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Existence of positive solutions of singular fractional differential equations with infinite point boundary conditions


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Existence of positive solutions of singular

fractional differential equations with

infinite-point boundary conditions

Yan Qiao and Zongfu Zhou




School of Mathematical Sciences, Anhui University, Hefei, Anhui 230601, China


Using height functions of the nonlinear term on some bounded sets and considering integrations of these height functions, we obtain the existence of positive solutions for a class of singular fractional differential equations with infinite-point boundary value conditions.

Keywords: existence; positive solutions; singular fractional differential equation; infinite-point boundary value conditions

1 Introduction

In this paper, we investigate the existence of positive solutions of the following singular fractional differential equations with infinite-point boundary value conditions:

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

+x(t) +q(t)f(t,x(t)) = , t∈(, ),

x() =x() =· · ·=x(n–)() = ,

+x() =



whereα> ,n–  <αn,β∈[,α– ] is a fixed number,αi≥ (i= , , . . .),  <ξ<ξ< · · ·<ξi–<ξi<· · ·< ,(α(α–)β)–

i=αiξiα–> , and+and+are the standard

Riemann-Liouville derivatives. The nonlinear termf may be singular with respect to both time and

space variables.

A functionxC[, ] satisfying (.) is called a positive solution of (.) ifx>  on (, ]. Recently, fractional differential equations have gained considerable attention; for exam-ple, see [–] and the references therein. Papers [–] discussed the existence of positive solutions of fractional boundary value problems.

In [], the authors investigated the existence of a positive solution for the following

fractional boundary value problem in a Banach spaceE:

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

+u(t) +q(t)f(t,u(t)) = ,  <t< ,

u() =u() =· · ·=u(n–)() = , u() =mi=αiu(ξi).



In [], the authors obtained the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of the following infinite-point fractional differential equations:

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

+u(t) +q(t)f(t,u(t)) = ,  <t< ,

u() = , u() =∞i=αiu(ξi).


In [], the author obtained the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions of the fol-lowing fractional differential equation with infinite-point boundary value conditions:

⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩

+u(t) +q(t)f(t,u(t)) = ,  <t< ,

u() =u() =· · ·=u(n–)() = , u(i)() =



Motivated by the works mentioned, in this paper, we consider the boundary value prob-lem (.) with more general and more complex boundary conditions. The existence of positive solutions for (.) is obtained by means of cone expansion and the compression fixed point theorem.

In order to establish the results, we assume that the following conditions are satisfied: (A)fC((, )×(, +∞), [, +∞)).

(A)qC((, ), [, +∞)), andqdoes not vanish identically on any subinterval of (, ).

(A) For any positive numbersr<r, there exists a continuous functionpr,r: (, )→ [, +∞) such that

 

q(t)pr,r(t)dt< +∞


f(t,u)≤pr,r(t),  <t< ,t



The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section , we introduce some prelimi-naries and relevant lemmas. In Section , we apply the fixed-point theorem to study the existence of positive solutions for the boundary value problem (.). In Section , we give some examples to illustrate our main results.

2 Preliminaries and relevant lemmas

For the convenience of the readers, we first present some useful definitions and fundamen-tal facts of fractional calculus theory. In order to avoid redundancy, for the definitions of the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and fractional derivative, we refer the readers to [].

Lemma .([]) Letα> ,and u(t)be an integrable function.Then

Iα++u(t) =u(t) +c–+c–+· · ·+cntα–n,


Lemma . Given yC[, ],the unique solution of the problem

Proof By Lemma . we can see that

x(t) = –

Combining this with the second boundary value condition of (.), we have


This yields

Therefore, the solution of (.) is

x(t) = – 

The proof is completed.

It is easy to see that ifl(s) is continuous on [, ], thenG(t,s) is continuous on [, ]× [, ].

Lemma . The function l(s)is positive and nondecreasing on[, ].

Proof By the definition ofl(s) it follows that

By computation we have that () when ≤s<limi→∞ξi,

Lemma . The function G(t,s)defined in(.)admits the following properties:

() G(t,s) > ,

∂tG(t,s) > , <t,s< ;

() maxt[,]G(t,s) =G(,s) = (α)l()[l(s)( –s)αβ–l()( –s)α–],s;

() G(t,s)≥–G(,s),t,s.

Proof The proof is similar to that of Lemma  in [].


Lemma .([]) Let E be a real Banach space,and PE be a cone.Assume thatand are bounded open subsets of E withθ,⊂,and T :P∩(\)→P is a completely continuous operator such that either:

() Tuu,uP,andTuu,uP,or

() Tuu,uP,andTuu,uP.

Then T has a fixed point in P∩(\).

LetE=C[, ], so thatEis a Banach space with normx=maxt[,]|x(t)|. SetP={xE|x(t)≥–x,t[, ]}. ThenPis a cone inE.

Denote(r) ={xP:x<r}and(r) ={xP:x=r}forr> .

Define the operatorT:P\{θ} →Eby

(Tx)(t) =

 

G(t,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds, t∈[, ]. (.)

Lemma . Suppose that(A)-(A)hold and <r<r.Then T:(r)\(r)→P is com-pletely continuous.

Proof For anyx(r)\(r), it follows from (.) and Lemma . that

(Tx)(t) =

 

G(t,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds

 

G(,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds, t∈[, ], (.)


(Tx)(t) =

 

G(t,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds–

 

G(,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds, t∈[, ]. (.)

By (.) and (.) we know that

(Tx)(t)≥–Tx, t∈[, ],

which means thatT:(r)\(r)→P.

Noticing the continuity ofG(t,s) and (A)-(A), it is easy to see thatTis continuous in (r)\(r). Next, we showTis compact. For anyx(r)\(r), we have


 

G(t,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds

 


fort∈[, ], which implies thatT((r)\(r)) is uniformly bounded.

BecauseG(t,s) is continuous on [, ]×[, ],G(t,s) is uniformly continuous on [, ]× [, ]. Thus, for any > , there existsδ>  such that


if|t–t|<δand (t,s), (t,s)∈[, ]×[, ]. Then, for anyx(r)\(r) andt,t∈[, ]

such that|t–t|<δ, we have

Tx(t) –Tx(t)=

G(t,s) –G(t,s) q(s)f

s,x(s) ds

 

G(t,s) –G(t,s)q(s)pr


 


We can see that the functions inT((r)\(r)) are equicontinuous. So,T((r)\(r))

is relatively compact in C[, ]. Thereby, T is compact in (r)\(r), and thus T :

(r)\(r)→Pis completely continuous.

3 Main result

We introduce the following height functions to control the growth of the nonlinear term

f(t,x). Let

ϕ(t,r) =maxf(t,x) :–rxr ( <t<,r> ),

ψ(t,r) =minf(t,x) :–rxr ( <t< ,r> ).

Theorem . Suppose that(A)-(A)hold and there exist two positive numbers a<b such that one of the following conditions is satisfied:


G(,s)q(s)ψ(s,a)ds< +∞and



G(,s)q(s)ϕ(s,a)dsa and b

G(,s)q(s)ψ(s,b)ds< +∞.

Then the boundary value problem(.)has at least one strictly increasing positive solution x∗∈P such that ax∗ ≤b.

Proof Without loss of generality, we only prove (B).

Ifx(a), thenx=aand–ax(t)a, t. By the definition ofψ(t,a) we

know that

ft,x(t) ≥ψ(t,a),  <t< . (.)

By (.) and Lemma . we have that

Tx= max


 

G(t,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds

≥ max



 

G(,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds


 

G(,s)q(s)fs,x(s) ds

 


Ifx(b), thenx=band–bx(t)b, t. By the definition ofϕ(t,b) we

thatx∗is a positive solution for (.). From Lemma . we have that

which shows thatx∗is a strictly increasing positive solution. The proof is completed.

4 Examples

Example . Consider the boundary value problem



According to Theorem ., we get that (.) has at least one strictly increasing positive solutionx∗and ≤ x∗ ≤.

5 Conclusions

Infinite-point boundary value conditions are the classical boundary value conditions. The existence of positive solutions for singular fractional differential problem with infinite-point boundary conditions is established by height functions of the nonlinear term on some bounded sets.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

The authors have equal contributions to each part of this paper. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


This article was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11371027) and Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation (1608085MA12). The authors would like to thank the referees for their valuable suggestions and comments.

Received: 4 September 2016 Accepted: 18 November 2016 References

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