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TAC Vista. TAC Software. Installation Manual. TAC Pangaea WorkStation


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TAC Pangaea


TAC Software

Installation Manual


TAC Software

Installation Manual


Copyright © 2006-2010 Schneider Electric Buildings AB. All rights reserved.

This document, as well as the product it refers to, is only intended for licensed users. Schneider Electric Buildings AB owns the copyright of this document and reserves the right to make changes, additions or deletions. Schneider Electric Buildings AB assumes no responsibility for possible mistakes or errors that might appear in this document.

Do not use the product for other purposes than those indicated in this document.

Only licensed users of the product and the document are permitted to use the document or any information therein. Distribution, disclosure, copying, storing or use of the product, the information or the illustrations in the document on the part of non-licensed users, in electronic or mechanical form, as a recording or by other means, including photo copying or information storage and retrieval systems, without the express written permission of Schneider Electric Buildings AB, will be regarded as a violation of copyright laws and is strictly prohibited.


TAC Software, Installation Manual Contents





About this Manual


1.1 Structure ... 9

1.2 Typographic Conventions ... 10




TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation


2.1 Microsoft SQL Server ... 14

2.1.1 Authentication ... 14

2.2 Connecting to a Remote SQL Server ... 16

2.2.1 Starting The SQL Server Browser Service ... 16

2.2.2 Setting SQL Server to Allow Remote Connections ... 16

2.3 SQL Configuration... 17

2.4 New TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation ... 17

2.5 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Upgrade ... 18

2.6 If You Install from a CD ... 19


Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista


3.1 Vista System with One Vista Server ... 22

3.2 Vista System with Several Vista Servers ... 22

3.2.1 Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception ... 22

3.3 Vista System with Remote Access on a Domain ... 24

3.3.1 Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception ... 24

3.3.2 Setting a Windows Firewall Port Exception ... 24

3.3.3 Configuring Access Permissions on My Computer ... 26

3.4 Vista System with Remote Access in a Workgroup or a Non-NT Domain... 29

3.4.1 Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception ... 29

3.4.2 Setting a Windows Firewall Port Exception ... 29

3.4.3 Configuring Access Permissions on My Computer ... 30

3.4.4 Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on My Computer... 30

3.4.5 Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on TACOS ... 34

3.4.6 Configuring Access Permissions on TACOS ... 37

3.5 Vista System with Web Access... 40

3.5.1 Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on My Computer... 40


Contents TAC Software, Installation Manual

4.3 SSL – Secure Sockets Layer... 49

4.4 Localization ... 50

4.5 Utilizing HTTP Compression... 51

4.6 Using Vista Webstation Views in Web Portals or as Stand-Alone Browser Views .. 51

4.7 Disabling Worker Process Recycling and Shutdown ... 52

4.8 Displaying Dynamic TGML Graphics ... 52

4.8.1 Changing TGML Graphics Display Mode ... 53


SQL Technical Information


5.1 TAC Vista and SQL Privileges ... 55

5.1.1 Feature Background... 56

5.1.2 Typical SQL Configuration ... 57

5.1.3 Custom SQL Configuration... 57

5.1.4 Privilege Comparison Chart ... 58

5.2 SQL Configuration Troubleshooting... 58

5.2.1 Errors that Require SQL Server Reconfiguration ... 58

5.2.2 Amendable Errors... 59

5.2.3 Select SQL Admin Login or Generate Scripts ... 60

5.3 Manual Log Database Schema Upgrade ... 61

5.4 Log Data Migration ... 62

5.4.1 Reconfiguring SQL Server Settings for TAC Vista ... 63





TAC Software, Installation Manual 1 About this Manual


About this Manual

This manual describes a particular process. For information on certain products, we refer you to the manual or Help for the product in question. For information on how to install software, we refer you to the instruc-tions delivered with the software.

For information on third party products, we refer you to the instructions delivered with the third party product.

If you discover errors and/or unclear descriptions in this manual, please contact your Schneider Electric representative.



The manual is divided into the following parts: • Introduction

The Introduction section contains information on how this manual is structured and how it should be used to find information in the most efficient way.


The Reference section contains more comprehensive information about various parts of the Getting Started section. It also provides you with information on alternative solutions not covered by the Getting Started section.


• We are continuously improving and correcting our documenta-tion. This manual may have been updated.

Please check our Docnet site at www.tac.com for the latest ver-sion.


1 About this Manual TAC Software, Installation Manual


Typographic Conventions

Throughout the manual the following specially marked texts may occur.



• Alerts you that failure to take, or avoid, a specific action might result in physical harm to you or to the hardware.


• Alerts you to possible data loss, breaches of security, or other more serious problems.


• Alerts you to supplementary information that is essential to the completion of a task.


• Alerts you to supplementary information.


• Alerts you to supplementary information that is not essential to the completion of the task at hand.


• Alerts you that the following information applies to complex tasks or tasks restricted by access.





TAC Vista Server with Workstation



Windows Security Settings for

TAC Vista


Installing TAC Vista Webstation


TAC Software, Installation Manual 2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation


TAC Vista Server with Workstation


TAC Vista Server with Workstation can be downloaded from the Schneider Electric extranet or installed from a CD.

For more information on how to install TAC Vista Server with Work-station, see Help accessible from the installation program.

It is recommended that you install Microsoft Excel before installing TAC Vista Server. Excel is required for reports in Vista.


• If you are going to install TAC Vista Web Applications on the same computer as TAC Vista Server with Workstation:

• Remove any certificates installed on the Web server before installing Vista.

• Reinstall the certificates after installation. • For more information see:



• For information on how to order licenses, see the TAC Licenses Installation Manual.

• For more information on how to use licenses, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation pro-gram.


2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation TAC Software, Installation Manual


Microsoft SQL Server

Before starting the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation, you should consider which Microsoft SQL Server you want to use:

• A Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition installed by the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation program • A new SQL Server

• An existing SQL Server

For more information on the different SQL Server options, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation program.



When installing a new Microsoft SQL Server, you should consider which authentication method to use when clients (including TAC Vista) want to access SQL Server.

There are two options:

• Mixed mode authentication • Windows authentication

Mixed mode authentication

With mixed mode, SQL Server can grant access to applications that identify themselves using a Windows account or using a SQL login defined in SQL Server.

If you want SQL Server to allow access to clients, for example, TAC Vista Server, using SQL authentication, you have to set SQL Server in mixed mode.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation

Windows authentication

With Windows authentication, SQL Server only grants access to appli-cations that identify themselves using a Windows account defined in SQL Server.

If your system requires maximum security, you have to set SQL Server in Windows authentication mode.

For more information on the different authentication options, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation program.


• If you choose to use Windows authentication, it is recommended that you run Vista Server as a service.

• If you want to run Vista Server as a service, you need to config-ure the service to run under a Windows user account set up in SQL Server.

• If you do not want to run TAC Vista as a service, you have to log on to the Vista Server computer with a Windows user account set up for Vista on SQL Server, and start Vista Server interactively. Otherwise the storing and reading of log data will not succeed. • If you run TAC Vista and SQL Server in a workgroup, it is

rec-ommended that you use SQL Server authentication.Connecting to remote SQL Servers using Windows authentication in work-groups is not supported by TAC Vista.


• If you are not going to install SQL Server, check with the cus-tomer SQL administrator for information on which authentica-tion mode is being used.


2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation TAC Software, Installation Manual


Connecting to a Remote SQL Server

In order for TAC Vista to be able to connect to a remote SQL Server you have to make a number of settings:

• The SQL Server Browser service has to be started • SQL Server 2005 has to allow remote connections


Starting The SQL Server Browser Service

The SQL Server Browser service exposes SQL Servers to computers on the local network.

To start the SQL Server Browser service

1 On the computer running SQL Server, in the Surface Area Con-figuration

window, click

Surface Area Configuration for

Services and Connections


2 In the tree structure, under SQL Server Browser, click Services.

3 In the Status type list, click Automatic.

4 Click Apply.

5 Click Start.

6 Click OK.


Setting SQL Server to Allow Remote Connections

In order for TAC Vista to be able to connect, SQL Server needs to allow remote connections.

To set SQL Server to allow remote connections

1 On the computer running SQL Server, in the Surface Area Con-figuration

window, click

Surface Area Configuration for

Services and Connections


2 In the tree structure, under Database Engine, click Remote


• You can access SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration on the Start menu under Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Configuration Tools.


• You can access SQL Server 2005 Surface Area Configuration on the Start menu under Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Configuration Tools.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation

3 Select Local and remote connections.

4 Select Using both TCP/IP and named pipes, and then click OK.

5 Click OK.


SQL Configuration

Before starting the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation, you have to consider how you want to set up the SQL Server configuration in TAC Vista. There are two SQL configuration options:

• Typical - the typical SQL configuration settings will be used. The integrated log database backup/restore functions in TAC Vista will be available. SQL Server has to be installed on the same computer as TAC Vista Server with Workstation.

• Custom - the typical SQL configuration settings will be altered. The integrated log database backup/restore functions in TAC Vista will be disabled and log database backup/restore has to be per-formed in SQL Server.

For more information on the different SQL configuration options, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installa-tion program.


New TAC Vista Server with Workstation


There are numerous installation options depending on which SQL Server you want to use, and how you want it configured.

• Install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition - Typical • Use a new Microsoft SQL Server - Custom

• Use a new Microsoft SQL Server - Typical

For more information on the different installation options, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation program.


• You have to restart the SQL Server service for changes in the set-tings to take effect.


2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation TAC Software, Installation Manual


TAC Vista Server with Workstation Upgrade

There are numerous installation options depending on the existing SQL Server and its configuration:

• Use the existing Microsoft SQL Server - Custom or Typical • Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) to

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition - Typical

• Replace Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE) - Typical

• Upgrade from a TAC Vista version earlier than 4.3.0

The installation program searches for existing SQL Servers, SQL Server configurations, and TAC Vista log databases and suggests set-tings based upon what it has found.

For more information on the different upgrading options, see Help accessible from the TAC Vista Server with Workstation installation program.


• Do not unistall Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine (MSDE).

The TAC Vista installation requires the existing SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine to be able to detect the configuration data that will be used to configure SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. It also requires the existing SQL Server to detect the location of the existing log database.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 2 TAC Vista Server with Workstation Installation


If You Install from a CD

You can install the software components on the CD individually. You can also install multiple software components by running TAC Vista Batch Installation. The installation automatically runs individual setup programs for each of the included software components.

There are three installation options: • Typical

• Full • Custom

The installation CD setup options include the following programs:

By default, some programs are already selected in the Custom option. You can clear the selection if you do not want to install the selected pro-grams.

Table 2.1:

Program / Setup Type




TAC Vista Server with Workstation and TAC Graphics Editor


INet Host Tool X

TAC XBuilder X X X TAC Vista Web Applications X

TAC Vista OPC Server X TAC Vista OPC Server for Danduc X TAC Vista OPC Server for I/NET X Echelon LNS Server

TAC I-talk Collector and Interface X X X


• During the CD installation process, you may be asked to restart the computer after some of the setup programs. Please do not

restart the computer until all of the setup programs (included in the type of setup you selected) have been installed.

• When you have completed the installation, you have to restart your computer.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista


Windows Security Settings for TAC


This instruction is valid for TAC Vista IV and TAC Vista 5 and describes the necessary settings when TAC Vista runs under Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (SP2). It also describes the necessary settings when TAC Vista with Web access runs under Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).

In Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 SP1, Microsoft intro-duces a set of security technologies that improve the computer security. Some of the changes concern IP and DCOM communication. Since Vista uses DCOM to communicate, you have to configure COM secu-rity settings to enable communication. TAC Vista Servers (Server-to-Server communication) use TCP/IP to communicate.

Windows Firewall SP2 (included with Windows XP) and Windows Firewall SP1 (included with Windows Server 2003), are switched on by default and stop incoming traffic to the computer. Thus, you have to configure Windows Firewall to allow Vista to communicate.


• The instructions assume that you have an unconfigured and pre-installed Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 SP1. • Your Windows Firewall might be controlled by policies and be

turned off or turned on and may not allow any exceptions. In this case, contact your local IT department.


• In this instruction My Computer is the designation for the local system. My Computer does not refer to the local computer name.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Vista System with One Vista Server

In a system with a Vista Server and Workstation installed on the local computer, no changes to the COM security settings are required.


Vista System with Several Vista Servers

In a system with Vista Server and Workstation installed on two or more computers (remote communication), no changes to the COM security settings are required. You have to set Windows Firewall to allow incoming communication to Vista Server.


Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception

In a system with several Vista Servers, you have to make exceptions for the TACOS application in Windows Firewall to allow Vista Server to receive incoming communication.

TAC Vista Server and Workstation


• A stand-alone Vista does not communicate over the network. That is, there is no incoming communication. There is no need to make excep-tions in Windows Firewall. When you first start Vista server, Windows asks if you want to keep blocking the server program (TACOS Appli-cation). As long as Vista Workstation runs stand-alone, you can keep the application blocked.

Computer A Computer B


TAC Vista Server and Workstation

TAC Vista Server and Workstation


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

To set a Windows Firewall exception

1 Start TAC Vista Server.

2 In the Windows Security Alert dialog box, click Unblock.


• Repeat the procedure for all Vista Servers that participate in net-work communication.


• The Windows Security Alert dialog box only appears the first time you start Vista Server.

• When you unblock the Vista Server application (TACOS.exe), it is added to the Windows Firewall exceptions list. The IP ports on which Vista communicates are also added to the list.

• If you want to unblock a blocked application at a later time, you have to add it to the Windows Firewall exceptions list.

• To add a program to the Windows Firewall exceptions list, in Windows Firewall, click the Exceptions tab, click Add Pro-gram, browse to TACOS.exe, click OK, and then click OK. • In this case, you also have to manually add the IP ports on which

Vista Server communicates to the Windows Firewall exceptions list.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Vista System with Remote Access on a Domain

In a system with Vista Server installed on one computer and Vista Workstation installed on another computer on a domain, you have to set Windows Firewall to allow incoming communication to Vista Server. You also have to change the COM security settings to enable commu-nication over the network.


Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception

In a system with remote Vista workstations, you have to make excep-tions for the TACOS application in Windows Firewall to allow incom-ing communication on the computer.

For information on how to unblock Vista Server (that is, add it to the Windows Firewall exceptions list), see Section 3.2.1, “Setting a Win-dows Firewall Program Exception”, on page 22.


Setting a Windows Firewall Port Exception

In a system with remote Vista Workstations, you have to make excep-tions for port 135 (DCOM) in Windows Firewall to allow communica-tion on the port.

To set a Windows Firewall port exception

1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Windows Firewall.

2 Click the Exceptions tab.

3 Click Add Port.

4 In the Name box, type "DCOM".

5 In the Port Number box, type "135".

Computer A Computer B


TAC Vista Server TAC Vista Workstation



TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

6 Click TCP.

7 Click OK.

8 Click OK.

Repeat the procedure on the computer running the remote Vista Work-station.


• In this scenario, you only have to make an exception for port 135 (DCOM), not for Vista TCPPORT.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Configuring Access Permissions on My Computer

You have to configure the COM security settings to enable communi-cation over the network.

There are two types of COM Security permissions: • Access permissions

• Launch and Activation permissions

Access permissions define the access an account has to a launched application. You have to set access permissions on both the computer running Vista Server and the computer running Vista Workstation. In this scenario, you do not need to configure launch and activation per-missions.

To configure access permissions on My Computer

1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Component Services.

2 In the tree structure, right-click Component Services\Comput-ers\My Computer, and then click Properties.


• You can access Component Services in Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

3 Click the COM Security tab.

4 In the Access Permissions area, click Edit Limits.

5 In the Group or user names area, click ANONYMOUS LOGON.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

6 In the Allow column, select Remote Access.

7 Click OK.


• By granting the remote account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote access permissions, you give Vista Workstation the right to access a Vista Server.


• You have to restart your computer for global changes in DCOM settings to take effect.


• On the computers running Vista Workstation, you have to grant the remote account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote access per-missions, to give Vista Server the right to access Vista Worksta-tion (callback).


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista


Vista System with Remote Access in a Workgroup

or a Non-NT Domain

In a system with Vista Server installed on one computer and Vista Workstation installed on another computer in a workgroup or on a non-NT domain, you have to set Windows Firewall to allow incoming com-munication to Vista Server. You also have to change the COM security settings to enable communication over the network.


Setting a Windows Firewall Program Exception

In a system with several Vista Servers, you have to make exceptions for the TACOS application in Windows Firewall to allow incoming com-munication on the computer.

For information on how to unblock Vista Server (that is, add it to the Windows Firewall exceptions list), see Section 3.2.1, “Setting a Win-dows Firewall Program Exception”, on page 22.


Setting a Windows Firewall Port Exception

In a system with several Vista Servers, you have to make exceptions for port 135 (DCOM) in Windows Firewall to allow communication on the port. You have to make the exception on all computers running Vista Server.

For information on how to set a Windows Firewall port exception, see Section 3.3.2, “Setting a Windows Firewall Port Exception”, on page 24.

Computer A Computer B



3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Configuring Access Permissions on My Computer

Access permissions define the access an account has to a launched application. You have to set access permissions on both the computer running Vista Server and the computer running Vista Workstation.

For information on how to configure DCOM access permissions, see Section 3.3.3, “Configuring Access Permissions on My Computer”, on page 26.


Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on My


You have to configure the COM security settings to enable communi-cation over the network.

There are two types of COM security permissions: • Access permissions

• Launch and Activation permissions

Launch and activation permissions define which account can launch a COM-based application, for example, TAC Vista Server, either on the network or locally.

To configure launch and activation permissions on My


1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Component Services.


• The access permissions on My Computer in a Vista system with remote access in a workgroup or a none-NT domain should be identical to the access permissions on My Computer in a Vista system with remote access on a domain.


• You can access Component Services in Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

2 In the tree structure, right-click Component Services\Comput-ers\My Computer, and then click Properties.

3 Click the COM Security tab.

4 In the Launch and Activation Permissions area, click Edit Lim-its.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

6 In the Allow column, select Remote Activation.

7 In the Group or user names area, click Everyone.


• By granting the account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote activa-tion permissions, you give Vista Workstaactiva-tion the right to access a remote Vista Server.

• On the computers running Vista Workstation, you have to grant the remote account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote activation permissions in order to give Vista Server the right to access Vista Workstation (callback).


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

8 In the Allow column, select Remote Activation.

9 Click OK.

Repeat the procedures on all computers running Vista Server.


• By granting the account Everyone remote activation permissions, you give Vista Workstation the right to activate a remote Vista Server.


• On the computers running Vista Workstation, you have to grant the remote account Everyone remote activation permissions, to give Vista Server the right to access Vista Workstation (call-back).


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on TACOS

Launch and activation permissions define which account can launch a COM-based application, for example, TAC Vista Server, either on the network or locally.

To configure launch and activation permissions on TACOS

1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Component Services.

2 In the tree structure, right-click Component Services\Comput-ers\My Computer\DCOM Config\TACOS, and then click Prop-erties.

3 Click the Security tab.

4 In the Launch and Activation Permissions area, select Custom-ize, and then click Edit.


• You can access Component Services in Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

5 In the Launch Permissions dialog box, in the Group and users

area, click ANONYMOUS LOGON.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

7 In the Group or users area, click Everyone.

8 In the Allow column, select Remote Activation.

9 Click OK.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista


Configuring Access Permissions on TACOS

Access permissions define the access an account has to a launched application.

To configure access permissions on TACOS

1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Component Services.

2 In the tree structure, right-click Component Services\Comput-ers\My Computer\DCOM Config\TACOS, and then click Prop-erties.

3 Click the Security tab.

4 In the Access Permissions area, select Customize, and then click


5 In the Access Permissions dialog box, in the Group and users

area, click ANONYMOUS LOGON.


• You can access Component Services in Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

6 In the Allow column, select Remote Access.

7 In the Group or users area, click Everyone.


• By granting the account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote access permissions, you give Vista Workstation the right to access a remote Vista Server.

• On the computers running Vista Workstation, you have to grant the remote account ANONYMOUS LOGON remote access per-missions, to give Vista Server the right to access Vista Worksta-tion (callback).


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

8 In the Allow column, select Remote Access.

9 Click OK.

Repeat the procedures on all computers running Vista Server.


• By granting the account Everyone remote access permissions, you give Vista Workstation the right to access a remote Vista Server.


• You have to restart your computer for global changes in DCOM settings to take effect.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual


Vista System with Web Access

In a system with Vista Server, Vista Webstation (version 4.3.0 and later), and Vista ScreenMate (version 4.3.0 and later) installed on one computer and a Web browser installed another computer, you have to change the permissions for the NETWORK SERVICE account (or ASPNET if you are running Windows XP SP2) to enable communica-tion between Webstacommunica-tion and Vista Server.


Configuring Launch and Activation Permissions on My


Launch and activation permissions define which account can launch a COM-based application, for example, TAC Vista Server, either on the network or locally.

To configure launch and activation permissions on My


1 On the computer running Vista Server, start Component Services.

Computer A Computer B

TAC Vista Server Webstation

ScreenMate Web Browser



• Running TAC Vista Webstation on Windows XP in customer installations is not generally supported.

• This instruction assumes that you are running TAC Vista on Win-dows Server 2003 Service Pack 1 (SP1).



• You can access Component Services in Control Panel under Administrative Tools.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

2 In the tree structure, right-click Component Services\Comput-ers\My Computer, and then click Properties.

3 Click the COM Security tab.

4 In the Launch and Activation Permissions area, click Edit Default.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

5 Click Add.

6 In the Select Users and Groups dialog box, click Locations.

7 In the Locations dialog box, click the local computer name, and then click OK.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista

8 In the Select Users and Groups dialog box, in the Enter the object names to select box, type “NETWORK SERVICE”.

9 Click Check Names.

10 Click OK.


• If you are running Windows XP SP2, type "ASPNET" instead of “NETWORK SERVICE”.

• Running TAC Vista Webstation on Windows XP in customer installations is not generally supported.


• NETWORK SERVICE and ASPNET are computer accounts under which the server service is run. The accounts provide the security context for the service.


3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista TAC Software, Installation Manual

11 In the Launch Permission dialog box, select NETWORK SER-VICE.

12 In the Allow column, select Local Activation.

13 Click OK.


• If you are running Windows XP SP2, select ASPNET instead of NETWORK SERVICE.


• By granting the account NETWORK SERVICE or ASPNET local activation permissions, you give the account the right to access Vista Server.


• You have to restart your computer for global changes in DCOM settings to take effect.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 3 Windows Security Settings for TAC Vista


Restrict User Access to TAC Vista Resources

To increase security and integrity of information related to TAC Vista, use Windows built-in users and group security functionality to restrict user access to the following TAC Vista resources (Windows folders, files, and registry entries used by TAC Vista):

• TAC Vista Database

• Windows Vista – C:\ProgramData\TAC\TAC Vista 5.1.0\Db • Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\All

Users\Appli-cation Data\TAC\TAC Vista 5.1.0\Db\ • TAC Vista Application Data

• Windows Vista – C:\ProgramData\TAC\TAC Vista 5.1.0 • Windows XP – C:\Documents and Settings\All

Users\Appli-cation Data\TAC\TAC Vista 5.1.0\ • TAC Vista Registry


If the restrictions are too rigid error messages from TAC Vista may appear when TAC Vista tries to access or change information subject to the restriction.

To remove the restriction, perform a Grant Access command in TAC Vista Server Setup.


• The Windows user that runs TAC Vista Server needs to have Full Control permissions.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation


Installing TAC Vista Webstation

If you want to run TAC Vista Web Applications on Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition, both Internet Information Services (IIS) and ASP.NET 2.0 must be installed.


Activate ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0 must be activated (disabled by default).

To activate ASP.NET 2.0

1 On the Start menu, point to Administrative Tools and then click

Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2 In the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager dialog box, in the Internet Information Services tree, expand the tree under the server where TAC Vista Web Applications is installed (usually only the local computer is listed here), and then click Web Service Extensions.

3 In the Web Service Extensions pane, click ASP.NET v2.0.

4 Click Allow.

The status for ASP.NET 2.0 changes from Prohibited to Allowed.

5 Close the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager dialog box.


Webstation Themes

In addition to the Webstation/ScreenMate themes included, you can add and configure your own themes.

The Style folder in the TAC Vista Web Applications install folder con-tains folders with various themes.

To create a new theme


• ASP.NET 2.0 must be installed and activated before you start installing TAC Webstation.


4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation TAC Software, Installation Manual

2 Rename the new folder with the theme name you want to see in the themes list in TAC Vista Web Settings and in TAC Vista Web-station.

3 Open the new folder.

All pages use the Webstation.css file for common layout issues. Edit the Webstation.css file for global layout changes.

In addition to this file, every Webstation/ScreenMate page uses a specific CSS file, the file’s purpose can be deduced from its name. Edit this file for local changes.

4 You can edit CSS files to suit your style. A thorough knowledge of HTML and CSS is required.

5 Start TAC Vista Web Settings and click Theme - Colors and Fonts.

You can now click the Theme list to check that the newly created theme is added to the list.

If you select the new theme, the preview image will be wrong. This is corrected later.

6 Click OK to accept the new theme.

7 Exit TAC Vista Web Settings.

8 Start Webstation and check the result.

9 If you are satisfied with the result, make a screen shot of a suitable view and save it as a .gif file in the images sub folder in your newly created theme folder. The file must be named preview.gif. There is probably a preview.gif file already from when you copied the Default theme folder with all its contents. Before you overwrite the existing preivew.gif file, check the dimensions of the existing preview.gif file and save your new screen shot with the same dimensions.

10 Start TAC Vista Web Settings and click Theme - Colors and Fonts.

You can now click the Theme list to check that the newly created theme has a preview attached.

11 Exit TAC Vista Web Settings.

12 Open the images subfolder in your theme folder and change the images to suit your needs.

13 Turn on Thumbnails mode in Windows to view miniatures of the images.

Do not change the dimensions of these images.

If you look at the images and Webstation at the same time, you can see where the images are used. If you would like to preview your theme as


TAC Software, Installation Manual 4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation

are working with. You can refresh the screen periodically to see the changes.


SSL – Secure Sockets Layer

To increase security while sending information between a Web browser and a Web server, encrypted communications using HTTPS should be set up using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer).

Before SSL can be used, an SSL certificate must be created and regis-tered with the Web server, in our case, Internet Information Server (IIS). Normally, when SSL is used in applications that can be accessed by the public, a trusted SSL certificate is purchased from an accredited com-pany such as Verisign. For temporary protection or testing, a self-signed certificate may be used. Technically, this certificate offers the same encryption as a certificate issued by a CA (Certification Authority); however, it may be perceived as less safe because the server ownership has not been verified by the CA. Self-signed certificates may generate warning messages in Web browsers.

One convenient method of creating a self-signed certificate is to use a tool called SelfSSL. SelfSSL has been developed by Microsoft and is supplied with a IIS 6 Resource Kit. The programs can be downloaded from the Microsoft Web site.

To download SelfSSL, visit www.microsoft.com and search for Self-SSL. Download the IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools and follow the installa-tion instrucinstalla-tions.

When you have completed the installation you should run SelfSSL.exe with the appropriate parameters to install a certificate and register it with IIS. For example,

selfssl.exe /V:365

will install a certificate that is valid for 365 days. More help is given by writing

selfssl.exe /? on the command line.

Once the program has been installed you can browse using HTTPS and the standard HTTP. If you wish to restrict browsing to HTTPS this must be set up in IIS. For more details, see the Microsoft documentation for IIS.



4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation TAC Software, Installation Manual



Localization is added by installing the corresponding language pack. A language pack defines both the language and the country/region. If a language pack is not yet available for your country/region you can still change the date format and so on. The language cannot be changed without a language pack. Localization installations are based on Microsoft Windows.

To change or set the country/region, use Vista WebApplications Set-tings. Available localizations are shown in the Localization list on the Localization page.

You can add a localization to the list by creating an empty folder with a specified name syntax. The name must follow the RFC 1766 standard in the format "<language code>-<country/region code>", where <lan-guage code> is a lowercase two-letter code according to ISO 639-1 and <country/region code> is an uppercase two-letter code according to ISO 3166.

For example, U.S. English is "en-US" and Finnish-Swedish is "sv-SF"; this type of format is called a "localization pair".

In cases where a two-letter language code is not available, a three-letter code according to ISO 639-2 is used; for example, the three-letter code "div" is used for communities that use the Dhivehi language.

The localization pair must conform with the localization list in Microsoft .NET:


where .. is replaced with the network address to Vista Webstation.

To add a localization

1 Use Windows Explorer to browse to the localization folder for Vista Webstation, usually

C:\Inet- pub\wwwroot\TACVistaWeb401\Bin

2 Create a new folder where the folder name is in the format:<lan-guage code>-<country/region code>

The file name must conform with the localization code given in the file


where .. is replaced with the network address to Vista Webstation. The new folder can be left empty.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation


Utilizing HTTP Compression

If your sites use a lot of bandwidth, or if you would like to make more effective use of your bandwidth, you can enable HTTP compression. HTTP compression speeds up transmission time between compression-enabled browsers and IIS. You can compress only static files, or both static files and dynamic application responses. If your network band-width is restricted and your processor utilization is already very high, HTTP compression can be beneficial. This is particularly the case for static files.

For more information about HTTP Compression, visit

www.microsoft.com and search for "Utilizing HTTP Compression", "IIS 6.0 Compression with Windows Server 2003", and "HOW TO: Specify Additional Document Types for HTTP Compression".


Using Vista Webstation Views in Web Portals or

as Stand-Alone Browser Views

All views that have an "Add to Favorites" icon on the toolbar can be used as stand-alone views or as integrated parts of, for example, a Web portal.

The Vista Webstation link needs to be slightly modified before you can use it.

To extract and modify the link

1 Open the view in Vista Webstation.

2 On the view’s toolbar, click Add to Favorites.

3 Use your browser to help you save the link.

4 Use your browser to locate the link among your Favorites and open the link properties. A typical link looks like this:


5 In "frameset=false", change true to false, in our example:


The favorite can now be used as a stand-alone view. The link can also be used for a Web portal. Consult you local Webmaster for further details.


4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation TAC Software, Installation Manual


Disabling Worker Process Recycling and


If Webstation and/or ScreenMate is rarely used, you can experience occasional delays when loading the login page.

You can increase the performance by keeping WebStation or Screen-Mate applications in the server’s memory by disabling unloading of the applications.

To disable worker process recycling

1 In the IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand Applica-tion Pools, right-click the application pool you want to configure, and then click Properties.

2 On the Recycling tab, click to clear the Recycle worker pro-cesses (in minutes) check box.

3 Click OK.

To disable worker process shutdown

1 In the IIS Manager, expand the local computer, expand Applica-tion Pools, right-click the application pool you want to configure, and then click Properties.

2 On the Performance tab, under Idle timeout, click to clear the

Shutdown worker process after being idle for (time in min-utes) check box.

3 Click OK.


Displaying Dynamic TGML Graphics

Webstation can display TGML graphics in two different viewer modes, dynamic or static. In the Dynamic Mode all TGML graphics are dis-played in the same way as in TAC Vista. All animations, scalability and user interactivity are displayed in Webstation. In the Static Mode a static version of the TGML graphic is displayed in Webstation. To be able to use the Dynamic Mode, Java must be installed on the client computer.


• These settings will affect all applications in the changed applica-tion pool.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation

There are three different alternatives in the TAC Vista Web Settings dialog box:

If dynamic is selected Java has to be installed. When you open a TGML graphic in the web browser you will be prompted to install Java. A link will direct you to the appropriate Java version stored at TAC. When the Java is installed, TGML graphics will be displayed dynamically.

Fig. 4.1: Java download page

You can at any time change from dynamic to static or from static to dynamic display of TGML graphics using the TAC Vista Web Settings dialog.


Changing TGML Graphics Display Mode

Table 4.1: TGML Viewer Mode

Viewer Mode


Auto-detect (default mode)

The web browser selects if TGML will be displayed dynamically or statically.

If Java is not installed Static mode is selected. If Java is installed Dynamic Mode is selected. Static Static display of TGML graphics.


4 Installing TAC Vista Webstation TAC Software, Installation Manual

To change the TGML graphics display mode

1 In All Programs, point to TAC, point to TAC Vista Web Applica-tions, and then click TAC Vista Web setting.

2 In the TAC Vista Web Settings dialog, click TGML Viewer Mode.

3 In the Select viewer mode for TGML, select the mode you want to use.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 5 SQL Technical Information


SQL Technical Information

Before setting up TAC Vista, it can be useful to know the basics about SQL privileges and the roles that provide the SQL database user with these privileges.

If you have an existing Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition log database and want to change to a SQL database with more storage capacity, you probably want to migrate the log data from the existing log database to a new one.


TAC Vista and SQL Privileges

TAC Vista allows two configuration modes for its SQL Server: • Typical

• Custom

The typical configuration gives TAC Vista full control of the SQL Server installation, and generally uses SQL Server 2005 Express Edi-tion as its storage engine on the local machine.

The custom configuration, however, lets you set up the log database in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard/Enterprise Edition or Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Workgroup/Standard/Enterprise Edition.

Reasons to choose a custom configuration may be:

• The site already has an existing SQL Server that serves a number of different applications.

• The site organization is security-conscious, and wants to lock down its SQL Server attack surface as much as possible. • The SQL Server Express Edition 4GB limit per database risks

becoming a capacity issue.

This section describes what privileges TAC Vista requires in the respec-tive modes, and why.


5 SQL Technical Information TAC Software, Installation Manual


Feature Background

There are currently two major features with high-privilege require-ments:

• Integrated backup/restore • Automatic schema upgrade

Integrated Backup/Restore

TAC Vista provides a minimal backup agent that can perform SQL backups on the same time schedule as the one that performs Vista data-base backups.

SQL Server has to be located on the same computer as TAC Vista Server for the integrated backup to work.

At restore time, the database needs to be post-processed to be accessible by TAC Vista. A restore function ensures the restored data is prepared for use. To be able to prepare the database, TAC Vista needs to connect to SQL Server with sysadmin privileges.

If you select Typical SQL configuration, the installation program auto-matically sets up a SQL login with the sysadmin server role.

Automatic schema upgrade

The SQL database schema is the logical structure of the log database at a given time.

The database schema may be changed between TAC Vista versions. Whenever the database schema is changed, the changes need to be inte-grated into running systems when TAC Vista is upgraded to the new version.

At start-up, TAC Vista Server checks the current schema version of its attached log database and if the schema version does not match the expected, the server runs one or more upgrade scripts in order to make the schema compatible.

This way, improvements can be made to the log database without dis-turbing the existing installation. The existing installation will self-adjust to the new schema.

In order for TAC Vista Server to be able to perform the upgrade steps, its SQL database user needs to hold at least the database roles


TAC Software, Installation Manual 5 SQL Technical Information


Typical SQL Configuration

If you choose Typical SQL configuration, the TAC Vista installation program takes care of the settings based on whether or not there have been previous SQL settings.

The TAC Vista setup program installs Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition on the local computer, and uses fixed names for the server instance and database. The database is configured so that TAC Vista connects with a SQL database user that is a member of the

sysadmin server role.

This gives TAC Vista the opportunity to enable both the integrated backup/restore and automatic schema upgrade features.

Typical SQL configuration is intended for sites where:

• The organization wants to avoid license costs for a commercial edition of SQL Server.

• You want TAC Vista to manage SQL maintenance tasks. • The expected log database requirements do not exceed 4GB.


Custom SQL Configuration

For organizations with more specific requirements as to their log stor-age, Custom SQL configuration gives more options - at the expense of more responsibility.

In this mode, the setup program does not force server names and loca-tions, database names, or connection details. You can install and config-ure SQL Server at any time and have TAC Vista access it using either SQL or Windows authentication, and with a minimum of privileges. As a consequence, TAC Vista can no longer do integrated backups, as there is no guarantee that SQL Server is located on the same computer. This means that organizations have to set up a maintenance plan on SQL Server, separate from TAC Vista.

By default, automatic schema upgrade is unavailable. An administrator can enable it by adding the db_ddladmin and db_datawriter

roles to the TAC Vista SQL database user. There is a simple trade-off between security and convenience, and the default choice is to favor security.

If automatic schema upgrade fails due to insufficient privileges or other issues, an upgrade script is generated so that you can manually upgrade the schema with any SQL tool.


5 SQL Technical Information TAC Software, Installation Manual


Privilege Comparison Chart

The table shows the differences in privilege requirements for the typical vs. custom configuration modes.


SQL Configuration Troubleshooting

If you run into problems when configuring SQL Server for TAC Vista, there can be a number of causes.


Errors that Require SQL Server Reconfiguration

Some errors will stop you from continuing the installation, because the final setup will not work, as TAC Vista is configured to communicate with SQL Server in ways that SQL Server was not configured to allow.

SQL Server is Not Configured to Support SQL Server


This error occurs if you have selected SQL Server authentication and attempted to connect to a SQL Server that is not configured to support SQL Server authentication.

To solve the problem, you can either select Windows authentication for your Vista installation or configure SQL Server to allow mixed-mode authentication. For information on authentication, see Section 2.1.1, “Authentication”, on page 14.

SQL Server Cannot be Found

If you are sure that you typed the name of the SQL Server instance cor-rectly in the SQL Server name box, it is possible that SQL Server does not allow remote connections. For information on how to configure SQL Server to allow remote connections, see Section 2.2, “Connecting to a Remote SQL Server”, on page 16.

Table 5.1: Privilege Comparison Chart

Configuration Mode


For What?


Typical sysadmin Integrated backup/restore, automatic schema upgrade

No Custom db_ddladmin



TAC Software, Installation Manual 5 SQL Technical Information


Amendable Errors

If the problem is neither caused by SQL Server authentication configu-ration nor by SQL Server not allowing remote connections, the installa-tion program allows you to try to remedy the problem and then continue. These problems could be solved on the SQL Server side, but can also be worked around in the installation.

Error messages of this kind are presented in the Select SQL Admin Login or Generate Scripts dialog box.

Listed below are the most common types of amendable errors.

Login failures

If the error message mentions login failures, you may want to investi-gate whether:

• Your SQL login information is correct.

• Your Windows account is added as a login in SQL Server. • You are using Windows authentication but not using a domain

account when attempting to connect to a remote SQL Server. This is not a supported configuration. You must either use SQL Server authentication or a domain account.

Insufficient privileges to create or reconfigure log database

The selected authentication mode decides whose privileges are used to create or reconfigure the log database on the specified SQL Server. When you have selected SQL Server authentication, the installation attempts to create or reconfigure the log database using the provided SQL Server login and password. If it turns out that this user does not have enough privileges to perform the installation tasks, the installa-tions falls back and uses the logged-on Windows account to connect to SQL Server.

When you have selected Windows authentication, there is no such fall-back. The Windows account used to log on to the computer is always used for creating or reconfiguring, and never the Windows account pro-vided for TAC Vista log database access.

If the error message says that you do not have sufficient privileges to create or reconfigure the selected log database, this means that the login used by the installation is not a sysadmin on SQL Server.


5 SQL Technical Information TAC Software, Installation Manual


Select SQL Admin Login or Generate Scripts

In the Select SQL Admin Login or Generate Scripts dialog box you can do either of the following:

• Type name and password for a SQL login with sysadmin rights on SQL Server.

• Generate SQL scripts that you can give to a SQL administrator who can run the script on SQL Server and solve the problem.

Use a SQL login with sysadmin rights

Select the Use a SQL admin login option to give the installation a SQL Server login and password it can use to complete its work. TAC Vista is still configured to use the login information you provided earlier, but the installation will be able to create or reconfigure the log database using this sysadmin login.

Generate SQL scripts

Select this option when you do not have a SQL Server login with

sysadmin privileges. SQL Server may be managed by someone else, such as the customer’s IT department. You can generate an installation script that matches your settings and give it to the customer SQL admin-istrator, who can run the script on SQL Server.

The TAC Vista installation requires that the log database is created or reconfigured using the appropriate script, before the installation pro-gram is run again. Write down the connection details, so you can use the same information next time you run the installation.


• This requires that the SQL Server be configured to accept Mixed mode authentication. For information on authentication, see Section 2.1.1, “Authentication”, on page 14.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 5 SQL Technical Information


Manual Log Database Schema Upgrade

The SQL database schema is the logical structure of the log database at a given time.

The database schema may be changed between TAC Vista versions. Whenever the database schema is changed, the changes need to be inte-grated into running systems when they are upgraded to the new version. At start-up, TAC Vista Server checks the current schema version of its attached log database and if the schema version does not match the expected, the server runs one or more upgrade scripts in order to make the schema compatible.

If this process fails, TAC Vista Server generates a single upgrade script, which you can use to upgrade your log database manually.

TAC Vista Server cannot run if the schema version is incorrect, so if the automatic upgrade fails, it will show the following message and imme-diately shut down:

You can use the generated script to upgrade the log database to the ver-sion matching TAC Vista Server.

Make sure that you run the script on the SQL Server and in the database configured for the same TAC Vista Server that showed the failure mes-sage. You can find the SQL Server name and log database name in TAC Vista Server Setup.

Use a generic SQL tool to run the script, for example. OSQL.EXE or SQL Server Management Studio.


5 SQL Technical Information TAC Software, Installation Manual


Log Data Migration

If you want to move your log data from one SQL Server to another, for example, because you need more storage capacity, you have to start by migrating the data from the existing log database to the new log data-base.

Migration means that you move the database from one location to another. You do this in a generic SQL tool by using either backup/ restore or detach/attach.


• You have to backup the database to a folder to which SQL Server has write permissions.

• The default Backup folder under the SQL Server installation folder is prepared with the correct permissions by the SQL Server setup.

• Use an account with SYSADMIN privileges to connect.


• Usually, you have to change the file names and paths to match the SQL Server’s data directory and database name.


TAC Software, Installation Manual 5 SQL Technical Information


Reconfiguring SQL Server Settings for TAC Vista

In order for TAC Vista to find the migrated log data, you also have to reconfigure the SQL Server settings for TAC Vista. This is done in TAC Vista Server Setup.

To reconfigure SQL Server Settings for TAC Vista

1 In TAC Vista Server Setup, click the SQL Server tab.

2 In the SQL configuration area, select the SQL Server name box.

3 Select the new SQL Server.

4 In the Log database name box, type the name of the backed up log database.

5 Click OK.

For more information on how to configure the SQL Server Settings for TAC Vista, see Help in TAC Vista Server Setup.


• If you are using Typical SQL configuration, the name of the SQL Server instance is TACVISTA.


• If you are using Typical SQL configuration, the name of the log database is taclogdata.

• If you are using Custom SQL configuration, select Authentica-tion, type a SQL login or Windows account and a password.


• If TAC Vista Server Setup asks if you want to reconfigure the log database, click Yes.


TAC Software, Installation Manual Index



Access Permissions26








Authentication14 authentication mode15 authentication options15 Automatic schema upgrade56


Batch Installation19


capacity55 certificates13







58 Custom SQL Configuration57


Docnet9 Domain24




Generate scripts60


Install from a CD19 Insufficient privileges59 Integrated Backup/Restore56 Integrated backup/restore56


Launch and Activation Permissions30




40 licenses13


Microsoft SQL Server 200555 Mixed mode authentication14


60 My Computer26







44 New installation17

Non-NT Domain29


Port Exception24


29 Privilege58

Program Exception22






Reconfigure SQL Server63 Remote16

Remote Access24


29 remote connections16 Remote SQL Server15

16 restart19


schema version56 SQL administrator15 SQL Configuration17

SQL Configuration Troubleshooting58 SQL Privileges55

SQL Server Authentication58 SQL Server Browser Service16 SQL Server Browser service16 SQL Server Settings63

storing and reading of log data15 SYSADMIN62


TAC Vista version earlier than 4.3.018 TAC Vista Web Applications13 taclogdata63



37 Troubleshooting58 Typical17






58 Typical SQL Configuration57


Index TAC Software, Installation Manual

Use a SQL login60


Vista Server as a service15


Web Access40

Windows authentication14

15 Windows Firewall22




29 Windows user account15 Windows XP21


Copyright © 2006-2010, Schneider Electric Buildings AB All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Information con-tained within this document is subject to changewithout no-tice. All rights reserved.


Table 4.1: TGML Viewer Mode
Table 5.1: Privilege Comparison Chart


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