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Evaluation of Floral Habitat as a Food Source for Natural Enemies of Insect Pests in North Carolina


Academic year: 2020

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WITTING, BROOKE ELLEN. Evaluation of Floral Habitat as a Food Source for Natural Enemies of Insect Pests in North Carolina. (Under the direction of David B. Orr and H. Michael Linker).

A field study was conducted in 2004 and 2005 to observe flower- feeding of potential

beneficial insectary plants by insects. Sixteen flower species were individually observed

once weekly for two minutes beginning between 12 and 1 pm in 2004. Five species were

observed twice weekly beginning at 9:30 am and 12 pm in 2005. Insects were identified to

family level and analyzed by feeding guild. In both years, predators were observed feeding

from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.) flowers in greater abundance than from any other

flowers observed. Fennel also was fed upon most often by parasitoids in 2005. Pollinators

were observed feeding most often from Indian blanket (Gaillardia pulchella Foug.) in 2004

and from black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta L.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum

Moench) in 2005. In both years, herbivorous crop pests, deleterious and non-crop

parasitoids, and deleterious predators were not significantly affected by flower species.

A field study was conducted in August 2005 to determine the relative attractiveness

of floral habitat to three families of microhymenopteran egg parasitoids: Mymaridae,

Scelionidae, and Trichogrammatidae. Habitat plants were yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.),

celosia (Celosia cristata L.), buckwheat, fennel, daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum (J. W.

Ingram) Be rg. ex Kent.), and black-eyed Susan. Non- flowering crabgrass (Digitaria sp.

Haller) served as a control. Sticky traps were used to monitor microhymenoptera and were

placed at three heights: flower height, 0.5 times flower height, and 1.5 times flower height.

Flower heads were removed from half of each plot and traps were placed in the center of


three families of microhymenoptera but flower removal only affected scelionids. At flower

height, scelionids were trapped in greater abundance in celosia plots at flower height in

flowers-present versus flowers-removed treatments. Trichogrammatids were trapped in

greatest abundance at 0.5 times flower height in un- mowed crabgrass plots and mymarids

were most abundant at 0.5 times flower height in black–eyed Susan plots. Our results

indicate that habitat plantings may attract microhymenoptera but that flowers themselves do

not appear to be responsible for this attraction.

A combined laboratory and field study was conducted to determine the effect of

different food sources on the longevity and fecundity of Trichogramma exiguum Pinto &

Platner and the longevity of Cotesia congregata (Say). Newly eclosed (<12 h) female wasps

were provisioned with one of two treatments: fennel or buckwheat flowers, or one of two

controls: honey or water. Wasps were monitored daily until all had died. Fecundity of T.

exiguum was monitored using Ephestia kuehniella Keller egg cards. Longevity was greatest

in T. exiguum provisioned with honey and in C. congregata provisioned with buckwheat

flowers. Buckwheat provisioned T. exiguum exhibited greater longevity than those provided

fennel. Longevity of C. congregata provisioned with fenne l and honey was approximately

equal. Water provisioned T. exiguum and C. congregata exhibited the shortest longevity.

Total fecundity was greatest in T. exiguum provisioned with honey or buckwheat. Average

female to male ratio over the lifetime of each female was greatest in T. exiguum provisioned

with water alone, likely because of sperm limitation in wasps exhibiting greater longevity.

Total average number of female offspring produced was greatest in T. exiguum provided

honey or buckwheat flowers although no difference in total female offspring were observed


provisioning T. exiguum with honey and buckwheat flowers caused greater longevity, total

fecundity, and lifetime production of female offspring than water alone. Buckwheat flowers





A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of North Carolina State University

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of

Master of Science




________________________________ ________________________________ Dr. David B. Orr Dr. H. Michael Linker

Co-Chair of Advisory Committee Co-Chair of Advisory Committee



I am pleased to dedicate this thesis to my mom, Sylvia Lynn Witting, whose stubborn



Brooke Ellen Witting was born in Norman, Oklahoma in 1978. She moved to

Durham, North Carolina with her family in 1981. Brooke attended Warren Wilson College

in Swannanoa, NC and received her B.A. in Environmental Studies with a minor in Biology

in 2000 under Dr. Louise Weber. It was at WWC that she discovered her love for the life

sciences and entomology. In 2004 she began work on a Master’s of Science degree at North

Carolina State University in the Department of Entomology under the direction of Drs. David



I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Dr. David Orr and Dr. H. Michael Linker

for accepting me into the graduate program when I felt I would never overcome the obstacles

to get there. I would especially like to thank Dr. Orr for teaching me about experimental

design and creative thinking. My warm thanks go to Dr. Linker for allowing me to tag-along

while he conducted his research when I was an intern at the Center for Environmental

Farming Systems. I learned more on those field days than I could ever learn in the

classroom. I also would like to thank Dr. Cavell Brownie for her help with statistical

analysis and Dr. John Dole for his horticultural expertise.

I am grateful to Lisa Jackson, Meg Perry, Aaron Thomas, Evan Palmieri, Oliver

Freeman, Derek Frank, Alexandre Roberts, Jenny Pate, Ryan Hinson, and Sergio Hernandez

for helping collect data and maintain plots under often grueling conditions. My special

thanks are extended to Lisa Forehand for her taxonomic expertise in the microhymenoptera

and to Mary Kroner for tirelessly accompanying me during my first field season.

Finally, I would like to thank Dr. Louise Weber for igniting the spark that fueled my

interest in entomology. I will never forget her first lecture as she described spending hours

examining insect boxes and being astounded by the diverse and beautiful world of insects. It




LIST OF TABLES……….………..…...vi

LIST OF FIGURES………..………..vii




Materials and Methods………...….6



References cited……….17




Materials and Methods……….…..28



References cited………...…..37




Materials and Methods………45



References cited………...55




1.1 Plant species observed in each beneficial insect habitat flower

strip. Goldsboro, NC………..20

1.2 List of insect families by feeding guild………...21

1.3 Mean ± SD number insects in each feeding guild observed

feeding from flowers. Goldsboro, N.C. 2004………22

1.4 Mean ± SD number insects in each feeding guild observed

feeding from flowers. Goldsboro, N.C. 2005………23

2.1 Mean ± SD number of parasitoids caught on yellow sticky traps placed at three different heights in plots with flowers

present or mechanically removed from five plant species……….39

3.1 Mean ± SD longevity of T. exiguum and C. congregata provided

different food sources………62

3.2 Mean ± SD number of offspring, females, and percent females




3.1 Diagram of experimental cage………..………..57

3.2 Mean daily ± SD number of offspring produced by T. exiguum

provisioned with buckwheat flowers and water in a laboratory

study ………...58

3.3 Mean daily ± SD number of offspring produced by T. exiguum

provisioned with fennel flowers and water in a laboratory study……..59

3.4 Mean daily ± SD number of offspring produced by T. exiguum

provisioned with honey and water in a laboratory study………..60

3.5 Mean daily ± SD number of offspring produced by T. exiguum


Observations of Insect Flower-Feeding


Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Habitat plantings may be used to increase diversity of natural enemies to enhance

biological control of agricultural pests by providing nectar and pollen, an appropriate

microclimate, or hosting alternative prey. This study was conducted in 2004 and 2005 to

observe flower-feeding of potential beneficial insectary plants by insects. Sixteen flower

species were individually observed once weekly for two minutes beginning between 12 and 1

pm in 2004. Five species were observed twice weekly beginning at 9:30 am and 12 pm in

2005. Insects were identified to Family level and analyzed by feeding guild. In both years

more predators were observed feeding from fennel (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.) flowers

than from any other flowers. Fennel also was fed upon most often by parasitoids in 2005.

Pollinators were observed feeding most often from blanket flower (Gaillardia pulchella

Foug.) in 2004 and from black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta L.) and buckwheat (Fagopyrum

esculentum Moench) in 2005. In both years, herbivorous crop pests, deleterious and

non-crop parasitoids, and deleterious predators were not significantly affected by flower species.



Insects and flowering plants are believed to have relied on one another for the last

125 million years. Palynivory (feeding on pollen) is considered to be the evolutionary

forerunner to pollination and was followed by nectarivory where plants ensured their

reproduction by enticing pollinators with nectar rewards (Labandeira 1998). While less

frequently noted, plants may attract insects using nectar for another reason. By luring

predatory insects with sweet secretions, plants can potentially encourage predators to feed on

herbivorous insects (Wäckers 2005).

Plants can assist natural enemies by providing appropriate microclimates, food

resources, such as nectar and pollen, or by hosting alternative prey (Landis et al. 2000).

While many natural enemies are carnivorous as larvae, the adults are often omnivorous or

herbivorous and rely on plant foods to promote increased longe vity and fecundity (Jervis and

Kidd 1986; Cortesero et al. 2000; Wäckers 2005). The ‘enemies hypothesis’ (Root 1973)

implies that natural enemies are more effective at reducing crop pest numbers in diverse

rather than simple habitats. In modern cropping systems, plant diversity tends to be low,

reducing plant resources such as sugar, which may impact beneficial insects. Habitat

management is a type of conservation biological control that employs the use of plant

resources to enhance the effectiveness of natural enemies and can be an important tool in

suppressing agricultural pest insect populations by increasing diversification of plants in

agricultural systems (reviewed by Coll 1998).

Plant-provided resources can increase effectiveness of natural enemies by generating

greater longevity, fecundity, or host-searching ability. The effectiveness of insectary habitat


about half of the studies comparing diversified cropping systems to monocultures have

yielded positive results in terms of reduced pest numbers (Heimpel et al. 2005). Failures in

the field may be caused in part to plants’ varied abilities to provide natural enemies with food

resources due to plant physiology and morphology. Many factors influence the suitability of

floral habitat as food sources to natural enemies including availability of flowers in time and

space, floral architecture, floral odor, and nutritional composition of nectar and pollen

(Wäckers 2005). For example, buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) flowers are

readily fed upon by many natural enemies (English- Loeb 2003); however, nectar production

ceases in the afternoon (Olson et al. 2005). Patt et al. (1997) found that floral architecture

and odor played important roles in the foraging efficiency of two parasitoids (Hymenoptera:

Eulophidae). Analysis of gut sugars of parasitic ichneumonoid and chalcidoid wasps showed

significantly higher amounts of fructose, a sugar not naturally present in insect bodies, in

wasps collected from flowering buckwheat borders than from soybean borders (Lee and

Heimpel 2003). Wäckers (2004) screened eleven species of flowering plants for suitability

as food sources to an ichneumonid and two braconid parasitoids. Only four plant species

were found to be attractive, while three plant species were actually determined to be


It is generally accepted that natural enemies forage effectively on non-specialized

flowers such as composites and umbels which contain compact groups of small florets with

accessible nectaries (Proctor et al. 1996). Field observations have shown that natural

enemies exhibit preferential feeding behavior to various species of flowering plants. In a

study conducted by Colley and Luna (2000), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), fennel


elicited the greatest number of feeding visits from beneficial hoverflies visiting eleven

flowering plant species. Carreck and Williams (1997) recorded insect visits to individual

flowering species of two commercial flower mixes and found Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth to

be most attractive to hoverflies and hymenoptera. However, the hymenoptera observed were

predominately members of the family Apidae, not parasitoids. Lövei et al. (1993) observed

feeding by hoverflies from several species of flowering plants and determined that coriander

provided food resources to the greatest number of hoverflies of the plants observed.

Al-Doghairi and Cranshaw (1999) observed insect visits to 150 plant species in 37 families and

found that members of Asteraceae, the aster family; Apiaceae (formerly Umbelliferaceae),

the carrot family; Brassicaceae, the mustard family; Lamiaceae, the mint family;

Scrophulariaceae, the figwort family; and Crassulaceae, the stonecrop family received the

most visits by natural enemies.

This study was designed to determine which flowers attracted the greatest numbers of

parasitoids and predators of crop pests in North Carolina. The observational studies

mentioned previously were conducted in Oregon, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and

Colorado respectively. To our knowledge, few if any observational studies of flower- feeding

by natural enemies have been conducted in the southeastern United States. Forehand (2004)

recorded abundance of natural enemies collected from flowering habitat in North Carolina

using a vacuum sampler; however direct observations of flower- feeding by natural enemies

were not made.

We were also interested in recording the numbers of herbivorous crop pests feeding

from flowers. One risk associated with placing flowering plants near crop fields is that pest


found that while buckwheat and coriander flowers increased longevity of an encyrtid

parasitoid, flowers also increased longevity and fecundity of the parasitoid’s herbivorous

host. Pest numbers and crop damage in the field were also amplified as proximity to

flowering habitat increased.

Finally, it is important to quantify members of other feeding guilds in addition to

beneficial parasitoids, predators, and crop pests. Many insects can be observed feeding from

flowers that to farmers may appear to be beneficial. These insects include hymenoptera that

are pollinators, predators of beneficial spiders (e.g. members of Pompilidae) and parasitoids

of pollinators or natural enemies (e.g. members of Chrysididae). The previously mentioned

study by Carreck and Williams is a good example of documentation of hymenopteran

pollinators rather than predators and parasitoids being considered beneficial insects.

Stephens et al. (1998) provide an important case where numbers of Anacharis sp.

(Hymenoptera: Figitidae), a parasitoid of the beneficial brown lacewing, were increased in

orchards sown with buckwheat than in herbicide treated control plots. We hope that this

study can elucidate the preferences of different feeding guilds to floral habitat to provide

growers with a preliminary recommendation of insectary habitat for natural enemies in North


Materials and Methods

Research site. This study was conducted at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems near Goldsboro, N.C. on the Small Farm Unit. The Small Farm Unit is a highly

diverse, organic farm approximately 6.07 ha in size. A wide variety of commodities are


crops. Some livestock production, including chickens, turkeys, and goats also occurs on the

Small Farm Unit.

Experimental design. Observational data were collected from three flower strips in three distinct locations on the Small Farm Unit that were established the previous year.

Flower strips were separated by an average distance of 48.2 m. For all studies, flower strips

measuring approximately 56.4 x 2.7 m were divided into 6.1 x 2.7 m plots.

In 2004, each flower strip contained five plots, three of which were commercially

available beneficial insectary plantings and two that contained pure stands of fennel and

buckwheat (Table 1.1). Greenhouse grown plants were transplanted using a grid to achieve

an ideal plant community according to seed companies’ instructions in a complete block

design with selective placement of plots (Forehand 2004).

In 2005, flower strips contained seven plots laid out using a complete block design

with selective placement of plots. Fennel, daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum (J. W. Ingram)

Berg. ex Kent.), yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.), and black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta L.)

were planted because natural enemies were observed feeding from these plants most often

during the 2004 study. Celosia (Celosia cristata L.) appeared to attract and feed a large

number of natural enemies when observed anecdotally. Buckwheat was chosen because of

its prevalence in scientific literature as being an insectary plant attractive to natural enemies

(Colley and Luna 2000; Irvin et al. 2000; Stephens et al. 1998), although for the most part,

results have been variable (Irvin et al. 1999; Berndt et al. 2002).

Plant management. In 2004 and 2005, plants were watered as needed and weeds were managed with hand-weeding inside plots and mechanical mowing around plots. In


densities were high enough that a pure stand had already been obtained. All other plants

were either transplanted or directly seeded into plots. In 2005, flower strips each contained

seven plots. Plots were planted with greenhouse- grown celosia, daisy, and black-eyed Susan

transplants on 25 May, 2005. Fifty- four plants of each species were planted per plot in three

rows with 30.5 cm between each plant and 46 cm between each row using hand trowels and

bulb diggers. Buckwheat was directly seeded into plots at a rate of 56.04 kg/ha and raked in

using a steel rake. Buckwheat seed was purchased from Jeffrey's Seed Co. (1608 US 117

South, Goldsboro, NC 27503). The remaining seeds were purchased from Germania (5978 N

Northwest Hwy, PO Box 31787, Chicago, IL 60631-0787) (See Table 1.1 for cultivars).

Celosia, black-eyed Susan, and daisy transplants were grown in the Biological

Control Greenhouse at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Plants were started in

96-cell round plug trays (3.8 by 3.9 cm, Hummert International, 4500 Earth City

Expressway, Earth City, MO 63045) filled with moistened Metro-Mix 200 potting soil

(Scotts-Sierra Horticulture Products Co., The Scotts Company, 1411 ScottsLawn Rd.,

Marysville, OH 43041) on 25 and 28 March, 2005. Four trays were planted per species with

two seeds planted per cell thinned to one plant per cell. Plants were grown in a greenhouse

with a heating set point of 21.1º C and a ventilation set point of 26.7º C. Plants were watered

as need with a misting bed and/or hand watering. Trays were placed under high intensity

metal halide lights with an 11 h photophase. The photophase was extended to 16 h on 22

April, 2005. When roots were established and the aboveground portion was of sufficient

size, plants were transplanted to 473 ml plastic cups (Kmart Corporation, Troy, MI 48084)

with a drainage hole drilled in the bottom using a 1.3 cm drill bit. Prior to transplanting,


were covered with woven black plastic ground cover (Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company, 730

Hwy 70 West, Garner, NC 27529) secured with landscape anchor pins (DuPont™ Garden

Products™, Chestnut Run Plaza, Bldg. 728, PO Box 80728, Wilmington, DE, 19880-0728)

to suppress weeds and preserve soil moisture.

Sampling. In both years, one observation of insect flower-feeding per plant species was made in each replicate on each sampling date. Observations of insect feeding were

conducted on seven dates in 2004 (2 June, 9 June, 24 June, 8 July, 14 July, 22 July, and 4

August) and on thirteen dates in 2005 (21 June, 24 June, 28 June, 1 July, 5 July, 12 July, 15

July, 18 July, 2 August, 5 August, 9 August, 12 August, and 16 August). Observations in

2004 began between 12 and 1 pm. This time was chosen after performing a daylong

observation of insect activity on 31 May, 2004 from dawn to dusk where we found the

greatest amount of activity to occur midday. Observations were made at 9:30 am and 12:00

pm in 2005. The 9:30 observation was added due to low numbers of insects found feeding

midday on buckwheat in 2004, presumably because peak nectar production in buckwheat

occurs in the mo rning (Olson et al. 2005; Free 1993).

A single observer called out identified insects to a recorder who also kept time. This

approach allowed the observer to watch flowers for the prescribed period without

interruption. For a single observation, the observer constantly scanned an approximately 0.3

m2 area of actively blooming flowers of a single plant species for two minutes. Insects observed directly feeding from flower heads were recorded to family level. Feeding was

considered to be direct application of the insects’ mouthparts to the area of the plant

producing nectar and/or pollen or apparent application of the mouthparts to this region


from flower to flower within the area of observation were counted once. Insects that left the

area and returned were counted a second time, similar to methods described by Colley and

Luna (2000).

All insects that were too small to be identified in the field were removed with an

aspirator and transferred to a vial containing 50% ethanol and returned to the laboratory for

identification. Preliminary identification of specimens from each insect family was

performed by Dr. David Orr. Mr. David Stephan verified identification and specimens were

placed in the NCSU museum as vouchers.

Data analysis. Insects observed feeding on flowers were grouped according to feeding guilds (Table 1.3). The number of insects observed feeding at each plant species

were square root transformed then analyzed using general linear and mixed models for each

feeding guild (PROC GLM, PROC MIXED, SAS Institute 2003). Plant species that

flowered in only one replicate or received no feeding visits from members of a specific

feeding guild were omitted prior to analyses to avoid skewing results. Dates of observations

that fell within the same week in 2005 were combined prior to analyses to reduce imbalance

in data due to differences in blooming period among plant species.


In 2004, numbers of parasitoids, predators, pollinators, and non-crop herbivores

observed were significantly affected by flower species (F = 6.60, df = 3, 5, P = 0.0344; F =

10.45, df = 9, 16, P < 0.0001; F = 12.43, df = 9, 16, P < 0.0001; F = 4.05, df = 9, 16, P =

0.0073) (Appendix 1.1). Herbivorous crop pests, deleterious and non-crop parasitoids, and

deleterious predators were not significantly affected by flower species (F = 1.57, df = 9, 16,


2, P = 0.2506). In 2005, flower species significantly affected the numbers of parasitoids,

non-crop parasitoids, predators and pollinators (F = 41.79, df = 2, 4, P = 0.0021; F = 27.45,

df = 4, 8, P < 0.0001; F = 9.08, df = 4, 8, P = 0.0045) but not non-crop herbivores,

herbivorous crop pests, deleterious parasitoids, or deleterious predators (F = 1.23, df = 3, 6, P

= 0.3773; F = 2.67, df = 4, 8, P = 0.1104; F = 2.86, df = 3, 6, P = 0.1267; F = 9.74, df = 1, 2,

P = 0.0891). Pollinators and deleterious parasitoids were affected by time of day

observations were made (F = 12.69, df = 1, 10, P = 0.0052; F = 9.86, df = 1, 10, P = 0.0105)

while parasitoids, non-crop parasitoids, predators, deleterious predators, non-crop herbivores

and herbivorous crop pests were not (F = 1.16, df = 1, 6, P = 0.3235; F = 3.19, df = 1, 10, P

= 0.1042; F = 0.16, df = 1, 10, P = 0.6966; F = 0.70, df = 1, 4, P = 0.4487; F = 0.50, df = 1,

8, P = 0.4994; F = 0.95, df = 1, 10, P = 0.3528). The interaction between time of day and

flower species significantly affected pollinators, deleterious parasitoids, and predators (F =

16.58, df = 4, 10, P = 0.0002; F = 7.07, df = 4, 10, P = 0.0057; F = 8.85, df = 4, 10, P =

0.0025) but not parasitoids, non-crop parasitoids, deleterious predators, non-crop herbivores

and herbivorous crop pests (F = 1.00, df = 2, 6, P = 0.4207; F = 0.98, df = 4, 10, P = 0.4620;

F = 0.18, df = 1, 4, P = 0.6907; F = 0.94, df = 3, 8, P = 0.4664; F = 1.10, df = 4, 10, P =


In 2004, overall parasitoid feeding was low (Table 1.3). Parasitoids were only

observed feeding from four flowers: celery (Apium graveolens L.), daisy, fennel, and yarrow.

Of these flowers, significantly more parasitoids were found feeding from celery. The

remaining flowers did not differ in the numbers of parasitoids observed feeding from them.

However, because celery was observed on relatively few occasions, results are not highly


from fennel in higher numbers than from any of the other plant species observed (Table 1.4).

Approximately equal numbers of parasitoids fed from yarrow, celosia, buckwheat, and

black-eyed Susan.

In 2004, predators were observed feeding in significantly higher numbers from fennel

than the remainder of the flowers observed (Table 1.3). Predators fed from celery and yarrow

at higher levels than from clover (Trifolium repens L.), blanket flower (Gaillardia pulchella

Foug.), California poppy (Eschscholzia californica Cham.), and tickseed (Coreopsis

lanceolata L.). In 2005, significantly more predators fed from fennel than the other flower

species regardless of time of day (Table 1.4). Buckwheat was fed upon to a lesser degree

than fennel, however significantly more predators were present on buckwheat at 9:30 than at


Flowers in this study varied greatly in the numbers of pollinators that fed from them.

In 2004, higher numbers of pollinators were found feeding from blanket flower, although

numbers did not significantly differ from pollinators feeding from tickseed (Table 1.3).

Numbers of pollinators feeding from tickseed, fennel, yarrow, daisy, black-eyed Susan, and

California poppy were approximately equal while celery, clover, and buckwheat were fed

upon least. In 2005, more pollinators were observed feeding from black-eyed Susan and

buckwheat than all other plant species (Table 1.4). More pollinators were observed at both

black-eyed Susan and buckwheat at 9:30 than at 12:00.

In 2004, no n-crop herbivores fed most from celery flowers (Table 1.3). Yarrow was

fed upon more frequently than California poppy but no significant difference was found

among the remainder of the flower species. Non-crop herbivores were not significantly


The effects of replication and date on numbers of insects feeding from flowers in

2004 were significant for parasitoids (F = 3.98, df = 2, 11, P = 0.0383; F = 14.48, df = 6, 7, P

< 0.0001). Date also significant ly affected non-crop herbivores (F = 2.37, df = 6, 13, P =

0.0401). However, this was probably due to unevenness in the data as parasitoids and

non-crop herbivores were found feeding most often from celery, which was present in only two of

the three replicates for two weeks. Replication did not effect deleterious or non-crop

parasitoids, deleterious predators, predators, pollinators, non-crop herbivores, or herbivorous

crop pests (F = 0.54, df = 2, 13, P = 0.5883; F = 0.59, df = 2, 13, P = 0.5568; F = 3.33, df =

2, 10, P = 0.0779; F = 0.23, df = 2, 17, P = 0.7948; F = 2.91, df = 2, 17, P = 0.0619; F =

0.87, df = 2, 17, P = 0.4228; F = 0.50, df = 2, 17, P = 0.6100). Date played a significant role

in the number of pollinators and non-crop parasitoids found feeding from flowers (F = 9.16,

df = 6, 13, P < 0.0001; F = 3.13, df = 6, 13, P = 0.0139) but not deleterious parasitoids,

deleterious predators, predators, or herbivorous crop pests (F = 1.06, df = 6, 13, P = 0.4063;

F = 2.40, df = 6, 13, P = 0.1056; F = 1.86, df = 6, 13, P = 0.1029; F = 1.16, df = 6, 13, P =

0.3377). Upon closer observation we noted that blanket flower and fennel harbored higher

numbers of pollinators during the middle of our sampling dates while other flower species

were fed upon by approximately equal numbers of pollinators throughout the study.

Numbers of non-crop parasitoids observed feeding from flowers were low throughout the

entire study. Because we were able to identify probable causes leading to a significant effect,

data were averaged across both replication and date.

In 2005, no effect of replication was found for any of the feeding guilds. Week

significantly affected the number of pollinators and non-crop parasitoids observed on flowers


numbers of non-crop herbivores, herbivorous crop pests, predators, deleterious predators,

parasitoids, non-crop or deleterious parasitoids (F = 2.15, df = 4, 8, P = 0.1654; F = 0.50, df

= 3, 6, P = 0.6977; F = 0.83, df = 5, 10, P = 0.7181; F = 2.68, df = 5, 10, P = 0.0865; F =

2.03, df = 5, 10, P = 0.1599; F = 1.31, df = 5, 10, P = 0.3356). The number of pollinators

visiting flowers decreased steadily with the progression of weeks, likely because peak

flowering occurred at the beginning of the study and flower-production declined as weeks

passed. Non-crop parasitoids were observed feeding from flowers infrequently.


In this study we were primarily interested in determining which flowering plants

provided floral food resources to beneficial insects. We regarded only two feeding guilds,

parasitoids and predators, as beneficial insects because of their ability to reduce numbers of

agricultural pests. We were also interested in recording all other insects feeding from floral

structures to determine whether or not crop pests fed from flowers and to separate insects

which may appear to be beneficial to farmers because they belong to the Order Hymenoptera.

The latter have species that may be deleterious because of their potential to reduce numbers

of pollinators or spiders through predation or parasitization (e.g. Pompilidae and

Chrysididae) (Triplehorn and Johnson 2005). We also recorded numbers of pollinators

which are beneficial to the farm but play no role in crop pest management.

Results from this study show that insects belonging to different feeding guilds

preferentially feed from different flower species. Although sampling was conducted in a

similar manner from year to year planting design was considerably different and plant

species observed differed making direct comparison of the two study years impossible.


exception of non-crop herbivores and non-crop parasitoids. Numbers of deleterious

parasitoids and predators, and herbivorous crop pests were not affected by flower species.

Additionally, some overall trends in the frequency of feeding visits made by beneficial

insects can be seen in both years. Fennel received the greatest number of feeding visits from

predators both years and in 2005 fennel was frequented most often by beneficial parasitoids.

In 2004, celery was visited most often by parasitoids. This study reinforces the observation

that umbelliferous flowers which have easily accessible nectaries are often frequented by

beneficial insects (Patt et al. 1997). Celery however only bloomed for three weeks in only

two of the three replicates. Additionally, celery is a biennial and therefore would unlikely be

a desirable beneficial insectary plant as growers would have to wait a full year for flowering

to commence. Fennel bloomed continuously and aggressively throughout both years of the


In 2004, few insects were found feeding from buckwheat when all observations were

conducted at noon. Buckwheat tends to wilt in hot weather and does not produce nectar in

the afternoon (Lee and Heimpel 2003; Olson et al. 2005). By adding a morning observation

we were able to see that buckwheat was attractive to pollinators and predators after finding

the previous year that buckwheat attracted relatively low numbers of members of all feeding


We found no significant effect of flower species on numbers of herbivorous crop

pests observed feeding from floral structures. Additionally, overall numbers of crop pests

feeding from flowers were low for both years. This does not mean, however that crop pests

did not feed from the flowers in this study. Time of day could have played an important role


(2004) observed crepuscular feeding habits of noctuid and sphingid moths and found that

moths fed most heavily from celosia flowers.

This study does not allow us to provide a definitive recommendation for beneficial

insect habitat to growers in North Carolina. In 2004, flowering was inconsistent across

replications and dates causing many gaps in the data. Siberian wallflower (Erysimum

hieracifolium L.) and dame’s rocket (Hesperis matronalis L.) were eliminated from data

analysis because they received so few feeding visits. This shows that these flowers are likely

poor choices as habitat planting to attract natural enemies in North Carolina. Other plants,

such as celery and cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.) exhibited a short blooming period,

making them unsuitable insectary habitat plants as well. As was previously mentioned, the

biennial nature of celery is undesirable. In 2005 a similar problem was encountered with

Shasta daisy plants when blooming failed to commence the same season daisies were

planted. Fennel showed promising characteristics both phenologically and in its ability to

attract beneficial insects. Fennel, however, can be invasive and is listed on the California

Exotic Plant Pest List (1999). Fennel also causes contact and photodermatitis in humans and

should be handled only when wearing gloves (Simon et al. 1984). Because of the lack of

complete knowledge of biology and phenology of plants used in this study, future research

that is more exhaustive than the present study is needed. We hope that the current findings

can be a starting point for future observational studies of beneficial insect flower-feeding in


References cited

Al-Doghairi, M. A. and W. S. Cranshaw. 1999. Surveys of visitation of flowering landscape plants by common biological control agents in Colorado. J. Kans. Entomol. Soc. 72(2): 190-196.

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(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), and the use of flowering plants as a habitat management tool to enhance biological control of potato moth, Phthorimaea operculella

(Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Biol. Control 11: 9-17.

Berndt, L. A., S. D. Wratten, and P. G. Hassan. 2002. Effects of buckwheat flowers on leafroller (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) parasitoids in a New Zealand vineyard. Agric. For. Entomol. 4: 39-45.

California Exotic Pest Plant Council. 1999. Exotic Plant Pest List. California Exo tic Pest Plant Council, California.

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mixtures as food sources for beneficial insects in the UK. J. Agric. Sci. 128: 397-403.

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leafhoppers (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) in New York vineyards. Agric. For. Entomol. 5: 173-181.

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Heimpel, G. E. and M. A. Jervis. 2005. Does floral nectar improve biological control by parasitoids?, pp. 267-304. In: F. L. Wäckers, P. C. J. van Rijn, and J. Bruin [eds.], Plant-Provided Food for Carnivorous Insects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

Irvin, N. A., S. D. Wratten, R. B. Chapman, and C. M. Frampton. 1999. Effects of floral resources on fitness of the leafroller parasitoid (Dolichogenidea tasmanica) in apples. Proc. of the 52nd N.Z. Plant Protection Conf. 1999: 84-88.

Irvin, N. A., S. D. Wratten, and C. M. Frampton. 2000. Understorey management for the enhancement of the leafroller parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron) in orchards at Canterbury, New Zealand, pp 396-403. In: A. D. Austin and M. Dowton [eds.], Hymenoptera: Evolution, Biodiversity and Biological Control. CSIRO Pub., Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.

Jervis, M. A. and N. A. C. Kidd. 1986. Host- feeding strategies in hymenopteran parasitoids. Biol. Rev. 61: 395-434.

Labandeira, C. C. 1998. How old is the flower and the fly? Science 3: 57-59.

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Lee, J. C. and G. E. Heimpel. 2003. Nectar availability and parasitoid sugar feeding. Proc. 1st Int. Symp. Biol. Control Arthropods: 220-225.

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Olson, D. B., K. Takasu, and W. J. Lewis. 2005. Food needs of adult parasitoids: behavioral adaptations and consequences, pp. 137-147. In: F. L. Wäckers, P. C. J. van Rijn, and J. Bruin [eds.], Plant-Provided Food for Carnivorous Insects. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom.

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Simon, J. E., A. F. Chadwick and L. E. Craker. 1984. Herbs: an indexed bibliography, 1971-1980: the scientific literature on selected herbs, and aromatic and medicinal plants of the temperate zone. Archon Books, Hamden, CT.

Stephens, M. J., C. M. France, S. D. Wratten, and C. Frampton. 1998. Enhancing biological control of leafrollers (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) by sowing buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) in an orchard. Biocontrol Sci. Technol. 8: 547-558.

Triplehorn, C. A. and N. F. Johnson. 2005. Borror and DeLong’s Introduction to the study of insects, 7th edition. Brooks Cole, Belmont, CA.

USDA, NRCS. 2006. The PLANTS database, version 3.5 (http://plants.usda.gov). Data compiled by various sources by M. W. Skinner. Nat. Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA.

Wäckers, F. L. 2004. Assessing the suitability of flowering herbs as parasitoid food sources: flower attractiveness and nectar accessibility. Biol. Control 29: 307-314.


Table 1.1 Plant species observed in each beneficial insect habitat flower strip. Goldsboro, NC 2004

Common Name Scientific Name Plant Family Weeks in Bloom Replicates in Bloom Cultivar Alfalfa Medicago sativa L. Fabaceae 2 1

Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta L. Asteraceae 7 2-3 Blanket flower Gaillardia pulchella Foug. Asteraceae 7 2-3 Blazing star Liatris spicata (L.) Willd. Asteraceae 3 1 Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Polygonaceae 7 2-3


California poppy Eschscholzia californica Cham. Papaveraceae 5 3 Celery Apium graveolens L. Apiaceae 3 1-2 Cilantro Coriandrum sativum L. Apiaceae 3 1 Dame’s rocket Hesperis matronalis L. Brassicaceae 4 2-3

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill. Apiaceae 7 3 ‘Smokey Bronze’ Purple prairie clover Dalea purpurea Vent. Fabaceae 2 1-2

Red clover Trifolium repens L. Fabaceae 7 3 Shasta daisy Leucanthemum x superbum Asteraceae 6 1-3

(J.W. Ingram) Berg. e x Kent.

Siberian wallflower Erysimum hieracifolium L. Brassicaceae 5 1-2 Tickseed Coreopsis lanceolata L. Asteraceae 5 1-2 Yarrow Achillea millefolium L. Asteraceae 7 3

--- 2005

Black-eyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta L. Asteraceae 3 3 ‘Indian Summer’ Buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum Polygonaceae 3 3


Celosia Celosia cristata L. Amaranthaceae 5 3 ‘Cramer’s Crested Series Burgundy’

Fennel Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill. Apiaceae 7 3 ‘Smokey Bronze’ x Rubrum

Shasta daisy Leucanthemum x superbum Asteraceae 0 0 ‘Alaska’ (J.W. Ingram) Berg. e x Kent.


Table 1.2 List of insect families by feeding guild Feeding Guild Families Observed

Herbivore – Crop Pest Chrysomelidae, Coreidae, Curculionidae, Hesperiidae, Miridae, Papillionidae, Pentatomidae, Pieridae,


Herbivore – Non-Crop Ctenuchidae, Geometridae, Mordellidae, Nymphalidae, Thyreocoridae

Parasitoid – Non-Crop Scoliidae, Tephiidae

Parasitoid – Beneficial Eulophidae, Figitidae, Tachinidae

Parasitoid – Deleterious Chrysididae

Pollinator Anthophoridae, Apidae, Halictidae, Megachilidae

Predator – Beneficial Anthocoridae, Cantharidae, Coccinellidae, Chrysopidae,

Lygaeidae, Sphecidae, Staphylinidae, Syrphidae, Vespidae


Table 1.3 Mean ± SD number of insects per two minutes in each feeding guild observed feeding from flowers 2 June – 4 August. Goldsboro, N.C. 2004

Plant Species Parasitoids Non-Crop Deleterious Herbivores Herbi vores Deleterious Predators Pollinators Parasitoids Parasitoids Non-Crop Crop Pests Predators

Black-eyed Susan 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.6 ± 1.1A 0.2 ± 0.6A 0.2 ± 0.4BC 0.1 ± 0.3A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.5 ± 0.7BCD 1.3 ± 2.4CDE

Blanket flower 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.2 ± 0.7BC 0.2 ± 0.4A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.2 ± 0.5CD 6.1 ± 4.6A

Buckwheat 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.5 ± 0.5A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.2 ± 0.5BC 0.4 ± 1.0A 0.1 ± 0.2A 0.5 ± 1.0BC 0.0 ± 0.0F

California poppy 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.1 ± 0.3C 0.2 ± 0.4A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0D 0.8 ± 0.8CDE

Celery 2.4 ± 3.6A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0A 12.2 ± 18.6A 0.5 ± 0.6A 0.0 ± 0.0A 1.2 ± 1.3B 0.4 ± 0.9DEF

Clover 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0A 1.0 ± 3.15BC 0.5 ± 0.6A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.4 ± 0.6CD 0.3 ± 0.2EF

Daisy 0.5 ± 1.4B 0.8 ± 1.2A 0.2 ± 0.6A 0.5 ± 0.7BC 0.6 ± 0.8A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.9 ± 1.5B 1.5 ± 1.6CD

Fennel 0.5 ± 0.9B 0.2 ± 0.5A 0.1 ± 0.4A 0.4 ± 0.5BC 0.4 ± 0.8A 0.6 ± 1.2A 3.2 ± 2.6A 2.8 ± 3.4BC

Tickseed 0.0 ± 0.0B 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.7 ± 1.0BC 0.3 ± 0.5A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.0 ± 0.0D 3.1 ± 2.4AB

Yarrow 0.1 ± 0.2B 0.4 ± 0.5A 0.1 ± 0.4A 2.0 ± 3.2B 1.6 ± 1.5A 0.0 ± 0.0A 0.7 ± 1.0BC 1.8 ± 1.97C


Table 1.4 Mean ± SD number of insects per two minutes in each feeding guild observed feeding from flowers1 21 June – 16 August. Goldsboro, N.C. 2005

Plant Species Time of Parasitoids Non-Crop Deleterious Herbivores Herbivores Deleterious Predators Pollinators Day Parasitoids Parasitoids Non-Crop Crop Pests Predators

Fennel 9:30 1.0 ± 1.3A, A 0.1 ± 0.3AB, AB 0.0 ± 0.3A, A 0.2 ± 0.4A, A 0.3 ± 0.5A, A 0.2 ± 0.5A, A 3.0 ± 2.4AB, AB 2.5 ± 2.5B, BC

Buckwheat 9:30 0.2 ± 0.6B, A 0.8 ± 1.5A, A 0.1 ± 0.3A, A 0.1 ± 0.2A, A 0.2 ± 0.4A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 2.0 ± 1.8BC, B 5.1 ± 3.2A

Yarrow 9:30 0.0 ± 0.0B, A 0.0 ± 0.0B, B 0.0 ± 0.1A, A 0.1 ± 0.3A, A 0.3 ± 0.4A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.2 ± 0.4F, F 1.1 ± 1.4CD, CD

Celosia 9:30 0.0 ± 0.0B, A 0.0 ± 0.0B, B 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.2 ± 0.3A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 1.5 ± 0.8C, D 0.9 ± 1.0D, D

Black-eyed Susan 9:30 0.0 ± 0.0B, A 0.0 ± 0.1B, B 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.4 ± 0.6F, F 4.3 ± 2.2A

--- Fennel 12:00 0.3 ± 0.4A, B 0.7 ± 0.9AB, AB 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.2 ± 0.5A, A 0.1 ± 0.3A, A 0.4 ± 0.5A, A 3.8 ± 2.0A, AB 2.2 ± 1.8BC, B

Buckwheat 12:00 0.0 ± 0.0A, B 0.9 ± 1.8A, A 0.3 ± 0.5A, A 0.1 ± 0.2A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.1A, A 1.2 ± 1.2E, D 0.7 ± 1.0D, D

Yarrow 12:00 0.0 ± 0.1A, B 0.1 ± 0.3B, B 0.2 ± 0.4A, A 0.4 ± 0.7A, A 0.4 ± 0.4A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.7 ± 1.5EF, F 2.6 ± 2.8BC, B

Celosia 12:00 0.0 ± 0.0A, B 0.1 ± 0.3B, B 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.1 ± 0.2A, A 0.2 ± 0.3A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 2.0 ± 1.7C, BC 1.0 ± 1.2CD, CD

Black-eyed Susan 12:00 0.0 ± 0.0A, B 0.2 ± 0.3B, B 0.1 ± 0.2A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.0 ± 0.0A, A 0.1 ± 0.2F, F 2.3 ± 1.2B, B


Relative Attractiveness of Habitat Plantings to Microhymenoptera


Department of Entomology, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences



Flowering habitat is used in cropping systems to provide a food source in the form of

nectar or pollen to natural enemies of agricultural insect pests. This study was conducted in

August 2005 to determine the relative attractiveness of floral habitat to three families of

microhymenopteran egg parasitoids: Mymaridae, Scelionidae, and Trichogrammatidae.

Habitat plants were yarrow (Achillea millefolium L.),celosia (Celosia cristata L.),

buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.), daisy

(Leucanthemum x superbum (J. W. Ingram) Berg. ex Kent.), and black-eyed Susan

(Rudbeckia hirta L.). Non-flowering crabgrass (Digitaria sp. Haller) served as a control.

Sticky traps were used to monitor microhymenoptera and were placed at three heights:

flower height, 0.5 times flower height, and 1.5 times flower height. Flower heads were

removed from half of each plot and traps were placed in the center of each subplot. Trapped

microhymenoptera were counted with the expectation that greater numbers would be trapped

in subplots with flowers intact at flower height if flowers were indeed attractive. Results

from this experiment show that flower species and height affected all three families of

microhymenoptera but flower removal only affected scelionids. At flower height, scelionids

were trapped in greater abundance in celosia plots at flower height in flowers-present versus

flowers-removed treatments. Trichogrammatids were trapped in greatest abundance at 0.5

times flower height in un- mowed crabgrass plots and mymarids were most abundant at 0.5

times flower height in black–eyed Susan plots. Our results indicate that habitat plantings

may attract microhymenoptera but that flowers themselves do not appear to be responsible



A wide variety of predators and parasitoids are relied upon for biological control of

insect crop pests. Microhymenopteran parasitoids, in particular, can play a crucial role in

reducing crop pest numbers. Egg parasitoids can be especially important since pests are

killed before feeding-damage to crops can occur. Numerous studies have been conducted

using direct observation to determine food preferences of predators and parasitoids (Jervis et

al. 1993; Carreck and Williams 1997; Al-Doghairi and Cranshaw 1999; Colley and Luna

2000). However, microhymenopteran parasitoids are minute, making direct observation of

feeding very difficult.

Parasitic microhymenoptera have short mouthparts. Because of this, floral

architecture and nectar accessibility play an important role in determining the attractiveness

and suitability of flowering habitat to microhymenoptera. Plants in the carrot family

(Apiaceae) and the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) have been determined to successfully

provide resources to microhymenoptera and other short-tongued beneficial insects such as

hoverflies, because of their small florets and exposed nectaries (Lövei et al. 1993; Proctor et

al. 1996; Tooker and Hanks 2000). In a study examining floral architecture prefe rences of

two microhymenopteran parasitoids in the family Eulophidae Patt et al. (1997) found

parasitoids foraged more effectively on flowers with open, easily-accessible nectaries.

Maingay et al. (1991) collected hundreds of individuals of numerous species of

entomophagous and parasitic hymenoptera feeding from sweet fennel (Foeniculum vulgare

P. Mill. var. dulce Battandier & Trabut ) (Apiaceae). Stephens et al. (1998) found increased

parasitism and higher numbers of a braconid parasitoid in orchard understories sown with


experiment, English-Loeb et al. (2003) found higher egg parasitism by Anagrus parasitoids

(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) caged on buckwheat flowers with flowers present than those

caged on buckwheat with inflorescences removed. Irvin et al. (2000) found parasitoids to be

seven times more abundant in buckwheat plantings with flowers present than in those with

flowers removed. No difference was found between buckwheat plants with flowers removed

and an herbicide-treated control, indicating that floral resources rather than vegetative

properties of buckwheat were responsible for attraction of parasitoids to the plants.

However, not all studies using flowering plants to enhance numbers of

microhymenopteran parasitoids have proved successful. For example, Berndt et al. (2002)

examined abundance of two leafroller parasitoids in buckwheat plantings compared to grass

and clover controls. No difference in abundance of Glyptapanteles demeter (Wilkinson)

(Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was found and only significantly higher numbers of male

Dolichogenidea tasmanica (Cameron) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) parasitoids were trapped

in buckwheat plantings. In a review by Heimpel and Jervis (2005) an increase of parasitism

was observed in only seven out of twenty studies comparing floral habitat to controls.

Additionally, only one out of the twenty studies showed a decline in pest numbers. This

indicates that even if microhymenoptera are attracted to flowering habitat, a decrease in pest

density is not guaranteed.

The present study was conducted to indirectly measure the relative attractiveness of

different flowering plants to microhymenopteran egg parasitoids in the families Mymaridae,

Scelionidae, and Trichogrammatidae in North Carolina. Plants for this study were chosen


Materials and Methods

Research site. Research was conducted on the Small Farm Unit at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems near Goldsboro, N.C. The Small Farm Unit is a highly

diverse organic farm approximately 6.07 ha in size. A wide variety of commodities are

grown at the Small Farm Unit including vegetable, flower, and small fruit crops. Some

livestock production, including chickens, turkeys, and goats also occurs on the Small Farm


Experimental design. Measurements of the abundance of microhymenoptera in habitat plantings were collected from three replicates, each measuring 56.4 x 2.7 m, divided

into seven 6.1 x 2.7 m plots. Replicates were separated from one another by an average

distance of 48.2 m. Plots were laid out in the following order from the northeast to the

southwest: celosia (Celosia cristata L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare P. Mill.), yarrow

(Achillea millefolium L.), black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta L.), buckwheat (Fagopyrum

esculentum Moench), and daisy (Leucanthemum x superbum (J. W. Ingram) Berg. ex Kent.).

A plot at southwest end of each replicate dominated by naturally occurring crabgrass

(Digitaria sp. Haller) served as a control.

Celosia, black-eyed Susan, and daisy plants were transplanted into plots in three rows

with plants spaced 30.5 cm apart and 46 cm between each row using hand trowels and bulb

diggers on 25 May, 2005. Buckwheat (Jeffrey's Seed Co., 1608 US 117 South, Goldsboro,

NC 27503) was hand-seeded at a rate of 56.04 kg/ha. Fennel and yarrow plants were planted

in 2003 as previously described (Chapter 1).

All flower heads were removed from half of each treatment plot using pruning shears


determine from which side of the plot to remove plants. Flower removal prior to bud-break

and mowing occurred for the remainder of the study.

Plant management. Celosia, black-eyed Susan, and daisy plants (See Table 1.1 for cultivars) were grown in the Biological Control greenhouse at North Carolina State

University, Raleigh, NC. Heating and ventilation set points were 21.1º C and 26.7º C,

respectively. Seeds (Germania, 5978 N Northwest Hwy, PO Box 31787, Chicago, IL

60631-0787) were planted in 96-cell round plug trays (3.8 x 3.9 cm, Hummert International, 4500

Earth City Expressway, Earth City, MO 63045) filled with moistened Metro-Mix 200 potting

soil (Scotts-Sierra Horticulture Products Co., The Scotts Company, 1411 ScottsLawn Rd.,

Marysville, OH 43041) in late March of 2005. Plants were watered as needed with a misting

bed and/or hand watering. Trays were placed under high intensity metal halide lights with an

11 h photophase. Photophase was extended to 16 h on 22 April, 2005. Plants were

transplanted to 473 ml plastic cups (Kmart Corporation, Troy, MI 48084) with a drainage

hole drilled in the bottom using a 1.3 cm drill bit when roots were established and

aboveground portions were of sufficient size.

Prior to transplanting, plots were tilled and celosia, black-eyed Susan, and daisy plots

as well as the borders surrounding all plots were covered with woven black plastic ground

cover (Wyatt-Quarles Seed Company, 730 Hwy 70 West, Garner, NC 27529) secured with

landscape anchor pins (DuPont™ Garden Products™, Chestnut Run Plaza, Bldg. 728, PO

Box 80728, Wilmington, DE, 19880-0728) to suppress weeds and preserve soil moisture.

Plants were planted through holes cut in the ground cover. Watering occurred as needed and

weeds were managed with hand-pulling inside plots and mechanical mowing around plots.


of 19 mm diameter PVC pipe spray painted with yellow plastic enamel (The Valspar

Corporation, Wheeling, IL 60090) and wrapped with tanglefoot-coated clear acrylic sheets

(Great Lakes IPM, 10220 Church Rd. NE, Vestaburg, MI 48891-9746). In each subplot,

traps were placed on a single stake at three heights: 0.5 the height of flowers, flower height,

and 1.5 times flower height. Traps were secured to plastic stakes and were changed twice

weekly from 9 August to 16 August, 2005.

Immediately following collection, traps were returned to the laboratory where

tanglefoot-coated acrylic sheets were removed from PVC sections, sandwiched between two

sheets of clear plastic wrap (Kmart Corporation, Troy, MI 48084), and placed in plastic

freezer bags (1 qt., Hefty®, Pactiv Corp., 1900 W Field Ct., PO Box 5032, Lake Forest, IL

60045) for storage in a freezer at -20º C. Using a dissecting microscope (Leica, Wild MZ8,

Leica Microsystems GmbH, Ernst-Leitz-Strasse 17-37, 35578 Wetzlar) the number of

individuals in the families Mymaridae, Scelionidae, and Trichogrammatidae on each sheet

was recorded.

Data analysis. Abundance data were square root transformed prior to analyses. Data were analyzed to determine the effects of flower species, flower removal, and trap height on

abundance of microhymenoptera in habitat plantings using general linear models (PROC

GLM) and least significant difference (LSD) tests of means (SAS, 2003). Type III Sums of

Squares are presented in Appendix 2.1-2.2 and t-groupings from LS D tests are presented in

Table 2.1.


Flower species significantly affected abundance of mymarids and trichogrammatids


1.83, df = 5, 10, P = 0.1947) (Appendix 2.1). Height (F = 21.47, df = 2, 44, P < 0.0001; F =

25.51, df = 2, 44, P < 0.0001; F = 8.25, df = 2, 44, P = 0.0009) and the interaction between

flower species and height played a significant role in abundance of mymarids, scelionids, and

trichogrammatids (F = 7.24, df = 10, 44, P < 0.0001; F = 6.69, df = 10, 44, P < 0.0001; F =

4.17, df = 10, 44, P = 0.0004). The interaction between flower species and flower removal

significantly affected trichogrammatids (F = 7.16, df = 5, 12, P = 0.0026) but not mymarids

or scelionids (F = 0.56, df = 5, 12, P = 0.7280; F = 1.35, df = 5, 12, P = 0.3104). Flower

removal and the interaction between flower removal and height significantly affected

abundance of scelionids (F = 6.76, df = 1, 12, P = 0.0232; F = 6.20, df = 2, 44, P = 0.0042).

Flower removal and the interaction between flower removal and height did not significantly

affect abundance of mymarids (F = 1.62, df = 1, 12, P = 0.2266; F = 2.26, df = 2, 44; P =

0.1167) or trichogrammatids (F = 0.18, df = 1, 12, P = 0.6818; F = 0.41, df = 2, 44, P =

0.6672). There was a significant three way interaction between flower species, flower

removal, and height for scelionids and trichogrammatids (F = 2.64, df = 10, 44, P = 0.0130;

F = 2.28, df = 10, 44, P = 0.0298), but not for mymarids (F = 1.69, df = 10, 44, P = 0.1123).

Among the different heights, a significant flower effect was found for mymarids,

scelionids, and trichogrammatids at height 2 (flower height ) (F = 5.08, df = 5, 10, P =

0.0141; F = 4.70, df = 5, 10, P = 0.0182; F = 5.78, df = 5, 10, P = 0.0092) and height 1 (0.5

times flower height) (F =12.55, df = 5, 10, P = 0.0005; F = 3.24, df = 5,10, P = 0.0536; F =

22.38, df = 5, 10, P < 0.0001) (Appendix 2.1). At the height 3 (1.5 times flower height),

there was a significant flower effect on abundance of trichogrammatids (F = 5.58, df = 5, 10,

P = 0.0103) but not on abundance of mymarids (F = 2.56, df = 5, 10, P = 0.0965) or



Abundance of microhymenoptera caught on sticky traps was used as an indirect

indicator of relative attractiveness of each plant species to the three parasitoid families

studied. The assumption was made that if flowers were attractive to microhymenoptera, a

greater number would be caught at height 2 (the height of flower heads) in the subplots

where flowers had not been removed. Crabgrass was chosen as the control for this study

because it offered a vegetative habitat without flowers. It was assumed that if flowers were

attractive, more microhymenoptera would be caught in plots containing flowering habitat

than in non- flowering controls.

Each microhymenopteran family responded differently to the plants in this study

(Table 2.1). Mymarids were found in greatest abundance at height 1 in black-eyed Susan

plots. Scelionids were most abundant in celosia plots at height 2. The greatest number

trichogrammatids were trapped in crabgrass control plots both at height 1 and height 3. None

of the flowers determined to attract microhymenoptera belong to the families Apiaceae or

Polygonaceae. These findings are significant because both fennel and buckwheat have been

heralded as suitable beneficial insect habitat (Maingay et al. 1991; Stephens et al. 1998;

Irvin. et al. 2000; English- Loeb et al. 2003). Similar to the present findings, past work on the

Small Farm Unit found abundance and diversity of natural enemies sampled from various cut

flower and herb species to be lowest in plots containing pure stands of fennel and highest in

celosia (Forehand 2004).

Little evidence was found in this study that flower removal affected the number of

wasps caught on traps. For the majority of the plant species tested, numbers of trapped


subplots where flowers had been removed. Only scelionids were found in greater abundance

at flower height in celosia plots where flowers remained intact (Table 2.1). This finding was

similar to that of Rebek et al. (2005) who found that the removal of inflorescences from four

species of flowering plants in an ornamental landscape had no effect on abundance of natural

enemies collected on sticky cards. Both these studies contradict results of Irvin et al. (2000)

who found greater abundance of the leafroller parasitoid Dolichogenidea tasmanica in

buckwheat plantings with flowers present than in plantings where flowers had been removed

indicating an attraction to floral structures.

Overall, the abundance of sampled microhymenoptera in this study was not different

in flower plots compared to control (crabgrass) plots. Scelionids and mymarids were found

in greater numbers in a few plots containing flowering plants than in the control plots. Of

these plots, mymarids were solely found in higher numbers halfway below the flower of

black-eyed Susan and scelionids in greater abundance in celosia plots at height 2 (Table 2.1).

These findings suggest the flowers themselves were not attractive to mymarids.

English-Loeb et al. (2003) found parasitism by mymarids to increase in the presence of buckwheat

flowers. However, mymarids were caged on buckwheat putting them in close proximity to

flowers. In the field, mymarids may not be able to locate flowers because of their reduced

wings. Scelionids showed preferential attraction to celosia plantings at flower height

indicating a possible attraction to floral structures. Overall, scelionids are larger in body size

and have more well-developed wings than mymarids or trichogrammatids. This could allow

scelionids to preferentially locate floral food resources due to greater flight ability. At height

2, trichogrammatids were most abundant in yarrow plots where flowers had been removed


but were also highly abundant in mowed crabgrass control plots and buckwheat plots where

flowers had been removed (Table 2.1). This shows that while trichogrammatids appeared to

be attracted to some habitats, flowers were clearly not responsible for this attraction.

Future field studies could be conducted to investigate which vegetative qualities of

plants, rather than flowers, determine relative attraction to microhymenoptera. If vegetative

habitat is attractive to different microhymenoptera, it would be useful to determine which

habitats are preferred. In the current study, mean numbers of trichogrammatids were

significantly greater within the canopy (height 1) of un- mowed crabgrass plots than in the

canopy of any other plant species studied (Table 2.1). Using paper models of plant foliage

Lukianchuk and Smith (1997) determined that female T. minutum Riley had a greater

foraging success on simple rather than complex surfaces. It may be that the vegetative

qualities of grass in this study exhibited a less complex structure than the foliage of the

flowering plants. Tric home-density on plant surfaces could have played a role in preference

of some plants over others. Keller (1987) determined that walking speed of T. exiguum was

influenced by leaf-trichome form and density, with less-densely pubescent leaves permitting

the fastest walking speeds. Measures of trichome-density and type are generally used to

evaluate host- finding ability of parasitoids but could be important if trichomes impede

location of food sources. Quantification of foliar trichomes could also be valuable since

trichomes can provide shelter to microhymenoptera (Cortesero et al. 2000). In the present

study, mymarids were found in greatest abundance in black-eyed Susan plots at height 1

regardless of flower presence or absence. Black-eyed Susan and celosia in our plots were

similar with regard to height, leaf size and shape, amount of foliage, and canopy closure.


Table 1.1 Plant species observed in each beneficial insect habitat flower strip.  Goldsboro, NC
Table 1.3 Mean ± SD number of insects per two minutes in each feeding guild observed feeding from flowers 2 June – 4 August
Table 1.4 Mean ± SD number of insects per two minutes in each feeding guild observed feeding from flowers1 21 June – 16 August
Table 2.1 Mean ± SD number of parasitoids caught on yellow sticky traps placed at three different heights in plots with flowers present or mechanically removed from five plant species


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