HYUNDAI - 743 N MAIN ST
0243 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001223] JC FENWICK'S PUB - 37 MECHANIC ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26895-OF
0325 Disturbance Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 55 TERRACE DR Apt. #A-4
Refer To Incident: 15-26898-OF
0528 Unwanted Guest Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000671] DENNY'S RESTAURANT - 38 COMMERCIAL RD
0735 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 185 MECHANIC ST @ 1 WALKER ST
0747 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 100 SPRUCE ST
0804 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 425] ANIMAL CONTROL - 25 WEST ST
0823 Motor Vehicle Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 85 CARTER ST @ 15 ARCH ST
Refer To Arrest: 15-26908-AR
0915 Motor Vehicle CRIMINAL COMPLIANT Location/Address: [LEO 001906] POST OFFICE - 68 MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26909-OF
0917 Mal Damage property Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 351 WEST ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26910-OF
0955 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 48 FRUIT ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26912-OF
1017 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: EXIT 31 - ROUTE 2 WEST
1143 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 15 VINE ST
1202 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 230 LANCASTER ST @ 1 JOHNSON ST
1212 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 89] FIDELITY BANK - 9 LEOMINSTER CONNECTOR
1214 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: NEAR NUTTING DR - PROSPECT ST
1227 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 119 WEST ST Apt. #2FL
Refer To Incident: 15-26919-OF
1232 Leaving Scene Accident Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002079] SAINT CECILIA'S PARISH - CHURCH - 180 MECHANIC ST 1238 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
1246 Assault & Battery Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 145 FOURTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26922-OF
1315 Motor Vehicle CRIMINAL COMPLIANT Location/Address: MECHANIC ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26923-OF
1337 Animal Complaint Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 203 SIXTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26924-OF
1409 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 29] CARTER PARK - 125 MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26925-OF
1411 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: NEAR 161 SPRUCE ST - FIFTH ST
1420 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002132] SHAW'S SUPERMARKET - 25 WATERTOWER PLZ
1421 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 1] HOMETOWN BANK - 9 SACK BLVD
1432 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 002132] SHAW'S SUPERMARKET - 25 WATERTOWER PLZ
1537 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 11 CROWN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26930-OF
1538 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: BONNYDALE RD
Refer To Incident: 15-26931-OF
1607 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 28 CRAVEN DR
1650 Shoplifting Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000874] MACY'S - 106 COMMERCIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-26934-OF
1651 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 170 MAIN ST @ 1 N MAIN ST
1658 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000205] BEAUCHEMIN, WILLIAM & BETTY - 910 PLEASANT ST 1719 Shoplifting Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002401] WAL-MART SUPERCENTER - 11 JUNGLE RD
1727 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 39] CENTURY 21 DeNault Realty Inc - 1079 CENTRAL ST
1750 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 74 GRANITE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26939-OF
1906 Motor Vehicle CRIMINAL COMPLIANT Location/Address: [LEO 002067] RUSSELL'S PACKAGE STORE - 24 COLUMBIA ST
Refer To Incident: 15-26943-OF
1909 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 94 CENTRAL ST @ 1 UNION ST
1924 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 262 RIDGEWOOD DR
1932 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 204 MECHANIC ST @ 1 FOURTH ST
2030 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 1 VISCOLOID AVE @ 280 MECHANIC ST
2038 Reposses MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: [LEO 000743] ROSARIO, DOROTHY - 395 MECHANIC ST
2111 warrant Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000615] CVS/PHARMACY - 9 NELSON ST
2112 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000246] BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB - 115 ERDMAN WAY
2130 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 114 MECHANIC ST
2145 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 001938] PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - 109 GRAHAM ST
2212 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 830 UNION ST
2221 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 489 CENTRAL ST @ 1 CRISCI ST
2241 Alarm False Alarm
2333 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 292] WORKER'S CREDIT UNION - 11 JUNGLE RD
2348 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 000815] ENTERPRISE RENT-A-CAR - 127 MECHANIC ST
For Date: 10/05/2015 - Monday
0041 Break and Enter Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 25 FOURTH AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-26977-OF
0125 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 292] WORKER'S CREDIT UNION - 11 JUNGLE RD
0642 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: (SE SECTOR) (cell: 100 MAIN) - 206 FLORENCE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27008-OF
0652 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0723 Alarm False Alarm Location/Address: [LEO 000246] BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB - 115 ERDMAN WAY
0731 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0743 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: 826 MERRIAM AVE @ 1 MADISON ST
0744 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 114 MECHANIC ST
0831 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 000177] BANK OF AMERICA - 1 MAIN ST
0839 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001387] LEOMINSTER DISTRICT COURT - 25 SCHOOL ST
0915 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 187 WASHINGTON ST
0934 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
0949 Mal Damage property Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 426] CAMIRE, JANICE - 32 PARK AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27024-OF
0955 Larceny of Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 429] INDUSTRIAL PACKAGING - 150 INDUSTRIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27025-OF
1026 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 705 CENTRAL ST @ 325 LITCHFIELD ST
1044 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 30 SPRUCE ST
1053 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 1 PRIEST ST @ 352 MAIN ST
1103 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1108 Unattended Death Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001411] LEOMINSTER MOTOR INN - 665 CENTRAL ST Apt. #135 Refer To Incident: 15-27032-OF
1110 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 100 WASHINGTON ST
1114 Leaving Scene Accident Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 725 MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27035-OF
1118 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 75 WASHINGTON ST
1124 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: ABBOTT AVE
1201 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 1 NASHUA ST @ 533 MAIN ST
1302 Directed patrol Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: ROUTE 2 CONNECTOR WEST - CONNECTOR RAMP
1326 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: CONNECTOR RAMP
Location/Address: 28 CHERYL DR
1349 Stolen Property Offenses Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 853 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-13931-OF
Refer To Incident: 15-27049-OF
1455 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001151] HOME DEPOT - 135 COMMERCIAL RD
1507 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000613] CVS/PHARMACY - 188 CENTRAL ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27054-OF
1508 Fraud Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001623] MITCHELL, DIANNE E - 43 DAISY DR
Refer To Incident: 15-27055-OF
1519 warrant Dispatch Narrative Location: DOWNTOWN AREA
1526 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 556 CENTRAL ST Apt. #101
1530 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 62 WATER ST @ 1 SUMMER ST
1543 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location: DOWNTOWN AREA
1555 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: MECHANIC ST
1618 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 556 CENTRAL ST Apt. #101
1627 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1638 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: LINCOLN TER
1706 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 302] GOLD BUYERS OF AMERICA - 100 COMMERCIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27071-OF
1746 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001231] JIFFY LUBE - 535 MAIN ST
1816 Radio Problem Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 533 MAIN ST @ 1 NASHUA ST
1822 Disturbance Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 175 FIFTH ST
1852 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001084] HANNAFORD SUPERMARKET - 118 LANCASTER ST
1913 Shoplifting Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [LEO 002116] SEARS - 100 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #10
Refer To Arrest: 15-27082-A-AR
Address: 100 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #163 LEOMINSTER, MA Age: 32
Charges: SHOPLIFTING BY CONCEALING MDSE Refer To Arrest: 15-27082-AR
Address: 100 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #160 LEOMINSTER, MA Age: 33
1915 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 63 ABBOTT AVE
1922 Civil Complaint Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 444 UNION ST
1938 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000163] THE DAILY BAGLE CAFE - 582 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27085-OF
1957 Civil Complaint Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 343] BERGERON, JUSTIN - 113 SIXTH ST Apt. #1
2011 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 108 MECHANIC ST @ 120 WHITNEY ST
2016 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 4 STATE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27088-OF
For Date: 10/06/2015 - Tuesday
0250 Alarm False Alarm
0521 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 219 MECHANIC ST @ 200 FIFTH ST
0707 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0736 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0814 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [WOR 1] KEY PROGRAM - 104 LINCOLN ST
0831 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001419] LEOMINSTER POLICE DEPARTMENT - 29 CHURCH ST
0834 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000236] BILL'S AUTO PARTS - 3 SEVENTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27151-OF
0836 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 1 ALLEN ST @ 10 PRIEST ST
0842 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001419] LEOMINSTER POLICE DEPARTMENT - 29 CHURCH ST
0846 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 705 CENTRAL ST @ 325 LITCHFIELD ST
0856 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000602] CUPO, MICHAEL T - 258 HILL ST
0909 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001459] LIPTON CENTER - 45 SUMMER ST
0911 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: NEW LANCASTER RD
0942 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: NICHOLS ST
1000 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 500 PENNSYLVANIA AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27450-OF
Location/Address: ABBOTT AVE
1017 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta
Location/Address: [LEO 160] BOB GEORGE'S BARBER & BEAUTY SALON - 29 PLEASANT ST Apt. #1 FLR Refer To Incident: 15-27136-OF
1028 Graffiti Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 1070 LANCASTER ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27137-OF
1035 Graffiti Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: OLD MILL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27140-OF
1057 Weapons Violation Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000163] THE DAILY BAGLE CAFE - 582 N MAIN ST Apt. #'
Refer To Incident: 15-27141-OF
1059 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1120 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: 44 KENDALL HILL RD
1151 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 600 ABBOTT AVE
1154 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: 65 LINDELL AVE
1214 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000338] JARMULOWICZ, ROBERT & JESSICA - 14 WESTLAND AVE Refer To Incident: 15-27146-OF
1227 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 630 ABBOTT AVE
1243 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
1244 Suicide Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 57 ORCHARD ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-27164-OF
1244 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001455] TEDESCHI FOOD SHOPS - 782 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27165-OF
1325 warrant No Service Made Location/Address: 48 LANCASTER ST
1337 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: W/B - CONNECTOR RAMP
1337 Graffiti Investigated - Report Ta Vicinity of: 40 HASKELL AVE @ 80 VISTA AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27170-OF
1354 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - 400 MECHANIC ST
1502 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 151 WEST ST @ 1 VINE ST
1521 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1609 Motor Vehicle Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 49 COTTAGE ST
Refer To Arrest: 15-27180-AR
Address: 740 CENTRAL ST Apt. #J24 LEOMINSTER, MA Age: 19
Unlawfully attaching a registration plate
1646 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 000070] ALLEN'S DEPARTMENT STORE - 26 MAIN ST
1647 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 20 SIERRA WAY
Refer To Incident: 15-27183-OF
1728 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: TOLMAN AVE
1803 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 83 TOLMAN AVE
1827 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 61 WILDER RD
1828 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000514] CONGREGATION AGUDAT ACHIM - 268 WASHINGTON ST 2008 Missing Person Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 157 TISDALE ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27193-OF
2013 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MEAD ST @ 495 MAIN ST
2027 warrant Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 147 FOURTH ST Apt. #1L
2237 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000034] ACRO MATIC PLASTICS - 32 JUNGLE RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27200-OF
2245 Alarm False Alarm
For Date: 10/07/2015 - Wednesday
0021 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001402] LEOMINSTER HIGH SCHOOL - 100 KINGMAN DR
0117 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000856] FASTENAL - 100 CRAWFORD ST Apt. #1-2
0224 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001137] HILLTOP GARDEN APARTMENTS - 47 PRINCETON ST Apt. #130 Refer To Incident: 15-27244-OF
0457 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 345 CENTRAL ST @ 1 TOCCI ST
0508 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 345 CENTRAL ST @ 1 TOCCI ST
0511 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 193 NASHUA ST
0515 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 338 CENTRAL ST @ 105 MARGUERITE AVE
0516 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 000877] NEL CORPORATION - 125 NASHUA ST
0525 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 146 CENTRAL ST @ 1 CROSS ST
0531 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001411] LEOMINSTER MOTOR INN - 665 CENTRAL ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27265-OF
0543 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001681] MTC PRINTING - 243 NASHUA ST
0552 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 100 NASHUA ST
0559 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 168 NASHUA ST
0602 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001533] MARKET BASKET - 71 SACK BLVD
0655 Directed patrol Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0709 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 002116] SEARS - 100 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #10
0728 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: MERRIAM AVE
0732 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0744 Larceny Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 51 PEARL ST Apt. #7
Refer To Incident: 15-27274-OF
0832 Directed patrol Citation/Warning Issued Location: ST. ANNA SCHOOL
0859 Reposses MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: 556 CENTRAL ST Apt. #25
0905 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 170 LANCASTER ST
0918 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 000957] GALLAGHER BUILDING - 24 CHURCH ST
0922 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000383] CARTER BUILDING - 261 WEST ST
0938 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 68 NICHOLS ST
0953 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001129] SPEEDWAY - 482 MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27288-OF
1013 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 85 TENTH ST
1013 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001920] TWIN CITY MALL - 975 MERRIAM AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27296-OF
1036 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1050 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 12 GRAHAM ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27299-OF
1104 Alarm False Alarm
1106 Keep The Peace Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 58 VISCOLOID AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27304-OF
1117 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 312 N MAIN ST @ 1 FRUIT ST
1123 Unwanted Guest Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001667] MOTEL 6 - 48 COMMERCIAL RD Apt. #259
Refer To Incident: 15-27306-OF
1131 Juvenile Problem Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 31 FIRST ST Apt. #3FL
Refer To Incident: 15-27307-OF
1150 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: KING AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27308-OF
1210 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 15 DOGWOOD RD
1223 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 33 LANCASTER ST
1224 Shoplifting Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001533] MARKET BASKET - 71 SACK BLVD
Refer To Incident: 15-27314-OF
1307 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
1311 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: 22 LOIS ST
1315 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: ROUTE 2 CONNECTOR WEST - CONNECTOR RAMP
1326 Disturbance Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002456] WYMAN'S LIQUOR MART - 30 PLEASANT ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27322-OF
1336 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 001151] HOME DEPOT - 135 COMMERCIAL RD
1350 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001180] IC FEDERAL CREDIT UNION - CONNECTOR RAMP
1350 K9 Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002336] U-HAUL CENTER OF LEOMINSTER - 207 CENTRAL ST
1403 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 96 CARRIAGEWAY DR Apt. #8
Refer To Incident: 15-27329-OF
1441 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 42 FOURTH AVE
1501 Shoplifting Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001533] MARKET BASKET - 71 SACK BLVD
Refer To Incident: 15-27332-OF
1517 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001881] BWAY CORPORATION - 196 INDUSTRIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27334-OF
1523 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 75 MILL ST @ 308 WHITNEY ST
Location/Address: [LEO 000246] BJ'S WHOLESALE CLUB - 115 ERDMAN WAY Refer To Incident: 15-27336-OF
1545 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1609 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 21 FIRST ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27338-OF
1624 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 158 ADAMS ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27339-OF
1641 Juvenile Problem Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 158 THIRD ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-27341-OF
1707 Assault & Battery Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002237] DAYS INN - 482 N MAIN ST Apt. #104
Refer To Incident: 15-27344-OF
1710 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 2 NASHUA ST @ 2 CONNECTOR RAMP
1735 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002083] SAINT LEO'S PARISH - CEMETERY - 360 LANCASTER ST 1737 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1752 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001628] MODERN DISPERSIONS - 78 MARGUERITE AVE
Refer To Incident: 15-27349-OF
1818 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 000205] BEAUCHEMIN, WILLIAM & BETTY - 910 PLEASANT ST 1825 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 65 UNION ST
1914 Juvenile Problem Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 157 MECHANIC ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-27356-OF
1940 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001640] MONTACHUSETT OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL - 1000 LANCASTER ST 2015 Alarm Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 14 COMMERCIAL RD
2034 warrant Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 130 THIRD ST @ 138 SPRUCE ST
2041 Reposses MV Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 6 GRANDVIEW AVE
2110 Trespassing Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [LEO 001212] JADE 2 CHINESE RESTAURANT - 40 MECHANIC ST
Refer To P/C: 15-27364-AR
Charges: PROTECTIVE CUSTODY Refer To Incident: 15-27364-OF
2323 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000180] TD BANKNORTH - 15 MONUMENT SQ
2325 Harr. Phone Calls Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 481] 272 SIXTH ST Apt. #2
Refer To Incident: 15-27371-OF
For Date: 10/08/2015 - Thursday
0035 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001640] MONTACHUSETT OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL - 1000 LANCASTER ST
0046 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001652] YAMATO JAPAN - 975 MERRIAM AVE
0106 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 000477] CLASSIC'S PUB - 285 CENTRAL ST
0146 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 643 ABBOTT AVE
0201 Radio Problem Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: N MAIN ST
0546 Disturbance Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000163] THE DAILY BAGLE CAFE - 582 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27430-OF
0644 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 485] ABC MOVING AND STORAGE - 241 WILLARD ST
0646 Reposses MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: 9 STATE ST
0652 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0721 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 199 LANCASTER ST
0726 Disturbance Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001667] MOTEL 6 - 48 COMMERCIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27435-OF
0733 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 470 ELM ST
0746 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001240] JOHNNY APPLESEED SCHOOL - 845 MAIN ST
0800 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 22 STATE ST
0809 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001187] IMPERIAL AUTO BODY & SALES - 199 VISCOLOID AVE 0820 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000677] LITALIEN, DAVID & MARIA - 238 BIRCHCROFT RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27440-OF
0820 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 2 BARTLETT ST
0822 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 516 PROSPECT ST
0841 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: ST. ANNA SCHOOL - 201 LANCASTER ST
0909 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 28 MIDDLE ST
0909 warrant Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 476] 192 PLEASANT ST Apt. #2
0920 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: MILL ST
0945 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
1037 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001377] LEOMINSTER LIQUOR MART - 531 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27458-OF
1111 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1137 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: WATER TOWER PLAZA - 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1139 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 001533] MARKET BASKET - 71 SACK BLVD
Refer To Incident: 15-27465-OF
1210 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1227 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000975] GARIEPY, STEPHEN & JUDY - 247 GRANITE ST
1246 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 175 ELM ST
1301 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1130 CENTRAL ST @ 1 BETH AVE
1303 Private Tow Vehicle Towed Location/Address: [LEO 001915] PRESIDENTIAL PARK APARTMENTS - 183 WILLARD ST Apt. #204 1328 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: ROUTE 2 CONNECTOR WEST - CONNECTOR RAMP
1356 OUI Alcohol/Drugs Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: 15 STATE ST
Refer To Arrest: 15-27474-AR
1429 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001883] BIG STEVE'S CAR WASH - 561 N MAIN ST
1451 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Vicinity of: [LEO 002240] SURFSIDE POOL - 738 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27476-OF
1451 Civil Complaint Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 63 GREEN ST Apt. #3
1539 911 Hang Up Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 002401] WAL-MART SUPERCENTER - 11 JUNGLE RD
1549 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 55 MAIN ST @ 20 MERRIAM AVE
1627 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 91 WEST ST @ 1 ORCHARD ST
1635 Alarm False Alarm
1650 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 67 MERRIAM AVE
1659 Traffic Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 536] JOHNNY RO VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK - 750 MECHANIC ST
1701 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: EYE CARE - 80 ERDMAN WAY
1739 Shoplifting Arrest(s) Made Location/Address: [LEO 23] KOHL'S - 10 ORCHARD HILL PARK DR
Refer To Arrest: 15-27494-AR
Arrest: HOWE, CORI A Address: 53 FOX ST FITCHBURG, MA Age: 21
Charges: LARCENY OVER $250
1848 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: [LEO 002309] TC LANDO'S - 23 CENTRAL ST
1904 Accident No PI Dispatch Narrative Vicinity of: [LEO 000229] ADAMS' TOOL & NAIL - 765 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27505-OF
1946 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 119 WEST ST
1953 Reposses MV Vehicle Towed Location/Address: 2 HARRISON ST
1959 Assist Motorist or Citizen Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 2 HARRISON ST Apt. #3
2029 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001640] MONTACHUSETT OPPORTUNITY COUNCIL - 1000 LANCASTER ST 2038 warrant No Service Made Location/Address: 5 STATE ST Apt. #E
Refer To Incident: 15-27513-OF
2046 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 482 N MAIN ST @ 482 N RT 2 WEST BOUND OFF RAMP
2050 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 482 N MAIN ST @ 482 N RT 2 WEST BOUND OFF RAMP
2103 Break and Enter Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 3 STATE ST Apt. #C
Refer To Incident: 15-27519-OF
2106 Mal Damage property Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 160 SEVENTH ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27520-OF
2124 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 002177] SANTANDER BANK - 11 PARK ST
2239 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 27 GRAHAM ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27524-OF
For Date: 10/09/2015 - Friday
0005 Break and Entry Motor Vehicle Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000831] F & M TOOL & PLASTICS - 163 PIONEER DR
Refer To Incident: 15-27526-OF
0022 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 250 N MAIN ST @ 1 HOSPITAL RD
0042 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 250 N MAIN ST @ 1 HOSPITAL RD
0102 Private Tow Vehicle Towed Location/Address: 30 TERRACE DR
0242 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: LARSON AVE
0257 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: KAREN ST
0302 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: JAMESTOWN RD
0308 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: LANTERN LN
0310 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: WEATHERVANE DR
0417 Private Tow Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 30 TERRACE DR
0456 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: 108 ADAMS ST
0557 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 001747] NOVAK, ROBERT & PAULINE - 295 JOHNNY APPLESEED LN 0601 Accident w/Injury Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002316] TOYS R US #7527 - 118 COMMERCIAL RD
0632 Directed patrol Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 1 MECHANIC ST
0650 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: 19 WILLOW ST
0658 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 170 SIXTH ST
0738 Traffic Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 27 LANCASTER ST
0750 Directed patrol Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: ST. ANNA SCHOOL - 199 LANCASTER ST
0807 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001833] PERISCOPE POOLS - 279 LANCASTER ST
0824 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: ST. ANNA SCHOOL - 201 LANCASTER ST
0827 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001387] LEOMINSTER DISTRICT COURT - 25 SCHOOL ST
0839 Motor Vehicle Verbal Warning Location/Address: 79 LANCASTER ST
0900 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 188 CENTRAL ST @ 29 GRAHAM ST
0907 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001062] GROSSI, RALPH & ELLEN - 301 LITCHFIELD ST
0916 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: 1062 MAIN ST
Location/Address: 85 TENTH ST Apt. #1FLR Refer To Incident: 15-27579-OF
1029 Traffic Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000008] A & R'S DOUBLE INN - 166 WATER ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27581-OF
1032 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1039 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: [LEO 001523] MANOR ON THE HILL - 450 N MAIN ST
1116 Threats Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: SAVY STAFFING - 853 N MAIN ST
Refer To Incident: 15-27584-OF
1144 Motor Vehicle Citation/Warning Issued Location/Address: 298 N MAIN ST @ 1 NELSON ST
1155 Suicide Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000441] CHEN, JUNG MING DR - 100 HOSPITAL RD Apt. #3C Refer To Incident: 15-27587-OF
1217 Drug Offenses Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 DRUG ST
1228 K9 Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 342] TRACTOR SUPPLY COMPANY - 235 NEW LANCASTER RD
1231 warrant Arrest(s) Made
Location/Address: 171 FIFTH ST Refer To Arrest: 15-27592-AR
Arrest: LOPEZ-RAMIREZ, LUIS J Address: 6 MOEN ST Apt. #2B WORCESTER, MA Age: 19
1256 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 WALNUT ST @ 146 MAIN ST
1258 Directed patrol Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: ROUTE 2 CONNECTOR WEST - CONNECTOR RAMP
1305 Prisoner Transport Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 001419] LEOMINSTER POLICE DEPARTMENT - 29 CHURCH ST
1338 Susp. Activity Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: [LEO 23] KOHL'S - 10 ORCHARD HILL PARK DR
1401 Susp. Activity Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000671] DENNY'S RESTAURANT - 38 COMMERCIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27601-OF
1430 Alarm False Alarm
Location/Address: [LEO 000228] MUSTARD SEED FAITH FELLOWSHIP - 218 WILLARD ST 1457 Accident No PI Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 002249] TACO BELL - 24 SACK BLVD
1502 Drug Offenses Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 1 DRUG ST
1531 911 Hang Up Dispatch Narrative Location/Address: 7 KNOLLWOOD LN
1608 Juvenile Problem Investigated - Report Ta Location/Address: [LEO 000874] MACY'S - 106 COMMERCIAL RD
Refer To Incident: 15-27607-OF
Location/Address: [LEO 001129] SPEEDWAY - 482 MAIN ST Refer To Incident: 15-2